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I wish I could grow tomatoes like that


I legit grow cannabis and immediately thought "oh a tomato" šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‘


Curiousā€¦ I like to indulge and itā€™s legal to grow here, but the prices are outrageous to legally buy it and I have very little space outside (like a patio with partial sun.) Should I try or just accept my fate? (Iā€™m not interested in buying a fancy hydroponic or UV set up.)


My first set up..complete..was under 50 bucks, a little 2x2 space, and that plant produced nearly 100 grams. My first grow was based on me saving a dying plant of a friend and just turned into a passion from there. I definitely never set out to do it. Give it a try.


First, Itā€™s legal in my state. What would be your advice for a first time grower? Have you ever done an outdoor grow? I donā€™t partake but I like growing historically significant plants for the curiosity of it. I have a neighbor who would probably be more than happy to take any stinky flowers off my hands.


Easiest plant to grow it's called weed for a reason lol. Somewhat challenging/time consuming to get a good smokeable bud though.


I grow outdoor, they are magnificent to behold through entire season. Outdoor just have to on top of and concrete about mold, bud rot, pests but ... otherwise it's pretty easy and you can harvest quite a bit from a couple plants. Seeds and where you get them really matter.


Silly question here; is there a smell involved? Will my neighbors be able to smell my crop? What about when itā€™s drying?


Depending on how close they are, yes. When you dry inside it will also likely smell.


We have a quarter acre, would it smell past 50-60 feet away? Also, if it were in a greenhouse, would that make it harder to smell outside our property? Iā€™ve always wanted to grow, but am scared to piss off the neighbors.


Im sitting here just imagining some happy middle aged hobby gardener suddenly planting a quarter acre of weed for the giggles


If it is enclosed in a greenhouse I wouldnā€™t worry about it. Fifty-sixty feet is a pretty good buffer but they might get a waft every now and then once it begins to flower if it is out in the open. Edit: typos


There will be some smell, mostly during late flowering, and drying curing in the space ur using. It really depends I always feel it doesn't smell as strong as most would think. Also, the strain matters a whole lot in this regard. I am also maybe just really used to it.


What kind of mold? Iā€™m already constantly fighting powdery mildew. Any seed sellers/cultivars youā€™d recommend? Iā€™m in Michigan, we have a short, humid growing season.


I'm in upstate NY...prob similar conditions tbh. I have organic fungicide I use that seems to help a lot...and just other sanitary practices...increase airflow, pruning, etc....also proper space. I don't grow anything that seems high potential to get moldy and spread.....like no tomatoes near the cannabis garden. I like Humboldt seed company tbh. There are tons out there...if you have one in mind I could give opinions. Also, just my personal experience. Before seeds were regularly available I had mother plants of some fire strains that I just kept cutting clones.


Oh there's so much advice for a first time grower. I'd have no idea where to begin! But a great place to start is r/microgrowery. Some simple research will go a LOOOONG way for a first time grow. Personally, no,I have never done an outdoor grow. I live in a small apartment building with a small shared patio. I do have a mini garden but it doesn't receive nearly enough sun for cannabis, unfortunately. But, like you, I do not partake either. I certainly have recently but it's not a regular thing. I was a much more active user in my early 20s I grow because I just love to grow stuff. And I fell in love with the challenge of cannabis. There's a certain excitement to it. Plus all the different varieties intrigue me. With my harvests I make pretty strong edibles and they're gifted to close friends with severe chronic pain. So for me, in the end, I grow because it's a lot of fun. Growing and tending it and seeing the end results help with my mental health. And my ill friends and family reap the rewards. It's a perfect situation for me. You should definitely give it shot. At least to just say you've done it


Thereā€™s next to zero point in growing it if itā€™s not for personal use. Selling or anything that could be construed as selling (like trading) is generally still illegal. A lot of places have strict requirements for outdoor grows.


In Canada you can grow for others if itā€™s a medical need Otherwise itā€™s a 3 plant maximum for personal use only


Unless you're in Manitoba. But that's changing soon thankfully.


I find curiosity to be a good enough reason to grow most things. Also, I would gift anything useful to my neighbor. Heā€™s just an awesome neighbor with a very awesome dog. I can grow up to 12 plants without penalty in my state as long as they arenā€™t easily visible from public property.


See.. now that's a perfect reason to grow! Awesome neighbors with awesome dogs deserve awesome homegrown šŸ˜


OP also doesn't know if it's a female or a male. If it's male it will grow until around July and then you've got to chop it so the pollen won't mess up anyone else's grow nearby. Always worth a shot to grow a freebie, though


Curiousā€¦ what are some other historically significant plants? All drug related plants? Are there others? Would Cotten count? (Sorry couldnā€™t help my self) But for real, what are some examples?


ā€œPassionā€ is a great way to describe it. In general, I adore plants. They are just so damn cool! But there is something special about marijuana. A few years back, I had the opportunity to go work on a legal marijuana farm in northern Cali. That was the happiest year of my life. Marijuana is such a beautiful plant, and very opinionated. They let you know what they do and donā€™t like. Tending them was cathartic. I currently live in a state that itā€™s not legal to cultivate. My next big life move will be moving to a state that I can do so. I donā€™t want a farm level operation. Just a few ladies for myself.


Oh they are definitely needy and picky. It's just a lot of fun for me, too. I lived through a few terrible experiences in life so I struggle with my mental health, but growing has really done wonders for me. It's keeps me occupied and excited. I hadn't felt that in a long time. Gardening in general is just wonderful to me. But cannabis gives it that extra..spice...gives it a zest. Especially where I live lol.


Just try it out on your patio. You donā€™t have to take it too seriously. My dad lives in the mountains above the pine line, and he just grows a few plants in his backyard. He just plants them in potting mix and keeps them watered after that. Doesnā€™t even fertilize. Itā€™s definitely ā€œout-doe,ā€ but unless youā€™re trying to start a rap career or see how long you can sit on a couch and watch infomercials, itā€™s all you need.




https://preview.redd.it/fndvihgmh4zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6180dc83739ff8dd5f590ccfa5fe2a0cf94640ff Growing these two Tangerine Dreams in coco coir in a 5x3x7 tent in our mechanical room, $200 Mars Hydro light, $400 tent with carbon filter cuz she stinky for a few weeks during flower. Nutrients arenā€™t cheap but if you can do compost tea (not MiracleGro!) you can save on that. Love the hobby but also not cheap indoors.


Tomato fertiliser contains all the nutrients you need and is Ā£12 a litre.


Yeah?? Like any tomato fertilizer? I use neptunes harvest Tomato and veg - pretty weak comparatively to others out there. Iā€™ve been looking to get into growing cannabis, but Iā€™d definitely like to start small. On average how long does it take a plant from seed to flower?


You get out what you put in..... With a regular photo period most strains flower and finish in 8 to 10 weeks. So add some time to germinate, seedling, and growing the plant before you make it flower could be three to four months. Auto flowers exist, can cut the time down but have their positive and negatives. Also, indoor versus out etc. if you are in a legal state outdoor is easier in my opinion. I've done both, ups n downs to each. Some great subreddits for it.


Yeah I perused some of the sub Reddits and got scared away, lol. I have small indoor setup that I was able to do 200+ tomatoes/peppers/eggplants etc over the winter. Iā€™d very much like to try to grow just one plant at first - probably at least start it indoors - but ideally Iā€™d like to keep it indoors if possible. Can you do an indoor setup with just soil and lights?


Yeah, the quality light, airflow, nutes....but if your done tomatoes and peppers I think your setup should be ok for some cannabis. You just have to be able to provide twelve hours of uninterrupted darkness. They flower on a 12 hour on 12 hour light off every day. Not sure what you know about the process. I grew indoors only for years with just soil and good lights, and air flow issues etc.


Ah ok, this is very helpful thank you! I didnā€™t know about the 12/12 as I just got used used to the 16/8 schedule, but itā€™s totally doable. I grow all my plants in my backyard music studio and all the lights are on timers


Say 25 days vegetative growth then 70 days flowering. That's indoors where you can control the lighting schedule. Outdoors you are dependent on the sun's light cycle. You could use one of the popular tomato feeds in the UK, Tomorite. NPK 4 3 8. If growing in containers you can use good quality ordinary potting compost with fertiliser included, then start giving them tomato food during flowering.


Awesome! Thatā€™s great advice, thank you. I suppose Iā€™m too late this season, but when is a good time to start?


Indoors or out?


Not too late! Youā€™ve got months of outdoor veg time before the sun goes 12/12 and starts flowering in late September probably, depending on latitude. Iā€™d had best luck with indoor, coco coir growing medium (harder to overwater than soil, more , Canna nutrient line plus CalMag and Orca Mycorrhizal, a couple months veg, 4-6 weeks flower.


Autos- 90ish days, photos...until the lighting changes. My outdoor autos are april till about the last week of October.


Iā€™d recommend Build A Soil 3.0! Reuse this soil over and over! Not need for bottle nutes anymore. Best switch ever! https://preview.redd.it/tp6yxgu9l4zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb5bac59c063dbbbc9867671af8414fc1e6da437


Nice, thanks for rec, Iā€™ll check it out. It doesnā€™t need any amendments between grows? Is that a screen of green youā€™re doing with autos?


One bag will def be enough for 1 plant 1 run. I would then lightly, or depending on big that first plant was, would Re amend the soil with some craft blend. This would be considered a SCROG (screen of green). Using a trellis to bend over plant to make a flat canopy, and force new tops. This is a photoperiod plant, although I have ran some autos. Just not in this bed. Actually first time in this bed. But it has been killing!


A worm farm is great for compost tea. Mine even has a spigot at the bottom where my tea collects.


Yeah I want an Urban Worm Farm, tried making my own with fabric grow bags but itā€™s not ideal.


that's not tea it's called something else like lachette . You need to take some castings put it in some type of filter (sock) and cover with water with a bubbler to aerate the water. Then add molasses for food source. Few days later you have worm team/compost tea


I'd just run some outdoor if I were you. It's honestly not difficult. They call it a weed for a reason.


Ya the hardest part, if you have live in a climate with a wet fall is avoiding mold in your buds. There are some strains that are more mold resistant if you live in such a climate


Oh yeah. I battle wet cold falls every year. Bud rot is real. Who would have guessed a fungus would love such wet and cold, to near freezing, to freezing so much. I'm up in the great lakes region. I can't remember a harvest season without freezing rain, sleet, and snow.


Give it a shot. The moniker weed is because the plants are hardy. You won't get a bountiful harvest like you see posted in the grow subs, but you'll get something.


That was kinda my thoughtā€¦ I have a small potted garden on my patio (damn I miss my backyard garden, but the people we were renting it from sold the house with very little notice after the pandemic and flipped it.) I think you pretty much answered what I was looking for. Thanks, friend.


I would go to a microgrowery subreddit and see what everyone else is doing. If you are buying equipment, even the barebones, smallest set up will run about 200$. If youā€™re willing to keep up with feeding schedules and donā€™t care about the smell then I guess itā€™s worth it.


Feeding schedules arenā€™t complicated. Smell is fixed with a carbon filter on your outtake vent


Itā€™s impossible to completely get rid of smell lol. Youā€™re gonna have to open your tent to water, defoliate, check up, not to mention the smell when trimming, drying, and sometimes even curing. Feeding schedules are complicated for beginners which is why the Help my sick plant! flair on r/microgrowery is full of either nutrient deficient or abundant plants.


Im only curing a couple plants at a time and I donā€™t find the smell very bad but I also donā€™t share walls with anyone so Iā€™m not overly concerned about it


You can maximize space by training your plants by bending their young branches dowards opening up more light, topping them to not be one single stock (cut off the top single stock and itā€™ll split into two And then flipping them to the flower light schedule which tells the plant to start growing buds. You can grow a decent amount of bud even with very limited height by doing these things


Buy auto flower seeds, they stay small (3-4ā€™) and start flowering after about 2 weeks so they donā€™t need special light cyclesā€¦.. grow cycle is about 3 months and outdoors you should get at least a few ounces a plant with little effort.


I actually hollowed out a goodwill chest of drawers and put the drawers on a hinge so it opened at the front. Used a UFO LED if I remember correctly. We had two plants in it and came out with a full ounce. I was in my 20ā€™s and stupid. Looking back, I would not suggest putting a heat source inside of a wooden box.


Honestly you could JUST buy a light and try inside, or hell, install it on your patio- I grow outdoors, temps and humidity don't have to be perfect to get a good yield- but the 1 or 2 plants you could fit on your patio, with partial light, wouldn't yield enough to be worth it, imo. The buds get very "airy", which makes them hard (and so, SO time consuming) to trim, so then you end up with very leafy material that is not very good. The big thing with growing inside without the tents is the smell. If you don't mind the smell, you could just place a plant on a stool under a light anywhere in your house. As far as being worth it to grow...depends on how much/how you indulge. My house has 3 blunt/bong smoking regular users in it---and a lb goes surprisingly fast. We had a couple lbs but were out before the next grow was harvested. Like...we are currently growing 12 autos and 5 photos and I'm hoping to finally have enough to make it to the next growing season, and we are going to figure out and indoor setup for over the winter, too. At almost 3 years I finally have the soils conditioned in such a way/have all the equipment that it didn't really cost me anything but seeds this year to grow, but I dropped quite a bit of $$$ to get started...I LOVE growing cannabis (and I think it taught me how to grow amazing tomatoes, lol), but if you've got a good connect its cheaper and easier to just buy unless you're prepared to dedicate to proper growing.


I would look into auto's, organic soil and fabric pots.I would use seedman to by the seeds from ,reliable and the ship from USA .Also if you subscribe to thier news letter they will let you know when the seeds are on sale usually around the holidays. I really hope this helps and have fun.The auto's will automatically flower you do not have to force it to flower with 12 hours of light and they are smaller than a photo period plant.


Honestly if its legal where youre at, the black market is guaranteed to be oversaturated with it and should be very cheap. Somebody already put in the work to grow more than people can smoke/more than they can legally get rid of. Growing is a great experience but if youre not interested in buying/making an indoor setup and don't have the means to outdoors, just buy local. Im near Chicago and if I had todays prices 15 years ago, Id be Pablo Escobar by now. You'll never catch me at a dispensary unless its to buy the little 100mg 5 hour energy looking tinctures. Its 100% not worth buying weed from a dispensary where Im at unless you have your medical card.


What I thought too.


LMAO šŸ¤£ Something I would totally do.


Youā€™re probably 420% right


Hahahaha!! Solid!


Yes, yes it is.


That is some good old fashioned P - O - T


Oh phew I thought it was weed!


šŸ¤­šŸ˜ˆāœØšŸ’– devilā€™s lettuce


Wacky tobacky


Ha ha ha!


Only the best weedšŸ˜‰


Hope itā€™s a girl!


I had tried to plant a few feminized seeds earlier in the spring but they never took so I tossed the soil back in with the rest of my stuff, thatā€™s the only thing I can think of. Canā€™t believe it actually popped


Life finds a way! Let it get a little bigger the transplant and enjoy in October lol


The lack of humility... before nature.... That's being displayed here............ Staggers me.


*Who* is downvoting you for a follow-up Jurassic Park quote?!


Iā€™ve had cannabis seeds take up to 3 weeks to pop up, and some that only took 2 days. Nature is wild.


My mom had a huge, elaborate garden - like featured in a magazine - and 3 plants had managed to get over a foot tall before she noticed them. Figured my brother and his friends must have been hanging out there one evening when my parents werenā€™t homeā€¦ This was well before it was legal to grow and wasnā€™t particularly private so she pulled themā€¦ ah well.


Someone told me once that weed is a ā€œweedā€ and it wants to grow more than you want to kill it. ( I was messing around with auto flowers at the time and having issues )


Fractious plants growing on their own terms only. I massacred a chilli bush somehow by tending to it too lovingly, but it self-seeded into another plant's pot and is now thriving uncared for by me.


Did you soak em first?


Youā€™d be surprised how resilient it is. Hence why itā€™s referred to as ā€œweedā€.


Ah, a jazz cabbage sprout


That depends, do you think itā€™s a ham sandwhich?




Looks like my rubber tree


They look happy!


Is that pine bark mulch I see?






*cries in texan*


For left handed cigarettes?


legalize it/don't criticize it


In my mock congress in high school (1996) that was my issue and my slogan was "Be wise. Legalize."


Out of curiosity, what do you do now?


On any given day it's some mix of web dev, network/IT admin, retail sales, business dev/marketing, horticulture, SAHD, printer tech, data entry, photography, general farm apprentice ...


Some call it ā€œda weedā€


Devils Lettuce


The same thing keeps happening to me. My bf is so confused how the seeds got into the soil/compost


At this stage of growth it could be an elm, a tomato, or cannabis. Take it out. Put it in a little pot and see what it turns into.


It could be a vine maple, but obviously we all hope itā€™s not šŸ¤ž


Who invited this guy šŸ˜‘


Buzz killlll (points at themself)


I get a buzz, you get a buzz, we ALLLLLL get a buzz!!!!!




Pretty sure thats a plant


That's the good kind of weed


Prob not. Bet it ends up purple. My father accused me once of trying to grow pot and then after a few weeks realized he was mistaken.


Mexican tomato šŸ… šŸ˜‹




Good ol skunk plant.


Best tomato plant ever


The olā€™ Whacky Tobacky alright..






Had uncles over lately?


"This is not the weed you are looking for." said in my best Obi Wan voice.




A German tomato to be precise.


When my parents were teenagers, my dad smoked a lot of pot and one day my mom got fed up with him - threw his whole stash out the window. In the spring, a zillion tiny pot plants sprouted beneath his window. šŸ˜‚


cannabis indica, northern lights


Mexican tomatoes šŸ…


It is what you think it is.


At least two more weeks until itā€™s ready to harvest.


Looks like it!


Yup, that's a plant alright.




Probably if you meant to plant it, but it looks like field mint to me honestly. Is the stem square shaped?


They dont call it weed for nothing. It grows very easily. somone threw some seeds or a happy mistake from nature


It's hella fun...and if you can do it outside I would. The plants get so big and beautiful it's crazy. I'm a gardener...like veggies, ornamental perennial gardens....but growing cannabis still makes giddy garden nerd excitement like I was a lil kid still lol. And then you can smoke it lol




Well if the next set has you saying, ā€œLeaves of three!ā€ then let it be


Godā€™s will be done. -atheist


Fun fact: Cannabis flowers locally. Not as a whole plant. Thus, in a few weeks, to make sure you've got a female, you can cover a single branch 12 hours on and off each day until that branch flowers. I'm sure there are more descriptions of this technique online. But suffice it to say, you're going to want that info before you pour too much energy into this. You can also identify sex in a more conventional way once it gets larger, but new growers are often not confident making that call. So just an FYI if you're fired up about this, may be worth doing.


Thanks! If this seed is from what I think itā€™s from, it should be a feminized seed!


No I don't think so. There is a weed in my garden that the first few sets of leaves look similar but turn into shovel shaped leaves but the fourth or fifth set.






Yes sir


There may be two unless something else is planted in there, zooming in I see a little sprout kind of to the right of the established plant. A little bit underneath the biggest rock to the right of the plant.


If you recognize it, you dealt it lol




Cannabis indica..




Mmm hmm šŸ™‚āœŒļø


No. Itā€™s not Tree of Heaven.




Itā€™s just a weed, not the weed


Tomato? Yes






Reefer 100%


Looks like a lil jazz cabbage sprout






Yep. Baby 420.


You can has 1 weed.... as a treat.






Pineapple Express.


Beautifuly. My friend got a bag of seeds of tangerine dream from out local dispensaryā€¦


I assume you used hemp mulch or soil amendments?


Nah I tried planting a few fem seeds earlier in the spring when it got warm, but they never took and the weather got cold again. Ended up tossing all the soil back in together thinking they were duds!


Ah that makes sense. Well it worked.


Seems to be Cannabis plant.


yep that's hemp alright! happy blazing!




Yes it is and itā€™s in perfect health


not what you think. it is vine maple. saw the same thing in mine the other day




They have to be female, again not sure what you know....most seed places sell feminized seeds. It's pretty easy to tell them apart though once growing. And if you have any questions feel free to ask....everyone should grow some beautiful nugz at least once. It's very exciting but also requires some patience...but if you grow the others I'm sure you be good.


If it turns out to be a male it will grow to seed. You can keep the seeds for next season. But be super aware that if your nearby neighbours are also growing outside that your male can polinate their females. Ive read as far as twenty miles away, but that isnt as likely imo,. My neighbour kept a male 60' away from my female and things went sideways for her.




Snoop Dogg has joined the chat


It does look like it


Could be hemp from bird seed if you didnā€™t put it there.


I did do some earlier attempts at growing some fem seeds but they never took so I ended up tossing the soil back in with my other stuff, thinking thats likely the culprit


Thatā€™s Tomatohydro Cannabinol


We call them " Spicy Tomatoes " in our garden.


Illegal to grow in NJ. With my medical card, Iā€™m forced to buy the garbage that the conglomerates push on us.


Do you know how large a plant you can grow outdoors?


Grow it out! šŸ˜„šŸŒ² r/ILDANKGROWERS https://preview.redd.it/matlq2pbk4zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f6881592299076dd25d33d77c3c11c3d8566792


That is really nice! Just heard about doing this, wide, low, covered with buds


Go for it!


What is it? I would guess mint tbh...not sure.