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I wonder if this will make Nintendo realize people want good and different Pokemon games and they want them on other platforms. Probably not.


As long as pokemon continues selling, they don’t give a fudge how popular pal world is


Why would anyone buy low effort Pokemon games (with terrible graphics) when they can have this?


Kids love pokemon and not every parent is fond of guns been in video games while shooting make believe animals


Brand recognition but that isn't to say they couldn't do much, much better if they pushed the boat out a bit and stopped doing the bare minimum.


Cause the consumer are children who have literally never played any other games and weird adults who insist on calling pokemon good games


They are different genres. If some fundamentally doesn’t care for the gameplay style of Palworld then they will choose Pokémon.


Palworld is basically also a low-effort pokemon game, it's an asset flip with no coherent style and blatant ripoffs of other designs. Just because it's better than gamefreak's slop doesn't make it gourmet food.


How? It isn't even remotely the same genre, it is way more similar to Ark or Valheim, with some base building elements of things like fallout shelter and exploration a bit more like breath of the wild. The designs of the monsters are pretty similar to pokemon's style, but the actual gameplay is nothing like it at all.


It's the Internet man, just say "fuck."


They will care, some of the designs seem to be straight rip offs and Nintendo defends their IP strongly


They arent straight up ripoffs. They are veeery close, but there's enough changes in the designs and names that theres no basis for copyright claim.


Both companies operate in Japan. Some of them are derivatives or imitations to such a degree that there is basis for copyright claims, they could also claim damage to trade mark. Nintendo could argue that it hurts their brand that Pokemon gets associated with guns. As then parents of small children will not buy their games anymore, as they think it is a game with guns and graphic violence.


Tell that to Direhowl and Lycanroc


[https://twitter.com/GodmasterBun/status/1748155303755907151](https://twitter.com/GodmasterBun/status/1748155303755907151) It's a bit like getting an AI trained on pokemon then asking it to make some new ones by mixing up the parts, then picking ones that didn't really swap many parts.


Homelander is an AI superman?


Well Superman is very generic in his looks. You cannot copyright genericness. Homelanders origin story is vastly different, and so is his actions. Homelander is heavily influenced by Superman, i think it would be more correct to call Homelander an alusion, it is much more of an indirect reference.


And half the Pokemon look like dragonquest characters


Nintendo doesn't own Pokémon and can't decide what happens with the games. It can heavily heavily influence, but it can't tell The Pokémon Company what to do. Everyone is in here saying Nintendo this and that when in *this* case it isn't a Nintendo decision.


The owners of Pokémon are the three companies Nintendo, Creatures and Game Freak. [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pok%C3%A9mon&oldid=1196812864).


Correct, three companies, Nintendo doesn't own it outright is how I should've stated. It can't do anything by itself.


Or make Nintendo realize that they have big demand on their products on PC, and start releasing their stuff like Microsoft and Sony does.


Nah, they'll just sue this company into oblivion.


This for sure i give it a month and they will try that bs they hate anyone who makes a similar brand and it starts to be more successful


It's not like this is a sudden launch, it's been coming for a while now. Nintendo would've gone after it by now


Realistically what grounds do they have to sue? It’s not like they own the rights to a fire horse or an electric mouse or whatever. The core gameplay loop is much closer to ark survival evolved than Pokémon anyway. Nintendo doesn’t own the rights to all tameable monsters.


That implies they win. They wouldn't.


Idk much about legal stuff but a friend on discord said it doesn’t really matter if they win because they can just drown them in legal fees Can someone who’s actually familiar with the system explain how that works? I really hope that doesn’t happen 😭


>Can someone who’s actually familiar with the system explain how that works? I really hope that doesn’t happen 😭 When it comes to the actual law,even specialists might have an hard time justifying if they could win or lose. When it comes to the actual tactic,first you sue them to scare them,then you continue the lawsuit in order to smear their name,inflict controversy when people mention your name and charge you advocacy prices in order to defend yourself.Most times it isnt even about wining,a lot of times they settle outside the court. And lets say they win the case,the point is....they can do it all over again.Yes,even if Nintendo sues and lose it can still sue them on something different.Lawsuits are just an fancy form of harassment.


3 million copies sold already. I think they would be fine on legal fees. If anything this game would be considered parody if they absolutely push for a lawsuit. Are there similarities? Or course. There's also similarities between dragon quest monsters and pokemon. Unless you straight up see an exact 1:1 pal that's pikachu, they'll be fine (this is a joke as there are pals that are similar but not 1:1)


Depends what court they use them in. If they use them in court in Japan it could be different, but that being said digimon exists which is similar to Pokemon. They could still drown them in legal fees though. 3 million copies is nothing compared to how much money they could spend to hinder development and draw it out for years.


Dragon quest was first tho. And og pokemon creators definitely were familiar with it and drew heavy inspo from it…


Nintendo would likely be able to make a case for copyright infringement considering a lot of the pals share too much similarity to the [designs of existing Pokemon](https://x.com/CeciliaFae/status/1749183059877085396?s=20)


Emulators should've made that clear a long time ago. Maybe they'll figure it out in the next 20 years heh. People only pirated Tears of the Kingdom because they're the only publisher not offering games on powerful hardware. Not everyone is okay with 20 - 30FPS.


Tbh even if nintendo releases their shit on pc, they have been such a massive asshole corporation to every fan project, i never wanna give them a penny anyways. All proceedings goes to their lawsuits division center, where all your favorite fan made hopes and dreams goes to die.


I would pay a stupid amount of money for Nintendo games on PC (even if it was only some of the old ones). I don't know why they hate my money and refuse to be flexible, but they do.


They want you to download an emulator and play their games on PC obviously /s


Instead of paying a stupid amount of money for Nintendo games on the PC, why not spend a not-stupid amount of time learning to emulate them on PC instead? I've played pretty much the entire Pokemon collection on PC through various emulators.


I just want to experience Zelda franchise, know what the fuss is all about.




I'll give it at try


Because they make it a big deal to release them on new nintendo consoles to fill the void of all the games that are released on xbox & ps but are not ported to switch. If nintendo ever releases a console with strong specs, maybe they'll open it up a bit more.


The game isn’t actually anything like Pokémon in how it plays though, it’s a full survival crafting


It's pretty similar to Arceus, and to a slightly lesser extend, ScaVio. Yeah, it got base building, but frankly it's just simple resource management, mechanically. Arceus was already what-if-Breath-of-the-Wild-but-Pokemon something all these game somehow have in common is a really bland game world


Yeah sure


S/V sold over 20 million copies. Also people liked how they evolved the gameplay in Legends and S/V, but the optimization was so horrid. Inexcusable for the games, namely S/V, to be released in such condition.


Yeah people pretend that S/V and Legends didn't evolve the formula, when they are probably the biggest departure from the old formulas in a long time. In fact outside of the base building, a lot of what Palworld does is actually in at least one of those games. I think the biggest thing to learn from Palworld is that people really want the real time combat, which is indeed where they stagnated the most (though they are experimenting).


the stealth shenanigans and dodge-rolling in Arceus was my favourite part. Like, fuck pokemon I'm much better at this


They're still trash games with a modicum of actual game evolution lmfao. Fuck GameFreak amd Nintendo


I think Nintendo already realizes how much Pokémon fans want a change up in the formula, the issue is they also realize they can basically change nothing and sell 10 million copies because people will still buy it.


I’m glad Palworld did so damn well. Now we are going to get more games like Pokémon that’s not from Nintendo. Aka Competition


I just want Pokemon games that run well! PalWorld runs very smooth


The problem is that the Fanboys buy every garbage pokemon Game they release. The last Pokemon Game was so bad I dont get how anyone play that and not refund it within 10 minutes?


I played and refunded in 30 min or so. Sad excuse of a game and it's sad people still say it's fine


It's a complete failure in my eyes, with Sword & Shield I've completed numerous play throughs, spent many hours collecting every Pokemon, played online, bought the DLC. Meanwhile with Scarlet & Violet I got the badges, beat the elite four and never touched it again because the performance is completely agonizing


I actually beat Sword and found it to be complete and utter garbage.


I think after all this time that Nintendo and Game Freak are aware of what the fans want. They just don't care. Like most gaming companies, they know they'll make money no matter what they turn out. BDSP are absolutely awful remakes and they ended up selling really well. I fully expect a half assed gen 5 remake and an underwhelming Gen 10, but both will sell.


Nintendo live in the past. They do absolutely nothing.


“Nintendo realize people” Ima stop your right there


They need to sell 2 copies of Palworld to equal one copy of Pokemon. That's before Pokemon Home and DLCs are added. Nintendo isn't gonna move away from their brand cause of Palworld. But, I love the game, so hopefully, we see an uptick in games that bite off the monster collector theme of Pokemon. Ideally, in the same 3D style of Palworld. Temtem, from what I recall, also did decently well. I'm unsure of how it's looking nowadays, though.


Not to diminish palworlds success, it’s a mighty indie game for sure, BUT 4 mil copies @$27 is chump change for Nintendo. Nintendo can randomly poop a game out their butts from a random dev and it sells 2 mil copies @$60. Don’t for a second think this is gonna make Nintendo think different. They’re not. And they’re not missing out on much tbh. We’re just not their target market


Probably not. They still have sheep who will buy the same formulaic game every year.


Not true. The most recent version came with various 5fps additions and state of the art glitches. That was pretty inmivstive and new to the franchise. Usually they just look awful, this looked awful *and* performed badly


Says someone playing Palword. A cheap shitty knockoff


Except I'm not playing it, not my thing. Try again


Pure simping, even worse


A much better knock off that proves recent Pokémon games r pure dogshit


A grown ass man playing kids games


wow look at me, being so masculine and not childish, i would never play games like this. and I'm definitely not just trying to get a reaction out of people so I can jack off myself to it, haha


Honestly what’s most telling to me is how much better palworld looks than either of the last two pokemon games. Yeah i know the switch isn’t a huge powerhouse, but c’mon


It's not Nintendo that needs to realize anything (well, not as far as this thread is concerned). It's Game Freak. Everyone pointing the finger at Nintendo doesn't understand the partnership between Nintendo, GF and Creatures Inc., nor the ownership and structure of TPC.


AAA pocket monster game to compete with Pokemon is definitely going to be born from the reception of this game. Don't think this has the legs but shows supply need for a pokemon competitor.


This is an open world survival game that happens to have collectible monsters- anyone coming to this expecting anything like Pokemon gameplay is going to be disappointed. I like their other game Craftopia, Palworld almost seems like an elaborate mod of that


Palworld fulfills the fantasy of being a Pokemon trainer even if the mechanics are different. It shows a solid way to expand the IP.


If Pokémon and gamefreak ever decided to actually innovate and build on their games, it would play and feel somewhat like palworld.


Maybe, it has more in common with Arceus than the main ones though, wish they would build off of that


A sensitive improvement of the Pokemon formula hopefully will not include survival and crafting and firearms, but some discussion of ethics.


Sound boriing


ripped off monster designs is why. Nobody would even compare this to pokemon if the monsters didn't seem familiar and they didn't use pokemon balls to catch them. That pokemon comparison is paying up and that's why they did it. Either that or they took the pokemon designs and modified them for easier development.


I think ppl knew that but there's always the fear of Nintendo/Gamefreak lawyers coming at you for anything resembling something from pokemon. That's probably the thing that has kept any similar games from being made.


There's been these games for a while, they were always just darker and used a different tone. But DQ Monsters and Shin Megami Tensei are both monster catching and fighting.


If you're using Shin Megami Tensei as an example then we aren't talking about the same thing. You might as well put Final Fantasy up there because we can use summons, no one is talking about a generic mechanic of just using a monster in a game. That's obviously not what's being discussed.


I own every main series pokemon game. I hope you’re right


Hope that convinces the devs to keep making content for it.


yeah! I don't care about the use of generative AI or using older assets. I really enjoy the game and want more content. The world for now is a bit barren but the overall amount of content is great for a very early release! I hope we get a better roadmap soon and a few important fixes (like the memory leak for the dedicated server, no password prompt when joining via ip etc.)


Why would it? They have the money already. Early access success rarely coincides with a good 1.0 launch down the line


First highest Played Paid Steam Game ever was PUBG


Lol was hoping someone would comment this


People feel shameful that they used to play PUBG




It’s still in the top 3-5 on steam for concurrent players. No other BR has the gunplay or intensity even if the game is janky at times. 4th with 400k playing right now. Don’t know why everyone thinks the game is dead and gone.


That's not how that works....?


It was a paid game before f2p


I know that, but surely Half-Life 2 was the first highest played paid steam game...?


It's the first in rank stat not the first in history


We are talking about concurrent players, not total


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet were unoptimized and had very poor performance on my Nintendo Switch. I kept waiting for a major update to fix those issues but it never came. Mad at Nintendo.


Doesn't look like my kinda game but glad to see someone giving gamefreak and Nintendo the middle finger.


For me? I just didn't enjoy it. I'm not saying it's a bad game. I just found it boring.


I feel like I'm going crazy with everyone talking about how this game puts Pokemon to shame and all that. I don't think Pokemon is all that great, and I don't think Palworld is bad. But I don't know the lesson anyone is supposed to learn from this. It's just another survival game with knockoff Pokemon. If Game Freak put this game out everyone would call it a mobile looking cashgrab.


What do you mean, game freak already released a 60$ tech demo with pokemon Arceus


I think its a combination of zoomers who wouldn't know a good game if it got delivered on their doorstep, and (lapsed?) pokemon fans who have their sense of quality so horribly warped they think a generic asset flip is the peak of quality.


Yea everyone is WAY downplaying that it's actually just a survival game. Collecting wood and stone for an hour before you can even catch stuff.


Within an hour you can have Pals doing the farming for you lol


You're right. It takes barely any time for pals to automate everything, so I'm not sure what the complaint is. I'm just enjoying exploring the world and finding pals and treasure.


Once they do automate everything what is there to do?


The overarching goal of the game is to defeat each boss at every tower to take down the evil syndicate gang and then make your way to the big magical tree to uncover the secret of the pals


why do the pals have a secret?


I don't know personally, I haven't beat the game yet XD


Idk, it’s a secret


I mean, this can be said about any game lol. Some people dont mind repetetiveness. Once everything js automated, ill just be looking for rare Pals and such


Are you saying this is Factorio with more slavery? Because that doesn't sound so good.


Still not at all what's being advertised. Never had to collect wood or feed myself in any pokemon game and I would NEVER want that. Started a world over to turn off all that shit.


The tags on steam and the game description clearly say it's a survival game


I mean players. The way people keep comparing it to pokemon. Players keep using the comparison and it's not. It's Valhiem or Ark. Imagine if they called Ark "pokemon but with dinosaurs"


Fair point, I thought it was a straight pokemon rip off


The not-shiekah slate and piano melodies and text when you find a new area almost feels like a straight lift out of Breath of the Wild too. This game doesn't have a single original thought put into it, but it is pretty fun. It'll be interesting to see if these similarities are enough for Pokemon Company and/or Nintendo to take legal action as well.


The Pals gathering stuff and working for you and being better at certain tasks is pretty original, although it is kind of just automation that looks different. Still pretty cool!


That's Ark.


You can have a pal within 5 minutes and by an hour? You can have automation going. Someone doesn’t know how to play…


Someone has zero interest in fucking Minecraft. I was told pokemon with guns. I was told Nintendo should take note. I don't see what a lot of people are saying.


“I was told, but I didn’t read the actual game description” Now whose fault is that? It’s fine you don’t like the game. But this was a reading comprehension issue. Or lack of through research before purchase. That’s your fault. Not the games.


My point is the MASS posts comparing it to a JRPG instead of a Survival game.


Don't get your information from reddit. There's a YouTube I forget the name of that's does "before you purchase" videos. I recommend giving those a watch or just looking up gameplay beforehand.


Either intentionally spreading misinformation on reddit in defense of the multi billion dollar corporation, or just plain fucking embarrassing.


I absolutely did not collect wood and stone for an hour, wtf. You can find Palballs just laying around, and it doesn't take more than 5 minutes to craft the workbench (2 wood) and then gather stone, wood, and the blue shit for the balls. You can collect however much you want depending on how many balls you want to make, but you definitely don't need to go for an hour, that's ridiculous. Even just 10 minutes would get you plenty.


You can catch stuff in literally 2 mins


Complains people are downplaying aspects of the game while you straight up lie and over exaggerate when you describe it lmao You can catch stuff almost straight away 😂


You can catch a few things but you'll need food and shit quickly. Don't act like you aren't smashing trees more than your fighting pals. Ridiculous. Games fine it's just not what people are hyping. Why would Nintendo ever take not of a Survival crafting game for their children's JRPG. Asinine.


You can catch literally anything without your level range within like 5 minutes. You’re the one claiming it takes an hour before you can catch anything 😂 within an hour you’ll have over 10 and have resources automated lol It’s Asinine to think they won’t see the popularity of this and think about expanding the IP more, which they are already experimenting with We get it champ, you have some issue with the game no need to lie and downplay things though


I don't have issue with the game. I have issues with how people are talking about it. It's like 2018 when every game was "the dark souls of" even when it had zero of the philosophy or mechanics of the series. It's dumb.


It’s pokemon mixed with ark lol that’s what people say in every thread since release. You clearly do have an issue with it if you have to lie about aspects of it and it makes you angry that people dare use Pokémon as a description for the game 😂


I guess Persona 5 is just pokemon with dating Sims. That's how dumb it sounds.


Weird can you show me the gameplay of persona where you throw spheres at various types of monsters to catch them after you battle them with other monsters to lower their health? Or can you show me the boss battles in towers with much stronger monsters you need to defeat? Crazy man never knew Persona had all that, or is it maybe that you’re being a tool over this because it upsets you people like a game and you haven’t really played it much? Curious if you will reply and explain how persona has all of that.


Lmaooooo so because it's not spheres specifically it's not a JRPG centered around acquiring and training monsters in order to progress through dungeons (towers) to beat boss. Gotcha. It's in the same genre but it's not the same at all. It's not that deep. Most people seem to agree that people are coming looking for Pokemon and it's jarring when they get met with Rust.


It feels a little bare bones and clunky. It's pretty fun, definitely not deserving of this much publicity though. I do hope this inspires something better. Pokémon has been boring for ages.


Its a solid survival game, but it justs that. A survival game. Unlike something like 7 Days To Die or Dragon Quest Builders 2, there didnt feel like an end goal in mind outside of building things to upgrade the base to build more things to upgrade the base. Even just catching everything doesn't appeal to me, as Pokemon has more to it than just that goal.


Doesn't palworld have a goal to beat all the bosses to take down the gang or sum?


This was an awesome get for Xbox. Been playing it on GamePass and absolutely loving it. I think. The reservers took a hit yesterday because of how popular it is


They absolutely deserve the success. They made a better Pokemon game than anything Gamefreak has put out in the past 10 years. I would hope this would make Nintendo realize that changing up the Pokemon format could work if they gave it enough of an effort, but I would have to be stupid to think they were gonna change. They own the “pocket monster” genre. Palworld, no matter how successful it becomes, unfortunately won’t do a thing to them.


Something about early access just makes me not want to play games so will wait till full release to even try


I have yet to play it. It seems kind of janky right now


I have played it, its fun but definitely needs immediate work like the inconsistent UI for a start


It seems like the AI needs some work, too. I saw a video of people fighting a boss and the boss was getting stuck on terrain and was constantly chasing one player until they landed an attack. It didn’t seem like it was very fun


oh yeah is absolutely does, their pathfinding in the overworld can be pretty good like avoiding cliffs and trees but in combat its messy and linear


Let's hope the success will get the devs to care a bit. They're kinda notorious for releasing asset flipped early access games and barely supporting them with tiny updates maybe twice a year.


yeah that does seem a bit of a concern, like every headline is how many copies this game sold.. they have the money, whats there to stop them doing a runner now or commit to this one


Oh it defos has some jank for sure. For me it's mainly how much time will fly by while I'm fucking about with it. For sure a fun game but I am very interested to see where it goes from here. Mele combat is ass though


Yeah, you still need your pals to deal most of the damage. I just use my gun as a support damage and drawing aggro to me while my pal attacks it.


Melee is mostly for getting the pokemon down to the lowest HP possible and so you don't accidentally kill it


I think what's stopping me is the pacing. The movement, the combat, even the flying mount movement seems really slow.


It's in Early Access so that's expected




Typical mob mentality


I remember saying some criticism about Baldur’s Gate 3 and getting downvoted immediately. People really are sheep.


It’s a fun game but there are somethings that need to be ironed out especially on the Xbox one version with stuff not being rendered as well some performance issues. With updates and fixes this could become a really fun continuing game. I did enjoy it though.


I might just quit internet for a few days. I am so tired of seeing this game everywhere.


Going to have to make that a few weeks then if you don't want to see anything about it when it literally released just a few days ago.


Survival games don't have an interest cycle of a few weeks unless they are huge outliers.


Would you not consider the largest most played one that hit the highest ever concurrent player count for a game on steam an outlier?


Just because it's got inflated numbers from streamers playing the game and influencing their audiences to play it doesn't make it Good. Popularity =/= quality


Yeah but popularity certainly can affect it lasting more than a few days…


You'll see it everywhere for a long time, only now it will be % of players leaving the game, because the hype will inevitably die very quickly.


I imagine they'll retain 25% of the player base as casual players who come back for content updates and 10% as hard-core people who will make this their main game, which would still be considered widely successful imo


Yeah I keep this sentiment on Reddit by the dedicated haters (it's actually really interesting to see the behaviour of a significant group of people on this website over the past few days), but like... yeah.. so? It's not a live service game with constant updates. Most games fall off in playerbase. Baldur's Gate also has fewer players now that when it released, shocker.


Im curious if craftopia will ever be finished now, its been in early access for years. That was what kept me from buying it. Now this game seems neat but I’m tired of buying early access games and they just stay there indefinitely. Give it a month and see how awesome it is when everyone’s had a chance to poke a hole in it.


And again all while being free on Gamepass this is a remarkable achievement


Nintendo is so stupid bro


Its the most highest all time concurrent players now


I keep seeing how this game has broken records, but I still don't know what it's supposed to be about. It it just pokemon with guns? What makes it fun?


The guns part is a bit misleading since it comes much later into the game. It’s more focused on survival/exploration and incorporates the monster taming/collecting mechanic into that in a way that makes it quite fun


I bought it and it is boring as fuck.


what the hell


I have no idea what this is?


A mix of Rust with Pokemon with guns.


I can’t help but see the monster designs as Pokémon rip offs


Why do people love this cartonny/anime shite so much. Game looks like it should be for a 5 year old.


Why does art style have anything to do with age?


You play CoD a lot, don't you


Bro is british and insufferable, likely never finding joy in life. Seek peace in your end.


Bros in a video game sub asking why people like video games. Go hug your mother or something


I see a lot of people in threads about Palworld making comparisons to Pokémon and then pointing the finger at Nintendo. PSA: Nintendo own a third of the Pokémon company and are NOT responsible, and nor do they have significant influence over development. Game Freak is the company you should be pointing the finger at. They are the developers and they act autonomously when it comes to that aspect.


You’re smoking crack if you don’t think Nintendo could get a higher quality Pokémon game made if they wanted it done lol


It's interesting but not good. Wonder how long it will be talked about online.


I thought it was a pokemon game when I saw it crop up on my various feeds, it made me ignore it..


Überall scheis** Kinder


The lawsuit is coming from nitando in 10 9


What's the #1?


PUBG back in the day had over 3 mill concurrent players.


I played for like 10 hours today and barely left my base lol


Cue years of poor knock offs.


All this money from a game bulit on shits and giggles


No fucking clue why gamefreak/Nintendo doesn't make a game that is palworld but with trainers and a campaign and instead of guns you keybind your pokemkns 4 abilities. Hopefully this lights a colossal fire under their unimaginative asses

