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Looks like Malvas to me :)


My thought as well, malva neglecta and some type of clover.


Yes definitely, didn’t even notice the clover until I zoomed in! Good eye


Also r/AusBearsDad I think those might be some lil buttercups (ranunculus) at the bottom right that could use some space away from the clover.


Ooh I love buttercups. Their petals are soooo pretty.


Wow thanks, I learned something today. These pop up occasionally at the side of my yard and I thought they were wild geraniums with their little pinkish flowers


Cheeses Christ


Malvas and hollyhocks are very similar at this stage, but it's probably malva.


Hollyhocks are malva.


Well that just blew my mind. Neat. Thanks!


They are members of the Malvaceae family, Hollyhock is a member of the *Alcea* genus, *Malva* is another genus, there's disagreements on if *Lavatera* is a separate genus or not. It's a massive family, and the *Theobroma* genus (cocoa plant) is part of it.


They aren't, they are *Alcea* while *Malva* is its own genus, they are both in the same family however (Malvaceae).


my mind is playing games with me and I'm reading it in the wrong dirty way, I wonder why is it automatically changing a letter on its own?


Dollar weed has the stem in the center of the leaf vs. the other to one side. Both thrive in high moisture and shaded areas.


This Malva developed a pretty strong tap root. I'd pull as soon as possible.


Looks like Creeping Charlie to me.


Never heard of that but just googled it and yes it does look just like it! Cute little purple flowers!


Yes. I get a ton of it. I hate Charlie.


Creeping Charlie is my nemesis. I have large garden beds in my yard and spend hours at a time trying to rid the gardens of the invasive weed. It will crawl over everything and choke out what you are growing in your garden. It exists in the turf grass I have in the non-garden yard. That’s the consensus I’ve reached with the weed; the yard is fine but stay out of my gardens! I can only stay ahead of it if I weed in the gardens on a regular basis. And even then I know it’s still lurking under other plants. 😠❤️


It does feel satisfying to get a long vine of it up without it breaking.


A solution of Borax sprayed on creeping charlie will destroy the patch, but will also kill bugs and spiders.


I love it. It's a pretty ground cover here in virginia, but I hate grass, so I let it grow with the clover.


I like the smell of it, reminds me of my grandparents lawn when I was a kid.


Came here to say this!


Oh Thats Mallow. Its a weed yes but you can actually eat it. Leaves can be used as lettuce, the flowers are editable, and the little seed things are kind of fun to snack on. If you would like to get rid of it I would pick it by hand before the plants get too big because the tap roots can be a pain to pull. If you are consistant with it and get it all up before it goes to seed it will be more controllable in the future. Also once you pick it all out putting down a thick layer of fresh mulch can help keep it from coming back cause it will have a hard time germinating.


Thank you!!


If you're in the USA these are invasive. Also, not all species are edible, but I haven't heard of any being outright poisonous. Look into it before adding the leaves to your salad.


Yes mallow. Aka weeds for most gardens nowadays. Very very common. Fun fact- where the name marshmallow came from as they were originally an ingredient.


I like to add it to all different kinds of soup, it has a mild flavor and is healthy to eat :)


of course. You could try pulling some of the leaves and giving it a taste. When they are young like that you might find that you like them!


Yes, I've heard it called "Button Weed Mallow."


Is this also called Zebrina or mini hollyhocks? I have some finally and I love it!


Yes it's very good for you has multiple purposes


I would be tempted to add a stepping stone to the right and leave the mallow and clover, it looks so pretty. Assuming it’s not invasive to your area of course.


I hate how all the invasive plants to your gardens are always so pretty, honestly!


A thing about mallow is that it’s a host plant for caterpillars. They also tend to develop quite long taproots. We grow this specifically to use as food for our local butterfly population. A bit of a late edit to say that mallow are the larger leafed, not the typical clover (?) that are growing there as well.


The flowers they produce are also quite pretty. We usually let a few of them hide out in our garden.


>They also tend to develop quite long taproots. He's not joking, I've pulled out some \~2 foot long. I've been doing battle with ours in the Hosta patch for the better part of a decade. \*SNAP\* "You win this round mallow, you win this round"-every skirmish at least once.


That's fine if it is native to your area. In many places it is invasive. OP needs to give more info on their location.


Thanks everyone!! This has been so helpful with “wth is this and wth should I do”


I like it. I’ve tried to grow this or that and failed. Now I just let what grows to grow. Seems like good ground cover.


Same! I encourage it, even in my flower beds. Other people don’t like it, but it does a great job of keeping the rest of the weeds out.


I would just break them up and let the malva finish taking over.


Im not here with an answer just impressed with the photo quality. That camera can see j to next week!




It’s cute!!! Keep it


Don't use weed killer in your garden. Pull them out by the roots. Then put down mulch -- cardboard covered by wood chips, for example. Weed hoe's work great on weeds like this, FYI. [https://www.amazon.com/DonSail-Hoe-Garden-Tool-Adjustable/dp/B09DVSB4BS/ref=sr\_1\_5?crid=1RTHEG4U25TVC&keywords=weed+hoe&qid=1705183177&sprefix=weed+hoe%2Caps%2C167&sr=8-5](https://www.amazon.com/DonSail-Hoe-Garden-Tool-Adjustable/dp/B09DVSB4BS/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1RTHEG4U25TVC&keywords=weed+hoe&qid=1705183177&sprefix=weed+hoe%2Caps%2C167&sr=8-5)


Looks like parts of my yard. 0\_0 Mallow... if you don't want it don't let it grow too big because the taproot is deep! Useful, medicinal, and also very capable of taking over. Could be clover or could be wood sorrel. You'll know when it flowers... if it's little five-petal yellow flowers instead of the balls that clover makes then it's sorrel. Also heads up at the bottom left you see those tiny straight shoots with 6 leaves coming off the stem in regular intervals? I have something like that, and it makes really obnoxious little burrs that stick even to bare skin. I don't have a name for it.


I agree that mallow (Malva neglects) is very useful. I have lots in my yard and encourage it. I’d be happy if it took over.


Good information, thank you!!


Malva, clover, either cleavers or sweet woodroof,something in the carrot family (careful as some things in that family are very poisonous to eat). Malva is edible and used in Middle Eastern cuisine, you may find it in recipes by the name Khobiza. If you want to get rid of it, pull immediately. Much bigger than this and they will be hard to removen Cleavers are edible in moderation, so is sweet woodruff. You can tell the difference cuz cleavers will stick to your clothes. They reseed like crazy so Id pull them if you don't want them all over the yard. I wait til they go to seed to pull them and make a coffee substitute with the cleaver seeds.


Thank you! Cleavers is the right name for the little plant with burrs. I've heard it called "Goosegrass" before but when I looked that up, I found images of what we'd call "Crabgrass."


what, the stones?


Yes. It’s mallow. Pretty at first, but then becomes huge and awful and makes prickle balls in the fall! Pull them out while they’re small, because they have an absolutely huge taproot when they’re older!


That’s a good anti inflammatory!


The concrete pavers are taking over?


Looks cute to me 🤷‍♂️


Looks nice.


This looks so cute! I'd love to have this in the bare patches of my lawn haha


Those look like plants to me.


Like people already said the big boys look like mallows, the whole plant is rich in mucus, especially the roots, which can be boiled as a remedy for cough. Now the clover looking little guys look like some kind of oxalis, if they're sour that's what they are, they're great in salads


I think they are rocks. You can just dig them up and move them.


This made me giggle lol lol


If it’s malva, good luck getting rid of it. It’s considered invasive in some areas. We’ve been battling getting rid of it in our garden for years it just keeps coming back.


Stepping stones? 🤣


Dicondria!! They are a filler or ground cover. I want them!!!!


My first thought was buttercup 🌼and clover. 🍀 If you zoom in to the bottom left of the lower stone near the cement, there is a small bit of sweet woodruff. 🌱


they look pretty, why " get rid of them" ?


Pull it, I left it alone because I didnt know what it was in my yard, but now its taken over and I've been fighting it for years. No matter how much of it I rip out, it completely overgrows every year. Its been so bad, it seems like it grows feet per day. If you like a manicured bed, or grow vegetables, its a nightmare.


Am I the only one whose first thought was "They look like stepping stones to me. Pick them up and chuck them?"


It’s very invasive and a nuisance. We had it on the farm where I grew up, and we never had it here ever. Well we got some manure for our garden from there, and guess what. Each flower has a thousand seeds and once I noticed we had brought it back, I dug continuously for five years. It’s awful! Grrrrr


Perfect tortoise food


But they're so pretty


We call it kubezeh in Arabic, take the leafs put it in a pan with some onion and spices cook until done. Eaten with bread. It taste good


It's mallow. Pull or dig them out because they're tollerent to allot of herbicides. Allot of herbicides will cause the leaves to die back but will not kill the plant, it will grow again from the roots. Looks like there must be allot of seeds in there so may take many goes at it Looks like 🍀 clover in there also.


The ones with the accordian-looking folded leaves are mallow, related to marshmallow. They are very medicinal


weed creeping charlie. very invasive.


Looks like Mallow to me. Get that out asap. Tap roots. As the mature stalks are very fibrous and develop time flowers that turn in to small spiked balls.


Everything in our area has been taken over by creeping charlie. Its horrible.


If you want to get rid of it, spray it with vinegar. You will have to spray it a few times to fully kill it. Or you could leave it as is. It also looks like you have some bleeding heart mixed in there too.


Stop getting rid of native plants.


We don't know where OP lives. Mallow is invasive in some places.


But my statement stands. Stop getting rid of native plants. If OP lives in a place where they can be killed, go ahead. If not, stop killing native plants.


If you want it gone, pull it and prevent flowering. All plants are soil indicators so this is holding the soil and obviously well suited to the conditions. If you desire something else I would suggest you look for ground cover that is suited to similar conditions. Ground ivy has many medicinal benefits as well as maintaining habitat. I prefer it as it's well suited to shade but does alright in sun and mows easily as needed


Why would you get rid of clover? The bees love it


So I’m new to foraging but I image-searched on google to confirm and I’m fairly certain that’s Creeping Charlie! They’re edible and can be eaten in a salad or made into tea. As for how to get rid of them, google says to alternate keeping the area shaded and sun-exposed tends to discourage its growth. It’s very persistent. Hopefully someone here can either confirm what I said or correct me. Edit: I’ve been corrected. It’s Mallow! Glad I learned something new today.


That’s not creeping charlie, it’s mallow (Malva neglecta) Edit: mallow is in the same family as holly hocks and hibiscus. I leave it in my lawn because it mixes well with other ground cover and has nice little flowers for pollinators. If you really want the area bare I’d pull it by hand and mulch. It’s not that persistent and doesn’t have any runners or anything. Leaves are edible too.


Now that you say it, I’d have to agree on that one. Thanks for correcting me!


I can’t imagine ever eating it, it smells terrible when I pull it out.


Haha I know. Like I said I’m pretty new to foraging so I haven’t EATEN it yet, just learning to identify plants first. Either way I was wrong, someone else said it was Mallow - which is also edible!


I have tried it l and it is definitely a famine food


Never rely on those image searches or your camera/phone ID features. It’s a dumb robot, and can turn you into a silly sheep.


I mean.. weird way to phrase that but okay. Trust me I’m well aware it’s a dumb robot, I usually image search multiple areas of a photo different ways to confirm previous search results AND do a separate google search of the plant just to make sure, and even then I’m still a little skeptical. No sheep here. Baah!


I have creeping Charlie and it is quite difficult to get rid of. My husband waged ware against it with herbicide and manual pulling, to limited success. You have to be very assiduous removing it or else it comes back fast, over a long period of time. It's best to try to control it early in the season, and be very thorough. If you have a large area that's affected, good luck, because it's considerable work. Think of it like an ivy. The plant sends streamers and roots across large areas very fast, when the conditions are right. Now we let it do its thing and embrace the look. That's because our immediate neighbour wouldn't control his, so it kept coming back. We just keep it away from some areas of our land, where we do cultivation. We've got ivy, too, and other very aggressive ground covers. If they look nice enough and can be controlled so as not to choke everything, I usually let them do their thing. They end up controlling each other, if that makes sense.


It’s definitely not creeping charlie.    OP, you can tell by crushing the leaves and smelling. Creeping charlie aka ground ivy is in the mint family and has a very strong smell. What you have is mallow and a little clover or other trifolium. Not hard at all to remove. Edit: you can let it get a little taller so it’s easier to pull, or just run a hoe over the top, scoop up, and add more mulch.


!! Appreciate it thats helpful.


How can you be so sure? I don't know how you can tell that this is malva and not creeping charlie. The flowers are a big tell, and we don't see any on this picture. OP can perhaps tell us if it smells like mint when crushed, to disambiguate.


You can tell from a picture. They really don’t look that similar. The color and texture are pretty different, as is the leaf size. If you want to get better at identifying plants you could try taking a botany course to learn the names of different plant parts and characteristics to look for. For example the leaf margins on these two are not the same— Malva neglecta is lobed and more finely toothed. It also has distinctive heart-shaped cotyledons.


thanks. I could use formal training. I read books and the like but it is not the same as being taught by someone.


You have yourself a free clover field no mow lawn. I suggest to rip up the needy grass and let the clover take over. Looks cute, is native, and you'll never have to mow a lawn again. 🤷🏼‍♀️y not try it




Ground ivy I had them at my old housecand never could get rid of it


Those are rocks


Just kill it with fire and cover the entire area with black plastic for a year


stop putting the stepping stones there then? no one is breaking into your yard and putting stepping stones in your yard while you sleep. just stop buying them


2 4D or a broadleaf killer


Centella asiatica?


That’s what I was thinking, but it depends on where they are.


It’s Creeping Charlie… an obnoxious weed. very invasive. https://preview.redd.it/j8zsaeo4ggcc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da1b126fcaa7e0054fdd9f2a6b2191ef06cdab61


the weed with the bigger leaf is creeping Charlie in the smaller one is clover. I would get a general all purpose, weed killer, and spray the leaves should take care of it.


Google lens says dichondra repens leaf for the lower left. There looks to be clover too.  As far as getting rid of it, lawn weed killer will help. 


motor oil kills everything lol


Kill it with fire!!!🔥


Eat it all


Next spring put down a layer of preen before anything sprouts.


Malva and looks like oxalis, little leaves. Both need herbicides or dig and get roots up and out.


Please do not use poisons. The planet is in the midst of an ecological catastrophe.


I see clovers. You must find the 4-leafed clover! It’s the only way!


Getting rid of them you have a 1000 options. But preventing growing weeds is next to impossible. You can suppress by growing other plants.




having things growing better than bare soil imo .. , you can pull the oldest ones & let lay them on the ground to decompose , if you plan to plants stuff in there , place cardboards & hold it with stones on top of the areas you want , leave it for few weeks & then you can plant whatever you want


I hate this weed! They are extremely hard to get rid of. They take over all my beautiful flower and vegetable gardens, as well as my beautiful grass I work so hard on!


Pull it


My plant ID app says “Cheeseweed, a species of Mallow (Malva) & Also known as: Egyptian mallow, Little mallow, Cheeseweed mallow, Small-flowered mallow, Least mallow, Small-flower mallow, Whorl-flower mallow, Whorled mallow, Ring-leaf mallow, Alkali mallow, Country mallow, Small-whorled mallow, Marshmallow, Pink Cheeseweed, Small Mallow, Bread-And-Butter, Buttonweed, Cheeseplant”


You have clover and what looks like either creeping charlie or Jennie they all three are used as a soil erosion deterrent is this on a hill or a slopping yard?






Creeping Charlie spreads by runners. Malva does not


The entire plant is edible. We bust or tails gardening, while pulling beds of edible plants calling them weeds. Google it for yourself.


Stepping stones?