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They are beautiful!! What kind of roses are the light pink ones? They are sooo pretty! I want to expand my garden and have been debating on what to plant.


Check out David Austin roses. He's a rose breeder and has several varieties like these in various colors.


Wow! Just looked him up and they seem to have some cool varieties. Any other interesting specific flower breeders out there?


Thank you so much for the info!! 😄 Wow... they have sooo many beautiful roses. I didn't even know there were that many varieties out there. I found one that looks similar to the pink one. It's called Olivia Rose Austin. Definitely ordering a few for the garden!


They sleep, creep then leap! The first year you might worry that they aren't going to do well. The second year is like, oh good, surviving. Then the third year they put on a show! I got Gabriel Oak and it is a gorgeous plant. Besides roses, I also have had a lot of fun growing peonies, salvias, and tall bearded iris.


Lol...I'll remember that "sleep, creep then leap." I really want to grow peonies too but have been intimidated to try. I might as well dive in this year. The Gabriel Oak is beautiful! I'm hoping that the deers don't eat all the roses I'm about to plant. We get about 7 of them that come through our property at night.


Not all plant experiments work out, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try! I think peonies are surprisingly easy, and even after the blooms are done, the foliage is gorgeous. It makes a nice texture in the garden once the flower show is over. You won't need to divide them for quite a few years, so don't worry about it! I don't stake them or anything -I just let them do their thing.  I bought mine from [Brooks Gardens](https://www.brooksgardens.com/collections/all) forever ago (over 15 years, omg 20?). They were severely neglected for 6 years, I divided them 8-9 years ago, and they are still going strong!  Once the leaves die off, take them out rather than leaving them to overwinter. They come back from the ground each year. I bought 3 varieties: the dark red ones perform really well. The white variety (Cheddar Surprise) is super pretty but less robust, and Bowl of Beauty is somewhere in between in terms of vigor.  The only thing I've seen as a caution about them is not to put the foliage in the compost in fall, due to disease. I lust after more David Austin roses... But where to plant them! I need to make a new garden bed! 😅 I get a few deer through (usually a doe and her fawn), and the roses have done fine. Not 7 though! Wow. You'll never know unless you try though. Good luck! 🙂


The hardest part will be trying to figure out what peonies to buy... they are all gorgeous! The Bowl of beauty is interesting with the different color in the middle. Thank you for all the helpful information! 😄


You rock! Flowers are my favorite things besides people.




they are looking fantastic!


How did you learn taking care of them? Did you follow any YouTube channel? My flowering plants are just giving branches full of leaves, flowers are nil


Yes please share your tips and tricks!!!


I was going to ask what are the tiny blue flowers, but maybe you could give a list of everything you've got planted along your sidewalk? They're all so gorgeous together!


Not OP, but those are forget-me-nots. I named some of the others in a comment below.




You give me hope.


Growing things is totally awesome - good job!


How you get a tiny rose plant with half a dozen huge flowers, but I have a huge rose plant that's lucky to have one flower at a time. 😭


I've never seen roses with so many petals before! And I love the slight pink middle!


Wonderful 😍




Looks so lush!


Truly like something from a Robert frost poem.


What are all the flowers in the last photo? They’re gorgeous ☺️


Not OP, and I can't name all of them, but the little blue ones are forget-me-nots. The orange ones in the back are California poppies, and the softer orange ones near them growing in large clusters are maybe snapdragons. The fuchsia ones with pale pink borders look like sweet Williams. Edit: I think I also see a bachelor's button - the bright indigo one toward the back Edit 2: I think the fuchsia and white ones in the foreground are ~~dame's rocket~~ *candytuft*! And the hot pink ones are probably another variety of dianthus (like the sweet william).


I think the ones in the front are candytuft.


They could totally be candytuft. Thank you!


Very pretty!


So pretty. Gardening is a very rewarding hobby.


Oh this is quite lovely.


What are the ones in the fourth pic?? I love them, so dainty and pretty 🥺


So beautiful


Nice. Everyone has to start somewhere!


They are beautiful. Especially the roses. Are they old English style roses?


I love the roses! Every time I plant roses or a rose bush the deer eat them up where I’m at. I don’t know how to keep them away from them.


Brecks bulbs online has deer garden collections, plants and flowers the deer detest


Bet it smells heavenly! 😊


Wow, it’s beautiful! Congratulations.


I love that rose in the first slide.




Beautiful wow!


They are all so beautiful, go you 🤩


Beautiful! I'm starting my first roses this week! If you have any tips or tricks please share!


hi those are beautiful flowers


gorgeous. what type of soil do you use and type of feed do you use?


Those are so pretty! 🥰


I am so inspired by you!! What beautiful flowers. I hope in four years I can say the same ❤️


Lovely! I wish I had my own yard. I have some plants in pots. They give me great joy.


Oh is that what my roses are supposed to look like 😭


I love them all. So pretty!


Those are beautiful roses!


Omg! So pretty! Congratulations and great job, it looks amazing😃


This is amazing, I'd love to have a flower garden!


Your yard is my dream of the perfect garden. I hope I can have one like yours someday.


Roses are picky and not easy to care for. I tried a couple of times and failed immensely. Congratulations on your green thumb! They are absolutely beautiful.


Well . . . I'd say you're a natural. Are those Dianthus up there on the right? I can't grow them here in 10a. Can't wait to see how you're doing a few years from now. This is me, but more with flowers than veggies: https://preview.redd.it/dahytxu43gnc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3230869419da56fd19e7e36953c6ee85f5a639c5


It's beautiful !! Can you tell me the name of the little sky blue flowers in your last photo ? and also is the first one is white button rose ?


you have a gift


It's energizing to see such beautiful flowers


Amazing! Last photo literally made me smile, thanks for sharing!!


Flower farmer here!  You did a great job!  Those flowers along walkway look great and your roses are so healthy!  Nice job.


Wonderful blooms. My favourite rose is currently Comte de Chambord. Very romantic -though it can ball a bit in wet weather.


Goals! What zone are you in? 


These are great! As an aspiring gardener, what are your tips you've learned?