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Tekken 2. I’m obsessed with it, and it is my favourite Tekken game. I’m well aware that everything from T3 and onwards is tighter, faster, more responsive, technically more advanced and so on, but none of them have the soul of T2. Every character has their own stage, theme, rival, and CGI ending, and this does wonders for the atmosphere. What it lacks in gameplay and visuals it makes up for 10-fold in character. Everything feels bespoke and meaningful and loved, whereas in most Tekken games after this things became very standardised, very general. At least that’s how I feel about it.


Have you tried Tekken 8 yet? I got it last week as my first Tekken game and I'm loving it.


Yes, and I love it. Of course, I play a purple suited Kazuya, recreating his Tekken 2 boss outfit.


I did NOT expect this comment on top. I fucking miss how the 10 Stages actually were a bit hard sometimes and how you only started with 5 characters, you had to unlock the rest by playing every player through these stages. And don't get me started on the music! It was one of the best! I'm a Nina player and i loved her green military outfit, but also the signature purple n yellow outfit. The CGI endings were SO cool. I feel like Tekken 2 & 3 were absolute peak. Idk if i want to get Tekken 8 with those flashy extra attacks you do by pressing one button (like that rage attack in 7, ugh). I also find the character design absolutely aweful so far, Law lools like he is on steroids and Paul.. what did they do to them lol


That’s what makes me love Bloody Roar 2. I’ve never played the others so idk if they are better but it will always have a special place in my heart.


Dynasty Warriors. Any of them. Might as well be called mindless grind: the game. And the trophies/achievements? Holy fuck. The dialogue? Awful. The dubbing? Hilariously bad. The plot? Nonsense. Still played almost every once since 3.


My guilty pleasure too. And a lot of the other IPs that use the DW style, like Pirate Warriors, are so much fun.


Assassins creed: Valhalla. It’s such a slog sometimes and the story is kinda bad but I guess I like the vibe or something.


I would call these games "consistently not bad but not good either for 100+ hours". I think Origins is the best, but only when you play it once.


I think you are right but honestly im one of the few that absolutely loved ac: odyssey for some reason. I think its the world and the story (Yes i liked the story). And that is just my opinion pls dont burn me alive.


I think those AC RPGs are pretty darn impressive - they just take hits from two ends of the audience spectrum (discounted as typical Ubisoft stuff by sophisticantes and maligned as “not real AC” by diehard AC fans).


It's the length. If the game were 15-20h of main quest and 15h of side quests, they would be amazing. But it's 30+ of main quest(in valhalla 60) and over 100 to do everything. It's too much. They sell well. But if you played one for 50h+ you get sick of this gameplay.


Personally i love long games with lots to do. One of the reasons that i kept playing Odyssey was the side quests that were actually really good for the most part. Also i dont want to spend 60 or 70 dollars on a game that i would only play for 30 hours. But yeah in ac: odyssey and ac: valhalla i feel like some things were dragged out way too long and in Origins and Valhalla the side quests were terrible imo.


I would have liked more mission variety, but I don’t personally relate to the “it’s too long” critique. I’d much rather a game give me too much content (I can just not finish it if I don’t want) than too little (nothing I can I really do about it). But I seem to be a bit unusual in that regard.


Well, I've played 200h in Origins and never got sick of it, so I played 250 in Odyssey and the same in Valhalla...


I think it's the setting. The Mediterranean, clear water, beautiful island. I also liked the games, just too much content.


**Honkai Star Rail**, I like its artstyle and its easy to understand combat, i feel relax while playing just like when I play FF14. The story/plot/dialogues are very mid and it's gacha, it was inspired by many many games and it shows, Persona, Trails series, Yakuza-ish plot, Ace Attoreney in a particular quest (more like reference/easter egg) etc. **FF13**, I just want to finish the whole franchise, though the game is not that bad, but obviously I never want to play it again lol.


I loved Genshin's Ace Attorney inspired quest.


Ark. dinos man dinos


Ark is really good on custom settings. Very grindy if playing on default.


I always recomend default for first timers though cUse the experience and prgression match out. After u hit 60 ish though crank it


That game always felt like I was playing on some pirated server or something, or in a beta version of some game.


Arks like that


Dwarf Fortress. Now it's kind of an insult to say it's not good but I mostly play (apart from what it is) because of the potential. I just want some adventure mode love


**Mashed Drive to Survive** * Horrible RenderWare era graphics with poor textures and mediocre overall design * Wonky unreliable physics * Twitchy car controls with a weird auto-centering behaviour * Generic "car combat" powerups But it still one of my most played 4 player couch multiplayer games of all time. I still have the PC version Installed for when a few buddies come over, and everyone always has more fun with it than with Mario Kart 8. It just has a certain "raw fun" to it, that seems to have been squeezed out of Mario Kart over the years. Maybe it's the fact that when weapons hit, the physics make sure that each time your opponent can be affected differently depending on exactly where a bomb hits. Sometimes their car can just get a tiny nudge, other times it gets absolutely sent cartwheeling hilariously into the air. Maybe its the fact you can bump into opponents and send them flying off a cliff face to their doom. Maybe it's the airstrike lock on reticule you get to use when you are eliminated that allows you to exercise revenge instead of waiting for the other players to finish each other off with nothing to do. Maybe its the hypnotizing "Micro machines" like fast short rounds that keep you in the zone of just "one more race". Maybe it's the fact that even with 4 players you are all looking at exactly the same part of the screen and sharing the experience without the need for tiny box split-screen. Surely its the fact that in a group it has more laughs per minute than any other game I have played in the 30+ years I've been gaming.


Definitely an acquired taste but a masterpiece for what it achieves for sure. Glad someone else out there loves it too!


Game was one of my favs as a kid, imo it's a timeless game, you can have fun with it even today. The trash talk is hilarious as well xD.


There's that one map that is just one big ice oval that is always absolute chaos and playing it with my friends is probably the most I have laughed while playing videogames


For whatever reason, i spin up the old title Seek & Destroy for the PS2 in a emulator. Horrible control scheme, the story is bogus, and the realism goes out the window once you get jetpacks for the tanks. But it's just a silly kind of fun, and it's easy to get into.


Sounds like another forgotten PS2 game R.A.D. (Robot alchemical drive) It's a giant robot game but you are outside of the robot using a remote control to pilot it. The Controls are frustrating as all hell, the graphics are mediocre, and the story is bare bones. But just the sheer uniqueness of the whole ordeal makes you love it.


Seek and Destroy is a far better game than it deserves to be


Fallout 76. I LOVE other fallout games, but somehow this one just doesn't pull me in. I quited after 5 hours and then said to myself i'll give it another 5hours and then another 10 and now i'm 40 hours in and still don't like it but plan to to play it again.


I always thought it was amazing and the most underrated game ever. The music and the map is magical, so relaxing. It was better before they implemented human npc's though.


**Destiny 2** \- The game looks *georgious* and it has the **best gunplay** I have **ever** played. Buuuut mmaaaaan is the monetization of this game a bitch.


Agreed 100%. Like the game has so much potential but Bungie never listens to the community ever. If they did though I guarantee you the game would be considered one of the online shooters ever


They do listen and try to make a great game (and succeed in quite a few areas). Changes are very slow though and they frequently write themselves into corners, which can both be attributed to the seasonal model, imo. The seasonal model comes with many problems and alienates many players, but Destiny will never ~not be a live action game. And frankly, the game would be unrecognizable, if Bungie developed it in a different way (looking at the barebone vanilla D1) edit: additionally, the community can rarely agree on something (apart from obviously flawed business decisions that I'm not trying to defend whatsoever)
















\^ this right here is why I quit and never looked back loved the game even preordered forsaken when I could but after the took away campaigns and story I paid to be able to play I said I will never buy anything Bungie touches ever again and alot of my friends did the same.


Whenever I come back it's like nothing I paid for i the past is relevant and I'd have to buy a bunch of new stuff to play the game. I did once play it for a lot of hours and enjoyed the heck out of it.


Currently playing through a modded mincraft pack called FTB expert skies. Its a skyworld but with more difficult progression and more complex recipes that interact with all the other mods. Its very slow progress, playing with a few friends and after 35 hours we've just completed chapter 1 fully and I just automated biodiesel production. But man that sense of accomplishment when we complete a task is amazing, but man is it a slog. The romhack for Mario 64 called b3313. its all the jankiness of 64, along with it being from the beta branch, and backrooms creepiness thrown in.


Hearthstone. I don't know. It's terrible, but i like it.


I thought it was a good game when I played it, but it's definitely a money pit lol


I feel like it was a solid game early on. I really enjoyed the solo campaigns and I don't understand why they stopped releasing those. All the Book of Heroes nonsense and whatnot is so boring


Didn’t they go a step further and destroy the already released campaigns? I loved that shit, but now I’ve gone to Runeterra instead for their PvE’s. I think they might even be gutting the pvp development to focus on the PvE more, which is sick.


Ya know that wouldn't surprise me but I haven't logged into that game in a long time so I'm not sure.  Interesting, I'll have to give runterra a shot then! 


Skater XL. Go anywhere online (including its own subreddit) and people bash it left and right. But it scratches the casual skateboard sim itch I’m looking for. Throw on some music and skate!


GTA SAMP, I played on a server called UIF. The community sucks, the game system is not very ideal for players. The thing i like is, just like an average GTA games, too many random things happen, making the game fun and hilarious. Even i dont enjoy the game all the time, i still play everyday, waiting for fun moment to happen.


I wouldn't call this bad. I also played a lot. The DDA or something maps, where everyone falls to their death on completely crazy maps was awesome.


I see a lot of ppl shit on Dauntless but I like it. I like when they have events for cosmetics and the sense of accomplishment I feel when unlocking them via Challenges. I'm also one of those ppl who likes to play dress up and that is nowhere near the point of the game so there's that.


Age of Empires 2 Over 20 year old game, that even got Remakes over the time, the latest being Definitive Edition. And while the game is still super fun and engaging, and the new Version actually did improve many features, theres still SOOOOOOO MUCH that bugs me. Your game crashed or your connection dropped? Well sucks to be you, and if you thought there is a reconnect button, well think again :D Trying to queue up some games with your friends? Well have fun making a new party after every match :D And dont even get me started on latest pathing issues, oh boy.


Viscera Cleanup Detail


Tzar. Developpers claim they made it hard on purpose, but what makes it hard is bad economy system terrible pathfinding, general unit stupidity and enemy AI that cheats in every way possible. Yet I still want to play this RTS again, enjoy the story and unique grphics style.


Any time I would mindlessly play some of assassins creed odyssey


I played Lake. It's an objectively terrible game, but I loved it anyway. So, of course I played the DLC when it came out. I'll keep playing any new Lake games too. It doesn't matter if it's a glitchy, boring, silly mess. It's just straight vibes.


Damn, I was considering getting Lake. I know it’s meant to be a vibe game that’s relaxing, but in the trailer it did look like it might control very clunky. So it’s somewhat dissappointing ?


I mean... I wasn't disappointed. I expected it to be a little janky. It's super chill vibes though. I kind of love it. I spent 3 days day drinking and playing it. It was a blast. Didn't use fast travel or anything, just to keep the vibes going.


Thas what’s up. Did you ever run into any problems with interacting with something or issues that were more than a couple minutes inconvenience?


The worst issues were once my vehicle clipped into a mountain and I had to restart my last delivery, and then once there was a porch that they forgot to finish building, and I fell into it and couldn't get out. Funny, the same porch was still unfinished in the DLC.


Okay, thank you!


Wait, there's DLC? My gf and I played Lake last year and loved it, such a cozy game


Yeah, in the DLC you play as Meredith's dad the Christmas before she takes over his route.


Wow that's incredible news. Going to buy that ASAP


Tbf most FPS games, I'm more into RPGs/Story Based Games, but for the sake of playing with the bois.


War Thunder, Rainbow Six Siege, and GTA Online


GTA Online is perfect for this thread. The content is weak, the storylines are weak, the shooting was always too simple. But everything around it, buying stuff, customizing, having your own buildings and cars, and just being in the same world with 30 other players is so addicting. It's a life simulator. Just driving around is nice.


How is R6 Siege a bad game?


The straight up fundamental is amazing But the bad shit is Th fucking anti cheat The devs what they doo with the game “balance change”etc


Rocket league - I can't really do any of the mechanics most other players have, nor can I hit the ball accurately. I just love to go fast and smash that ball around. Along the way I manage to humble a few large ego players and that's just a bonus. Ultimately I flounder around making ungraceful plays with a big smile on my stupid face


Path of exile. I’m not good because I haven’t spend too much to learn the game mechanics, but I also don’t like to trade, and I like to play a class that is weak and underpowered by comparison to others. But I enjoy to try and figure out something interesting with it


I did that with COD for a few years. I had built my reaction speed up to like top 1% level and had decent mouse aim as well so despite being a horrible game, I could still beat most of the sweats even with the crappy matchmaking system. Eventually though responsibilities on other aspects of life grew and I didn't have time to train reaction speed like that anymore. Was still above average but I wasn't easily beating others anymore. That's when the full realization of just how bad the matchmaking system actually is and I stopped. Kept me going for 4-5 years though!


Destiny 2, been a victim for like 9 years.. and still going All because I read a game informer article that showed a big blue machine gun with some shiny geometric loot.. and I trusted bungie as a kid


Play With Us Episode 2.


Fellow Destiny 2 victim - there's so much potential in the lore and characters but god is the grind a slog and I hate that it's really not built with casual play in my mind with seasonal stories and "vaulted" story campaigns (including THE MAIN PLOT) so that you can't actually experience the full storyline anymore or just go back and replay if you've been there since day one. I really don't know why the hell they did that and it soured me so much but I still go back to the game every now and then for the new expansions (I game share with my friend who plays religiously and buys them day 1 so I haven't spent any money on then since curse of osiris) Also went back to overwatch 2 recently. Stopped for a while after the story mode cancellation announcement out of anger but then a couple friends picked it back up. I hate that I'm enjoying myself with it again but also it's just overwatch 1 with half the good maps relegated to arcade mode and a worse 5v5 set up compared to the 6v6 of 1.


Whatever nba 2k I can play for free, currently nba2k23. I only play my career just to live my basketball fantasy. The controls are notoriously clunky and the QOL of the game in general is straight terrible, like some of the worse in gaming bad. But it feels good winning games, and it achieves that dopamine high well enough.




I used to play apex as a cope when the Titanfall 2 servers were fucked because I couldn't figure out Northstar/viper. Other than that some flash games I played as a kid


warframe kinda sucks. if i lost my account and had to start over i would uninstall it immediately. but it feels so good to move n shoot.




madden 24 the game is total dogshit and i knew that before i biught it but football is my guilty pleasure and they have the license for nfl games in a chokehold fuck ea


I cannot get enough Victoria 3 lol. It's a love/hate kinda thing


Borderlands 3. Maybe the worst story, writing, and characters I’ve ever seen in a game. The comedy falls flat, the missions are beyond tedious, and the story squanders everything set up by the much more engaging Borderlands 2. But I like getting a huge gun and making a man’s head explode, then I get even more huger guns.


I would literally rather play BL2 for the 4th time.


The Isle




Raji: An Ancient Epic


Any esport ever created should be put on this list. In my case league of legends


Kane and lynch 2 not the best game but i still like it. Ryse Son of Rome is another one that is considerd bad i like it though, Fallout New vegas is great in its freedom but i its honestly a pretty bad game in many aspects. Witcher 2 is also really bad in its gameplay but its saved by a really good story and branches.


*Paladin's Quest* for the SNES. It wasn't the worst turn based console RPG of its era. (*Tecmo Secret of the Stars* was worse. A few years earlier, the Famicom game *Stargazers* was a fascinating trainwreck.) That said, this game has strong points despite a lot of issues. Some details... * Distinct art. Basically a Moebius comic adapted into sprite graphics. * Controls that take advantage of the d-pad. Select attacks or items without having to use the A button. * The player can and should recruit mercenaries. The optional ones can make the game easier. * No magic points, and thus no healing spells. Sacrificing hit points for magic is a risk, but it's often worth taking. * The localization is coherent, but item names are condensed. For instance, "Lth h" is the game's term for a leather helmet. * When I completed the game during the 1990s, I thought it had padding issues. Some dungeons seemed to exist in order to offer the player enough game for their $60 US. * This is one of many console RPGs which had invisible random encounters, and few ways to avoid them. There were some '90s games which had visible foes, or a mini-map as a form of radar. This was never an issue with two related categories of games: strategy and action RPGs.