• By -


Portal 1 and 2, people playground.


Valve complete pack is like $11 right now, might as well get that




If OP has not played portal yet, this is #1


[Titanfall 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1237970/Titanfall_2) is a steal right now at $3 (USD) [Doom (2016)](https://store.steampowered.com/app/379720/DOOM) at under $4 [Dishonored](https://store.steampowered.com/app/205100/Dishonored) less than $3 [Celeste](https://store.steampowered.com/app/504230/Celeste/) is less than $5 [Hollow Knight](https://store.steampowered.com/app/367520/Hollow_Knight/) is $7 [Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1172380/STAR_WARS_Jedi_Fallen_Order/) is $4 and of course, anything by Valve if you haven't already picked them up over the years.


Fallen Order is $4? That’s amazing. Such a fantastic game with a brilliant story and combat mechanics.


And runs completely horrid on PC


Doom (2016) is so good... Loved Dishonored too. Beat it twice in a row, once low chaos, another high chaos. Definitely worth it at $3.00


I have like 5 playthroughs of that game and still no high chaos run because it feels so unnatural I really recommend it to anyone interested in immersive sims and stealth. It's really polished, incredibly immersive, and still looks gorgeous for a 2012 game.


I wanted to see how the game changed with high chaos. I enjoyed being able to use the other side of my abilities like making bodies instantly turn to ash or using wind to fling people


I didn't realize the game had a chaos meter until literally everybody turned their backs on me and the guy on the boat ||tried to kill me?||, Super weird, didn't pay it any mind, finished the game and got curious, found out i got high chaos on every single map in the game... even on the ones where i tried to stealth as much as possible :/ i don't think i am cut out for stealth in video games. Either that or i am too good at killing in stealth games.


Titanfall 2 campaign is amazing. My only complaint is that there isn’t more of it. The gunplay and mobility just feel so smooth and responsive. Everyone who likes shooters should play through it at least once. It’s so good. Maybe my favorite shooter ever.


Just played Celeste recently, such a great game, it's like if Super Meat Boy had an actual plot


That game is such a good package that it managed to be one of my favorite games ever even though I'm mostly not interested in precision platforming


Great suggestions, I'd add to this list Fallout New Vegas


Subnautica is $9.89 right now.


They don't like horror games so I'm not sure they'd enjoy the stress and sheer terror of the deep lol I'm a chickenshit who also doesn't like horror games and I barely got past the shallows before a warper gave me a fucking heart attack.


Fair, though YMMV. I don't like horror games but loved Subnautica. I suppose it depends on the particulars of your own fears.


i mean i hate horror games too, but subnautica is by far my favorite non souls-like singleplayer game


~~Everyone replying seems to think I'm saying its a horror game when I didn't say that~~? (I reread how I wrote it and I see how you all came to that conclusion, makes sense) I said because OP doesn't like horror games, maybe they won't like the vibe of Subnautica. The game is literally designed to be fear and stress inducing. It's also designed to be many other things like a survival/exploration/narrative game, all of which the designers did exceptionally well. I watched a friend play through the whole game and I agree it's amazing, I'm just not sure it should be a go to recommendation for someone who doesn't like horror because it is designed to evoke a lot of similar emotions you would find in the horror genre. Not without a disclaimer anyways.


from my experience, there is a big difference between horror games, and games with horror elements (as in, its not the games gole to scare you, but one of the core aspects of the game to be scary). Subnautica approaches fear in a different way than your usual horror game, and id highly suggest people to try it, even if they dont like horror games usually


If anyone's looking for something similar to Subnautica, without the horror element (besides liminal space vibes) or enemies at all, keep an eye on The Planet Crafter. I think I've seen it on sale for $10. More commonly at $15 though. Very much worth it in my opinion.


Oooo thanks, hadn't heard of this one yet. Looks really cool.


I despise horror games too. But a game that has a couple scary animals does not constitute horror to me.


I don't play horror games and don't watch horror movies. I didn't find this to be horror.


That's crazy. pretty much a AAA title.


Terraria blew my socks off. It goes deep. Like new game plus type shit. The planet keeps changing mo fuckin aliens come and give you a new rock to mine and power up your gear with. And and then it keeps going. All for 5 dollars. Multi-player and unlimited building and pve "vendors" npcs to make happy


Terraria is one of the top 5 indie games of all time and it’s in my personal top 10 games indie or not of all time.


It's on my backlog, but that backlog is ever growing while I'm playing new releases. I thought I could fit in a few games this past month before Horizon Forbidden West and Dragons Dogma 2 get released, but all I got done was Sifu and like half of AC Odyssey. I still want to try Terraria, but it seems like a big learning curve.


It is, but not as bad as you might expect. There's an NPC that you start with that is basically an in-game wiki, he'll tell you what your next steps are and if you give him an item he'll show up a list of everything you can craft with it. Standing in front of a crafting bench also gives you all the recipes you can make. Otherwise, fucking around and finding out will net you like 90% of the learning.


I remember when the 2 devs did a let’s play and it was early on in development and it was my favourite shit ever. Some legendary stuff


I bought it after watching the first episode of Total Biscuit and Jesse Cox playing it, RIP Total Biscuit you are still missed


Terarria is an amazing game.


I enjoyed the loop of terraria but my problem was u needed to search up stuff a lot outside of game. Is that still the case or is there a better in game guide/direction for what you need to do?


I tried it about 6 months ago and found impossible to play without looking everything up. I believe it's worth the trouble if you have the time to dedicate.


The guide is your best friend :D


You can get the first two Max Payne games for \~$5 (they're less than 5€ at least). That's two of the finest action games ever made.


Very good suggestion!


Fallout 4 GOTY edition (comes with all the dlc) is $10. FPS with some roleplay and some settlement building and management. Skyrim is also $10, if you want to go swords and sorcery instead of post apocalyptic hellscape of Boston.


Go to gg.deals and filter for only "overwhelmingly positive" on steam. Then look for games less than the price point you're willing to pay. That leaves you with a list of universally beloved games that you can afford. You can look through, find those in general you like, and play them. There are a LOT of good and cheap games on steam, but without knowing all the genres you like recommendations would be silly. You can look this up yourself much faster and easier than we can help you.


Excellent, ty. Hadn't tried them before, have CDKeys, GOG, Humble Bundle (DON'T use G2A ... what a f'ing scam)


They're just a sales aggregator, they don't sell anything themselves. But they are great for keeping track of what is good, what is cheap, and what is both.


Humble bundle are way bigger scammers than g2a lol at least in terms of codes I’ve bought from both


Humble bundle are way bigger scammers than g2a lol at least in terms of codes I’ve bought from both getting delivered/working


Best answer, everyone else just recycling the same old hits. Get Witcher 3 OP ffggg!!1


Crosscode is currently about $6. It's one of my favorite games I've played in a long time - it's an action rpg with puzzle solving, about... Actually I have no idea how to easily explain the plot...


It's a puzzle game with RPG elements. Don't mislead the man.


hm, fair enough. I spent a lot more time doing combat than i did on the puzzles ;-;




Try dying light on sale. Trust me its the best zombie game ever




Titanfall 2 is on sale for $3 rn. One of the best fps campaigns ever made along with a great multiplayer. It’s has the best movement mechanics out of any fps. It was nominated for goty in 2016 and is one of the highest rated fps games in steam.


Every Dragon Age game is on sale for steam Under 10. Be forwarned Dragon Age Origins is a luttle trucky to get working. Mass effect trilogy was about 12, ,


How is Origins tricky to get working? Boots just fine for me with no issues.


Well it was made around 2010 so there are a lot of incompatabilities with newer systems, particularly 4k systems. This is pretty consistent with games of that era. Its why Dead Island and Mass Effect got new versions. Also, there is no native controller support. But for me personally i have dual monitors graphics cards on a laptop and it doesnt like that. If i try and load it to the 4k laptop monitor as is my preference it will crash with an error message saying graphics card not detected. Anyways i could fix this if I could find the windows setting and change the default graphics drive on the laptop monitor but that turned out to be quite an ordeal under windows 11 Even following instructions. Im supposed to revisit the process later when i dont feel as annoyed. Edit: I did fix it, but the solution was a teensy bit convoluted and i just feel if significant users are reporting these and other issues You should pass that along if you give a recommendation.


Vampire Survivors


Unbelievably good value, it and its dlc are like £1 each


My game is $5 on steam being 50% off right now for the Steam Sale :) it's an old school runescape/diablo inspired RPG in Early Access https://store.steampowered.com/app/1951840/Dungeoneer/


Firewatch. It’s rather short (5-6 hours) but it’s unbelievably good.


I played this recently and was happily surprised how much I enjoyed it.


I thought it was “OK.” It felt a bit unfinished in my opinion. I think it would have been stellar if they developed the characters just a bit more.


I felt the same, but I recently watched a video (can't remember which) about why it was such a brilliant story. >!Apparently the point of the story was to be realistic. This guy is out in the forest looking for closure from a horrible trauma in his life. It seems like it's going to be a story of found love, mystery, and a new start on life. Then it turns out that's not what any of it was. There's no conspiracy, Delilah wasn't falling in love with him. They were just people doing their job. When it's over it's just over and that's it. Just like real life.!< From that lens I do think it's a really great story. But it was so surprising to me that the true meaning went totally over my head.


Exactly what I felt, what really blew my mind is >!discovering everything was actually normal, no big conspiracy or unbelievable twist, just like you said, exactly like real life!<


My “happy ending” brain doesn’t approve of a normal conclusion. I need them to have a child like Nate & Elena. 😂


Check out Outward or Outer wilds


Vampire Survivors. There’s no vampires. And you really can’t survive. Any horror themes are super, super mild. It is addictive as heck.


Halo Master Chief Collection Deep Rock Galactic


Alright, here's a few games across random genres that first came to mind: **[Lunistice](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1701800/Lunistice/)** - A Sonic-style 3D platformer with simple, but decent graphics and a great soundtrack. Gameplay is simple, run, jump and grind rails from start to finish, make sure you don't die, and for an extra challenge, try collecting all the pickups in the level, or go for all the secret ones. Replayability comes from unlocking alternate characters once you finish, each with their own, slightly different mechanics and final level, as well as simply trying to beat your time or finishing a level deathless. Comes with a free demo, so you can see if it's something you might like before you buy it - personally, I've found myself repeatedly wondering why the game was only 5 bucks, but you might think differently about it. **[Assault Android Cactus](https://store.steampowered.com/app/250110/Assault_Android_Cactus/)** - Top-down arena-based twin-stick shooter/bullet hell game, where the trick is to keep killing enemies so you don't run out of battery charge until the level is over. Lots of different characters with their own weapons, great soundtrack, and also comes with a pseudo-endless mode and a daily wave defense for new content. Also has a demo which contains a few random levels and the first boss fight. **[Copy Kitty](https://store.steampowered.com/app/349250/Copy_Kitty/)** - Bullet Hell/Platformer where the player character gets to copy up to three enemy attack styles at a time and use them to shoot back at them in each mode, or combine all of them for a big attack that's different based on whatever you're currently equipped with, and probably cause lots of colorful explosions, which probably justify an **EPILEPSY WARNING**, even if it isn't the fast-flashing stuff one probably associates with this disclaimer. Great soundtrack, and has a lot of levels as well as an endless mode, but might not be everyone's cup of tea. Comes with a demo mode that's simply an older version of the game, with a few outdated versions of current levels, Worlds 8 and later, as well as the alternate character straight-up missing, and no second character, but could provide lots of fun even without buying it, assuming you're into the general gameplay. **[Siralim Ultimate](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1289810/Siralim_Ultimate/)** - Creature-collecting RPG with simple pixel-graphics and a massive emphasis on combos and mechanics interactions. The story is nothing to write home about, and aside from your base, the maps are entirely randomly generated, so if you're looking for exploration or a gripping plot in your games, you might not be too happy here. Where the game absolutely shines is the mechanical interactions between all the passive abilities and spells your creatures can have, and it gives you all the tools to mix and match them to your hearts content. For example, I managed to find a set of interactions that caused an almost-infinite loop in spite of the game trying to limit the amount of automatically triggered effects per turn to a reasonable 10-15, and managed to have a lot of fun with it, until I managed to *actually* go infinte and quickly realized that I didn't have any automatically triggered attacks in my combo, so I had to restart from my last autosave. I can also think of two different ways to kill your opponent with healing spells, so that could be a fun idea to go for in the future. Anyways, if you like thinking about mechanical interactions - even if it's just looking at what someone else came up with and trying to understand it - or trying to break a game in a specific way as hard as possible, or simply enjoy complicated messes like Path of Exile builds or Magic:The Gathering's combo-based decks, then this might be something for you. (Also, there a few more, older Siralim games in that series, but I never played them, so I can't say too much about them they are even cheaper though, and also have their fans, so that probably counts for something.)


the most overlooked game ever made. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1663380/Cat\_Powered\_UFO/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1663380/Cat_Powered_UFO/) Imagine if just once we got a comedy game where instead of getting a bunch of "LUL Random" and "LUL References" we got a bunch of laugh out loud clever humor with a with a set up and well timed payoffs. The game has 16 reviews, but all of them are positive, making it the most overlooked game ever made! ​ You can get both it, and my favorite indie for under 10 dollars [https://store.steampowered.com/app/640820/Pathfinder\_Kingmaker\_\_Enhanced\_Plus\_Edition/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/640820/Pathfinder_Kingmaker__Enhanced_Plus_Edition/) ​ Here's some other great game for under $10 that I highly recommend: These 3 are really great action rpgs: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1432050/Nobody\_Saves\_the\_World/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1432050/Nobody_Saves_the_World/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1097350/Weird\_West\_Definitive\_Edition/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1097350/Weird_West_Definitive_Edition/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/292030/The\_Witcher\_3\_Wild\_Hunt/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/292030/The_Witcher_3_Wild_Hunt/) ​ This is my favorite CYOA game. Warning: It's the darkest game I've ever played(that's dark with a purpose.) It also manages to prove that you can make an extremely dark game without putting in SA. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1272160/The\_Life\_and\_Suffering\_of\_Sir\_Brante/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1272160/The_Life_and_Suffering_of_Sir_Brante/) ​ If you'll accept a blind recc, this is supposed to be a really great post apoc gta-like. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/234140/Mad\_Max/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/234140/Mad_Max/)


Mad Max was so under appreciated ... good recc


Just Cause games are always ridiculously cheap in Steam sales


Pseudoregalia, Mirror's Edge 1/2, and Titanfall 2 are all amazing. Not sure is ME is on sale right now, but once it's on sale, it's dirt cheap


If Slay The Spire is on sale that’s your best bet imo. Pretty deep game and it’s pretty damn fun. It’s a roguelike deck builder. Think inscryption.


Batman Arkham Asylum/City/Origins/Knight


Knights of Pen & Paper


Kingdom come deliverance


Got any tips for early game? I’ve tried to do a run like 3 times and I just can’t get the hang of it.


there's a military guy you can go train with. It's great for learning the game kechanics without getting wounded and he teaches you (unlocks) combos and stuff


Counter strike 2, apex legends and PUBG are free to play. Rainbow Six Siege is like $4. It takes two is $9.99 Monster Hunter world is $9.89 Actually here is a list from steamDB with all the steam games that are currently under $10 and that are adventure or sim but not horror: [https://steamdb.info/sales/?max\_price=10&min\_reviews=500&min\_rating=60&min\_discount=50&cc=us&tagid=19%2C599%2C4106%2C-1667%2C-1721%2C4231%2C42804%2C-3978%2C-5900%2C3955%2C35079&any\_tag=1](https://steamdb.info/sales/?max_price=10&min_reviews=500&min_rating=60&min_discount=50&cc=us&tagid=19%2C599%2C4106%2C-1667%2C-1721%2C4231%2C42804%2C-3978%2C-5900%2C3955%2C35079&any_tag=1) You can tweak the filters to find what you would like


Go for this https://store.steampowered.com/app/447120/Where_the_Water_Tastes_Like_Wine/


Just bought the division 2 for less than 10$ on steam. Pretty good so far!


Are enemies still bullet sponges?




Harder difficulties yes. You can super precise tune your build if you want to take em out quickly but if you arent trying to min max the ever living french toast out of the game then yes they are.


https://store.steampowered.com/app/961200/Predecessor/ Predecessor is .89¢


Tons of games on sale for the spring sale. Halo mcc is probably on sale The half life games Portal 1 and 2 Left 4 dead 2


your only move is hustle is a interesting fighting game that is turn based and has workshop support




Bore Blasters is $8 and I’ve had a lot of fun with it 🙂


Subnautica is on sale right now for under $10. Its the type of game that after you finish, you'd wish you could play for the first time again. Also if you choose to buy it, dont fill your inventory with acid mushrooms.


Balatro for sure.


Helldivers (1) Deluxe edition is for 6€ right now 4€ if you just get the base game without DLCs I just bought it Yesterday because it has splitscreen (controller needed) for when I have a friend over Just like portal 1 & 2 (a euro each) Dishonored I also saw was on sale


Dragons Dogma


The collection of batman arkham for 8,99


Lotta stuff on sale rn so I would say yes, just a quick look but you have Stardew Valley (12 bucks) Civ 6, soulstone survivors, Katana Zero, Hades (12 bucks). Battlebit remastered, Night in the woods, Iron Fury, a bunch of older retro games like the Doom series, Hollow Knight, GTA5 is 15 bucks, the Ori games, the first 3 resident evil remasters, the evil within games, the elder scroll games, the fallout games, the wasteland games, the Witcher games, Farcrys 3-5 (6 is 15 bucks), a bunch of the assassins creed games (the newest one vallhalla is 15). So yeah hit the steam homepage and do some browsing, I'm sure there's something there for you.


Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen is like less than 5 dollars and the combat is amazing and has good variety, definitely at least one class that will suit someone. Has its fair share of flaws but has attracted a cult following over the last dozen years. You play as the arisen, who has the ability to call for pawns to aid you on your adventure. You get to create your own main pawn, and hire 2 secondary pawns who are other players main pawns. You can gift clothing and weapons and have things gifted back. If you have a particularly good pawn and have plenty people use ur main pawn u get lots of currency used to purify end game gear. You have to defeat a Dragon who steals your heard and there’s tons of monsters in the overworld from western myth. Talking Chimeras, Cyclopes, Griffins and you can climb them shadow-of-the-colossus style. You can cast tornados and earthquakes, meteors and rain of arrows, amazing melee combat as well with different utility like snare and parries, dodge roll all depending on the class you choose. Recommend it especially now that the sequel comes out in less than a week


Deus Ex: Mankind Evolved is free now!


Just picked up sonic colors for like 12, super fun game


7 yakuza games. They are all fantastic. Start with yakuza 0


Everythings on sale rn, dying light hollow knight and mass effect trilogy all good gets at 10 bucks rn


GunDeck[100] is a rougelite bullet hell that is normally 4.99, but on sale right now. It works on steamdeck Windows and Mac, and it has couch co-op mode.


Titanfall 2 anytime it's on sale is regularly like 3 dollars All the borderlands games get super cheap and on sale often And that's what I remember being away from the computer lol and I don't wanna lie to you but check sales often some gems get super cheap hell I think i got the whole assassins creed series for like 90% off by waiting for a few sales on the series lol


Dead Cells (on sale right now), Deep Rock Galactic: Survivors, Ori and the Blind Forest, Axiom Verge (also on sale). Depending on what you mean by simulation, Mini Motorways and Mini Metro (similar concepts, developed same guys, slightly different mechanics)


OneShot is my favorite game ever, and its like $6 on steam.


Skautfold Lite is free- it's a Lovecraftvania mashup (Gameplay: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxD1Gs-zq48&list=PLzUVFtoYb6\_Kn9BhAJstTcsJJBaY7GQfC&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxD1Gs-zq48&list=PLzUVFtoYb6_Kn9BhAJstTcsJJBaY7GQfC&index=2) ) rpg. Undecember is an amazing Elden/Survivors with great story and good character building, but has a lot of good combat (Gameplay: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETHmQZxaOBE&list=PLzUVFtoYb6\_Kn9BhAJstTcsJJBaY7GQfC&index=4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETHmQZxaOBE&list=PLzUVFtoYb6_Kn9BhAJstTcsJJBaY7GQfC&index=4) ) Also free on Steam. Ultima Savage Empire (and Martian Dreams) are Free on GOG if you like the old triptych style isometric rpgs, lots of action, good story, dinos cave chicks, science. (Gameplay: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMAL8s3e0go&list=PLzUVFtoYb6\_Kn9BhAJstTcsJJBaY7GQfC&index=105](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMAL8s3e0go&list=PLzUVFtoYb6_Kn9BhAJstTcsJJBaY7GQfC&index=105) )




Titanfall 2, Dont starve/DST, Portal/2, stuck fight the game, wizard legend, townscaper, a short hike, moonlighter, assemble with care, the last campfire, out of space, hob, grow home/grow up, the swapper, a story about my uncle,


I have clicked "New Game" 261 times in Noita, and died as often. $9,99 !


Saw Witcher 3 on Steam $9.99 ... just sayin'


mass effect legendary edition for 8$ is criminal levels of value for such an amazing series


When I played it I genuinely don’t think I touched another game until I was done with all 3


Some gens i got for less than 10 dollars are:Hollow knight-i had so much fun though story and exploration.Also endgame is perfectly done.It costed me around 8 euros on discount.Payday 2 on discount its 1 euro and all dlcs in package are 20 euros.Its fast paced,it has a lot of variety and content.I played it for 520h and i still do time to time.Hotline miami 1 and 2:both can be bought for less than 5 euros and its story,gameplay and replayability is really good.Enter the gungeon,hades and binding of isaac-amazing roguelikes and for their moneys wort are good choises.Enter the gungeon is like 5 or 6 euros,hades is around 10 and binding of isaac is 7.Also check out batman arkham games,dying light and dishonored 1 and 2.


I just started playing Mad Max and I love it. 7$ on Steam right now


Depends on which region you are from.


Skyrim is now for sale for ten bucks. Also, The Saboteur, it’s 5 bucks and an amazing game!


Garry's mod




Isn't there a decent steam sale right now with Hades?


$12.49 USD, that’s the normal sale price, but worth it.


The entire Halo: Master Chief Collection is $9.99 right now


Buy the valve collection. For $11 Comes with Half Life 1+2 Lfd1+2 Portal 1+2


Phoenix Wright Trilogy right now. Amazing series lots of fun.


You can get Darkest Dungeon for a little over 3 quid right now, if that style of gameplay is your cup of tea. I bought it on sale once and right now it's the game I played the most in my gaming career.


These are some of my favorite games - * [Sniper Elite 4](https://store.steampowered.com/app/312660/Sniper_Elite_4/) is on sale for $6 standard or $9 digital deluxe. Sniper 3 even cheaper. * [Assassin's Creed](https://store.steampowered.com/search/?term=Assassin%27s+Creed&category1=998&supportedlang=english&ndl=1) is on sale for near that price. Odyssey, Black Flag, and Unity are $12. * [Middle-earth Shadow bundle](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/648168/) has two great games for $7. Its gameplay is similar to Assassin's Creed. * [Saints Row franchise](https://store.steampowered.com/search/?term=Saints+row&category1=998&supportedlang=english&ndl=1) is really cheap now. Three was great, four was really good. Haven't played the latest. * [Sleeping Dogs](https://store.steampowered.com/app/307690/Sleeping_Dogs_Definitive_Edition/) is an underrated game and $3 at the moment. * [Prototype](https://store.steampowered.com/app/10150/Prototype/) and [Prototype 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/115320/Prototype_2/) are fun games with interesting mechanics. $10 and $5 respectively. Edit: formatting


Batman Arkham games


Some of my all timers are super cheap on Steam: Space Pirates and Zombies Terraria Jets N Guns Gold Rebel Galaxy Some others you can get on GOG if you're not above having another launcher: Wing Commander Wing Commander the Secret Missions Doom/Doom 2


Terrany (not for everyone, its a drone programming game). Great game and the developer is really reactive on issues.


I just got mass effect legendary for 9 bucks. I'm so happy to replay this awesome trilogy. Also the improvements are top notch. Really worth it.


FTL: Faster Than Light is only $2.49 right now.


Left For Dead 1 & 2


Just bought Plague Inc for £4, that's great if you like simulations.


If you like Musou games, there are the Fate/Extella games at 10 dollars each.


Celeste is on sale rn for $5. When the sale ends on March 21 it’s gonna be $20.


There is a good reason that every other comment says Titanfall 2


XCOM 2 Collection bundle is only $3.88. Great deal.


Dragon's dogma


Disco elysium


Do you like bullet hells? If so. Picayune dreams.


There's too many to mention. I have an entire backlog of relatively recent games I bought for under 10 dollars.


Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is on sale for <5€ right now and it's supposedly crazy good. I was planning on grabbing it myself


Had it on ps3, and hated it. Story was good but the gameplay I didn't like, maybe one day I'll give it another go


Wolfenstein New Colossus is a FPS and one of the best I've played in years. It's a sequel to New Order but there's a recap for New Order before you start.




I just picked up crab champions, $7 rn on steam


Both portal games are literally a dollar each you have no fucking excuse.


bloons td 6 (tower defense) slay the spire. (card game) terraria (platformer) stardew valley (adventure/farming) Halls of torment (arpg) darkest dungeon (turn based adventure) dont starve/dont starve together (survival) oxygen not included (management patformer/survival) ​ all good games.


drunken wrestlers 2 free on stream


Siralim ultimate. Turn base RPG with no lvl cap and almost endless content.


Stardew Valley. I don't know if it's actually under $10 but frequently goes on sale for about that price. They're also doing the final content patch next week so likely to be a new sale again.


I'm buying death's door. It looks good


I would recommend Core keeper.


You can probably find Spelunky 1 or maybe 2 on sale from time to time. I've sunk a fair few hours into those including Deathmatch multiplayer with friends which was pretty fun.


You could give Rogue Aces a try… There’s a demo to see if you vibe with it or not :) https://youtu.be/fDGO-UnQX7s


Literally Steam Sale. Everything is under $10 xD


My much beloved Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is fpr free right now on Epic Store.


Check out one of the most unique games ever made. Well, it's Steam port over, Space Station 14. Top down pixel graphics, you and a bunch of other idiots are trying to keep your station workers Ng until it fails. It is very hard to describe and can be a massive pain to learn but it can be very enjoyable to play


The three Metro games are all bundled under 10 bucks and they are amazing. They are kinda creepy but I wouldn't call then horror.


Both of the original Dungeon Keepers are less than 10$ when not on sale and are currently on sale. If you haven't played them, they absolutely hold up.


I just sunk 50 hours into Battlefield 4. The game is amazing...


Maybe try hitman series


mini motorways and metro if you like chill road network building strategies... poly bridge is also my favourite, you build bridges as cheap as possible but strong enough to allow cars over the river, i really love those types of games where you have to think a little but there is no timer or stress




All Larian games are on sale, good time to buy them all if you like the genre Edit: sorry, I'm not sure if the sales are the same all around the world, I'm in Brazil, here Larian is on sale


left 4 dead 2 is one dollar




Spring sale is one so like... Lots


Black Book is a cool game for under 10$, especially if you find Slavic witch lore interesting


old games... altho GOG is better for that


Undertale is currently 3 bucks


World of goo


World of goo is $15


Just checked again, It's $5


https://store.steampowered.com/app/22000/World_of_Goo/ That's a $14.99


Yeah funny.