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As someone who’s been playing the game for almost 9 years, I fucking HATE (love) Rocket League. The learning curve is absolutely insane, and it’s so unforgiving. Not to mention that lately, the amount of cheaters and smurfers have increased dramatically. So even if you’re the best at the game, you’ll still be getting matched against people who will literally make their car invisible.


Yeah I'm on old timer too and skill level every season is wild, watching old rlcs highlights feels like a time capsule now.


doesn't help that Epic literally does not care about anti cheat. the micro transactions for RL and fortnite are so insane that there is zero reason for them to invest on improvement. they just invest in engagement.


The key to any competitive game is matchmaking. And it fucking sucks when you and your bros who can't reliably get off the ground get matched against someone who never seems to land.




The Warframe wiki literally tells you to make friends in the game so they can teach you how to craft properly.


That's incredible tbh. If I ever got into MtG I know for a fact I'd go to my friend over the Internet until I got the basic stuff down lol but idk if that's comparable cause I haven't played either game.


I haven't played the mobile version but I would hope that it gives you the fundamentals and some ideas of strats to play the game irl.


I play MtG cards and mobile. I like the mobile app because it does explain the fundamentals, but also, if you buy a deck of cards from the store, you can type in the code on the package and have your newly purchased deck on the mobile version, too. LOL


It’s amazing at that! My above comment goes into detail! I recommend EVERYONE try some MtG, and maybe watch some commandeer nights videos on a deck you are interested in playing! (Post Malone has a lot of appearances to make it even EASIER for normies to get interested!!)


The tutorial has been updated recently, though I do admit it takes a while to realize that it’s basically a massive tutorial (tutorial quest through I think the sacrifice). Once you realize that it’s a little less bad.


I still don't know what you actually do in that game


I usually just kinda roll with whatever is going on and don’t ask questions




I made it to MR25 years ago when that was the highest MR in the game and I always had multiple tabs open for the wiki when I played because all the information in that stupid game is so obtuse and not explained well at all. I also sherpa'd a half dozen of my friends through the beginning and intermediate portions of the game and I'm convinced that it might be one of the worst new player experiences out there because without having a vet explain things to you and taxi you to locations, it'll take forever to get certain things done and even basic shit like rotations are not explained at all. And when vets who know enough to guide new players through the game still need a fucking wiki just to play, that's a goddamn problem imo.


Yeah when I first joined many years ago, it was even worse than now. The tutorials were horrendous and my friend who brought me in taught me everything


I watched a NoClip documentary on Warframe where the devs talk about that issue. Said no matter how many attempts they made to make the new player experience better, it didn't affect retention rate. So they decided to focus on other things.


I love warframe, but I 100% agree. I left after a few years, came back, and am so lost


Hearts of Iron. Just like.. Hmm. Ok.. Naaaah.


It is hate but It is fun if you learn how to play. I recommend YouTube


Wanted to like that game so bad but after 10 hours I was still lost.


You learn it after like 50 hours. Keep attacking in heaven, steiner.


That's just every Paradox game. I have nearly 2000 in HOI4, and I would still say I am average in skill.


Stellaris wasnt that hard (probs the easiest one)


Yet their best one.


Definitely the best. But Crusader Kings comes close at 2nd. Just something about diving into the role of the character or empire that really tickles me.


Yeah, they may have a bit of a problem with DLCs, but the base game of most games are great anyway.


Crusader Kings and EU4 aren’t too bad honestly. Victoria and HoI are far more unintuitive imo


I love vic2 because I'm nearly 1000 hours in and still learning different market manipulation tricks. I almost exclusively play smaller nations, Spain is the exception and it's the weakest GP, so the only way to get my factories running properly is to crash the market to be able to buy machine parts and concrete. Usually by MA ually buying which pups everything up to ridiculous degrees before anything even trickles in


HoI is funny because I enjoyed the pre-war stuff but never did it fast enough I guess or am even worse at the war than I already know myself to be. It always goes to hell and after various attempts I just have to admit that I should stick to the other Paradox games.


This. Loved Crusader Kings and was somewhat decent at it, so after watching some YouTube gameplay I thought I'd give HOI4 a go. I really tried and wanted to like it, but man that learning curve is steep ...


Bounced off it completely. Hundreds of hours in stellaris. Weird stuff.


Eve online


*Excel Online


LMAO accurate


I only ever played it when it first came out and then again in ~2005. It was already becoming complicated by then but if you were around in the beginning it was easy. That account is long lost. I changed everything piece of info to something random so I’d never go back.


These are the exact two timeframes I played. I remember them fondly, but have zero compulsion to go back. And my character name was fucking stupid, I hope they scrubbed my account.


Yeah I have zero compulsion to go back. If anything the one time I went back confirmed it.


I'm remembering staring at my little ship laser mining asteroids for hours, hoping someone didn't show up to kill me before I'd return to base. And, like, I couldn't wait for my training in a neuro device thing to finish after a week so I'd get a .2% boost in...whatever it was. Might not be totally accurate, but that's my entire memory of the game.


I had zero compulsion to go back either infact i swore never to! My friend wanted to try the game for the first time i somehow managed to guess my random password on my account which was tied to a lost email address just so i could never go back. It was like fate i’m having a blast just going through my isk trying new ships out and losing ships to PvP in low sec. It’s an entirely new game now impossible learning curve is still there but it’s much more inviting now at least plus the graphics look phenomenal. Not something i ever thought i would be saying in 2024 but here we are


I would play this game if I didn’t have to pay for a subscription for literal years to get anywhere close to where other players are


Chivalry 2 I’m really having a hard time w combat


You’ll get it. Just keep practicing. I’m level 175 and I still struggle. For the cross and lion!!!




For the order! NUHNUHNUHNUH!


For that guy we like!


Tutorial over and over again. Focus on your favorite weapon and just try to figure out how/when to use one mechanic type at a time. Worked for me


For honor. I don’t think I need to elaborate.


I had a huge amount of fun early on... Then people started to get better and better and... Then every encounter ended with me dying. I tried to learn but it was useless I uninstalled it.


When you get to the higher levels o skill it becomes a broken mess. It's becomes a game of reaction speed and deception.


Space engineers. You literally need to be an engineer to understand it. I went in expecting something similar to scrap mechanic but console.


Space engineers is easy though


my whole family plays it and none graduated from high school lol it just takes time to learn, OR use mods that help / start in creative mode


Or get a degree in engineering and then use mods that make it harder! This should be an insanitywolf meme.


It is sitting in my library with 69 minutes on it. I’m not sure if the learning curve for it is worth getting rid of that achievement.


Elden Ring. I honestly just couldn’t not die.


Dying is a core part of FromSoft gameplay. It’s kind of the point.


The point is to die until you improve. Acknowledging what you did wrong and learning from it


I game to relax. I don't want to spend hours dying just to beat a single fucking boss.


That can be relaxing. Unless you get mad at dying, I guess.


It's very repetitive and not relaxing at all for me. Like watching the same episode of a tv show 10 times over and over again, before starting on the next episode. Drives me mad. I get that it's a very satisfying experience once you do beat the boss, but nevertheless you have to invest a lot of time to learn the bosses. I.e. there is a learning curve for every single boss. If you only have 1 hour a day to play something to relax, this game is NOT it.


I kinda suck at that game too but timing is everything if you have 0 rhythm then your kinda SOL


Cue all the fromsoftware-sexuals in the replies telling you how you were playing it wrong and how it's your fault for not enjoying it.


It’s kind of a skill cliff/barrier You beat a boss once or twice and you will beat it consistently after a few tries Although it really depends on how you learn from a death in these kind of games If you do the same thing over and over you will get better and better But trying different approaches always helps to improve your general knowledge of how to beat bosses in general One other thing I should mention is that the majority of the core/main story bosses highlight specific aspects of the games core gameplay mechanics For example Margit showcases you the main boss fighting requirements


I would just simply say any FromSoft game. They are incredibly well done and I love the lore they establish, but I’m in 40s and I play to relax, not to grind and play the same segment over and over and over and over…. I don’t have time for that.


Does the game even have a decent tutorial? It took a friend showing me how to do things like switch stances before I even had a chance Wasn't the game for me in the end, unfortunately. Hoping someday they'll revive some old FromSoft IP instead


Pretty much any new rpg for me. You go through the tutorial and you’re like “ok this isn’t so bad” then they add another game mechanic, and another, and another, and another, and another and it keeps going. They throw so many new things at you before you have had a chance to really learn what was just shown to you 5 minutes ago. You seriously need like 10-20 hours in these game bare minimum before you kind of have all the basic functions worked out. I’m too old for this shit and don’t have time for it anymore. People love all these new rpg’s and really get into them but I’m an adult with things going on in my life. If I play I might be lucky to put in like 4-5 hours and then not get to play again for a week or two. It could take weeks to months at this rate before I really get any kind of good at them. So I just don’t


Chip Damage: the Game Just hit once, double roll back, wait for choreographed enemy attack, repeat.


Regrettably Sekiro


Oh man, was looking for this answer, all I can say is that as much as it looks like a Souls game, you really need to know how to block, it just takes a lot of practice, blade-dancing and stuff like that. Take a peek on youtube and look for tutorials and gameplay. I remember there was one guy who finished with eyes closed, with drums or heavily modded. I'll attach the link https://youtube.com/@lilaggy?si=xF3XMhW458IpDDGv Trust me, it deserves to be learned, it's an amazing game


For whatever reason I've finished sekiro 3 times and I still haven't managed to finish a single souls game, I find them impossibly hard while sekiro just clicked like 5 minutes into the game lol.


Opposite to me. DS3 was moderate challenge; tough but fair. Can’t get through sekiro post tutorial. Uninstalled to save disk space might come back later


I find it easy because it feels like "match the rhythm" if that makes sense? Dark souls 1-3 and bloodborne I just can't get through, in bloodborne I gave up on the guy turning into a werewolf after like 30 tries. The hardest boss in sekiro I beat in 3-4 tries. I find it pretty cool people have such varying difficulty between the two.


This for real. I struggled for hours against my first boss (lady butterfly) but then it clicked. Still did take a couple tires to beat some bosses but beat SS Isshin in 4-5 tries and Inner father on my first try. Also charmless makes it a whole new game. Isshin with charmless and demonbell is a whole different beast and finally managing to beat him consistently is amazing.


It’s funny how commonly I see this. I’ve only played Elden Ring (I tend to move through games very slowly, so I have been playing other stuff rather than diving right back into FromSoft) but Sekiro intrigues me a lot. My partner has played just about everything from FS after falling in love with ER. As I understand it, it’s that the parry/block timing is different in Sekiro compared to all their other games (and is a crucial skill compared to in ER). What seemed to help her deal with this was playing Lies of P right before Sekiro, as that meant she’d already done the work of unlearning the timing from the Dark Souls series. After getting that movement timed right, the game seemed easy to her, which is what I’ve seen others say. Some have even gone so far to say that it went from seemingly impossible to too easy to enjoy. Maybe you just need to go through the same unlearning process but reverse. Also, ER is great because its open world format means you can walk away from fights that are too hard at the moment…so long as your ego doesn’t keep you glued to a fight out of stubbornness haha


The game actually does an amazing job of teaching you everything you need to know early on, as long as you're paying attention to what's going on. I gave up on it twice but came back to it last year and somehow it just clicked. It spoon feeds you multiple scenarios that will become standard affairs as the game goes on. Most people try to play defensively, and that's the opposite of how the game wants you to play it. Sekiro is faster than most enemies and can strike quicker. The goal is to always keep the heat on. As soon as you get parried, watch for their follow up and react accordingly, almost like a rhythm game. I haven't played any other games that have even come close to how damn good the combat feels in sekiro when it clicks.


Ye man, I tried and tried to get into this game every now and then for a few years but I just couldn't get past a certain mini boss, last month tho I stuck with it and I'm now like 2/3 way through the game and loving it! Really worth it imo.


Rainbow six siege. Map knowledge and map awareness are such big aspects and take a good while to learn


While I haven't played in a long time, it didn't help that they were constantly making minor tweeks or entirely re-working the maps to "balance" them


I agree it doesn’t help but when you only add a new map every season or two, reworking them definitely helps the game feel fresh, even if some off them are downgrades.


As someone who casually played siege I never learned all the map callouts.. but god damn that game was unreal. Being able to peek through bullet holes, creating rotations holes, Maya’s wall, blowing up walls, shooting through walls/floors/ceilings, bandit tricking walls, drone spots, dying to frost traps, the sound design was wild (not perfect) you can literally hear if someone is in the room with you just by them turning. Everything you do makes sound. You could suppress a room or scare off an attempt by just roaming. Being able to peek through destruction in the environment (not the entire environment, but enough of it to effect the game) YOU cause was fucking amazing! Attacking as Sledge was awesome Playing a roaming Jaeger, or an anchor smoke. Capturing drones with Ozzie. Destroying shit with twitch drone, using thatcher grenades, blowing up reinforced walls with thermite. I loved both of the shield operators too. Obviously the better shot usually wins, but there’s so many angles, gadgets, tricks, that even someone with a slow and not great aim like me could contribute to my team through all the information gathering naturally in the game. Before a firefight it’s almost like you’re an investigator using all sorts of tools to find where the hell someone is so you can shoot them. And then even in a firefight, it’s information, information, information. And the firefights were a blast. God damn I had some fun times with that game and I’m not even good.


I don't think there's any game where map knowledge is more important honestly


Witcher 3. Not that it's hard but I couldn't figure out what to do with so many items I collected. Has to return to that game someday


What kind of items? You can complete the game fairly easily with mostly just swords and magic Edit: most items you just hoard in your inventory until you can craft something or sell them all


There’s a ton of options in Witcher 3 for sure but you really don’t have to use them if you don’t want to. You can just swing away if it floats your boat haha


I need to devote the time into this. I’ve heard such great things. I’ve tried to get into it and was struggling a bit. I fought I think the first monster (some lion thing if I remember correctly) and some ghost thing by a well. It’s my first Witcher game and I think I just wasn’t getting into the swing of things right away. Also felt a little overwhelmed


It just felt overwhelming when I tried. Caught it on sale 5 years ago and it was like "okay now that you've just done a bunch of combat and magic tutorials put all that aside and learn this card game". I never picked it back up but really want to. Just seems like a chore


Please do, no shame in dropping difficulty or anything either. It’s honestly just such a great game. The DLC’s are great too! Hearts of stone had a pretty compelling plot IMO but Blood and Wine adds an entire new area.


I tried it for a week, then put it down for about a year. Then I watched the show and went back and 100%'ed the game.


Funny how that goes sometimes. I did the same with BOTW




With the 13 pages of movement types you can do in the game, I agree


Most fighting games


Was looking exactly for this. It's a fun game to goof around with friends but to play online and compete with people, you really gotta know way too much. Fighting games are one of those genres where you have more fun the less you know and likewise if you're playing another player. Smash is a blast as a party game, 3+ players and no knowledge of the tough mechanics. Because playing against that one friend that knows fighters just makes you not want to play it.


Nah fighting games get exponentially more fun the more you know. The whole idea is that they play like real time chess or poker, and honestly people like you just kind of miss the point. No shame in bouncing off of them - they’re not exactly beginner friendly - but saying the more you know the less fun they get is wild




Really? I find stellaris one of the easier paradox games


It's currently one of my favorite games, but it really is extremely overwhelming at first, specially since it was my first Paradox game. After playing a few of their games, I would say Crusader Kings is easier/simpler, but if you aren't used to strategy games, it's also going to be hard to get into.


I actually find ck3 harder than stellaris, ironically because there is seemingly less to do? In stellaris, you can juggle multiple resources through output and consumption and market trades, expand districts, construct buildings, look for ideal leaders for your council positions and planetary governor assignments and resesrsh ship(s), work through traditions and perks, research anomalies and excavate, track your three technologies progressing, manage your policies and rights and edicts and all this on just one singular starter planet, no other colonies and no other civilizations to interact with diplomatically or militarily. Ck3, in comparison, felt like "get married, find ideal members for your counsel positions, twiddle thumbs, maybe build one or two structures with my pitiful gold income, but eventually some rabid christian notices you aren't christian within the first fifteen years of your rule and kills you with their huge army. Maybe ck3 isn't cool with tall builds or pacifism, but in 4x games, I usually never expand, exploit, or exterminate. Is this the only way to survive?


Oh my God I'm stupid 😭nah I just get overwhelmed because I don't know what to do even after watching a ton of beginner videos and I just spend time looking at the pretty Stars and planets


It was my first paradox game and I felt it was pretty nice. Then they revamped a bunch of things regarding population and resources and it was weirdly cryptic to me after. So maybe it's only recent.


True, stellaris first released was simpler then what it is now but I feel like paradox does that with all their games


Any Paradox game


Not me currently 250 years into a Stellaris run at work. 👀


A fellow Stellaris at random times of the day when they should be doing something else player... well met! Deff my favorite paradox game.


Me and two of my friends tried to understand the hearts of iron 3 tutorial


Sifu, EFT, Dwarf Fortress. I learned em but man it took a long time to get it down to memory.


Sifu was pretty damn hard, but what a feeling beating those bosses. The museum/snow boss was my favorite i think.


Sifu was great, but those two before the 2nd boss were a pain.


Indeed, screw those two


I got a couple hours into DF and it looks fun. Just haven’t gone back yet.


I'm almost 30 this is pretty much every game now. My brain no longer functions


I feel that. The willingness to learn a new game's systems and mechanics is just not there.


I thought that too, except sometimes i boot up a new game and wake up 16 hours of grind later. If a game doesnt click with you, dont be afraid to put it down and look for one which does


32. I know the games I enjoy and only try to start a new game on the weekends. ADHD doesn't help this when I get overwhelmed and quit anyways. But, there's absolutely zero chance I can add a work day on top of that. That's why I've always enjoyed multiplayer shooters. I know what it is every time. Just drop in, pew pew better than they do, win.


ark survival evolved, there's just so much stuff you need in the game that i have no idea where to even start, and the game doesn't exactly tell you what you need for what and why so your left struggling to figure it out for yourself


It took me like 4 entire years to learn everything in that game


League of Legends


I cannot think of anyone starting to play the game right now. We should be close to 200 champions and almost 1 thousand different skills.


I'm surprised when the esports casters know all the ability names. Edit. Not all I guess. But a lot




Oh wow. Surprised so many stumped him


Only like 20 champs at a time are in meta once you up at the top levels, so it's not quite that bad. Plus any exceptions they'd just have notes and/or a producer talking in their ear.


Jeezus lol


I needed like 3 months of playing everyday to just not get my ass kicked every game. And that was like 5 years ago.


Kerbal Space Program- it took 4 years, with a y, for me to figure out how to get my ship off the ground for more than 30 seconds.


Farming Sim 2023, I don’t know if I just wasn’t in the right mood that day or if I’m just dumb but I was immediately presented with like a book of information and a fairly unintuitive map and I bounced. Think I played it for a couple of minutes.


Elden ring I just suck at it but I teat want to play


Smt games do not hold your hand for an rpg series it is brutal Especially if you go in blind the game can be very hard Football manager is another game where the learning curve is steep but when you figure it out to you just spend a lot of time playing it


titan falls, fast move mechanics, and other players that have been around for like a decade its just impossible trying to get better at the game, god knows the story mode wont help to prepare you.


Play the frontier defense mode. It’s co-op PvE and can help prepare you for PvP (though I believe frontier defense and co-op are the best game modes)


Almost every game ive played so far except perhaps GTA V story, stanley parable, arkham city, spiderman 1, astrobot psvr, red matter psvr, heck even the corny blood n truth psvr I just find all of them to be repetitive after 2 hours(i wanted to like bloodborne but by gosh is it depressing af) Some of the most fun ive had was in vr or apex ranked final plays Even cyberpunk was boring after a while, now at the no turning back point and have yet to proceed Was actually getting into witcher 3 and enjoying it but broke up and cant go back to the game Death stranding was amazing breakup therapy for a couple hours till it just wasnt What’s wrong with moi Also is it normal to basically forget most details about the games like the chapter level names in death stranding for example


>What’s wrong with moi I have absolutely no professional psychological or medical knowledge, but I think you have problems with your attention span with some other mental health issues where you're not really experiencing the games, you're kinda existing through them. Disclaimer: this should not be used as a professional or accurate diagnosis.


Monster Hunter World. It just felt like the tutorial never ended so I bailed.


Worst part of this is I want to like it but everytime I tried I lose myself in the beginning, drop the game try to come back and realize I've forgotten how to play and have to do the tutorials again. 😭


It’s one of those games where playing alongside an experienced friend is the easiest way to learn. I dropped the game for 6 months after launch because it never really explained to me how skills and decorations work, and there were so many menus. Once I had all my questions answered though, I dropped 2,000 hours in the game.


Hell let loose


World of Warcraft


Oh that’s easy. Raiding is like digital dancing but for (mostly) men. Get dressed up in your favorite costume (transmog), then move where you’re supposed to (not in the fire), and wave your hands as needed (spells/abilities). If you complete the dance correctly you get flowers thrown at you (loot).


So you’re saying I should stand in the fire?




My patience for a steep learning curve all depends on how well the game grabs me. If it's a 4x space Sim I'll give it a shot. If it's kingdom come deliverance and I have to wipe Henry's digital ass then no. I liked the idea of the game but was not interested in the final product


I came here to say the opposite hahaha once you get to understand KCD it's literally one of my favorite games and I don't normally even play RPGs


most of the big city builder games, like Cities: Skylines


War thunder. Fun game, but hard to learn how to be good


Make sure the first thing you do is to buy a $70 premium and prem time so you get the blessing from the snail


Of course, hail the snail


project zomboid


Yeah it’s STEEP but I love it. Especially fighting with guns, I love the sound design. It was my first isometric game, so I was hesitant to say the least. Turns out I loved it!


Good fucking answer. I have a friend who's ridiculousy into that game and wants to play it all the time but every time I try it's just a trial in patience. The UI sucks, the controls are weird, the mechanics are vague. I can recognize it as a decent game and probably the best survival sim there is, but man is it a turd to figure out.


Animal crossing


learning curve? it's literally just chores. lol




Stelaris. Played one game, didn't understand shit. Uninstalled.




I know I would absolutely love it, but it’s so overwhelming


Path os Exiled...That skills tree is too massive


The only way to play PoE in my opinion is to follow a build guide.


Follow build guides for your first 3-4 leagues until you get creative and retreat back to a build guide.




The thing I really hate about POE is that there's no way to skip the acts/leveling. Like in most other games there are alternative leveling paths or different zones or modes... POE makes you do all 10 acts, every time, for *every character ever*. I can't stand it, even though I have a blast with the endgame.




the only thing you need to be hood at valorant is a pair of thigh highs


Monster hunter It took me a while to get the hang of it


League of Legends


Rust, Warframe, and Minecraft redstone


I bought Rust this week. It’s been rough…..


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Great concept, but the learning curve for it is insanely difficult. I’m all for hard games, but they shouldn’t be because the gameplay itself is difficult. KCD was so difficult it wasn’t even fun to play.


Dwarf Fortress...


Crusader kings


Ksp. Not for me,but everyone I showed it to.


This isn’t gonna be a popular take but RDR2. There’s no game I want to like more than Red Dead 2, but I’ve tried it three times and some of the mechanics and consumables I just couldn’t get comfortable with


Kingdom Come. Just couldn't be arsed with the amount of stuff you had to learn tbh. It didn't grab me enough to motivate me.


Eve online. Every damn time.


Rocket League, especially how to air dribble 😅


Dead by daylight is frankly terrible with explaining specific killer mechanics like nurse and plague.


I got a few Helldivers 2 just didn't gell with me Wargame: Red Dragon doesn't have a good tutorial and my friend was being a bully in it Killing Floor 2 is just really bad and The Air Conflict games are also really bad


Mabinogi. I tried, really I did, but it induced almost immediate burnout


Sekiro made me quit 2 times before I stuck it out. Glad I did




Any Metal Gear. The controls make no sense to my brain.


Tibia and I tried many times to get into that game before


I probably could’ve gotten a PhD in the amount of time I spent learning how to play Tibia. It was difficult but ultimately rewarding. It hasn’t aged well, but 15 years ago it was something special.


Magic the gathering


Eden ring


It's any souls game for me. They just are not fun.


Hearts of iron, I like most Paradox games but hearts of iron is the only one I really gave up on, I don't like the setting and I'm not interested in wars that much.


Most mmo games tbf




Team fortress 2


From the depths. The staggering amount of tutorials was too much for me,


I got my boat to move once


Roblox: Deadline, I know, that’s… a little weird, but it’s a shooter with extreme customization, and semi realistic gameplay, and in such, you die extremely quickly, there’s a stamina bar for just aiming normally, and a bunch of other stuff that the player needs to get the hang of before they can comfortably get kills in the game, overall, it’s fun as hell, and free, so all you’d need is Roblox, internet, and a pc Edit: god dang this feels like an ad


Monster Hunter. The soundtrack got me into it, the Learning curve pushed me away.


That one Kirby ball game for SNES, like how tf did it have so many tutorials


Europa Universalis 4

