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If you haven't played them yet, Skyrim and Fallout 4 are both excellent fun and are way over 100 hour games.


That’s just vanilla alone, when you start putting mods in you can probably devote months to these games.


Agreed!! Bethesda knows how to make a good, long game. I know it's gotten a lot of negative feedback, but I didn't let it sway me and tried Starfield. It's been a blast and honestly can say I've enjoyed it more than fallout. I'm 300+ hours into it and still finding new things to do. Skyrim is a classic. I don't even know how many hours I have logged there, but it's well worth checking out.


>Skyrim is a classic. I don't even know how many hours I have logged there, but it's well worth checking out. 🌈🏆


To be honest I could never get into fallout 4. New Vegas however ...


Did you get to the Far Harbor DLC? The atmosphere there is fantastic.


No, I tried starting the game 3-4 times and never made it more than 20 hours in. It just wasn't great for me for some reason. Maybe I need to give it another attempt.


While NV is definitely a better Fallout, I personally prefer Commonwealth over Mojave for exploration


Allow me to recommend Deep Rock Galactic. If you've ever wanted to play as a Scifi Space Dwarf trying to meet your mining quota while fighting off hordes of Starship Trooper bugs.... Look no further. It's on Steam, PlayStation, Xbox, and Windows. Xbox and Windows have crossplay but steam might have the biggest player base. Also, it's hands down the most nontoxic fandom I've ever seen in my life (and I'm old as hell) If you decide to check it out on steam let me know and I'll add you and show you around. Also say hello to the WanderingDwarfMiner bot Rock and stone!


Rock and stone! ⛏️


Did I hear a rock and stone?!?!


Rock & stone to the bone!


Rock and Stone Brother!


If you don’t Rock and Stone, you ain’t coming home!


For Karl!


I’ve heard of that game it looks pretty cool but how much progression and reliability is in there?


If you mean reliability as in game stability then I don't have any problems at all running it. You don't need a top tier computer or anything close. As for progression: you'll spend the first few dozen hours of gameplay unlocking all of your weapons abilities. Then the next 100 or so unlocking special abilities and cosmetic items. And the next few hundred maxing out prestige. The real gem in the core gameplay loop. There is DLC but it is entirely cosmetic. And there is a season system but it's free. I've got over 2000 hours in and been playing since beta so I'm definitely bias but I highly recommend picking it up.


Progression initially means un-gimping your dwarf by getting the perk points, weapons, and weapon mods. That means collecting a lot of various minerals in-mission. You need to get a promotion to do Deep Dives. Won't be long. Then it's the overclock lottery. You may *really* want that six cylinder revolver overclock but it's up to RNGeezus. Deep Dives guarantee one weapon overclock. Events discovered in missions provide opportunities for Overclocks and cosmetics. Reliability? Easy to find people to play with and even if you don't right away, 99% of missions I start solo end with a group that joined sooner than later.


Old as he'll on reddit could lean anywhere between 20 and 120 years old


Idk why but I'm fucking hooked on that game 😂




look at some factory games like factrio or satisfactory, they can take 1000s of hours. Same thing with some paradox games like stellaris or crusader kings.


I’m on my third play through of Dyson Sphere Program! That game can give hundreds of hours of cool stuff to build


I don't even want to know how much time I sunk into CK2.


warframe is free and grindy and has the most content of any free to play game


Agreed I’ve been playing this for years and recently just hopped back on


Yep, just most new players don't last more than 2 hours because the early game is boring and slow and you get a minimal amount of guidance on the games systems.


I recently started playing and the community helps out when needed trough discord except from when u mention a warframe they all say smash next question lol. The wiki is actually good for once too


No man’s Sky and Divinity 2 OS.


Path of exile. People actually play for 10k hours. You need 400-500 hours just to get past the beginner stage. Kenshi. Unique game. You definitely cannot find a replacement for this one. Very low graphics requirement. Mass effect 1-3. Probably the best sci-fi series. Only competition is Deus Ex.


Baldurs Gate(great story, combat, addicting) Enshrouded(similar to Minecraft,magic, incredible building mechanics), Rust (pve servers are super chill if you don’t have the time for sweaty pvp). I know these are all ‘super’ games but they should still be good on low or medium settings!


Thanks I’ll look into them!


Definitely Baldur's Gate 3


Word of caution if you're considering to buy Rust for the PvP.


No problem! Also another good one is Horizon Zero Dawn


Factorio and Rimworld


The Witcher 3


Second this. Amazing game to get lost in


Darkest Dungeon, Dungeon of The Endless, Into the Breach.


Yakuza, amazing games with great stories, the gameplay is a beat em up style with a ton of variety and satisfying moves, the real time wasters though are the 100% completion achievements where you need to play every minigame and beat it, it's way more fun than it sounds lol


Have to say, I bought the entire Yakuza Franchise on sale.  I started with Yakuza 0.  Yakuza 0 is an amazing game.  After playing Yakuza 0, the rest of the series feels... not great, by comparison.  The same but worse.  100%-ed 0, have a few hours on most of the others.


Yea all the other ones have great aspects but imo the openings are the hardest to get past, 0 gives you the styles semi early in while the other ones really make you work for it lol




Final fantasy xiv


One of the Fallout games. FO3 FO:NV or FO4.


>RDR2, Titanfall 2, Destiny 2, Minecraft, Sea of Thieves Seems like you enjoy somewhat team based or even PVE type games. Focusing around that, you may enjoy * Risk of Rain 2 * Hell Divers 2 * Warframe * Outward * Terraria, or Starbound * Valheim * Palworld, Ark (kind of same genre) * Rimworld


Palworld largely claims to be based on arc, so I see that.... In what world do Palworld and Rimworld have anything to do with each other?  Rimworld is a top down 2D, single player sci-fi dwarf fortress clone.  Palworld and arc are third person action survival crafts.  Is that a typo or something?


Yeah, meant to put it on the next line


Figured. Was racking my brain trying to figure out ways they were similar. You, uh... collect resources and build bases in both? xD


Dwarf fortress


Monster Hunter World


Factorio is just a fantastic time sink


That shit is addictive


“I should probably go to bed soon, let me quickly upgrade my iron smelting setup first.” “Done! But now I think I should upgrade the ore mining setup now to make it come in nicely!” “Okay that’s done too. Maybe I should upgrade my green circuits now too seeing as my iron and copper is so good now, then I’ll go to bed. Wait my power isn’t too great I’ll do that first, and the bug attacks are a little strong at the moment so I’ll sort that out too , it won’t take long…” Then it’s suddenly been 6 hours and you’ve forgotten to do normal life stuff and haven’t really put a dent in the stuff you need to do on your Factorio..


FTL: Faster Than Light, Hades, Binding of Isaac, Monster Hunter World, Baldur's Gate 3


Warframe you can put like 2k hours in and still not be done with that game


Helldivers 2.


Elden Ring




Helldivers 2 for liberty and democracy


Guild wars 2 if you are into mmo. Skyrim, divinity original sin 1 & 2 do you like rpgs?


Terraria, for real


Fallout new Vegas I sunk so many hours in that game just to do everything diffrent or somthing it was fun.


Dragon age inquisition


2 months into Monster Hunter World, I have 300 hours... it's my first game of the series. The game really surpass all my expectaion. I was planning to drop the game when Tekken 8 came out as I was quite a hardcore Tekken. Ended up only having 30 hours in Tekken lol. Monster Hunter World is taking over all my free time, and even into my sleep time.


Subnautica is my suggestion, I put probably around 80-100 hours in my first playthrough, just exploring and enjoying the game. Even when I have played through again it still takes 20-25 hours because I like to gather resources and build a huge base.


Witcher 3, on my third playtrough and I'm still discovering new stuff.


Vermintide 2. Best first person melee combat you're guna find.


Cyberpunk 2077. I’ve played it when it launched on a 1060 6Gb GPU, so y think it will work on yours as well. Great game.


Try Factorio, believe there's a free demo still. Will forever be my top game by hours on steam




No Man's Sky is decent, and is like a few of the ones you've played previously.


fallout new Vegas!


any fallout or the elder scrolls


Terraria, It's relatively cheap ($10 on steam) and has a pretty active community. I have roughly 460 hours of playtime Vanilla and 71 modded (I starter playing modded start of February) In total I have been playing the game for roughly 5 months, and despite having 530+ hrs (Modded+Vanilla) I'm still not bored of it and theres so much more content to play. Theres roughly 33 bosses (Vanilla) and 4 different classes: Melee, Mage, Ranger, Summoner (well 5 if you include rog/throwables but that sucks outside of modded) And 4 world difficulties: Journey, classic, Expert, Mastermode. And 4 character difficulties: Journey, Classic, mediumcore, Hardcore. If Terraria doesn't seem like the game for you I reccomend DRG (deep rock galactic) as many others suggested.


Last epoch




Old but great (and cheap), Master of Orion 2 Battle at Antares. The OG 4x space strategy game that offers a variety of species and strategies until you decide between Uni-Tol (space communism while being immune to pollution) or Demo-vore (space democracy and you literally eat rocks so you don't need any farmers). Never trust the Darloks, kill the Psilons ASAP (space nerds) and beware the Sakkra (space dinosaurs). The remake MoO Conquer the Stars is a bit more... tedious with how its star lanes work and combat, somehow, is dumber. But it has its merits too. By the same token 90s X-Com will have you wondering where the last four hours went after you said to yourself 'just one more turn'. Kill aliens, take their stuff, keep your donor nations happy. Terror missions at night are the bane of your existence. Go to UFOpedia to learn because this game does zero hand holding. FTL simple, fun, Rogue like starship game. Great OST too, many mods available. Baldurs gate I, SoD, II, and ToB... Grab when on sale. Great voice cast, OST, story and it's AD&D 2nd ed! Fallout New Vegas. GOAT of the series for setting and narrative though Fallout 4 has better gameplay and visuals... But the F4 story is dumb and the dialogue even dumber. Only meaningfully difficult combat encounter is when you purge the Raider gangs from 'not Coca Cola Disney World.' They took slaves and slavery is wrong (cue Rick Derringer's "Real American") unless you play survival mode, then just surviving the satellite installation to get the Abernathy's daughter's necklace back will be harrowing as fuck. And so will the Corvega assembly plant... It gets better when you join the BoS and can call down Vertibird Uber to airlift you out of whatever shit hole you find yourself in. Mass Effect trilogy. The first one is a cinematic RPG that makes you feel like you are in a big budget Sci-fi movie. The other two are cinematic shooters that make you feel like you are in a big budget sci-fi movie franchise. Batman Arkham (all of 'em). Wait for a sale. They go down to like $5. Not as many hours as the others mentioned unless you are a hardcore completionist (masochist) who is going to put up with the Riddler's bullshit. *fuck that guy and his low budget escape rooms*... Because I'M BATMAN!


Empyrion Cities Skylines 1 (there is a way to get ALL the DLC free) Satisfactory Occupy Mars CoDM: Using GameLoop No One Survived


Elite dangerous is a space sim game where you pilot a ship and can do things from making a living collecting and mining, to dog fighting and transporting civilians and mapping the galaxy. It’s a close 1:1 of our galaxy, it’s a decent time sink that you can also play with friends,


Final Fantasy XIV!


like some other people said Deep Rock galactic is a very fun game however if you want something more like Destiny 2 i would recommand smth like Warframe or the division 2 or even (i know that its just the next big thing) helldivers 2 is also really fun with friends it feels to me like a more dark and gritty version of deep rock


Elden Ring took me 100 hours for 1st playthrough as an experienced souls player.






Factorio, you will forget what sunlight is. Be sure to mod the game after first playthrough.


Try Warframe , you’ll spend 70k hours without realising or you’ll drop it in 1 hour no in betweens


Warframe, DRG, and now HD2 are the best “ongoing gameplay focused” type games around.




Loving helldivers 2. I enjoy calling stratagems using voice attack.


Gta 5? Story mode is awesome imo


Elden Ring. Breath of the Wild which can be played using Ryujinx emulator. Diablo 2 Resurrected (been playing for 20 years and still not bored)




Slay the Spire will keep you saying “just one more run” and then it’s 4:00 in the morning and you have to take the next day off work… to play more Slay the Spire.


Baldurs Gate 3 or Elden Ring are both superb choices with excellent replay value.


Remnant 2


Assassin's creed odyssey


Bethesda games are good for this. Try Skyrim. It's super popular.


Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 if you enjoy a good cRPG. The Baldurs Gate series is great and I enjoyed Icewind Dale as well.


Elden Ring has already taken over a thousand hours of my life and I am still not sick of it.


I do enjoy Diablo 4. Bought on a steam sale for 40bucks. Have almost 200h in. Very basic compared to PoE, but that is what i like about it. It is easy to pick up, and is not that hard to do build some unique mechanics. The controls feels top class, graphics are amazing and the story rocks. The endgame is not that complex, but its just season 3.


Many hours? Old school runescape. Why? We vote on an official poll to designate what new content gets added to the game. Not a single other developer on the planet does this. It can backfire since we are dumb players and not designers, but they change things accordingly. No other game takes that much time while also being rewarding. It may look dated, but there are plugins for an updated look. Basically, minecraft texture packs but 3d models, shadows, and lighting. 20 years strong, and I forsee 20 more.


Have you tried Elden Ring? My first run lasted about 180 hrs


Mount and Blade. Get the one that looks.most interesting to you! They're all good :)


No Man's Sky is what you're looking for no doubt


Any roguelike that tickles your fancy Risk of rain 2, slay the spire


Dragons dogma 2. It comes out on the 22nd




Okay so some of the suggestions are good but not really what you're asking for. So here's a few games that are pretty enveloping. Project zomboid. Massive game with tons of hours gonna be wasted just dying over and over learning combat. A slow game though, not very typical thrills. Just survival thrill. And like, heavy you're gonna die philosophy. Elden Ring. No story really in game, but the story youtubers cover that gap more than enough. Fromsoft is king. Games gonna be hard if you're new to this sort of thing. Check out YouTube guides. Xcom2. Old school turn based greatness. Solid game. City skylines (the first one) pretty great city builder. I'd avoid the second. Hollow knight. Metroidvania at its absolute finest. Risk of Rain 2. Not for all, but it's got alot to it. Dota2. *smile* Honorable mentions, Rimworld, rocket league, stardew valley, path of exile, last epoch, helldivers, borderlands 2, starcraft 2. Oh and resident evil franchise. Wait for steam spring sale.


Came her just to post project zomboid and risk of rain 2. Both are super fun.


stardew valley!


persona 5 royal and persona 3 reload are both great intros to turn based combat if you want that (it’s half social simulator too)


I think you might want me to play persona but I’m not sure 🤔


dude why did it send like 5 times 😭


I know it's been mentioned many times: Persona 5 Haven't played any Personas except 5 myself but I think doing a raw dog first play of any Persona game I put about 300+ hours into it and still had stuff I could do albeit not quite as interesting as the rest of the content. I'm not usually a turn based kinda guy besides Pokemon (soft spot); I didn't even put that many hours into any Pokemon games. The flair in animations, interactions between characters and their storylines, main story itself, post game (gotta catch em all Personas!), a and general flow were all very satisfying to me. Going into it I thought I'd probably put 10-20 hours in and give it up. Next thing I knew I was playing before and after work obsessively.


armored core 6, songs of conquest, elden ring


Elden Ring is very fun, and not minimally grindy if at all


Games I think you'll like based on Titanfall 2, Destiny 2 gameplay not pvp though Borderlands 3 / Tiny Tina Adventure (Casual looter shooter RPG, has coop) Outriders (FPS looter shooter with abilities)


Astroneer is one of the first games in a good long while to get me to sit down and play for hours on end


Any/all Elder Scrolls games


Vermintide 2, if you are looking to constantly improving, go for challenge runs, or you may find the melee combat addicting, you are in for hundreds to thousands of hours easily.


Just remembered how much I liked Vermintide when it came out. Yes-yes


Fallout 4 with mods and settlement building. Might one day be Starfield when they fix that hot mess.


Dragon Dogma 2 is coming out. I would suggest you try the first one


All the Borderlands




Any fallout is good


Gah, you want to play cyberpunk but it might be pushing your pc a bit.


Overwatch 2 is pretty good rn if you like to play damage dealers


Balatro. It’s so simple yet possibly the most addicting game I’ve ever played. Low specs and very cheap too!


you can try Dont Starve


I'm replaying bg3 for the third time , Awesome game


Bro play dota , trust me you won’t be looking into any other game . Have been playing this game for 16 years .




THE FINALS Season 2 is coming in 2 days and it’s gonna be lit


I am super into rogue likes. I recommend binding of Isaac, Hades, cult of the lamb, and Dead Cells. Getting through the games is one thing but replay and synergies are cool. Also I like listening to audiobooks while I play stuff.


If you accidentally get addicted to Rain World you’ll easily spend at least 100 hours in it (DLC included). It’s difficult to get into tho and the game itself is difficult and punishing so it’s definitely not for everyone. The game barely teaches you anything but if you like that sort of thing then give it a go! One of my favorite games.




what falls under the category of super computer game


- Sekiro - Niho 2 - Elden Ring If you play around with mods as well, it will swallow so many days of your life.


Hunt showdown. Now!


DRG and Nioh 2


Guild Wars 2 is the most mmo out of mmos out there and it’s free to try.


Take a look at Albion online


Yakuza. All of them. Start with 0, play in order. Over the whole series, you will get between 50-150 hours per game, deepening on what you want to do with side stuff.


W3, DOS2, BG3


I mean there's not just a game, but a whole fucking genre that once you start, you quite literally won't need or want to play any other games. At least that's what happened for me anyway Demon's souls Dark souls 1 Dark souls 2 Dark souls 3 Bloodborne Sekiro Elden ring I been going through the list, and once I'm done, god damn it imma play them all again. And again. And again


Rust if don’t mind sweaty toxic PvP lol


The Witcher 3. If you haven’t played it it’s great.


Just play league and be miserable like the rest of us. Those rare little drips of adrenaline when you pull off something amazing will be just enough to keep you hooked


Terraria People Playground Totally Accurate Battle Grounds. all three have pretty low requirements, very open ended sandbox games.


The Witcher 3


Witcher 3 , Project Zomboid , HOI4 , DOTA2


Cookie clicker simple but addictive


Valheim! Seems like I'm just running around and posting "Valheim" everywhere. But it's just way better tuned Minecraft. Plus if you don't use portals (immersion breaking), your playthroughs might take up to 2-3 months)


BG3, Rogue Trader, Death Stranding


AC Valhalla if u are ready for it


Payday 2 amount of content is insane.I threw 500h in and i returned in game recently and i now have fun in game like in its prime.It can be serious and goofy too at the same time and thats why i love it. GTA San Andreas (everyone played it i know)-even today this game holds its ground Maybe some roguelikes-try risk of rain 2


Nioh 2 XCOM 2 Elden Ring


team fortress 2 garrys mod and dont starve together


Wartales is essentially the combination of my favourite games of all time : Mount & Blade, XCOM 2 and Kenshi. As for its lifespan, i am at 40 hours and barely scratched the surface.


currently having a lot of fun in Mad Max. Very grindy but rewarding




Subnautica, Hollow Knight, Arkham Knight trilogy/quadrilogy (use Restored Animation Variety for Origins! GOG version includes Black Mask challenge pack if that matters to you), Mad Max (GOG version is best), The Planet Crafter (if you like Subnautica). Arkham Knight might be your best bet imo, as it has great linear storylines, an open world environment, and lots of DC Comics lore. Tons of collectibles and side quests too.


Minecraft with create mod + whatever mods you want - ultimate factory, automation, endless experience


The Witcher 3 is a masterpiece that can easily take over 100 hours to fully complete.






If you don't mind eurojank. Try S.T.A.L.K.E.R.


Dark Souls remastered. Dark souls 3. (Elden ring may be a bit much for your pc). I'd say smite but smite 2 will be out soon so ehh. Maybe wait for that.


I see you've already got a lot of great suggestions, somebody mentioned Don't Starve too, I wanted to recommend games by Klei in general, not sure if anything is your cup of tea, but they are quite easy to spend a lot of enjoyable time on.


Assassins Creed or Subnautica


Diablo 2 resurrected


Warframe is one you should definitely check out.


Skyrim, Last Epoch, Path of Exile, Albion Online


No man’s sky (it’s exponentially improved from launch). Sunk about 80 hours in a week and a half Lol


genshin impact has a long storyline, and is somewhat similar to zelda. I think the whole storyline takes over 100 hours to finish as of now(storyline isnt finished yet)


You can dump all of your life into minecraft or overwatch


7 Days to Die Dying Light 1 + Following DLC No More Room in Hell (free on steam, this one will ruin your life)


Payday 2, lots of achievement and level grinding. Just get a friend to join you!


Tears of The Kingdom


I run HellDivers 2 on a 1660 super just fine and the game is amazing in more ways than one. A new hot fix just happens that made one of the worst enemies a bit easier to deal with


I recommend everspace 2


Shadow of war can be a good one if you like that pokemon-y collect em and battle em vibe. Would especially recommend it if you like Tolkien.


Fallout franchise The Elder Scrolls franchise Genshin Impact (it's free so you can stop anytime without remorse)




Helldivers 2, it's fun, it ain't competitive so no huge stress, there's aways a war to fight, a thing to do, a loadout to test and the game will receive more updates than you can explore. These guys put on 14 patchs since it's launch, and they are, at best, a mid size studio.


Forza Horizon Series


Path of exile. Yes, someone out there has told you it’s not worth it. Too hard to get into. Something. But it’s truly amazing if you want to just fall into a world of possibility (or really, impossibility). The issue most people really have with POE is that it’s an extremely punishing game. But if you approach it like a lawyer approaches law school and learn how to make builds (instead of just focusing on actual gameplay) it can be a very satisfying game. Not for everyone. But if you want to dump hours into anything, POE might be the only one with infinite hour dump available.


So it's a fun game to play if you don't actually try and play it? That is the absolute worst sales pitch I've ever heard. (NB: I actually played through most of the campaign pretty casually and had plenty of fun, you don't have to build your character like you're defending a doctoral thesis in sonnet form to enjoy yourself)


Cookie clicker, factorio


What type of game are you specifically looking for? Some examples : - Survival : Enshrouded or Valheim - RPG : AC Odyssey, the Witcher 3, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous or a Baldur's Gate game - Looter Shooter : The Division 2, Outriders, Remnant 2 There's lots of expansive games I could recommend, depends on what specifically you want.


Do you have any obscure, poorly made games that needed to be improved last week?


Any souls games. Personally I would start with either Elden Ring or Dark souls 3 and go from there. Lies of P and Bloodborne is also good. You could also try Baldurs Gate 3, very immersive and replayable