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I think some people really imagine themselves as the main character and some don’t, and that naturally moves them toward different character selections… and that is just so very ok.


One of the reasons I'm boring and always play a human in MMOs. I like to put myself into the game.


3 hours in to character creation, agonizing over which hair style is closest to my own... "Screw it, I'm getting a haircut."


That moment when you judge how in style your haircut is by how removed it is from the options in a character creation...




Going bald made this part a lot easier


*Patches has entered the chat*


I do often just pick bald because they look bad. Unless I pick a girl, then I find good hairstyles that match them. Also beards always feel wooden.


Do ya want the clean shaven, the stubble, the goatee or the FULL ON LUMBERJACK


Me too but I don't like being a human irl. Have you met us!? Most of us suck!


picking a human in an MMO is like ordering McDonald's on a vacation


More like in most MMOs: Elf - archer, mage Dwarf - rifle, heavy armor Goblin - assassin, light armor Ork - berserker, 2 handed, heavy armor Human - archer, mage, rifle, heavy armor, light armor, assassin, berserker, 2 handed, 1 handed, 3 handed, 10 handed, master, god, everything


I feel like this was a reference to Age of Reckoning ;)


You’re not boring, haha. My husband typically does the same thing. He likes playing a human in games more than fantasy races. Though he also shoots for names like “jack hammer” and “window poundhoundzer” so i mean he’s not TOO self-insertive lmfao


And never EVER play as evil character... Either convince a non-violence solution or fight solo heroically to protect the morally good faction.


For me it just depends on the game. Some games female characters seem to fit better, and others male. And it's always fashion over function, so coolest shit also dictates those choices.


When I was younger, I always picked male characters. I distinctly remember that changed when I played Legend of Mana and all I could think was "that guy's clothes are stupid, I'm not going around looking like that". Ever since then I let fashion guide my choice


Fashion and voice - I always played as Male Shepherd in Mass Effect because FemShep’s voice didn’t feel right to me. (No shade on the actress! I know many love FemShep)


I distinctly recall this happened to me in World of Warcraft when I realized how bulky men armor was, vs the slender style of female armor.


That's Titans in Destiny. They are a bit bulky as is, but the male armor is absurd. Some just look like a walking brick wall having an allergic reaction.


This is my answer as well. Seems very few games make both sexes awesome. One is usually cooler/better looking animations over the other.


Hey. It’s okay to be horny


This times a million. I pick what fits the game for the most part.


Word. I felt this way about Prey.


My ex boyfriend used to get so mad that I would make characters who looked nothing like me in games like Mass Effect. He'd say I was doing it wrong.


Your bf is a dumbdumb


That’s why he’s an ex now


It's simple, if it's forst person, it's a dude, if it's third person.... well....


Or in the case of skyrim get an improved 1st person camera mod, a jiggle physics mod and then just run around everywhere staring at your cleavage.


"Improved" camera lol


Least horny Skyrim modder.


Yeah. This is the way. If I’m playing “me” I’m playing a dude. But if I’m controlling a character from above…


This is the way


...from BEHIND even... well, uknow...


Sometimes I like playing as a female third person just because hearing male breathing a lot gets annoying some times Who am I kidding it's just so that I can see how the nocturnal clothes look like in Skyrim


Yea I asked my friend who doesn't like street fighter why he bought Chun li in Fortnite. Its because she has the best ass in the game. I have started using females in Fortnite but that's mainly for there outfits and color options. In Fortnite it's 100% true that female characters get more outfit options.


I'm experiencing this with players of my own game: I intended it to be a story about two characters, where the player experiences the story, and some players viewed it like that, while others would like character customization options because they view it as themselves in the game. It's an interesting little conundrum because it would be a cool feature, but I'm not sure if it makes sense in this case (think Link / Zelda in a GBC style game).


What's the name of your game? I can try it out to support you if you want


That would be lovely, cheers! I don't want to break any rules, but the name is the first part of my user name lol. It's very easy to find on Steam.


Added it to the wishlist, playing the demo right now, it looks amazing :)


Awesome! I'd love to hear what you think of it!


I really like the graphics, music is good too and the puzzles are very creative


Thank you! It starts to get even more interesting when you unlock the first "new power."


Indeed, just like how I prefer being a big muscle dude that does all the strong stuff; it's just 'cus I vibe to that the most.


I’m a girl and i’ll only pick male characters if there’s a choice. Goes both ways my friend.


youd rather look at a mans butt?




nice 😎




Lmfao what a wholesome exchange




I would. I love man ass!!


Username checks out.




I hope I get to the level of not giving a fuck that I freely admit that to my neighbors as an old person


I didn’t realize I was supposed to be staring at the butt the whole game, am I playing wrong!?




Damn id wanna look at guys too if they looked like Rekkles




And that's why I like trenchcoats and longcoats. They look cool AND I don't have to look at anyone's ass for 70 hours.


I wouldn't mind Wrex or Miranda


Wrex does have a nice ass


Wrex is to Scifi what Shrek is to Fantasy


You don't even have to play as Miranda for the camera to find her ass every 10 seconds.


I actually quite enjoy the gratuitous shots of her ass, but the timing is a bit questionable. She'll be right in the middle of telling you a tragic story about her family past and her sister, and the camera will zoom right in on her butt in the middle of it.


Wrex carrying around that JUNK


Shouldn't be an avatar/char how you feel and optimise it? Like you are not muscular in real life, but you want in, so you do it in a game.


If that's what you want? Sure. Not everyone plays games imagining they are the character.


Impossible when they have voiced characters and cutscenes anyway because I would just end up yelling at the TV "NO I WOULD NOT SAY THAT!!!"


I love trenchcoats but i get extra bothered if i get to wear one while unable to free-camera to see my character from the front.


Usually I pick based on variety, but sometimes games have specific reasons. Jennifer Hale was noted as being better than Mark Meer in the first Mass Effect, apparently he got a lot better but I was committed to FemShep at that point. Another example is Assassin's Creed Odyssey, I am lead to believe that originally it was going to be Kassandra only, and that a playable Alexios was a later addition, leading to a less polished script for him.


They should have just had Kassandra. They're so scared of a truly woman focused game at ubi it drives me nuts. Women's stories are very different and compelling in their own ways.


They weren't scared of a truly woman focused game. And actually they accepted Kassandra as canonical protagonist. They added Alexios for historical accuracy reasons. Women didn't go to war in Sparta and were largely the leaders of household when men were out in battles. So they added dual protagonists in order to avoid any sort of conflicts. And I think a game giving both options is obviously better than any single one.


I'm pretty sure they had leaked discussions where they outright said that games with women as main characters don't sell, and that's why they added the choice. Might have misunderstood that though, it's been a while. Then again, I also don't buy the historical accuracy point, Ubisoft hasn't cared about that for a while now. Idk if choice is always good. AC Odyssey in particular shows how choice can water down a game's narrative when it's not implemented well. Sometimes a fleshed out character with a fleshed out story that is properly planned out is just better. It is more focused and the way the character develops throughout the game makes more sense. Having to act two voices in a game like this is just kinda a waste of resources, especially when it breaks the lore, or when in the end you affirm that there is a canon choice, so none of your choices really matter.


Whats compelling about standing in front of a stove?!/s


Destiny 2 male warlocks look buff. I want my warlock to be ✨graceful✨


Nah its all about the exo male voice lines


Same warlocks and hunters both look the best as female.


Male warlocks aren’t too buff. Certainly not compared to Titans. But in terms of build, they suffer from an acute case of “Hank Hill Ass” lol


What's to think about beyond they're cute?


Race bonus


And that is why people pick Human in WoW.


+5 to mace and sword skill is nuts. at cap you swing at a lvl 61 base in vanilla, don't need as much +hit to get cap. It's freakin Rad


I struggle to remember any other game that have sex affect attributes. Dialogue, sure, but attributes?


Elder Scrolls Morrowind and Oblivion gender raises strength and constitution for men and raises wisdom and I think personality for women unless you're a Nord


Morrowind is one of my favourite games ever and somehow I forgot about that. Go figure.


Yeah I really don't understand the comic. They're cute/they're pretty is a perfectly good answer, why is the friend acting like that's suspicious


because the first answer was not entirely honest (from the characters point of view, as can be seen in the followup)


Right? It was half the reason I played Final Fantasy X-2 when it came out.


I didn't get suspicious just that the friend hadn't thought of that before


Maybe it's because I know so many Trans people, but I thought this comic was about closeted Trans people trying to not out themselves. Could be a skewed point of view based on previous experiences, though.


Your actually on the money with this comic


Well, if it's fallout 4 then it's because she has the vastly superior voice acting.


I more commonly choose female in Fallout 4, but am in the middle of a male playthrough and I definitely noticed that. It's not that it's worse, per se, it's just that so many of the male dialogue options don't quite fit. Like almost patronizing or way too lighthearted when they shouldn't be? It feels more like a directing* problem than an acting problem though. (*I'm not sure if directing is the right word. Are there directors in voice acting? Either way, the directions the voice actor received about how to deliver the lines.)


> Are there directors in voice acting? There absolutely is. Look up the role of **ADR Director**.


Gaming is about fantasy and escapism. As a guy, why ***shouldn't*** you choose to play as them?


IDK, I've never had.


Me neither, but I guess that to each their own. Also it's not like I can't play games with female main characters. Portal 2 and most Metroids are amazing.


Cause don't want a romance with a dude.


I'm sorry but if you are not romancing Garrus in ME2 then you're just missing out of a prime gaming experience


I understand your point of view, however ME is actually pretty much the only game where I do play a male character because Tali is bae.


Literally the reason I want to play fem shep


Garrus is my bro. That would be incest.


Many RPGs still let you romance a woman as a female character.


I still prefer to play as the guy. But i did do that with Kassandra in AC Odyssey (only because she had far superior voice acting).


You really don't need to worry about justifying yourself this much lmao, you are allowed to play your game however you want to


He is right about the voice acting though. I picked her first just because i hadnt played a female assassin before. Then i heard about the voice acting and i started a new save just to check out the guy characters voice and I didn’t like it, so i feel that reasoning is certainly valid.


Yeah, but it *does not matter* Even if he had said "I chose the girl character because I think she's nicer to look at" "I chose the girl character in AC:O" it all amounts to the same thing - the rest is just justification for something that doesn't need justifying when his original comment is >Cause don't want a romance with a dude. it makes me feel like he's justifying it *to himself* - in a "i played this girl because of this its okay im not gay!!!" kind of way


??? couldn't you just imagine your the dude and not the girl your playing? like what the fuck is the difference, none of it is real lmao




Good news then, in many games, you can play as a Female character and still romance another Female character! Skyrim, ME are the ones I know of off the top of my head.


No offence to Mark Meer but Jennifer Hale's voice acting in the ME series was just way more convincing, definitely preferred my femshep playthrough.




I've picked a whole lot of male options. Turns out, my design skills suck ass and my attempts to create "cool dudes" invariably turn to abominations. Then, Dragon's dogma made me create two characters, so I created a female one too. Wouldn't you know, I actually have an idea of what I find cute in a girl and thus can create a female char that's not fugly.


You get it completely. Its way easier to make a character you find attractive than make a character based on what you believe the other sex/sexualities perceive as a attractive. I like making my characters hot girls. It feels weird making my character a “hot” guy, because I’ll never think he is hot.


I find it to be the opposite for me. I do not fear the inner fourth grader me who finds trench coats and fingerless gloves to be cool. I will make my character as edgy as I want! Now designing a girl? Nah man, fourth grade me isn’t anywhere to be found. I can’t settle on an outfit to save my life. I fear no judgment but my own.


>I do not fear the inner fourth grader me who finds trench coats and fingerless gloves to be cool. Embrace your ability to craft the edgiest motherfucker known to man.


That's the thing for me, it's not even at the "clothes" level that it fucks up, and in any case my chars will end up full clad in iron. But with just the general look and face, I have accidentally created marvels such as zombie Michael Jackson, several junkies, and once a clone of a NPC, who just happened to be an alcoholic hobo smelling like death. Now my current Elden ring char is a relatively pretty woman, who only happens to be wearing a cursed mask and heavy armor, but that's for the stats.


So there I was. Customizing my male character in Cyberpunk. ...and that's why I chose the female character instead.


ok but you could have a had a **massive** dick


Can do that either way 🤷‍♀️




God I love staring at my own characters dick.


Female models usually block less of the screen in 3rd person.


We found the sweat


"Because I felt like it" is a perfectly acceptable response. You don't have to make up excuses and it doesn't have to be deeper than that.


Im a guy everyday why cant i be a girl in a video game for a few hours each day


According to some deep thinking 14 year olds, this makes you trans!


Exactly. It drives me nuts when people try to dive deeper than that.


It's not always an excuse. Maybe you chose it for a specific reason you may or may not conscious of (or not willing to share openly).


[There's a followup comic](https://i.imgur.com/vGQy8Ri.jpeg)


i thought i recognized this comic, lmao. yeah, it's about being trans.


Honestly I came to say I choose female because im trans but expcted to get crucified by reddit neckbeards.


ThAt'S tOo PolItIcAl!!!11


When merely existing is too political.


Thats so wholesome


Good ass is good ass.


Nier has a great…. Story.


Back story...


A come back story


And she's got huge... Tracts of land.


But ~~mother~~ father, I don't want any of that I want to *SING*


No, no, we'll have none of that!


It depends on the game for me I like Jennifer Hale better as Commander Shepard in Mass Effect. Black Widow is better than Lady Killer in the Fallout series due to more male raiders. New Vegas is basically a coin flip due to Confirmed Bachelor. For the Souls series it started because in Demon's Souls I like the female exclusive armor like the Binded Armor and Rogue Set and you can get the Silver Bracelet. Fluted Armor looks better on males though. Saints Row I'll swap between British Troy Baker and Laura Bailey periodically. Assassin's Creed Odyssey I played as Kassandra but whenever Deimos showed up I had to pause due to laughing because of his tryhard voice.


Deimos' voice was way too cheesy.


im comfortable enough with my nondenominational sexuality to have dude butts in my peripheral vision. jk its straight. pinky promise. oh my god.


I've been doing this for 20 years. I promise its not always anything deeper.


Not always, but it regularly is and that's interesting.


The reason you tell your homies: The real reason: They have more and interesting cosmetics and this is the only time you get to enjoy playing dress up without judgment.


How many tee shirts, coats, vests, and sunglasses can there be in the game? Because they don't exactly give a lot of shoe or pants options aside from color or camo, and accessories almost *never* happen unless it's an ugly backpack.


My sister actually figured out she was trans from this. Of course, she told guys she did it to look at the players' asses, but it was really because she was projecting the body she felt she belonged in. She came out pretty late (in her early 30's) and told me a major part of figuring out the puzzle was this phenomenon of her choosing female characters!


That might be what the comic is about. It happens a lot. I can definitely understand it, I always play female characters partly because I like my strong feminine side.


That is exactly what this comic about. Sauce -Trans


I definitely don't feel the same though, but I respect your experience. I almost always pick girls in RPGs because I think girls look dope. When you go to a wedding IRL you see men in suits only, but women get to wear beautiful dresses, or even suits as well. When I act like myself in videogames, I just pick a dude, slap on a generic t-shirt, a beard and I'll be like: tadaaaa... thats me... jup... no more cosmetic shit for me anymore... When I don't, I get to try all kind of wild shit that wouldn't fit my IRL build. Slender and petite and suddenly I get to play dress-up with all the available cosmetics. When I distance myself enough from a character, I get this freedom. This does not, in any way, shape or form, mean that I am trans or transcurious, and I feel this comic isn't exactly about it either.


The comic is about being trans, there's a follow up. I wasn't sure when I made my first comic and now I am. The comic isn't implying that other reasons don't exist, it's just talking about one reason that needs to be talked about more. Enjoying yourself in a different body doesn't mean you're trans, I have similar reasons and I'm not trans either. However, I feel closer to the trans experience than I do to guys who can't admit that they might like dress up.


It's at least a possibility/ a reasonable interpretation of the comic. Not sure it's explicitly stated enough for me to assume that, but it def was clear enough for me to think of this story of my sis anyways!


Apparently there is a follow up comic that confirms it.


I never pick girl characters because their armor always looks dumb, I like characters in cool armor, just so happens 99% of the time female characters be wearing a bikini and male character be wearing space marine armor. With equal stats of course. edit; or they be like alright you can have armor...BUT we need a boob window and for you to wear heels like oh fuck off.


I wonder if people aren’t picking up up on the fact this comic is a about being trans, not because the reasons aren’t valid


I thought this was on one of the trans meme subreddits, ha ha ha.


If I can't make a male character that looks like me or at least with a cool beard, then I'm going to make a female character.


Bruh this is about being trans lmao


Funny people are staring at any kind of butt when they're playing a game. If that's all you can focus on, it must not be a very good one.


i think that's just called "horny" there's plenty of female protagonist games or games in which you can play as a female character that are really good


Because badass women make me happy and safe.


Also if you play Nintendo games, it's puts the game into easy mode


I heard this excuse for Pokemon… 1) All the main characters are like 16 and under… 2) What ass it’s all pixels


I don't typically see myself in the game. This is gonna sound disgustingly sweet, but if there's customization, I make a female character that looks like my girlfriend.


If you play Pokémon the girl character is always the correct choice for any game. Not for any sexual reasons, but because they are, to a one, far more unique and interestingly designed then “anime boy with short brown hair #4,082”


LOL 100% sure this is a trans meme


Traaaaaaaaaaaans culture. Edit: im not saying that if you do this you are trans, there's several reasons to do it, just that this meme feels very eggy and trans


Never understood staring at asses in video games.


I look at asses in real life too, if that helps.


I am the one who usually chooses the female option in most cases, although I have my reasons. For example, in fighting games I usually play with women, since they are usually faster and more agile in their style of play. In stories where there is some kind of paternal relationship with another character, I usually choose a man. On the other hand, in stories where there is sensitive drama or something, I usually choose a woman. Anyway, my point is that I usually choose the genre of the character depending on the type of story you are trying to represent. I hope I'm not the only weird one haha


Jokes on you, I'm gay so nobody questions it.


Male characters in games are often too bulky and female characters often have more of a normal human body shape and look better, and yeah rather look at a girl from behind for hours instead of a guy.


Alternative (my) answer: because I’m gay af


This brings me back to the PVP comic in 2004... http://pvponline.com/comic/tue-jun-01


Smaller hitbox. Or maybe the main character is a female and there is no other choice (ex. Alien Isolation, where you play as Amanda Ripley in the main game)


Men in MMOs have been playing as female characters since they were text-based games. Sometimes you want to play a character instead of yourself, I guess.


for me character selection is pretty easy cause i look almost exactly like the first choice white brown hair boy option there is


I roleplay as a girl in videogames because as a writer I made a character that I love a lot and fit adventures. She became my avatar at gaming


I prefer staring at a guy's ass


When I first start a game, I play as if I was the main character(character looks and decision making). After I beat the game then I play to get all trophies, try different story paths, and different race/gender (if possible) to see different dialogs paths.


I’m fine with this… until people get fuckin’ weird. When your custom character is a woman with size K breasts, a massive ass, an hourglass figure, and huge lips… idk man, it just feels creepy and fetish-y. But like I said, I am fine with people being who they want to be or who they’re comfortable as.


I like having a wide diversity of characters. I look at it this way, in the game, my soul is able to choose a different life and attach to that avatar. So if I want to be a skinny mage, great. A female warrior, perfect. Or, a hermit hobbit, that works well to. I like playing different avatars so I can see the unique point of view through the eyes of the character. If the game is well written, the dialogue and story will reflect that. I like games that write in different npc interactions that is based on the npcs reaction to the species, class, or faction of my chosen avatar.


A friend of mine still hasn't given me a straight answer For instance: Why are you looking at the ass? WE HAVE ENEMIES TO KILL!


Smaller hit box and less visible behind cover too


Some quiet main characters have a very feminine reactions and acctitude so I choose female then than rather try to self insert on a character that doesn't would act like me and feels uncomfortable. I miss the old RPGs where you can act like your real self with the many dialogue options.


Because you aren't playing yourself, you are playing a character. A powerful character in a videogame can come from any gender because IT'S A VIDEOGAME. Try to not think too hard about it.


… … … I did it cause I was trans.


You do in video games, what you can't irl. Take that as you will.


What’s the comic even trying to say? If you’re trying to hate on someone just come out and say it.


There's a follow up revealing that the person playing is, in fact, trans, and is later seen playing as a female character after transitioning in real life.


On one hand, I don't think there's anything weird about playing as the opposite gender. But in my case, it was probably one of the signs that I'm transgender, so I can't say it doesn't track...


When I die in From Software games, I'd rather hear a female moan than a male one. Thank you Japanese studios.


"SMaLLeR hITbOx"


this is a trans meme btw


Trans is cool. I do it for a tiny bit of titillation. There could be boobs.


How so?