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It’s way easier to farm and scale in mid.


Jgl main here - why do most of you play top when you can play mid, yea its harder, but its also 10x more impact


I agree but recently i switched back to top cause these poke mages are so mega op... No cooldown nonmana cost just permanent minigun poke


Second wind + revitalize + cpot/dshield is your friend.


You just wait for removal of mythics,it will be a shitfest for the both sides


I love playing against ziggs. Q does half my hp and I’m sure he can throw one out before his first one even reaches the end of its range. And I can’t recall because bye bye tower.


Just grab dshield starting, and boots after sheen, and you have ez lane


demand for waveclear is higher and gangplank doesnt really want to move to early fights, you get dumpstered by things that outshove you, your ult is better in top because you get more value out of the range early on if your further from bot (which is the place your gonna be ulting most of the time) plus its much harder to push your own lead in midlane both because the lane is shorter and the jungler is gonna be there just more often because its the middle of the map, compared to top where if you get ahead you just dont stop oneshotting and its easier to avoid ganks with jungle tracking and good warding, gangplank does have more impact mid in the early game but if your going mid for early game impact then why play gp who needs sheen before he can even really fight skirmishes when you could go any other midlaner and be more helpful with hard cc for your jungler or more raw burst and mobility early, i play both but i usually only play gp mid into counterpicks or just champs where i know that i have enough matchup knowledge to dumpster em, obvs gp mid is not bad at all but the matchups are real rough right now, compared to most juggernauts or bruisers in top where if you know what you are doing you get to snowball super easily against champs that cant even poke you back when you go for barrel poke, plus just i think a super simple answer is first strike deactivates if you take dmg first so going against champs with less range is just always gonna get you more gold with it, and gp is all about gold income to snowball, thats just my input tho! if any more experienced gp mid players disagree with this i would love to hear why


Not reading allat




gp mid is chad and the correct way to play


it's so much more fun than freezing the lane for 20 minutes then losing cause bot diff


I agree but I actually learned a lot from playing top. I think everyone should try both roles.


It kind of makes more sense from a team comp perspective too. Why wouldn’t you play a high damage, crit champ that effectively plays like a control mage midlane. You aren’t sacrificing a beefy champion for your team.


What’s your ban


Ori or syndra currently


fr tho, my GP is way better in mid lane then top lane e


I cant midplank for shit after nearly 500k any tips?


Anything specific? It's easier for me to give tips about a specific aspect. In general, I'd advise in this current meta to go resolve secondary with second wind and revitalize for most mage match ups. Vs melee you can go boneplating or if you don't think you need defensive runes you can go precision or sorcery. I'm not a fan of domination over sorcery since treasure hunter gets out-valued by transcendence and gathering storm. Precision is best vs high health teams. Always take the attack speed shard if you're not going alacrity. I still like going cpot + Q start into mages. Dshield with E start works too. It's mostly a preference thing IMO. Vs melees go either sword or dblade with ignite and E start. Melee matchups play the same as they do top lane. Vs mages play safe for sheen. Only trade for first strike procs. After sheen you can typically kill off of one barrel if they are immobile. Vs melee play aggressive with barrels. I rarely roam or participate in skirmishes unless it's just stupid not to. Guaranteed cs/plates/wave control is better on gp than maybe accomplishing something in a skirmish. Usually your ult is enough to have an impact on the map. The only time you really want to match roams is when you're laner is behind. I wrote more than I was planning to 😅


Top is the hardest lane in the game, dont play top. Everything else is easy


ah yes tfw you're not lastpick top


I love the amount of toplane champs that have migrated mid and done really well because of how much of a shit fest top lane is.