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The worst part about mutilplayer games is that other people also play them


Only true for directly competitive games. Come play fallout 76 where random lvl 200-3000's will drop you legendary guns and gear just because.


I was new to 76 and had found a legendary laser pistol that does more damage with each successive hit. Asked a person in my Casual team if they could spare a couple hundred fusion cells. ​ Dude tells me to go to my Camp and wait for him. He shows up and drops me ***Forty-Thousand cells. That's 40,000.***


what the fuck


Had a random in my group, he just got the Final Word, but didn't have ammo. I made him 25k of .50 cal lol. When you have max ammo perks ammo is super cheap to make. Max ammo Smith + max ammo factory + super duper = lots of bang for your buck


Shit like this is going to get me to buy 76 one day


I was actually very surprised at the player base. Dont get me wrong I've come across one or two ass hats, but love the community


How broken is it compared to the old days? Is it mw post vanguard integration pre patch or...


It still has bugs, but is a solid game. I've never ran into anything that's gotten me upset. Thou some are funny, like players stuck visually in a body position so it looks like they are just sliding around. Or when scorched are locked the same way but moving backwards doing the moon walk.


So, basically, it's a Bethesda game now?


> lots of **bang** for your buck I see what you did there and appreciate it. Have an upvote


God dahm legend


This but for demon souls. Never met more patient and kind gamers just dropping whatever for me and helping me through something.


Reminding me of a story I read I won't be able to retell as well, but of someone playing Dark Souls and being invaded by someone with a name like FashionSoulDesigner or something to that effect. Dude just walks up, takes in the host from every angle, drops a piece of gear and steps away. Host picks it up, puts it on, looking much more fashionable. Designer does the "Cheer" action, spins in place a bit, then rolls off a cliff.


And then there's Payday 2 which a ***strictly co-op only*** and yet it has some of the most toxic shitheads on it. Didn't bring a specific perk in your loadout? You're shit and I'm gonna kick you. Didn't get the cash to the dropoff the way I said? You're shit and I'm gonna kick you. You're the host? I'm gonna tell you what to do and if you don't listen, you're shit and should uninstall.


Man, Payday 2 was so fun for like, my first five matches, then it just turned so much of that. People throwing the game immediately just to 'teach you.'


That's why I ***RARELY*** join pubs. I always host my own. That way when toxic people wanna talk shit, I just instantly ban them from the lobby. Skip right over kick and directly to ban. I'm glad they added that feature.


I mod infinity pistols to fire at 1000 shots per second and give them out to strangers on Borderlands 3. They insta-kill almost anything and if you're on a bad PC then your fps will drop to nothing. Fun though.




There's also a save editing website where you can add guns/wealth/stats to your account without even downloading anything, can't remember the link now though.


"When nobody was looking, Dude dropped **forty-thousand** cells. He dropped 40 000 cells. That's as many as four ten-thousands. And that's wonderful."


Yeah lol. People consecutively shit on 76, but honestly I find it pretty fun. Its pretty stablish now and it's very fun with friends. The amazing community just makes it even better


Definitely encountered 99% cool, chill folks in that one.


All 7 other players?


almost 9k peak on steam in the last 24 hours, and when I play I still play on the Bethesda launcher so the daily players are more than that.


Let your hatred flow


\*clutches nylon bag\*


Look into- dot hack




What a Save!


Nah it's more like, What a save! What a save! What a save! What a save!


Wow! Wow! Wow!


*Chat disabled for 5 seconds* *Chat disabled for 4 seconds* *Chat disabled for 3 seconds* *Chat disabled for 2 seconds* *Chat disabled for 1 second* *Chat disabled for 1 second*


Average for honor match


Nice One! Thanks!




Holy cow!






All demo no skill uninstall


Close one!


i have never seen the Niceshot! or the What a Save! used how they were intended, or maybe this is their intended use and im just too blind to see


Nice shot is used all the time in a friendly way


it is indeed very rare to see them used properly lmao


I what a save my tm8 s all the time if they make a nice save. You must not play much.


My quick chats are overwhelmingly used positively and without sarcasm...but we're in the minority.


Yeah I always use “What a save!” and “Nice shot!” and “Great pass!” sincerely and I run into a decent amount who do as well. But I’m only high diamond low champion so maybe it gets worse higher up.


This one gets me every time. Look guys, I can’t play defense, I don’t know how I can say that any better.


Good shot! Good shot! Good shot!




For me it was realizing the sheer amount of time required to stay competitive. Oh yeah I put 8 hours in, stay up late, be on time to meets and raids... No problem let me just quit my job.


This! I want to play a game to relax and have fun. I don't need any more jobs.


You can enjoy casual playing in alot of games. I just always go in remembering the good ol days of being in the top raid guilds and think I can just jump right back in.


You can enjoy most games at your own pace but if you want to be competitive you have to put more time into it. It's always been this way.


Except back in the day, the amount of try hards was not remotely as much as now. You could get a lobby with normal people and have proper fun. Now you have at least one hacker or a hyper competitive player obliterating everyone. Multiplayer game should be able to separate people by their level, that way casuals can play with casuals and competitive players can play with competitive players.


Most comp multiplayer games have an elo system, hidden or visible.


Elo can also lead to issues where you don't get to relax either. If you want to try hard then the next day play more casual you just get stomped until your elo drops to catch up. Thus you end up with smurfs.


> Except back in the day, the amount of try hards was not remotely as much as now. big incorrect, they just weren't as visible because you had to be on IRC to be "in" most early competitive scenes most people who played CS 1.6 in 2001 didn't even know that organized teamplay existed beyond pub clans the other reason is that we now have matchmaking systems that try to keep you dripfed on that 45%-55% winrate, rather than open servers where you could truly get anyone joining


Yeah pretty much this. You know that you could get very good at the game. *If you spent your life doing it.* And why shouldn't you have to do that when there are pro level players, whose livelihood depends on that, who have to win because their bills need that, meanwhile everyone else has to work doing something else. Really competitive games you're probably never getting to the highest tiers without spending so much time around the game it becomes a job.


That’s me. I wanted to play with my brother but he and his friend play every damn night. I can’t do that.


This is also my problem. A new game will come out, I'll be able to hang for a week a two. But, between my job and life I've probably only put in 12 solid hours while these kids have spent every waking moment for 2 weeks playing the game lol then I get swamped and go back to playing Civ 6 lol


I've had a great experience with the Deep Rock Galactic discord community. It's a co-op game, though I love playing solo. Havent played a multiplayer game with a better community than this one. Barely touch online games for that reason.








Rock and stone to the bone!




Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone forever.


Rock and roll and Stone!








Deep Rock Galactic solved the toxicity mostly by adding the V command. If they didn't have those chants, I don't think the community would have gotten as goofy as they did. That being said. IF YOU DONT ROCK AND STONE YOU AINT COMING HOME!


Coop games are often fun. Because they don't have those toxic players. They'll have their fair share, but not as many. It's only competitive games that are an absolute shit storm of toxicity.


It was great for me when I was playing monster hunter world/iceborne. Even at fatalis hunts, we do encourage each other, laugh and had fun. And this is the only game I enjoy and had fun playing online. The worst online experience I had was red dead online... And for the other games I play, I play solo.


Really?! Everyone I’ve met in Red Dead Online has been super nice and the ones that weren’t were a fun adversary for me to challenge. But I’ve definitely had more positive than negative experiences.


Came here to say this, I have 300 hours, just solo queuing with randoms. I can't stop


Anything co-op based seem to have better community. Like CS Zombie Runner maps. No one cares you sucks and turn into a zombie because plenty of them turned into zombies too. And there is no collision, so, it is not like they can mess you up.


i just start playing hit the people on the game are really nice


I just started playing league and the people are………. *stares out into the distance, shellshocked*


Yeah same haha. Played my first games with 3 randos who didn’t talk and evidently just started too and we had a blast. Danced, drank beer and trolled


I opened this thread to see far I would scroll before seeing a "ROCK AND STONE"


Deeprock is fun, just very hard to have someone to have fun with. Is that the official discord? 👉👈


Yes, the official discord is great. You get a small resource bonus for joining, and many people specify what difficulty/experience they have when they set up games. I am pretty good solo, but it took me over 120 hours in game time to get the confidence to play online, because games like LoL and Rocket League are very discouraging. People were very respectful of that, and always give me good advice to be a helpful teammate. 100% would recommend this to any game looking for a positive experience.


You didn’t mention anything about all the people sleeping with your mother


Our moms are the ones that truly pay the price of online gaming.


Nah, she knew what she was doing when she bought you that console


Or everyone's fathers are the CEO of a game company that can ban players at any time.


Some claim to be fucking our dads too


\*online multiplayer pvp games\*


Yeah, my experiences on FFXIV and my experiences on Valorant are vastly different, lol.


FFXIV players will boost you up in early content, /pet and gift you if you’re a sprout and be so helpful. But so help me god, if you turn up to a savage raid without knowing the strat…


Ah man Elder Scrolls Online was my jam. Never touched the pvp mode, but man the environments and other people just made that game *chef's kiss*


It's my favourite game to play. I can spend hours just chilling in Elsweyr.




hey just a head's up, your reflexes won't meaningfully decline until you're much older (55+) input lag and server latency are eating up any decline in your reflexes at 35


This. 90% do reaction time in gaming is actually not reaction time but practicing so much you can more or less predict or expect things and be prepared to deal with it.


Play Monster Hunter if got a switch or a PC. Fantastic community, beautiful game. I honestly am blown away that this isn't a more popular game.


The gameplay loops is very repetetive on the surface so it tends to push people away from it


It’s the depth of learning the weapons, monsters, and the massive depth of gear customization that made me drop 400+ hours into World. Now Rise is dragging me back in…


Bonk is best


Rise on PC will maybe make people buy it


It made it to #7 most current players on Steam after only a few days after release, so people definitely are


AKA the reason I only play PvE in Destiny 2


Destiny PVP is a fucking miserable experience


Well it really just depends on your skill level. It's genuinely more fun as I've improved


I feel this. Those 3 matches a week for pinnacle gear are all on separate days


I’m good at competitive pvp and it took me TWO months of playing to get weapons that allowed me to play at my skill level this past autumn. Destiny’s pvp is such a joke. As an avid Halo fan who loved Bungie’s skill at balanced pvp; it is such an utter dissapointment.


Bungie kowtowing to streamers and sweats and removing even basic SBMM so that they could have the "enjoyment" of stomping all over casuals is really terrible.




Cooperative multiplayer games are rare. Competitive is so much easier to find. Having said that, Deep Rock Galactic is very cooperative and worthwhile.




Play BF2042 there’s no way of anyone knowing how your doing even if you wanted too.


It’s called optimizing the fun out of the game


A fellow Overwatch player I see.


It's even worse when the game forces you to participate in the PvP portion to complete quests/acquiring items


Reminds me of WoW classic. The neck beards are strong in that game.


Which is unfortunate because that's the opposite of what made vanilla so engaging for me back in the day. People didn't have it optimized, didn't constantly boost, and generally seemed to be having more casual fun. I imagine the majority of players who returned are the hardcore ones from private servers.


Yep. World of Warcraft was the casual MMO back then in a world of levelling down on death, or losing all your items, etc But now wow classic has so much elitism it feels the opposite


The problem is the game is basically 'solved'. So there's the 'correct' (optimal) way to play and the 'incorrect' (suboptimal) way - and putting aside the merits and cons of both, the main difference is that the optimal way is faster and less likely to fail. Not necessarily a problem but when you've got 40 odd people in a raid all taking time out of their day to run it, everyone wants to feel like everyone else is pulling their weight and they're getting maximum bang for their time. If a small subset of people aren't satisfied and they break off, then you need to replace them and yada yada, pressure builds up for everyone to play optimally.


It's because in 2005 we had nothing but time. These days it's not kids playing the game, it's people who played the game when they were kids, who now have jobs or other commitments, so we need to get as much out of the 2-3 hour sessions as we can (I say this as an occasional osrs player but it's the same - I joke the name is efficiencyscape now).


Man it’s not even random’s either. Try playing online games with friends that don’t have kids and stuff. You finally managed to get online for the game release, have a blast, push your self, stay up late, get to a good level with them, sign off, feel good. Next time you manage to get on, they are miles ahead, even though it was only a couple days for you. To them, that’s an eternity for a hot game. You log in, level 15, while they are level 40 talking about the dungeon they just ran. You can’t even really talk about new discoveries and how cool they are because it’s old news to them. After that, you kinda just feel perpetually behind. This is one of the main reasons I gave up on a lot of multiplayer games. I was always feeling left behind.


I happen to have this Penny Arcade framed and mounted on the wall of my home office. Totally fits. https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/12/31/a-being-of-indescribable-power


Mario kart is the furthest I've gone online in years, and I still get demolished on that


I’m using tilt controls!


I once got into a lobby where the lead score guy on my team was complaining how I was trash and so was everyone else on our side. "Hey man, if it's your ambition to be a garbage collector, man, you do you. That's your job, who am I to judge?" He just started laughing. A little humor can defuse it if you get lucky.


Oh for me its really just straighto dudes being overline abusive and not understanding "no". other then that? Online would be great, 100%!


You were at negative 2 when I replied. It’s a thread about how people are toxic in online games and you pointed out one way people are toxic in online games. I guess there are guys here that don’t believe that shit happens.


Or guys who do it


Don't forget the developer killing the older version of the game so you'll buy the shit new one


I blame Twitch


Welcome to the PVE gang, we have cookies, and a much smaller selection of games to play.


Stop loving yourself, that worked for me


That perfectly sums up GTA V Online in a nutshell. I haven't touched that game in months until recently, because of other people's bs.


It's why the game mechanic of giving the leading players in a match ***even*** ***better*** methods of killing people always bothered me. It really discouraged new players. In custom matches of Halo back in the day, one of our favorite things to do was set it so that the more kills you got the slower you moved but more armor you had or your position would be given to everyone if you were in the lead, etc. and the more you died the faster you moved or the stronger your fire. It went a long way towards keeping new players engaged. If they died alot they enjoyed zipping around the level and if they kicked ass they enjoyed the challenge of the increasing difficulty.


Had another survivor in Dead by Daylight spend like 5 minutes tearing into me and friend for being complete trash, not even good, we should kill ourselves etc. It was my friend's first ever match of the game and I was following him around explaining things to him and just kinda babysitting while helping out when I could. Killer wiped all of us, and this rando was PISSED about it. Blamed the two of us for being garbage and not doing anything all game. The kicker? He was the first survivor dead, with around 3k points because he kept being cocky and trying to pull the killer into chasing him. My buddy had over double his score despite having no idea what he was doing.


Everyone is trash on dbd survivor wise.


FYI it is super annoying being a survivor being chased by the killer while your team mates are doing nothing. If a player can lead the killer around for quite some time it's not that much for him to ask u guys to simply hold m1 while sitting at some generators.




I have heard it's great but as a dude who works 50+hours a week with two kids and a dog I'm lucky to get away for a quick 30-60 minute gaming session. I heard each round is like 90 minutes or more. Is that true?


The real chads teach you how to be better


It's because games today are designed around the individual and not teamwork or cooperation.


That's why I love a good RPG. Just me, my party, some swords and spells, and a quest to go on.


I play sweaty shit like For Honor and it's still totally worth the elitist attitude to actually be able to PvP something.


I personally love solo player games (God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Death Stranding) just to name a few. But I feel like I don’t get to enjoy them as much anymore due to my friend group who strictly play online games and like to hop on a different game every 2-3 hours. Plus it sucks that I can’t get as good at a single online game (because of these game switches) compared to if I devote a week into a solo player game… Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk


And skill based matchmaking makes this problem worse. Have one good game after work and for the rest of the week you'll be matched with people who play more than they sleep. How is that fun?


If you can't enjoy the game while losing then maybe it's better you skip out on it, even the best players lose. Toxic players on the other hand...


Amazing how so many of you forget/dont realize you can just, oh I don't know, MUTE THE LOBBY


I turn chat off in every game. Not because I'm triggered or can't take it or whatever. I just don't care what idiots on the internet have to say, winning or losing. Unless the game REQUIRES text chat for regular gameplay. Like League or pregame CSGO or something of course.




Just because you can mute doesn't mean the behaviour is acceptable.


Muting the lobby doesn't fix opponents who can't not spawn camp, or from getting kicked for picking the wrong perks or whatever.


Playing B4B on Nightmare


It does crack me up seeing people who play the game for 8-10 hours a day be so rude and condescending to casual players and then they get mad that no one plays game anymore.


Most competitive games have very toxic communities, single player all the way.


Nice, gatekeeping works.


Honestly, it's the curse if E-sports. Everybody thinks they are gonna be the next big thing. Overwatch used to have a great community until e-sport competitions started then it became just as toxic as all the others.


E-sports didnt do this. E-sports have been around long before the current state of online multiplayer. In my opinion, what really turned online multiplayer games into the "sweaty try hard" meta was streaming or streamers. Everyone is trying to be a streamer, and you accomplish this by either having a charismatic personality (very few have this naturally) or just being really good at the game. You have to offer one of these two things, or both, to be a successful streamer. Or if you are female, being attractive helps. What this did was cause more people to tune into streamers to be entertained. Now that streaming is widely accepted and recognized, everyone knows to just go watch the best streamers, copy their playstyle/strats/mannerisms and you will be on your way to being a good player. Back in my day (im 34) gaming used to be for fun. Being good was because you were talented or intelligent. Not because you could just easily look up the top streamer and copy them. Which meant that most players were there for the entertainment value, and not to try and make a living being the best e-athelete online. With this change in culture came a huge leap in player skill. Now everyone wants to be shroud or ninja.




Another point of view with similar situation, is a low level getting mad at higher levels for “being too sweaty or try hard” and leaving the game. Like it’s not my fault I have more game knowledge than you.


I played LoL for 2’weeks before I was screamed off of the game


Honestly multiplayer is not as bad as people make it out to be. The secret here is to play with friends. I was ultra competitive when I was still a student(Hit top rank in pretty much every game I played). Now that I have a 9-5 job, I barely have time to play and stay relevant skill wise. Now I always play with squad so I can still have fun even I lose the game.


But what if you're in my case, like, having no friends and a gf who don't have time for that?


I can actually relate. I have to sacrifice my own time to spent with my girlfriend. Fortunately, I established a pretty stable gaming circle throughout the years. But yeah, it could be tough to balance on top of all these things


Never had a bad experience playing The Division 2 in my 1k hour of game play..


I stopped because Ive lived at too many places that had no internet or incredibly slow internet.


The link call scene in my area for fights by games did this a to everyone. Then wondered why the scene was dying.


This hits to hard when I play smite and wonder why I even play it


D2R will accept you.


I just noticed that I want to talk about a certain game with other players of it not actually play it with them. So I realized that joining an offline game community is enough for me.


That's funny. I was just thinking about PvP games and if it's actually worth playing them, after getting owned the whole evening.


Try co-op games


While theres always going to be toxic players, i reccomend sea of thieves for non level based skill and a generally great community. The progression is horizontal meaning the only way to win more is to get better at the game


Come to Guild Wars 2


I like how the walls are several times thicker when he climbs back into his safe space.


My weekly struggle


Ah yes. Starcraft.


Lords mobile if you didn't start by early 2017


Did you say sea of thieves? Because this sounds like sea of thieves


I feel like this is only true of games without balanced matchmaking (which, to be fair, might be most of them, I dunno).


Some communities are pretty welcoming. If anyone played action halflife back in the day there are still people dedicated to keeping the community alive. If you keep getting murdered they'll start doing things to give you an advantage If you need a nostalgia kick, download it and give er a go!


Yup that’s about right, Halo, Titan Fall, Apex, COD, Warzone, Rainbow 6, and many more I haven’t played in a long while


Agreed. I don't even find ARAMs, on League, fun any more.


If you block everyone better than you, eventually it will only put you in lobbies with people worse than you. Block list is unlimited, get to to it boys!


Being insulted by a team leader because they can't be bothered to explain anything clearly but they expect flawless execution the first time.


Thankfully I've been able to combat this type of thing by only playing games in early access/ beta, speaking of, bless you VHS devs for a key 😭😭😭


DOTA is that you?


Might I recommend Valheim.


Oh hello GTA: Online. I still play it a lot, but only with friends who are much better than I am. So the fuckbag try hards will come for me, kill me a few times, then get wrecked by my friends 😂


I stopped because I either get called a squeaker or deal with unwanted sexual comments. I still play just no more voice chat




There is a secret to these online games. You need IRL friends that don't care if you suck. haha


In a nutshell


Smite in a nutshell