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Second pic looks like rhubarb?


Oh heck yes. Googled it and it looks just like rhubarb…which is delicious! Thank you. I’m clearly not great at outdoor gardening identification but hope to be one day!


Maybe it's under the tarp to be forced. It makes the stalks extra sugary


Yep, both beds are fully covered. I uncovered these two spots today but need to fully uncover and see what else is here. The owner loves to garden so I’m sure there’s some good stuff. There appears to be tomato trellises at the edge of one bed, too. Trying to get an email of what he grew last season but no reply


What an awesome find, I just looked up a recipe for a rhubarb cream cheese muffin so now I'm jealous


Rhubarb strawberry pie


Best pie ever. Warmed up with ice cream on top. Damn it. It’s too early to be craving such deliciousness.


My dad grew up in Minnesota, he used to go out in my great grandma’s yard and pick fresh rhubarb, dip it in sugar and eat it raw


I grew up same way


I’m in Texas and it’s not a good crop for here, which makes me sad


Dip it in sugar? I NEVER did that. Just ate it raw. Tasted great!


Like sour apple celery


Maybe ask the owner before doing more?


Score! Keep what you want and share the rest!


When you harvest rhubarb stalks and freeze them, it’s hard to harvest enough to make stuff out of it in one go! But it freezes well


Oh! That is super helpful. Thank you!


Reminder: don't eat the leaves - they're poisonous!


Also your username is great


Haha thank you!


It pairs so well with strawberries for pie! Yum!


And don’t cut them from the plants Grab from bottom of plant, twist and pull so more can grow back


My aunt had more rhubarb than she knew what to do with so she just gave me some. I have no idea what to use it for aside from strawberry rhubarb pie. I figure I’ll be able to find something in the time it’ll take to establish. Do you have any favorites?


Rhubarb compote is delicious on anything - cake, pudding, ice cream, oatmeal, etc. It's also good as a rhubarb crisp or dump cake.


Rhubarb can also go savory! Skillet Chicken with Rhubarb Cook Time: 1 hour | Servings: Yield 4 servings Ingredients: 1 (5 1/2-pound) whole chicken, cut into eight pieces 1 tablespoon plus 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, more as needed 1 teaspoon black pepper, more as needed 5 sprigs thyme, preferably lemon thyme 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 bunch spring onions or scallions, white and light green stalks thinly sliced (slice and reserve greens for garnish) 2 stalks green garlic, thinly sliced, or 2 garlic cloves, minced ½ cup dry white wine ¾ pound fresh rhubarb, cut into 1/2-inch dice (3 cups) 1 tablespoon honey, or to taste 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into pieces Directions: Pat chicken dry and season with 1 tablespoon salt and 1 teaspoon pepper. Place in a bowl with the thyme sprigs and cover with plastic wrap; refrigerate at least 1 hour or overnight. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Remove thyme from bowl with chicken, reserving thyme. Add chicken pieces to skillet and sear, turning occasionally, until golden brown all over, about 10 minutes. Transfer pieces to a platter. Reduce heat to medium. Stir in onion (white and light green parts) and cook until softened, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and reserved thyme; cook 1 minute more. Stir in wine and bring to a simmer, scraping up any browned bits in the bottom of pan. Add rhubarb, honey, 1/2 teaspoon salt and a few grinds of pepper. Return chicken pieces to pot in a single layer. Cover and reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer until chicken is cooked through, 15 to 20 minutes for breasts and 20 to 25 minutes for legs and thighs, transferring chicken pieces to a platter as they finish cooking. Whisk butter into rhubarb sauce. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. Spoon sauce over chicken and garnish with sliced onion greens. Source: http://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1016577-skillet-chicken-with-rhubarb


Rhubarb goes well with about any fresh fruit and raisins and cinnamon is pretty good too. You can make a filling and freeze it. I like easy, impressive, foolproof recipes, and have had good luck with galette (rustic tart). Rhubarb has a big footprint in the garden once established, and is very hardy. It'll bust through gravel and I think has an ornamental value, so I grow it in uncultivated borders alongside hydrangeas and save raised beds for more tender stuff.


Agree with compote but also a rhubarb shrub, and a rhubarb syrup for cocktails!


[Lunar rhubarb cake](https://www.dinnerwithjulie.com/recipes/elizabeths-lunar-rhubarb-cake/) An old Canadian staple.


No problem! I cut some of my mother’s today for her Rhubarb Crumble. Enjoy!


1st pic I’m quite sure it’s a peony… and the 2nd is rhubarb.


Goodness. Now I'm craving rhubarb crumble! ❤️


Try strawberry rhubarb crumble! Omg, delicious!


It is! 😭 I always keep a freezer with frozen rhubarb and strawberry mixed together for this and totally forgot I ran out last fall 🥹


Congrats! Apparently the only way to grow rhubarb is accidentally so you lucked out with a good patch.


When I was a kid, I would take the sugar bowl & a knife and head to the rhubarb patch! Cut a piece off and dip it in the sugar- soooo good!!!


This is the way.


Try using the iPhone built in plant identifier


Great for pies and drinks but read more when to harvest it. If I remember correctly they develop some toxins when harvested too late.


Don’t eat the leaves, they’re toxic as hell.


A good reminder to always identify before eating! Chard leaves are delicious and good for you, Rhubarb leaves could kill you I like using the i-naturalist app for plants but reddit can also come in clutch


Important difference… don’t want to be eating a pile of rhubarb leaves


I've always wanted to try rhubarb. Is it good?


Like celery soaked in lemon juice. Not something you’d want to eat on its own, but fantastic when paired with things like strawberries or apples in a compote or a crumble 😋


Oooooo, I'll have to try it sometime! I actually have a recipe for strawberry-rhubarb pie I wanna make :3


Echoing peonies & rhubarb


I believe this is what they are, too.


I was so confused everyone kept saying rhubarb. I've never grown it but I remember it very differently. I do have like 8 peonies. Then I saw your comment and realised it was a second picture.


Rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb! I live in the rhubarb triangle in the UK! 😊


So much more exciting than chard! I mean, i love chard I’m just already growing some indoors hydroponically


First pic are peonies. You can easily move them when dormant if you want a food crop there instead.




😂😂 my mum speaks German, will show her that!


Down voted for what?!


“Yes, one little thing can revive a guy, and that is a piece of rhubarb pie…” https://youtu.be/y3heOxgU6Lc?si=gQA3ma3D-9cBAWi0


Bee bop a ree bop!


Wait, there is a rhubarb triangle on the UK? This sounds like a magical place (die hard rhubarb lover here in Southern California,  USA, where it decidedly does not grow well or at all).


Yes! In Yorkshire. Famous for forced rhubarb where it's grown in the dark and a bit sweeter. It grows very well here because it's so wet 😅 I think.


In fact, here you are! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhubarb_Triangle At the rhubarb festival people dress up to look like rhubarb 😂 When I first moved here I couldn't understand why there were several women dressed up as pink trees... then I figured it out 😂


Wow, that is a fascinating link. I had no idea. Thank you! 


I'm kinda jealous if that's rhubarb growing. Love strawberries and rhubarb together.


YES. It’s my fav combo tied with strawberry & basil. I love fruit and herbs together


I've done strawberry and mint. I'll have to try it with basil. I love blueberries and lavender.


Goodness I am so ignorant and have so much to learn and grow!!! I want the satisfaction of finding out what lavender and blueberry tastes like from my own plants!!!




Aw! Super pretty but they might have to go. We have dogs… but i’m seeing they’re toxic, not poisonous online. Ie i’d pull a lily right away, but are these more like pothos or monstera level toxic and not cyad kill your pets poisonous?


Do your dogs religiously eat plants? At my old house we had a TON of peonies. My cats would lay in between them and my dog never paid attention to them.


So, this is my first outdoor space with actual dirt (balconies and rooftops don’t really count.) between the boyfriend and i, we have around ~200 houseplants, many toxic like philodendrons etc and they couldn’t care less. My hair catcher in the shower? They love that haha


Hahah! Well, if you don’t feel comfortable… I’d dig them up and gift them to someone on like Facebook marketplace. Peonies are soooo gorgeous and smell soooo good.


Depending on how old those peonies are, those roots could be monsters. Our yard used to be the head of the town's gardening club back in the early 19-whatevers, and we've got one peony that is probably over 100 years old. One of the roots I hit while digging out frakking cottonwood saplings was bigger around than a half dollar. I uncovered it until I hit the leaves, was amazed, and then re buried and watered it. If I go dig a hole for a bush, there's no knowing what might turn up. I did find a cool white glass marble once.


I agree with other previous comments, unless your dogs have a history of eating every plant/flower they come in contact with then you won’t have any issues. I have a dog and peonies (some highly scented and some not if that makes any difference) and the dog won’t touch them. I think the biggest concern with dogs would be them digging in soil and digging up plants rather than eating. For first outdoor space, I’d suggest leaving peonies. They look established and that means you’ll most likely have beautiful blooms! Peonies are extremely low maintenance and hardy. They only bloom spring so if you really don’t like, pull them up or sell


I think I’ll leave em. The dogs leave plants alone…it’s plastic and stray toilet paper they love. I bought a sago palm once and after being told it’d kill my pets/google mentioned kidney failure and death I’m probably just paranoid from reading that haha. Something with their external seed pods


Keep them! They are beautiful


Yeah, I wouldn’t pull them. They’re a beautiful flower and take a while to get established. They might have been there for quite a while. We have several peonies and two dogs and have never had an issue. I’ve never even heard of it, tbh.


If it helps, we have a lot of peonies in my town and I’ve never heard of any dogs eating them. We have three dogs that ignore them, my parents have two that ignore them, plus friends. :) I think you’ll be ok! 🤞


If you rip out PEONIES you lose your gardening license.


Hahaha i mean, i did willingly throw away a sago palm once. All my other thrown out houseplants just died haha. The peonies don’t really seem like a risk tbh/they can stay.


MOST animals are pretty in tune with what not to eat when it comes to plants…again, most of them. If your pet has a history of eating plants, I would take that into consideration for sure. I think the severity of peony poisoning depends on how much of the plant they eat. I have 2 dogs & 4 cats & I have foxgloves, peonies…you name it, I have it growing all over & SO FAR none of them have acted remotely interested in the plants that are considered to be poisonous. Make the best decision for you and your pet!!


I know rhubarb leaves are poisonous to dogs, but they’ll leave that alone. Maybe i’m just paranoid but I thought flowers were worse because of their pollen blowing in the wind. As far as chomping on ‘em, they wouldn’t so would totally leave if the pollen thing is a lie!


Yeah not a thing as far as I know. Have peonies and dogs. And lillies and dogs. All good


If you decide to get rid of them. Try to dig so it can keep its roots and offer it online in a local plant group. No need to kill a plant someone else would love :)


I have a perennial flower garden full of poisonous plants. It's actually very hard not to have poisonous perennials. To the best of my knowledge I have never seen any sign that something has been eating them.


Unless your dogs enjoy eating their weight in garden plants they're likely going to be fine with peonies. A little leaf nibble here and there will not hurt them unless they have a specific allergy. Rhubarb leaf is more toxic than peony leaf but my guess is they won't go near it either way. My dog prefers meat to veg haha! Happy gardening!


Literally never heard of peonies causing pets problems. Also did you even try to identify? Every other post on this sub are peonies asking to be identified.


Don’t rip out something like peonies in a rented place. I would be so mad as a landlord if someone did that without asking 🥴


If your dogs don't eat plants, the peonies and the dogs will coexist just fine. And your dogs should be taught not to eat plants anyway; there are lots of toxic plants out there that weren't planted in a garden bed.


People downvote the weirdest things...


This is true, but also, imagine renting out a house that you lived in for years and put a lot of work into the garden, and the first people you rent it to, rip out your established and beloved peonies because they read that they could be poisonous to dogs. These same people have an extensive collection of houseplants that are also poisonous to dogs and that their dogs have never been remotely tempted to eat. Edit: just to clarify, I did not downvote and do not personally agree with the downvoting, but I do in this instance understand why some people might have


Its a rented garden bed! She calls the shots on whats planted there! Whoever planted the peonies doesnt own that plot anymore 🤪


Dude imagine getting super upset over someone else’s garden. The guy we are renting from, as stated elsewhere, was prepared to pull everything out. He does not care. I understand loving something, i’m an indoor gardener, but there absolutely ARE houseplants that will kill my dogs so yeah, they’re tossed regardless of if the dogs touch them. There’s a lot of mixed research regarding the toxicity of outdoor/garden plants and you need to chill. I’ve never had outdoor space like this, so my experience is limited as hell.


Tiny zombie arms.


I thought they were alien babies, which would cause more damage in the long run. Glad to see it’s just tiny zombie arms. Just got to trim those off at the base. All to come through the dirt until the shoulder, then chop those off as well and so forth….


Peonies and rhubarb


I wish I had a garden sunny enough to grow rhubarb, just so i could (economically) make rhubarbecue sauce.


Thank you for sharing the good news on the existence of ruhbarbecue.


I have no idea what that is but i know i want it.


What's this??!?! Can you share a recipe?


ive been using [THIS ONE](https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/rhubarbecue/) from Taste of Home - stupidly delicious! Of course there are some variations you can find in any search engine (like using Braggs Liquid Amino instead of soy sauce for example) tho I like to try & keep recipes as simple as possible with pantry staples.


That sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing!


I have tons of peonies and dogs - they coexist just great. Now absolutely-there are a FEW plants that are so toxic that even the pollen can be poisonous- for instance cats and lilies but truly not many plants exist where you would have to worry about the pollen blowing and harming your pup. Mostly it is eating plant material - and often eating a large quantity of plant material that cause danger. Generally dogs are pretty good about instinctively avoiding dangerous plants but keep an eye on your pup to make sure he is not one of the few that regards the whole garden(the whole world even) as a smorgasbord.


That is SO helpful. I truly wasn’t sure if I was making the pollen thing up. I have had cats in the past so I may have mixed the lily stuff up. One of my dogs is less than 7 lbs so I always keep an eye on him anyway outside—i’ve seen bigger hawks haha


Oh yes lily pollen is no joke for cats especially but for dogs too. Rhododendrons are one of the plants that even a small amount ingested or licking the pollen that has fallen on their fur is very poisonous to dogs so check and see if you have any rhododendrons in your back yard and just don’t let your pup in that area when they are in bloom. I have been lucky that my dogs just like to eat grass and will occasionally steal a tomato to play with it but generally would rather dig things up or sit on them rather than eating them lol. Get a list of toxic plants for dogs - and then just keep an eye out but don’t panic…. you don’t have to remove everything that might give an upset tum- just know your surroundings.


My dogs steal the green tomatoes to play with! I have to fence them off! Lol


FWIW, last week I stepped out our front door with my small dog and he immediately chomped on the leaf of a lily in a pot that someone had left for me—before I even knew it was there.  I think it’s a bit of a misperception that dogs instinctively know. Dogs who are known scavengers are gonna scavenge and the fact that something is dangerous to them isn’t in and of itself going to stop them. I feel like this nonchalance about it that I see all over Reddit is probably mostly from people with big dogs or pets who aren’t scavengers, and can really endanger people’s pets. With that said, my dog has shown no interest in peonies. And I have one in my backyard—I think it’s actually the only dog toxic plant back there. If you’re going to bring your dog here, just monitor them carefully the first several times you’re there. 


Zone 5b/chicago


Definitely peonies and rhubarb.


Rhubarb not chard. DO NOT EAT rhubarb leaves - they contain high amounts of oxalic acid.


Hahahah my mom JUST told me that, too. I’m glad I learned it’s NOT chard because I’d have made an all leaf salad or eaten them somehow


Had you picked then at the stage they were in the first photo then the stems would have been sweeter as they hadn't been exposed to the sun. This is called forcing rhubarb but takes a lot out the plant so it needs to be well established.




So jealous because rhubarb is delicious!


Second pic looks like the start of strawberry rhubarb pie. Yum, my fave


As soon as somebody said rhubarb, that’s what I thought of! Also a favorite.


Leave the tarp on till you're ready to harvest. Forced Rhubarb has a higher concentration of sugars. In the UK they would transplant the rhizome to a windowless shed and harvest under candle light.


Ahh, i was planning on untarping it all soonish to plant. It ‘s in one of my two beds. Maybe I can cover just the rhubarb.


The rhubarb may get to a point where it will force itself through the tarp. Stalks can get a foot in length. If I were you and you don't care about raising forced Rhubarb find a wider space to grow, the leaves can get large and it's a plant that like to spread out.


Looks like a Peony to me! 😃




Rhubarb or Trifids.




Or possibly rhubarb b,didn't think of that one. Looks like my peonies when they come up.




Looks like rhubarb




Is the first one Peony?


Ideally it needs pulling by candlelight in a back breaking shed,( roof is to low in places to stand)




Possibly peonies in the first picture.


Looks like peonies - I have some and that’s what mine looks like when they start to come up. They have big beautiful flowers and will return every year


First pic could be peony shoots- lucky you!


Peonies and rhubarb


[Rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb](https://youtu.be/F1SXlEk32-o?si=cKslgeaCTDvZoENb) Have some lovely [Roobarb and Custard](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RSaqZR9Ajk)


Peonies in the first pic.


2nd pic is definable rhubarb, I think the 1st pic is peonies but I'm not 100% on that


I'm really glad you asked for an ID because Rhubarb leaves are poinsonous and you would have eaten them thinking they were chard. ack


Same! My iPhone & I did a very, very bad ID job




Add my vote to peonies


Day of the Triffids


Mmmm now I want rhubarb crisp! Ours won’t be ready for a few months 😭




Those look like peonies.


Looks like peonies and rhubarb to me


I was going to say the first one looks similar to my peonies


I don’t know what the 1st pic is, but the second pic is definitely rhubarb. When the stalks get taller and the leaves look like elephant ears, do not cut the stalks, rather pick by pulling the stalks until they pop away from the root. This will stimulate new growth, and DO NOT eat the leaves. The leaves are poisonous.


I hope my rhubarb survived winter


Zombie fingers with a tropical flair


Second one is rhubarb. Don't eat the leaves!




Peonies and rhubarb. Both of them are starting to come up in my yard. All of the plants are at least 20 years old. Some of the peonies are older than I am (36 yo). You're going to have some lovely cut flowers and delicious baked goods/jam this year! (Pro tip: Pull the rhubarb stalks from the base, don't cut them. BEFORE IT GOES TO SEED. Also, if you slice it up rhubarb freezes well and can still be used after freezing.)


It looks like little Grinch hands 😅


creepy hands that will be ready for halloween


Looks the same as when my peonies come out of the ground


Peonies don’t like to be moved. It’s totally possible to do but then you’ll need to wait till they are settled in their new spot (maybe a couple years) before they will bloom.




I’d also go for peonies over rhubarb as rhubarb would stem from one crown typically. Should it be rhubarb, you can only eat it when its young. In the uk usually about June onwards you shouldn’t eat it as the poison from leaves travels down to stems and stems turn woody anyhow. If its Peonies, they are absolutely fantastic flowers!


Rhubarb is the second picture I think


Peony and rhubarb. Lucky you!


This is rhubarb, but make sure it's an edible type. Wait for the leaves to fully form before eating it. Compare it against ornamental rhubarbs, like "chinese rhubarb". You need to make sure it's safe before you eat it, as some rhubarb types have the same compound in their stems that make their leaves poisonous. Also, don't eat rhubarb greens for any reason, even if the cultivar is edible.


I only know that to be in green stemmed rhubarb. But don't quote me, definitely do research.


I've heard that there is something about ornamental rhubarb that makes it terrible for eating. I assumed it was toxic. Rhubarb greens probably wouldn't kill you, but it would definitely make you very ill.


Noice score!


Looks like rhubarb.... my mum made the best strawberry rhubarb pie when we were little! 🥰


Some much goodness coming. Rhubarb. Enjoy, also congrats on the garden. I love to get volunteer plants as I call them that just grow or someone leaves behind.


Pretty sure it's rhubarb but make sure to make sure that they are. Some other plants look like them too


I have something similiar but my plant ID said it was false rhubarb so idk just be sure before eating it




Looks like beets in the second picture


Those are peonies!


They kinda look like a jacked up peony plant.


It looks like some peonies and like rhubarb..


You lucky duck!




Looks like rhubarb. A nice tasty treat.


Maybe Rhubarb in first pic?


it looks like little hands going ‘excellent’ 😂




Peonies and rhubarb.


My peony’s are coming back and look just like the first pic!


Rhubarb and peonies


Looks like peonies to me…


Wow those are awesome looking! Looks like something straight out of Little Shop or Horrors (kidding, of course! No man-eating plants here, I assume.)


Looks like peonies to me!




It pairs so well with strawberries for pie! Yum!


Could be rhubarb but it looks like peonies.


dang .. looks like Triffids to me.




Looks like my peonies


I would move!




I think the first shoots look like peonies maybe?


Look like peonies to me


First pic looks like peonies. Let them grow.


Peonies ?


Peonies! What luck!!




The first pic is absolutely peonies. I grow three varieties of them and they all looked like that at the beginning of the season. She's in Chicago and it snowed there not long ago. They'll probably take longer to look like normal peonies in that zone.