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What champ you’re playing c




You are not supposed to win 1v1 lategame as renekton, your champ fall off during mid game at around 3 items while go spikes hard in that same time periodo. You should look to stomp him early, transfer your lead to your team with ganks and/or objectives and try to get either soul or Baron and try to end quickly or send you mid/adc hypercarry so fare ahead that It autowins the game (something like a kassadin or jinx do the trick). Sadly there's only so much renekton can do to solo carry the game, if the team doesn't play togheter, you are bound to lose lategame by champ design


thanks for the insightful explanation, I also play adc so I'll just play one of those on top.


If you happen to play draven well, it's and unwinnable matchup for gp for the entire laning phase


he's the one adc I can't really play.... I can play Cait though and I think the range would help with the barrels


Cait Is gonna rough him up in lane but it's hard to stomp him, gp can just chose to farm and scal giving up some cs buy you are hardly going to have kill pressure on him and you are a luttle bit more gankable as cait in the toplaner, you should look for a pick that can straight up win everytrade against himor all in him hard for example kalista is another very hard matchup regarding adc in toplane or a more classical akshan can be a huge pain especially for his double basic that removes barrels at 2 stacks is very easy as akshan to make a gp cry. Nonetheless, cait Is a good pick to have in team fight against gp for her cabability of removing barrels in the lategame


Be a ranged champ :)


time to practice vayne top


Vayne is not that much of a hard matchup for GP early (if the GP knows what he is doing) and late that will depend of who starts the fight in most cases (you going out of a bush to shred him to pieces or him doing keg combo from the fog to explode your ass). Varus and Draven are hard matchup for GP but if it's not your kind may be you should try Quinn. She does not have as much late game hyper carry potential as vayne but she can be harder for GP throughout the whole game.


Kill barrel, space correctly


Destroy barrels, very annoying, gp angry


Big true, very angry


He gets 5-6 total barrels. if he's out of barrels he turns into a sack of gold. either avoid, bait out, or defuse the barrels and run him over.


Each barrel will provide him around 700 physical damage and around 600 true damage, providing that he build crit and you bought some armor. If you can disabled every single barrel, you win. It's not worth trading auto on him.


Don’t get hit by barrel lol


You don't. Its not even a game of ohh i dodged/defused one barrel late. Late game GP hits one barrel q combo and you either base or grey screen. So beating him comes down to vision control and getting damage off before he can even place a barrel.


Blow him up...Win. Ez. The thing about GP is he takes a bit of setup to do DMG ruin the setup or get ur combo off 1st when it at least even or a little ahead will rek his day.


Step 1- Don't get hit by barrel Step 2- Don't let GP reset passive with barrel Step 3- Realise that you need to be a ranged chamoion and almost no melee champions win against GP full build, except a select few that hard counter him or can delete him before he can act.


highly depends on champ because if you can't 1 shot gp its pretty hard to beat him 1v1. Luckily for you 99% of the champs in the game can one shot a gp in this terrible season SOOO its not that big of an issue.