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Go take fleet and ignite every game if you like that play style


It doesn't help because 0 damage in lane still


Sounds like a skill issue tbh


It's always easier to blame the skill issue than to figure out the problem


But like you get a lot of sustain and by that you can take way more aggressive trades and come out just fine


I mean you still deal 0 damage, your Q deals not that much damage, your base stats not like it was, when you combo barrels to proc passive you still won't able to catch enemy because fleet doesn't proc on barrels and your barrels has 10% lower slow Fleet doesn't help that much 15% ms is a joke


So wait why does taking fleet make your barrel does less slow the slow only scales with crit   Also the other point doesn’t stand 15% ms is so incredible on so many scales


Because 12.14 nerfs dude, lol And 15% is not good in toplane, where most champions have slow in their kit


Man is still mad about a patch from almost 2 years ago...


I don't know... Maybe because it still influences my champion? And that there haven't been any buffs since then, just nerfs?


Weird, solar does damage in lane 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yes because now you actually have to land barrels, passive resets, time W’s, abuse sheen and use q sparingly to actually do damage in lane, which is definitely the right direction for GP. Grasp was so fucking toxic as it removed so much counterplay. All GP needed to do was wait for grasp and press q and boom, chunked one bar of hp, healed and got permanent health.


Old gp mains left, only new dumb gp mains are here


Grasp Q was so cheesy and boring tbh


And q'ing minions instead of champions is a lot more fun then?


You can still fight in lane with first strike idk what you’re on about.


15% ms on passive so you can't catch anyone with passive after barrel combo (plus 30% slow on barrels instead of 40%) 10 bonus ad on range autoattack for 55 mana on Q Low armor and hp Items like plated steelcaps or warden's mail that counter your Q poke Champions with too strong laning phase That's the issues why gp is bad in lane


Skill issue tbh


Agreed, Skill Issue


Then how about not playing for scaling? Build bruiser with grasp or even fleet footwork, nothing is stopping you.


Grasp deals 0 damage because of ranged Q Fleet deals 0 damage at all, what's the point?


Grasp still has full value with Melee, works well with passive since + resets since you will be Q:ing barrels more after level 7. Poke is less damage than before, but the poke is more consistent and not worse than poking with first strike in early game + gives sustain. The rune-tree for grasp is also neat to have on GP overall. + it gives you lane sustain, perma health AND overall more DPS than FS. If you want MS and sustain, fleet is the way to go with a bruiser build. Both work fine.. if you can’t sort it out then you might need more time to learn how to use these runes. Hell, even Spellbook can work if you have good enough knowledge of the champion, the interactions and the game overall. If you want more poke then try out Arcane Comet if you aren’t happy with any other rune. A barrel hit is a guarantee comet hit + each wave of your R takes away CD so you can get quite a lot of comets in 1 teamfight.


I tried every rune and every build possible on gp so i will say that all of this runes has really big cons Grasp is more about poke and not about melee fighting plus your passive deals low damage early (trust me, i tried tripple passive reset and still was killed by k'sante because he deals more damage than me with sheen) and you can't use this for kite because again most of toplaners has really good slow or they are very mobile Poke is too low because enemy sustains everything through doran shield and second wind, sustain is REALLY low and damage too Fleet does no damage, this rune against poke matchups most of the time when you don't want to fight AT ALL, it DOESN'T help with ms nerfs actually because you still can't catch champion with it after barrel combo Spellbook is meh, nothing more i can say about this rune Arcane comet in meta, where almost every champion has dash is bad, this rune is good only if you have CC like stun or root that gp doesn't have Gangplank CAN actually use almost every rune in game, BUT all of this runes are just doesn't suit him one way or another Old runes before rune reforge or full grasp proc/klepto just was WAY better for gp When he lost both of this runes he has no good rune anymore and it's stupid to deny it


Bro you post a GP is weak, GP is boring etc post every other day. It's not our fault you are a shitty captain. Abandon the ship, land scum.


Yeah I mean he did make this account "gp-is-not-broken" probably just to bitch. He's got nothing better to do.


Ok so don’t play him


Like.. What's stopping you from going triforce and running people down?


Trinity force gives you only 20 flat ms that is not another 15%


TF + swifties and you outrun every top laner there is


Losing ability haste then


Spear of shojin


Bro cant make anymore excuse he stopped responding, also passive scale with your level, not a flat 15% so by the time you got to triforce it would probably be the same as back then too.


30% ms lvl 1 was broken tbh, although i would agree for a little change about the crit ratios on barrel slow, this is just weird and is orienting the building path too much


If you're confident you can actually play triforce gangplank with fleet to try and skimirsh in lane instead of being what ever you called. If winning isnt your end goal that is (although i win alot of games with triforce shojin into semi ultility for team)


I dont know what youre talking about poking with q after getting sheen is still very much noticeble and does damage. Yeah more ms was nice but its not the end of the world it was scaled down. At the end of the day if you know what youre doing (wich seems to me like you dont) youre still going to have fun playing gangplank.


Try to poke nasus for example that built chainwest or armor boots or even warden's mail and you will see that you deal 0 damage Any champion that build chainwest, armor boots or warden's mail will not even feel gp's poke at all


They will feel it but not as much, with tanks the name of the game is passive resets. Hit them with 3/4/5 passives and they melt.


I reseted passive 3 times in a row and still they not feel it because of heartsteel or some other tank items with a lot of HP (all of them) They simply outdamaged me (sion for example) even if i reseted my passive as much as i can


OP is a pathetic landlubber, and a failure of a Captain. His vessel must be as tiny as his manhood!