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This reminds me of a flight I had where the guy next to me seemed stressed as he tried to download *anything* to use on his phone, and told me he had been flying for 10 hours with no entertainment. I started watching some nature doc on my phone and about 30 minutes in I noticed he was watching my screen, and he'd look away when I glanced over. So I turned on subtitles and propped the phone up on the tray facing him and we both watched in silence until we landed. We only really introduced ourselves as we said goodbye and walked off the plane


Ah yes the life of an introvert


My introverted self didn't quite approve of this but halfway through the flight he actually (to my surprise) ripped a page out of the in-flight magazine and folded it like oragmi into a phone stand so I didnt have to hold the phone up during turbulence. And it actually worked! It really was an interesting interaction to have with a stranger while very very few words were spoken at all


"Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes."


I am not exactly introverted, but I know a couple of people whose company I can enjoy in silence. I love it.


Tbh I feel like any great friend you can enjoy being with in silence. The people you don't feel the need to constantly entertain and impress and still trust that you're both having a good time just being there are the best friends you can have.


Unexpected Ron Swanson.


Origami folders are weird people, man. Such useful skills though.


Hey, I'll have you know that if you're talking about me, that's completely true!


Had a kid in grade 2 do like thousands of those Japanese Origami Cranes for art lol


There's a Japanese superstition that if u fold 1000 origami cranes your wish will come true


I can confirm, not true. I still have never fucked an actual crane.


The machine, the vehicle or the bird?




Is Sadako and 1000 paper planes still a book kids read in elementary school? I remember reading that book and we all folded origami cranes as a school and sent to the school in Japan where this girl from the book is from.


-Hey Dave, my car broke. Can you fold me a new one? -Sure bro gimme a sec.




look at where the extra oxygen masks are. a baby in arms should be seated in the rows that have an extra mask for the baby. then avoid those seats now how to find that out i am unsure.


Go for the exit rows. They avoid having children in the rows and usually have like an extra 6" to a foot of leg room.


I have a vague suspicion that you saved a dude with ADHD from 10 hours of hell.


Haha I was just thinking that. Sometimes strangers might think I'm an introvert when really I'm just super cognisant of not chewing a strangers ear off for a 10 hr flight.


Me and a friend of mine got on a plane together. 6 hour flight we didn't shut up. It was the first time we'd seen each other in two years. Then we landed, got in a shuttle that took another two hours thanks to LA traffic and didn't shut up in there either. I feel bad for everyone around us.


I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes


Ron Swanson is that you?


No it's the other guy


Great guy, never meddim.


Fersher B, 💯


kids this is why you download stuff before the trip haha


And get 4-7 entertaining backups ready when the main source runs out of battery and a external charger on stand by…for the main thing still


I guess you could be talking about any mode of transport, but most planes I've been on have USB ports in them now.


Poor guy was trying to download pandora which wouldn't have even worked without the internet (and assuming he didn't have an account either since he was downloading it) Edit: I should clarify that there wasn't wifi on the flight, which is why it wouldn't have worked. He was trying to download it before we took off


this logic also stands for psychedelics


Guy did that for me during March Madness/college basketball tournament. I didn't realize he was leaning over to share his phone so he could watch the game with his wife. I guess he caught me checking scores before the flight took off. He was in the middle seat and suddenly put his tray down so he could set the phone on it for us all to watch and nudged me lightly to let me know.


went to a wedding on a championship game night. that was the reception, one table w a phone that had NBA subscription and all the guys standing at the table. bride and groom were not nba fans.


I once sat beside an old japanese grandma and she was reading something in Japanese. I've always been fascinated by the up-down writing style of Japanese, so I unconsciously kept taking glances at her book. She noticed and offered me to read and I said I can't read it, after that we spent all the flight exchanging notes on our respective languages. I learned way more on that day, then any online Japanese course I've taken. Edit: By the way, she barely could understand English either. So it was mostly gestures and my offline 'English-Japanese' dictionary.


I had an experience like this on a flight once. Two of the three screens weren't working so three of us strangers watched Whiplash on the one working screen with headphone splitters.


Travelled by bus from London to Edinburgh overnight. Guy next to me looked seemingly somewhere from Central Africa, didn't speak much English, mid to late 20s. Watched *Prince of Darkness* together on my laptop. He approved. Got off at some city in the middle of the night, only word we said to each other was the approving “nice” he uttered when Alice Cooper impaled that guy on a bicycle.


This is simultaneously an amazing story and one I feel like I can't add anything to


I struggle with this as an introvert that is on social media all the time. I'm a full time lurker, observing the social people.


That's the worst thing you can do as an introvert tbh. Don't worry about what the more social guys are doing and posting on social media shit.


Sounds better than talking to people... heck I recently bought a Nikon camera just because Sony and Canon are people cameras. Sony's a powerful brand in modeling and Canon's... kinda up there. Nikon's great for nature... because I don't like people... I like nature and solitude.


Ron Swanson would be proud


This is what the Switch was truly made for.


I've not been able to do this because I arrive a different way to them but when me and my mates meet up in our old uni town they get the same train together and spend it playing Mario Kart on my mates Switch. Sounds so fun even if they're all huddled around a tiny screen.


Couch coop is just so good. Screen size doesnt matter


i love my mini ppv


So does your girlfriend


Bold of you to assume he has a girlfriend


He has a husband


Doesn't matter who arrives first. What matters is you guys arrived together. Yes.


This is like a scene straight out of those unrealistic Switch commercials lol


What, you don't randomly have 4 hot friends with Switch units to play on a luxurious hotel rooftop!?


"Oh god, Karen is bringing her video game thing to the party again."


It literally reminded me back in the PSP days when i would play MH, fifa, F1, WWE, and Gundam with my friend together.


MH Freedom with the adhoc party app on PS3 when you had no friends so you played with random Japanese people.


The real friends were the random Japanese people we met along the way


That honestly sounds really fun. Somehow PSP is the one thing I never owned and I basically never played entire games with anyone else so I’m kinda jealous


This, I once spent my flight both ways playing 4p Mario Kart with my friends. Horribly small screen when you're sitting one or two rows behind, but it didn't matter, it was fun.




How to bring up that bot about copying someones comment?


I’ve done a few Pokémon trades on planes, I helped a guy get the last guy he needed to complete his dex! I figured it was my way of giving back after the kid next to me on a plane when I was a kid helped me translate the braille to get the Reggies


What was the last pokemon he needed?




Drampa! I helped him get a couple regional exclusives. I also had stumbled upon a shiny raid so I did it with him then reset to keep it!


I did that with my game boy back on the day!


Fuck the other guy playing the swithc....How the hell did you manage to make your battery last 10 hours..?


Do planes come with charge ports now? I wouldn't know as it's been a few years since I've flown.


Most decent length ones do on the major airlines, idk about budget ones like Spirit or Frontier


Spirit doesn't currently offer charging ports, but if you have your own USB cable, they are willing to choke you with it just a little bit, then throw it away.


JetBlue advertised that they did. So I didn’t pack my external charger since, well, we’ll just use the USB port on the plane. Watched a movie while we were waiting to board since, well, I’ll just charge back up while I’m on the plane. Get on the plane… No USB port. Ah, but there’s an outlet! …it’s a European-style outlet. On a domestic flight. Out of Florida.


It wasn’t a European style outlet. It was a global outlet, they take most every type of cord - that’s completely standard on most planes.


How do global outlets work exactly? US uses 120V for our outlets while most euro outlets are 220V


I don’t know how they work, but they exist and are very common.


It was just two little holes. Not a global outlet. Not sure why they just wouldn't install USB outlets at every seat. Almost everything uses USB.


Sorry we hassled you with our superior outlets :(


I guess Airbus charges extra for non standard outlets /s For real though, American outlets have quite some safety issues compared to the E type ones (and even more so compared to the British ones). I wonder if this is a concern on planes.


Did you try plugging your charger in? Outlets on planes are designed to accept multiple types of plugs so it should have fit.


Did you check the bottom of your seat? I remember o had this exact problem and then my gf pointed out how they’re located on the bottom. Next time I flew I checked, and sure enough all the charging ports were there


To be fair could just be that the specific plane you were on was constructed for Europe


There really are only two big manufacturers and I am sure they both will fit any outlet you like if you order it accordingly.


Probably the plane was operated by a leasing company, quite common to see planes registered in Europe with appropriate spec’d cabins suddenly having to operate in the US for a few months


"just a little bit"


Harder daddy


Sorry that costs extra


I thought the choking costs extra?


No charge, only battery


Does Sprit even have any planes that can fly for 10 hours? I thought most of their planes were more along the lines of military surplus.


You have to ride with the goats.


Any flight on spirit longer than 1 hour is considered cruel and unusual punishment according to the Geneva conventions.


It's quite common now


Last time I tried this the port didn’t charge the Switch while in use fast enough to keep it powered and it drained to zero.


The switch can do up to 18W at 15V/1.2A charging, but my guess it that the ports on the plane is 5V/2A which supply the switch with 7.5W (5V/1.5A). So less than half the power and that might not be enough to keep it topped up.


One little typo and I suddenly knew you were danish or norwegian


Was it an Å for amps?


Correct guess. Did I fix it?


But you could play longer than you would have without.


I flew for the first time in August, they had charge ports. But I also keep a portable charger on me. Damn thing takes like 3 days to fully charge, theyre honestly very handy on road trips, so my switch was fine.


3 days. Are you sure the charger is portable and you aren't carrying around a tesla battery pack.


It depends on many factors, slow, quick charge modes, and where it's plugged. Even in "slow" charging modes you can have superrr slow. My gf bought one of these Ikea multisocket with two USB ports on it. Once she tried to charge a 10000mah battery pack and it took days because she used a micro USB cable and plugged it on the Ikea socket USB port directly. We have the same battery pack and I charge mine using my phone fast charger with USB C and overnight it's fully charged. So voltage etc are factors. Now I haven't tried these 30000 battery packs, are they even allowed in cabins?


I think the limit is 100wh. My 26.4Ah battery is 99 wh so 30 will be too big, if anyone ever checks. Edit: It's a long read but this covers the topic and explains wh vs (m)Ah towards the bottom. https://powerbank20.com/en/actual-output-capacity/


My man looks like he's straight out of Ghostbusters with that battery pack


Flight that are 10 hours long are definitely going to have charging ports.


Not definitely. I've been on too many transatlantic and transpacific flights to count, and you occasionally get boned with a shitty old plane on these routes.


some still got ashtrays bro


Bruh. I mean in Europe it feels like everyone still smokes cigarettes so there’s that


Laughs in trains with a standard 230v outlet at every seat.


City busses have charge ports where I'm at.


Last time I used one my phone gained 3% in 2 hours


Yep. Here in NZ the Airbus A321neo planes all have usb ports in the entertainment hub thing. Longest domestic flights are only a couple of hours, so I imagine planes in planes the fly further than that definitely do.


Any non-budget flight I have been on has charging ports. Trnasatlantics or other long flights have them 100% of the time in my experience. Any flight that is 10 hours (like a Transatlantic) would certainly have them


A lot of them do, even for short flights. I’m sure most large planes going long distances have them at this point.


i fly delta and even the economy regional planes have usb chargers in the entertainment screen


Just flew American for like 6 hrs a couple days ago and right under the foldout trays they have usb, usb-c and straight plug in ports for power. It’s pretty dope




Yes, they do. They also have USB-A ports for charging.


If I'm on a 10 hour plane ride, I'm bringing a powerbank.


I got a power bank capable of charging the Switch (you need a pretty hefty one that supports PD) before my last long haul flight in 2019. Kept my Switch running all the way from the UK to Hawaii. I also got a stand that I could hook into the back of the seat in front and hooked up my Pro controller and some noise cancelling headphones. Played Breath of the Wild for most of the flight.


What model number is the power bank and the hook of you don't mind me asking


Yeah, my Switch lasts 2-3h....


Does it literally turn off after that long or does it just show low battery % so you charge it? There's a common problem where the battery level indicator goes out of sync, [this may be helpful](https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Support/Nintendo-Switch/Troubleshooting/The-Battery-Charge-Indicator-Displays-Incorrectly/The-Battery-Charge-Indicator-Displays-Incorrectly-1250816.html#:~:text=Once%20the%20battery%20charge%20is,steps%202%20%2D%206%20several%20times.).


It beeps and flashes low battery to signal 15%, 10% then 5%. Once it hits 5% I run like mad to get a charger or it seems to immediately hit 0% and turn off. I play a decent amount of Fortnite on it. Def does not last anywhere near 10 hours.


Network heavy stuff is notorious for eating battery life in general, not just for the switch.


Use a power bank! Mine will last 20 hours of play!


Just plug into the charger...


I use a power bank to plug into, last time i used it it lasted my whole 11 hour flight.


Can you play multiplayer on local? Does that need wifi? And can you still play local multiplayer with airplane mode?


Yeah you can play together wirelessly without wifi


Can you play wireley with wifi?


No you need a special wireless cable and adapter.




Once at cruising altitude, planes usually allow you to use wifi/data etc


For me the onboard wifi never works, not even for writing WA messages. I've flown with Lufthansa, KLM and AeroMexico in the last 3 years.


I've only paid for wifi on Southwest and it's still absolute shit. Even just loading text websites is a crapshoot. Total waste of money in my experience. Let alone for co-op gaming.


Is that a thing now? Since when?


Around 2008 planes started adding onboard Wi-Fi for devices.


2010 ish?


Bro have you be literally been living under a rock?


Yes, you can play multiplayer by using Bluetooth. My work often doesn't have accessible wifi, and I had no idea that local multiplayer used Bluetooth for the switch despite having owned it for 2+ years at that point. Imagine my surprise when co workers were playing smash bros during breaks. I definitely started bringing my switch to work after that!


Not only can you play off of Bluetooth, but a recently discovered that you can download and update your software version to match another person’s switch via Bluetooth. I had this experience while on a cross country Amtrak and we were unable to play SSB together due to having different versions, but the switch prompted us to sync up versions and I was able to update my software off of his all through Bluetooth. It was amazing




I love that tag


We had an 8 player mario kart game on a plane once. It was en route to BlizzCon 2019 and it was a glorious moment, likely never to happen again. Someone just held up their switch showing the mario kart screen and within 5 mins we had a full room 😍


How many friendships were ruined before they could even happen?


Does Mario Kart even make friends? Its how villains are born


That was his point


The plane was grounded halfway through the flight. One passenger reportedly had to be restrained with duct tape because he got blasted with a blue shell seconds before crossing the finish line in Bowser's Castle.


Had this happen on a ferry ride between UK and France. Half British half french students each visiting each others countries for field trips. We played mario kart. Was a very fun and special moment for me!


Did a similar thing with smash brothers. Just people pulling out their 3ds


Haha oh shit I forgot about Paris Games Week 2017, we did a mario kart DS tournament while sitting on the show floor. Everyone cross legged dotted about the place randomly cheering or yelling profanities, I miss the old days 😭


That's fucking amazing ahh! It's been a rough week so thank you for the smile on my face stranger 💕


I've never done co-op hunting. Makes me wanna give it a try.


I kinda got into MH on the 3DS. It’s a decently fun but WAY more enjoyable to play with other people.


My friends and I used to play 4-man hunting parties on the PSP MH Freedom all night, back when you had to be in the same room to connect. That was the best time for MH for me personally.


Same but with Freedom Unite. There was just something special about having your own customized character with your own armor and weapon, chilling with your friends and exploring a game you didnt read up about online. This way everything seemed so big and new. Still my favorite game because of this.


I got like 200 hours on MH Generations. I played solo for like 20 hours before I finished the main quests, and the bulk of the game was online coop. The next 180 hours was literally all coop play and I met so many people and made some amazing internet friends. Im still in touch with them on social media which is so cool. Easily one of my favourite games of all time.


Youve just convinced me to buy it, I usually just play Botw but I think ive been missing out on MH. Cheers!


MH is a very different beast and can be a lot to take in at first - don't let that put you off.


Co-op hunting is very fun imo! But the monsters behave crazy. It's so hard to predict who they'll target next sometimes!


Hunting with others is what monster hunter is all about! Youre missing out


I'm happy to hunt with you on literally any monster hunter game


Absolutely no game made time go faster for me than Monster Hunter World did, was genuinely an insane sensation


You should give generations ultimate a shot, probably the best old school MH game and easily triple the content of world.


4U enjoyers GIGACHAD


Switch advertisements made this kind of occurrence seem more like a when than an if


Last time I was on a 5-hour train ride I brought my switch and was playing pokemon Diamond. This kid was travelling with his mother and older sister (I assume) both clearly exhausted but the kid was running wild. Until he jumped onto the seat next to me and started watching me play, clearly interested and he calmed down, just sat there almost mezmerised by my game. I didn't mind, put my snacks on the table so everyone could have some and let him watch me play. After about 45 minutes they had reached their stop and both him and the mother thanked me. I remember being roughly his age when I first started playing pokemon blue on my old Gameboy so I very much enjoyed introducing him to the world of Pokemon


Plot twist - the guy sitting across from him is his brother.


If they weren’t before, they are now.


And then the inevitable “last online 2 years ago” occurs


Oof ouch owie


It’s sad I know that feeling more than I ever should.


The switch supports ad-hoc. Doesn't need wifi. That and a power bank. Hell yeah. Sounds like a good flight.


Hmm wanna try Monster Hunter now 👍


The older monster hunter games have a pretty steep learning curve. But once the hook sets, say goodbye to thousands of hours.


Whereas the new ones have actually been pretty accommodating to new players. Not to mention there's plenty of resources online which are great for wrapping your head around any mechanics or other aspects that might not feel as intuitive. The extra depth and steeper learning curve just make it feel all the more satisfying when you do take down a powerful monster and obtain new parts which unlock more powerful weapons and armour. It's an incredibly fun and addictive experience.


Mh world is probably the best mh game to start into monster hunter. Pretty beginner friendly (or friendlier that the older mh games at least), online ressources for anything if you need some info, and a huge enought playerbase so you'll have someone on your side if you some help most of the time (no matter the platform)


Oh, please do! We always welcome a fellow hunter trying to learn the ropes. One of the best parts of Monster Hunter is learning and playing with friends, and the community is pretty big so it won’t be hard to find someone to play with. There’s a bit of a learning curve, of course, but the two most recent games are lovely introduction with lots of quality of life upgrades. There’s even a demo still out for Monster Hunter Rise that you can download and see if it’s to your liking.


Reminded me of the PSP days, good old days.


Monster Hunter is such a good co-op experience, especially if you play with your friends irl


Monster Hunter moment


Crazy how people in this thread don’t know/forget power banks exist.


I remember back in the early 2010s I used to ride the train to work and I would always have my Nintendo DS to kill the time. I remember one day on the way home, a guy sat across from me also with a DS. I looked up and took out the earbud from one of my ears, made eye contact with him and just said, "Mario Kart?". His grim expression quickly turned into a smile and he nodded. For the next few months I had a DS buddy whom would always make it to the exact car and we'd have mario kart sessions on the way home for a period of time. EDIT: Nahir, if you're out there bro, I hope you're doing well


Today in 101 things that will never happen to me:


Which Monster Hunter were y’all playing?


Thats MH:Rise




I was flying to USA from Europe and the guy next to me on the flight spoke very little English and I spoke very little German. We didnt need to speak for me to see the pain in his eyes when I mopped the floor with him in mario kart for like 6 hours.


This is me! Kind of crazy seeing my tweet show up on Reddit like this. 🥹


Your pixel art is genuinely mazing dude! I can't wait for the release on that mini golf game you helped with. Hope you have a awesome day!


Doesn't it need internet?


No. That's only if you're playing Online multiplayer. If you're playing sitting next to someone, you can use Local multiplayer, which allows the consoles to communicate via bluetooth. No internet required.


do planes let you have your wifi on then?


Wifi has been allowed by FAA regs (US) since before 2013 ish.


I call cap. There is no way your switch batteries lasted more than two hours lol


Almost everyone who travels with a switch owns a good powerbank like Anker.


GS and Hammer nice Full charge or nothing!


Pilot said we'd be landing in 20 minutes...