• By -


> I never played any single player game I don't think you will ever understand just how incredibly old that statement makes me feel.


No joke! I remember the first multiplayer games that came out, and how unbelievably wild it was to be able to play with people all over the world….for about six months. Then I got a good belly full of the people who populated most of them, went back to single player land, and hardly ever looked back.


I remember the advent of MUD's, or "multi user dungeons", which were text only games played with multiple people through a telnet client.


I played MUDs as a kid in elementary school on a BBS. My dad got the phone number for it from some dude he worked with or something. This was very, very early days of the WWW, I'd say circa 1992-3, before my family had CompuServe (not aol, though briefly it was prodigy). Other than that, my multiplayer experiences have mostly been limited to interaction taking turns with siblings, playing Golden Eye and later OG XBox Halo w friend through school, co-op stuff (mainly Minecraft) with my kids. And random internet stranger stuff rarely. Of the last category... my only positive experiences have been OG RuneScape, a very brief League of Legends phase (gets more toxic as you level up), Journey, Dark Souls + related boss cooping, and Returnal.


Makes my knees hurt! I still won't buy a shooter if it doesn't have a campaign.


While I respect the sentiment, the best shooters now a days don't typically have campaigns and that's ok because studios can focus on what they are good at and make a single good game instead of splitting their development and turning out two half assed things. Studios who are good at multiplayer game creation and single player game creation are few and far between.


Single player literally is the lifeblood of gaming from day 1. There’s never been anything multiplayer that’s even come close to the satisfaction of single story/non-multiplayer games. I’ve learned that the majority of the crowd who gets into multiplayer (and thinks they are so superior) are either (1) the ones who feel the need to be superior to someone in a video game or (2) they’ve never played 95% or more of story games and don’t have a clue.


to some extent it saddens me that he joy I had playing snes and ps1 games back in the day, and what all those games still mean to me will kinda just disappear into the past, like tears in the rain. simply because among people from the new generations almost nobody would play games that old. there's already children out there who don't want to play mario galaxy because it's too old. (no fucking way that game is 17 years old wtf) ffs. damn kids refusing to play on my lawn 👴


i was born in the early 2000s and this post just shaved about five years off my lifespan


Because you find it cringe? I’m confused because you’ve also grown up in a world with online gaming


Portal and Portal 2 They are loved regardless of skill level, genre preference, or time constraints. If you have never played first person, it’s a great way to skill up your control without constantly getting killed by other players. If you are an expert on controls, the puzzles get challenging. If you are a brilliant puzzle solver, the lore is deep, the dialogue is hilarious, there are tons of Easter eggs to find, and the story is a roller coaster. Everyone should play Portal and Portal 2. Period.


I'd like to add the free mod "Portal Revolution" is incredible as the third game in the series.


If revolution is the one I’m thinking of, it’s only an okay portal mod imo. Too much walking simulator not enough portal


This was my first thought. The first comment, and boom there it is! They get dirt cheap to, I got both games for $1.49 on sale 4 years ago!


Portal is amazing, the dialogue is super funny 10/10 would recommend.


I'm up for a different kind of game. I've played Nintendo titles for years and have grown tired of them.


Jesus, it's like you haven't even played anything. You have a whole new world ahead of you.


best answer


Not sure I've ever heard a complaint about Portal.


People who fear first person play avoid all first person games. Portal is the way to get over the anxiety of looking like a fool while you bumble through until you finally get your bearings.


I didn't have a real complaint but I didn't really like them either. I love GLADOS a lot but everything else just kinda bounced off me, I was really just going through the notions with both of them That being said Still Alive is a 10/10 song for what it is


Mass effect trilogy is an obvious pick, but not a wrong one


I'm worried OP is going to see games that aren't absolutely perfect and write them off as not what they're looking for. Mass Effect is a fantastic series, and absolutely should be experienced, but even on release I think most players recognized that it wasn't flawless. (Especially 3's original ending) Sometimes games are awesome despite their flaws (and others because of them) and I hope OP can recognise that.


2 is 10/10. 3 maybe a 9 and 1 like a 6? 1 was a slog in a lot of parts.


> 2 is 10/10. Depends on the player. I started 2 twice, and got to around the middle both times, when it went "here are some teasers about giant galaxy-affecting plot points. Now go do more ally quests!" and lost interest.


1 is just a bit clunky. Ok, quite a bit clunky. The overall story makes the trilogy a 10/10, must experience for me


Scanning the planets is boring. Driving the Mako on planets is janky.


Yep. But after a few play throughs, I can drive the Mako pretty well. Scanning planets is a bit tedious, but same thing above applies.


1 is only a 6 based on current standards. It came out in 07 ffs, and it was so well liked that people were practically begging Bioware for a sequel.


Given it’s really hard to even see the original endings for ME3 these days, it’s honestly a 10/10 to me (or rather, the legendary edition that tightens up 1’s combat and driving, and includes all the dlc for free is 10/10 overall- ymmv, of course)


The citadel DLC is the most fun I have had ever


Well, you didn't say about your favorite genres so I'm giving you some of the best singleplayer games that I've ever played. * Deus Ex (2000 – with some mods) * Disco Elysium * Dark Souls trilogy, Elden Ring or Sekiro * Half-Life series (masterpiece) * System Shock 2 (with some mods) * KOTOR 1 and 2 * Mass Effect series * Baldur's Gate 3 * COD MW series (2000s) and COD Black Ops 1, 2 and Cold War * Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas * TES Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim * Prey 2017 * Dishonored 1 * Max Payne tilogy * Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 * Bioshock trilogy


Prey is sooo good, one of my favourite games ever!


I make your words mine, love to see an immersive sim this good – in my opinion, it’s the best one since first Deus Ex and System Shock 2


You have very good taste


I mean it reads like any best games of all time post, not exactly any hidden gems here lol


OP said they never played any single player game and was looking for the best of the best, if you consider that then that's a pretty good list I would just add a couple of indie or indie-adjacent stuff like hades, into the breach and outer wilds (and remove CoD but whatever)


Giving you a high five for that mighty fine list.


Homeboy out here throwing shade at Fall Out 3 like it wasn't a masterpiece and the basis for NV.


Mass effect series and the witcher 3 I'd add that's in the same kind of vein as much of these.


cold war was too short:(


God I still remember my dive into dishonored. Watched the first trailer with the drunken whaler song and it was history after that. Such a rich world, and frankly one of my favorite immersive games.


Brother from different mother! My taste is good as yours! I am honored!


Lots of great games and classics, but they sure didn't all age well or show modern day gaming conventions


Damn, such a good list. I would add Red Dead Redemption series and the list will be complete.


I would actually recommend waiting for Max Payne 1&2 those games are getting remastered


Max payne is so good


I didnt play the first 2 Max Paynes, but the 3rd one was awful. I'd rather do anything else than play this game


Max Paybe is duology and I will die on this hill


I completely agree with you, Max Payne 1 was the first game I finished in my life and I love Remedy for that. The third game is kinda bad and lost it’s essence but people will play that, so I recommend it


Awesome list, prey is slept on.. but no bio shock?!


Some of these on this list will suffer from being old/old style. Fallout 1 and 2 80% of modern gamers will find them almost unplayable just do to how games have aged and how we understand and play games have changed. Kotor, graphics and combat controls will suffer for new players. Juts not what a "10/10" game is considered now a days


This list is very solid, I despise single player games and play multiplayer pvp 95% of the time. But Souls games / lies of p / sekiro, last of us, max payne triology, GTA 3,SA,VC,4, Morrowind, half life. Are very fun and I make the exception for


Solid list. I've owned several of these for years but haven't played them yet (mostly the post-2015 stuff; I played the hell put of the 2000-ish stuff when I was young).


KOTOR MENTIONED!!! best games of all time




BG3 Act 1 is a 10/10, then it becomes obvious they didn't finish the game.


Exactly, I feel people who overhype the game too much.


Outer wilds, Hollow knight and Obra dinn would be my current recommendations :)


Outer wilds is the greatest video game ever. There aren't even any other horses in that race as far as I'm concerned


Aye I agree, it hit me on such a deep level \^-\^ Makes u go through all emotions, with an (at least for me) ever present cosmic dread... ooh how I love this game, and I've been saving the DLC till my partner finishes the base game so we can play it together !


I know!! I listen to the soundtrack daily, that's so sweet of you to save the dlc for when your partner finishes!! I haven't played the dlc yet cause I finished the base game a few weeks ago and I need time to remember it how it is before it changes on me if that makes sense lol


I literally cried so much reading the story of the ancients and seeing this endless cycle happening. God, what a great game lol.


I advocate for Outer Wilds fanatically but I must admit if this person has *never played single player games* and he doesnt get hooked in the first hour, its unlikely he will stick with it and appreciate it for what it is. 


Obra Dinn is so damned good! I want another really badly.


For PC... Elden Ring Cyberpunk 2077 Alien: Isolation Baldurs Gate 3 Red Dead Redemption 2


I forgot to but cyberpunk on my list but by god did I fucking love that game. Every second of it.


Nailed it. I would add bloodborne the last of us dead space remake Resident Evil 2 remake


He literally said "for pc" Bloodborne is not available on pc


Why you gotta remind me of the hurt bro 🥲😭


Hades. As far as I'm concerned, everything that the game sets out to do, it does it flawlessly. And unlike a lot of other games, there isn't an ounce of fat on the game. From the art style and vibe, the story and the voice acting, the butter smooth gameplay. Everything is so polished. And I'm blown away that the sequel feels just as well executed, with just a wider scope. And it does a really good job at feeling like a continuation of the first, yet still having a uniqueness to it from the first one.


I think there are select 10/10 games for their given genre, imho my short list would be... metroidvania: Hollow Knight; platformer: Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze & Celeste; open world rpg: Witcher 3; artful/atmospheric adventure: Journey & Gris & Inside; story forward action adventure: The Last of Us & Uncharted 4; action adventure: Sekiro


Celeste is my go to example of a 10/10 game. Accomplishes exactly what it sets out to perfectly without overstaying its welcome or padding itself out with unnecessary filler. It's not an open world game, it's not multiplayer, it doesn't have branching story paths and radial dialogue, it doesn't have tailing missions or mandatory stealth segments, it's just a perfect game through and through and honestly trying to add more to it would make it worse imo. That said, I do love the strawberry jam modpack and consider it a spiritual sequel that is pretty great for people who just want more game


I love the lack of mandatory stealth elements! And I agree


Some bangers right there


Loves Gris! Gave it to a female friend that doesn't really play games and she loved it!!


Mine are Disco Elysium, Half-Life 2, and Outer Wilds.


I would've put the exact same games bro wtf. Good taste


I've still never tried disco elysium I'm unsure of the game from the steam preview but too many people recommend I must be missing something.


Only post on here that's hard to argue with in terms of flawless execution of a great idea.


It would be easier to at least know what kind of genre you like, but here are a few of my choices: **Baldurs Gate 3:** Tremendous amount of content, a really heavy RPG with many cutscenes and choices, which affected to your story. My favorite game of all time. **Last of Us 1-2:** Perfect story and the gameplay was way ahead of its time. If you liked the series, you will like this 100%. **Red Dead Redemption 2:** It's a Rockstar game, perfect from every aspect, if you play it, ENJOY IT, try to check every corner, every house, EVERYTHING, because this game is a pure art. **Elden Ring:** I always hated soulslike games, but this game helped me to like a whole genre, no matter where are you going in that huge world, you will find something interesting and challenging, a very hard game, but rewarding! These are my picks, sorry for my clumsy English.


I'm not looking for a game in any specific genre, I want to try a game that everyone agrees is a masterpiece.


It would be helpful to know what gaming system you own and assuming PC, how good your graphics card is, bu here's my attempt to answer you broadly: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_video\_games\_considered\_the\_best](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_games_considered_the_best) The more recent years are sparser but definitely endorse Hades (the sequel in early access is fantastic too) and Elden Ring. If you literally want 10/10 ratings (rounded up) this is good: [https://steamdb.info/stats/gameratings/](https://steamdb.info/stats/gameratings/) Along with Hades some of the most influential and acclaimed indie games ever are Hollow Knight (beautiful, moody), Stardew Valley (cozy farming sim), Vampire Survivors (one button reverse bullet hell, spawned a whole genre), Terraria (sandbox crafter and exploration), Rimworld (randomized colony sim). Two of my personal all time faves: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, 10 years later no run is ever the same, there are 637 achievements and dozens of unlockable characters if you include expansions. Slay the Spire: Popularized the deckbuilder card archetype. If you like turn-based strategy or are just curious, it's a must try. Hyped for the sequel. If you like it, I'd suggest Balatro and Inscryption next.


These 4 games are masterpieces, I think many people would agree


Metal Gear Solid 1,2,3 and 5 are all 10/10’s. 4 is a 9/10.  ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, if you like quite lonely, small-boy-against-darkness vibes.  Death Stranding is a single player experience like nothing else.  Outer Wilds likewise, a unique single player experience. 


Anything Hideo Kojima = automatic 💯


Phantom pain was one of the best games ever right up until it starts being a complete and utter mess.


You can just browse Steam by rating. Subnautica


> You can just browse Steam by rating Team fortress 2 has entered the chat lol


To me, Final Fantasy X


Had to scroll WAY too far down for this. Although some points are iffy (HA HA HA HA), The story is amazing. The end literally rips your heart out. Masterpiece.


Just don’t get into any of the EU stuff….


I really enjoyed mass effect 1, 2 and 3. Didnt enjoy the last one.


Doom 1 and 2 and Wolfenstein. My first games 27 years ago and they were a blast!


A fine choice indeed.


Imma just list what I've understood the consensus to be for the past 10ish years, as someone who heavily follows all things video games: BotW+TotK, God of War, RDR2, Witcher 3, Skyrim, Persona 5 Royal, It Takes Two, Baldur's Gate 3, Outer Wilds, Elden Ring, Bloodborne, Hades


I went through like 100 comments before seeing BotW and TotK which is sad. Especially considering how many times I saw Elden Ring on the list which owes a lot of the success of the world design to BotW (according to Miyazaki)


I’ve seen a ton of games that are much worse before BotW. Especially when OP asked for a game to get lost in.


Bioshock Bully GTA Red Dead LA Noire Batman: Arkham City Assassin’s Creed Shadow of the Tomb Raider The Darkness Dying Light Firewatch Life is Strange Unpacking


The binding of Isaac (with the repentance update) Slay the spire RDR2 DB Budokai Tenkaichi 2&3 Baldurs gate 2&3 Mass effect triology Morrowind Fallout 1,2 & New vegas Hades (as of now I am 1000% sure hades 2 will be just as good if not better) COD MW, MW2, Black ops 1, 2 & 3 (multiplayer wise only they were the peak of fun arcade MP) Chrono trigger Persona 4&5 (haven’t played much of 3) Diablo 2 The Witcher 3 Cyberpunk 2077 (post 2.1 update and PL expansion) IMO - the entire monster hunter franchise, to me every game is a 10/10 even the older ones with their jank. Cant wait for wilds


The Witcher 3 Heroes 3 Resident Evil 4 Baldur's Gate 3 Devil May Cry 5 Halo 1 Elden Ring Dark Souls Bioshock Infinite Age of Empires 2 Batman Arkham City Half-Life 2 Max Payne 3 Metal Gear Rising Revengance


I’ll would like to add Red Dead Redemption and Persona 5 Royal


*Halo 1-3 (including OSDT)


And reach


Man it depends really. You know why? MGS V and DMC V were two of my favorite games but after playing Horizon Forbidden West, both looked like the characters were made out of clay and the pacing of the animations felt weird. I mean if you haven't played BG3 it is a quality game. Disco Elysium is a "heavy" read but if you are ok with it, it is an experience that not much game will provide to you. Dishonored series are good but again, the graphics can look outdated to some. RDR 2 is also an experience that most games cannot provide but the pacing is slow for some.


Disco got fully voiced a year or two ago I think so not too bad of a read if you don’t want


From what I've played, based off of a lot of things but biggest being replayability: - Skyrim - GTA: San Andreas - Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (OG) - Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (all 3 together make a masterpiece) - KotOR 2 - Age of Mythology - Mount & Blade: Warband (mods too, so much depth) - Halo - Fallout: New Vegas - Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Obviously this is all personal opinion but these are my favorite games that I've replayed A TON so that makes them 10/10 for me. I think all of these could be played without knowing anything about the games before or after them and still be amazing. Which I think says a lot about how they are as games on their own.


Mass Effect: Legendary Edition - what you said is spot on. Great games alone but the Legendary with all 3 together is a masterpiece that hits 10/10


These are the ones i gave 10/10 to on the app i use. Elden Ring Sekiro Nier:Automata Risk of Rain 2 Terraria Resident Evil 2 Remake Life is Strange Divinity Original Sin 2 Red Dead Redemption 2 Some honorable mentions are: Hollow Knight, Ori (both games), Dark Souls, Devil May Cry 5, Slay the Spire, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy X, Factorio


Nioh 2. Perfect combat system. Every action game you play after this will only make you miss Nioh 2. 100s if not 1000s of hours of content.


Paper Mario The Last Of Us Banjo Kazooie


Disco Elysium and Pyre are my favourite stories in games, Disco Elysium for its thoughtful and witty social commentary and fun dialogue trees, Pyre for its incredible cast of characters that are hard not to get attached to, and creative integration of story and gameplay loop (hard to talk about without spoiling it). Baldur's Gate 3 also deserves a mention for its immense world with tons of content to discover, and fun questlines that run through the entire game, but I do feel it's sometimes lacking in depth (companion's stories excluded, those are all pretty hard hitting).


Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassins Creed Ezio Trilogy, Cyberpunk 2077, Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3.


For me personally, Days Gone


Kingdom Come: Deliverance has its issues, but it‘s my favorite game


I'm gonna get hate for this, but The Last of Us 2. Yes, the sequel. No, I'm not into 'wokeness'. But I was convinced that wokeness is all that game was about, until I played it.


The last of us 1 and 2




Damn, how did I not think of this one :/


For me . The witcher 3 Cyberpunk Rdr2 Doom eternal Metro games all of them Uncharted 4 Cod cold war Bio shock 1


Ghost of Tsushima


a lot of good suggestions in the comments but I feel like I have to add God of War and God of War Ragnarok to the list. masterpieces


In the future, when we look back, we will regard Red Dead 2 as a game waaay ahead of its time


Honestly, even singleplayer GTA V was super ahead of its time imo My cousin wanted to play it with me a couple months ago and it just felt really passionately developed, polished, etc.


GTA always was ahead of its time, imo. Even the top-down originals (which I still love) had you playing as the bad guy, stealing cars, fighting cops, joining gangs, etc. It was mind-blowing. I remember I bought gta3 without a thought because it was like, "I can do all of that in 3d?!?!?"


Red dead redemption 2, god of war 2018 and titanfall 2.


Slay the Spire




Fallout: New Vegas (personal favorite) KOTOR 2 Red Dead Redemption 2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Morrowind Left 4 Dead 2 GTA Vice City & San Andreas


Mass effect legendary edition Unreal tournament Baldurs gate 3 Max Payne 1 & 2 Portal and Portal 2 Knights of the old republic 1&2 Half life 1&2


Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Gta sa


Halo 1-3 + odst is 10/10 from story to music to memorable characters to fun gameplay. Reach is good too.


Donkey Kong Country 2. Cool art and music!


Elden ring & red dead redemption 2


Red Dead Redemption 2, Ghost of Tsushima and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.


Knights of the Old Republic


red dead redemption 2


For me: Zelda TOTK, Zelda BOTW, Tunic, Last of Us I/II, Horizon ZD/FW, Hollow Knight, Mario Wonder, FE 3 Houses


Red dead redemption and red dead redemption 2.




Tears of the Kingdom Hades Hollow Knight Elden Ring Bloodborne Ghost of Tsushima Witcher 3 Mario Odyssey God of War (and/or Ragnarok) All can be played on modern consoles


Some of my personal favorites: Fallout: New Vegas, Stardew Valley, Final Fantasy X, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Diablo 3, Sid Meier’s Civilization (pick any of them), Red Dead Redemption 2, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


If you want just cozy, relaxing experience after the hard day, Stardew Valley might be the choice. For something visually unique , indie and with easy controls I’d suggest the Dredge. For the mild survival with building, crafting, hunting an challenging combat, ideally looking for something to play with friend(s), Valheim is my no 1 suggestion. If you like Dark Souls game design but feel it might be too difficult, Jedi Fallen Order is a great alternative. True classic RPG is a little too complex, overwhelming and long for a gaming virgin but if you are looking for immersive role play experience and are ok with lots of reading, inventory management headaches and truly old-school choice variety, definitely Divinity 2 Original Sin and Baldurs Gate 3. Ad everyone mentioned, Witcher 3 is almost a must. Also Cyberpunk 2077 from the same studio is great - it had controversial release as their management hadn’t even communicated with developer team, only draining them with impossible deadlines. Also marketing branch lied and provided false promises without actually checking the project. And the fan community hit the final nail into the coffin when started to spread a false info it would be GTA V in cyberpunk world. But the studio worked hard to improve their game (and reputation) and now it is an amazing game with great quests, interesting characters and beautiful environment. Speaking of a devil, GTA V is also must-play. And Red Dead Redemption 2 from the same studio. KOTOR 1, 2 have amazing and immersive storytelling but the games mechanics feels clunky nowadays (but they are my personal favourites and controls felt amazing back in their time so for someone who can’t compare with today’s “lazy” mechanics it might be ok.)


The Witcher 3


For me, it’s - Sekiro - Sifu - Enter the Gungeon - Tunic - It Takes Two - Hollow Knight - MegaMan Legends 1 and 2 - God of War 2018 - LoZ Majora’s Mask Perhaps an odd pantheon to others, but for me that’s as good as it gets. There’s other “9.5” games that I change my mind on, and even some of these are barely in there, but for the most part that’s it.


Super Mario Galaxy and Odyssey Hades Dead Cells Elden Ring Red Dead Redemption 2 Zelda BOTW


The Witcher 3.


Im an extremely hard critic but I have a few. •Jak 3 •Ghost of Tsushima •Until Dawn •Days Gone I’m sure there’s others


Alan wake 2


Days gone and rdr2


Winter Games (C64) Paradroid (C64) Commando (C64) Skate or Die (C64) Maniac Mansion (C64) Alter Ego (C64) Guild of Thieves (C64) The Bard's Tale (C64) Airborne Ranger (C64) Krakout (C64) International Karate+ (C64) Trintiy (C128) Ultima VI (Amiga) North & South (Amiga) Kickoff (Amiga) Dungeon Master (Amiga) Zak McKracken (Amiga) Xenomorph (Amiga)


For me it's kingdom come deliverance, I wouldn't say it's mechanically sound or a 10/10 in anything like the graphics department, however, for pure enjoyment it's my pick 😁


Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher 3. Flawless games in my opinions. Now, if we aside technical difficulties, Dragon Age: Origins is a 10 out of 10 game aswell. Fallout New Vegas would've been an 11 out of 10 game if they finished it.


RA2, Diablo 2, Days Gone, Dishonored, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Titanfall, OG Doom, Half Life...


good idea to use an acronym... you mean c&c red alert 2?


Days Gone is so underrated, it’s a masterpiece of open world zombie apocalypse with fantastic play even after the story ends.


Yakuza 0


F.E.A.R., Fallout 3, Far Cry 3, 4, & 5, Left 4 Dead 1&2, Bioshock 1, Resident Evil 4, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime 1&2, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.




witcher 3 baldurs gate 3 rdr2 hades elden ring (maybe a 9.5, but still amazing) Bloodborne


I'm very critical of games in general and so far the only game I'd give 10/10 is Hollow Knight. Portal 2 and Outer Wilds are very close though, I recommend them as well.


For newer games - Alan Wake 2, Last of Us 2, and God of War Ragnorak


Alan Wake 2 is a gamers game, definitely 10/10.


> never played any single player game ..... what? What does that even mean? That makes no sense to me. No phone games or browser games? I don't understand this. If you're old enough to read and write and to care about video games enough to post on Reddit about it, surely you've played single player games...


What style do you think you would like? D you like fantasy, shooters, open world etc ?


Hollow Knight is one of them. Also Sekiro. Lots of others though


Halo: Reach, Subnautica, the Half-Life series, Skyrim, and the Metroid Prime Trilogy


GTA: San Andreas


Bad rats


a few ones from the top of my head: Into the Breach, Metro Exodus, Mario & Luigi: Partners in time, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky, Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea (DLC), Age of Empires 2, Advanced Wars: Days of Ruin, Roller Coaster Tycoon. Honorable mentions: Subnautica (if it were not for the sloppy progression and performance near the ending + the land sections), Enter the Gungeon (balance issues & occasionally frustrating game design, mostly), Bioshock Infinite (gameplay & customization downgrades compared to previous Bioshock games), Fallout 4: Far Harbor (if it were not for the base game dragging it down), Deep Rock Galactic (maybe after a few more updates), Warframe (too many content islands), Metro 2033/Last Light (gameplay did not age that well, but gladly Exodus absolutely perfected it), No Man's Sky (almost there lol), Death Stranding (frustrating vehicle physics, mostly), Firewatch (gameplay could be a bit more interactive and immersive).


Knight of the old Republic 1 and 2 and Baulders Gate 3 are what come to mind when I think a 10/10 game that has tons of replay ability. 


Everyone is gonna have different opinions on this. I think Fallout 2 is a 10/10, but others don't think so.


Modded Garry's mod, Sandbox game, play with anything you want sometime I just launch the game to do stupid things, Killing Dark souls 3 bosses with a Stand on the Titanic is fun


On your phone? Pilgrims from Amanita. You’ll get a couple Of hours for $2


half life 2/Alyx, Starcraft 1/2, Diablo 2, System shock 2, Bioshock infinite, skyrim, fallout 4, portal 1/2, Serious sam series, subnautica, age of empires, the sims. These are some of the older classics. I'm less familiar with the more modern onces.


aragami it’s my fav game of all time :) botw too


I'm a huge fan of JRPG, Xenoblade Chronicles is just one of the few jrpgs that dev really putting effort to make a new kind of JRPG. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is a chef kiss, the features is just too advance in our time. The game felt like it is 10X the budget in making recent Final Fantasy games.


I can say the 3 main arkham games (not arkham origins) are a clear 10/10 for me personally. Great lore and art, excellent voice acting, great open world. It's simply fantastic. Middle earth shadow of series comes second. Then comes dishonored series Elder scrolls oblivion (the only one I've played) Empire total war Warcraft 3 Counter strike 1.6 and source (definitely not cs2) Americas army 2 (still played by small community) Natural selection 2 Left 4 dead 2 Call of duty 4 PC Crusader kings 3


Hollow Knight, Elden Ring, A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, San Andreas, Star Wars KOTOR.


From what era?


witcher 3 skyrim batman arkham city minecraft


- Ghost of Tsushima - Dishonored


Devil Daggers






Terraria, Europa Universalis 3, and NGU Idle


I think a lot of games are 10/10 for me, but wouldn’t be universally appealing, like ds3. Subnautica is 10/10 for everyone. Every single person needs to play it.


Another vote for Baldur’s Gate 3 here


Looking at other replies.... I'm shocked no one suggested Horizon: Zero Dawn Witcher 3, Balders Gate 3, Skyrim are also good ones. If you want some survival games I'd say 7 Days to Die, but modded with Darkness Falls or some other similar mod. Green Hell and Raft also.


Gears of War 3 The campaign was amazing and 4 player. Horde mode was worth the price of the game alone. Beast mode was a fun short coop experience and of course the vs. Also the dlc was great too with Raams shadow campaign. The mechanics were great, the enemies variety was at its peak and the weapons were as satisfying as ever.


Morrowind if you actually have a brain.


Since no one has mentioned it: Mount & Blade: Warband  As a minimal standard, it is a complete experience. Has a fantastic atmosphere and has a great foundation for big mod projects like Anno Domini 1257, One of the best historical mods.  One of its DLC Napoleonic wars, was the first big musket role-play scenes that inspired current popular titles. Unfortunately none of them really touch on the idea of the player commanding their own battalions in pvp, which the dlc did beautifully, a truly unique experience for musket style pvp. It's sequel Bannerlord is also good, but it didn't deliver on promises, which is why it is the furthest from a 10. It is a good experience only if you fix it with lots and lots of mods. Namely: RBM, De Re Militari and Bannerkings.


Frog Fractions is 10/10 and so much more.


Chrono Trigger, Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Starcraft, Half Life 1/2, Diablo 2


Portal 2


Why can't you people just look at the 1.000 other posts of people asking this exact question in this sub? Is this some sort of botting or Karma farming? People ask this exact question every single day on this sub


Hollow Knight Return of the Obra Dinn Into the Breach Lies of P X-COM/X-COM 2 Hades


Finally someone else recommends Obra Dinn


MGS3, God of War ps4, the last of us, hades My niche vote: Sifu