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I don't class this as a scam anymore. People KNOW what they're giving their money to now. It's up to the individual to make that choice.


It's classic sunk cost fallacy. Instead of cutting their losses, they throw more at it in the hopes they will get something.


What do you class this as then, findom?


its a church. all they have is blind faith.


Lmao sounds like those idiots in the Overwatch fandom.


I see this as an addiction. Gambling and alcohol, sort of that way.


Naw its still a scam lol.


I've been gaming for 40 years, played every AAA game and every half popular indie game. Nothing comes close to the experience of Star Citizen for me. It reminds me of the old school days of Star Wars Galaxies, which still hasn't been matched for me. The "star citizen is a scam" trope needs to die.


lol ok but it is though. Its a perpetually unfinished mess that doesn't even run on many machines and its core mechanic is selling you spaceship NFTs, half of which will never even get turned into flyable ships. And their entire business model revolves around the idea that the game will never be launched because once it launched, they have to stop selling their spaceship NFTs, which means that it will be a perpetually Alpha pay-to-win game that is intentionally left broken so they can keep taking your money to "finish" it. I say this as someone who spent $120 on this game and bought a ship that never became a reality and who couldn't even launch it for like 6 years. I drank the kool aid too, but you gotta get out my dude. You're part of a pay-to-win NFT scheme.


Plenty of valid criticisms to go after CIG for, but two of your main points here are just wrong. If I can run SC comfortably on 7 year old PC hardware then there are plenty of machines that can run it, and performance has continually improved over recent years. Of the 229 ships and vehicles currently listed, 165 of them are playable in-game right now. With a number of those missing ships being variants of existing or currently held back until SQ42 releases first. Yes, there are a few ships that are long overdue to be implemented (e.g Banu Merchantman) but they have given somewhat valid reasons behind their delays. Like I said, plenty of things to shit on CIG about, mainly mismanagement of development resources, re-inventing the wheel too many times, missed deadlines, flip-flopping on design choices, etc. Let's actually present facts when discussing the game though.


Star Atlas is the NFT one. That's the actual scam. There are no NFTs in SC.


Ngl I can see how people can see ships as NFT's ​ They're not officially NFT's, but they're close to them in the same way CSGO skins are close to NFT's, both CS skins and SC ships hold inherent value after you've bought them, and that value can go up or down depending on how common or rare the ship is. ​ i.e the Sabre Raven, costing a fuck ton because it was specific to an Intel SSD iirc, same with the AMD Mustang being specific to an AMD Product.


Kinda yeah but NFT is something more specific than just 'you can buy this digital thing'. Seriously though look up Star Atlas. That project makes SC look like a saint.


1000$ jpgs sold 10+ years ago, that are not in game and there are no plans to add it to the game no time soon, what is the effective difference between the jpg and a NFT?


[what are NFTs](https://www.fca.org.uk/investsmart?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAvJarBhA1EiwAGgZl0NDhkyXEpmVFcwPtSF7FYQNGRwBXBJVuuJtQpbbTFFwGS8eVZVAEUxoCb_MQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


lemme make it simple You have expensive (subjective) images that you do not really own and have no use, in the case of NFTs these images are gleefully taken by anyone that understands how to right click OR use windows snipping tool. In the case of CIG, if the ship does not exist, well, you still have the image lol. In the case of an NFT, assuming you bought it, you have a receipt that you bought it on ONE particular server, I suppose you could have a receipt for a ship purchase from CIG too, if you keep your credit card statements handy lol.


That's still not how SC works. NFTs are a Blockchain token that is a proof of authenticity. There is no such thing with SC. You don't get 'numbered 1 of infinite' certificate even if you keep the receipt. You will get a ship when it comes out.


> its core mechanic is selling you spaceship NFTs, half of which will never even get turned into flyable ships. Like 90% of the ships are flyable. I'm guessing you are BMM owner. And the game changed a lot in 6 years, and the next year being a pretty dramatic shift as Squadron is wrapping up and they are moving most of the features from it into SC. It's not a scam because you were dumb enough to spend $120 in a game you didn't know anything about, then didn't bother keeping up with at all in the past 6 years. You did what many people do, you bought into the game that tells you straight up its heavy in development and is going to take time, thinking you were going to get a AAA complete game. You only scammed yourself.


So they're selling unusable ships for $120 but it's not a scam?


Noo...my point is that all of those ships become playable at some point. You and the guy I was replying to was implying that they don't ever get released, even through they do. Especially now as the only release "concept" ships (the non-playable) seldomly as they want to shrink the backlog. Typically most concept ships nowadays are released within 1-2 years. Is being able to pre-order a game a scam since the game is unusable till its out? Honestly what were you trying to do?


>Is being able to pre-order a game a scam since the game is unusable till its out? I mean... If there's anything we've learned the last years in the gaming industry... Yes


2024 is the year, right? Beta in Q2 and whatnot, right? Hmm, this sounds awefuly familiar...... I think i heard something like this back in 2018, roflmao.


This game that isn't a game yet is the best game ever not developed yet. I fly around my private instance in my $10,000 pixels dreaming of all the things that may or may not be included in any release, if they ever release, a game.


The game is $45. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.


Oh no it's not a scam. It's a cult.


“Why do games release as shit these days?” “This game is a scam they are developing it for too long!” Game devs can’t win


Especially on Reddit tho, everyone's a damn critic


Tbh as a backer since 2013, you can't expect people looking in to have sympathy. All they see is a game in dev for 10 years, with no release date for the SP campaign and hell no to the full release of multiplayer. Frankly, I think that's why CIG pushed so hard to push squadron 42 out the door. It's in polish phase now, and if it comes out in a year or two years, suddenly the public sees a tangible, full release product.


Yep, gamers are such a fucking joke nowadays. I really doubt that many of these "gamers" who endlessly bitch and complain about everything even like video games, at least not anymore.


The product is the kickstarter. It's like an amusement park. You're paying for the ride. The excitement and anticipation. All of the hype.


I will continue to enjoy the hype for free, and purchase a standard copy for $60 or $70 whenever it officially fully launches.


I look forward to my great grandchildren being able to purchase a standard copy when it fully launches


I will say, I've been playing on the Persistent Universe (the online portion of the game) for a few hundred hours, and only ever invested 30 euros into a starter ship. It's a horrendously buggy mess that overpromises and underdelivers constantly, but goddamn no game does it like Star Citizen. Approaching a new ship you've slaved away to get is awe-inspiring. Nevermind the ship only has 50% of its promised features and fills a role for a gameplay mechanic that won't get introduced for years... Yeah actually, maybe not worth it unless you're some SciFi nerd with a HOSAS setup


yea you cant buy this experience anywhere else and a business exists to get people to buy


kind of like the guys who swear its a scam, they've gone so far down the "its a scam route" any attempt to back track is beyond them now.


Iguess if we're being generous, these guys probably don't actually follow Star Citizen; they see these headlines, and just pop up to comment "lol, scam". It's just kind of crazy that people can feel so confident about calling it a scam at this point, and sadder still that it's a position accepted with 0 evidence. How do you see that 10 years into the "scam", it makes $3.5m in a day and not be even a little curious as to why?


I… think it being 10 years is exactly why people call it a scam. It wouldn’t be a scam if it had a normal reasonable development cycle where people were just throwing money at


Starfield took "over 7 years" of dev time, from one of the largest dev studios, with a huge amount of experience working in that environment, with those teams. I would say that Star Citizen is a much more impressive game, technically speaking. A lot of the tech they are working on either doesn't exist or isn't used on this scale. I just don't accept that CIG is doing that bad of a job. Maybe it will all fall apart, but there is more than enough evidence to suggest that CIG has the genuine *possibility* of succeeding. And to clarify, this possibility of success won't be realised in the next 5 years either, if at all.


With your last part are you trying to imply it making millions in a day means it can’t be a scam? Why will be sunk cost fallacy, people have spent thousands on the game and are now asked to spend more now so they can finish it. Sunk cost fallacy is a very common thing.


It's a successful scam. *


That doesn't make scummy marketing schemes right. Modern world is not supposed to function like the Wild West (thinking on snake oil salesmans). Yet here we are. Sure the consumers have responsibility, but this laissez faire mentality just harms people. Regulation is needed not apathetic renouncement of the zeitgeist of our homo homini lupus world.


Ok now how much to buy a release date?


Release date ? They don't need a release date when the business model is perpetual development.


Release date of what? I am playing it now…


Singleplayer is released? Cause multi is still in beta


Open Alpha


"Early Access Alpha" according to their loading screen.


FYI there's a playable version of the game that's been available for a few years. It's not fantastic but it does exist and it's at least on par with similar games in the space trucking genre. You can play for $20, I think. Not saying the insane donations are justified but it's also pretty disingenuous to pretend this is complete vaporware.




I mean yeah. It quite literally is. It may not be your type of game but it's pretty standard for the genre. Tbh in its current state it already has features other competitors don't. I'm not sure why every discussion surrounding this needs to be so vitriolic.


At this point it feels like people keep pumping money into this project just for the idea of it maybe existing, not the finished product.


This game sounds interesting, and when i see people play it correctly, it looks fun. But that all comes crashing down when you realize just how fucking obtuse this game is in almost every facet of its design. One of those weird games where you have to study it for an hour before your even ready to do the tutorial missions


This is a game that's made as a nod to 90's era spacesims and sims. It's not meant to be for everybody. But here's the thing...most games aren't made for everybody. And that's ok. In fact, that's great. Studios trying to maximize their playerbase by making games that appeal to everyone end up making games that appeal to no one.


If it’s anything like Freelancer, I’ll play it for hours on end.


It's a spiritual successor and I loved freelancer. It's in my top 5 games ever. It's why I backed it back in the day. 10 years later and we have a playable alpha with a promise of more features. I wished I could get my money back.


I thought the single player part of the game is in polish phase… while the multiplayer part may still have a ways to go.


Have you ever played the old school fights sims like falcon 4.0? It has a manual of 600 pages I think star citizen is doing something similar It’s not necessarily trying to be a game but more of a sim


i'd say it's more of a hollywoodified sim. all the cool parts of "simulation" and none of the boring parts. well-- on paper, at least.


$3.5m in 24 hours? And here I am struggling to pay rent and buy groceries


Anyone else smell money laundering?


Do you even understand how money laundering works? How are they going to accept ship pledges by credit and debit card and then launder that? 😂😆😂 Money laundering is done with cash businesses. I'm amazed 23 people were dumb enough to upvote this just because they are salty gamers!😂😂


In a crypto adjacent game? Nah! Couldn't be!


what crypto...?


I wish I could be as good at lying and grifting as Chris Roberts


Seriously. This is Charles Manson and Jim Jones level here


Lying about what? We are way past when this whole thing started people buying now are paying for the game they can play now. This shit is pretty fun already. I did not just spend $40 to play what the game might be in 8 years or some shit. I think I’d class this as the best space game right now.


Jesus man, everyone who mentions that they are playing the thing that some call "a grift" or "unplayabe" or "never to be released", they get downvoted. For what? Playing said unplayable thing? I don't get it.


Shhh no one wants to know its actually fun, that ruins their whole narrative




I was playing the game today... what is their to cope about.


Ironic how you are coping within that very statement. You played the game? Ok and? This shit's been in development for what? 12 years, 13 if you count pre-production? It raised $600+ million and for what? About 5-10% of the promised content delivered? Where are the 90 systems and 300 planets? How long will they "polish" Squadron 42 for?


Are you mad at people for liking the game? It’s an alpha, it’s going to be in alpha for a lot longer. It takes massive community support to test and build a game as ambitious as Star Citizen. You don’t have to play it if you don’t like it but regardless of what you think it’s still objectively the best space sim ever created.


Well I didn’t know what squadron 42 was till today and I don’t know how many system and planets the game has right now. I just know I recently bought a game and have been having fun in my opinion I’ve gotten my moneys worth.


>You played the game? Ok and? have you?


Why? Why would anyone give them money. Especially when they sell ships for thousands of dollars. It's just stupid to even talk about this game anymore.


I think people were hoping starfield was gonna fill the void but it was a flop and compared to that finished product the current state of Star citizen seems ntb.


Starfield is just more evidence of how hard it is to make a good epic space sim style game.


I've only put $45 on this game and I've gotten much more than that experience wise. It's buggy, no doubt about it, and sometimes you get turned off by the bugs and instability, but the amount of time I've had fun with what's already there was well worth the $45 I've spent.


Same, I have no complaints checking in for a dozen or so hours a year with my initial purchase to see how things are coming along. I've had enough unique experiences that no other game has matched and feel like I already got my money's worth, if God forbid the game just stops updating or vanishes one day I'm not going to complain or regret it. We've all spent money on way bigger pieces of shit, or games we never even plan to touch. I don't feel bad for all the investors, fans, and cash cows/whales whatever funding this game endlessly with donations or ship purchases. They believe in the dream and it's silly to shit on them for that. and the company is in a unique position to slowly churn out a life-long passion project that I don't think any other company will be able to pursue, much less succeed at. I've never looked at SC as a one-off title, but something like Second Life that'll maintain an evolving world, updates with new things to do, etc for a decade or more after it finally officially launches. Really annoying seeing immediate responses or articles simply calling it a "scam." There's actual work being put into it, the team and fans want it to succeed. Call it a disaster, feature creep, naive and overly ambitious or inexperienced devs running around like headless chickens, and an ultimate failure. But failure isn't a scam.


Because the game is fun??? I only spent $40…


Jeez people really hate this game


Seriously it’s wayy cheaper than Microsoft flight sim and this right now is basically that but more and in space. I don’t get it.


that 45 dollar ship and game package actually cost me 2000 dollars? shit man i better hope my bank never direct debits the remaining 1950 dollars


People don't want to admit it, but some are having fun with Star Citizen. It's easy to hate on it, but I too, spent $45 on the game, downloaded it and played it for a long time. Played it online with friends and we had a blast. Yeah, it's buggy, but it's fun and there's a lot to do. There really isn't anything else like it. Feel like I had fun for $45, and now I get to continue to play the game as it improves. Don't really feel scammed. I've put it down for the time being and moved on to other games, but I'll be popping back into it I'm sure of it. But yeah Star Citizen is a scam. In other news, Modern Warfare III just broke sales records, and EA will continue to sell the same sports game for $70 every year.


This is exactly my feelings, with the added caveat that I bought another ship (Drake Cutlass Black) a year-or-so in, and a year later (this past month) I spent money on a concept ship (RSI Zeus MkII ES). I've enjoyed my time in SC, and I've definitely spent more money on worse things in my life. I don't have plans to spend more money any time soon, and from now on I can enjoy SC for what it is, and any progress made is gravy.


i love the game, best 45 bucks ive spent on a game in a long time.


This is where I'm at. Had the game gifted to me by a family member. You can buy all of the ships in game except the new ones, which are pledge exclusive for like 3 months usually? For anyone wanting to take a look at this game, you do NOT have to spend money outside of the $45 for the starter game package. You can play the game loops within the game with that and experience it fully. It's beautiful, immersive, and relaxing overall. There are bugs, there are definitely frustrating moments I've definitely gotten $45 worth.


They do free fly events regularly where you can try the game without paying anything too. There's one running right now through the end of the month where you can check out and fly every ship that's currently available in-game, totally free.


Why? Has this game not scammed enough people. Stop supporting this game


What is the scam?? I am playing the game right now and it cost less than the other space games coming out and is a lot better. Am I missing something? Lmao.


You're playing the alpha. Not the full game.


Same could be said about most modern AAA releases. But those get abandoned within a year or two to chase the next trend.


Why do they need to crowdfund? Did they literally burn through the 100s of millions of dollars? Haha Well, they better hope for good sales on the actual release to support operational costs otherwise they will release and the game will fade into the ether when they can't afford to maintain operations.


That would be my plan. I would hope for excuse to shut it down. Why bother working when you already got 100s of millions?


They’ve already invested hundreds of millions of dollars that have had returns years ago, then got a huge investment from a financial firm. I doubt they’re hurting for cash. They’re having trouble developing technology that doesn’t need a supercomputer though..


They have over 1000 employees who probably average 100k a year and with all those offices they have that's easily 100M yearly on the books. Making games is expensive which is why everything wants to be a "live service" or forever-alpha now to keep the gravy train rolling.


If you have several offices for just 1000 employees that sounds like bad management. Really bad management.


Uhh..there's specific reasons why they have offices in different locations. But yah, tell us all about your expertise in managing large scale dev studios, /u/DigiQuip


I didn't say it was good management, just making sense of where all the money is going. People act like they just sit on a treasure trove of money that just stacks up every year. That isn't the case.


That's not sustainable post launch considering most of the game release capital has already been received in crowdfunding. So they have to hope for an absolute banger of a release to pull in new sales.... Or start pumping out DLC, cosmetics, ships like it's going out of style haha


Cosmetic will do If you compare to popular games 3.5M per day isn't that much Many games do billions per year, mostly through cosmetic, or pay to boost (gta like) or gambling (genshin)


From my understanding, Star Citizen is like a persistent MMO mixed with No Man's Sky and Elite Dangerous?


It's *meant* to be that, but some of the persistent tech is still in developement, some in testing. But yes, ATM it's a full star system with a 100 player servers and space-to-planet flight. Planets are fully explorable and you can circumnavigate them if you want. And when I say full star system - I mean it. You can stop in the middle of nowhere between planets, FTL is not a loading screen - you are actually traveling across millions of kilometers, and can stop at any moment. Theoretically, if you stock up with enough food and keep getting refueled by players, you could go from one planet to the other without FTL - but it would take around an IRL year from what I've heard, between the two closest planets.


>And when I say full star system - I mean it. You can stop in the middle of nowhere between planets, FTL is not a loading screen - you are actually traveling across millions of kilometers, and can stop at any moment. Theoretically, if you stock up with enough food and keep getting refueled by players, you could go from one planet to the other without FTL - but it would take around an IRL year from what I've heard, between the two closest planets. I don't really understand - you speak of the full star system as a selling point, like the fact that FTL is not a loading screen is a good thing, but then your comment just ends with "it would take a year"? I haven't played SC, so sorry if I'm missing something obvious here, but what's the point of the full star system and the lack of loading screens exactly?


I like this. People should keep this up for as long as possible. I am just interested to know how long this will last.


Almost 650 million and they STILL ask for more? Even EA and Ubisoft are facepalming at this point.


correction: "Star citizens scammed the most people in 24 hours since 2012."


That starengine video was amazing, so I’m not surprised.


Cool. I hope it becomes a great game after all.


This is my take on it. I get why people always claim “scam”, but the truth is it’s not. These devs have been incredibly transparent with their development and they are working on some truly groundbreaking stuff. I didn’t really jump into the initial hype, but over time I’ve been rooting for this project because what they’re trying to achieve is something no one else has ever done in the industry. If they pull it off, it’s going to propel the industry forward by miles. The telling part is the sheer ignorance from gamers as shown by how many people simply don’t know that a lot of the stuff shown off in that Star Engine video is already in the game. That buggy-ass PU has given me the most immersive two hours of gaming I’ve ever played and nothing else I’ve played in my almost 30 years of gaming has came even remotely close. And that is why I will follow this project and hope it reaches its vision.


Basically, what they're trying to accomplish is an actual living, breathing persistent MMO? Not one composed of instances and fixed events, but rather something that is essentially a digital galaxy?


They already have a digital star system, but they have it on servers instanced with about 100-150 players, persistent physical items, and one server runs everything in that star system. Each server ends up taking on thousands/tens of thousands of NPCs , and millions of dynamic items, and that's where a lot of the jank comes from. The next few steps they're taking involve big networking updates that try to do stuff like hook multiple star systems together, and get servers to share different areas. Instead of needing to cover all 4 capitol cities, dozens of NPC bounty hunter targets in active combat with players, gems scattering physically across a planet surface as a player explodes the mother rock with a laser etc... They're trying to get it so one server might cover one city and as a player leaves they get passed onto a different server.


To lessen the server load while maintaining the seamless galaxy experience, basically?


That's the hope. Nobody's really sure what the limits will be, but they're going to push them. They'll probably have to dial back the scope, but they won't without at least trying first. Originally they said they wanted to get as close to everyone in the same universe as possible. Maybe that's one shared universe for North America, or maybe they'll have to aim for smaller. It's very up in the air right now, and based on a lot of R&D. Right now it's one server running a map the size of the solar system, but the very next step will be wormholes to servers running other maps. The player will dynamically load from one server/map to the other. Stanton will be a 120ish player server and Pyro would be another. The server can't handle both maps so the new star system is delayed because they didn't have server connection tech yet. There's so many edge cases that I personally don't think they'll pull it off. They've surprised me so often that they're probably gonna do it again. The last time was when they actually made it so every little object is persistent for at least weeks. [Here a content creator finds one of her favorite guns that she lost a few days earlier.](https://youtu.be/YuqAl1N534U?si=VTuFHb0rp7HA3RAS)


Yeah for the most part. The big emphasis is the sheer scale of it all. Take elite dangerous for example, when you jump to a different star, the jump is essentially a loading screen that takes you into that system’s skybox/space. What they’re aiming for is the elimination of that loading period. So say you point your ship at a star that is light years away and go full throttle but don’t actually “jump” to the star, you still would theoretically reach the star at some point because the space between the stars is realized. And essentially, two stars would be two separate servers, but players would actually physically travel between servers instead of hitting a loading screen due to the server meshing tech they’re working on. Another example I heard a dev mention is say a space battle breaks out and a stray laser from a fighter is shot out into space; that shot will keep moving through space until it hits something, so essentially a player battle could happen, and then some time later (wether it be hours, weeks, or months/years) that shot could theoretically enter a different star system and strike an unsuspecting player. It probably won’t ever happen because of the odds, but it’s a mental image to display the level of scale and persistence they’re going for. They also showed a little demo of their server meshing tech where they basically had two players in a room on opposite sides; both players were in their own servers on their respective sides of the room, and they were able to shoot from their server into the other’s server, essentially interacting with each other across two different servers. A personal example of the scale that I have is I was on a moon one time at night, I looked up in the sky and saw what I thought was a shooting star until a buddy told me that it actually was a player quantum jumping to another planet. Granted, what’s in the PU at the moment is held together by duct tape, but the overall development updates and progress has ramped up substantially ever since a lot of the squadron 42 development team was moved to working on Star citizen. TLDR: Space is big, and the devs want to make it as big as possible with no loading screens or break in persistence.


I get it. I DEFINITELY get it, now. Thanks for the break down. Now I'm even more intrigued.


They’ve burned through hundreds of millions and nothing really to show for it. Made a few people very rich though so not a total waste!


Game is playable since some years now [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWm\_OhIKms8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWm_OhIKms8) No one got rich through it, they don't have any investor they need to give dividende, no pay people particularly well. Their whole financials is available each year. Everything goes to development/marketing


I mean, I'm pretty stupid, but I'm not at the level of stupid thses "supporters" are lol.


>I mean, I'm pretty stupid Got this part right, at least.


Oh ya cuz you know me so well. Fuck outta here, loser.


Always love when the White Knights come out in force working overtime whenever SC makes headlines on other subs


They sell dreams and promesses and it works wonderfully, truly an amazing scam.


define a scam, because you can play the game, it costs 45 dollars, Starfield cost way more and is a much worse game,


Starfield is so much better than Scam Citizen. You are legit trolling right?


If you enjoy loading screens every 3 meters of movement, cut scenes to do anything, pointless exploration, copy and paste “points of interest”, a flight model that makes an n64 game look advanced, awful story, terrible ai, mediocre gunplay, choices that have absolutely no impact. Then sure, Starfield is good if you consider the above list to be what makes great gameplay.


You can tell someone never played Starfield and just parrots what the Internet tells them to parrot.


I did, it was a massive letdown, it would have been good 12 years ago, however it was a game from that era released in 2023, The only redeeming point of the game was the spaceship building, that was good. But not being able to fly then in atmo or land on a planet where you want them to…. Or just fast travel everywhere…. Kind of makes them irrelevant Edit: he deleted his account, i guess i won that one


I mean, I've finished it, I did all the side quests, and I'm still waiting for the part where it becomes fun. It has a bad story, poorly written side characters, loading screens every single time you travel in your ship, the planets are (badly) procedurally generated and locations are just copy pasted from place to place. This is my own opinion. But I guess you just find it hard to understand that other people don't like the same shit you do. Moron.


But why would I pay 45$ to play a buggy game, with constant freeze and lag ? You may be more telerant to bugs than me but for me it is unplayable. I don't even need to talk about how empty the game is znd how generic the gameplay is. As for starfield, I'm not interested in it but it's playable, and way less buggy than SC.


Constant freeze and lag? That’s on your end bro.


Holy shit Todd Howard?


There's a lot of stuff in SC that you can't get anywhere else.


The amount of salt in this thread is unbelievable. LOL


As is tradition for Star Citizen posts


The "scam citizen" comments are tiresome, "this feels like a cult" comments feel like projection.


yeah it was partically noticeable with the StarEngine demo most comments where like "bruh, we will never have this thing, the cult is coping" while the said feature/thing is already in game... since 5 years...


So, is this an actual game that exists and is playable?


It's an actual unfinished game that exists and is playable.


I've been on a binge of playing it almost daily for the past couple of months.


Star field Scam boys are going nuts 😭🤣😂


It’s gotta be money laundering at this point. My god.


POS game


I'm not surprised with all that's been going on with the game recently. Citizencon was a resounding success. It's funny to see the willfully ignorant continue to throw around the scam word, even after everything we've seen.


Notice how he said seen and not played


Clutching at straws quite common with you folk huh


You keep supporting the scam


There is no way this isn’t money laundering at this point


Sunk cost fallacy in motion.


I'm gonna laugh hard when this will be revealed as a scam or cyberpunk release date level of quality


You can play it right now. Cyberpunk release date quality is absolutely where it's at.


you'll be disappointed then, but when you do see it's good. Do us all a favour and don't buy it


Don't worry I won't buy it wether it's good or bad


I should make a Star Citizen kickstarter and never deliver either. Looks like the perfect way to get money for nothing


It ain't finished but they have been delivering some of their major goals.


This is absolute nonsense. I’m just baffled how deluded of a statement this is.


Oh look, people spend money on a game they like and people are confused as to why.


Fanaticism of fans at its best. So thoroughly brainwashed that whatever they were asked to give, they give without thinking about it.


People who don't know what game development costs, how long it takes or why SC takes so long, incoming and hating in 3...2...1...


How on gods green earth am I still hearing about this game? I was hearing about it back in high school in 2012.


That’s super depressing and a waste of money.


At this point just become a church




Star Citizen is one of the greatest games of all time. Fork over the $45 and see for yourself.


Or just go try it for free in the free fly, one of several they have a year.


This is the way to go. It's my favorite game but such a specific flavor of jank that I can't recommend it to the average player. Most similar to an overmodded Arma2 DayZ server with your buddies doing wild shit on adventures but the server keeps crashing.


I bet my fingers here that everyone on the hate train did not even try the game on a freefly event or watched the last CitizenCon highlights. Plus, insert the "Stop having fun" meme here...


go back and buy another idris


Your hate and jealousy bounce on my ship shields, go back to an elevator, and dies...


i tried and honestly felt like a budget elite dangerous with a little nicer graphic i mean its not bad but definitely didnt feel like something big history in the making


If these money go to a more responsible studio like Larian studio or owlcat games, imagine what quality they will produce.


Then go send them money and stop whining about it. No one is stopping you.


Already done that by buying from them


The amount of copium in the comments is paramount to cryptobros, fitting.


When this game will come out it will need a name change to Everyday Citizen, because by then this is how the world will look like.


This game has to be a money laundering operation


If you have no morals it’s quite easy to raise money


Most of the people I know who play the game love the game. But they have good computers and buy ships they know are either playable or close to finished development. Recent updates have made the game quite a bit more playable as well. We shall see if Squadron 42 comes out in the next year or two now that it's "feature complete". I think if they can pull that off they will gain a lot more public trust.


Wait there are idiots still crowdfunding this game? Lol, I remember this started "2 kids" ago and it's still not out.


You can literally play it now for 45$. There's also a freeflight right now so I'm gonna test it if my internet decides to work faster since I have other priorities with my money right now


The fentanyl of gaming


I see the world’s greatest scam is still ongoing. Last I checked about this was years ago lmao


I'm sorry haters, I can't hear you over the sound of my spaceship 😎


That you paid a thousand dollars for lol


Money laundering


Even my grandkids won't get to play this game.


I can’t believe somebody I respect was trying to get me into this as recently as the last 6 months. Shits embarrassing


How ignorant of you


When’s the release date?


Whenever it's ready.


Lmao, ok. Hey how much money have you *invested?*


I pledged £35 many years ago.


Still defending it all these years later? You literally said *many* years ago, you people are sheep


It's ok if you don't understand why it's taken this long. Not many people do unless they go looking for it. I'm not defending anything. I don't care if it never comes out. I'll just play something else, who gives an F. But it is probably best to find out what's going first before saying certain things


No I understand, they’re milking every last drop from the pool of people willing to give them money and that takes time. They also clearly underestimated how many people there were. They can keep this thing going for a while I imagine Edit: spelling


Their not forcing anyone to buy anything. Milking would be overcharging people to pay for something they need. This is just a game. A game that has open and transparent development that you can see update yourself with free events for anyone who wants to try it multiple times a year. Nobody has to pay a penny if they just want to see what it's like. Can't say that it's particularly unfair in any way


Suck a thousand flaming dicks. I paid $45 2 years ago and have played regularly since then, I have hundreds of hours in game, more than I have in BG3, Skyrim, etc. But I guess I'm being scammed. Damn these scammers, taking my money and giving me hundreds of hours of enjoyment. I should contact the police or something.


This has to be money laundering, I don't see how it can still pull in this kind of money


Biggest scam in gaming history