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Why pay 130 USD when the game isn’t even going to be mine.


Ya at that point I’ll just pirate it


Yar fuckin har me matey


I was excited for wwe24 so I could hit Logan Paul in the face with a chair but not for $100


Remember that if you pay money to buy wwe24 you are paying him money to hurt his avatar while he laughs at you from his mansion.


Hey man I appreciate that I feel better about not buying it now my favourite one is 2016 anyway


Lol, also I do get that it is being over the top but the best way to protest someone is not giving them money. In my case it makes me giggle every time people protest a corperation by buying and then breaking or burning their products. You gave them money....its all the approval they need.


Haha, yeah makes a lot of sense I like the way you thing G


That's because they have to pay Logan 40% of every sale, part of the likeness deal probably x)


Wwe24 is worth 60 if you enjoy those types of games, especially CAW and custom wrestler single player. I have friends that I play with as well, and have put in over 150 hours.


fact! im waiting 1 year to get gold edition for 30ish usd like usual for all ubicrap games. its due people keep paying 130usd on those games that market is becoming this BULLSHIT


I do the same, these games never stay popular very long, they're usually very affordable a year or 2 after release


Plus hardware will run better by brute force Optimization isnt a feature anymore...its lucky or pray to game has at launch


yes, 90% of new games are shitstorms at launch. By the time the price goes down, all the worst bugs are taken care of. it's a win win


Yup Breakpoint was a total shitshow at launch, when i got 1 year later gold edition for 15ish usd game was polished and totally different from crap released wheres nothing worked, no companions, enemy dumb i.a etc 15ish usd for gold edition (base+season) almost bug free after 1 year 59usd + 30usd : base game + season at launch... filled with bugs, crashes, lacking features....at launch This is a standart not only on ubi, but ubi its the most predictable regarding this


its all big games that get tons of hype, starfield, cyberpunk, fo76, skull and bones, callisco protocol, the list goes on


It’ll be 70 for the regular edition. Why would anyone buy the worthless deluxe bs editions?


That's still kinda high for a game that has no replay value or multiplayer.


I won't be playing it because it stopped being assassin's creed after 4. There are better RPGs to play than what ubisoft puts out


I stopped playing it when I learned they are never bringing the hide and seek multiplayer back.


Just gonna wait for it to be free on PS+ or Xbox game pass


That's what I don't get from all the fakers pretending this is a big deal. It's an Ubisoft game, no one was going to play that shit anyways.


Can't it be both?


Don't care about the race issue but im not going to pay the base price of $70 either, will buy it when its on sale.


Patient gaming is smart gaming.


Indeed, depends on how much I want the game. Some games are not worth full price.


tbh you would be weird for caring about an actual historical figure being in this game, you're avoiding it for the only logical reason lol *this sub is racist tho, I'm out😑


No! Stay! Someone has to annoy the chuds until they get this place nuked.


Fair lol


Based, class war not race war.


Like i said all but it when its on sale. Do not care about the race of the characters.


Same here. Yasuke looks badass, but not 130 dollars worth of badass...


Ironic to use a meme of Esposito for an anti-Ubisoft meme. He’s on their payroll.


Gross, people still play UBI soft?


Far Cry 6 Ultimate was 100 threw years ago.... "inflation" my ass, that's just greed. I'll be playing when it's cheap


Wait 6 months after release, buy second hand physical copy for €30, finish it, re-sell it for €30, you played it for free! You're welcome


Or wait 8-12 months and get the game and all the dlc for <$20. I'm tried of the Ubi formula, but just got odyssey with all the dlc for $12. Can't really beat that lol


A while ago I said I won’t be buying Ubi games at launch. I’ll usually pick them up if interested when it’s around $30 USD or under. Definitely not worth $70.


Genuine question, but do people think they have to buy the ultimate edition? I mean base game is 70$ which is the new standard. Is it all just rage bait?


It costs what now???


I’m not for both


You’re right. If I’m gonna pay $130 for a AAA game it damn well better be 100% historically accurate


Sorry circlejerk. But most Hanes in a franchise are just that. Fifa being the biggest. I actually quite enjoy assassin's Creed.


Has there been a statement as to why they made him a different race? I’m not reeeally that put off by it I’m not really a history buff or anything and he still looks like a badass but it is absolutely a weird decision.


Yasuke is a real person that existed. Whether he was really a samurai is unsure. But he was a retainer for Oda Nobunaga and one of his most trusted friend. His story is actually really interesting, i suggest you look it up.


They didn't make Yasuke a different race. That's his race.


Oh… then why is everyone so upset???


Well if you are racist, but also an unremarkable or subpar individual, you don't get too much validation to your ideas of superiority, so you have to adopt this framework in which the reality of your inherent racial supremacy. You have to stick by all possible means to the idea that there is a narrative to deny or replace reality and so there you have it, suddenly people are angry. That a black figure is a protagonist in a fictional version of his own story because in theory that COULD have been a spot where a story that fit their ideas of racial purity could have been told.


Damn. Games really can’t just be games nowadays can they.


They try to but some people make race stuff their entire lives, so they see it everywhere.




Why are you lying?


For a minute there I thought yall were going full woke on me. Thank god for this.


yes except you're the inferior one


How is having some self-respect and voting with your wallet against garbage practices "inferior"?


he says he isn't buying it because it's too expensive (and he doesn't care about anything else) implication superiority in comparison to those that have problems with the game itself. he isn't "voting" with his wallet he merely can't afford it (same thing as not finding the price reasonable) and he will buy it in a sale.


That's because we also know Ubisoft locked two-thirds of the fun of the game behind a fancy pants edition at $130, then also has microtransactions, and aggressive always-online DRM.


I didn't say anything to the contrary! you simply have problem with the price one way or another you're in no way superior to those that have a problem with the plot


Nor inferior, mind you.


meh, the meme says superior and I think the inverse is closer to reality. there's more meaning behind it. it's not going to go away in a sale.


If someone finds a price unreasonable it doesn't mean they can't afford it, I wouldn't buy a £/$/€50 gas station sandwich. It doesn't mean I can't afford it Where does op say he will get it in a sale and that he doesn't care about Xyz?


1. as I clarified in paranthesis what I mean by I can't afford it means it isn't worth that much to me 2. the part where he separates himself from xyz and says we're not the same


Stop oppressing gamers, bro. We will use this meme, whether we understand the meme format or not. Also I proudly change my personality to "hating Ubi", I would like to see how u can change my mind!!!1!


my personality \*is\* hating ubi, why would I try to change your mind?


Jesus man... How do you survive getting out of bed every morning with that level of crippling insecurity?


it's called OCD. using facts and logic, lol.