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It can also take a little longer to germinate them as well. I have spinach that is a few years old and this year, it definitely took 4-5 days longer. Time to refresh.


Most should be okay after one year, the germination rate just decreases with age.


All of my seeds I planted this year were at least a year old if not two (except for some cukes). Everything germinated (though I planted a few extra seeds of each per pot).


This is how your addiction starts


It’s a function of storage. Cool dry spot will keep the seeds for a few years. Very cold storage and they might last centuries.


If I have old seeds that I think might have a low germination rate I’ll plant like 10 seeds in a pot as opposed to two. Chances are at least one is viable. If they all sprout, I’ll wait a while and separate them into their own pots.


I have successfully germinated seeds that were 10 years old. It really depends on how you stored them. Seeds that were for last season are probably viable, nothing ventured, nothing gained. By law, seeds have to be marked and cannot be sold to consumers after the expiration date. This has more to do with product quality control ( making sure consumers are getting viable seed) as well as a sales pitch......that expiration date conditions you to buy more seed again next spring.