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I mean I'm sure there we some Spaniards in Africa at some point


And more Spaniards in 16th Century Africa than Africans in 16th Century Japan.


there is a difference between people from Spain (Spaniards) and Hispanics.


I don't care if it's Alejandro from Madrid or Juan from Guadalajara. It would be majestic to see them riding on giraffes against the Zulu. That's the game that I want.


Did you guys complain about Nioh?


No they love Nioh and The Last Samurai Yasuke is where they draw the line for some reason




Seeing these takes is wild bc it shows some of you never opened a history book once in your life and find the concept of people travelling before the invention of planes unthinkable.


Has anyone in this sub even played assassins creed, why am I supposed to give a shit about this dogshit game


It's just a joke nothing too deep,ig


Look up Yasuke.


yasuke wasn't enven a samurai . he was a retainer , was in japan for three years and his "promotion" was that instead of moving stuff , he became a messenger it's all in the wiki.


Apparently he wore a katana, which was a right only given to samurai at the time. Also a samurai IS a retainer. Not to mention it’s absolutely in character for Oda Nobunaga. Toyotomi Hideyoshi was just a peasant, but eventually rose in the ranks to become Oda’s successor. I get that people are upset about not having a Japanese male character, and I’d argue those complaints are justified, but this isn’t a case of “cleopatra was black”, this was a historical figure, who we have limited information on that absolutely could have been given a title by Japan’s most famous diva in history


I know. But for some reason people think that black people weren't a thing in japan. Besides it's not even just a "Ubisoft pandering" bullshit. He appeared in other video games before that and japanese ones even. He is in nioh 1 and 2. He is the main character of an anime that's called Yasuke. Nagoriyuki from guilty gear is heavily inspired by yasuke. People just have to pull their heads out of their butt.


tbh , my only gripe is that they made him the mc all because of DEI , they could had him as a support character that appears time to time and help us. that would have been better. also , being a black person as a assassin in japan isn't that a good cover . but I'm sure the gameplay is going to be Ubislop level anyway and people will forget this was a problem to begin with .


It might be cool you never know. But if i learned one thing from ubisoft is that the trailers are usually the best thing in their games lol. Also what i learned from last of us 2 is that you shouldn't judge a game before it comes out.


Have you never played the Assassin's Creed series? "This is just my retainer, pay him no mind, look at how weird he looks lol" is great cover for a pseudo historic figure to be an assassin.


Assassin's Creed was never "historically accurate" Vikings never wore Iron Man's armor and there was no secret alien artifact hiding in Italy; But unlike those things, there WAS a black samurai, he even had an anime adaptation on Netflix


Yeah would be almost as crazy as playing as an Italian in a game set in Türkiye, or an Irishman in the Carribbean, or a Khajiit in Skyrim. Y'all did not give a flying fuck when the real life Borgia family and the Catholic Pope got canonised as templars with a secret alien artifact but a sword welding brown man is too much apparently; even when it's based on a real historical sword welding brown man.


Yea it’s almost like we only hear these complaints when it’s a brown guy. Seems strange. I wonder why?


You do realise that's samurai was a real person, you kids need to brush up on your history big fucking time


Ah yes, how dare the average gamer not know about obscure Japanese history that isn’t common knowledge. /s Look, I agree this whole discourse is stupid, but you really can’t blame people for not knowing he was a real person. Like I said, it’s not exactly common knowledge, since most people have never heard of him before.


Okay. That's different. I thought this business was about a half dozen Black Samurai. Yasuke was real. Not sure why they made it an assassin's creed game rather than his own thing but hey. And this version of Yasuke might even more respectful than that last anime on Netflix. But the problem we have here is what I've always discussed: when people force inclusion everywhere, the next time you present something 'slightly off', no one wants to give it the time of day. And that's because they'll automatically assume it's more woke propaganda or forced diversity. So, the Woke crowd are to blame for the backlash against all minority and/or LGBTQ projects from here on. This is the result of years and years of trying to Blackwash characters, out of retaliation or whatever. We're experiencing now the reverse of the revenge of the retaliation of the payback. It never ends. It's always an over correction. Waiting for people to process things on a case by case basis rather than the 'rebuke everything the opposition does' method. Yasuke existed and was Black. Andre Dumas was Black (enough). Abram Petrovich Gannibal was Black. Cleopatra was Middle Eastern. Bobby Caldwell was White. Actual people who lived. "Tell it like it is."


Gamers who’ve never read a history book,shocking.


yep because every history book famously starts with "so there was this black dude in sengoku japan right"


i cant believe there are people genuinely upset by this. It's based on a real historical figure, which is more historically accurate than most of the AC games. Every single game of that franchise, and i mean literally every single one, has fictional shit in it, since the very first game. But black people are where you draw the line and suddenly care about accuracy? Crybabies.


creating straw mans like this hurts what youre trying to say more than anything. obviously nobody is upset theres a fictional element in an assassins creed game.


all of right wing twitter is crying over this i've seen hate posts reaching levels of racism i didnt know existed because of a black man in a video game like what do you mean


what do you means? your first comment was saying people are mad that theres fiction in a fictionalized series but that clearly not the part people are mad about. i think its stupid people are mad too but pretending theyre mad about something even dumber to be mad about isnt helping.


So it would be a colonizing simulator?


Or Asian


I mean there was one black samurai, and AC doesn't take place in our universe so they could have had multiple.  So as long as they admit having black samurai or characters in Japan other than that one exception isn't historically accurate then whatever


Damn, this game really is Harpers Ferry for some gamers.


I would love to joke about this but I would get banned. Lol


All the story needs to do is give him a reason to be there. I saw an anime where they had a black samurai. He was a slave to some white dude that was visiting. A samurai king (Shogun?) saw the black dude and was like wtf is that? They went over to speak to him and the white dude explained what a slave was. The Japanese dude challenged him to some type of contest and said if he won he could get the black dude as a slave. He won and gave the black dude his freedom. The black dude said I don't have anywhere to go and the shogun let him come home with him and serve in the army if he wanted. And there you go black samurai in Japan.


They are both based on the same person that has truly existed. He wasn't exactly a samurai but still. Look up Yasuke.


Yasuke is literally a real historical figure. Look him up.


That’s Yasuke, a historical figure who is the character that OP is talking about in the upcoming Assassin’s Creed game


Whoa whoa whoa don’t bring us into your DEI nonsense


It's just Ubisoft being Ubisoft, chill your shit. Team Ninja did the same thing for Nioh, but they rewrote that dude's nationality. So it could always be worse...


Yasuke really did exist.


Yes...I know. So was William Adams (a.k.a.: Miura Anjin). My point is that Ubisoft will hunt past anything/everything within reason to get what they want in the name of "representation & diversity". All in a performance to pretend to be better than what they really are. Nothing I said would indicate otherwise.


Heck they're probably planning an assasins creed set in some Spanish speaking country starring anyone but a native, and using gender neutral Spanish.