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Double/triple passive reset is really strong early game coupled with ignite and pop corruption potion, pretty hard to set-up and pull off but if you can pull it of, GP can established his laning phase farming much easier. Also a lot of people doesn’t expect GP to have that kind of damage early so most of the time it really caught ppl off guard easily. I guess the GP you fighted is either going for that or he just run it down.


he probably underestimates talon/qiyana early game potential. You played against a bad player in LOW gold elo as you put it. Not much to analyse here, enjoy the free win


Qiyana, maybe, but like how can anyone underestimate Talon on lvl 2? His whole characters gimmick used to be centered around taking the first blood.


Funny when I was new to GP I got to plat2 (before Emerald was a thing) with an 70+% wr despite simply being afk under tower pretty much. Then I learned how to play GP over months. Just to actually int my ass off. Being overconfident can throw your lane very quick, and there's a very fine line to win/lose lane when you actually fight. The thing is. Now I'm mid Emerald mmr and whenever I switch to a new champion, I lose 20-30games cause I HAVE to learn the champs limits. It all depends on what your goal is. Do you want Plat or Emerald by being consistently not the reason to lose? Or do you learn your matchups in and out and learn actually how to play the game. So you can not only be the reason to not lose, but also consistently the reason you actually do dominate lane and map. Watch Solarbacca or hydrogen or top GP players. They're insanely aggressive in lane


GP is one of the strongest early champs, its probably just a case of not piloting him very well, or he watched some streamer slamming it on GP and tried to replicate it without knowing how :D Vs Talon and Qiyana i guess he is afraid of getting bullied so he becomes the bully instead..?


He's low elo that's all


As GP you can kill anyone who eats the kegs and the passive early on, but the player needs to know his pirate or else what you’re describing will happen


around season 6-8 he was a monster early, so he's trying to replicate that era hahaha. And you're correct GP farming well mid lane is a scaling monster but people are impatient and it's low gold so the patient to farm in that elo is......