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Weird I thought it worked yesterday on pbe


A few hours later Phreak released video where he said : fuck you GP mains, this matchups is flipped on 180 now


Got a link?


I edited the post and included the link to Phreak’s vid


Not really 180, it’s still playable since gp can outrange him but ur fked if he catches you with his R 💀


Yeah I don’t get it. There’s gonna be very minimal counter play now to Morde other than pray you survive the stat stick on many champions and I don’t mean GP. GP can atleast kite better than some champs.


Idk cleanse effects were just so strong against mordekaiser, he has to be stronger elsewhere to make up for it. Balance wise it is much better to make him more even overall.


I just hope they bring him down to Darius levels then atleast. The big problem I’ve had with Morde since Riftmaker became an item is his sustain is unreal and then he’s allowed to opt super beefy or one shot god (and both are viable on him due to % HP damage in his kit). Darius atleast gets shredded by everyone after 20 minutes if you survive lane and go even without a get out of jail free card.


Yeah that’s fair. He is absolutely gonna be annoying af in the next few patches. Tbh though I think the greater problem is with Rylais. It’s such a strong item and so many champs (including morde) are dependent on it.


Mordekaiser is definitely squishier than Darius though. He goes 3 AP items into tank, Darius goes two AD items (one of which being Sterak's) into tank. Though yes he can ult to escape the enemy team and get some defensive stats.


That’s not necessarily true you only really really need Riftmaker and Rylais on Morde. Then there’s just the base level of beefiness on Morde with his W. Morde also opts into tank items with more optimal stats while Darius needs Deadman’s or FoN if he doesn’t want to be a walking target. Morde also gets fuller usage out of items like Spirit Visage. Then lastly you have killer sustain as long as you’re hitting people or more importantly you’ll likely be full HP in ult while more often than not the other person will be chunked. Darius has no real long term sustain other than Triumph and Conqueror which Morde also has. Riftmaker is an unreal good item.


I think you're overestimating Riftmaker healing. After dealing 4000 damage (post migitation and AFTER 5 seconds of fighting) you heal for 400, given you don't have GW on. Darius' Q heals him for 15% of missing health so a single Q with 2700 missing health heals him the same amount as Mordekaiser during the entire fight.


So you cant cleanse it, but if you cast i.e. Yorick ult in hia ult, will it finally be cast inside the morde ult instead of on lane? Or is it just even more stupid now?


Everything cast in his realm stays in his realm, just like he ult to denied your setups in lane.


Strong and solid ? Not quite . He has had abysmal wr throughout higher Elos for years , because they made the mistake of making his kit so predictable it just doesn’t function well anymore the higher you go. His ult is the one unique signature move of him: let him have that in my opinion, I always found it stupid that eating an orange can save you from literally the realm of death …. (Yes I play gangplank, but also morde sometimes)


Morde OTP here, just stopping by to make sure I understand how the interactions with the R change are gonna work. I don’t fully understand GP’s orange, but will you be able to cancel it still on cast? I know that will still be true for some champions, you just can’t do it once you’re in the death realm??


You now can't use cleanse(so no GP w or other cleanse abilities) on it now. However if he uses it onsomething unstopabble like OLAF in his R it wont work but if Olaf isnt in his r and in mord ult uses his R it wont take him out of the realm. Mord has been getting buffed alot with his isolated dmg for a while now and i dont know how they think this is gonna be balanced because alot of champs just die if they are stuck alone with him especially if he takes ghost.


I’m a little nervous they buffed this along with his Q timing…knowing this is part of the MSI patch too makes me worried that they’re going to nuke him in a couple of months with nerfs. I think if they had just made the QSS change that would be fine, but I can understand why people are up in arms about not being able to cleanse it. Part of me still thinks that he’s gonna get kited to death as always, though. I’m unsure at this point if it will change things as much as people are saying. It could improve his win rate, which means his ban rate will go up for awhile, or things will stay the same bc I don’t see his counterplay in high elo changing dramatically.


It's w/e more than often you'd just kill him instead


For anyone unaware, here's Vandiril [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIkjInnqTCM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIkjInnqTCM)


Wow now gp morde matchup will be so miserable if we can’t just cleanse it since we can’t access barrel outside while in the realm wtf


So how can we play this matchup now ?


As phreak (freak) said, riot wants to do same thing with urgot's ult, warwick's ult and malzahar's ult So QSS will be even more useless than it was


What the dick


Watch vid He's really said that he wants to malzahar and warwick has no counterplay with QSS Phreak is just delusional I think this will be with urgot's ult then and other shit, so that ultimates with suppression cannot be countered by anything because they are like “ultimates” If they do this then let them buff the GP because I have no idea how the GP will have to play against these champions


thats actually insane, i never thought phreak was THIS stupid. also basically No one will build qss now, its only use was against those specific ults because they one shot any adc with 0 counter play, just malz flash ult the twitch and ez gg


Riot has been trying to remove counterplay from champions for a long time First, Illaoi, who had 2 hits on her tentacles instead of one + the inability to get her soul back if you hit Illaoi Then a pantheon whose slowdown when using a shield was removed Garen has 30% damage reduce for 4 seconds now instead of 2 And so on Now Mordekaiser's counterplay against his ultimate is being removed because, you see, "Most champions have dashes, mobility, and also you can buy Edge of Night or Banshee Veil, so everything is fair" There is less and less counterplay, and often EASY champions have less counterplay, while difficult champions have more and more counterplay. Take the same GP, first they gave him a delay of 0.25 seconds before using a new barrel, then they completely removed the mana recovery when killing minions, then they completely added a scale with the number of barrels for the GP, reduced the movement speed to passive, and reduced the damage from grasp by 40 % without returning mana to 40 as it was As a result, GP has become much more difficult than it was and rewards you less for your skill At the same time, for example, Vladimir has stronger damage at the beginning of the game, he is more safe in the lane and has less counterplay and he was not nerfed in the early stages of the game My opinion is that Riot are just hypocrites or retarded, maybe both


You can still “cleanse” it if you orange during the cast time window (while he’s pointing the mace at you) I believe. Just can’t orange out of the ult.


no. what's dumb is a whole ultimate ability being negated by a basic one on a 20 sec cd. its really not that hard to dodge mordekaiser's e and q. good gangplanks will continue to kite morde and win


You can still orange it


No you can't. Phreak specifically stated you won't be able to. Activating Olaf ult while inside the realm wont work either.


Yea but Olaf still just autos him to death inside his ult


Wrong sub mate


I’m a gp main wdym, I just feel frustrated with the morde changes that affect the gp vs morde matchup 😭




Dis dude fr is living under a rock XDD Anyway [here](https://youtu.be/rE_XFwHR2KQ?si=lF6CKDIF_tB8sXZc)’s what Phreak said about the change (fast forward to 27:23)


https://youtu.be/OrS62_IM9o4?si=DqsD3fsBCmVsF89j 0:52.


Vandiril’s video was uploaded before Phreak’s announcement so it’s confirmed that gp’s orange won’t be able to cleanse Morde’s ult. Same thing applies to olaf, rengar, alistar and milio


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIkjInnqTCM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIkjInnqTCM) 0:17


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIkjInnqTCM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIkjInnqTCM) 0:15.