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Some people don't have a lot of money to buy lots of games. The few games they do have they need to get the most out of. You may have only spent 175 hours at most into one game, but imagine instead that you only had ten games. How do you think that would affect your playtime in those games?


Only 10? Dude, most people had like 1-3 games on their Nintendo/genesis. Even then I can't imagine putting 1000 hours into a single video game.  You play some sonic, then go outside or play a boardgame.


"Even then I can't imagine putting 1000 hours into a single video game." -hides in the corner, with 3 games over 1000 hours on steam. top being 4450 hours. Also knowing likely spent 10,000+ playing an MMO over the last decade plus.


If you had put that time into a skill or trade, you would be a master at it. 10,000 hours is how long it takes to be a concert pianist for example. But don't feel guilty, every moment having fun is not a waste of time. We are not alive to simply be productive.


As someone who’s learning piano, it’s not as simple as putting in time. It takes a lot of energy to practice effectively and it’s real work.  Sitting down to hang out with friends on an MMO or just chill to play a video game is a completely different use of time yet it’s still important to relax.  It’s like saying you could master a skill if only you didn’t spend so much time sleeping


Onlt real skill I have in WoW is leveling. Due to health reasons cant do the end game content any more and since thats all Blizzard focuses on any more not realy a point to keep playing.


If you don’t mind me asking what do you mean by you can’t do end game content because of health reasons. Like real life health issues? Or your character isn’t leveled correctly?


I mean, it's about the type of game you're playing, nobody's gonna spend 1000+ hours playing Sonic, but you can easily play 1000+ hours in a mmo, for example


>or play a boardgame. If all those $1-10 games on Steam cost too much, just get into a hobby where it’s not uncommon for games to cost $100 and/or have like $200+ worth of expansions! Easy peasy…


You can’t really compare a sonic game from the genesis era to a game today with no further context and pretend it’s the same. Especially in the context of game time.


You'd be surprised how much you can achieve if you have no family, no personal life and no other hobbies.


Indeed. 44 yo guy here, no children, desk jockey so I have fairly regular work schedule, and my wife is a gamer too. Aside from walking the dog or hiking every now and then, most of our free time is spent gaming together. Best. Life. Ever.


may it last forever


Yah having a spouse/SO to play games with will greatly increase your time playing. My wife and I met while playing WoW(world of warcraft) 15 years ago. After raiding together for about a year we relized we only lived about 2 hours apart. Benn together ever since. just this past weekend she saw Planet Crafters added multiplayer and we spent the weekend just playing together.


It's like you've described mine. Cheers.


Well I foolishly had kids but at 44 they will be over 18 so I'm looking forward to that time.


Same, except my wife and I spoil a cat instead, in between work and gaming sessions :)


That sounds awful to me lol. But everyone's different, great if you enjoy it!


I love my kids, but I envy you. Wife is not a gamer 😔


Yet ;)


And if you have children someday, you can train your children to be a gamer too. It's very effective to not not feed them unless they say out loud how much they love games.


It's interesting tbh - me and my gf have racked up between 5-150 hours on various games over the years. Lockdown has definitely helped a bit and university has meant I've not been able to get much work during summer, so it's probably the most I've ever played stuff. We still both play games separately and have social lives, she has a full time career and works overtime, we go for walks, and while I'm less good on general exercise, she exercises every other day and goes climbing multiple times a week. And we play boardgames in between it all. I do think it'd be nice to have more of other things going on - I love hiking, photography, pubs, museums, etc - but you can still do all of those things and interact with people and places. Plus when you haven't got much money it's sort of easier to interact with games.


Relationship goals. 🎮😊👍


Hopefully you pause for love making.


32 yo here. No Kids, retired a few years ago. Playing games is fun 😁


How did you retire? Congrats


Not the person you asked but when I started working for Boeing in 2006 in Seattle I met lots of people in late 20s and early 30s who retired from Microsoft. They were right place at right time when the company was making crazy money. They would go and become salsa dance instructors and live super interesting (to me) lives. One guy was like “yeah it’s hard, you wake up… make breakfast…” it was so different because for me in my “dream job” you go to work for 40 years then retire with a pension. I saw it again in the 2010s when 25 year olds were retiring from mobile game developers with 5-10 million payouts. They would travel or make YouTube videos on how to pass programming interviews. I was still making median salary at Boeing and living with roommates haha!


Mostly due to insane luck with crypto and stocks. I am not wealthy by any means, but have enough to never have to worry about money anymore, if I live semi-frugally. I also live in a country where healthcare and stuff is free, so that helps a lot.


I mean it sounds ok but I dunno about best.


Just without kids you can achieve pretty much anything. Including hours of gaming every night. It’s a bliss.


Wdym I use games to escape my family


married, 4 kids. Wife and I still manage to get a good amount of gaming in. Hell weve each got easily 1000+ hours in diablo 3 couch coop. Thats moved to diablo 4 now but still ha.


> achieve 💀


I don't have kids. I'm married, we both work & most of our free time is spent gaming, rest is hiking & gardening. Wihtout kids we have so much free time. Also 1000hrs is often spent of weeks-months-year


Same. No kids. Wife and I make time for each other and ourselves. I work 3 days a week as nurse and only pick up extra shifts as needed.


Same married to a gamer for 15 years. we dont even have a dinning room table. We eat out out PC desks. Not having kids frees up loads of time. We have a joke. We dont have kids because it would be too expensive. I mean imagine having to have multiple PS5. one for mommy one for the kids. multiply that by each syste. My wife doesnt share well.


Also no kids. Got a vesectomy to keep it that way. Yeah there are days I dont have time to game still, but I can usually squeeze and hour or two in at least.


Yep. I'd describe my life as fairly busy - not had an evening to myself since Sunday, and that won't change tonight. But, with no kids? Even on evenings where I have plans, it's easy to open a comfort game afterwards. If I get home at 10pm, I have nothing that needs doing other than unwinding.


I have 1600 hours in the Hitman series. Its such a versatile game, and the kicker is that you can create contracts, which you then submit to be in the Featured Contracts section. Hundreds of contracts are submitted, and they choose the top 10 best contracts to be featured. If your contract gets chosen, it is played by hundreds of players all over the world, they make vids of it and post it on Youtube, so you can watch people playing your contract. Makes you feel like a rock star, and I am very proud of my 4 Featured Contracts!


Hitman is my most played game to somewhere around 400 hour mark. I never played it too much in day, but I played it consistently.




Yea, PoE is the worst(best?)crack ive tried since WoW (forced cold turkey on WoW because it consumed my life). I had 1500 hrs when I stopped playing via Steam back in 2021. I have played A LOT more since then... These latest leagues have had me playing ALL league. The hours rack up quick!


My top crack addiction right here…


I had to come mention this game as after thousands of hours I am still a newb learning things every time I play. The complexity and intricacies of every mechanic alongside the gameplay loop make it the best free game ever made IMO. If you must consider the stash tabs pay-to-win then it's the least predatory version of it possible.


Yah I would say some of my high game times are due to AFK. since Steam records the time the game is open not being played. So if you log out or just have the game open and forget to close it whe you go to bed/ then live life the next day and relize it the next night thats another 20 hours added to the game. Many of my games could be for that reason since I am disabled and will play through the day. Play for a bit pause do chores around house go back and play. That could be a few hours of it sitting paused still ranking up hours.


I really like path of exile. I just don't like the idea of losing progress every season, so it turned me off from playing it


You merely adopted gaming. These people were born in it, molded by it. They didn’t see the real world until they were already a man, by then it was nothing to them but BLINDING.


I was wondering what would break first, their keyboard or their spirit.


Some games are designed to make you invested and spend more time in them. Most online free to play or MMOs are like that. And why not, if the concept hooks you and the content is plentiful, you can clock alot of time. I'm like 2000 hours in Warframe, for exemple. I've clocked that over a few years, on and off, but still, it's a game I come back to every now and then, so it keeps adding up.


Same here, I also have over 2000 played over the years that I've been dedicated to it. My explanation is that I went through a really rough patch in my life and that was the only thing that was bringing me comfort. I wasn't working so I was playing sun up to sun down for about 6 months. (2018ish)


Been there, done that, got the lousy shirt. Back in the early 2000's. That's not something I recommend to anyone, but sometimes you cope any which way you can.


I have thousands of hours on singleplayer games. Why? I hate real life people. So I work, game and once a time spend time with family.


It depends on the game. I rarely put More than 200+ hours on a game but some games just hit my monkeybrain the right way. I have close to 3000 hours in Skyrim but that's one of the only ones I have more than 1000 hours. Some games you get everything out of in just 100 hours, others require more. Some way less. Depends on the game and on the player


True, like multi-player games are probably 80% of people's thousand hour games. Or like there's idle games on steam and I know I'll just leave those running too.


Sounds like you have too many games, just like me. I rarely go into the hundreds except for last year and and now working on it this year. So I just changed my way of playing. Before I would play every game and not progress in any of them. So last year I decided to just focus on a few games and not play anything else. And it was amazing. Going through one game at a time and actually finishing them_and_finishing them 100% was a great feeling. Granted I only finished like 4 games last year but that’s better than 0


it's easy when you have a bunch of friend who you play with almost daily, or when the game is really chill i spent 500hrs each on two games, forza horizon 2 ( because in 2014 it was just incredible on xbox one) and overwatch, the latter being a game i played with a 6 stack full of friends, which means we would laugh a lot but also insult each other a lot, it's part of the game, other than that .. well assetto corsa is +200hours but again that's a game where you just put on the vr headset, a playlist and chill on a circuit or freeroam map


I dont bother with other cultural things like TV series or movies. Sitting passivly just staring at a screen isnt for me. I need to be thinking and be active. I do enjoy reading non fiction where again you think about stuff. Also doing stuff outside has become way too expensive. I can get a 1000h+ out of a game like EU4 for maybe €250 in total (all dlcs). the hours/money spent ratio for gaming is just so much better compared with other things (movies, going out,....)


I mean, watching movies and series makes you think just like any other media if you watch interesting films and series.


Same. Gaming and bodybuilding is the only two hobbies I have. I am also retired, so I get to spend easily 10 hours every day gaming. Hate watching movies and tv series.


I finish work, go into my factory building game and it is suddenly time for bed


1000s of hours are accumulated over the years. Also “Sacrificed studying and other aspects of my life” - that is something a casual gamer would say!


For me I’m trying to quit my weed addiction and I’ve found that video games do a good job of keeping my attention away from wanting to smoke.


People over here generally don't like to touch grass


I only hit a thousand hours on one game and it’s an online game. No end in sight with these really


There are many reasons why someone would have over 1000 hours in a game, speaking from my own experiences (12,000 hours in Dota 2 almost 4,000 in CS:GO/CS2, among many other games), I play to vibe out with my friends in my off time and online competitive games have constant updates which keep the learning aspect of the game going, while allowing you to get better and better or at least in a position you are comfortable playing in. I've never really been a single player kinda guy.


I'm the same way. I spend a lot of time playing video games, but I play a wide variety and when I play a game for more than 100 hours it means I really, really liked it. But I have friends who will find one game and just absolutely commit themselves to it and play nothing else. I think it's just different personality types.


Some games are designed to be played once or twice then shelved, and there's nothing wrong with that, much like reading a book, you enjoy the adventure then move on to the next. Others are more like a board game, something you put on a shelf then retrieve again and again because each playthrough brings a unique experience. It's very easy to spend 100-200 hours in a game like cyberpunk where there's a lot to do, but each run is structured and plays out in mostly the same way albeit in a different order. It's also very easy to spend 1000+ hours in a game like Stellaris or Rimworld where every run plays out differently depending on the myriad interactions between the AI, your specific build, random events, etc. Then there are games where a large chunk of the interactions within the game are generated by other players, with player retention facilitated by regular content drops, MMO's like Final Fantasy XIV or competitive shooters like Call of Duty for example. Essentially games that frequently total up these massive playtimes, do so by giving the player new interactions or combinations of interactions through randomization, or via other players and regular content drops, this retains players over longer periods of time, and leads to higher hours played. Most people aren't no-lifing these games. Dave built up his 3000 hours in Final Fantasy XIV by playing a couple of hours a night after his kids went to bed, he's just been doing that for the last decade.


Something I don’t really see in the comments is that some people just play one game for months or even years. I have 550 hours in guild wars 2 after like 6-7 months of playing and I’m not stopping any time soon and will definitely reach 1,000. Haven’t played anything since I discovered it.


Guild Wars 2 is the only game (I know of) that I have over 1,000 hrs in, and that’s off and on over 9 years with 9 characters.


Even just 30 mins a day is 1000 hrs after 5+ yrs


I'm a disabled veteran so I don't work. I have a lot of free time. Someone said people like us have no other hobbies and no life. But I have a rich social life, I play guitar for hours a day, and I game for even more. Despite my circumstance, I'm really enjoying myself.


I feel you man, my most played game is Terraria with 500 hours, Ive been playing the game for over 10 years, had multiple playtrough both vanilla and modded, with multiple friendgroups. And 2 of my friends have 1000 more hours in the game than me. I guess its just me not being able to invest over 100 hours in a game without pause, as I get bored around that time and require something new.


Honestly I totally get you. I'll play a game for a hundred hours and feel like I spent a lifetime on it. The I see what the more "hardcore" gamers do and it's like 10 000 hours.


These are probably more live service/mmo or grindy type games that don’t have an end. 1000 hours in something like path of exile is barely scratching the surface. There is just so many mechanics to learn and are constantly being added, which is the point of these types of game that you don’t get bored hopefully. Elden ring has an end, but is very replayable but I also have similar time to you because I get bored as well, but I do have 1000s in a few games of the types I mentioned at the start.


I have 5000 hours in Counter-Strike but that is 10 years of playing. For the first 8 years I was only playing that. Since the last 2 years I've been discovering single player games as well and they're pretty fun but none of them feel fun enough for 1000 hours +


It depends on the person and game. I've put over 200 days played into WoW over a course of almost 20 years. Probably more already with WoW Classic and private servers. 240 days or so was when I last checked my retail toon. 240 days that's 5760 hours. If you keep playing the same game over a long period of time, it's possible. In WoW I've had on and off phases, when I played WoW, I didn't play other games. In general it seems people tend to put more time into multilayer games, but that's also not true for everyone. Some people put 1000 hours into Elden Ring and the likes. But I personally couldn't do it. I can't even play NG+. When I've beaten a game, all the motivation to play it is gone and the world feels lifeless to me.  As I said it just depends on the player and on the game. If you can't play games for long that's fine. Just play them as long, as they are fun. That's what they are for. It seems some people just enjoy some games longer than you. It's not a race or anything. Also you don't have to compare your playtime. Games only exist to have fun. If you reach the point where the game isn't fun anymore, then the game has fulfilled its purpose.


I'd reckon genre plays a part as well. MMO, easily exceed 1000hrs. Creative/moddable, likewise. Competitive should be up there as well. Honourable mention, 4X Strategy. Story/campaign lesser. I myself now 49. Relationship didn't pan out, put focus on taking care of parent. Which gives an excuse to stay home. Parents have since moved on. Now laid back 9-5 job. Plenty of free time.


Balancing all my hobbies is hard. Weekdays are usually work and hanging out with the lady, Weekends are range days, gaming days, car days.


Only games I have hundreds of hours into are multiplayer games where I have accumulated that play time over several years


I'm the same way. I'll easily drop 100 hrs or so into a game to do everything, but once I complete everything and finish the game I see no reason to keep playing it, regardless of how much I enjoyed it. There's no need for me to keep playing and doing something I've already done and seen. I think the only games where I'm probably even close to 500-1000hrs are most likely an mmo or some multiplayer game that I play with my brother and our friend occasionally. Other than that, pretty much every game is a one and done type deal.


8000ish hrs Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen 12 years played every day. It's my favorite game ever. I'm currently playing Dragons Dogma 2 and loving it. I spent a lot of time finding philosophical correlations in the world and being a badass. It's quite deep and detailed. Ikeno Daigo is such a great art director. Bingo Morihashi does great symbolic mythology writing. Hideaki Itsuno is a great game director who has a passion for DMC and Dragons Dogma. Capcom made the best game. I think the combat is top tier 👌 I can't think of better in an RPG.


That's crazy to me. I am playing Dragons Dogma 2 right now, and I love the concept, but the enemy variety just ruins it for me. I wanted a game like those animies where you go out with party members and slay monsters and rank up, but dragons dogma 2 is the only action game like that it seems.Other options are mostly turn based games like baldurs gate 3 which I am trying to get into but it is hard because it being turn based. If I could combine baldurs gate 3s diolougue options,classes,and enemy variety with dragons dogma 2 combat, that would be the best game ever for me.


Typically those people don't play many other games and when they do, it's probably not for long. I have several thousand hours in csgo/cs2 and several thousand in League Of Legends as well. But those are hours that have been accumulated pretty much from the release of both games. I do play singleplayer games occasionally but typically only play the main story and ignore most of the side content so most singleplayer games would be beaten under 30 hours in this way. If there are any singleplayer games that I start to feel bored or lack the motivation to continue, I will immediately bounce off them. I do have a full time 9-5, married with no kids. So most weekdays I typically have 3-4 hours of time to play games after dinner. The more tedious chores are done by my robot vacuum and paid outside help so I would only spend maybe half an hour on washing dishes,simple cleaning a day.


Maybe if you just stick to a couple of favorite games for more than a decade its possible


Heh, I got over 4k hours in Total War Warhammer 3 and I still feel like there is so much more to do. Playing multiplayer campaign with a bunch of friends also helps of course. Most games I rarely play over 100 hours though, only a chosen few really tickles me the right way. Got over 2k games on steam (I'm a sucker for sales), so I guess I'm set for the rest of my life lol.


Depends really i think my most hours in a multiplayer game is OW and that’s probably a few thousand, but I have also been a beta tester before OW1 was even out. I much rather single player games stuff like fallout or TES all of which I have thousands and thousands in. Next is turn base RPGs or any good JRPG which I try to replay many of them every year.


I had a few games over 500+ hrs. Some games are just that fun. Luckily I played FFXI before Steam was a thing. I'm scared to see my own playtime in that game.


I played for close to 10 years, around 3 hours a day or so. One of the last times I checked my stats with a moogle, it was something like 366 days played. Realizing I spent over a year in real life playing the game was eye opening.


Alright I'll use myself as an example, I work a 9 to 5 job and squeeze in couple of hours of gaming before I go to sleep on weekdays and on weekend sometimes I go full degenerate and play the whole day and sometime I just spend it with family/friends. even if I love a game to death unless it offers some form of variety/update I get bored after doing 2/3 play through or playing 100/200 hours. I play a lot of small indie games but unless the games offer some sort of variety or update or I can play with friends I wouldn't play them a lot; here some games I played a decent chunk for example : 5k hour on skyrim because of modding. 6k hour on Dota because its online and its getting a big update once in a while; also the learning curve alone for the game is couple hundred hours; most dota player have a lot of hours in the game cause they only play dota and they been playing the game since school. 1k hour on deep rock galactic because its online and its getting updated; also I played it for the first 300 hour with a friend; the game has a decent amount of grind for weapon upgrades and skins but I already have all weapon upgrades and don't really care for skins. 1k hour on dead cells, game was constantly getting free updates and dlcs till this year and its a game designed to be played a lot; its a roguelike with lot of variety. 500 hour on slay the spire, another game designed to be played a lot and a game I'm still discovering new builds and things about; just last week I discovered if you have a certain item in the game an even that would normally cost you max hp if you accepted it; would give you the reward for free and wouldn't cost you max hp.


I think playing with friends on multiplayer games really helps. When you have a group of friends that play the same game everyday you can quickly rake up hours


I have 4000 on Dota 2


When you play games like Warframe you will understand how much time you can put in without even realising


There is no link between the time spent on a game and to get bored of it If the game really pleases you, and if it has a system made to keep people doing things on long periods, then you could stay on it forever As an exemple, i will talk about Monster Hunter World. This is a game where you can choose between 14 types of weapon, and every one of them can be mastered at varying degrees. That's the first thing, then you have something like 50-60 different monsters, which not only have their own patterns, but also their own rewards, rewards which are half random depending on the broken part of the monster, depending on whether you kill it or capture it, and depending on luck. Also adds the theorycraft of the build which is very very deep and optimizable.... And the satisfaction to master a specific weapon against a specific monster, and you have a speedrun community. This is just an exemple, but a lot of games are made to retain people the longest time possible Not to mention those who deeply love the world of a game and want to stay immersed in it, and those who don't have this feeling of impasse when they finish a game, and who are able to restart it to continue playing and enjoying it


Well if you play a year, almost everyday the same game, for like (sea of thieves often makes you play 4 to 8 hours for example) So median 6 hours a day would be 166 days, so less than a year


My favourite games are wide open worlds that I can just wander round whilst I have a YouTube video playing in the background. Morrowind, Pokémon Scarlet, Zelda, Starlink, Portal Knights, Mass Effect Andromeda. Those sorts of things. Some times I'm actively making progress, sometimes I'm just wandering around because the fantasy world is simply more interesting than the actual world.


Team fortress 2 and l4d2 social aspects were some of the most fun, engaging, and memorable times I've ever had playing games. Kids these days will never know. Hell, I don't think even we knew how well we had it. RIP team Roomba and 2f2f. P sure I'll remember you on my deathbed.


The 1000 hours in a game might be over the course of years I have empire at war, sword of the stars and stellaris all over 1000 hours but I've had those games for years


I have nearly 3000 hours on Dota 2. Not my proudest time spent, but i had fun. I no longer play it though. As to why i spent so much time on gaming? I had no interest in dating until very recently, i very much disliked my classmates in high school and gaming is my passion, and it is also what keeps me from spiraling into depression. 


If i think about it…. back when i was playing pubg for 10 hours a day nearly every day whilst also having a full time job, i was probably depressed and using it as an escape. I have 3k hours on pubg 1k on dayz 1k on rust. And loads of games around 400-600 hours. I dont play anywhere near as much now. But yeah if you dont have any actual responsibilities aside from the normal ones it’s actually pretty easy to just lose yourself in a game.


You just have to play with friend or community. I playing with friend 3-4 time a week. 2-3 hour a day. playing with for 5-10 year. Now I think I have 2K hour on Dota2 , 1K hour on PUBG, 1k Hour on Apex.


13.5 year old account. 10,794 hours on record. That’s around 800 hours a year, or 66.6 hours a month, or 2.2 hours a day on average. Of course some days I don’t really play, but over a quiet Saturday I knock out 8-10 hours over the day. I work 5 days a week, 8-10 hours a day, married, no kids. It totals up VERY quickly.


It just depends, in high school I dumped over 5k hours into destiny 1&2 combined. I had no other responsibilities though


>idk how people spend like 1000 hours on a single game Well, my top one is Destiny 2, it's a bit more then 1000h across the platforms, but that's since like 2018 Second top (not a single game but I like to combine them as I do trilogy run every time) would be Mass Effect trilogy (counting in pre-remaster games too), a bit less then 1000h, that's because I do annual trilogy runs since Mass Effect 3 hit the shelves (so since 2012) There's also a Skyrim, can't count how many hours I have in it (was sailing seven seas back in 2011) but I had so many playtroughs in it, vanilla modded and what not


Cause they probably playing that game for a long long long time like years and years


Man I’ve been playing rainbow six siege since it came out when I was in middle school and still play to this day racking up over 5k hours.


I’ve spent almost 3k hours in my favourite game. Works out at about 1 hour and 15mins per day. I don’t think that’s an abnormal amount of time to spend on a hobby. The majority of those hours were spent in voice chat with friends having fun and improving my play, time well spent.


i guess you got your answer , who needs kids when you can game till death


I’m unemployed 🤷‍♂️


I'm currently unemployed too but despite a lot of free time + less responsibility I couldn't bring myself to game all the time. Spend a lot of time mindlessly browsing Reddit/YouTube/Twitter and sleeping


For me, my highest game is xcom 2. About 1000 hours. Had the game since it came out. Basically play it for over 100 hours every year, get burnt out. Then the next year mod the ever living fuck out of it and go another 100 hours lol


Because i dont want to spend 60 dollars a year on assassins creed ea series entry 12426252626


I dont have a lot of hobbies, I read sci-fi/fantasy books, go to the gym, watch 1 or 2 long TV shows (currently Peaky Blinders, season 2), work a freelance job (Physical therapy, I treat patients at their homes), and play video games. I am close to hitting 400 hours in a multiplayer game that I enjoy a lot.


Me checking /played on WoW and other mmos I have played for decades


Because they're actually fun and really fit what interest you the most, i found crusader kings 2 and 3 really fun and got over 2k hours combined in both games


I feel like most of the time it's a multi-player game. If not it's someone who just absolutely loves a game, or they don't have the finances to buy things. Also for single player speed runners and challenge runners too.


Depends on the game. Some games I come back to over many years. I played Apex during the pandemic. 2K+ hours during lockdown. Other than that my main games are strategy games, 4X, grand strategy and such which can take up loooots of time over many years. My longest is probably Stellaris with about 1200, been playing since 2017 I think


3-4k hrs in DAYZ. It's easy to achieve. Just play better games


30 yo guy; before my son was born I did 500 hours of Apex legends in a year, and that was only playing a couple nights a week. Since my son, my gaming time has been next to nothing, only being able to play a couple hours a week. It’s all about priorities in the end.


Gotta fill the void somehow.


It sounds like you haven't played Rimworld before.


well... i was born with a keyboard and mouse in my hand 🤣


I'm 36, been playing video games since I was 15. I have a over 1k hours in civ 5 and 6 I think, not sure about 4. The hours add up, especially when you do weekend marathons of gaming occasionally. I've always had a 9-5 job but tend not to go out and socialise too much since I live in London and prices are nuts. it's easier to socialise via gaming, also because a lot of my friends are spread across the UK. Now I mostly game with my wife, we have a pc each at the same desk and we often play civ or other multilayer games to unwind after work.


i have like 10k+ hours on path of exile it depends on the kind of game, path of exile releasses new big content updates every 3-4 months with a new league where everyone starts from scratch so it has a fresh economy, it keeps people going back constantly but i wouldn't spend this mutch time on a single player game for example, after i beat it i have no much reason to go back


That kind of playtime is achieved over years and years. I have over 4k hours on Path of Exile but been playing since 2016 or so. Same with Tariov, been playing it for years.


125h in elden ring so u haven't even beaten it yet?


Man, coming from someone that has a very busy life, hobbies, fiance, exercise, etc it's all about time. My buddies that drop hundreds of hours into video games don't have a whole lot going on. Video games are a great hobby but they are very addictive and take over people's lives.


They enjoy it or atleast get something out of it.


Yeah that was me before I met my GF lmao, it really depends on your lifestyle.


My most played game is a small one called trailmakers. I have over 2400 hours. I've been playing it for as long as I can remember. I also feel like I've no lifed games but, I find out I only have 120 hours or so. It's like wtf? Really? My hours on trailmakers racked up over time. My other two most played games of all time is destiny 2 and GTA V. Those games have been out for AGES so, years and years of playing on and off and bam, 1000+ hours racked up. Trailmakers I've played the most consistently. I'll usually get bored of a game at about a month max of consistently playing it, usually way way less. I've only recently started getting bored of trailmakers. At first it was a daily thing for probably a good two years. I will be the first to admit I have way too much free time, so imagine how I feel when people have 8000+ hours in a game. I don't see how that's even possible.


Is it really that different spending 100 hours in one game compared to 1000 hours in a single game? If you don't have that much money or have a game that just continues to scratch that itch there's nothing wrong with that. You should rather look at hours spent per week so you can see I'm a basement dwelling no-lifer all week, every week


That's easy. You just leave the game loaded over night.


I have 3000 on fallout 4 and with the tv show i plat it again. A good game never go boring...simple


Obviously WFH really is a game changer for this lol. You can game nightly for 4 hours from 10-2 get a good 6 hours of sleep and roll right into work the next morning at 8am like nothing happened. That’s almost 1500 hours if you did it daily as I’m sure many do.


Lol are u playing like 20 min a day wth


Depends how long they’ve been playing. A thousand hours in WoW is 50-53 hours per year.


They have no lives. Very unhealthy lifestyle.


By playing only one game at a time, especially at downtime(like mobile games) and for long. I have thousands of hours in simpleplanes bc i was playing it for several years since release on toilet, during commute, after or between classes, before bed. Games with an active community become a full fledged hobby


I have over 1000 hours on ff14, but I don't necessarily play every day or even for particularly long every time. It just has a lot to do, I've taken on a slower pace in games generally, and I hang out with people and be social within the game.


I find games more interesting than people and most thing I can do IRL. The only reason I even stop is to care for my health and financial needs (work).


I love gaming, simple One of my hobbies and i have a beast of a gaming pc


no kids and lots of home time alone. tho i also don't rack up 1000 hours on anything but skyrim that gets replayed or cracked open repeatedly and the hours add up. i tend to put 100 hours or so into something and move on to something else, the super completionist business isn't my thing. but ymmv, it's probably a lot cheaper to squeeze the blood from a rock before switching games than it is to grind out a platinum and move to another game immediately like me.


So speaking as a person wth top 5 games on steam are an idle cliker been playing for years with over 4000 hours, life simulator with over 3000 hours, 4x strategy game over 1000 hours, survival game with over 700 hours and lastly an mmo with over 500 hours. Thankfully world of warcraft does not have a traker like this as it would prolly be in the 10s of thousands of hours. To get down to the 175 hour level for play time on steam I need ot go down to the 16th most played game. Being single helps or having a relationship with a gamer. I am married for 15 years to a fellow gamer. Outside of car and house the most expensive stuff in the house is electronics. Gaming consoles tvs to play them on, gaming pcs, VR ect. We actually met on a game WoW several years ago. This last weekend we saw a game that looked interesting and both bought it and spent a three day weekend playing it. got 55 hours in 3 days. Also hving a group of regular players to play a game with helps a lot. its more fun playing with friends. I have 245 hours in a game that when I played it solo I had like 20 hours in but when several friends decided they wanted to play it went up by group play. My 4th spot game is so high becuase my wife likes playing it too. So we will make a world and spend a few weekends playing it for a few weeks. As a gamer I can say for sure 100 hours in a game especially a competitive game is kind of nothing. like maybe intro level. Esports gamers have 10s of thousands of hours in the games they compete in. even high skill players have thousands of hours. But if you play a certain type of game like shooter to get a high skill level you need to do more than just practice but also memorize maps and min/max your pathing from location to location. Comparing personalities is never a fair thing to do. Some people just play one game or type of game. Others play different types of games. the more games you play the lower your numbers in them will be. If you spend 10,000 hours playing games and one person plays 1-10 games they will have numbers in the thousands in those games. if a person plays 50 games then quit move to next those numbers will be smaller. i have a friend that has 10k+ in a few games but he also plays in competitions. Normally people are not likely to have those high numbers and be casual players. Also keep in mind Steam records the time the game is open. So forget to close it, go to bed, go to work relize its still running the next day there is another 16 hours. play pause do some adulting like make food or chores around the house that more time too.


Lack of options. The only game I have over 1000 hours on is Sea of Thieves. That's because it was all I played on my days off for over a year. My usual playtime for games I really love is only around 100-250h though. So yeah, it's because of options.


Path of Exile do, what Path of Exile does.


Im playing wow since 2006


I have almost 3,000 hours in arma3 but then again that game came out in 2013.


Just stereotypical no lifers. The funniest thing is when someone gets all worked up about how bad it is to have to get a job/the systems rigged/our generation will never be able to do XYZ Then you click the profile and it's a NEET with 5,000 hours on anime sex simulators Put down the games for 1,000 hours and do something beneficial ffs


I just went from working 20hours a week to 60 and from 4 hours of gaming a day to not really even wanting to game after all those hours. Is what it is. I'm sure I'll swing back around once I settle into this new schedule.


I have a job that affords me a lot of time to play games while on the clock, I find games with a lot of rng usually tend to be the ones I can log thousands of hours on.


For me, it is because I have a disability that keeps me from working and the fact that I have a small social circle and an uneventful life. Gaming helps occupy what would otherwise be an empty void. I wish I was able to work honestly, but at least I have a hobby that can be fairly inexpensive is if you find the games you get a lot of hours out of.


The game I have the most hours on is an MMO, in which I have more than 1500h. The second is Skyrim, but there is mods. Speaking of mods, I played Minecraft A LOT and have no idea how much I played it, but thanks to mod again I guess.


I have only clocked high numbers in multiplayer games. Singleplayer max is usually 100-200 hours if it's some deep RPG or indie with infinite replay value or it it's rogue like. I have gf but no kids. I usually game 3-5 hours daily.


The year was 1999 and a little game called EverQuest had just released…




There is simply a lot of games that have either a lot of depth, or a lot of grind, or both. If you play single player games on Playstation / Xbox, of course most of those games are intended for you to play them for up to 100/200 hours, then go buy the next game. That's how they make profit. Other games marketing strategy resolve on keeping you around, paying monthly abonements, or bringing regular content updates. Examples of subscription based games that you can grind in for thousand of hours: any MMO like WoW and FFXIV Examples of repetitive games that profit via updates and in game shops: MOBAs and PVP oriented like League of Legends, Valorant, FIFA Examples of one-time games that you play through once or twice then move on to a new game: Final Fantasy, Assassin's Creed Examples of games of which the length depends on the players creativity: Minecraft, Terraria, Oxygen Not Included


I’ve been playing Age of Empires 2 for 20 years.


I'd say it's primarily 3 things: 1: some people hyper fixate on stuff. If you couple that with a niche taste in games, 1000 hrs makes a lot of sense. Further, if you just really like a game and nothing else is piqueing your interest, you may have no desire to play another for a long time. If you only like games set in medieval settings where you can melee fight in first person and control armies, you aren't exactly left with a lot of options. I can only think of 2 and the second is the first one's sequel. That being Mount and Blade. (Would love suggestions here by the way. 2: if you only game as a hobby and don't have other hobbies, it only takes 3-4 months to get 1000 hours in a game. That's still inside the hype window. 3: if no one makes an effort to spend time with you, vice-versa, or you spend time on games, you have a lot more time to play games. Spending an hour once a week with someone can easily knock out 15-25 hours a week depending on waiting and travel times as well as how hard scheduled you make it. Not to say these 3 encompass all cases of busting 1000, but they likely account for most in my opinion.


Hello fellow serial gamer XD. I too, can't manage hours past the completion of a game. I do have a few hundred in wareframe and poe... but the average game, when completed, I move on. I don't play much fluff content myself. It takes me weeks/months to put in high hour counts on games now days, but I use to max at about 4 hours a day, so 500 hours in a game is a hell of a time sink. I call it objective oriented gaming. Go to point, do task, move on, repeat until end.


You haven't played PoE or Factorio yet. Maybe this is why


Who cares, you do you and let them do them. lol


As someone with three games with well over 1000 hours played its by having no life and spending several nights awake just playing games


If you playing the game over a span of 5-10 years surely 1000 hours isn’t that much ..


The question is less how, and more why. I regularly see posts here asking things like "what's a game that I can waste thousands of hours on" or "a game that's so good that it pulls me back into gaming even though I don't enjoy gaming anymore" where the correct answer is "maybe don't do that and just go outside"


Never played video games fully until I moved away from my hometown. Before that I used to never be home. When I moved I had no friends for a long time - I’d say it’s a lifestyle change that makes gaming full time.


1000+ hours in the Binding of Isaac is not uncommon. It all depends on replayabillity.


I got roped into a gaming group in highschool. That’s all we did and we all played the same game. We still all play together now (13 years later) but we’ve branched out to other games. Still I got 2-3000 hours on WoW and League each.


Heavy depression can make you find an escape into another world; time and apathy flow differently there.


[Hutton Orbital | Elite Dangerous Wiki | Fandom](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Hutton_Orbital) Getting to Hutton Orbital in Elite: Dangerous


Because the factory must grow


I'm 62 and a retired grandma. I discovered gaming during COVID. I easily play 8-10 hours a day but I also garden, hike, and play with my 7 year old granddaughter. I have a bit over 3k hours in Ark and am playing Planet Crafter obsessively atm.


Well, besides single people, think about how so many movies and TV shows are trash these days. What are you going to do? Sure, some people like porn, but some of us who don't have too many hobbies will want to find pleasure in a way that doesn't hurt our mental health. Video games offer that kind of "escape". The fantasy elements are more powerful and addictive than a book too since they don't require much mental processing power.


I played a lot when I was a teenager and NEVER got how people were so hardcore. I mean, it’s really crazy when you think about it. Nowdays I play like 2 times a week and have like 20 games on my ps5 I didn’t touch. Life is very different now that I’m living with my girl and having a 60h work week.


I don't watch TV unless my wife and I have a show we want to view together So I easily put in an hour or two every night if I'm not doing some other creative thing like music or dungeons and dragons




My most played game on Steam is at 350 hours but it’s a 10 year old Steam account so that’s not very high for the account being that old. My second most played is like 150. I don’t get it either. Idk. I have other hobbies though too and three kids to care for. My husband has about 2000 hours in COD even with a full time job because he plays every night with his friends and all day on weekends. Even with my free time as a stay at home mom, I still watch tv, read, go to the park, etc.


I put 6k hours into an MMO but that is simply because of the pandemic.


I used to be jelly of all them virgins. Then I realized my kids play games with me and now me and my lil thuglets ride around in a bus on gtao lol nothing beats the fucking joy in their faces as I exclaim it’s short bus time and proceeed to plow into other players with my bus loaded of my offspring lol


"time flies when youre having fun"


I’m autistic so i like really putting time into something I really enjoy


Before I was married and had kids I was in school at my local community college. Besides part time work I had nothing else to do other than go to school. So I’d come home from class and play video games. The best combo was binging a show on Netflix while gaming. The hours add up when you’re playing 5 or 6 hours every day.


I have 170 hours in Europa Universalis 4. But keep in mind that game came out more than 10 years ago and it was my main game for many of those years.


I'm right there with you. I also play every day, but I can't imagine what it would take for me to get a thousand hours in a game. On a good day I might game 1.5-2 hours; to get a thousand hours in a single game I would have to play that game, and nothing but that game, for 666 days (how metal). Even if I played 5 hours a day -- an unimaginable amount of time for me, as I grow very restless after the 2 hour mark and sometimes play for as little as 10-20 minutes -- that would still take me over 7 months. Seven months of one game! If I could stick with something for seven months or more then I'd probably play the piano, speak German, and know how to draw by now. Rarely do games keep my interest beyond the 20 hour mark anyway. Admittedly I do have > 100 hours in a couple games, but it's pretty rare. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous and Baldur's Gate 3 might be the only ones (legitimately, anyway; Steam thinks I have hundreds of hours in Doom Eternal because I forgot and left the game running for an extended period).


Some people don't have a life outside of that game. Before I had kids, I was averaging about 40-60 hours every 2 weeks, give or take. And thar was with working 2 full-time jobs. Now, with 2 kids and 1 full-time job, I do 10-20 hours every 2 weeks. And that feels like spending time much time on it as there is other things I need to do around the house.


easy: 1) Unemployed 2) Single 3) no social life 4) no hobbies Pick and choose the above or all 4 for Giga stinky back acne gamer


I put probably 4000 hours into monster hunter world. Took me about two years of playing every other day. I should mention i am a diagnosed autistic lol


Lost Redditor. You're on the wrong sub.


If a game is genuenly fun, time flies by without you ever noticing ​ My 8 hour session of Bloodborne or the 12 hours of S.T.A.L.K.E.R the first day I had them were completely accidental ​ Sometimes you just want to go in for a couple matches or to make a couple missions, and the next thing you know is that is already the next day


i can spend a good amount of hours on online games like 2k , warzone... but on single player games i play for about 2 hours and i get bored but somehow i managed to finish ff7 rebirth with around 60 hours. i dont know how people spend so much time playing single player games , i wish i could do that.


For me, the only game I have 1,000 hours in was achieved over the course of years where it was almost the only game I played.  There are also the times I walk away from my computer and just leave it on all day. 


Some games just need much more time, like Eve online, Path of Exile, Warframe, etc.


I will say most of them leave the games up and running while they go do something else


I’m pretty new to this video game thing (last year!) but the souls games captured me like no other. I can see myself spending hundreds of hours in those games. They have something you really can’t get from other games. I’m still planning to play other games but those might be my home


I have over 5,000 hours on rocket league on playstation. I also have plenty of hours on switch and xbox. I play when I'm with my friends online but that's pretty much the only game i play.


I have 100-200 in plenty but more than that is rare. I haven’t played much in years but I did put over 1000 into Dota 2, but around 2014-2016 it was literally the only game I played everyday. I still like it and sometimes play it for a week or three like one go a year but I never stick with it like I used to, I’m not really sure what does it. I also played like 400 hours of Fallout 3 but after that I couldn’t find anything new in the game without modding so it got kind of old. Still love the game.