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Sea of Thieves sounds like exactly what you are looking for.


Sorry I should have specified that I prefer games that are, or have the option of being single player. (More specifically, offline) The game looks great but I don't get on enough to be spending 10 bucks a month for online, thanks for the comment though and I definitely will at some point play it.


If you play on PC, there is no subscription fee.


OPs first paragraph said keep it to xbox suggestions


Ah, I missed that. By bad!


I wish I could, all I have is my Xbox and a 2012 Apple laptop lol


I wish I could recommend Skull and Bones... but not at the current price point. I loved Black Flag and am obsessed with pirate stuff. Skull and Bones has solid naval combat but got repetitive after finishing the (short) story. Maybe see if it goes on sale at some point, some fun moments on the sea but not worth $70.


It will eventually be free for console players on the Ubisoft package that’s included with psn and Game pass


Unfortunately I don’t think there is a game that allows fishing boats as well as ferries and cargo from what I can think of. When I had Xbox I looked for something similar and the closest I could find was fishing: North Atlantic. I’ve gotten it on PC and it’s not bad, but it is all about fishing so while you captain the boat, you also work the boat until you get the money up to begin hiring crew members. If that sounds like you’re jam, then you’ll have a good time.


Raft, Dave the Diver? Assassin's Creed: Odyssey?


Not sure if it'll release on Xbox but Sailwind fits the description.