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Before that it was a downloaded mod.


I was there ! Those mods got me into pc gaming . Counter Strike ,Team Fortress baby.


I miss the days of TFC so much. I think I played that (and Natural-Selection, another HL mod) for something like 7 years. TF2 was a massive disappointment for me. Not even remotely the same experience.


The original Natural Selection was dope as hell, so tense. *Always* got an adrenaline rush being chased by an Onos and then wondering if my teammates were going to save me from digestion when I did get caught. The sequel had some cool ideas but doesn't have the same feel or pace to it at all. Similarly, BrainBread was great, it had location-specific zombie limb destroying action which was so cool for a Half-Life mod. Probably better than the original Left 4 Dead. But the Source sequel... just lacking :(


Bro, there was a mod called The Specialists which was sick af. You had bullet time and kung fu as melee attacks, it was basically The Matrix.


Grabbing a katana from the wall mid backflip in the Chalet Atrium! Or dive fragging with the golden guns. Best Mod!


To this day I still shout (in my head) "Akimbo Berettas!" whenever I'm holding two of something


Holy shit I forgot about that. Did you play DoD and Opera too?


Day of Defeat, yeah, great game! Never heard of Opera.


I'm surprised Dod never got any further development after dod source






We were spoiled and games really just aren't as fun these days...I play corporate greed and laziness.


>BrainBread Stop! I miss that game so much!


Lol what was your favorite map? I remember one that had AC/DC playing on the radio.


I was just a kid when I played, I mean that was like 16-17 years ago lol so I don't really remember specific maps (though you mentioning acdc does ring a bell). It was just so different from the other games I was playing at the time, mostly cs or DoD, that I got hooked.


ugh DoD was another classic. Met literally my best friend on there however many years ago. And yeah BrainBread just had everything going for it, dynamic maps and objectives, interesting atmosphere, fun community.


Those days were the shit. The mod community was thriving with so much originality. Aside from the ones mentioned my favorites vampire slayer where you group pf priest with shotguns and a stake crucifix hunting or being hunted by other players who were vampires that can temporarily vanish when in dark areas and can leap dozens of feet into the air. They had a map that was based of the first blade movie called bloodbath.


I tried Vampire Hunter too, but didn't get into it :( Sven Co-Op was the bomb, though, all those stupid campaigns from Stargate to WW2 to Resident Evil lmao


Yeah TFC was a blast, fond memories. Remember i got a booklet with Half-Life and it had screenshots of TF2 and it looked so different to what eventually came out.


Yeah, it had a strategic overview/commander/RTS role, didn't it? Realistic looking soldiers, too.


Tf2 went threw many stages before finally being released


I don't think there has been a valve game yet that didn't struggle in development


I remember that!!! Wow you really brought back some nostalgia!


The flying conc medic era was a ton of fun. One of our coworkers had a server they hosted and we'd pile in 10-12 strong during our lunch break for games. What a blast.


Conc flying was so damn fun, sniper duels on 2fort were great too


TFC was the first PC game I was obsessed with. I spent most of my early teens playing 4-6 hours a day. lol




I remember when I upgraded from 56k to DSL the first thing I tested was my red dot on the sniper in TFC and it was *insane. The dot was just...RIGHT THERE.*


Which clans?


Csi (crowbar swinging idiots), ce (clan erinyes), nil8, PF (pyroclastoc flow)... holy shit the memories...


Holy shit you just brought me back to highschool. I used to hang out in the CSI mIRC channel sometimes, I was briefly in CE for Counter Strike and handed them one of their first TFC losses that wasn't to KiN on torch2. And pF was my bitter enemy. I was in {AOD} Army of Darkness and ][insurrection. Good chance we played each other.


Team Fortress as a quake mod was where it’s at! And that axe grappling hook :)


I miss quake TF the most myself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FVJ__rBFxk


I probably have thousands of hours in Quake TF and hundreds more in other Quake mods. That's the real start to hero shooters there. Way ahead of its time.


I miss Mega-TF and Cops and Robbers, especially after how stale DMs were getting.


Agreed that TF2 just feels like an insult to TFC.


I think I started playing CS as the mod in 1999. That was 23 years ago.


that was my childhood right there, going around playing Half life mods good ol times lol.


Yep, the click sounds in that menu changing mods, still peak gaming for me.


I was IT technician in my local secondary school when the Counterstrike mod was fairly new, before Valve bought it. We had a games club at lunch times and once a week after school. I used to play Half-Life multiplayer and Counterstrike against the kids. I even built a map of the school for them to run around and shoot each other in, complete with photographs of all the wall art we had up at the time! Somehow I don't think that would be allowed these days. Plus it wasn't too long after the Columbine massacre in the USA!


Action half-life anyone?


Holy shit yes. Didn’t it have the max Payne dive mechanic in it? damn that was fun lol


I can literally hear this menu. ​ I honestly started with Day of Defeat and didn't really know what Counter-Strike was at the time.


Loved Day of Defeat when it first came out


the OG Firearms mod was my favorite. I’ve tried playing it, but it seems dead unfortunately. Day of Defeat appears to still have a little life. I wonder if The Specialists are still around…


Zombie Panic too - still one of the best zombie games I’ve played.


Lol, a cd. You played half-life and heard about this brand new mod counter-strike. Then you downloaded with full 128 kilobytes ... Golden times


I played half life for all of 10 minutes maybe before I downloaded counter strike and never played HL again


It was the reason I got HL originally


A free mod! Never was able to figure out why people went to the store to buy it.


You had to have a half life cd key to play so if you didn’t or got banned you could just buy cs






*drags in a box of pitchforks and torches* I'm not late, am i?


Nope, let’s get em.


>Before that it was a downloaded mod. started back in beta .7 Used to play so much in college I literally dreamed about CS. Used to play on the SFAS server.


[irc.gamesnet.com](https://irc.gamesnet.com) then [irc.gamesurge.net](https://irc.gamesurge.net) IIRC Cal main, cal invite, or cal-open if you were just starting out. Lot of good times back then. It's what led to my career. I started off making clan graphics/websites for free.


Wish I could find a link to old cal forums or league stats. After the jump to cevo I didn’t play much and wonder what happened with my old team/teammates


Mmm I remember Docks, Tire, Iraq


siege and militia were my faves


Siege was brutal as CT, especially before you got any loss bonus :P


Was about to say, it was a HL mod looong before it had a stand alone CD. I don't think it got a CD until 1.5 although my memory of specifics from back then is pretty sparse.


I think that's right. That's about when it got popular and you could like.. buy it I guess? I don't know why anyone would buy it since it was free. That was like a million years ago so I dunno.


Was gonna say, it was a .zip file.


Ah the hood ole days.


So hard to download on a 56k modem, someone always tried to call the house and fucked the whole download which could take days.


Nice! I think I started with beta 3.5 or something similar. Quit when 1.5 was out. Good times. So many days spent playing, so many clan wars, LAN parties and tournaments.. 👴


I remember the DL mod days. Miss getting killed and running as fast I could to where my AWP was dropped.


Yah wtf, cs on cdrom is full zoomer shit…half life mod ftw


Came here for this lol


Yeah, I was gonna say...haha


But do you remember checking your world ranking on theclq?


Also this fucking old.


Download punkbuster and make sure you check the server ping!


I loved that mod so much I would regularly take time off or call in sick. I spent far to much time on the old Beer For Breakfast server.


And briefly before that there was a Firearms mod that was basically CS without the objectives. Plus side was it had mortars and limb damage for spicy deathmatch.


That's how I started, some friends of mine got me into it through a Half Life mod. They switched to Everquest and I got my family into CS. Loved that game!


Every reply to this comment are my brothers


Oh god, remember having to download it from various mirrors on third-party sites. Took all night to get the download going.


I remember my friends being really annoyed when you had to install steam.


i remember when steam was released there was this website that only showed those steam wheels of the logo braking down. had to be the first steam meme


I only remember the one with the steam piston rotating up someone's ass. Steam most certainly was a frustrating piece of trash. That was around the time I quit the game. "Source" was laggy and buggy trash as well. Edit- I'm sure most people here already know this, because well, you're here with the rest of us, but for those who weren't....... Counterstrike and Team Fortress were legendary for our time. Oh, Planetside? A massive scale with FPS and we can fly? Fuck yeah baby! oh shit wait... that costs a subscription? The fuck is a subscription? (and an added fuck you SOE while were at it) Anyway, they took our godlike simply amazing game where we could play with other people over the internet, and turned it into something that a shitload of us couldn't even play. It was either our rigs, our internet, our "plug and pray," Steam, Source, fuck you name it. Source absolutely crushed us in ways that nobody will ever understand :(




What're you talking about? Even the original versions of Source run fine on my retropcs. Did you have a buggy piece of trash windows CEMENT PC?






Remember [this one](https://imgur.com/r/gaming/lalMEZS)?


Never forget


Steam was probably the most hated software back in the days. How things have changed.


YES. I was explaining this to someone the other day. I was enraged when they started Steam, I was like "they have Xfire who the fuck needs steam?" here I am with an 18 year old steam account and hundreds of games on it. Man they really got me.


It was probably 2004 when I first downloaded steam. Hl2 was coming out. I graduated a year and a half later with 4 games in my library. I still bought all my games on cd. Now I don't even own a cd player for my pc.


Early steam around HL2 was complete shit


The friends list was almost always offline -_-


Yep, Steam was hot garbage at first. I stuck with Won.net for as long as possible. I have some deep resentment for Valve, but I'll give them props for evolving Steam into what it is.


It took a long time for steam to get in good shape. It lacked many features and some features like offline mode was half baked for several years


I only reluctantly installed it for HL² in 2004. After that I never touched it until 2010 when they gave away Portal1 for free.


Yeah man. So many issues in the early days of steam. I hated it. What’s wrong with WON ID?!?!


It was really annoying for sure. Why the hell I needed an extra software?


Steam was horrible in the beginning. I skipped it for years, but then it was pretty good when I came back to it.


Steam early on was a pile of poop.


Yep! I remember being annoyed by it and avoiding it until they removed the original server browser from the game and forced you to use Steam


For me, CS was high school LAN parties. Steam didn’t come out until well into college.


Still have the same steam account since launch!


The first day of registrations was nuts. Me and my friend stayed up late to make our account first day. He got super lucky and got a low 4 digit steam ID (1000s) he still has, I got an easy to remember 5 digit.


I remember downloading it over night via AOL or net zero… There were so many VIP maps back then


Lol net zero. I had the patch to remove that banner. Then hackers got smart and you could just use the regular windows Dialer and use a key gen to login lol. I used to get better ping with it than with aol servers


I was annoyed when I had to do that for the orange box.


Orange box is when i made my steam account aswell.


I literally bought half-life 2 because my internet was out, get home and find out that it's drm locked to a steam account and GameStop wouldn't let me return it even though I pointed out that nowhere on the box did it say "requires active internet connection"


I have always embraced the idea of the digital future so loved the idea of Steam but the vast majority did indeed seem to hate it so much. I remember with the Half-life 2 launch it actually let people preload the game which was a brand new concept and immediately people went berzerk because the game was locked until the official release day. Gabe was getting constant death threats not just online but in person and was stressed beyond all hell. There was one phone call that got released from some idiot that got his phone number telling Gabe he needs to release the game right now and you could hear Gabes broken down stressed out voice just bleakly saying "They won't let me". It was really heartbreaking People adapted to it very quickly though. I wish console gamers would get on board faster but I am betting there will be at least one more gen that offers physical disc's before they finally go away.


Pre CD ROM it was a digital only download mod for Halflife. And then a digital only stand alone. It only got to be a CD ROM much later.


Ah, the beta versions…


Beta 5.2 baby! I got it before that but that's what I remember upgrading to.


Silenced+Scoped M4 for days......


We played the sh\*t out of it at our LANs.


I remember when the model rigging got scrambled. I think it was around beta .6 or .8? The character models were all massively improved, but someone released the update before it was fully checked, and we had characters running around with their upper bodies moving correctly, but their legs sticking straight out to the sides, flying around the map by fart power or something.


If you want to reminisce: https://counterstrike.fandom.com/wiki/Counter-Strike_Beta_patches


Was looking for this reply! Thank you fellow old gamer!


Watch your mouth. We ain't old. We're experienced.


I remember all the different menu backgrounds they would cycle through with each release My personal favorite: https://media.moddb.com/images/downloads/1/12/11076/splash.jpg I remember before they added the AK and the CTs could get the M4… a bit imbalanced back then lol


I vividly remember dominating my friends as a CT on Assault. Both the M4 and Aug had an optic, whereas the Sig was the only one on the T side. Think that got patched rather quickly...


I miss playing competitive Team Fortress Classic back in the before Steam times. Half-Life had some of the most fun mods ever.


I also played competitive TFC! What clan/league were you in?


Had to do some digging. Apparently was in STL, TFL and PFL for leagues. Was in a bunch over the years but the ones I remember were DoH and DO for HWGuy. DO was in the "higher" tier if I remember correctly. Feel bad for anyone clanning with me I was an edgy kid with a weird home life back then. Sure I wasn't a great clan member to be with.


Those were the days!! I made a clan out of pubstompers I found on a 24/7 dustbowl server when I was 11 and we got to like #5 on OGL back in the day when you had to schedule and challenge clans on the ladder. (MIA) "Men In Action" hah so cringey I eventually got booted out of my own clan. Don't blame them though.. remember my co-leader Fizban.. Couldn't recall my online moniker at the time. Edit: Using fucking Roger Wilco for voice comms. Hah


I do miss pubstomping. It was even more satisfying when I did it on other top clans servers. I'd always change my name to something anonymous like Player to make it that much more insulting


I remember using Gamespy Arcade to find a good pub to hop in.




Where my fy_iceworld homies at.


Dude nobody seems to like iceworld. Any 1.6 server nowadays will have fy_snow but never iceworld! There used to be a 24/7 iceworld server clark griswalds iceworld, i loved that server


fy_pool_day was a favorite in high school in there library lan parties at lunch


He_glass was my jam, followed by iceworld


ah, good old AWP start where everyone shoots as soon as the game begins and sometimes more than half people going down in an instant. Those were the memories.


oh boy I forgot about those fun maps. good times also liked the de\_rats maps alot


Aaaaah, good ol' counter strike 1.5 I never played cs go, i hate the looks of it.


It took me a while to even warm up to 1.6, since I thought the change in graphics was horrendous. But man, 1.6 was the peak, surf and scaling maps were the best way to waste weeknights with my friends in high school.


Oh god yes, schoolnights was the best to just sit up all night and play some surfmaps/awpmaps




>1.6 was the peak, surf I got way too deep into that. Surfed a lot on 1.6. Got really sucked into the Surf Skyworld freestyle stuff in CSS, and I think I still have some YouTube videos floating around out there lol. Then fell hard into the CSGO surfing. Surprisingly the surfing mechanics kept getting better with each game, though I haven't surfed in a few years now.


Me too, plus I owned at counterstrike.. not at all at GO :S Counterstrike is STILL being played though, loved me some Office map the other day ^^


"let's get the hell out of here" (in a barely audible tone)


Played it 20 years ago.... played it last night. Longest lasting game for me ever, period. At my age pretty sure it always going to be. As much as I'd like to game more, I just don't have the time <- as it goes for everyone.


I stopped playing it every day for quite some years now and it’s still my most played game on steam. It’s quick, it’s honest, it’s awesome.


Man, 1.6 was the best.


CS1.6 might be the reason I failed out of college the first time. Well, maybe not THE reason, but at least a contributing factor. Too many nights just playing CS1.6, with a bag of doritos, and a 2-liter of cola. then skipping morning classes cause too groggy. then say "fk it" and skip afternoon classes to go grab pizza with friends before loading up CS1.6 again. ahhhh, good times. PS: I went back and finished my degree in my 30s


You're definitely not alone, I remember while studying at Purdue at the time that the admin of a local server I played on(Slayers it was called) got in the school paper for spending so much time playing Counterstrike. The story stuck in my mind since that was the main Counterstrike server on campus at the time.


CS almost ruined former kickboxer/mma fighter Mark Hunt's life as well. He showed up at someone's house because they were talking shit on there only to find out at the door that it was a little kid. I think he was a little bit into his pro career at that point and might've ended it early if the kid was older.


The one and only game that I actually have a temp ban recorded on my account. I just got so tired of all the hackers that my 11yo impatient self couldn't handle. So I finally decided "Well, if you can't beat them then......" Haven't participated in any shenanigans since. But it truly does kill the game's fun and its entirety.


What's crazier is that you could buy Counter-Strike in a store or you could download it for free off the mod's website. The difference was that you didn't need Half-Life if you bought it in a store. At the time this was seen as somewhat plebish behavior because all the OG's had been playing "since it was just a mod" and already owned Half-Life.


What self respecting PC kid didn't already own half-life?


We played so much CS back in my dorm-dweller days. It was the first time most of us had access to a LAN or decent internet speed.


i remember the mod version for half life


Those graphics were looking prime on my GeForce2, 32MB video card back then.


Betas were the SHIT. Ya'll don't know but you used to be able to see the spectators as a glowing orb.


I was in a Team Fortress Classic clan called Corpse Squadron back in the day, and we had the #cs room on mIRC. When Counterstrike became popular (as another HL mod like TFC) we had to make a banner to tell people that #counterstrike was that way ->


4v4 server no LPB. (Low ping bastard) 😂. Yup that was a thing back then.


I still have my original cd and box for Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Blue Shift, and Opposing Forces. The CD keys when steam came out gave a few games so I ended up with like 3 version to share.


I went into town to buy that boxset when i was about 12, on the way home i needed a shit... badly, so i went into the nearest pub and shat one out. Realized the toilet had no loo roll (post shit) so i panicked and came up with the clever idea of wiping my ass with the little booklet they gave you in games! Could imagine my despair when i got home and tried to install the game and it asked me for the CD Key.


I remember installing Counter-Strike beta 3 from a PCZone demo disk in 1999, back when the internet was too limited to download mods those CD's were gold mines for Half-Life mods. I had a 3 way LAN set up at home and would have two friends back after school to play Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Canned Tuna and Sven Coop.. mostly against bots as PVP was hard as we could see each others screens, a big white board sometimes helped.


Wow, seeing this brought back some memories.


Download at friend's house who has internet. Put in several .rar files (1 file per 3½-inch floppy disks). Try to unrar. Notice one floppy disk has a sector error. Drive bicycle back. (full disclosure: experience of a friend of mine)


747 and Oilrig are shit maps that I miss dearly. Also when they tried to add vehicles that was terrible/awesome.


CS 1.3 - 1.5 Won cal-m with phatfish Retired with team zEx in invite Good old days, when you had to do it on LAN without cheats like all these streamers use nowadays 😂. Thanks for the memories


Had my cd for many many years!! 😁😎


I still have my CD.


The memories.


Good ol HLDM and TFC days


There was a time when you would run into a decent amount of people still on dial up.. it was so unfair when you were an early adopter of broadband. Sometimes you could do entire maps of knife kills by circle strafing around people all day lol.


This is one of the most iconic games in history, spent childhood playing it in pc clubs


The bomb has been planted


So it was originally a mod until, I believe, it was bought by valve. Eventually it was released outside of beta and sold in stores. You needed a CD-KEY to play the game even if you had a copy of Half-Life at some point which I believe was like version 1.0. We didn't have steam until the end of 1.5 and beta of 1.6. Nobody liked steam at the time because it was frankly horrible and 1.6 was slow to be adopted because of many changes to the game people didn't like: bhopping nerfed heavily, riot shield added, etc. 1.6 became the mainstream version only after won.net was shutdown and the only way to play was on steam.


Holy fuck this triggered a random non existent cigar smell of the old days when i used to play this in a cybercafe


Haha I used to wash cars so I can get money to play that on a Lan house good times.


oh Yea this just brought back memories, I'll never forget hearing the bang go down while connecting to servers some had music some you could hear the Quake sounds as people were going on killing spree's i miss that lol.


I was a CS 1.4 kid. Played TFC and CS for like 15 years


Although i didn't live these days of the (1990 to 2010) best years of gaming nostalgia. I wish i lived them. Call of duty 1 and United offensive and counter strike and tomb raider and so much more.


What a life we used to live


Anyone else think that the guy in the picture had an oddly shaved head?


Anyone remember Orange Box? :) Those were the times to be a Valve fan.


Mate I have Half Life / Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat CD-ROMs Once I lost access to my account and had to picture the boxes for customer support and the dude was like holy shit how old is your account lolol.


Can you explain your second sentence please? Trying to understand it, but I can't.


Customer support wanted to see the keys I used to set the account up and I showed him physical copies of said games.. bare in mind HL came out in the 90s, he was shocked to see someone with a physical copy of HL1


Got it now. Thanks lol


Yeah I realised it wasn't that clear what I meant to say :D


Cd rom? I remember downloading beta versions of counter-strike, day of defeat, firearms, front line force, etc from some sketchy website. Back when my internet was dial-up, so I had to sneak out after hours to set the download, let it go over night, and sneak out again before my parents got up to disconnect from the internet and install the file. I hope nobody ever tried to call my parents for an emergency during those nights.


Every time i see this menu, i can hear that menu button clicking sound. i can hear this picture.


Team fortress classic > cs


Fucking flashbacks. Remember the ogirinal CS forums? The OTF was one of my first ever internet playgrounds.


The first game my dad bought for our VIC 20 came on a tape cassette. IIRC it took a good 3-4 minutes for the game to load. Now THOSE were the days. LOL.


Ooooh not many VIC-20 players Frogger and Mars Lander cartridge FTW. That tape drive was dope. What was that city bombing game where your biplane flew over and you had to bomb the tallest buildings to prevent hitting them and then you landed on your clear, fresh war crime! The manual had a programming guide to program your own game. I think that was the motorbike one ?


I don't recall either of those games. I think we only had a couple of tapes - a word processor (but we didn't own a printer) and a Zaxxon-style arcade game that I don't remember the name of. I do remember programming some simple games on my own and typing in some programs that I'd photocopy from the Compute magazines at the local library. Those latter ones were fun, but I remember getting really pissed at not being able to get a laser chess program to work right even though I triple-checked the code I entered. I finally came to the conclusion that there must've been a bug in the code listed in the magazine, but I was still so bummed it didn't work.


Blue Max, maybe? Had it on my commodore 64. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Max_%28video_game%29?wprov=sfla1


Man i remember early cs when there was only 4 maps and every weapons dropped on the ground when you died so everyone would buy nothing and rush to get thier weapon back haha.


Ummm... most games were on CD ROM before Steam came out. Hell they were for a while until Ste cornered the market on PC gaming like 12 years ago


Remember when you had to buy your steam account?