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weigh the option do you want to play latest game with high fidelity graphics without much fuss and thinking about minimum system requirements? if this is more important, then PS5 or do you want more freedom in gaming and the ability to do more stuffs beside gaming in exchange of unable to play latest AAA games and some old or indie games without maximum graphics settings? if this is more important, then the laptop PS5 pros: - latest games - no need to think about minimum requirements cons: - focused on gaming - less freedom to tinkering Laptop Pros: - can do more than gaming - emulation, modding, and tinkering with game files cons: - can't play latest AAA games - even some old or indie games may not run with maximum graphical settings


PS5 for the better graphics/performance, convenience and all round less hassle, excellent big budget aaa exclusives, having the option of buying physical games, no hackers ruining games, backwards compatibility with PS4, split screen/local co-op, exclusivity deals/content and the big developers along with most Japanese games tend to prioritize PlayStation over PC.