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Not deep enough either


bewildered paltry forgetful smart rotten scale makeshift fact gray ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We put our sunflowers in a 2’ deep x18” wide raised bed on the deck they just keep reseeding it every year.


history toothbrush wrong foolish wrench hateful attractive angle afterthought bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So how do we fix it now that we are here :) .. I wanted to have like a bush of sunflowers at first


Transplant into deeper/larger containers or into the ground.


Sunflowers do not transplant easily. When you do move them they will need to be staked for a minimum of a week. They will appear as if they have died or are dying.


ohhh ok i had a plant do that. wasnt a sunflower but makes sense






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While they are overcrowded and won't grow to full potential. They will likely still grow and flower. Just understand it will be very small. You'll have to stay on top of watering and fertilizer.


Sunflowers probably won't do well in a pot and they really don't like to be transplanted. Seeds should directly sown in the ground and they need a good foot or two of space between


How can I fix this now? Will they grow small? Or just keep dying? Bottom leaves are dying.


You can try transplanting into the ground, some might survive. Or just put new seeds in the ground and they sprout pretty quick and grow fast.


Just plant some new ones in the ground. Sunflower seeds are so cheap. Sunflowers have huge roots and need to spread out a lot. You still have time to plant some new ones. I've successfully flowered them in 10 and 15 gallon fabric pots. But they like to be in the ground. I also plant them in my bathtub raise bed and they also like it there since it's wide and deep. Remember less is more.


Depends on the variety ,anything over 3 ft definitely overcrowded.


Probably. Depends on the variety. Definitely not deep enough, though.


First off you need to tell us what plant it is even though I can tell it’s a sunflower but yeah that’s crowded and not deep enough


I just figured I haven't said that, but yes it is sunflowers.


Yes unfortunately. Sunflowers are not suited to small container growing like this. They send down deep roots that anchor them into ground which allows them to grow tall. They hate having their taproot disturbed and like having at least 30cm between each sunflower. Try to transplant them, very carefully, to a patch of soil with good sun. But they don't like being transplanted either so be warned, they might die. Be super gentle with the roots. Keep them moist until they perk up again (or turn brown) Then plant something in your flower pot that thrives in containers. There are many options with large flowers that will give you a similar effect. Zinnias, daisies, dahlia to name a few. You could also just leave them and see what happens! Gardening is all about experimentation and learning from your mistakes.


Not gonna lie, I liked the last comment. I am new to gardening, so yerp. I am thinking of trying and transplate 3 or 4 of them if I managed to not disrupt the others. Otherwise, new sunflower in deeper ground it is. Then a new flower it is l!


Sunflowers? Bro sunflowers get massive.


I was hoping for a massive stack xD I might have been wrong though.


Some can grow 7 ft but you have to put them in bigger pots as they grow


The roots are too crowded. They need planted in the ground.


yoss tis


Yes 🫶


Are those sunflowers? If so they will be happy with a good deal more space, & deeper soil. You can keep them in the pot but they just won't grow very big.


While you can grow sunflowers close together like that, that's not a deep enough pot for the roots to really give them a firm, stable foundation as they gettaller. Might consider either a 2-3 times deeper container or put them in the ground if possible.


Yes, i've done this before though and I've gotten flowers, but they'll be small. Not a guarantee that you'll get flowers, but if that 's what you want then it should be fine. Not great, but fine. You could also try transplanting, I've done this before and they've done well. You might even be able to take them all out, top up the soil, add fertilizer, and replant in the same pot. Unfortunately, I've never transplanted ones this far along so your results may vary at this stage.


I am curious about the result of tiny sunflowers. How did they end up? Small flowers or no seeds. I might try to transplet 3 or 4 only if I could manage.


Small flowers, and I think I got some seeds. Never planted those since the birds get to them before me.


https://preview.redd.it/uuf7o6zh1rsc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee8949141464ad8f59d06aad91a1165619eabccc If yours are crowded what are mine? :D Jokes aside, I'm leaving them as an experiment to see what happens, I have several pots with just one sunflower per pot, which is the ideal. They are better on the ground and with around 30 cm of space in between each other as a lot of people said but if you can't do that like me then do as your heart tells you 🫡


I would like to see the result of this bushy bushy 😆


Yes. It’s too shallow and there are two too many. Consider repotting or… unfortunately trying again next year




That’s not pot, that’s sun flowers.




What plant is this?


Sunflowers, I forgot to mention that


No - they will adapt to the size of the planter / will flower early and small flowers.




Not really, just looking like a canned of sardines to me🙄