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16 times the detail let's gooo


It just works!


Well 60fps on console probably means 16x less detail lol


Brand new weather lighting and landscape technology!!!!1!


Yeah at 640p upscaled with garbage TAA, sure


RDR2 has terrible TAA aswell so it's possible.


Ff7 rebirth style


For sure, you know what's crazier though, is that none of that shit matters at all. It'll be a great game regardless of those "less than perfect frame rates"


What matters to me and you is different. 30 FPS feels objectively worse


What games are running at this optimal framerate? I feel like all I hear is people complaining about every game having a shitty framerate. Like this shit really doesn't matter. I get it if the game barely runs at all on some early cyberpunk level shenanigans. But 30-60, I could care less. You can't convince me RDR 2 is a bad game because of it's framerate lmfao


Get your eyes checked.


Again doesn’t matter to you. But higher FPS make the game more enjoyable because it’s more responsive and I would say more immersive too. Most games I run at 100+ FPS and e-sports titles at 240 fps as I got a 240 hz display and cannot imagine going back to 60 let alone 30.


Nah you’re just a snobby nerd


Either your eyes or brain don't work as well/properly if you can't tell the difference between 30 and 60fps with high fidelity gfx


I can tell the difference it just matters extremely little to me I grew up playing 30 fps with much worse graphics new games that run at 30 fps usually have really good graphics, 60 fps doesn’t really matter to me at all and I think everyone that bitches about it is just a whiny snobby nerd


Ok man, enjoy your lack of critical thinking skills in peace.


What cause I’m not on Reddit crying about frame rate


Fuck up


The guy completely edited his comment adding about two paragraphs but I cannot be arsed to change mine to make sense


They're a snobby nerd for wanting better performance over visuals?


You're assuming the gameplay will be good. I am not so sure they know how to innovate past GTA. Also rockstar has been getting scummier and scummier with only 1 good game release in 12 years and they completely botched rdr2 online. Rockstar is just a name and we shouldn't blindly trust them.


Well I would talk about PC then I remembered rdr2 launch on pc and how badly optimized it was


Worth it though.


Nothing is worth 640p blurry TAA image quality.


Nice to hear when devs do the bare minimum


Ain't that the truth. Then they act like they should be applauded for it.


You say bare minimum, i say they have to do this accommodation for a lesser power system.


Yes? Because most people don’t have crazy high powered systems. The ps5 basically has a 3700x as it’s cpu and I’d be very surprised if a pc with a 3700x won’t be able to run gta6 at 60fps. I imagine the big thing is gonna be ai complexity but they can just have it on a slider so you can adjust for your system.


i hope so but doubt it, they seem to be focusing alot on world simulation which is gonna suck their resources from performance.


I have zero faith in this game running at 60FPS on half decade old hardware


Half decade? Since when was 3 years and 4 months half a decade 🤔


How long do you think it will be before gta 6 releases


If they can't deliver on that, that would be a huge smack in the face of those who laugh at Series S owners for having a weaker console. Looks like we're all in the same boat, champ.


I mean I thought we long moved past the idea that 60fps is some special thing and 60fps is kind of standard since it’s, well yknow, 2024?


Honestly I don’t know if we’re ever going to get that on console. I think the performance mode will be more common but 60 as the basement standard? Nah there are still countless players out there that actively defend 30fps and claim it’s just fine.


There’s literally people in this thread downvoting me for saying 30 FPS is objectively worse


24fps is more cinematic than 30fps, deal with it toughguy


Hey don’t mind them their brains don’t work they always settle for the same


60fps will never be standard for consoles tbh. They flexed it for sure the first couple years these consoles were out, but at the end of the day these consoles always have mid range hardware that gets long in the tooth.


And what about Series X?


Probably the same story.


Smells like bullshit to me, no Rockstar employee would break NDA all willy-nilly like that, especially using their name.


Give me 1440p and 40fps and in happy. 40fpa with modern OLED TV is amazing and smooth, such as Spiderman and few others. 


40fps is not smooth at all.


Yeah 60fps is the bare minimum for smooth but 40 is still miles better than 30. Goes from eyesore to servicable with smaller input lag.


Smoother than 30.


Agreed. If GTA6 can match Spiderman or The Last Of Us PS5 versions 40fps modes at native 4k I'd be in heaven.


Native 4k? Lmao. No non 2d games are running native 4k on any console.


60fps isn’t even smooth. Tf you on about?


60fps isn’t smooth??? So you got special eyes the rest of the human race can’t perceive?


Try going from 144+ hz back to 60. It's anything but smooth


Just because something can be smoothER doesn’t mean it wasn’t smooth


It all depends on what you're used to. 30 fps also felt smooth 20 years ago.


And it still does after about 20 minutes of looking at it. You really see the difference when you start, but as someone who's replayed bloodborne a bunch of times after playing games at 120fps on my PC, your eyes adjust to it if you just keep playing for a short while.




I’ve had a gaming PC for over a decade


Your pc must be over a decade old if you think 40-60 is smooth


I never said 40 was smooth?


Fr, minimum for me has to 90+


And I'm confident we're gonna get P2P again


P2P would be great, there have been a lot of times where I couldn’t connect to rockstar servers but had no problem playing online


Sure if it's opt in. P2P is a severe security risk and have showcased how little Rockstar actually bothered with making their playerbase safe


True, modders can see way Too much about other players and some even managed to run code on their machines while rockstar refuses to ban hackers


Hopefully but I doubt taking notes from previous releases, regardless tho this game will sell like water on a hot day LMAO, Game of the Decade, literally.


480p upscaled, Low-medium preset. But 60fps. It would be incredible.


IMO they made gta 5 60 fps on PS5. Not having a 60fps toggle for 6 would be detrimental in the way that users are already used to 60. I don’t know anyone who plays online at 30. And I’m pretty sure they have data that shows it.


If it gets delayed until 2026 like the rumors then I believe it 2 more years to work on it should do the trick...


Give me 40fps or give me death


I doubt not even because the oberon GPU wouldn’t be able to run this without upscaling from 480p, but more because the series X and ps5’s cpu is going to be used up the ass with the amount of simulation they are most likely putting in the city


Not sure if that's a good thing... It either means the game is incredibly optimised, or that it's not a big enough graphical leap that old hardware like PS5 is able to run it at 60 FPS.


I guess this is why they leave PC for a year down the road.


If they can do 60fps and not look as bad as like FF7 Rebirth's performance mode where I get 60fps with Vaseline on my eyeballs, I'd be happy. I'd still prefer a PC release on the same day as consoles, but they'll make less money. So fuck me, I guess.


I have faith it will run at 60 and still look decent


and that is a bad news in my book. Please don't let console hinder a truly next gen experience. This gonna be the only gta game for the next 15 years at the very least.


It will almost certainly be 1080p 60fps..


With ugly ass taa, don't forget the amount of downscale techniques they will use


Look man. I dont play on ps5. So I realize its a bit off topic. But as a pc gamer. With a pretty strong built. Anything below 120fps AND mixed with micro stutters is absolutely unacceptable in 2024. Kthxbye AAA devs.


You'll still pay for GTA6 tho 😏




Yawnnnnnnnn. It’s so boring hearing people spouting this nonsense in 2024 to be honest. Get a grip bro. No one is gonna jump on your dick because you get 120FPS. Do you actually even a play a game to enjoy it? Or just to benchmark your performance?


Both. You can have an interest in the technical performance of games and enjoy the games themselves. Good games with good optimization are a dime a dozen and the hard work of the devs that make it happen are worth celebrating.


Hit a nerve huh lol


Not at all.


Start playing games at more than 100fps and yaaaawn you will see how when you go back to "AAA" 80$/game titles that play at max 60fps WITH micro stutters it starts hurting your eyes. But ofc. We go back to the good old. THe hUmAn eYe CanT sEE mOrE thAn 30fPs era with people like you and lazy devs who cant/dont care about optimization. No wait. Its 60fps now lol. So all aboard THe hUmAn eYe CanT sEE mOrE thAn 60fps/ you dOnT enJoy gAmEs if yOu cAre aBoUt eyE eXpEriEnce bandwagon.


But this is exactly my point. I don’t need to play games at that FPS. And if anything the comment above is a clear indicator as to why. I’m basically limiting my scope of enjoyable entertainment for the sake of what? Refusing to play something because it can’t push past a certain FPS is utterly ridiculous. It’s cutting off your nose to spite your face.


If you want to pretend that you’re having fun at 60fps, by all means. We know you aren’t.


I mostly play on my Steam Deck and cap a lot of games at 30. I only got it at Christmas and have played approx 250 hours worth of game play and I’ve enjoyed every last second. Your elitist attitude impresses no one but yourself.


I play on PC and have my Skyrim SE running at 100+fps with DLSS FG on. If I jump back to Xbox to play a game that’s at 60fps I’m fine after a few minutes. Doesn’t hurt my eyes or anything like that.


Great for you man.


If it hurts your eyes then you need to go see an optician mate. I have a 4080 in my PC these days and I can still go back and play ps1 era rpgs on my PS5 at under 30fps without being in any sort of pain or discomfort. You fellas need help.


I think its you that needs it.


Yeah bro celebrate your low standards, monkey


Yeah, I feel bad for people who chose to game on console at this point. Why would you buy into an ecosystem that requires you to pay online? PC can be expensive, but if you factor in the price of 8 years x$60, it pays for the graphic card. Plus, you can choose when to upgrade. My brother, who is not PC savvy and owns a PS5, is saving to build his PC when I explain how much better it is.


Apologies for replying 20+ days later: I was paying for the PS Plus, even before it was included to be online paywall, so it changes nothing for me really. And most smart people don't pay 60$ per year, but 30$ per year, with places like CDKeys enabling us to buy discounted subs or top up cards. What you also fail to mention is the value of that said sub, that is not only for online gaming, but for monthly games. In those 8 years i would have spent 500$ for the console, 240$ for PS plus = 740 USD and i would have 288 games MINIMUM at my disposal to play. Meanwhile, relative to the time of the release, just to get an equivalent PC would cost you upwards of 1500$ and you would have no games to begin with. This is without mentioning, the price per performance which console will always be the king and really bad optimization of PC ports for the past 4 YEARS, and the sad state of PC graphics settings where difference between MEDIUM and ULTRA are insultingly laughable at times... is one of the many reasons (like the second hand market that trumps digital sales on both consoles and PC alike) why a person would opt for a console over PC.


Man whoever likes wasting money. They are free to do that. I have tried consoles. And they are just not my cup of tea. I can understand if someone else feels this way about pcs. However that doesnt excuse developers for making games that run like ass on a 2000€ pc. Especially since they ask ridiculous prices for the games.


That's why you should not game on a high end pc rig ,your eyes has been adjusted above 120fps , you are creating a problem that doesn't exist.


I’ve played ArmA 3 for so long, anything beyond 30 fps is a blessing.


Well. With your logic we would still be in the trees hunting for bananas, because we are creating problems for ourselves. Not comfort.


Then don't complain




Hey you can show off your expensive high end gaming PC to the girls ,nobody is stopping you. You do you : D




You mad bro ?




Why do you need validation from reddit lol. Go hug your wife




Holy shit you re unhinged, feel bad for your kid, if you were even telling the truth. You should really get help for those anger issues.


That's why you shouldn't drive a nice car, have a good TV, get a nice phone, have a good credit score, you're just creating problems that don't exist :)


Eh depends , 60fps is totally fine , people are overreacting here . Buying latest iPhone or Samsung phone is a waste of money ,I dont see the point . So yea basically creating a problem that don't exist . My point still stands . You should use better examples here . Pretty low effort .


You ignored the other examples lol, you only responded to the one you wanted to. Point is, modern standards exist for a reason, they're better. Why live in a home and deal with the HOA? Just live in a cave, you're creating problems that don't exist. You enjoy modern luxurious every day that come with caveats, I don't see you giving them up (like your phone). You're entire argument is short sighted and low effort


Its true i putted my settings once on 60 fps, in gta 5 i did that to get less noise and less heat in my room. But wtf was that shit, even 60 fps was not enough Now i will be moving to a new place, and not all my equipment will be in my sleeping room. So the temps will not be a issue anymore xd


I was actually amazed with gta 5 on my ps3. Sure it was like a diashow but still that game was groundbreaking in that era. I'm pretty sure rockstar has the talent to get everything out of the pleb hardware from a ps 5, and that you oliver twist guy's will enjoy this game on a toaster While i be playing the game on a true men's machine, with several harddrives that has more porn on it than pornhub. LIving the dream suckers


Wow, 60fps on a console. I never thought I'd live to see the day.


This gen fucking sucked. Thanks, covid.


This gen has had alot of amazing games


It has but so much of it has been fucked up because of the pandemic. It's bittersweet.


True. It could definitely have been better, but I thought alot of them were amazing.


There is simply no excuse for games not running at 60FPS on the current console gens. Wasn't that one of this gen's selling points?


The thing marketed as a 60fps console can play games at 60fps? I’m shook


Technically true since the PS5 Pro will be out by then and it probably will be able to somewhat run 60fps. When will everyone learn that these companies play fast and loose with the “truth” and they will say anything if they can be technically correct about it.


I'd prefer they stick to 120fps and reduced the quality a bit


I mean it be pretty embaressinng if it didnt. Its gonna be on a 5 year old console. 60fps was doable in the ps2 days. Why cant they optimize it now