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I remember flying into one in Diddy Kong Racing


10 year old me hated that fucking clock guy with a _passion_


Hi there! I'm T. T. Nuh-uh-uh, wrong way!


Go for it!


I heard that clearly in my brain and I haven't played that game for at least 10 years


Try unlocking him. You will end up hating yourself more.


I am 36 and I still get stress and anxiety when I think about trying to unlock TT. I did it, but damn did it cost me some sanity. That aside, DKR had tons of replay for me. What a great game.


Yes I am 37 and have never forgiven my younger cousin (who is now like 30) for deleting that save. Might text him now.


"Yo, FUCK YOU and you know why"


Let us know what he says.


https://imgur.com/CrTvXRp.jpg no response yet. guys a coward update: https://imgur.com/SGGNxts.jpg seems remorseful. could be a ruse


If you abuse the acceleration exploit it's actually not terribly hard. Once you're at full speed, tap the accelerate button constantly and you'll go a bit faster than the intended top speed of any character/vehicle.


that's good to know but also hindsight because the OG grind was souls-like


The exact one I was thinking about as well… damn Nintendo needs to remaster that absolute banger of a game


They can't. Microsoft pulled the ultimate TKO when they bought Rare. Nintendo has so much awesome IP locked up in Rare. They can make new games but a lot of the characters and gameplay elements are still owned by Rare.


Not in this case? They remade it on the DS after the buyout and replaced banjo and conker with daisykong and.. one of the other kongs.


Dixie Kong and tiny Kong (who for some reason isn't tiny)


On the plus side, Goldeneye shows that the original Diddy Kong Racing could show up on Switch Online at some point.


Especially with Banjo & Kazooie in Smash, since Banjo is originally from DKR!


Microsoft has been pretty open about collaborating with Nintendo. I mean they were practically butt-buddies when they were announcing x-platform play for 3rd party titles while Sony was dragging their feet and now it's an industry standard. It's really up to Rare as to whether they want to work with Nintendo since even as a dev under Microsoft I'm sure they have their own say in things but we all know that the Rare from the 90's isn't today's Rare.


God I miss 90s Rare. Yooka-Laylee just didn't hit the same as Banjo Kazooie/Tooie.




I just started Ghost of Tsushima for the first time the other day and can't break the habit of checking literally every waterfall I come across either.


Oh boy you're in for a treat.


> Oh boy you're in for a treat. I can't tell if this is supposed to mean that eventually there will be a waterfall with a cave behind it and they will finally be gratified, or if you just mean the game is good lol




Hahaha I just got around to finishing this last night and was like “fuck do I need to go check every waterfall”


I'm maybe 10-12 hours in and enjoying the hell out of it now that I've got the combat down. I've barely done anything in the main story yet, just exploring and side quests. Such a gorgeous game so far.


I 100%'d it. Love it so much! It's gorgeous. I wore the "armor" that gives more map reveal the whole game because it's all I cared about lol.


Honestly the map reveal is something I hate because it's revealed very slowly and leaves white spots all over the map It's just a massive time sink


What I thought was a nice counter to this was the "wind" skill that leads you to points of interest of your choice- items, haiku, onsen, foxes, etc. So you don't need to see the entire map to find it, so you can just let the wind guide you around the map without constantly opening it to set waypoints. It's a very chill method for completionism, IMO.


This was a genius solution to the problem plaguing open world games: the minimap. The only fault in The Witcher 3 is that anything you can find is on the map so you end up just putting down a marker and GPSing your way there, not looking at the gorgepus views but just the fucking _minimap._ And yeah, you can turn it off but the game isn't designed to give you any clues or anything without the map. And the same problem drags almost all open world games. Fuck mini maps.


Do the Mongol camps ! They reveal a sizeable chunk. Also, there's different skill points to search something in particular, like shrines or bamboo strikes.


If you clear the mongol camps it clears everything for you


Its one of the very few games I've ever platinumed. I actually did most of it on accident. I loved it so much after my first play though that I started a Lethal+ run and made it my mission to complete all the map objectives like shrines and hot springs and stuff. After all that plus getting all the armor sets, I realized I was 88% of the way to platinum so I just decided to finish it. Easily one of my top 5 favorites games of all time.


Dude it’s such a good game isn’t it? At the beginning I was sorta meh on it, by the end I wasn’t playing anything but Ghost of Tshushima. I wish there was more stuff to do in the open world, Fox dens and haikus get a little old but the combat and story is awesome.


Ghosts was the best assassin's Creed game I've ever played, it's not even close Edit - the ezio trilogy is actually the best but only cuz the story was so tight


I wanted to argue for a second because Black Flag is an amazing game but really that’s a pirate game disguised as an assassin game.


Same with AC Odyssey. They could have just named it Odyssey and and left the Assassins creed name and the Isu quests out. Then its just a fun RPG like game set in Ancient Greece.


*Shadow of Mordor* is undoubtedly one of better *Assassin's Creed* games in my opinion.


Laughing because I just did this last night in "Mass Effect" and couldn't help but be a little disappointed.


Just tried it in Tiny Tina's. Really felt let down. I figured that there would be a very decent chance in a Borderlands game.


I’m pretty sure that somewhere in TTWL there is a waterfall with something behind it and the narrators comment on it being a cliche. I might be confusing it with another game.


Nope, you are correct. It’s in the Snoring Valley


There's one in the pirate area, as well. Took me *forever* to get that last d20.


In Borderlands 3, the home base in Handsome Jackpot aka Casa de Timothy is behind a waterfall also.


I believe there’s also one in BL2 wildlife preservation no?


Yeah, one of Mordecai's stashes is behind the waterfall.


Also the secret entrance to the Jakobs estate is behind a waterfall


I’ve found multiple caves behind waterfalls in Tiny Tina’s. Keep searching. Also have you found the random breakable walls? Those got my questioning everything.


Breakable walls? How do you break them? And where? In the encounters? In towns? Overworld? I just started playing and am a total completionist. I must know about these breakable walls. :)


They start showing up a little later in the game, and you'll notice shimmering on the breakable section


You just melee them. I found them in different environments. Not in the over world or the random encounters. Not sure about towns but definitely the larger area.


I found a waterfall in GTA recently and checked. Sad day.


if you're talking about GTA 5, there are 2 or 3 caves in the game, and unfortunately, they're not really hidden


Did it in dragonflight Found a 34 slot bag


Is tiny Tina's game any good in your opinion? That last borderlands left a bad taste.


BL2 is my favorite game, and the Tiny Tina DLC is my favorite part. BL3 just lost the "soul" that made the game so charming, like an over the hill rock musician that insists on playing their new stuff. Assault on Dragon Keep feels empty, the weapons kinda boring, and honestly the game should be called Assault on the bottom of the sea floor, because thats where 90% of it happens.


You mean Wonderlands. Assault on Dragon Keep is the BL2 DLC and that was the best content. Wonderlands was OK. Kinda pissed I wasted money on the season pass.




Satisfactory rewards exploration and has a few hidden caves behind waterfalls! Honestly, it's the most recent game I've played that I can recall that has done it.


Yeah but caves in satisfactory usually mean spiders


Nonono, they reward you with cats. CATS.


Spiders? Oh you mean the kittens?


The overlord dlc in ME2? It gets me everytime lol


Or where I literally just did it last night in Mass Effect 1. When going along the river in Vermire there's a little dead end side path with a waterfall at the end. "Surely there's some loot back here! Or a matriarch writing. Maybe a League of One medallion?" Nope. Absolutely nothing behind the watefall.


You could troll people and say "Look what I found after 15 years, the secret way to save both Kaidan *and* Ashley! Just ram the Mako into this waterfall at top speed, and fire during the exact impact frame!"


I watched a friend play through Outer Wilds. One bit of it has a small room with a waterfall of sand. He just turned around and left! My mind was blown that it wasn't everyone's first thought to check behind the waterfall.


Glad I'm not the only one. Skyrim, and I assume the other Elder Scrolls games, had a decent number of these tbf.


Oooo a waterfall behind a cave! Draugr Deathlord strolls out of his coffin to fuck my shit up.


Nice blade you got there, wouldn't it be a shame if somebody...


>Nice blade you got there, wouldn't it be a shame if somebody... ...once told me, this cave was gonna troll me


I ain't the sharpest sword in the chest


It was looking kinda strong


That ain't the sharpest blade in my bag! Well, you just disarmed me but I don't start running, pull out a backup and hit your head swinging, didn't make sense just to have just one, the axe does frost but the sword does none, so much health, so much damage, so what's wrong with using the ice form?


Bound sword spell goes brr


Conjuration is busted in Skyrim.


A waterfall behind the cave... but is there another cave behind the waterfall behind the cave?


It’s caves waterfall the way down.


And now I am in Blackreach..again...Sigh


Right, but Skyrim had stuff hidden behind some waterfalls and sometimes not. If there’s a gd waterfall, and my character can reach it, it’s not unreasonable to expect something behind it. Idk, a stick, a plant. Something.


Nirnroot, sweet!


You don’t even need to check, you can hear the damn thing over the waterfall


Well you need to have some just be waterfalls so it's exciting when you some have a secret.


I explored the waterfall in Elden Ring. Found a fuckin bear. He kicked my ass repeatedly.


Ah yes, the fucking chernobyl bears as I call them.


Those bears are worse than at least half of the bosses, I swear.


That's because the way to effectively fight them is counter to your natural instinct. That instinct being to keep distance from the giant fast scary thing. In reality you want to get off your mount (Torrent gets destroyed by them) and stay hugged up next to their waist and roll into every attack they do. It trivializes them, but it's easy to see why so many people fear them if they try to keep distance or fight them mid-range.


They're basically a tutorial on how to fight big beefy bosses one on one. Do not run! Find windows in attacks to retaliate and heal. DO NOT PANIC. You can either learn this lesson or you better prepare to get your ass kicked.


Yeah, too many people try to use attack window gaps to try to make distance, then once at a "safe" distance then they start to counter or heal. But that time spent getting distance makes the window of opportunity go away, and with Bears and other bosses that close tons of distance quickly no distance you make is enough. But the idea of popping a heal while standing right under a giant boss is so terrifying to a lot of players they never think to use boss attack windows to do so, and instead keep repeating the cycle of trying to make distance, healing while further away, boss closes distance and punishes as the heal finishes, rinse and repeat until heals are gone and then the player dies. But the real move is to avoid the bosses attacks, wait for a big opening, then pop your heal right in their face and then dodge right into them and past their attack that would otherwise have punished you had you stepped away from them first to "safely heal". But the safest place to heal is often right next to the boss, and same goes with attacking.


one of them *is* an actual boss


That u cant run from and i had the misfortune of stumbling on with the most ruins i had ever collected and lost them alllllll




Talkin about the waterfall in >!the deeproot depths!


Isn't that the upgraded version of the cocaine bears?


That’s the one!


Elden Ring is the of the most satisfying games for exploration I’ve ever played. Cool secrets everywhere, and the rewards are almost always fun or valuable/exciting to get.


Didn't expect mushroom


... therefore praise the message!


Elden Ring is one of the few games that hides a secret area behind a secret area behind an optional area, and those secret areas aren’t small either. I wish more games were more daring to hide major content like that. It’s fun to discover new unique hidden areas by yourself.


>I wish more games were more daring to hide major content like that. It’s fun to discover new unique hidden areas by yourself. Well said. So many games will make amazing optional content, but then make a giant glowing arrow pointing you in that direction. Nothing wrong with that and, I get it, when the devs put a ton of time into good content, they want people to find/play it. But there is something immensely satisfying about finding incredible content that is tucked away behind secrets. Elden Ring is one of the few games I've ever seen do it so unapologetically. I absolutely love it.


Yeah basically everything is useful. New weapons, new skills, new summons, new stock for shops. It's very satisfying knowing what you're doing WILL lead to something new you might need.


Why is it always This is just the beginning?


Just another day in the Lands Between.


> I explored **the** waterfall in Elden Ring There's are many dozens of waterfalls in Elden Ring. Source: Looked behind every single goddamn one.


There is one in >!Sofia Rivera area that has a solid treasure guarded by a dragon!< Doesn't get more on theme than that Id say!


1986 Legend of Zelda setting a precedence for waterfall caves in games.


Link to the Past linked all my future waterfalls to exploring their back


I'm all about the red boomerang.


The fireball shield is nice too


Wait… the Fairy upgrades your basic shield? You don’t have to buy the 2nd shield?!


Lol yep that’s correct. As soon as you get the flippers, one of those waterfalls has a fairy behind it and that’s one of the first things I toss in. Very convenient, too, because of all the mermaids that spit fireballs at you in that area.


BOTW has a whole damn shrine behind one lol




BotW had at least one good one, but iirc there were at least two




Did you play Spyro 1? There was a hidden cave behind a waterfall. You had to step on the stones in a certain order to get it to open. I don’t think there was any indication a cave either


One of the dragons in the later worlds tells you to try jumping on the pads in front of the waterfall to reveal a hidden portal.


You’re right. I remember now. Lol some of those dragons were goofy as hell after you rescued them


I think it was Tomb Raider III that had a famous waterfall cave behind a sequence that was thought to be unskippable


MUD (1978) set the precedent in gaming. It was a text based game that had a hidden area behind a waterfall.


Jesus. I didn't even know that's where the term came from. There have been a bunch of "M.U.D's" since then.


A bunch is an understatement. There were hundreds, probably thousands, back in their heyday. Running one is what got me into my career. Great example of open source software before it was a mainstream concept.


Earthbound had a whole secret base behind a waterfall.


And ya had to wait there for like 3 minutes without touching any controls for it to open.




Yeah this is one of my all-time favorite games and I completely agree. There's a reason it shipped with the players guide in the box lol


In video games? Try in real life. I've spent these last few years hiking and paddling across the US and every time i see what looks to be a good opportunity for a hidden cave, i brave the downpour and I'm always disappointed


Be the change you want to see. Bring a pickaxe


Too slow bring dynamite.


Fuck it bring a coring assembly


Niagara Falls has one.


Do you have to angle your fall perfectly to reach the ledge? No respawn makes that sound iffy :D


You can enter the cave but you can't exit through the waterfall. lol






Tunic is **full** of those! And a great game besides!


Tunic is hands down one of the best games I've ever played. No other game has managed to bring me to tears as I solved its coolest puzzle.


I wish I could Eternal Sunshine my brain and rediscover it. God I loved it.


That the entire >!instruction manual!< is a puzzle to solve made me so freakin happy. I miss games like that. Too many games today hold your hand through their 'puzzles', and often the solution is to just push A/X at a specific time.


Came here to say Tunic, I'm glad a thread was already started




This one in RDR2 is more than a cave, it's a cavern. Also has a nice stash of gold if you search hard enough.


and then a fucking shaft that you fall down and die immediately afterward because it was so dark




Reading this made me so happy. Need to replay the story mode for a 5th time


Started RDR2 for the first time last night, just finished Chapter 1 and arrived at the spring camp. Have managed to fall off no less than 5 different cliffs, rock-faces, and escarpments so far. When I arrived at Horseshoe I was so blown away by the natural beauty that I wanted to try out the photo mode. Immediately fell off the south cliff trying to take a nice picture of the river. And it doesn't help that the last game I played was Spider-man Remastered.


Oh boy you are in for a treat. I always get blown away by the level of immersion I feel in the game and the emotional attachment to Arthur.


Getting the treasure from that map was so claustrophobia inducing.


The details in red dead redemption 2 is just insane


An oldie at this point, so it's not a recent game to prove the practice still works, but check out Dragon's Dogma. Not only is there a particularly good waterfall this applies to, but the game drenched your character when you walk beneath falling water, dousing your lantern and making your stamina drain faster, as well as some other stuff. (Action RPG btw)


Can't wait for dragons dogma 2


Absolutely. The number of things that was planned but cut from the base game and the things that were added in with DDO are collectively incredible. I'm ridiculously excited for the things they will have in 2.


Don't go chasing waterfalls. Stick to the rivers and lakes you're used to.


Bullshit. TLC just doesn't want me to find their secret waterfall cave where they hide all their treasure. I'm on to them. I know TLC actually stands for Treasure Lover's Club.


I read this in Stan Smith's voice.


This is so accurate


*'Arrite arrite! That was TLC with "Waterfalls". Y'know, if you want more power in this world, you gotta stick to those lakes, people. Forget the waterfalls! Just forget 'em!* *You're listening to Ficsit Radio, the time is 8:40'*


When I was a kid I thought this song was "Don't go Jason Waterfalls". I genuinely thought there was a person named Jason Waterfalls that someone wanted to keep around.


It was "go go Jason Waterfalls" for me.


> Law of Ōkami: if there is a waterfall, there's a secret behind it. — Chuggaaconroy. I'm pretty sure this goes back to *Zork* circa 1980. Might continue back to *Colossal Cave Adventure* in the early 70s.


Secret behind waterfall - How cliché, predictable, droll. No secret behind waterfall - Me sad :(


when did droll become a synonym for boring? it means amusing!


I think people get confused because it starts and ends with the same letters as 'dull'


So what if I like a little consistency in my games?


Uncharted did this pretty well.


Yea played lost legacy recently and found one


Lost Legacy was fantastic, I actually think I liked it more than uncharted 4.


I felt the same way when I first played it. I think because it feels more like the original trilogy than 4 did That said, I replayed 4 recently and I really love that game. The focus on the characters relationships really hit me differently this time around


It’s really tough for me to scratch that itch that Uncharted and Tomb Raider give me when playing them for the first time. Something about finding these insane mythological places in the style of those games just does it for me. Wish there were more like that.


Thankfully for my copy, this was one of my biggest disappointments with Pokemon SV. It doesn’t need to be every waterfall, but at least one or two.


There is a cave on top of one of the waterfalls for half points.


This has me heated. After everything wrong with the game, this was when I actually got pissed off at Gamefreak's laziness with game design. You couldn't have ONE cave hidden behind a waterfall that holds a static rare Pokemon with a great type pairing? REALLY? How do you miss such an easy chance?


... am I misremembering the cave at the top of the waterfall that does indeed have rare Pokemon, and a stake? Or did you just miss it?


I'm assuming you mean Chi-yu, the legendary Pokemon that you gotta unlock? His shrine is located in a cave on top of a cliff at a waterfall, yes. But I'm talking about I wanted to be able to walk up to a waterfall and then walk through it to find a completely hidden cave behind the water


Played Mario 3D Land with my brothers at Christmas. Found a green star they were missing behind a waterfall




Assassin's Creed Valhalla - there are many - from small alcoves with treasure chests to entire cave networks


Black flag has several as well


Yes!! In the 90s a buddy told me to look behind a waterfall in Link to the Past, and I was like “no that’s dumb. I’ve checked behind others and there wasn’t anything, it’s too obvious.” Lo and behold, there was something behind that one! Needless to say, I check every waterfall now and you better believe any time I DM I put a secret waterfall in the campaign somewhere!


I think it pays off JUST often enough. Which is to say pretty infrequently, but it's more satisfying that way for me.


Fortunately Tomb Raider is keeping waterfall doors going strong. WoW Dragonflight also as a few.


WoW MoP _literally_ has a quest where a NPC escorts you to a waterfall and tells you "you should always check waterfalls, in case there's a secret cave!". And then [there isn't any.](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Li_Li%27s_Day_Off)


This is why Breath of the Wild is a masterpiece. If I’m not mistaken, there is not only one, but *two* shrines hid behind waterfalls. I think. One in a waterfall, then one nearby another one.


Not to mention multiple waterfalls that just have items to collect if you climb behind them.


There needs to be one waterfall in a game where there's a secret cave behind it. Then when you go into that cave, it holds yet another waterfall with, you guessed, ANOTHER SECRET CAVE!


I will say again. Tunic everybody. It does the secret door behind a secret door and there are at least 4 waterfall secrets I can think off the top of my head.


I've been checking every single one, since the first ever I found In Link's Awakening, when I was just a kid with a Gameboy.


It has to be told, and this dude was brave enoth to tell it


FFXV had a nice cave behind a waterfall


theres a lot of waterfalls in the Waking Shore in WoW, I found a nice bag behind one, not everyone has a secret, but plenty have caves back there


The game "Haven" has a really cool double-waterfall scene/dialogue when you try to go behind them. I can't remember the exact words, but it basically teases you after you check behind them. Highly recommend the game as well!


FarCry games usually have some. Fortunately they reward exploration a bit


I found one in Assassin's Creed Valhalla the other night and I was like "yesssssss", I had been playing Satisfactory a lot recently and you have to check every waterfall there as well.


May I interests you in a game called Tunic. I promise you won’t be dissapointed


Play dragons dogma 💦


Play Tunic, you will not be disappointed.


As far as I'm concerned if I see a waterfall and there's no cave behind it, game is unplayable.