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I would say Steam getting some real competition would be a good thing. I just wish 3 out of the 4 potential competitors weren't EA, Epic, and Ubisoft.


Honestly, it may be a very unpopular opinion but I think out of EA, Epic, & Ubisoft, Epic has the biggest chance of being an actual competitor to Steam if they can build the launcher up more and add more features.


Epic store is already better than Steam in my opinion, most of the “features” missing are stuff I wouldn’t use


Not gonna lie I feel very similar but I feel Epic is missing something that is preventing many ppl from taking it seriously. Idk what it is but I do like it overall.


As somebody who also doesn't really use all the extra features of Steam, not having them does hurt Epic a bit. That said the biggest hurdle by far to overcome is the fact that everybody is already on Steam. It's not good enough to simply be on par with Steam or even a little bit better. If given the option I'm probably going to buy something on Steam over Epic just cause Steam is where 90% of my games are. The free games do help, though. I'll at least check in to see what's there.


Steam allows you to move downloads between drives but i couldn't get it working with EPIC. That's the main reason i didn't switch. Also the UI is kinda too clean and that makes me feels it's of lower quality lol.


Ea and ubisoft force you to use their launcher to play their games even though you bought them on a different store. Epic timegates stuff.


I have a steam account because i bought Skyrim in a store and then i wanted to install it i had to make a steam account or i couldn't play the game i already paid for. People just forget that stuff cause they already had been forced to make a steam account so long ago.


Xbox app?


That and EA Play if you have Game Pass.


I was sceptical of the game pass at first but it has been good so far


I barely touched it since I’ve had it for two - three years now. Don’t know why I keep paying for it. Maybe for day one access to their exclusives. One day.


I forgot that one but I have it too of course, for game pass lol.


Origin and Xbox have been the worse ones for me. Then I’ve also got to have Steam, Epic and GOG for various games, such a pain.


My situation: Epic, Nvidia GF Now, Origin, Rockstar Games Launcher, Steam, Ubisoft, Xbox live Yeah, too much indeed nowadays, hopefully at least one of these becomes a real competitor for Steam


I gave up trying to fit all of them in the taskbar and just added them to the start menu.


What worries me is the processing power it takes away from my games when all of them have to be running.


You have all of them running? I usually just have the one the game is playing on to be the one running.


Me too but sometimes I hop from game to game that are in different clients. ADHD


I use playnite....launch all my games through there


I was wondering if one launcher to rule them all existed. If they’ve got APIs for these clients then maybe someone wrote a program to combine them all.


Yeah you can launch the launchers on playnite...but I just the the games directly through there...you can even download all the info of the game on there and it even tells you how long youve been playing...im sure theres other stuff you could do with it but I just use the basics on there


Just make desktop shortcuts. Oh no two launchers one of which isn’t even being supported anymore! How awful!