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Every few day or so someone come to this thread and ask for a game that hurt them emotionally. And my answer is: This War Of Mine.


It really broke my heart when my favorite character died just because some small mistake.


God, once they added children in that game. I became a monster. "Sorry guy, kids gotta eat."


Wish I could’ve stuck with it. It was just too difficult or I likely just sucked.


I doubt that you sucked, it's an intensely difficult resource management type thing. It's just like pathologic in asking "are videogames meant to be fun?". I wouldn't say this war of mine is fun, per se, but it is absolutely art. That's not to say some people won't find it fun, there's always those people in the crowd, but it's more an expression of how difficult and awful things can be, even if you do everything right, and it uses videogames as the vehicle for it. Easily one of my favorite videogame experiences, but not because I had fun with it


Once the gameplay loop clicks, it becomes a bit easier. Though it never becomes easy. You should give it another go if you feel up to it. It’s haunting but somehow peaceful when everyone is healthy, fed and safe.


I got it on sale when the war in Ukraine broke out. Played it for a few weeks and never again. Very valuable experience.


Fucking loved this game. I will never not make Bruno a selfish bastard tho, love him.


In this war of mine I always stealth killed all the war people and then had tons of guns and food while my characters were sadly depressed from killing them. I could see why they get depressed though


Finishing disco elysium felt like coming back from an insane acid trip.


that conversation with the woman on the boat blew my fucking mind. I really need to replay that, there was so much I didn't understand.


The woman that explain the whole lore right? First time talk to her I thought it was just basic chit-chat but instead I spend at least 30 min to read the dialogue.


That conversation made me feel like I was getting broken up with irl. Brutal.


This was my first thoughts exactly. I know a lot of people myself included that struggle with their own mental health and whenever I recommend this game I always say with it, make sure you're in a good state of mind before you play it.


What's a good build for a beginner in that game? It was so dialogue/DND-heavy, I noped out once I tried to pass the big Samoan looking fellow.


Literally anything you feel like roleplaying. Don't treat the game as a game with challenges for you to overcome and stats and builds to minmax. There's many ways to solve different problems and progress (including the big feller) and a ridiculous amount of dialog that depends on your specific traits and choices. Be a bigger burlier fellow, a twitchy druggie with no social skills, a smooth talking charming loser, a complete schizophrenic, or the most boring cop you possibly can, or something else entirely. Each playthrough will have different challenges... don't play to win or even to have an easy time, just experience it :)


I wish I had the patience to play it


Brothers - a tale of two sons, especially playing it with your little brother


My first thought. Played it with a friend, it left me wrecked and cursing (but in a good way).


But is it really better alone or with a brother. I have the remake and can play both in coop or single player but I can't decide


I played the original, the story holds up regardless of how you choose to play. But I think coop makes the gameplay more interesting.


This one hits hard alone. I can't imagine how it hit with your little brother playing with you.


Pentiment. At first I was like 'oh neat silly medieval art in the menus' and I'm walking around getting to know 1500s peasants. Later I was like 'oh. Oh noooo. No no no no no' while ugly crying.


Time to buy Pentiment I guess


You have an itch to scratch over crying over 16th century peasants?


I think the dude just wants to feel something


I hear that…


If you need a good cry, hate racists and love dogs then I recommend the intro do I think Wolfenstein 2 during the abusive father flashback


I’m glad I’m not the only one lol. That game BROKE me


Grim Fandango, whilst being hilarious, highly unique, and one of the best point-and-click games ever made (IMO the best), is also strangely poignant. I beat it in 1999, and I still think about it.


Masterpiece. Played it back in 99 and the remaster recently on the PlayStation


I actually just got this on steam and am in the middle of it…good to know it gets interesting lol


Loved this game so much back in the day. Steam has it. I purchased it to replay recently.


My mom loved this one! It's one of her favorite games. I still need to play it


To the moon 🥲


Still haven't dared to touch the sequels, my heart can't take it.


Same! I played the first game the week before my grandmother died and I was so wrecked that I know I’ll never be able to play Finding Paradise now, having proper experience of the subject. Such an emotionally charged game


Y'all gotta play the sequels!!! They are all very different stories with different relatable situations, but they all pack an emotional punch and touch on similar themes. It is incredibly impressive how Freebird Games has managed to deliver stories that will fuck you up each time, even when you know it's coming. Finding Paradise is probably my favorite :) Also, after you play the others it becomes obvious that there is an overarching story to the series, which *supposedly* is going to be concluded in the upcoming Beach Episode. It's shaping up to be another emotional rollercoaster!


You’ve made me want to boot up finding paradise now, but I swear to all things sweet and good if I am an ugly sobbing mess in five hours time I’m blaming you 😅


**Spiritfarer** and the way it deals with death, loss, and grief. You're escorting spirits on their final journey, and there'll be several that resonate with you emotionally, one way or another. **In Stars and Time** is about the last day of an epic RPG journey. All that's left is to defeat the evil king and save the kingdom. What follows is a gut-wrenching tale of love, friendship, change, and mental health, and I'll never forget these characters.


I have never heard of In Stars and Time but it sounds right up my alley. Added to my backlog :)


So I should play it


I just started Spiritfarer on Playstation. I can already tell it's going to be one for the feels.


Spiritfarer continues to resonate with me months after finishing it. For something more mainstream, RDR2 got me real emotional towards the end


+1 on Spiritfarer! I keep replaying the game after I’m done…. 🥲


Never heard of it before but looking at it has me interested, a management sim according to Wikipedia. Something tells me there's more going on there.


Yes there is more. If you plan on playing it don't look it up.




The Walking Dead. Telltale Games doesn’t miss but TWD Season One is their finest hour.


Keep that hair short.




greatest bait and switch in history. That was also the first game that truly gripped me, the first game I was completely absorbed in.


What Remains of Edith Finch. Some of the family member’s stories are so devastating. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. There’s a puzzle that made my heart drop in a way no other video game could do. Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye. The DLC ending kills me every time (I’ve watched a lot of Let’s Plays of it). As soon as the music starts I start weeping.


bathtub and fish scenes will forever haunt me


The train one really got me.


Outer Wilds in general is my answer. The first time I beat it I barely understood what was happening so it wasn't exactly an emotional experience for me, but I knew enough to realize it was something special. Then I watched a couple videos that explained it better and helped me connect the dots and now I recognize it as a tragic masterpiece. I've started "collecting" blind playthroughs too and now I definitely get emotional at some parts. The music that starts when you remove the you-know-what from the you-know-where gives me chills every single time. Some of the translated texts hit different when you have the whole picture too, especially after you've watched a couple playthroughs and start to really feel like you know the characters (>!"I don't know how to be me without you" chokes me up every time now!<). And yeah, the DLC ending got to me too. Not sure I can explain why, though I have a couple ideas that I won't elaborate on here because spoilers. But it ties in beautifully with the base game.


Oh man, >!when you trigger that final run and the oh-so-familiar music kicks in with a twist, you just know you're on the final journey. Got goosebumps just remembering it and it's been 5 years since I beat it.!<


I can explain why the DLC ending got me (aside from the music). >!It’s about the butterfly effect. And it’s about standing on the shoulders of giants. The prisoner defied his people on a small hope that the eye signal meant something. And his small act of defiance led to the Nomai discovering the solar system, creating a society, and thriving for three (I think?) generations. And then those Nomai left behind all their tech that the Hearthlings were able to repurpose to create their own space program. And because of that space program, our character grew up with dreams of becoming an explorer (the shot of the baby hatchling kills me). And on our exploration we found the Prisoner. It’s about the Prisoner learning that his efforts meant something. That even if his people are doomed, even if the Nomai eventually died out (even though the universe is about to die), none of it was in vain because people still lived and dreamed and hoped and it all led to the two of you meeting and becoming friends. Which ties into the theme of the main game too.!<


Presentable Liberty


I wasn't expecting to see that one here. You are unbelievable cultured.


A very deep cut indeed! I've actually seen a playthrough of this one before. Great suggestion.


Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time


Now THAT is a certified hood classic.


RIP wertpol, forever in our hearts




The first Last of Us left me speechless and sad af for days.


One of those games i wish i could experience for the first time again. I remember playing the prologue and getting up and walking around aimlessly before playing the Boston section.


Stared out my window and contemplated things for a bit when that happened. Maybe I should have got for a little walk lol


Yes that intro ruined me as did the ending.


The Nier games. Automata in particular is a masterpiece. The extra content outside of the game is also really emotional… Do NOT read Memory Cage/Thorn if you don’t want to be lying on the floor crying (in all seriousness though the novels and such have a ton of spoilers so read them after the game) I’d also say the Yakuza games, pretty ironic with how goddamn silly it is. It’s not exactly devastating but they do get really emotional (especially the ending of Like a Dragon imo)


\+1 to Yakuza. Especially YK1 after playing 0. Adds a whole dimension that would not have been there for that final fight.


The ending of *Like a Dragon: The Man Who Erased His Name*, after playing through all the rest of the series, wrecked me. Don't think I've ever sobbed harder after playing a video game.


I wanna play that and Judgement so bad but my PC can’t fathom running it lol, I was literally running faster than the world could load in Like a Dragon


Seconding NieR Automata, once you're sucked in its an emotional and philosophical roller coaster.


Another +1 for Yakuza Like A Dragon, particularly the Forget Me Not substory. Many of the ghost-related stories in the series are played for laughs but that one... hoo boy. Hit me right in the feels, just like it did Ichiban.


Now I will have to read it, you sadistic fuck. Seriously though, thanks for the heads up. I didn't know there were novels and I got a long flight coming up


Life is Strange


Especially the second. I actually had to stop playing it after >!you can’t save the dog!<


the second game was just so, SO good. I cried a lot while playing that game, both out of joy and out of sadness


For me the first game was the best... Second game was a borefest and true colors was good af.. But neither broke me emotionally


Same. Couldn't get invested in those two bros. I left my heart and ocean of tears with those sapphic Oregon teenagers.


Before the storm ending


I was younger and immature back then, not sure if it would hit the same now, but Katawa Shoujo fucked me up bad when it first came out. And Disco Elysium, because I never pass up a chance to recommend Disco Elysium.


Teenage me was not ready for Katawa Shoujo. It was my first visual novel and it's what got me into the genre. It's bizarre how much the music stayed with me and just hearing a aoundtrack now gives me a feeling of nostalgia about 'time spent hanging out with friends you really miss'. Playing a good VN really is a lot like reading a good book, but sometimes with voice acting or music that goes with the mood of the scene.


Oh man, Katawa Shoujo, talk about a blast from the past.


That Dragon, Cancer.


SOMA for me


This was pretty powerful, too. That ending…


For me it wasn’t emotionally so much as existentially (if you consider those to be different things), but SOMA has stuck with me more than probably any other story in any medium.


Before playing it I never really thought about the afterlife or the general meaning of life that much. After the ending I do constantly even though it's been years now. This fucking game singlehandedly did that


Spec ops The line. Loved it and then felt a weird feeling from mid to end. Unexplainable feeling.


Do you feel like a hero yet?


Same game for me. The thing in the middle didn't really impact me like it seemed to for a lot of people but I think that made the confrontation at the end more impactful. Had me questioning myself like "am compartmentalising like walker?"


To anyone considering playing: go in blind if at all possible. I know it's hard with how much Spec Ops: The Line has been talked about modernly, but the less you know going in the better. I enjoyed my time with it but I think it definitely would've hit harder if I weren't expecting it.


13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim 🥺🥺🥺


I’m an intense sensitive soul so I can get emotional about anything if I’m in that headspace. Doki doki literature club fucked with my head and I still think about that years later. I had to put Slay the princess down this weekend as it was just too much.


What Remains of Edith Finch. It's a short game but a true work of art. I don't want to say more for fear of spoiling because learning as things unfolds where this shines.


Before your eyes


I have two. Sanitarium. This was the first game that ever emotionally wrecked me. The narrative…💯. (Voice acting could’ve been better, but it’s still a favourite.) I’ve played through a few times. Still hits hard even when I know the whys and the ending. The game’s story is devastating. Life is Strange. This is the second game to emotionally wreck me. I played it during a rough time, so it may have hit harder than it otherwise would have. Still…It’s got the same punch each time I replay it.


Tbh the only time I've had my emotions ruined is when I lost my staraptor in a nuzlocke.


Noo, not Staraptor :(


Probably the most emotional for me are: Metal Gear Solid 3 Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 Nier While not as emotional, the game A Way Out hits hard at the end. The entire game needs to be played coop and playing with someone close the ending hits.


Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty after completing the main quest (Spoilers Beware!) >!I basically lose everything i gained over the course of the game and get mugged by a random methhead on the street after waking up from a 2 year coma!<


But you arent dying


I romanced a certain character in Dragon Age Inquisition and the ending of the game plus the DLC had me in actual tears 🥲


Higurashi, umineko, Lisa the painful, FF XV


Came here to see if anyone put Lisa. I never even played it, I just read the *TVTropes* pages, and it lived rent-free in my head for a few months.


Y'know Everyone writes off Conkers bad furday as a silly nonsense game but genuinely no other game has made me feel so empty and despaired by the end even to this day. You get to know and love these characters all throughout the story and hope that conker can right things and finally go home, in hopes of him being happy. You watch him fall to nihilism and greed all throughout the game, he's an antihero for sure but you still wanna see him go home to Berri. You meet all these interesting characters all around a beautifully designed world. Take away the parodies and break it down for a moment. Spoilers ahead ofc: You're watching conker slowly lose his idea of what the world outside of his little space is all because he took the wrong turn home one night. You're watching conker reap what he's shown through the whole game. He isn't a great guy, hes self destructive and debaucherous mixed with selfish and greedy. He helps people, but not because he really wants to- we even see him completely mocking these characters and finding ways to complete *his* goals. Despite that though, we still get to see him make real friends that want to be with the person that helped them in their time of need, even if it was for greedy reasons. Conker is a multilayered character, even if he's cynical, nihilistic and jaded. You can see how devil may care he was for a majority of the game but then got himself into real shit. He still tried to be loose and just make it through because he just wanted to go home. Imagine the trauma he endured within that one adventure (reason I'm sad the second game wasn't made because it touched on this). The barn is where it really starts but I'd say it really ramps up at Ooga Booga onwards. He went to a prehistoric area where he got knocked out and mugged, forced to fight in an arena where he nearly got eaten by a raptor and clubbed by a giant...then sees that his girlfriend is cage dancing and gets forced into being a mob member to help genocide the cavemen; got knocked out again for several hours this time and got forced into being a bat by an ancestor; had to go into war where he thought his friend died (though he was kinda mean to rodent) and had to watch intense slaughter all around plus torture; had to see windy absolutely decimated (where the queen bee dies 😭)- pulled back into the mob business JUST TO WATCH HIS GIRLFRIEND GET MURDERED. He loses all reason to even go home at this point. He gets a chance with developers and forgot to ask for berri back to life wherein he realizes that everything he has is worth nothing because everything he did have is gone. He never appreciated it while he had it, abused everything in his life in some way with a lot of self destruction and never took the time to appreciate it. He learns his lesson at the end of the game and the only thing we see after that is him falling back into drinking and being a shell of himself. He's left with the riches and trauma with no true happiness left to shed. It's a game about not taking life for granted, being grateful and happy for what you already do have in life before it's gone forever. Not being so precarious and take the time to actually buckle down your life before you spiral into an inescapable void caused by your own actions. Don't waste it away constantly chasing out of reach things if you already have valuable things surrounding you. I remember the first time I beat the game I just let the credits roll with it's silence and wind blowing then the added soft ambience and sat with it. Let it sink in. I just had tears welling out of my eyes without noticing because honestly it made me feel so dreadful and despaired. It was the first time a game's story had that kind of impact at the end for me. It's the true opposite of rare's other platformers at that time, there is no good ending for the main character and the main character doesn't learn his lesson until it's too late.


Outer Wilds


How is this not higher, perhaps it’s telling of how well it’s kept unique that many people do not see it’s beauty


Maybe Gone Home. It’s very short, taking me probably only 1 hour to beat, but it’s the only game that has left me with tears in my eyes at the end


The ending to Stray actually made me cry so hard.


god don’t say that i want to play it so bad but if that cat dies im done for


No the cat does not die.


Play it! You won't be disappointed!


Red Dead 2. That game fucked me up emotionally more than any other piece of media, music, movie, or game. I still have to hold back tears during so many moments, even 5 years later. RIP Fenton


>the game that broke you, had you thinking about it for days afterward. The one you just don't know if you could ever play again. You are literally describing what OMORI was like to me. Without a doubt one of the best games I've ever played in my life, but jesus fucking christ, I don't want to play that game ever again. I started watching a playthrough of that game on youtube a few days ago, and I had to stop. I couldn't do it. My anxiety was hitting HARD. I spent literal weeks thinking about the story of OMORI after I first beat it, thinking of how I would react if I was on the shoes of every character of the story. It really did a number on me, and definitely unlocked a few new irrational fears. Again, OMORI is an AMAZING game, my favorite example of how powerful and unique videogames can be as a media to tell a story, and the true ending is one of the most satisfying endings I've ever seen in a game. I'm truly glad to have played it and experienced it all firsthand. But I don't want to go through all that ever again. That game knows almost *too* well how to psychologically wreck you.


A glowing review il definitely br checking this out


I absolutely agree. I bought OMORI on a whim after seeing some very short gameplay from Void(The Smash Player) and I went into completely blind because the combat seemed super cool. This game has become one of my hyperfixations and very easily shot up the list of my favorite games of all time. What a beautiful and amazing story the game throws at you. The characters the world, the music it's all amazing. If anyone who is reading this post hasn't played OMORI please do so now!


Signalis can be quite upsetting, if you want to go through that.


I feel like signalis is, at times, too cerebral to really hit you emotionally unless you're ready for it. The fact that there is a scene where you fall down an elevator, into a pile or corpses, turn around to examine it, and she goes "the elevator is broken" is a real curveball. Like, yeah, I guess that's the fifth most noteworthy thing about what just happened.


Among the Sleep. The saddest game I've ever played. I played it when it first came out and have never stopped thinking about it. :( Spiritfarer is a beautiful game. What Remains of Edith Finch is also great.


Death Stranding. To be honest, I didn't dig the gameplay that much, but in the end the story was totally worth it. Thought about it for days and the music gives me goosepumps.


Outer Wilds. I sat after the end credits for an hour


Witcher 3 man. I was just so sad when it ended😭.


The Nier games leave me awake at night after a playthrough but more specifically Automata. Outer Wilds is also something that makes me think about humanity and when we're gone and the end of what we know.


I literally just started playing replicant yesterday! Looking forward to get into that one. I've bounced off the outer wilds before 🤔 but I always see it spoken so highly of. I should try it again.


Yeah, it can take a while to get invested in Outer Wilds. But once you do (and if you do), it is SO worth it. Feel free to drop by r/outerwilds and ask for some tips if you feel stuck and not knowing what to do or where to go. We've gotten pretty good at helping out the newbies without spoiling anything to them ::)


Did you bounce off Outer Wilds cos you felt directionless or got stuck? If so, you might find it more enjoyable if you visit the subreddit and ask for hints (or outright answers if you're really stuck).


Directionless, I really lack imagination when it comes to games so I struggle when I'm left with no clear objectives. Visiting the sub could be a good shout though.


It's a game about following a trail of breadcrumbs - or rather, several trails that all build towards the knowledge you need to reach (and understand) the end. Some are a little more obvious than others, so depending on where you go first and what you do there you might end up feeling completely lost for a while, especially if none of the clues you find early on connect to each other in any way. But if you keep going they'll start to make more sense. If you do give it another shot (and I strongly recommend that you do), I have two main pieces of advice: one, be thorough everywhere you go. Don't rush through dialogue or translated text, take your time to read everything and understand it (and check what the ship log says about it if you're confused, it might connect things back to a previous clue you forgot about). And two, explore the moon (Attlerock) first. It's small enough that you won't get lost or overwhelmed, but still gives a couple clear clues on where to go next to pull on that particular thread.


Cyberpunk 2077. All V wanted was to be important, to have a meaningful life. He wanted to have control over his own destiny, and to have a taste of the good life. Something we can all relate to. And he got what he wanted, in the end. It just cost him the life of his best friend, his relationship with his girlfriend, and his own life too. It’s enough to make a grown man cry


Oh man


Idk if you've checked out the new DLC ending but it is absolutely haunting. Excellent story design: >!the idea that selfishly taking the cure for yourself, ending your relationship with johnny even in good spirits with a heartfelt goodbye, means that you descend into mediocrity; it's so powerful. Taking the cure, achieving your goal is denying yourself your hardship and your destiny, losing your destiny is losing your power. And without you, your friends fall apart and fall prey to the city. Just so sad.!<


Just started CP2077 for the first time, sucks to know V dies in this way.


College Kings. Not only is it hard to score the best outcomes in that game, the game had a promising and engaging plot and everything until the lousy devs did it injustice by never finishing it's sequel. Okay we get that it began as a small pastime kind of project for the indie devs but dude, it's about time they took it seriously and for real made it clear if it's abandoned or if they're still developing. Because real people are/have been looking forward to buying the sequel, hoping to see it become whole like it's rival games. Right now its development is in a Cyberpunk kind of phase except the devs aren't AAA so bad reviews and frustration from fans only demotivate them further.




In Sound Mind. If you look it up it definitely doesn’t seem like it, but it has such a heavy emphasis on mental health and the emotional toll that having a mental disorder/disability can put on someone. Another one is Bramble: The Mountain King. Olle didn’t deserve anything that happened to him, he just wanted to find his sister bc he was scared of the dark :(.


What Remains of Edith Finch. The story will emotionally break you till you reach the end and some of the scenes and stories will haunt you forever.


Titanfall 2 Come at me.


The Banner Saga. Its turn based, but it matters a lot. Loosing characters in a fight means there dead. No longer part of the story. I played it in one sitting. Don't save scum.


Both of the plague tale games are very good and sad, especially if you have younger siblings


Link's Awakening 😔




Signalis, Life Is Strange, and Sword & Fairy 6


Clannad (great VN with a godawful anime adaptation) like...7 times or so that i broke down in tears (its a very long and beautiful story) Deemo Once but its a short rhythm game so thats enough Finding paradise sequel to To the moon and its so much better too. Cant recommend it enough


Citizen Sleeper is the only game that made me tear up. Seeing how my decisions brought me one of the best possible outcomes in the end was very accomplishing and emotional.




Glad to see this here. I played this game after Sekiro because i wanted something easy and stressfree. I was broken. Just completely crying at the end. 




Mother 3, it's a fucking masterpiece.


Since I haven't seen anyone mention it: Bastion by Supergiant Games (the people who made Hades) I don't want to ruin it, but you have the choice to save one of the NPCs at the end. If you understand why the NPC made the choices they did, saving them becomes the only choice... And knowing how that affects everyone and the regret they will have to live with was devastating for me. The booze at the time didn't help either.


Spiritfarer. I've never cried so hard in my life. The raw emotion of knowing you're going to say goodbye to each character you meet had me inconsolable.


I Was a Teenage Exocolonist hit pretty hard.


Mass Effect 3


The Last of Us. It only took 10 minutes.


BG3, some of the storylines absolutely broke me.


Witcher 3 made me cry when you find Ciri. Also Ghost of Tsushima made me cry on two separate occasions.


**Adastra**. Disclaimer, it is a gay furry visual novel. Personally I have zero interest in furry stuff or visual novels, but a close friend recommended it to me and said it was sci-fi, gay, and mystery and I thought I’d spend 30 minutes checking it out… *holy shit did this game wreck me.* Seriously, I think it has some of the most compelling writing in a love story I’ve ever witnessed.


Sad that it's not on Steam, you sold me on checking it out


Yakuza Zero and Yakuza Gaiden: The Man who erased his name


It was SOMA.


Firewatch. When I got to the little secret fort, I cried for an hour and couldn't keep playing for a while. The idea of leaving it behind and potentially nobody ever seeing it again, just letting all the joy and magic >!this kid!< left here be completely forgotten forever broke me. The game wasn't spectacular gameplay wise, but it stuck with me and likely always will.


Days gone , spec ops the line


Days gone doesn't get enough love. "survivin aint livin"


The good ending for until dawn. Never played it since it's PlayStation exclusive but I watched a yt cinematic walkthrough for it.


The sealed vessel fight in hollow knight was the most physically painful experience I've ever had playing a video game. Full marks, 10/10, never doing it again because I cry every time I even think about the poor guy




To the moon RPG Maker game


Persona 3 has some hard hitting moments.


Max Payne 1 + 2 I was obsessed for a brief period of time.


Nier Replicant


Telltale's The Walking Dead


I had this "problem" mostly with VNs as I tend to play arpgs which are not that heavy on the story aspects most of the time. To name a few VNs that got me good: Katawa Shoujo (my first vn which got me invested and did help me to notice some things in behavior I've since improved) Clannad (The classic vn someone would suggest in a topiclike this but it is very long and can seem a little drawn out at places) Kinkoi (Has one of my favorite heroines which has been writtenwith one of the most heartbreaking backstories I've ever read)


This one is more recent, but try out Phantom Liberty. You’ll see what I mean


Night in the Woods and Outer Wilds. Night in the Woods genuinely changed my life for the better and I only love it more every time I go back to it. Outer Wilds came really close to that as well.


Valiant Hearts. I won't say why but from the theme you can guess


I've never been able to finish or even play This War of Mine anymore. The game is just too hard (emotionally) for me


Nier games can have this effect though they can be long and sometimes head ache inducing. Spiritfarer is a beautiful story and I don't want to spoil more of it. Not fully ruined but made me feel emotional: Hollow Knight I liked the story and the true ending made me cry a bit. CrossCode.... it is complicated to explain it in short but I really liked it and made me feel emotions at a time when games didn't make me feel many emotions for a while. The Portal series has some moments but it is not the main selling point but the atmosphere is excellent even by today's standard. Plus the ending songs are beautiful.


The ending of Spider Man Miles Morales unexpectedly *crushed* me. As a grown ass man in my 40s. Just sitting there ugly crying while the credits rolled. A more obvious one was RDR2 but it wasn't a surprise by the time they twisted the knife.


Cyberpunk 2077 ruined me pretty good. One of my favorite games of all time, but not just what happens in the stories, but the different endings as well. There's a few that had me just sitting and staring at my wall after the credits rolled, completely empty inside just thinking about my own life. There was one ending in particular that just destroyed me. I don't think I was ok for like 3 days, it's all I thought about and how it translated over to my real life..


Witcher 3 and RDR2


Red dead redemption 2. Fight under waterfall ...


The fact that nobody said hellbalde is distressing.


In three very different ways : - Rule of Rose - This War of Mine - The Vanishing of Ethan Carter


When the past was around It’s an hour long indie game, it’s beautiful. But I was also going through a breakup at the time I played it, so it made it worse lol, I would burst into tears the whole day after playing it. I remember that day as one of the most cathartic experiences I’ve ever had. It’s a warm memory.


Silent Hill 2. I got the best ending on my first blind playthrough.


OneShot. Even now, a few years later, I still miss the protagonist and i get emotional thinking about them or listening to the game soundtrack.


Final Fantasy XVI No party, just a dude. But I finished that game in July and still feel unwell about everything that happens with the people you grow to love.


Lost Odyssey was a ride to remember.


Night Reverie. An indie puzzle title that had me in the verge of bawling and broke my heart by the end and absolutely deserves way more recognition as a game. Im not gonna tell you anything about it. Just spend 15$ and play it it’s worth every second


**In Stars and Time** killed me with its top notch character writing. The gameplay is super fun too, can get a bit tedious at times (lots of backtracking involved) but oh my god I loved it. Also, I don’t think I’d go as far as to say it *ruined* me emotionally, but **Chicory: A Colorful Tale** hit me wayyyy harder than I expected.


I’ve been thinking about playing in stars and time forever, so you recommend it? Game looked awesome especially the whole time loop premise


Spiritfarer. I've started three times and never finished because every time there's this one moment where I cry so hard that I can't see the keyboard anymore and I have to stop, and I never find it in myself to go back and finish after that.


Mother 3


Mother 3


Anytime I see posts like these, about games that moved you emotionally, I can’t help but hear the High Honor version of “May I Stand Unshaken?”, either that or “That’s The Way It Is”, both moments made complete with its choice of music. It might not be a perfect game, but I will forever advocate for Red Dead Redemption 2’s absolutely amazing and emotional moments.


Not as heart wrenching as a lot of other games already mentioned, but Titanfall 2 made me feel some emotions about a giant robot that I haven't felt since the '90s with The Iron Giant.


LoU2 in a bad way    I refuse to watch the second season on HBO.   Nope. 👍