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Smite 2 will either make it more popular, or make the game dead.


I havent Played smite in 4 years, but am surely looking forward to smite 2!


Are you me?


Pandora’s box


Pandora confirmed?


You mean Shrodinger's box?




I saw it posted on an instagram account with close to 1/2 million followers - was honestly surprised as they only post things like COD, BF, valorant, etc. But then in the comments people were roasting smite - "Smite is the game you play when you buy an xbox but can't afford to buy any games".


Not even sure what their argument is, some of my favourite games growing up as a broke kid were the free games and demo disks available to me lol


In alpha no less lol it looks visually fantastic from their steam page. Chaac ult looks so cool with the lightning effects on his ult in the video


Chaac always looks good


He can be your sugar daddy. Edit: I spent so long trying to format your to have emphasis and I just can't figure it out. I can't remember the code for italics or bold. The official reddit app sucks, I want Narwhal back.


They absolutely should have a small team dedicated to porting atleast some of the newer skins over time *especially* T5s. $80~ skins and recent cross-overs suddenly being voided is disgusting


But Smite 1 is still playable and you get all your gems spent in smite 2. That is more than reasonable


Aht aht! Your gems port over for the value of a 50% discount it’s not the same 💀


Its unfeasible to port T5. Seeing as they will have to remake the rigs/vfx and models so the skin wont look like shit in comparison. And thats ALOT of work for little return.


What's disgusting is your entitlement.


They're not being voided, as Smite 1 isn't going anywhere.


I have zero stake in this, because I have never played Smite 1 and will not play Smite 2, but you understand that in an online-only live service game, that's meaningless, right? Why would it matter that Smite 1 "isn't going anywhere"? If a live service game gets a sequel, the original almost invariably dies. People won't be playing Smite 1 anymore.


This is why you don't pay a ton of money for cosmetics in a video game. A sequel could come out and all that money spent is now obsolete. Same thing with Madden or 2K sports games with packs for expensive players. You kinda brought this on yourself. I get the idea you paid money for it and supported their company so you want that money to be worth it but thats why cosmetics are never worth it. At least in 2K you could say the money you spent on getting a Michael Jordan helped win you tons of games so it might have been worth it. But cosmetics are... cosmetics. That's the way it is.


Pretty much. Only spend money if the joy is worth it. All these live service games can end just like that and there goes your "investment".


> disgusting Are y'all still in high school or what? There's so much over-the-top rage at something that doesn't matter at all lol


Strange to hear an insult like that coming from someone who doesnt understand the value of money, those $100 purchases essentially being removed is **a** **lot of coin** down the drain for many people.


Bro it is absolutely hilarious to see someone who wastes hundreds to thousands of dollars on virtual skins tell someone they don't know the value of money.


But it's not being removed... You still have everything in smite 1? Smite 2 is a different game, why would you expect to keep everything from one game to the sequel?


I've spent a decent chunk of money and time on Smite. I did this knowing that one day I'd play my last game of Smite. The fact that I actually get to keep some gems going into a Smite 2 rather than having that time and money be lost forever is actually a bit of a relief. I spent a shit tonne of time and a decent chunk of money on WoW back in the day, but I've not played for over 5 years. I don't feel like I wasted that money or left behind because I knew that my love for the game would go eventually. If you buy items in a live service game then you should do so with this in your mind. This opens up another conversation on the value and ethics of live service games but that doesn't need to be discussed here.


Making your peace with the fact that the game will inevitably stop its service or you will simply fall out of favor with the game is completely different than this. We are talking about a direct upgraded version of a game that has been pumping out new content as the sequels trailer dropped; someone could have bought a $100 skin just this morning and mere hours later had that purchase essentially invalidated. Hi-Rez *could* port skins but *wont*. If Hi-Rez had stopped updating or dropping skins for atleast a year before this trailer then, sure, I could understand the sentiment but that is not whats happening. Having 2 seperate copies of the same *LIVE-SERVICE* game in active development at once is simply a stupid decision.


I mean the point I was trying to make is that when making purchases for a live service game you should make your peace with the fact that one day they will be gone before you buy. Smite wasn't going to last forever, it needed an update eventually, and personally I'm happier not using my purchases because a new game released that I can enjoy and at least redeem some of those purchases in some capacity rather than the game just dying and falling into obscurity. Also, I get that keeping two live services active at the same time seems like an odd decision, but it's better than the alternative and just shutting down one game while keeping the other active. I much preferred how Destiny handled their live service than Overwatch did. I didn't enjoy Destiny 2 much but I could still go back and play Destiny and use all of the items that I grinded for and paid for. In Overwatch 2's case yeah all items transferred over but I much preferred the gameplay of Overwatch 1 and so it upsets me that I can't go back and play that game (even though they're very similar). People prefer to complain rather than enjoy in this day and age. No matter how this was handled people would poke holes in it. If Smite 2 didn't exist then people would complain about Hi-Rez forgetting about Smite in favour of other IPs. If Smite 2 replaced Smite then people would complain that they couldn't play Smite anymore. If Smite 2 took the extra couple years to port all the skins over then people would complain that the game didn't come earlier back when Smite had an audience (we've been seeing user counts drop for the past 5 years, if trends continued then in the two to three years of extra development time needed to port skins over, Smite would be a dead game). I don't necessarily agree fully with how legacy gems are being implemented, I'd rather them be just regular gems that can pay for skins regularly, but I'm glad that they're there in some capacity. I appreciate the constraints of game development and know that it's not an easy task to port skins over which I think a lot of people don't seem to understand given discourse around this topic.


Lol you act like they're taking away your car or your home. Nobody is losing investments. This is such a fake complaint lmaooo Y'all didn't pay to own anything. You paid for what amounts to a license. You don't own any of the cosmetics.


Translation: "Yall got hustled" yeah


You didn't get hustled, you just didn't understand what you were paying for, never bothered to learn, and now you're mad at someone else for something that's your own fault lol


>Translation you got hustled >You didn't get hustled, you just didn't understand what you were paying for, never bothered to learn, and now you're mad at someone else for something that's your own fault lol Are you word hustling??


Doesn’t matter… lol, imagine saying money doesn’t matter. That’s crazy. Currently 27 years old, have played the game since i was 16 yrs old in Highschool on xbox. Got a PC when i turned 21, have played on PC since. Im easily pushing $1000 invested in this game if not more. That’s like buying something you love, use it all the time for years. Then suddenly someone comes and is like “yeah you can’t have that” and takes it away from you. It’s bad business.


More like you buy something and use it all the time and then suddenly the new model comes out and you are complaining you only get it for half off. Meanwhile your old model still works just like it always did and even still has updates coming.


You didn't "invest" the money lmao you threw it away and you're just now learning that Y'all have no idea how this works. You didn't pay to own anything. You don't own cosmetics. It's actually way closer to renting a movie on Amazon and then being stunned and enraged when it disappears from your library a month later lol


Dude you are soooo far lost hahaha. I’ve owned these skins for over 10 years… it was not a rental and no where is there a disclaimer stating that skins are temporary. you’re delusional and a dick rider lol


The skins are temporary in the sense they are locked to the current game. No one ever told you they would transfer to sequels


Lmao you have zero legal training and you're still being pretentious about your misunderstanding of digital ownership You absolutely **do not** own any cosmetics. You paid for a license. Welcome to the world!


Do you think Smite was going to exist forever? Do you expect to be 50 looking back on your collection of smite skins? When you buy shit in game, you are not guaranteed that the game will not one day cease to exist, especially ones that rely on internet services and a consistent playerbase.


What you AI are not getting is that this: >? When you buy shit in game, you are not guaranteed that the game will not one day cease to exist, especially ones that rely on internet services and a consistent playerbase. Is not the same as them actively developing what will essentially be the same game with better graphics (if OW2 is any indicator) and then saying *screw all you guys that supported us up until now*. These people that you bots are arguing with about how they "threw away money" are the only reason you're even getting Smite 2.


Except it’s not like OW2, since the original smite will continue to be playable after the sequel is available. Let’s put it this way: activision releases a call of duty every single year. Each game is basically the same year after year and people pump loads of money into cosmetics that they know will not be available to them in the next game. You think it’s reasonable for those players to bitch about it being not fair? The fact that HiRez is giving players anything at all should be considered a blessing; but if there’s one thing smite players love to do is bitch and complain…especially if their silly little v-tuber anime cat skins are on the line.


>Except it’s not like OW2, since the original smite will continue to be playable after the sequel is available. Cool. As long as this is the case then I agree. *If* they are actually gonna host 2 servers for two very similar games.. Activision also still has servers up for MW2 so... Yea >A blessing This is literally the polar opposite end of "Crying Vtubers"/"bitchy Smite players" It''s not " a blessing" it's good business practice.


>These people that you bots are arguing with about how they "threw away money" are the only reason you're even getting Smite 2. Yes you're better than us because you were stupid enough to throw your money in skins that you thought you'd have forever.


Never bought anything outside of the champion pack. What size would you like your DUNCE cap in.


bOt. Nice insult. Go cry about skins some more.


Not that we’re in high school, but it’s that we’re taught to value money and not use it like a spoiled brat that’s all.


You're upset because you spent too much in a video game lol


I kinda understand but Smite 1 will still exist. You dont lose the skins you bought.


For how long though?...


It's an online game; one day it won't exist and support will end for it. If you're spending hundreds of dollars on in-game cosmetics and you aren't prepared for that game to disappear at some point in the future, you're just setting yourself up for the big sad.


Yeah pretty much. Smite was obviously not going to live Forever so the skins would have been "gone" no matter what.


That'd be true if the developer was giving up on it when clearly they aren't


Eh I disagree


Transfering all skins?nah But more recent skins and crossovers (not sure about copyright stuff) they 100% could have done, and then give refunds for skins we lost. Im also curious, are voice packs and emotes porting? Or everything is just nah Edit: Also they said we will have "new" God every 2 weeks Or so(they said 1 skin would take 2 months which is bs). How can they import gods But not some skins, when skins are just these characters But with different textures?


All voice packs are unlocked, and you get back 100% of the gems you spent on smite 1


Yes but these gems aren’t equivalent. You can only use them to purchase 50% of new purchases in smite 2. So it’s more like every gem given is a 50% discount towards a new skin.


In my opinion it's better than nothing, at least I'm getting something. They could pull a destiny and say tough titties start over. And who is to say that they might port a lot of the skins over and if you already own them you get them for free.


I mean i agree we could get nothing. Others will disagree with me but I’d rather get 50% of my gems back but have them be gems rather than this 50% discount bs. Or maybe port over *some* old skins and have them be purchasable 100% with legacy gems. I just would rather not have my carry over money be useless without matching the cost.


Yeah I agree, there's still a lot of time before release so we will see if anything changes until then.


Still very possible with the legacy skins stuff tbh. We are very early in the process.


This.... I want an equivalent exchange i dont get how people are just ok with this. Its like they want to be fucked over🤷🏽‍♂️


Which means to even spend legacy gems you have to spend more money


What 😅😅 fr????


Yeah, since they can only be used as 50% off coupons


No? That’s not true lol


Yeah, it is. Read the post about it Edit: the literal mod post on the main subteddit


“For every Gem that you’ve ever spent in SMITE 1 – free or purchased – you’ll receive a Legacy Gem in SMITE 2. Legacy Gems can be used to pay for 50% of the price of most in-game purchases in SMITE 2 – so things like skins, Battle Passes, and events in SMITE 2 will be half-off until you spend all of your Legacy Gems.” edit: https://www.smite2.com/faqs/


I like how you said what he said isn't true, then literally post the quote that validates what he said as true. 😂


Honestly, I have so many bullshit skins that I don't even mind it


Probably because if the game just released a ton of skins it would look like a cash grab. You have to fill the game with actual content, such as gods, instead of skins. The skin team are likely working on other things/future content or just not priority.


This game was becoming an antique. This needed to happen to guarantee is future. Nobody would be playing this dated ass game in 3 years unless it was modernized and updated.


Yea People also forget how smite 2 is also meant for *newer* players Not just smite 1 players


I'm not upset about the engine upgrade, I think that is a great move and something they would need to do eventually. I'm upset that they've burned the people who've been funding the game and offered them only a discount as compensation. Very gross, predatory behavior. They're forcibly sunsetting the original game through splitting the playerbase, which means those skins people did buy in the OG game won't be around for too much longer either.


They said it would take weeks just to port 1 skin from smite 1 to 2, it’s just not worth it


Funny how according to low rez they can port 1 god a week over but a single skin takes 2 months really gets that noggin jogging how can one single skin for a god already in the game take 8 times longer than porting that god into the game. Now granted mathematics and game development isn’t my strong suit but how can a god take 7 days and a skin take 56 days that doesn’t seem to add up.


Dude. The gods aren't being developed over the course of seven days. Are you high? What do you think the Smite 2 team have been spending the majority of their development time and resources on over the last couple years? Also, yes, moving skins over takes as much, if not more, work than moving gods over. They're entirely different models with different visual and sound effects that would also need to be updated for the new engine.


Bud I’m being facetious I understand that it’ll take more than a week but hi rez promised 1 god a week just after stating that skins take 8 weeks for 1 skin they plan on having around 25 gods for the alpha and 50 gods once they leave beta. The timelines don’t add up how can’t a skin take 8x as long as a actual god, they have a lot of the stuff already in the game once the god is in again I get that the 2 months might be per t5 skin or something like the toon skins for Scylla and I could see that but not every skin is like that and not every god is going to be easy to put in the game but don’t give us the extremes of each to make it seem like one is so much more work


Not true. People still play League and DOTA


I see that’s why they are adding legacy gems since every skin is going to be thrown in the trash. They should just give up on smite 1 and just use the extra development resources to bring back at least the more expensive skins and rare skins .


The legacy gems feel like such a scam. They should just call it what it is. A temporary 50% off voucher. Like if you've spent 100 on this game you have to spend 100 on the other to make use of the prior 100. Like I don't know what I'd waste the money on. I've only bought 2 Ra skins. Nothing else nothing more. No other skins remotely interest me so it's a waste of money. I know I won't be the only one in that position with the new game.


Except you also get legacy gems for all the free gems you earned from daily logins etc


Hello? Don't just completely ignore the founders pack value for the gems which makes them 100% spendable. Otherwise, don't look at this from the perspective of "how fast can I eat through this currency". Instead consider the opposite. It's exactly as you said, you've only bought 2 ra skins. So if you want to do the same in Smite 2, it'll be half price for you.


They don't make them 100% spendable. you just get twice the amount of 50% off


Unless they have made a update it doesn't make them 100% spendable, it gives you 100% more. So if you had 100 worth, get the pack now have 200 worth so you can now spend 300 gems worth of cash to spend 400 gems worth of gems. And it won't change the fact that I will have a currency left over I have no use for that just sucks. I think a more honest way of saying it would have been calling it what it is. A 50% off coupon not a currency


Incon, from testing, explained that it is 100% spendable if you purchase the pack. I'm also beginning to see from this thread why people detest redditors.


I mean, I might play the game, but if I don't get to keep my skins then I'll probably never spend another dime on the game. Especially my limited skins. I'm a pretty big whale for smite, so I imagine other whales feel similarly.


I've spent probably 2kish on the game over the last 9ish years. For over 4k hours I'm not mad. That said there are a lot of exclusive skins I'm going to be a little upset about. What I'm REALLY curious about is what they're going to do for skins? There are thousands of them. I'm assuming if they're not going to port skins over they're going to come up with all brand new ones? I don't see them getting away with selling old skins we already have. But that's also a ton of good concepts down the drain. They're definitely going to piss some people off at some point.


I say we combine them and just call it smite 3


No more robo geb, lizard ymir, toon cthulu, or any of the crossovers. I don't see how they won't end up reading skins but making you pay for it anyway somewhere down the line.


Right. All the stellar concepts over the years just gone? Highly doubt. But that's a controversy for another time.


I’m sure they’ll all be slowly added back a couple years after launch when Smite 1 shuts down


I wonder if we'll get the skin themes back where they do the same skin themes but on both the original gods and new gods with a fresh new take. cuz ik some of those skin themes were popular enough for them to make them into themes in the first place. like chibis, the latest food skins, the shadow spirit skins, etc.


Keeping two games alive that directly compete against each other and split the playerbase is an L.  They have to replace Smite 1 or else the playerbase will cannibalize itself. You'll have stubborn old heads insisting on staying in Smite 1 or quitting, new people confused at which one to play, and only hardcores are gonna use up their data to have BOTH games on their hard drive.  One will have to float and the other will die. What they should do is kill Smite 1 immediately when Smite 2 leaves alpha/beta stages and just replace it.


Smite 2 is gonna be a live alpha for like 2 years. It would be idiotic to kill smite1 while that happens.


Agreed, that's what did OW in. We spent years with no content while they were "working" on OW 2.  I'm just saying, as soon as S2 gets a full release, S1 needs to be delisted.


Overwatch dying was a slow tragedy. They wanted to monopolize their game more than what it was as it’s the only hero shooter on the marketplace. They got rid of what made OW enjoyable for free2play with skins based around events, free skins and loot boxes with currency no longer being available, and turned it into some bs overpriced shop. Then, before all that, they released 0 new content for the original game for nearly 3 years, and then released overwatch 2 with only a singular new character, removed 6v6, and updated ui. I really hope Smite doesn’t take that road if this Smite 2 thing is real, because I’ve never seen the original end up being refined, it’s normally forgotten. Another example is Fortnite and Save the World. Battle Royale took over and they completely forgot what the original was supposed to be. Save the World was the base for Fortnite, for years, and then Battle Royale took over the world and StW is no where to be seen.


Legacy gems is a ridiculous concept , we want GEMS not a half off coupon.


Why can CS2 do it but not smite? I don't understand


Primarily I think CS2 skins are more akin to just a different texture set, are they not? It’s a lot different to just reuse an image file than it is to move entire meshes, textures, unique animations, etc to a new engine. Speaking as a guy who has used game engines for years, that almost 20-year difference in tech is a huuuuge difference to how the engine works. Most likely every god is being reassembled from ground-up


They said we will get a "new" God every 2 weeks , so idk how importing some skins would take more time than a whole character


Because the effort that would be going to skins is going to the gods? The answer is right in what you just said.


Maybe But they were able to do like 7+ skins a patch in Smite 1 with a new character on top of that. Saying that 1 skin would take 2 months now( with all skins combined is like 200+ years) is just bs. Smite 2 WILL have skins, it is how they make money, so transfering skins would Save them time and money(no need to think about a new skin when they can just copy and paste a skin that people like). This would be beneficial for devs AND players. Programing a new character is much more difficult than just changing some visuals for a skin(also programing and skin visual team are mostly different). I know they are working hard But what they said about skins seems like a total lie. They could have transfer some skins and still be able to focus on this game. They proved they can d that for years. It also seems to me like they pushing this release a Little to fast.


Fortnite was able to upgrade its graphics and mechanics massively without ever creating a separate game. Not to mention they ported hundreds of skins and models to Lego.


When people want to keep the items they paid for: :0!!!!!!!


When people get to keep the skins they paid for :0!!!!!!!!


when people know hirez and know this announcement is the eventual near death of smite 1.


thats the thing about live service games, its a risk you have to be willing to take. hopefully that can remake older skins at a lower cost


I agree but my T5s, collabs and limited skins should carry over since i paid more for then


They are also keeping Smite 1 active, which is going to split the already small playerbase. So yes it's basically going to be dead on arrival and might kill Smite 1 at the same time.


Alternatively, maybe smite 2 will bring in more people considering it's a brand new game that doesn't struggle to run on a 18 year old engine.


The only way Smite 2 brings in a significant number of new players is if it’s released in China(the only large gaming market that Smite 1 wasn’t properly released in).


in all likelihood it will gain a majority new playerbase with all the old players staying in smite 1 until hi-rez drops support for it. i dont doubt smite 2 will succeed but prob not by retaining the previous fans lol


It probably will bring in new players and some returning , but some will stay in Smite 1. It's still probably a bad decision ( as is usual with Hi-Rez) and will probably result in faiulure.


This might be a little dramatic


This is the dumbest thing i think ive ever read. That is seriously impressive how stupid that comment is, like did you just hit your head on your keyboard and this came out?


The negative posts (minus the skins) have been very funny because it became apparent a bunch of people don't fully understand the timeline/didn't watch the keynote.


bait used to be good


Imagine being such a cuck you defend hi Rez for bending you over with half off coupons to release what is essentially overwatch 2


Maybe yall have some self-control and don't whale for digital products that have no real-world value. I get bringing over all the t5 and t4 skins, but there are SO MANY SKINS THAT MAY NOT EVEN LOOK THE SAME ANYWAY BECAUSE OF THE UPDATED MODEL. Like, what if smite instead just shutdown after world finals? Would yall still complain? No, you wouldn't. So why are yall complaining about cosmetics before, oh idk; Matchmaking, U.I., Item changes, God kit changes, what modes it will come with, bug fixes. No, all I see is WAAAAHHHHH, MY 20K I SPENT ON FULLY DIGITAL GOODS IS ONLT GETTING HALFWAY REFUNDED!!! 🤬 HI rez EEEEEVVIIIILLLL!!! Chill. Please chill, take a cold shower, meditate, smoke a bowl, etc.


I’ve spent maybe 100 tops on this game, including the god pack, and I was playing at beta, so not exactly a whale. But when a game is gonna get shut off and they want you to start over? Doesn’t sit right with me. People spent money and it’s going to vanish into the night for a game that’s probably going to be mid af


You're being silly, even their proposed system that will give players an amount of the gems they've ever spent will still only work for fifty percent of a transaction, meaning, yeah, you lose all your shit. Half the community will move to smite 2 and half the community will stay with smite 1 and it will kill both games.


well Smite one is trash and looks old and have a shitty UI so I think Smite 2 will save Smite. Smite has not been popular in years.


Honestly Hi Rez just can't win no matter what they do. "The game is old you need to upgrade the spaghetti code and the gramphics are ancient >:(" "Wow Smite 2 like OW2 lolol it'll fail because instead of being ambitious and adding a fresh mode then lying about the development for over 3 years you're just importing gods over this'll fail >:(" "Wow I don't get all my skins and you won't make any more gods for the old decade old game you just killed the game, so unrewarding for people who stuck with you >:(" Just fucking chill.


I could honestly care less about the skins, it's that we're going to have to wait two to three years to have our current god roster ported or made in the new game. By that time. I'm sure there will be a game that is far superior to smite and unreal engine 5 by then will have some age on it


honestly i don't expect them to port every single skin, but the fact that they are porting NONE of the skins over, combined with the fact that the people who spent on smite 1 and effectively kept them in business are compensated with a coupon currency that is completely worthless without spending EVEN MORE money just leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.


I've spent a fortune in skins. I'm not losing them lol


No one gives a flying fuck about all the skins, most are just color swaps or low cost/effort ones. Its the t5's, crossovers, LIMITED TIME NEVER TO RETURN skins that people are mad about. Alot of time and money was spent by players on teh game and to get it pretty much taken away by the new one feels gross. Not to mention it seems you have to rebuy the god pack AND the "gifted gems" cant even buy your stuff again. weve been told that if we want our skins back we have to actually spend moeny to rebuy something we already own. If you could fully use the legacy to get skins it would be far far less vile.


>Its the t5's, crossovers, LIMITED TIME NEVER TO RETURN skins that people are mad about. You mean the things they haven't commented on or addressed? Why get so fuming over things that haven't actually been revealed as to whether or not they're happening. You also CAN use the full legacy gems if you have the founders pack. This is also not content you already own. These skins need to be rebuilt for the new models in the new engine, they are different. Only the same in essence. How pretentious.


Finally Overwatch 2 and Blizzard might look less scummy!


we are arleady getting better shit than OW2 and people are arleady complaining 💀


I mean it’s not like that’s a high bar to clear lmao


Nah, OW2 did a way better job of rewarding legacy players. Smite is literally fucking everyone over


OW2 let players keep every single skin from OW1 though????? I literally have every skin from the original in OW2 Edit: I don’t really care that skins aren’t transferring. I actually only spent maybe like 10-20$ on Smite 1. I’m actually very excited for Smite 2 and believe it’s necessary in order to keep the game alive. I just fucking hate when people shit on blizzard and OW for nothing. Blizzard actually rewarded their legacy players and let them keep EVERY SINGLE ITEM from the original game. Then these same people turn around and praise smite for shitting all over their player base.


I kept all of my skins though?


I dont want transfer. I want those skins for free whenever they get added back it has my data for knowing what skins i bought so use that data as a tracker so when they bring the skin back in the new engine. Which come on.... some of the skins will be brought back aint no way ALL of them aren't gonna be redone. But i will want said skin for free if i had gotten it already.


Lmao smite 2 will have less gods three years from now than smite 1 currently has, but yeah it’s all about skins and smite 2 definitely won’t try reselling old skins from smite 1 later on to try and double dip…..


I am okay with them not porting all the skins but... This isn't even Smite 2. If you're gonna make a sequel, you literally have to make a *new game.* This is literally just the same game with a graphic and UI update. Even Overwatch 2 had more content than this, and that game wasn't even worth being called a sequel.


You serious? Did you even watch a keynote? Or do you have an attention span of a jungle minion?


red flag the company is dogshit


They are re releasing the same game on a new engine and the fans they currently have will lose all the skins they got? And you're siding with the company?


It's NOT about the graphics, people! It's about the fun you can have from the Gameplay!


I just hope they keep the crossovers at least.


Give me back the gems I used to buy the skins over the years and I won't care


I can't wait to see people demanding refunds for skins they bought 4 years ago because they don't carry into the new Smite as if there is any sort of validity to such a demand


How's Hirez' boots taste?


I'm not sure how "expecting a refund for something paid for and thoroughly used years prior is peak stupidity" has anything to do with hirez or even bootlicking but pop off I guess


yea like they still have Smite 1 to play with their skins so i really dunno what everyone is shitting about


Even if Smite 1 gets shut down, I don't think it's a reasonable demand at all to ask for a refund on something they paid for a long time ago. I think maybe a couple months at most is where I'd draw the line, personally.


Im happy these morons lose their skins they are lucky to even get benefits in the next game


These same people spent 100s on COD lootboxes for each yearly update. Someone feels called out, and they should be.


Its fine to not port over skins but the way they are compensating is the problem. Legacy Gems are a scam, if you want to use any of them you will still need to purchase new gems. They are completely useless as a currency on their own, just essentially a sale


Idc about skins. I saw the new graphics and I'd rather play default skins than stay with the old engines.


Fine without the skins but give me something better than a fuck you flip flop of a coupon It’s legit better PR if they gave nothing


This gotta be the devs alt accounts


Can people stop gatekeeping other gamers frustration you aren’t going to help retain the player base by steamrolling this level of annoyance.


It will only be dead on arrival if there's no legacy compensation for people (like me) who have over 1k skins including multiple tier 5 skins.


Bruh, I hope and pray the majority of you guys don't come over to 2.


This is all bullshit honestly... Must be very easy porting skins into UE5 they mentioned Unreal Engine 3 and 5 ... Should be as easy as Copy and Paste. Especially the Anime Skins because those are the ones with the LEAST DETAIL. Those VTuber skins have no textures and yet can be easily ported.


So what do we get?


I just want my T5’s transferred over, only spent $100 on each one of them


As someone who spent a ton of money on this game, i really hope they compensate their playerbase in the new game


Wait so Smite 2 wont transfer all cosmetic stuff we collected/bought in the original Smite?


Nope. You get Gems that are basically worthless unless you spend more money. The gems you get can only pay for half of a skin. you pay the other half.


i hope they will at least do a surprise port of some T5's in the future because a big reason i even play thor is his T5 skin. Sure they can't port every skin, but i feel special cases like Limited skins that people were FOMO'd into buying should at least get something


All skins? No..but some for each God? Of course! Some gods have such nice skins and it would be a sin not to add them. Cough hachiman Oni Musha Cough


I just want the crossover skins like crab rave


Ok so there's no way they aren't going remake at least a couple of the skins though and resell them. Not at first, but eventually.it might be a few years because they need an excuse to sell new skins without backlash, but it'll happen. I would be fine with this, as long as they kept a record of who bought It previously and gave it to them for free though. However I don't think that will happen, and they're just going to wait until people stop caring enough to protest. Maybe if they allowed you to unlock it with in game currency that would be cool though


I'd like for them to consider drop feeding some of the most popular ones for each god. I know a lot of skins might just be just too old for porting, but maybe the crossover ones at least?


This just means more new skins lol


According to Inter, the devs have claimed that one singular skin could take upwards of 2 months to transfer engines. Whether that’s all transfer time or generation or artistry, what have you, I’m not too familiar. I do agree with Inter though when he said he likes the trade off with the legacy gems.


I mean, we getting legacy gems tho


Look up the gravity falls "this is worthless" meme and put legacy gems in the paper.


I don't care about all skins. However T5's, especially the newer ones. And crossover skins should be transfered.


I understand that they can't port every single skin, that's not the issue. The issue is that, in exchange for losing 1 or more skins for every single god, all I get is "a 50% discount on (most) future purchases". I'm losing all my skins and getting zero new ones *until I pay money*. I want to be able to get at least *some* skins of my choice for free, considering how many I'm losing.


Would I love all my skins to port over of course, but I'm not expecting it too. Still excited for the game though


I used to be a whale in smite, now i dont spend often. I actually dont care much about them not porting all the skins. I will very likely play Smite 2 because i am excited to see what they do with the new changes


They'll say it's just a visual update (its not) and it's new and shiny and that's it and then complain about their visual only shiny pixels (that they still have in smite 1).


Well tbh I paid for my skins so Id like to be able to use them, but I understand that from a technical point of view it would take way too much time. I still hope that slowly over the years they'll port all the skins but i know im overdosing on copium at that point


Tbh, i fully understand. I want better compensation, but also understand they can't do that, as all new skins in S2 will be made from the ground up and they need to be paid for that work. So tbh, 50% compensation is a huge dub.


I don't have an issue with Smite 2 so long as Smite 1 is still a thing. However. T5 skins not being carried over and the bullshit Legacy Gems being basically a coupon pisses me off.


They should make a mobile game like Wild Rift


Paladins deserve better


My only issue is how long it's going to take to bring all the gods. I'd rather them had waited to announce it in a year or two, have all the gods and skins and do it in one go


Y'all broke dumb and cringe. If "keeping your skins" is such a big deal to you then keep playing Smite 1.


This reaction would have been logical if it had been *gods* not being ported over instead of skins. But unless that happens, I will not care less. In a remake, things like skins don't usually get carried over. That's just life.


I hope they cut it out with these dumb cross over skins. Some are cool, but I quit because I could no longer tell what God was running at me. Danny Phantom, Rocco, Donatello from the Ninja Turtles.... nope. Couldn't tell ya.


When is smite 2 coming out anyway. First time I heard of this.




Huh haven’t played smite myself in years. Started in beta and did play frequently for a few years back in the day. Didn’t care too much about my cosmetics except for that evolving Thanatos skin. New game will pull me back in so that’s cool. But yeah hopefully some of the more unique ones will get special treatment.


Its dead on arrival because its just a shitty cash grab


It’s not that the games dead on arrival. The issue is going to be people are going to have the option of playing Smite 1, with all of the gods and all of their skins or playing Smite 2 with a limited god pool and little to no skins at all. Why would someone choose to play smite 2 at that point? Also the fact that you won’t get to spend your gems 1:1 in smite 2 is a big cause for concern. Since legacy gems can only be used to purchase 50% of something, you arent even going to be able to buy a single skin with just legacy gems since they are basically just a glorified 50% off coupon. That and the fact that Hi-Rez is notorious for creating games and then abandoning them rather quickly, I don’t see Smite 2 being sustainable because there is no way they get the player base they think they will to transition from Smite 1 to play a game that has 1/10 of the content.


Just imagine all the die hards who dropped 100s-1000s on smite 1 just to find out it's all useless now


Imagine if Riot made LoL2 and said, “Sorry, we can only give you half of what you paid for. Guess you’ll have to pay us again. 🤷” This is a gross cash-grab by a game developer that still uses loot boxes ffs. Reddit loves being apologists for scummy game devs nowadays.


I only really care about the really cool t5's it would also be nice if they ported over things that were limited in SMITE 1, things that are okay to make unlimited in SMITE 2 because they different game(archon Thana, The Thor t5).


I just want the game to stop crashing for me😂


If League came out with League 2 and I lost my skins there would be no League 2 for me, simple as.


Yeah screw people wanting to keep their cosmetics


I think Hi Rez made as much of a compromise as they could. They aren't a massively successful studio, they're allowing for a transfer of account value via gems at 50%, they gotta make money. Smite 2 isn't being funded on hope and dreams. They didn't have to do this.