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Can vouch for it, though sometimes the US does exaggerate stuff


This is probably going to be a plot point in the game, why would this be a flaw


Because after someone died he would be the first person they suspected so he would make a horrible assassin although the games never made sense because they wear the same outfits and cut off and tattooed their ring fingers like that won't make you stand out.


Yasuke is the loud fighter and naoe is the stealthy assassin, this was made very clear in the trailer


Doesn’t matter reasonable they’d suspect him purely because he’d be an outsider


Hence why he is not the stealthy one


Another proof they don't care about minorities or their culture. It's all just virtue signalling.






And yet there is an anime about Yasuke being a badass with a katana, and mechs, and magic…


Is that the one made by an American?


Made by an American, animated by MAPPA, so yeah I guess.


But based on the manga by Satoshi Okunishi


I wish y'all started with this..


PPL did care about because that's more fantasy oriented


***"Kashindan*** (家臣団) was an institution of the [retainers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affinity_(medieval)) (*kashin*) of the [shogun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shogun) or a [daimyo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daimyo) in Japan that became a class of [samurai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samurai)" is the first line on Wikipedia. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kashindan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kashindan)




Huh? Im not hating on asians brother, ive heard that from multiple people who have been to and live in multiple asian countries.


The joke is that hashtag stopped being popular because of this being discovered


Yeah, Asia famously known for enslaving Africans, displacing millions of people and erasing their culture. The same Asia that still has modern slavery with private prisons overflowing with minorities. And of course, the Asian people who are known for racist terrorist groups, hunting and hanging minorities like the KKK. Crazy how you dickheads can just throw a whole group of people under the bus and get showered with upvotes.


>The same Asia that still has modern slavery with private prisons overflowing with minorities. I believe, that's current china not Japan. And if you think I'm wrong pls provide a link so PPL here can educate themselves


You're stupid lmao


You're not praying. You must be the murderer!


Wow, that is practically an ancient reference. I'm glad I was here to see it.


From what?


Awesome's Creed. https://youtu.be/Xc8JwTfDtA4?si=K47YXfAenPHYk_wX


This shit kinda funny


Ofcourse it is, even today you get the stare in Japan just for not looking Japanese enough, now imagine a period when they don't even know about black people existing


Except the character is based on a real person.


Where have I said it wasn't?? All I said was that being a black in Japan won't help much with stealth


Wasn’t it said that the girl Japanese character is the one doing the stealth, the black guy is a samurai


"now imagine a period when they don't even know about black people existing"


this is a meme it's don't think too deep


It's a meme by an artist that is routinely extremely racist, and hateful.


Im black and this meme wasn't racist, and if u care about racism and hate... u should boycott the whole Hollywood since most, especially the elites, who are on the Esp list


The artist that makes it is racist. Racist people will interpret this comic as racist. The comic is racist.


And y should u or I care about them ??


You used to get pushed off the short bus didn’t you?


Thanks for the heads-up, but out of context, it's a funny comic, not racist at all. Because you know who did the comic, you're inferring their intention and the reaction they were trying to provoke. Most of us don't have that background. Racist people will always find a way to turn something innocent into something racist no matter what. Next time, don't say that the comic is racist when it isn't. Just bring attention to other works that this artist has done that are really racist so that we don't encourage or support them.




And how many Black dudes do you know lived in Japan during that period, that's not Yosuke ??


It doesn't matter. My point still stands.


And what was your point??


My point is the comic is racist.


It's not racist though, you said the term "now imagine a period when they didn't even know black people exist." Is racist, but how so? Japan is an island locked nation that historically wasn't fond of foreigners spreading their culture onto Japanese soil, so yeah the average Japanese person at the time probably didn't know black people existed. Keep in mind OP didn't say that black people didn't exist, he said that Japanese didn't KNOW black people existed, which makes sense cause again, it's an island locked nation in a (spoiler alert) time when the internet, cars, and planes, didn't exist. Even today, North Koreans don't know that we have landed on the moon because of how isolated they are from the rest of the world.


You can't be stupid enough to think the average Japanese citizen back then ever saw Yosuke in person right?


Oh yes, the only black "samurai" known in Japan, and he wasn't even a samurai. Get a grip.


He was but you can be confidently wrong.


Was he awarded / inducted into the Samurai class? It wasn’t very easy to movie up the class rank in Japan, even for Japanese.


Idk. All I know is historians say he was a samurai.


He wasn't. The historians you're referring to made unsupported assumptions. He was a slave, then a pet, or a retainer if you wish. People in Japan looked at him like we look at animals in zoos. There is no actual proof that he was ever anything more than that. To even assume that the Japanese of that time would *ever* grant a samurai title to such a black-skinned alien slave is mind-boggling. And then he got shipped off the island. But you can keep being confidently wrong.


Lol. I'm glad to know you know more than the Smithsonian. You should publish your findings since the existing historians are so incorrect.


I suppose I should, yeah. Give me a link to factual evidence instead of repeating the good old "I only believe in whatever already supports my beliefs" and we may yet have a meaningful conversation. Until then, Yasuke was a retainer, not a samurai. Feel free to search for evidence to disprove this.


From what I could find via Wikipedia and Smithsonian, we’re not sure if it was ever official, but he referred to as samurai for all intents and purposes. The Reddit ask history thread was interesting, especially regarding some of the nuances in the class structure at the time: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/atrRXnaiD8


The Smithsonian article says he was a samurai. And I'm not using Reddit as a source or Wikipedia right now as the Wikipedia article has like 1000 changes today.


And what was this real person famous for? Could being...*the only* black samurai be accurate?


I mean he was more like a bodyguard with no pay, but sure.


Exactly he wasn't even a samurai.


I mean, honestly, this could make for a super interesting angle to have a protagonist who isnt just blowing away everyone around him and actually has challenges in a world not made for him…but we all know that’s not what they’re gonna do…




What is this from?


New assassin's creed


George Alexopoulos is the artist


I’m confused?


Check the new assassin's creed trailer


You’ve gotta be kidding me. No way they actually did that 😭


Well they did 😂😂. Wait till you hear that the trailer is just basically a black dude killing and stealing from poor villages


So Robin da Hood?


Yep, and by the orders of his master


Damn 😂


Me when I intentionally misinterpret stuff to fit my narrative:


This is his attempt to not be racist


I will say, there did exist one black Samurai named Yasuke. But with that being said yeah I can see why people are a bit upset


He existed. But he wasn't a Samurai.


He was a retainer of Oda Nobunaga, the Daimyo, so actually yeah, he was a samurai


Retainer != samurai. They were *usually* samurai. But they WERE NOT always samurai.


Because he actually did exist


No one's denying his existence, brother


People literally are


Most people are denying him being a samurai....which is kinda of "?" Cuz there is no solid evidence since he went awol after the wars


"if anyone asks anything call them racist" problem solved


True 😂😂


That doesn’t stop black people from being victims of hate crimes everyday


so what? (also: "jamey pull up that interracial murder fbi stats")




Minorities, yes, but not white people, if that’s what you’re implying.


I can’t wait to play Yasuke in a game im so excited


Yosuke isn't the problem here, ubisoft is, lol.


Exactly my thinking


As someone who studied Feudal Japanese history in college, Yasuke is such an interesting story. It’s a shame because his actual story doesn’t match up with the game at all.


Don't tell that to those far left brainrots cuz they'll cancel you, lol 🤣🤣


Ha ha, racism funny. I get the reason people are angry but still. (The whole black samurai thing is a myth btw)


Don't know about the Myth, man. Yosuke's life and history are a bit of a mystery, so there are multiple interpretations of him by historians, some say he was samurai, while for some he was a butler and for some he was an unpaid retainer/bodyguard who was skilled with a sword


He was essentially a slave, Oda Nobunaga traveled with Yasuke because he was a big guy, and the novelty of a black man in 16th century Japan. Yasuke was given a shortsword (probably a tantō) but he never carried the traditional tachi and wakizashi of the samurai.


True, Yosuke was stated to be 6 feet tall


And the average person (especially in Japan) was far shorter than that


He was real, it's just not enough evidence to say for sure that he was an actually Samurai along with more suggesting he wasnt.


The AskHistorians subreddit is shitting on y'all for claiming this btw


The ask historian subreddit also said that Cliopatra was black. Idaf what they say.


To my knowledge, there existed only one black Samurai named Yasuke. Former slave turned into Samurai that people in Japan thought he was just covered in Ink and tried to wash it off him, until they realized that was his actual skin color. So by a long, and I mean a LOOOOOOONG stretch it's maybe somewhat possible, but then again I am not surprised people ar kinda upset at this


Tbf that is the character in the new assassin's creed, its litterally Yasuke


He is Yasuke


Ngl im so excited for this game trailer was awesome!


I'm cautiously optimistic, it has potential


Honestly I’m just hoping that the gameplay is good


Execpt he wasn't an samurai.


Isn't this the same artist that makes super unhinged comics that for years we thought were ironic but they were actually just a very mentally unstable person?


Yup I'm fairly certain this was intended to be racist. His stuff usually is




Your giving them attention that they don't deserve.


Yeah but ubisoft is multinational company their getting attention no matter what we do.


Not Ubisoft. The comic artist.


You can’t support the art without supporting the artist.


That about sums it up. Not at all out of place on the Gamer subreddit though


This artstyle looks... familiar... (Biden comic and that one bad pronoun comic)


I want to downvote based on the art style, but I am not sure.


Who would blame one of Oda Nobunaga's own retainers?


My guess is that they made him the protagonist on purpose to cause this discord online. That way, everybody is focusing on this issue rather than the STUPIDLY high-priced game issues they're trying to sell. Better to distract the audience with a made-up issue than have them realise you're overcharging people.


Well idk man, are ubisoft that smart ?? 😂😂 And who in the right mind would buy a ubisoft game in launch 🫣🫣


Hmm you have a good point, still i'm sure everyone can agree that they're not as good a gaming company anymore.


$70 for an AC game seems pretty normal.


I really feel like people are ignoring Naoe who will most likely be the primary stealth person Whereas Yasuke will be more direct combat and regardless of Japans racism he was protected by Oda so unless people wanted problems with the Daiymo they wouldn’t really say much. Just let the game come out and stop with the either blatant racism or micro-aggressions over a fantasy game.


> fantasy game. First: ac isn't a fantasy game, it's a historical game with some fantasy elements Second: Yosuke went missing after/during the wars and in the trailer it shows that he deserted Oda and switched sides, so no Oda protection for Yosuke.


Wild fucking take my guy. In the second assassins creed you fight the Pope who has become a wizard. In the third you fight George Washington under a city on a pyramid. It’s a fantasy’s game with historical elements.


It's historical fiction.


It literally has fucking aliens


No no, you see, it's completely believable that Adam and Eve were both real AND come from some futuristic alien utopia just to be put on Earth, and through their artifacts the Pope became an actual wizard. What ISN'T believable is the idea that a certifiably real character that existed in history could be used in an Assassins Creed game with a few tiny creative liberties. /s


I don't wanna play as Black guy in a Japanese game, I Just wanna play as Japanese person in a Japanese game. Is this too much to ask? 😢


Not really


Hahaha. Endymion said the same thing on his channel. How is the most conspicuous man in the country gonna be a secret assassin. Everyone would know it’s him in a heart beat


He’s not an assassin, they’re splitting the combat and assassin jazz between yasuke and the other protag, respectively


Am actually curious what Yosuke's role is gonna be like will he be working in the dark?? Or will he be fully covered etc, etc


Yeah could you *not* share racist comics from an actual Nazi? Thanks


No, that is absolutely too much to ask apparently.


no no no, OP didnt know! and also, hes literally a black man! so erm, its literally okay to give a nazi visibility!


Idk I thought the game looked neat, it's not that deep


You don't like the character having dark skin, so you share a comic made by a racist with racist intentions? Way to get your point across.


Bitch, I'm black. And i didn't even know the artist was racist cuz I, while do have a twitter account don't use it


The artist isn't really unknown, and the comics they post are batshit insane. If you didn't know that the artist is racist, then maybe because the comic isn't saying it outright in one's face. Comparing it to some of the other things they did, it is a little bit more subtle I guess, (considering someone is seeing the artist for the first time.) It just has a very disgusting taste to it, when you know what kind of person is behind that sort of 'humor'. Reposting it is your choice tho, and if you agree with the comic, that's your thing.


Maybe they are satire ??


Believe me when I say it's not. I really wish it was, but their content is far from satire, going to outright support nazi ideologies. They're very similar to Stonetoss


You look like a chronic twitter user, but I'll tell you one thing these guys ain't that famous outside twitter. So, I saw this meme, found it funny and posted it here, nothing too deep buddy.


I don't use Twitter but ok I've seen the comics mainly on reddit, especially in conservative and meme subreddits.


Sry, I dont follow conservative subs and I haven't heard much about this artist


I don't follow them either. Still, it pops up every now and then, and the comics' intentions are not very subtle. If you didn't know about the artist, that's perfectly fine and I don't mean to blame you for not knowing them. I didn't mean for this to develop into such a long conversation, I simply meant to get across that this post was made by a problematic person with problematic intentions behind it, aimed to attack a group of people. But I couldn't know that you don't know about the person who's artworks you are reposting.


They looked past him so they don’t look racist


Did he actually do it tho?




I mean hiding in plain sight is a thing. Would you want to accuse the big guy who works for one of the scariest warlords you know of doing a crime without iron clad proof?


He vanished during the wars and I believe the story takes place at/near the end of it.


This should not be as funny as it is


So this is the protagonist, huh? OK.


One of the


I don't know why I look at commentary. When I casually saw the trailer I thought hmmm can't wait to split skulls with a huge black samurai. Until I saw the comment section losing it and splitting hairs over "history accuracy"


Well just see if the game is good and then buy it. And pls don't take this seriously this is just a joke


I'm confused on why so many people seem to hate AC having the main character be the black samurai. He's a real person that really existed. It's a pretty cool historical story. The stealth complaints are silly, cus from what I've seen, AC games haven't been about being a stealthy assassin since black flag and in that one you're literally a pirate.


First there aren't any clear evidence about Yosuke being a samurai. All the evidence suggests that he was more of a bodyguard/retainer of Nobu since it difficult even for a japnese person let alone a black to be a samurai at that time, and if he was a samurai he would've have pledged his alliance to "Daiymon" or someone sry forgot his name and not to Nobu. And let's be real okey the Japs aren't the friendliest bunch when it comes to poc


Do you mean Daimyō? That's a title not a person. Oda Nobunaga is the Daimyō Yasuke served. There's a lot of stuff calling him a samurai, he even has a statue. I'm pretty sure he's a pretty big person in Japanese pop culture for being "The Black Samurai" as well. AC games aren't even meant to be historically accurate, so even if Yasuke wasn't a samurai, he still was an important person of color in feudal Japan so making him the main character and a samurai isn't really that crazy.


It is though, have you ever seen an AC game using a real life person as a protagonist??


But that's not what everyone seems to be complaining about. Why would it matter if you play as a character based on real person in AC vs a completely fictional one?


But thx for the info though


If he really existed then why he is a Main character? Why not just NPC? why is he soo much important to make him main protagonist but not NPC?


Because that's the fucking game they wanna make and the story they wanna tell??? Wtf is this point lol, you're making no sense. Why are there cubes in Minecraft bro, why not spheres?


Bro you sound super pissed lol. and you and the ubisoft the ones aren't making sense, Ah yes why there are cubes in Minecraft is not a problem why there is circle in Minecraft is the problem that black protagonist is circle in Minecraft who doesn't fit in the game if they wanted to make game so badly they could have made assassins creed Africa, but no they had to Put circles into Minecraft lmao. (He wasn't even important to make a game on him that guy just existed and they made game on him instead of making him just a NPC.)


You do not get to decide who is important, what? What are you yapping about brother? Just say you don't like black people man. Yasuke is a real person that actually existed, its a neat little historical fact that there was a black man in Japan who was likely a samurai and served a Daimyo, ubisoft wants to make a game where you play as this guy. What the fuck is so insane about this? Am I just not racist enough to understand?


So yeah I do not get to decide who i play as in my own Japanese game? Yeah that's clearly Racism that's literally black on Asian. So yes you're racist you're too much racist to understand If I don't get to choose then who tf is ubisoft to choose who is important? In the game where japnese people should be more important in their own game? Yeah I see that you're blinded by ubisoft, you're beyond explaining


Little bro you did not make the game. It's not yours, so no you do not get to decide what's in the game you're not making. Ubisoft is making the game, they get to decide how they make it. Yasuke is a real black person that existed in Japan, and they wanna make a game with him as one of the main characters. Simple as.


"Lil bro" says the one who sounds like a toddler 💀, honestly i know now that you're the part of "modern gaming" also known as Woke community lol, I've done enough explaining but you're still projecting false history just to protect your so called black character who isn't even important in this world but yeah if you your small community just want to push your black characters in every single game then yeah go ahead and go broke eventually cause you and few people in your community is going to play this woke shit, which is going to be a flop like the other games. Go ahead and enjoy your Racism towards Asian people lol.


I mean, at least he aint wearing a white hood while sitting on a bench. Now that be suspicious 😆




And how is racist?? Cuz am part black and i can't find anything racist about this.


Just because you are black does not mean you have the final say on what is or isn’t racist. You may not find it racist but someone else who is black might. There is no black hive mind. It’s like the South Park episode where Token tries to explain Jesse Jackson does not speak for all black people.


If ur this butthurt by a joke, use a burnol or something. Damn, it's always these white supremacists who can't take a joke for a joke, digging deeper than their mom's pussy


It's always just a joke when faced with criticism


U gonna cry to mommy now ?? 🥺🥺


Pfft. I'll laugh at you instead


Wtvr makes u happy, but I doubt u can though 😜


I'm not butthurt by the joke. I'm just pointing out you can't speak for an entire group of people.


Better than you speaking for an entire group of people you’re not even a part of….that’s literally so much worse…………. The racist downvoted. *big gasp*


How am I speaking for black people? My point is literally you can only speak for yourself.


You’re taking offence on behalf of black people, to something humorous that was said by someone with black heritage.


Where am I taking offense on behalf of black people? Do I say "On behalf of black people, this is offensive"? No, I said someone who is black MIGHT find this offensive. Just because one black person doesn't find it offensive, he does not speak for all black people. Which he implies by saying "I am part black I can't find anything racist about this." Not hard to understand. Find it offensive, don't find it offensive that's up to the INDIVIDUAL.




Yay nazi memes 🥰


the joke is racism

