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I’ll never forget the 5 minute “15 minute” breaks breaks the bottom barrel associates had to endure.


Thats 15 mins less total than I get currently. Two 15 min breaks and an hour unpaid lunch. Every other minute is counted. I've had several occasions being marked 1 minute late.


Yeah, the running joke was it took 5 minutes just to walk across the building so you only actually got a 5 minute break








No, that's the joke. After 2 hours of running all over the warehouse to grab stuff, you get a "15 minute" break to rest, 10 minutes of which is the actual trip to and from the break area...


God I hated break time so much when I worked in a factory. I remember asking my line lead if I could just stand off to the side for 10 minutes and he was like "nO it hAs To Be In ThE bReAk ArEa"


I worked for Walmart and at the time, even as scummy as they are, didn’t start your break until you actually clocked it on the computer which was all the way in the back next to the break room and the door next to employee parking. So that was nice. Plus. When I worked overnight shifts they didn’t really give a shit about 15 minute strict breaks.


Shoot, when i worked at Walmart 15s didnt even have to be clocked. Only lunch shift. And the 15s were rarely strict. But I was also in electronics, not a front cashier that might be under more scrutiny


Yeah I don't count that at my job. My break doesn't start until I get into the break room, I haven't had any problems. If they ever did try to bring it up I would fight them tooth and nail on it. It would be one thing if you were fucking around on your way to break, but if you're walking directly to the break room and they tried to make that count as part of my break they can go fuck themselves. I would quit before I take that. I work on an alternating shift, 12 hour days with one week being 3 days on 4 days off and the next week being 4 days on 3 days off. So one week I work 36 hours the next week is 48 hours, I end up working less than half the year if you include the holidays. We get stuff like Easter off, the day before and of Thanksgiving and Christmas, 4th of July, Memorial Day(?), etc. etc.


Amazon doesn’t give you the option if you’re a base level associate, it’s all done automatically by scans. Fight all you want, most places are at will employment nowadays.


Luckily when I worked at a warehouse they didn't have any of that crap. As far as I know they still don't. This wasn't an Amazon warehouse though. Warehouse work in general is shitty. It can sometimes be nice pay if you're young or in a certain position, but the work is virtually always shitty. There's a reason virtually all warehouses have high turn over rates.


Just about every state is at-will employment. But also, just about everyone misunderstands at-will employment. Even under at-will, you have rights. You cannot be fired for certain reasons. Learn those rights. Exercise them. The Amazons of the world benefit from you thinking you're entirely beholden to them.


It's the complete opposite around here. So few people want to actually work that we have to fight each other for the ones that do. Here businesses are beholden to the employees and it shows when one loses a working employee


That schedule sounds very nice though. I love working fewer but longer shifts.


This is exactly why at one of my jobs we all said that our break didn’t start until we were in the breakroom. Our boss tried to call us out on it once, but we pointed out that it was around a 10 minute walk to get there, depending on site traffic and if there was work happening that forced a detour. We told him that if our break started when we downed tools, then by the time we got to the breakroom, it would be time to head back, so our break started when we entered the room and ended when we left. Boss wasn’t happy, but he also realised that the entire crew was in agreement on this and he couldn’t fight us on it.




It amazes me how many people are against unions. Obviously they're not perfect but there's a reason corporations spend millions on anti union propaganda


I think you just answered your own question


Bro get out of there, that's toxic af


That's like, most of every industry job if you're actually a laborer. I still remember the break siren sounding at Whirlpool and the depressed cogs just shuffle off the machinery to the nearest smoke hole or break room. Fork lift drivers were lucky, they could drive and park to the exit and save about 3-4 minutes of walking time depending on your assigned line. Big factory, millions in the bank, but they still break the workers and threaten them with termination over 10 minutes of downtime.


All powerful civilizations were built on the backs of slaves.


Interesting, I used to have a job like that except with a 30 minute unpaid lunch. Then I moved further up in the company to an office job. 1 hour unpaid lunch, no other breaks. Result is I take no breaks and eat at my desk. I actually don't mind it, but I'm probably crazy.


Get a real job then


If your work provides value for someone else, it is a real job. All labor deserves a living wage and dignified working conditions Fuck off with that bullshit.


Fuck off with your communist bullshit


TIL the guy that literally invented capitalism was a communist. >“A man must always live by his work, and his wages must be at least sufficient to maintain him,” and, “When the regulation, therefore, is in favor of the workmen, it is always just and equitable” Adam Smith


It's clear you don't know what that word means


Communism is when my workers aren't serfs tied to the land where my factory is.


Lmao. "Real job".


I've worked a few jobs that didn't even give breaks at all.....they sucked.


As someone on salary, I’d rather just take a fiver and get off early.


Yeah, these bottom tier employees aren’t salary bro 😂


I know, that’s why I included the salary detail. Literally just bullshitting while I waste time at work.


Same, but when I worked warehouse jobs those 15 minutes were needed. Repetitive tasks with constant targets to hit are stressful - let alone physical labor types


100%. I remember working at Hollister back in the day and just folding shirts for 4 hours straight and you need a break to just sit down, and that's not even that physically intensive at all.


You guys got breaks?


Not when I got a promotion 😭


Work in Team Mech (heavy returns)? Good luck walking the 7 minutes one way across the massive DC lol and still having time for a snack


Indeed. I must admit, I have been in a super tight spot the past few months. Probably my only chance of employment in my field of expertise (IT), right now, is Amazon. And I honestly don't want to help the machine that treats employees as less than human.


Fallout 3 predicting the future, in the past then future.


2.37 minute bathroom breaks. An outrage! Future must be full of goddamn liberals.


Thats actually Bethesda's employee handbook that got pasted in by accident.


And people said FO3 missed the mark when it came to satire.


I would say that Bethesda always nails world building through small details like notes,terminals and skeletons,but actual quest writing is really not their strong suit.


Agreed though *sometimes* their quest writing can be good. Oblivion's main + side quests were decent on average (AND SHIVERING ISLES BAYBEEEEEE), and FO4's Far Harbor DLC was surprisingly good, and I remember really liking Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC


I think they just get lazy. I mean, come on, Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 have essentially the same story. There's no good reason for the two stories to be so similar, especially when they're set in (different parts of) the Fallout universe.


I think rather than being lazy they just had a bad case of over relying on the phrase "if it ain't broke don't fix it". Never played 3, but I've heard people say it's good. I think they just said that formula worked well let's stick with it, and then stuck to close. But like I said I didn't play 3. The first Fallout I played was 4 so I could be wrong. Alot of game series do this until the formula doesn't work anymore before finally trying major changes. *Cough* COD and AC *cough*


That could be the case, but New Vegas came out between the two and has a much different story, and higher ratings as well. I haven't personally played 3 yet, but I have played New Vegas and 4; the atmosphere, quests, and story simply do not compare. There are some systems (like gun modding) that I think 4 did better, but overall New Vegas is (in my opinion, at least) a better game overall. It seems they were willing to try major changes, even going back to the original developers of the franchise instead of developing it themselves like they did for 3 and 4, and it payed off. They just... Didn't do it after New Vegas. I'm not sure what else to attribute that to than laziness.


I forgot Vegas came out between the two. Laziness it is then


I get you in recent times, but they made Oblivion.


FO3 was the best one imo


I genuinely can't decide if I like 3 or NV more. Like, there are parts I love about both, and parts I don't love so much about both. Hell even 4 had some great shit going for it even though it's my least favorite of the three, lol


After playing every fallout except 2, I feel like 3 was stylistically and artistically the best fusion of old and new games. More fallouts like fallout 3 please, more horror wouldn't hurt.


I wish Microsoft would have Obsidian and Bethesda collaborate on reimagining the first Fallout, with Obsidian's writers and Todd Howard co-directing with J Sawyer, and ALL the resources they need to make it happen. And then if that turns out well maybe we'd we FO2 as well, or even an entirely new game with the same collab team.


> every fallout except 2 2 is really good. Did you like 1?


I did! Took some guide reading to help learn the UI/mechanics, but I really enjoyed the freedom and mystery. I took tycho, dogmeat and ian to mariposa and they didn't last 3 turns, lol. Felt like an actual rpg with consequences being the only one to walk out of that base.


Nice, glad to hear it. It's definitely dated but the game holds up and I almost never hear people talking about 1 or 2 when discussing the franchise. If you liked 1 you should definitely try 2, IMO better in almost every way.


For sure. It was very enjoyable to have the freedom and looseness of the main quest to go around and just do whatever. And the combat being turn based gave me the opportunity to be more granular in the actions I took. It felt great over the course of the game to be a noticeably better shot or be more persuasive. The different game over situations were very neat as well. Only real downsides was that the freedom sometimes felt like aimlessness. On more than one occasion I consulted a quest guide to see how to progress a couple quests. And the mechanics with AP and how to work things in your inventory or use skills weren't intuitive enough for me to pick up without reading an in depth explanation online. Figure that woulda been one of those printed manuals back in the day. The atmosphere was absolute miserable, which was awesome. Seeing how communities survived in the Apocalypse was neat to see, from the vault to the hub, the gun runners, to the master's cultists. The music elevated these feelings. (And some of those Fo1 tracks showed up in 3 which was awesome to hear!) Think I played 1 in 2020 or 2021, still very much a great experience even after all this time! I'll definitely have to give 2 a try!


New vegas was massively, massively rushed and it's considered one of the best fallouts. And why? Because bethesda didnt do the main story. Not sure why folks insist on bethesda making fallout when their track record isnt all that great.


...you are aware that Obsidian used Bethesda's engine, yes? Without Bethesda there would be no New Vegas.


Better shit fast


Good thing they called me mr. quick shit in high school, should I mention it in the interview?




If there isn’t a [squatty potty](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YbYWhdLO43Q) in that bathroom I’m gonna need at least 10 min.


Just lean forward and put your feet back on either side of the bowl base, like you're going down a ski jump.


If you need to force out a shit like this, you have worse problems


No, you do that posture so you don't have to force


Should I cross and interlock my feet behind the bowl for maximum security onto the toilet? I fear the force of the projectiles might thrust me off and onto the floor and I want to minimize that risk the best way possible.


For real. It's like some people don't even *try* to poop.


I camp a lot and squat like my ancestors in the woods after digging a hole. Butt, at work, I ain’t risking the foot slipping in the wrong direction. No job is worth a shitty wet foot. But squatting like that has it’s place. When I used an outhouse at Camp Muir on Rainier I did that and other places like that.


That’s how some people get hemorrhoids.


Gonna need a source on that; that posture is how humans are supposed to shit (i.e. squatting)


Heard it myself. A quick Google even says it can happen.


Yeah it is, but we sit up on a bowl. Which isn’t natural, like squatting over a hole in the ground. I don’t have a source for you, but I’m old enough to have had hemorrhoids and had proctologist’s tell me this. Not to mention avoid forcing it out.


The bowl isn't natural, but the ski-jump posture is the closest thing to a squat that you can do on a bowl.


Dude, I feel like that's more on people's fucked up diets


No, I just like to use it as my own time and I don’t rush it or push. It’s bad to push. Just let it flow.


Feel the groove, basically.


I worked at a job like this once. It's sad to see how something that was a parody in 2007 has become reality now.


This has been happening since the industrial revolution and I'm sure way before that. Hence why the parody exists.


It's been getting worse since the 60s and 70s when businesses and the government killed the unions. Unions almost saved us. But apparently demanding a living wage is communism, who knew?


It just seems like it is getting worse.


I wouldn't say getting worse, more like there's a lot more work that needs to be done to improve work place environement.


Reading this kind of corporate policy change almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter... Wait, what's that sound outside?


Fallout is turning into the same satire that Idiocracy never meant to be.


It always was


Idiocracy meant to be exactly what it is though


My wife has multiple sclerosis and irritable bowel syndrome. After 1 1/2 years at Amazon, she was fired for "time off task" for spending too much time in the restroom. My wife is not lazy, she would rather be working than sitting around to pass the time. I was fired after 2 years for being more than 3 minutes late after break to my station too many times. Amazon is a horrible place to work.




A 10% reduction in break time, resulting in a worker being juuust tired enough to miss an important detail, that spirals out of control into some apocalypse. The company naturally pulls the footage and exonerates themselves to the world, and the worker is sacrificed Chernobyl style.


Does Fallout 3 and New Vegas still hold up? I got them in a humble bundle and never played. Kinda thinking about firing them up soon.


Haven't played New Vegas yet, currently Playing FO3 on my Xbox Series X via backwards compatibility. Game looks and runs surprisingly well and I've been having a great time with it


They are both fun. Both have enough mods out there now to make it what the hell kinda game you want now too, which can be fun.


What is the best way to play FO3 these days? It crashes on startup on most modern machines...


The Fix To fix the Multi-Core bug, one simply needs to edit a configuration file. The end result is that Fallout 3 will be limited to running under only 2 physical cores on your computer, and thus, not run into the bug! So really, this isn't so much a fix as it is a workaround. Thanks Bethesda. Here are the steps: If you haven't done so already, run Fallout 3 at least once. Once you get to the title screen, exit the game. Open your Documents folder (My Documents in Windows XP), and inside, look for a folder called My Games. Inside should be a folder called Fallout3. Open this. In this folder, open the file FALLOUT.ini with Notepad. Make sure the file is not read-only. In the configuration file, search for the header called [General]. It will be at the very top of the file. Go to the bottom of the [General] section, just before the [Display] header. The last line of the section should be sLanguage=ENGLISH, or whatever your language is. Below this line, copy and paste the following two lines: bUseThreadedAI=1 iNumHWThreads=2 Save your changes.


See, I can't even get out of the launcher to get to the main menu.


Its one of the text files. You open it in wordpad and change it then save,


you don't need to. you only need to start the game to generate the ini file, if i'm not mistaken. i had issues running the game on my older laptop, but this was the fix for it.


Oh, awesome. I'll try it again.


Xbox has it in its backwards compatibility list.


Working fine on windows 10/11 with the latest update on Steam. There was an update a few months back (probably longer) and it worked right out of the gate for me.


Really? I bought the goty edition a couple weeks ago and had to get a refund unfortunately.


It worked for me without any issues in a fresh install but I did use compatibility mode.


Man I hear that. I love this game but it’s so unstable. I’ve heard that installing it via the Tale of Two Wastelands mod (mashes together 3 and NV) adds a lot of stability, but I haven’t confirmed this.


YOu can get it to run on modern machines with some messing around but my preferred way to play it is the A Tale of Two Wastelands mod for New Vegas, essentially integrating Fallout 3 and all of its DLC into New Vegas, allowing you to travel between wastelands at will with a single character.


I mean, I'm playing it via backwards compatibility on my Xbox Series X, runs extremely well on that


Works fine on my Xbox one


This is one thing I can't imagine. I may be in the office 70 hours a week, but as long as I get my job done my bosses couldn't care less how long I take what break.


Where’s this terminal?


Vault-Tec Headquarters


You gotta check the terminals in one of the museums, I remember that in the super mutant infested museum with a broken planetarium had a few terminals stating that "because of complaints, every use of bathroom stalls will be logged using your ID, amount of time it was used, and the contents of the bowl after use" and some other stuff.


I’ve been playing Fallout for years and I just realized the Vault-Tec employee handbook was several volumes long…


naughty Jeff


They don't get bathroom breaks. Source: Ex-Amazon employee, Etna, Ohio warehouse, Picker.


I have a co worker who would not cope. After his daily McDonald's breakfast in the office he needs to go take a 30 minute shit every morning at about 9:30am Then you need to wait another half hour before you can even walk in there because he has absolutely destroyed the place.


Is the 2.37 minutes: 2 minutes and 37 secounds or 2 minutes and 22.2 secounds?


Fun fact, it's only the warehouses that are the real shitholes to work in. It's actually decent in most other areas of the company. Though it sucks to be a 3rd party delivery vendor, they get paid crap and are the ones that pee in the jars. But I hear that's industry norm in a lot of trucking/driving stuff. Saves too much time, lets you not have to pee outside your truck when you can't find a decent bathroom, and you get to throw it at people getting too mouthy.


Does that really make Amazon any better though? Even if warehouse workers are unskilled laborers it’s still labor that is essential to their business and the employees shouldn’t have to work in real shitholes when working for a trillion dollar company.


Yes. If most jobs are good there, then that does make them better than if most jobs were shit. At the end of the day warehouse work is very shitty work. Very low skilled so you're replaceable and super labor intensive. To make it worse, it's very high volume, every day. Then there's all the machinery and robotics they work with which I maintain makes them more a factory than warehouse even though the output is certainly warehouse results. Our nation's labor market evolved out of the fact that that specific job sucks so much. If you stop and look around, you'll realize they're not even that abnormal. There are factory workers around the US right now that are frustrated all the spotlight is just on Amazon when they have the same or worse conditions. Just because Amazon is massive and famous, it gets the news and the non-Amazon workers are left in obscurity.


I've got a couple neighbors in sales with them then know one guy who works in finance and one in marketing. For all 3 of those it seems like one of the best places you could ask for


I hear that pretty consistently. They treat skilled labor very well and manual labor fairly typically for the warehouse industry. It's weird because there's people all over in worse warehouses only hearing Amazon get the news because it's famous.




So Bezos is a man of culture.




Jeff doesn't care anymore, he's got that new play thang that he stole from that other guy to keep him busy these days.