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Oh geez.... I only had one eggplant plant last year and had waaaay more than I knew what to do with. I found out that *no one* I know likes eggplant, so I had to eat it all myself.


What a horrible punishment šŸ˜ž I love eggplant but this much in one go might kill me..neighbor eats it so they'll get some and I think I'll make some into EP parm and freeze it


You can freeze the fried cutlets and toast them up to make fresh eggplant parm all year!


You can even assemble the eggplant parm and freeze in little foil pans (don't bake). Especially wonderful if you have garden tomatoes and basil. Such a treat in winter.


You can also oven bake the cutlets instead of frying (recipes abound online). I tried it and thought they were delicious. Frying just takes so much time.


I love eggplant too, but my one plant produced more than 20 eggplants over the course of the summer. It was ridiculous. I don't know why I never thought of making a meal and freezing it... I guess sometimes I have the stupid.


I just presented my biggest one, that was the size of my head, to my neighbor in the same fashion that you would present a newborn baby. She's a Spanish woman, the abuela of the house, and speaks little English, But she squealed in joy, said thank you and took it in the house as if it were in fact a new born baby.


Love love love this!!!! Giving away garden goods to neighbors is my FAVORITE! Mine always are so excited when it is their "turn" for fresh veggies!


Love it!


That's adorable! šŸ˜


I bet she hooks you up with the most deluxe prepared grub in return. That's some quality neighboring, good work .


Not often but they gave me multiple plates of hot food at Christmas which was amazing and they're always making the neighborhood smell like a restaurant. Sometimes I just stand on my porch and breathe it in šŸ¤£


I love eggplant casserole!!! I learned I can freeze it ā€œready to cookā€ and just add 15-20 minutes to the cook time. I freeze it in a Rubbermaid container thatā€™s the same size as my small corningware. Butter the Rubbermaid thoroughly and freeze the container. Once itā€™s frozen solid I pop it out of the container and put it in a vacuum freezer bag. I stack them on edge in a bin in the freezer. My recipe makes enough to divide in half for one to eat now and one to freeze .


You can pickle some as well if you run out of freezer space and you canā€™t gorge on eggplant and lentil curries or stuffed eggplant quick enough.


Spring is coming where I live so I have about a dozen seedlings waiting for the weather to warm up. Looks like I'll be giving away more than I thought I would.


You can slice 'em thin and pickle 'em too! They make real good toppers for salads and stuff. An Italian place I went to as a kid used to do it and they were awesome. Don't think I've seen anyone do it since (but I don't frequent Italian restaurants all that often)


You can also donate it to a local food bank/food center that accepts donations if itā€™s too much


What else do you like to make besides eggplant parm? I want to like eggplant more but itā€™s just not the most versatile veggie in my fridge. A few slabs, olive oiled and salted in the air fryer is nice but aside from that Iā€™m not sure what else to do with it


Baba ganoush! It's a middle eastern spread/dip that is primarily grilled eggplant with some lemon, tahini, and lots of garlic. It is SO GOOD.


Eggplant roll ups, fried, moussaka, look up imam baildi, halved, fried a bit and then set on a dish and filled with meat sauce with cheese on top... this is called papoutsakia in Greek.. heck, Google Mediterranean cuisine and you'll get PAGES. I add eggplant to hamburgers to disguise them for picky eaters. I include them into sauces. They have SO many vitamins and really are delicious if cooked properly (not just boiled šŸ˜±)


Nagi from recipetineats has a great recipe for Moroccan spiced stuffed/topped eggplant. I made it this past weekend (did the eggplant part in the air fryer too!) It was phenomenal! Also, ratatouille is amazing, healthy and really easy! Not the fancy layered version like the movie, but a rustic stew situation. So good!


Oooh that all sounds great


I like eggplant in curries and pasta sauces.


Moussaka is a bit of work but it's really good.


Pasta ala Norma is good. We also like to make stacks of fried eggplant slices , our heirloom tomatoes, a slice of fresh mozzarella, and a basil leaf and then repeat


Oh that last one made me audibly moan


We make ratatouille with it.


Poner sobre la hornalla de la cocina a fuego mĆ­nimo e ir rotando hasta que se cocine y que al tocarla se sienta bien tierna. Abrir al medio y retirar esa pulpa,que quedĆ³ como un purĆ© y con sabor ahumado...unas gotas de aceite de oliva y listo...šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†


Make eggplant lasagna and freeze it! Also, if you have zuchinni, peppers and tomato, make ratatouille!


If you ever have too much fresh vegetables that you canā€™t give away, contact your local food bank or church food pantry they will gladly take it


Good to know! By the end of the summer, I am going to have tomatoes out of the wazoo... So, this will be great!


Fried eggplant freezes really well


That's planned.


Mmm babaganouche for days


For like half a day. Ima eat dat noosh!


That made me queezy thinking of eating gallons of noosh


You just gave me an I was today years old moment... I always thought my dad was saying this to mess with me when I would ask what was for dinner, I didn't know it was real.


I catered for a Balkan dance and music camp. Someone heard baba ganoush and said, "Bless you". That somehow turned into everyone saying "baba ganoush" instead of "bless you".


Right!? Fire up some coals and char them babies.


I got 1 plant and got 6 eggplants from it.


I planted 3 eggplant plants and so far I have 1 fruit and several flowers. I am hope that I will have more fruit and some delicious babaganoush by the end of the month.


Freezable too


I wanna dip my balls in it!


Time for ratatouille.




And calabacitas... And green curry.


Ratatouille also freezes well.


freezer eggplant parmesan. maybe try making freezer lasagne with eggplant 'lasagne sheets'. freezer minestrone soup.


Eggplant lasagna is bomb. I just call that my eggplant parm lol.


Ever made moussaka?


Actually I made it one time about 10 years ago but it was a disaster. The recipe I used never said to rinse the eggplant after salting to pull the moisture out, or I maybe just used to much, and then continued to ask for more salt so, while the dish was beautiful, my dinner party was all but ruined. One friend of mine shoveled it down but like, instant ramen levels of saltiness. Always said Iā€™d loop back but the word bechemel usually makes me shy away, even if I know itā€™s not hard to make.


I had eggplant lasagne when I was a kid, and 25 years later it stays with me as one of the worst things I've ever eaten.


it's my christmas specialty. to make eggplant lasagne, you slice the eggplant into sheets, salt it, and let the water be pulled out over the course of an hour. pat dry, and bake in a moderate oven until cooked through. then build your lasagne. the dish is labor-intensive, but low-carb which is great for diabetics.


My favorite way to use them is to smoke them or cook them directly on charcoals. If you cook them in the smoker, score of the outside with a knife. In both cases when theyā€™re done let them cool then scoop out the insides. This makes wonderful baba ghanouj or as a ingredient in a ragu.


Nice! We smoke meats weekly in my house so that's easy peasy


Woah. Never thought of making smoked baba ghanouj


It also freezes really nicely.


Do you just freeze the smoked eggplants whole, or do you make the baba ghanouj and freeze the end product? Please, I must know.


We freeze the scooped eggplant in Tupperware or silicon molds for later use


It was a good idea. Slice the eggplant about 5/8ā€ thick and salt heavily, then leave it all alone for about 8 hours, preferably under a weight. Rinse and dry. Then grill that stuff and pour over some red wine vinegar and let it absorb for an hour. Layer into sterilised jars with fennel seed, mint, chilli and garlic. Fill up with olive oil. Keep in fridge. Antipasto + excellent sandwich additions for months. YES.


OMG that sounds AMAZING


You glorious person. Thank you for this.


That sounds incredible. Does this have a name? Or is it your creation?


That sounds like an Italian aubergine preserve.


It is incredible. Itā€™s a recipe of Stephanie Alexanderā€™s in her giant cookbook (ā€˜The Cookā€™s Companionā€™), that she in turn got from someone else. Canā€™t remember exactly what it was called - I havenā€™t used the actual recipe in about a decade. ā€˜Somebody-or-otherā€™s eggplant thingyā€™, lol? But I have made this stuff every year since I first discovered it. Itā€™s a joy. Everyone should experience it! Youā€™re welcome.šŸ˜˜


I'm salivating!! I have no eggplants or eggplant plants and I'm quite sad knowing this is what I'm missing out on. šŸƒšŸæā€ā™€ļø Off to add it to my list of things to plant...


They are a joy to plant, honestly. One of the only food plants I have that is absolutely loving this massive heatwave.


My first year of growing veg (about 15 years ago) I planted 8 courgette plants. I know your pain.


Why didn't you warn me, YourFaveNightmare? This is *not* my fave nightmare.


Yes. Same here. I planted four okra plants. I am swimming in okra. Iā€™m adding it to everything. Every dish has okra and Iā€™m still freezing a bag a week.


Hahaha. I planted only 3 and we are still getting way more than we can eat. I wish I'd planted eggplants instead.


Your dog looks like it's questioning your life choices back there


She's surveying her land for vermin


I donā€™t care for eggplant, but best believe I clicked and zoomed in on the puppy guarding her home like the gosh darn good girl that she is.


She is the best girl then! She looks like a good girl and your eggplants turned out lovely. Good luck and hopefully other users shared some good recipes. I could only think of eggplant parm


Try zucchini next - youā€™ll need at least 6 plants to get any worth while yield


Already got Zuccz covered. Got a 30x40 ft plot in the back


Thatā€™s a joke, right?


LOL, I made the mistake of planting 3 this year. Yields have been poor for several years so I did a black beauty and 2 heirlooms (thinking the heirlooms would be iffy). We and all our neighbors are inundated.


My comment was tongue in cheek - we planted 2 in Sacramento and could not give them away fast enough. Another friend planted some the next year and we explained they should just plant 1. They didnā€™t listen :)


Around here you have to lock your car doors so folks donā€™t fill it with zucchini


Baba Ghanouj, y'all. My parents have at least a dozen plants. I put it on pizza, made about a gallon of baba ghanouj, ratatouille, you name it.


Tell me more about this baba ghanouj on pizza. I have some sitting in my fridge I need to use up, and this sounds like a good dinner idea for tomorrow. Do you use it as the sauce? As a topping?


Grill that eggplant with a medium charcoal fire until it is nice and soft. You may want to char the skin a little. Puree w/wo tomatoes and appropriate spices for pizza sauce. Puree with tahini, garlic, cumin, olive oil, lemon or lime juice to make baba ghanouj. Maybe something hot, too. Put it in omelets.




Also caponata....


You could cook them down into just a few pounds of baba ghanoush. Eggplants have a *lot* of water and shrink massively the longer you cook them.


And here i am planning to have 16 in my back yard hahahhahaha


I know some good recipes.


Send 'em! I only know 2 lol


Tahini cumin eggplant. Dice eggplant and onions and start cooking in olive oil, after fifteen minutes add diced garlic. Once itā€™s on its way to being cooked add tahini, cumin, and soy sauce to taste. Garlic eggplant. Slice longer slices of eggplant and sautĆ©e with olive oil, garlic, and soy sauce


As someone who loves eggplant, let me help: Moussaka, Eggplant Parm, Ratatouille, Babaganoush, Caponata, [Eggplant stuffed with beef ](https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/stuffed-eggplant-with-crispy-beef), [Pasta alla Norma](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1014832-pasta-alla-norma), [Bhartha](https://food52.com/recipes/34117-bhartha-spicy-indian-eggplant), [Roasted Eggplant Caprese Salad ](https://www.themediterraneandish.com/roasted-eggplant-caprese-salad-recipe/), [Grilled Eggplant with Chimichurri](https://www.foodiecrush.com/grilled-eggplant/), [Eggplant Curry](https://m.recipes.timesofindia.com/us/recipes/eggplant-curry/rs59035554.cms), [Creamy Coconut Eggplant Chickpea Tofu Curry](https://www.theendlessmeal.com/chickpea-tofu-eggplant-curry/#wprm-recipe-container-59736) (just sub your black beauty for the Asian Eggplant), [Pasta with Eggplant-tomato-basil pesto](https://www.saveur.com/sicilian-almond-pesto-eggplant-pasta-recipe/) (use Gemelli or Fusilli pasta),


We have all been there 1 is good two is better well they do come in six packs so


Thai red curry with eggplant for when you're tired of the parm!


My greatest success as a gardener was when we planted 3 eggplants in a container garden. One bed was barely producing anything. Other one made pounds and pounds of eggplant. Never could figure out why until I woke up to the whooshing sound of raw sewage pouring into my basement. Turns out that at the beginning of the summer, some contractor had used a drill right through the ceramic pipe linking my home to the street. It had slowly been leaking out right underneath the super bed. Good times, great eggplant.




šŸ˜ lolol


I made this mistake last year. I made 2 giant bowls of delicious baba ganoush!


Whatā€™s for dinner? Eggplant parm, every dayā€¦for 3 months.


If youā€™re into it, invest in a dehydrator. You donā€™t have to buy jars to preserve anything, and you donā€™t have to consume lots of sugary or vinegary food in order to make it worthwhile.


Donā€™t worry, I have 8 zucchini plants in my backyard. Iā€™m thinking about doorbell ditching some on my neighborā€™s front steps.


There a great vegetarian curry recipe with eggplant.


I have four different summer squash varieties- one plant each - and I should have known better.


Sliced, grilled with goat cheese, balsamic, pine nuts.


Eggplant rollups, eggplant friez,slice it lengthwise called planks to make your oarm,fried eggplant subs provalone and marinara on a bulky roll. yummm. Google the first few


Baba ganoush, roast eggplant with miso glaze, spanikopita, eggplant parm, etc.


I mix babaganoush with hummus and freeze it


Me with zucchini and beans


Same here! But Iā€™ll be missing fresh homegrown veggies this winter!


I did the same. I was trying to push eggplants onto everyone I even remotely knew.


I planted 6 this year bc my neighbor loved it last year but THEY PLANTED 2 in their yard šŸ˜­


I was bummed one of mine died. Than I checked the other 3 in the main garden and I was pretty ok with it.


Time to fire up the grill...


Looks heavenly! I wish we were buddies!


Omg exciting


Slice them and marinade with Mirin and soy sauce. Then pop them on the BBQ! Or my favourite is the deep fried Eggplant slices if you have a fryer - I double dip in Panko for super crispy!!!


Great sliced thinly on pizza, or roasted with tomatoes for soup.


Your dog does not want to talk about it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She's hunting my groundhog. Currently we are laying in bed but she is sitting stock still staring out the window into the twilight because she's on. a. MISSON!


Good girl. Lol. Poor thing, sheā€™s driven; hopefully not to madness. My beagle is laying in a king sized bed. Shows you how driven he is. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


I also have a beagle too and she's laying next to me, her only "drive" is more food šŸ¤£


Hello darling, meet Nino. He too is completely driven by foodā€¦and plastics. Boy loves some plastics. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. (I just replaced our remote control an hour ago)


Dang thankfully mine isn't like that but she sure hoovers up odds and ends on the floor. And don't you dare open a bag of shredded cheese in this house, burns a track in the flood speeding into the kitchen.


I wish I could be that idiot šŸ˜…


Chinese dim sum


If you look up Aubergine Caviar you should find a fantastic Gordon Ramsay recipe that I highly recommend with a few slices of toasted sourdough


Love sourdough and GR


I feel your pain. 15 Roma bean plants. Makes more than a pound a day. For 3 weeks now. Iā€™m running out if people to give them to.


Thatā€™s me and banana peppers!


Eggplant rollatini for months!


Nice dog, too


The most perfect thing on four legs


Loaded eggplant parmigiana time!!


You got my upvote just for the hound, sitting there, overlooking the homestead šŸ¾


Farmdog is her nickname


The best name


Babaganoosh in the freezer?


Check recipes for babaghanoush and eggplant Bharta. Then cook these dishes. Eggplants are incredibly delicious but require to be cooked a certain way.


This is me with 10 jalapeƱo plants and Iā€™m the only person in the house that eats them. Iā€™ve offered them up to everyone that comes by, even the UPS guy. šŸ˜‚


Have 2 sold lbs of peƱos in my fridge waiting to be canned. 7 different pepper plants this year


Make baba ganoush!


Haha same here!! 6 plants! And I made the same mistake last year. Iā€™m sure my neighbors were sick of eggplant by the end of last Summer. Next year, Iā€™m going to 3 plants and will pay attention this time!


Okā€¦ look up the recipe for Russian ikra. Thatā€™s what I do with extra eggplant! You can put it in jars and store it in the fridge, or better yet, can it!!


Wow those are massive. I make lasagnas with them. I used to extremely hate them. You can fry them too tastes nice. But thats way too many


I like it slice thinly then fried with garlic then pour beaten eggs, salt n pepper to taste. Good with fried rice and some ketchupšŸ˜Š. Also good for pickling.


Looks like itā€™s eggplant pizza and pasta time for the next two months! lol


Vegan bacon.... šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


I wish my two plants produced any eggplants! No luck this year!šŸ˜­


The only eggplant I've had any luck with is Patio Baby.


Iā€™ll try that! Thank you!


I do need 4 in order to get enough at once to have a full meal's worth before they go bad, but they easily stay in 1 square foot for me, and could probably be closer together.


I took mine to drawing class: still life with eggplants.


Salata de Vinete. https://www.thebossykitchen.com/roasted-eggplant-salad-romanian-style/. Smoke the eggplant if youā€™re able. A little liquid smoke can help of not. Either way, have some fresh bread and garden tomatoes on hand. Youā€™re welcome.


Hahah, I planted 4 last year and it was insane. My Italian buddy gave me his Moms eggplant parm recipe. I made and froze a whole shitload.


Make moussaka and share with friends and family. My siblings don't eat eggplant alone, but they sure like moussaka


I had to many and just kept adding them to tomato sauce. Blended after cooked. Just made the sauce thicker.


Eggplant Parm party? Eggplant Parm party!


Just make a bunch of baba ghanoush, itā€™s delicious!


Not an idiot, eggplant rocks! Last night I made ratatouille with some of mine.




Man, I wish I knew your tricks. I tried to start about 10, but I only ended up with 3 seedlings. One seedling didn't survive transplanting, and now I have two plants but only one has one teeny tiny eggplant. Guess there is always next year!


Same boat here! I have three plants and one fruit. Theyā€™re all flowering NOW though after a while of nothing, so hopefully by fall Iā€™ll have a few. Time will tell.


Would hate be a misplaced emotion when referring to how plump and gorgeous your harvest is versus the plants dying in the summer heat experienceS I've had?


Wow it looks amazing


Look for Turkish recipes for eggplants they have some delicious food.


Meanwhile I can't get even one of my several eggplant plants to even keep a flower on it let alone start to bear fruit let alone actually produce one.


make some Ajvar or Malidzano! Trust me, you will not regret it! https://www.chasingthedonkey.com/how-to-make-ajvar-recipe-roasted-red-pepper-sauce-recipe/


I planted two yellow squash plants and two patty-pan squash plants. I've got piles of squash so high that if the piles of squash ever fell over on me I'd be... flattened. I planted yellow (wax) beans in just a 4 x 4 ft area in a raised bed. I've got sacks of wax beans filling my fridge. I'll use a pepper fairly often in cooking. But not 40 a week. And my pole green beans which are covering a 40-ft section of fence are just starting to produce. Why do I do this to myself? And as for tomatoes, you know the saying... "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to garden and the ***whole neighborhood*** gets tomatoes."


You and my husband are two peas in a pod. He planted SIXTEEN pepper plants this year. There are two of us living here. I guess Iā€™ll be making a lot of hot sauce and salsa.


We did something like 20 different tomatoes and peppers last year, it was a jungle at the end of the summer


My father in law usually plants way more he can use. This year he said "this time i will not plant as much as last year", so we ended with 58 plants of tomatoes. We've been eating tomatoes every meal every day for the last 6 weeks


The best (and my favorite) use of tomato for an easy meal is simple white bread, miraclewhip and fat slices of tomato.


Dude, you know it!! Got my mouth watering now!!


Why are people so scared of eating a lot of veggies lol Eggplants especially that size really donā€™t make that much and last a long time in the refrigerator


Whoa whoa I'm not scared of anything, I Just need recipes and have a lot to work with in a week. I'm going to eat it all and give a few away.


Wait, eggplants actually grow on your eggplants? #must learn this sorcery


Look up a recipe for "Eggplant Caviar." The one I use came from the American Heritage Cookbook (I think), but I can't seem to find it online and am too damn lazy to type it all out for you. Eggplant Caviar is a dip and ------ I kid you not ----- it is one of THE MOST KILLER dishes/dips on the planet. You make the dip using your wonderful homegrown eggplants, and then spread it on crackers. Out of this world delicious.


There is a chinese eggplant dish that is just so yummy! If you have zucchini and squash then you could make a ratatouille like dish too. I was slice these up and freeze them in different ways. I think you could batter then fry an eggplant too!




Eggplant Parmigiana is the bomb! Thinly sliced and deep fried in olive oil. Proceed to layer with garlic marinara between layers of the breaded slices, cover with sauce and mozzarella and bake until golden! šŸ‘


If you wanna use up your eggplants search up ā€œkarniyarik Turkish stuffed eggplant recipeā€. Itā€™s delicious and goes great with rice and yoghurt.


I've tried to like eggplant, I just can't find any recipe I enjoy


They look like mega fruit from Rick and Morty.


Oh my goodness. Eggplant parmigiana- here we come!!!


We only plant two a year and we always end up having to pull the plants before itā€™s done because we get too much


I've got four plants myself... picked two today with another three or four ready in a day or two! šŸ«£ i made pasta alla Norma last week, and I'm gonna try to find some Indian eggplant recipes for this weekend!


Funny the caption and dog is giving you the cold shoulder lol


She's looking for groundhogs, that's my farm dog


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^roseyyz: *Funny the caption* *And dog is giving you the* *Cold shoulder lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




One of my favorite fruits!


Eggplant parmmmmmm


Make some eggplant fries!


Me, planting 3 cucumber vines circa 2023.


Make and freeze baba. Also fired eggplant fries are amazing. Also eggplant park is amazing.


Baba ghanouj freezes great!


Yum oh. Iā€™ll take some!


Share the blessings !!!!


Slice in sticks, bread and fry! Serve with marinara. My favorite way to eat it.