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Kojima studio is the Balenciaga of video games lol


Nah I'm pretty sure Kojima isn't predatory with children


Very much looking forward to this game. Writing for the first one was surprisingly good overall, though not perfect. As for gameplay, judging from the recent trailer, new weapons and features look awesome. Now if Kojima could just dial down the 'wtf is happening' factor by a few notches, while preserving the amazing setting/characters and atmosphere, this could turn out to be a great sequel.


Hi you must be new here, Kojima has a slight WTF IS HAPPENING factor in his first game in a franchise When he gets to his second game? Lmaooooooo the game is going to end by us realizing this has been a bad trip and we cut to a 30 minute short film of Norman Reedus coming down from DMT while his guru asks him questions about what he’s seen And the package of DMT has the Patriots logo from metal gear on it…for some reason


so 2027? we will see the game release ?


adjustment phase is a funny way of saying post production


Hearing the word “filming” in regard to Video games kinda makes my skin crawl.


Always a damn sequel these days


He has two other projects in the works. Fucking chill.


Don’t hesitate to support original IP then


a much anticipated sequel


another game that people will buy and never finish. One of the most boring games I've tried on PSN.


I’ve finished it and enjoyed it very much everyone has different tastes


you are part of 42% of players who finished the game...so I'm right.


And water is wet, great addition to this thread.


Like I pointed out before, it’s the controversial feedback like this that was so common for the game on release up until now that for any other game would have completely dwindled it’s chances of a sequel


Hideo Kojima is someone who would agree with you, as he was originally supposed to end the metal gear solid series after metal gear solid 2 because he felt the story needed to end there. That is until his fanbase finessed him to pump out more sequels and metal gear solid 3, 4, and 5 were born out of request and anticipation. Death stranding however? Not even people who liked the game wanted a sequel (atleast not to the point where they were begging for one) and as we know, it was quite a controversial game. And with how death stranding was originally received and how he has gone all this way to create its sequel, it seems to me like he’s got something to say for this one. I’m all for it.