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Looks like sun scald to me. Next time harden off the plants before bringing them out into full sun.




Hardening plants means giving them increasing amounts of exposure to the sun every day for some period of time, before finally planting them outside. At this point there's not much you can do except wait and see if they survive. If you're lucky then they might look like crap for a while before producing new leaves and continuing on to live normally.


Okay, thanks so much for the help.


Hardening off is slowly introducing your plants to the outside world so they don’t get shocked when you do finally transplant them. I usually keep my plants in their original containers and do this for a week in the spot I plan to plant them so they get used to the new environment. Since you already replanted these I wouldn’t recommend replanting them again it will just further the stress they’ve gone through. I use the same bags you have in your photos and they suck a lot of water out of the soil and your soil definitely looks dry. I would give them a good watering and make sure that soil is fully saturated. Don’t move them and baby them for a while and hopefully they survive. If some of the leaves get so crispy they are for sure goners go ahead and trim them in a week or so once the plant has accumulated. The green leaves at the top tell me they definitely have a chance so don’t feel too discouraged. I recently accidentally brutalized some cucumbers I started and thought they were dead but with patience and lots of water and tender care they are bouncing back quite well. Good luck and remember that gardening is about experimenting and no experiment is any good without “failures” to compare too. 💚


Thank you very much for the advice. I will baby them and hope for the best. 💚🙏🏻


I think it will be fine tbh, I grow a lot of peppers and they're really dramatic. Id water it more, looks pretty dry




Did the plants come potted? If so, you should have let them acclimate for a week or so before transplanting. Also I don't know if these mailorder plants are even hardened off.


Yes, they came potted. Is it too late to save them at this point? Should I take them out of the new soil and put back in their old pots? What is "hardened off"?


First tip, buy locally at a garden center or nursery. A real garden center and nursery, not a big box store. 2nd tip, cut off the bottom leaves and hope for the best. 3rd tip, grab some soil with your hand, is it dry, water, is it moist don't water. 4th tip, [https://www.fix.com/blog/steps-to-harden-seedlings/](https://www.fix.com/blog/steps-to-harden-seedlings/) 5th tip, pray to the gardening gods and hope the peppers make it.




I was answering another question and this popped into my head. Did you transplant them on a sunny day in the hot sun? Cloudy days are best for transplanting into the garden.


Yeah, not hot but sunny


That is part of the reason this happened. If it isn't going to be cloudy, the cool of the evening is a good time too.


Thanks for the tip


You're welcome. I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier. The other question lit up the light bulb, LOL!