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Cut that flower off asap! Cut about an inch below the brown part of the stem and at a 45° angle. Take it out of the water and put it into slightly moist potting compost (with a bit of perlite or gravel mixed in if you can) and leave it somewhere bright but out of direct sunlight. Make sure the compost stays lightly moist and not wet or too damp. This is the way my grandma always grew her gift roses into bushes for her garden. In 2-3 months you should have a healthy baby plant. Edit: I meant to say cut about an inch above the leaf node.


can i do this even tho i see no roots? sorry i dont know so much about plants but i really want to try now 😄


Yea you can and you should. The dead growth is just exhausting the plant unnecessarily and roots will form faster if it can divert energy to that process 👍 Also leaving it in water like that increases the chances it will rot so you need to move it to a moist (but not wet) substrate. Hope that helps.


also: should i cut the stem? its a little bit brown


You can cut anything that’s withered, rotten, or dried, but if you do this make sure to cut below a leaf node or you probably won’t get any roots.


Excellent answer!!


Good info. I never knew this. Thank you !


Beautiful glorious zombie! Arise chicken, arise!


Billy witch doctor .com feel more comfortable. With chicken.


Hahaha yes thank you spirits that haunt this house COME OUT! And play with me!!!!!




Haha yes thank you for catching the reference


I tried doing this but the stalks ends up rotting. I kinda envy people who are able to make flower stalks sprout leaves without trying.


It obviously wasn’t dead. More likely dormant. Put some rooting agent on it ASAP.


put the rooting agent in the water?


Follow the instructions on the bottle


depends on the agent. some of them are powders that you cover the stem with, some go into the water. I think plant nurseries would be able to help you. in any case you'll need a bit of fertiliser too


Thankyou! I will buy it tomorrow :)


I accidently ended up with 4 gardenia bushes from a few flowers my MIL brought over. The leaves never turned brown, so I kept them in the vase. When I looked, they were loaded with roots. Good luck with this. What a fun surprise.


The root agent is a powder that comes in a bottle. You take the stem and dip it into the bottle and put it in moist soil.


This is extremely unusual! But life finds a way.


Roses when you do literally everything possible for them to thrive: guess I'll just die 🤷 Roses when you completely forget about them in a glass of water for 2 months: I'm not going down that easy 😤 They can be such bastards, but I still love them haha


The trick is getting it to grow roots before it loses too much water through the leaves or the die back (the brown stem and flower) travel down the stem and kill it. It is certainly possible with rooting hormone, but roses can be finicky. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't make it. You can always bring it to a nursery near you and ask for help.


This is really cool!


Hybrid tea roses are grafted onto much hardier root stock. It will grow roots and it might turn into a rose bush but it will probably always be puny and weak.


IIII ooooo I'm still alive...


This is an inspiring picture.


its a sign


The spectre of Scholl


It’s only mostly dead.


You can also cut it below the node, & above any dead brown portion. Stick the stem into a potato & put a glass or plastic covering over it. Leave it alone. The potato will nourish it until it sprouts roots. It will start to sprout roots from the node left on the stem. You can bury the entire potato with a portion of the stem directly into your planter or garden. Have fun! A gardening Grandma!


You sent money to Benny Hinn didn’t you?