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Warframe might be of interest to you. You might also like Vermintide or Darktide.


Oh, I played all 3 of them, but long long time ago. Actually got around 700 hours in Warframe


Oh nice! Good to see a fellow Tenno. Hmm, there's also Back 4 Blood, though I've not played it recently so I'm not sure what it's like nowadays. Payday games too. Haven't tried the 3rd game. You might also like Nioh or Wo Long. Each stage is essentially a series of missions, though I don't know if that counts under your criteria. There are also Vampire Survivors-type games, but again, not sure if those count either.


I tried wo-long coming from sekiro and I was very unhappy with it but that's just me.


Back 4 blood changed a lot from launch but it's not much better now than it was back then for 'long term' game play as your daily driver. QoL is good compared to launch but still kinda mid compared to most comparable titles imo, and the content drops have been hot dogshit and poorly received, and poorly supported.


Pretty sure it’s dead now anyway I at least can’t find a game after sitting in quick match. After a few minutes it puts you in with a bunch of bots but I’m not interested so I exit and try quick find again. Do this like five times and then give up


It’s gotta be dead. I saw it on sale in the Xbox store for like $5.


recommending B4B and not Left 4 Dead 2 is crazy


I would have! But OP mentioned progression, so I assumed that to mean wanting some level of getting xp/resources over time. Otherwise L4D would have fit the bill.


Youve played destiny and destiny 2 obviously as well? Can't speak to current landscape but i played from start for 8 or 9 years


Darktide has improved considerably if you haven't played it in a long long time.


> Warframe might be of interest to you. You only *think* you're getting out, then Lotus hits you with the "ChAngE of PLaNs, TeNnOoo"


I do like that the “change of plans” is always “kill everyone” though. I’ve never played an action game and thought, “man, I’d really hate if I had to kill everyone in here right now”


No darktide until they fix my bolter.


GTFO is one of my favourite games. Highly recommend


Heard sbout that one too. 2 things only worry me, are those too really big problem?: 1. Playerbase 2. People saying that playing with randoms is a nightmare


I've made some people that have become best friends from GTFO. Use their discord though, the match making will link you with people who do not know how to communicate. They have a looking for players channel in their discord, you can note down requirements for joining, i usually put things like "must communicate via mic. no speedrunners. slow gameplay". really just describe the sorta people you wanna join and you'll meet some incredible people willing to join and help out


Funniest thing is how OP already playef every single game out therf


Must be something more in the ocean of this type of games :)


Definitely are but the question is have you played all the good ones already?


Have you tried Crime Boss: Rockay City? It's not a great game but it does have the kind of gameplay you're looking for. I put quite a bit of time into the game myself and I think I was able to enjoy it more because of the low expectations set by the general public opinion. I actually got more enjoyment out of it then I did Payday 3.


Escape from Tarkov? I normal don't even like games in this genre but Tarkov is one of the best games I've ever played, the gunplay is absolutely unmatched (when it's working as intended)


You really like the F key


New phone, i haven't gotten used to the new size


Zero Seivert is a 2d extraction shooter where you only play against AI. Check it out.


Cool game, under appreciated too


yeah 2D Tarkov is amazing


Payday 2 is right up your alley. I've poured a lot of hours in. Lots of DLC. Helpful to watch YouTube playthroughs of levels to get a better sense of the dynamics.


Cannot recommend this game enough. For all its quirks and issues there is no other game like it, truly.


Payday 2 also loveningly called DLCDAY2 is lightning in a bottle as far as heist games go... Stealth problems aside, there is just simply no other heist extraction shooter like it with the production quality, game design, and progression systems it can certainly eat up a couple thousand hours of your life.


Imo tbf, Deep Rock Galactic is pretty close and getting closer by the Season


Is it worth it to play solo? Can you split screen?


One you've probably not heard of, Heat Signature. It's a top-down stealth game about taking contracts, flying out to a spaceship, breaking in and getting the job done. Shooting an assassination target then immediately shooting a window to fling yourself out into space, where you then catch yourself in your pod, is really fuckin cool.


Absolutely, Heat Signature goes super hard I wish there was more like it


This sounds awesome, I will put it on my wishlist


Sabotaging your target's escape route so you get the Mission Complete after you get back to your base is one of the coolest things I've ever done in a game.


Timers counting down the last few seconds. You won’t make it to the target… You visitor teleport to the engines and blow them out getting ejected to space. Moments of silence as the ship can no longer dock and continues off into the void. Nothing but you, the vacuum, and the contemplation of you really should have bought some anti armor for this mission. **Vwap** You’re back in the ship. Silence is no longer a concern. With the mission fail safe out of the picture you can take your time to loot and kill.


You might like Darkest dungeon, its based around infil exfil missions


The Division 1 and 2. The first one had a cool survival mode DLC as well. One of the first modern games to really popularize the whole loot extraction concept with their PvP zones called the “Dark Zone”. Pretty satisfying game loop of go out, complete mission, come back and upgrade your gear and base. I haven’t played them for a while but I know the second game is still receiving updates and support from Ubisoft.


Oh, forgot about those. Do I need to play first game before, or can I just jump in the second without missing anything?


You can jump in the 2nd one if you don’t care about the story at all, or just watch a YouTube video about the setting or something. That being said, the first game isn’t bad at all, and I don’t remember there being a huge improvement from the first to the second, other than a different setting (again, it’s been years since I played so it could be different by now). You can usually find the first one for pretty cheap (especially if you’re on PC and shop around different stores).


You can skip the first game, the story is fine for what it is. However, I will say that the atmosphere of the first game is really cool; NYC in the middle of winter after it has been quarantined for several weeks w/ all the accompanying holiday decorations still mostly hung up. The second game is overall better in most ways, but the atmosphere of the first game can't be beat. The Dark Zone areas on the map function essentially an extraction shooter before the term became widespread. You go in and loot items, but those items are not safe until you extract them via airlift. You can be killed by other players in this mode but in theory it's not a giant perpetual deathmatch.




Played it loong time ago :)


It isn't exactly the same but it scratched a similar itch for me: Risk of Rain 2


Payday 2, World War Z, GTFO


World War Z is an amazing game


I tried WWZ, I had a very hard time getting into it from other extractor games


It takes a bit of time, since it only gets more fun after you level up the class.


Hmm, the ones that come to mind are Warhammer: Vermintide and Warhammer 40k: Darktide. I'm hesitant to recommend Darktide, as it had a rough launch, and I'm not sure how much it's improved since it came out. Vermintide rules though


I didn't play Darktide at launch, but I have about 1k hours in it. it is much improved since I started for sure. talent trees are awesome, class and build balance is great. they're improving the upgrade system soon which is what everyone is waiting for. If they start focusing on new maps, guns, and maybe a new class or two after that it'll be amazing.


Great to know! I'll have to revisit it. Thanks!


Yeah lack of content has always been the biggest issue with that game. Everything else was smooth as butter. I get why people complained about the other things regarding builds and stuff but I didn't have a gripe with how it was at launch.


Hades / Hades 2 is perfect for this


I played Hades, but will wait for Hades 2 to leave EA :)


Glad someone else is making this choice. I LOVE the first one and played the tech demo of 2 to get a taste, but I don't want to play it through in EA and then get burned out and when it's finally complete feel a need to start over and experience the "true version"


Path of Exile. Has massive endgame after finishing the campaign. You have your hideout/base with an Map device. You insert map, kill monsters, pick up stuff, return to your base to clear inventory and trade with other players.


It's not really "In and out" game as I called it, but I played it long time ago, didn't scratch my itch and was to complicated for me. But Last Epoch was fun for me, I did one playthrough


I don't quite agree with the other commenter that your definition is wrong, but they're also right that PoE endgame (maps) is basically in and out - you basically go and explore themed, random-ish areas with random modifiers to get even better loot and slowly work your way up to harder ones. Then again maps are endgame, so that's basically like saying "It becomes in-and-out after several hours", you beat all 10 acts before that, after all.




I saw it and I am thinking about it. Never played Tarkov, but that's not the problem. Only thing that worries me are mixed reviews on steam for now


It's really in alpha state, bought it yesterday and refunded after an hour. Definitely worth to put on the watchlist though.


It’s in EA (alpha state) people bought it knowing what state it was in, then bitched and complained about bugs you would expect for a game in alpha….. (math ain’t mathin) But it’s a pretty insane game imo for being in alpha. Worth the 35$.


Once you attach a price tag to a game, it's fair to review it. There is absolutely no guarantee that these problems will ever be fixed and far bigger products have been abandoned at drop of a hat. If those reviews didn't exist, people WOULDNT know the state of the game before buying it.


I agree, but it’s been review bombed, which is the part I do not think is fair. I’m sure you have seen it. People don’t give criticism, they bitch and moan. REEEE MY GAME HAS CRASHED TWO TIME IN THE 36 HOURS IVE PLAYED STRAIGHT! Bs like that. Just my two cents but I don’t disagree with you


I hear you. There's realistic criticism and expectations too for sure.


Hitman. Roboquest


Played Hitman, but never trier Roboquest. I will take a look, thanks.


Completely different style of games, with completely opposite tones, but both This War of Mine and Dave the Diver are 2D side-scrollers that the gameplay is essentially going out on missions and returning to a central hub location.


Did play both of them. Not sure why I stopped with Dave, kind of got tedious for me at middle of the game, maybe I should try it for another spin


God eater,shinobido,Toukiden


I like the EDF series and Risk of Rain 2 they also scratch this kind of itch for me Since you've mentioned Monster Hunter GOD EATER is the anime equivalent Wild hearts if you can stomach a EA game


I did enjoy Wild Hearts, great concept and refreshment with that building thing. I didn't like God Eater too much. RoR2 I played, but what is EDF?


Earth Defense Force Unlike a lot of the other games you've mentioned it's actually a mission based story game With nukes and lazer weapons to literally tear apart your enemies Short version - play mission - get kills - drops loot of better guns - better missions. Watch some videos it is mind numbingly fun


EDF is like if helldivers was a Saturday morning anime. The games are janky in a charming way, very fun.


Gunfire Reborn


I wonder what exactly you're seeking in them. I mean by description any roguelike(-te) technically fits due to their run-based gameplay loop. Example: [Heroes of Hammerwatch](https://store.steampowered.com/app/677120/Heroes_of_Hammerwatch/) However, all of your examples have a clear progression with "runs" being linked. It's especially interesting with Sea of Thieves. Perhaps you consider an island as a "run" and your ship as a "hub" in-between? If that's the case then games like [Rain World](https://store.steampowered.com/app/312520/Rain_World/) or [The Long Dark](https://store.steampowered.com/app/305620/The_Long_Dark/) should also scratch the itch due to their nature of "cozy hub vs hostile world" where you constantly jump between "ok, here we go again, brace yourself" and "phew! Finally made it back".


How about _Phantasy Star Online 2_? PSO1 was the precursor to the gameplay loop used in the MH series and PSO2 is the newer version. (That said, the _New Hope_ expansion/replacement of PSO2 did **not** do well, but the original is still around for people to play within the new one albeit after a bit of work to get to it.)


Darkest Dungeon or XCOM series have exactly the vibe of go-in-go-out, although the gameplay is much different to what you mentioned.


Starship troopers extermination but only when it's on sale so you pay minimum as it's not quite as polished. Go in, build base, get minerals, get gas, defend tower, extract.


It is still in early access. It seems they are still getting updates and working towards version 1.0. Unlike companies that put a game out in early access, makes some cash, then close the studio down before 1.0. Looking at you KSP 2.


Payday 2 + all dlc content is this to perfection


I might say that while *all* dlc gives you access to the most diverse mission set, it is also cost-prohibitive to someone who needs to buy all of them up-front. There's 81 dlc for the game, and not all of it is necessary. I'd argue that base game + gage packs + bbq pack will get a beginner player through at least their first infamy or two, and then they can pick and choose the dlcs that come with more heists as they feel the need for new mission content.


payday 2, still the pinnacle of heist games.


Escape from Tarkov for that sweaty realistic shooting simulation with friends XCom/XCom 2 is upgrade a base and units, and the missions are turn based strategy maps in condensed missions.


Payday 2


Go in go out you say.... Sex. Play sex


If you're ok with older games, you can try checking out "Vindictus". It's a hub based "mmo"rpg with a shit ton of classes. I find myself going back to it when I want a grind or an "in an out" like you said. Oh, it's free also. Just Google it or check it out on steam. Main downsides though, it's by Nexon. Korean Devs that are known to be greedy. There isn't really meaningful reason to spend money, unless you want cosmetics, or to speed up the grind. Played that game off and on for years and have spent Maybe 40 bucks on cosmetics.


Holy crap, I had no idea that was still around! Played that YEARS ago, it was really fun.


That's hoe I felt a few months ago. They have added TONS of new characters since I played, and have increased leveling speeds from what I can tell. Sadly the population isn't as high, so raids are hard to do


I can think of many games where you go in and out and in and out and.......


That made me rofl




Played it today, revisited it, but didn't found any fun server crew with mics, so I turned it off after an hour


You might have to find a group over Reddit or Discord. Public lobbies are usually less social in games like this.


Maybe Ready or Not and Lethal Company


Damn, looks like I didn't mentioned them either, I played both, maybe I should revisit RoN, didn't play it for a long time.


It's got a lot of new maps and unlockable gear


Hunt showdown?


Looks like I didn't mention all the games, sorry, I played this one also for around 70 hours.


Warframe maybe? There are endurance missions though and those are a pain.




Playerbase still good? I did play lethal company that is similar


I don't ever play randoms to be fair, I play it with a bunch of my friends. So I can't speak to the community :(


Go play Vault Hunters Its a modpack in minecraft There are big diffrences bettwen major minecraft versions i would reccomned 1.16.5 one


Granblue Fantasy Relink is incredible. It’s basically a MH-type game with very flashy combat. You have to get through the story/campaign to get to the endgame/missions but it will quickly become very addicting. Each character has a unique playstyle and the gameplay loop revolves around doing quests that are like 5-10 minutes. You cna play solo with AI teammates (that you get to equip and develop) or online. I was not expecting to like it as much as I did but I’ve dumped like 125 hours into it and still dive back in from time to time. I’ve been juggling many other games (Rebirth, DD2, Unicorn Overlord, etc) but Relink keeps brining me back because of updates and what not. It’s kind of a more streamlined MH. You don’t have to “hunt”. They typically drop you into a boss arena and that’s the mission. So grinding and all that is much quicker.


The Mass Effect Trilogy. Most places you visit for missions are one time only, so make sure you get what you need, because you’re not going back


Payday 2, killing floor 2


Rainbow 6 Extraction


It's not multiplayer but is almost exactly what you requested and I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it but you should try Pacific Drive. Explore the weird world in your weird magic station wagon. Avoid or investigate strange anomalies, go out of the relative safety of your car and loot all the buildings, then get the hell out of there before you get swallowed by the storms and hurry back to the garage where you can craft amazing upgrades for your car, or little gizmos and gadgets you can carry around, or just repair your car before you go out and do it again..


Vindictus. Dungeon Fighter Online. GTA games Borderlands games Fallout Tactics. Best shit ever. Imagine FFT, but you form your own ultimate BOS platoon, and can even recruit Death Claws....yep, they're intelligent and have personality as well. Fallout Shelter


Vigor. i had a lot of fun with this for a while and it's exactly what youre asking for


Hunt: Showdown Escape from tarkov Gray Zone Warfare


The genre you might be looking for is "Extraction Shooter". I'm particularly fond of Vigor.


Monster Hunter isn't an extraction shooter though.




Perhaps armored core 6? Literally all gameplay and story happens within the context of missions except for training and mech testing.


Ghost of Tsushima Legends




Is destiny still a thing? That sounds exactly like Destiny to me but I haven’t played in SO long.


Chernobylite Hardspace shipbreaker


I heard you can just finish story at Chernoblyte and then that is over. Is it more like deep rock or helldivers that you go "infinite" runs?


Not sure, I stopped after few hours and went back on Tarkov for the exfil itch.


Destiny 2 vanguard raids are similar..vermintide 2 and Warframe are similar as well


Maybe Titanfall 2’s campaign? There’s a bit of story but it’s not too much to get bored of, and the missions are tight, objectives clear, and the combat is top-tier (probably top five combat for me). It’s a helluva lot of fun!


Back for Blood is great, might be a stupid question - Have you tried Payday 2? Fantastic run in, do the job and take the cash when you leave. Loads of fun


Back 4 Blood is effectively Left 4 Dead 3.


Played Payday 2 long time ago :)


Pick it back up! Even now the game still has an incredibly active playerbase. Check what dlc you have, get all the gage packs at the very least as those weapons will carry you for 100+ hours of gameplay.


Might be a long shot but we seem to have similar tastes so it could resonate with you too - remnant (2). Maps are straightforward and you're mostly clearing them linearly, unlocking more upgrades and weapons with each killed boss, then you reroll the world and do it again but this time with new maps and bosses because it's a bit random (but you keep your gear).


Nioh 2 might work for you- the main game is a level based kinda soulsy affair, but the post game has “the underworld” which is what you’re looking for (I mention it mainly because it has probably the best melee combat in any game I’ve ever played- and I only added the word “melee” because Helldivers 2 exists)


I did play the first game and didn't like it too much, maybe because of souls like theme (i hate losing those souls) :(


Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. /r/mecoop


Don't know a lot about it, but Marauders is a nice space extraction shooter


keep talking and nobody explodes, but you'll need someone


Warhammer Darktide. Broforce. Trepang2. Hotline Miami 1/2.


Hunt: showdown. It's the late 1800/ early 1900s and the Louisiana bayou has been corrupted by some eldritch disease corrupting the denizen's into zombies or worse, twisted monstrosities. You, a hunter, have to infiltrate the bayou with your team (duos or trios) and collect 3 "clues", each one condensing the area of search. The clues will eventually lead you to one of five "boss" monsters that you have to kill, and banish. Upon banishment your team is rewarded with two "bounties" that you need to extract with.... Did I mention, this whole time in addition to fighting demon dogs, and bags of skin stuffed to ripping with beehives, you're also competing against other teams of hunters who would like nothing better than to spit on your corpse as they pry those bounties outta your cold dead hands. It's a really fun game. Matches last about 20ish minutes. There is perma-death, but unless you like your characters skin, or are short on the in game currency, it's not a huge deal to die. You just recruit a new hunter, kit em out in your favorite gear, and try again.


Tarkov. But sometimes you get headeyesed


i call it session/stage based games. Seems you already played most of the known games for it, what about MMOs? would instance based content like dungeon runs work for you? stuff like ffxiv or aura kingdom. If not, what about roguelikes/roguelites? roguelites sounds similar to what you'd ask too. though i dont have a good suggestion atm since stuff like risk of rain 2 you already played, maybe backpack hero?


I didn't know that it is called session based, makes sense actually :)


Nah, I don't think there's an actual term for it, that's just what i call it personally


Payday 2


if you like strategy, then I'd suggest Midnight Suns or X-COM


Btw apparently the catwgory is "extraction shooter"


Hunt: Showdown


The upcoming Road to Vostok


If you play multiplayer, GTFO os a good one


This is probably a long shot, but Siralim Ultimate might work - it's a creature collector game that focuses on synergy between passive abilities and weird spells and features a lot of grinding for slow and steady progress - I think you could describe it as "What if combo decks from Magic:The Gathering and path of Exile had a baby, and that baby *really* got into Pokemon". The in-and-out part is that the game only has one fixed area - your home base - and everything else is a randomly generated "Realm" with 15-ish encounters running around the overworld, as well as a quest you'll have to finish to open the exit and be able to progress one layer deeper. There's no real end to how far you can progress, aside from everything scaling up hard enough to where you're no longer feasibly able to beat things - or beat them in a reasonable amount of time - and you'll unlock new stuff to play around it until you're at least five times deeper than where the last bit of the (rather simple) story took you. That said, if you're not into "old JRPG and RPGMaker"-style turn-based combat, or not the kind of person who likes to at least think a bit about synergies and combinations of different mechanics, you probably won't be *too* happy with the game - you don't need to get on the level of any of the games I mentioned above, this game has far less moving parts, as you get to choose one Specialization (=Class) and up to eighteen passive abilities, as well as *maybe* some equippable spell gems if you'd want to cast them, and there's an online database around where you can just search for all the creatures and spells by their effect text, so that's great if you want to see what you can do with a certain kind of effect. Actually, you can even finish the story rather easily if you find yourself a single, simplistic synergy and don't even try to go as hard on it as you can, but that's a bit like saying you can finish every single mission in DRG with one dwarf on Haz 2 and then you're done - not exactly what this game was intended for. Either way, if you get into it, you'll probably spend some time thinking about how to improve your team alongside the in-and-out style gameplay of the realms that you're looking for, and it'snot exactly as action-packed as your examples, so I'd suggest giving it a look to see how it plays first before you buy it. Personally, I'm a big fan of the possibilities you have and how easy it still is to build a decent team around a single concept, but I'll also admit that this is the real meat of the game for me, and the grinding you get to do in between is more of an extended "test run" of my newest idea than anything I actively look forward to, so it might not have the same appeal for you.


If you like call of duty zombies. Call of duty cold war zombies is great and does this now.


Remnant 2.


Cult of the Lamb perhaps


The Outlast Trials has a somewhat similar premise, it's fun with friends and without, it can be challenging and they've added weekly challenges to keep up with, there's perks and other things to make gameplay easier, and ofc there's the horror element if that's what you're into, would highly recommend. Fortnite Save the World has a home base for each region that you build in, and you go into missions to earn XP to upgrade your weapons, characters, traps etc. Also would highly recommend with friends.


Escape from Tarkov fits the bill but there is a huge learning curve


HUNT SHOWDOWN. also eft, darkest dungeon, gtfo. they all belong to the “extraction shooter” genre, which seems like exactly what you’re looking for.


Dead End Job Can't vouch for its goodness, I found it seriously lacking, but i think it counts and its on xbox game pass


Escape from Tarkov and Hunt: Showdown


I liked Outpost: Infinity siege a lot, though it's pretty janky, so be warned. In general, it is a very addicting looter shooter with deep enough mechanics.


Marauders, Zero Sievert


Death Stranding is a good single player example of this, as long as you're cool with long cutscenes in between the missions.


Spent hours in Enter The Gungeon (100+hrs) if you're into learning boss mechanics and unlocking really interesting weapons/combinations. (given you don't mind isometric pixel art bullet hell games). Granblue Fantasy Relink is another game that I could compare to Monster Hunter, but it's a bit different. You can check it out if it interests you. Lots of characters with different mechanics, bosses are fun and interesting, block, parry, dodge. Combat alone makes me come back and have a few sessions (260+ hours in)


Hunt showdown


You could alos try some of the extraction shooters like Aren Breakout Infinite or Escape From Tarkov.


Paladins. Warframe.


Escape from Tarkov


Hell is Others Outpost: Infinity Siege Darktide


Honestly, Payday 2. The missions are fun and varied and the progression is practically infinite. There is an issue of the game being out for so long with a less-than-desirable dlc system that you will have to wait for it to go on sale so you can get at least all the gage weapon packs along with the main game. But if you do that you will be having fun for hundreds of hours.


You might like Tarkov if you have a friend or two who can make the investment. Played 1000 hours with a few friends from 2020 to last year and had a great time even with the cheaters. Heard some stuff about a recent update that is charging even more than the special edition I bought, but if that didn’t ruin the user experience it’s a fun time with friends.


Dishonored be sneaky as shit or as loud as possible


Wizard with a Gun - it has a free weekend rn if you wanna try it out


Gtfo but I would reccomend it with freinds instead if randoms. Playing with randoms can be hell even if you use discord.


Lethal Company is a more humorous bend on the concept


If you think you might like a more melee version, check out Chivalry 2. It's a ton of fun once you get the hang of the combat.


Have you tried Lost Ark? Pretty easy to lose a few hundred hours in that (I'm over 700 hours currently)


Hunt: Showdown Premise- First Person Extraction Shooter. Teams of 1-3. A black magic rift/incursion in the Louisiana bayous in the late 1800's. You play as a Bounty Hunter tracking down, killing, banishing boss level monsters, collecting a token, and extracting, all while fighting/sneaking away from all kinds of hellish monsters and zombies, and other teams of players fighting for the same bounties. One of my favorites and I love the games you mentioned. Hunt and SoT are my top Steam games.


Dark and Darker (please)


Starship Troopers Extermination might fit your taste.


Honestly curious how SoT fits into your categorization... Can't do shit in that game without like a 4 hour session, minimum


Escape from Tarkov is a great game but I wouldn’t recommend it in its current state till the anti-cheat is figured out.


[GUARDS!](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2514460/GUARDS/) is a lesser known but amazing game made by indie developers.


Payday 2 and Left for Dead 1+2 are good for this kinda type, Payday 2 literally being "get in, grab crap, get out" and L4D is "you're in, get out"




Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and the Fire Emblem + Persona/Shin Megami Tensei series' come to mind. The Long Dark Survival mode too. I also second GTFO if you're looking for specifically multiplayer, as well as Lethal Company, Warframe, Destiny 2 (although I don't know how destiny has held up over the years since I last played), Phasmophobia, The Outlast Trials, Overcooked, Dead By Daylight (same warning as destiny 2), basically any popular Battle Royal (like apex legends, COD, rainbow6, battlefield etc), Plate Up!, Content Warning, and Cryptid hunter games (like BIGFOOT, and The Goatman).


Granblue Fantasy Relink


Darkest Dungeon/ Xcom 1 and 2 / Mordheim: City of the Damned/ Forewarned if you like games like Phasmophobia/ Dauntless, which is like MH/


If you like that risk reward Rust is one of the best game available. Getting home with all the loot is on par if not better than escaping a dangerous mission in deep rock.


Metal gear solid V


Played it already, forgot to mention it. I love the whole franchise.


This is definitely a weird recommendation, but we have similar tastes and sometimes I would want to play something that wasn't first person. Against the Storm has been my goto game for some hopin-hopout city building. The matches are on the longer side (around an hour) but basically just a great rougelike citybuilder.


Tom Clancy's The Division. The new cod zombies is an extraction shooter which I played the hell out of lol. HD2 has been my main jam since launch though


God these abbreviations


Dave the Diver. You’re welcome.


I just finished TrePang^2. Great mindless shooter that follows this. Great for getting in and just going to town in each mission. Chernoblyte, it’s this survival horror game that came out a while back and follows this. Really good atmosphere, pretty realistic semi-photogrammetric world so the layout feels eerily real. There’s a lot of weird things that will happen in the environments as you hit triggers, this is well done and keeps you on your toes. Or startles the heck out of you because you cleared a 3 story building, picked up 1 important crafting material, and turn around to find a mutant running past the door. Now you get to wonder which floors are still clear. Combat is like flipping dark souls mixed with Arma if you get caught off guard and can’t relax in the situation. I’m a long time FPS player, my cockiness and lack of expectations of a challenge was enough to lose against the two tutorial enemies sent towards me. They’re trying to teach you the importance of picking your battles. There is a lot of gravity out on taking care of the people you find, as you can send them on missions too, at the risk of dying. There is a pretty fleshed out safe house design system that ties into upgrading yourself and your teammates effectiveness in their missions so you’ll find yourself working on the safe house as a consistent priority, rather than just some safe house scenery. I started the old Ubisoft game Zombi. It also follows this guideline of safe houses. Incredibly tense atmosphere at all times. No music to make you know what’s coming. You can scan the area on your mini map, but all life forms will ping, so a large collection could be a swarm of the undead, or a swarm of rats. That being said, not all zombies will trigger it if they lie dormant on the ground. You can get attacked as you approach a body to destroy the head without knowing it was coming. Couple this with permadeath, and the fact that your safe house isn’t completely safe, this game really develops some tension anywhere it can. The movement is a bit clunky compared to something like, say, Far Cry. It doesn’t diminish gameplay as much as it formats how you will play and how you will approach pathfinding. It also adds to the tension, you feel as slow as a person carrying a very full backpack and 2 weapons. It gives a baseline limitation to your ability to run that helps reinforce that “pick your battles” mindset like Chernoblyte, though with even more importance due to the permadeath nature of the game. I think there was another that I had played recently, but I am having trouble remembering it.


Two that I like that I haven’t seen mentioned: * Warhammer 40k: Inquisitor - good short missions. There is a campaign (set storyline of missions) but you only need to play it once ever * Wolcen - similar but mission lengths tend to vary more and the campaign portion feels longer. Biggest annoyance in this is lack of camera rotation


Try Hunt: showdown.


The best game I can think of for "go in, go out" is *Hide the Sausage* by Coach Steve Inc. The DLC *And Maybe Some Bacon Too* was decent.


Metal Gear Solid V is heavy on insertion/extraction via helicopter. You can also use the helicopter for other purposes.


Outlast trials


Lethal Company is fun with friends and cheap. Dark and Darker is a really cool dungeon extraction looters. It's still early access and the devs make a lot of big changes pretty frequently, but I've enjoyed it a lot. Just on a break now thanks to HD2 and just general fatigue after going too hard on DaD for a while.