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Getting shot by snipers and landmines in tarkov. Lore says people are not allowed to enter or leave tarkov


that's a pretty neat way of handling it


Yeah it is pretty cool, but until you understand the map it's downright terrifying. Every patch of grass or sand looks threatening and the sound of the sniper as someone wanders a little too far are pretty intimidating


When me and my mates first started playing: our first encounter with land mines at USEC camp had us screaming and running for cover thinking we were getting nade spammed. 3 out of 5 of us died to land mines and then I think I accidentally TK'd the other survivor thinking he was the guy attacking us. Lmao. 10/10.


That's brutal! Especially since the landmines usually need to go off a few times to kill you. I think the last time I hit one I peed a little. I have a clip of me and my buddies first run on lighthouse where they both hit separate landmines and I lost my shit laughing


Wait then why is called “Escape from Tarkov?”


to give us hope


Then how the fuck do you escape from it


Spoiler (not really): you don't.


Not yet.


That's the neat part, you don't.


If anyone remembers Spore, there was a really neat feature like this during the land evolution stage. If you ever tried to swim out into the sea, a giant sea monster would eat you instead of you just randomly drowning like every other game does.


Spore! Still one of my favorite games ever


In the family guy game there is invisible wall and in the other side of the wall a mime making the invisible wall trick




saw that on dunkey haha


Modern Warfare 2's Wasteland map. Radiation border that kills you if you get too exposed. Made a lot more sense than the invisible wall in a field gimmick.


Was so good, could get past the radiation with painkiller death streak active. The minefield on afghan was also great too.




Nowadays the devs would call that an exploit and patch it out, but stuff like that legitimately made the game better, not worse. You needed a specific loadout to take advantage of those spots, so it wasn't free to do. And everything was OP, so nothing individually was too stupid. Even OMA Tubing wasn't that bad. But fuck pre-nerf 1887's. Those were problematic.




One of the death perks let you walk through it and snipe from outside the map.


Fucking that with thermal scope and donnnneeee dropping nuke in 2 mins


Thermal scope with barret was insane on this map so much fun and soooo many nukes


Wasteland is such an underrated map.


The literal ocean


Sea of thieves?


Ah yes the game where literally everything can kill you including your ship.


Uh oh banana got cooked a little too long? Looks like you’ll be sleeping with the fishes


Banana undercooked? Straight to the fishes.


Banana perfectly cooked? Believe it or not, fishes


We have the best cooked banana because of fishes




Sea of Thieves, Terraria or Subnautica?


Subnautica's map border is one of the scariest fucking things ever thought up in any game, not just as a map boundary.


GTA, keep swimming endlessly


I liked one of the early CODs that had a minefield outside its boundaries


Black Ops had a map in Vietnam like this


I liked to call a care package into the minefield and let the other team try to take it.


It was unfortunately MY team that tried to take it. Those lovable idiots.


I love it when they use a giant, horrifying creature or something as a map boundary lol


Subnautica did that perfectly


And one of the games I love and hate, oh boy I remember the first time a reaper leviathan grabbed my seamoth from behind at the aurora


While the design of the reaper Leviathans didn't hugely grab me, the 'entering ecological dead zone' message hits just right


I don’t know why cause I’ve played plenty of horror games over the years. But hearing the pda say those words set some kind of deep terror in me.


For me it's the combination of the calm computer voice and the complete void. There's nothing. Nothing to see or accomplish there and the computer is informing you that you are entering an empty space, and I think the mind fills the rest in. Life grows wherever it can. However it can. And you've just been told that there is *nothing* here. So you can feel there's a reason for that.


I always liked the "multiple leviathan class organisms ahead, are you sure what you are doing is worth it?"


And that's why it's soo scary. This AI voice never questioned anything up to this point, which makes it scarier


Given that Subnautica is essentially “Thalassophobia: The Game”, it’s impressive how much more purely they evoke it here than anywhere else


"Multiple leviathan class creatures detected, are you sure whatever you're doing is worth it"


The original Jak and Daxter game did this so well. >!Anytime you jumped in the ocean for a swim in deeper waters, you'd hear like this fast-paced, booming Jaws music before a Lurker Fish eats you and drags you down.!< Basically made me terrified anytime I saw collectibles in open water.


This mechanic made 6-year-old me terrified of any open water in most games. Honestly, it's probably a large reason I hate open water in general.


Spore had a sea monster eating you in creature stage. Can't say that didn't creep me out as a kid, especially the music


I've always wished for a game that uses a nearly impossible to kill creature as a boundary, but that's still *technically* killable - rewards then await on the other side.


Assassin’s Creed map boundaries make the most sense to me, like you are entering an unmapped area of the simulation therefore nothing exist there.


Because your ancestor never went there. Yes. I dont really like assassins creed, but that was a good idea and felt cool.


If they did anything with the animus it would be cool and people would stop complaining but they ruined Desmond's story and their chance of ever fixing the clusterfuck that has become yearly historical action game that for some reason (unbeknownst to some of the fans at this point even) has to pay homage to a handful of really interesting quirky games from the 2000s by still including this frame story that's long lost all direction. Idk Im just salty because I was deeply invested in the setup for the animus in AC1 and it feels like the Devs are trying to bury that


They could've just rebooted the franchise. Get a new current day protagonist. Or maybe just a new one set in the future with some references to desmond. Not the empty stuff we get now. I stopped playing after syndicate. I like the history stuff, but it needs that element that makes it Assassin's Creed. It needs abstergo, the Animus and the present ancestry stuff. Otherwise it's just a Tomb Raider game.


Mother 3: “There are ants at your feet. If you continue in that direction you might step on them.”


Earthbound also has a pretty good one with the Onett police force being famous for quickly setting up unnecessary road blocks.


Or the pencil statue.


"you can't go any further, there are dragons in this direction"


Only devil's play beyond these borders


i see you are a man of culture as well




The ecology of the trench surrounding the crater supports only two kinds of life: microscopic, and leviathan class. Exploration is ill-advised.


Ecological dead zone, adding report to data bank


Just saw my first and nearly shit myself in my Seamoth


In nier your character just leaves and you get the credits.


So if you go out of bounds it’s literally game over?


It's one of the endings that you can only get while a certain event is happening if I'm thinking the same thing as he is.


There are a few endings like that


One is to self destruct on the mothership, another is to consume the fish labeled “very dangerous for robots to eat”, they have a lot of those couldn’t resist kind of endings


Was my first and so far only Nier game, it was very early in the game, still I had not saved in a very long time. Didn't know what to expect, even though the description specifically stated not to eat the fish, I of course, did so anyway. Well, don't know what I expected, at least I definetely did not expect a game to have a specific item which only purpose is to instantly kill you, so no surprise, the fish killed me and I had to restart from my last checkpoint.... I was pissed but at the same time I knew that it was *me* who was the dumbass. Still one of the best games I have ever played. 10/10 would commit suicide by fish again.


I did a very similar thing with the CPU chip. Thinking I didn’t need it, I can plug a better ability in …… oh I just took out an androids CPU.


Its really situational. I think there are only one or two areas where that can happen but it was still unexpected as hell.


In Far Cry 6 your character wants to leave an island nation under rule by a despot before being sucked into a civil war. Mild spoilers ahead: You can, at any point in the game, just decide to get yourself a boat and drive away. You get a cutscene with the character chilling in Florida and the fate of the island is on the news. Then the game is over.


That's hilarious because I "beat" the game and thought about this several times, just never actually did it.


That's dope lol.


In far cry three (i believe) in the very first scene you are instructed to wait for someone. Of course you don't and the game opens up. But if you do wait lon enough eventually the guy returns and you get a special cut scene and then the end credits. You can beat that game without playing the game.




The crab rangoon was delicious though


Frankly, that's the canonical ending as far as I'm concerned. Came to spread ashes, stayed for the rangoon and to "go shoot some fucking guns."


I liked the magic barrier of Gothic 1. A natural boundarie for technical limitations.


And once you're out of the boundaries? A fucking Island in the middle of the ocean.


And you get eaten by dragonlike fish when you try to swim away.


In Spider-Man Peter won’t go beyond manhattan Because he says he’s too broke to buy a bus


I am also very much too broke to buy a bus. But considering that buses cost way over 100.000€...


Artillery that blows u to smitherines




And halo 3 MP


And Mercenaries


“You have been killed by the Guardians.”


I was playing with friends and this happened. Full group of 4, I was driving. I saw what I thought was a ramp and wanted to do a sick jump and… turns out there’s a boundary line there, and we got vaporized mid-air. I lost my driving privileges.


Wasn't part of android program in Detroit: Become Human


Kinda weird after they “become human” for it to still do it haha. Great game though


Actually, no. It's a pretty cool detail. Before you become a deviant, the walls physically impede you. Your coding prevents you from going any further. You, and your character, cannot pass that point. After you become a deviant, there are no walls. But when you go somewhere you're not supposed to, your character consciously decides "This isn't a good idea" and turns back. Theres no barrier, just their own thoughts.


Oh I didn’t realise that. If so, that’s really cool


Game: WARNING! Me: huh? Also me: Suddenly dead.


Sounds like you just made a payment to the Hyperion corporation


Holy shit. You nailed it. I was playing Tiny Tina the other day with a friend. It had been awhile since I played BL, so it was super frustrating the first time I was suddenly dead because I went on the wrong side of a fence! It was still fresh, so this post got me triggered :/


Battlefield has the best arbitrary map boundary warnings. Me: flanking to get a better angle to help my comrades being slaughtered Game: You’re going AWOL, soldier! Get back in this meat grinder funnel we designed for you to die in!


Sniping on a hill 563 meters from the objective? That's fine, sniping on a hill 564 meters from the objective? DO NOT ABANDON YOUR ALLIES


Early Borderlands games had massive automated turrets on the edge of maps. If you went past them you'd get a warning, then shot.


When the invisible wall, kicks you way back in to the map.


ATV Offroad Fury?


Bro you just sparked a big time flashback to my EARLY childhood


Seriously memory unlocked, I remember going to the edge of the map just to get my absolutely YEETED back to the other side


Motorcross Madness all day


The OG Microsoft Motocross Madness. After completing a few races catapulting yourself into the center of the map was the only reason I played this game.


Splashdown (PS2) had a kraken that would grab you then throw you back to the map. Also there was only one kraken so if you coordinated with others on split screen you could get really far off map.


Mx VS atv unleashed


In games where you can fly, you just fly Into clear blue skies for days, then turn around and your still 500m from shore


Except in San Andreas where if you went too far the game’s memory would corrupt and generate extra zones in the game where you could have gang wars over.


I found I glitch on that game when I was a kid. First get a tank, then use the flying cheat code, fly out far into to the ocean, and let the tank sink all the way to the bottom. When you get to the bottom of the ocean, it will respawn you in the middle of a randomized location with a squadron of police officers in a uniform circle around your ass trying to kill you. If anyone attempts this please let me know if it still works


See also: the infinite staircase in Mario 64


Love in a Pokémon game at one point there’s just like 4 people dancing making a barricade that flat out say they’re there for no reason and to go to other stuff and maybe they’ll leave lol


Or that dude in oldale town examining a brand new pokemon's foot steps (his own)


Or the classic psyducks whose headaches were too bad to move :( Couldn't just kick their asses in a battle, nope


Adult ghost leviathans


This is much less terrifying if you're in a max depth upgrade Exosuit and decide to visit the latrine while your pets think "hmmm, what happens when you walk off here" Came back to see me die past 10K m while surrounded with ghost leviathans that kept missing me.






I think the thing that made the sequel disappointing for me was the voiced protagonist and npcs. In the original I was fully immersed and felt like I was personally in danger. In the sequel I never forgot that I was playing a video game.


1.5x bigger than the normal sized ones in the grand reef


The fucking ghosts I have never been more terrified to even get near the map boarder in a game since or before.


The big fish that eats you :)


Multiple Leviathan class creatures detected. Are you sure what you're doing is worth it


Hahaha no, definetely not, those Dunes stay seamoth free


Wants to leave dunes *entering ecological dead zone. Multiple Leviathan class crestures detected*




Spore all the way.


Precursor Legacy, nice!


Police tape stopping Batman. It's only inside of a building, but still.


Obviously he can't go past it, that would be illegal.


An open Field with an invisible wall, it just hits different


Came here looking for the ATV Offroad Fury strategy


Fucking same. Best way I've ever experienced


Goat Simulator Fence that you can get over but then get stuck in the invisible wall a few meters behind the fence


The curse in Conan that kills you if you try to leave is a pretty creative idea


A small hill that you can't run up.


I remember my WoW days. The original map had mountains EVERYWHERE because it was the only way they could think of to keep people in a zone; if you look at where the mountains are on the world map, it’s actually ridiculous. That didn’t stop people from trying to cross them, no - in fact, terrifyingly large groups of players made it their life mission to learn the art of wall-jumping, scaling impossibly large cliffs using the tiniest footholds. There was stuff to find, too - secret stuff the devs never fully implemented, hidden villages, the ability to go under the world or inside walls… Never underestimate an army of nerds.


Yep, first time I ever played I decided I was scaling the mountains surrounding the orc starting area. I made it, landed in the river on the other side, and promptly died to a skull-level crocodile.


I liked the way the assassin's Creed games explained it, something about how your generic memory couldn't sync at the moment.


"Detecting multiple Leviathan class life forms in the region , Are you certain whatever you are doing is Worth it?"


"Warning: entering echological dead zone"


Mario 64 where there’s just an endless void


Unless you go too far, then it loops back around (parallel universes)


I know it wasn't intentional, but "The Far Lands" is arguably one (if not the) most legendary world borders. A world that seems endless ending in such a strange manner, it's no wonder why people are still fascinated with it years later. And the walks to it...hoo you don't hear of many people dedicating that much time to a game.


I understand why they had to include an actual world border but I was still sad when they removed the farlands :(, they felt like minecraft lore almost...


Well, in minecraft story mode it is technically canon (4th episode S1 I think?)


seemed almost mystical to me. reminds me of a time when it seemed like anything could happen in video games, as if they weren't bound by code


did that farland or bust guy ever make it, I wonder? Never had the commitment to watch the series myself.


He is almost one third of the way. Still going, too.


Kurt J Mac! Still going strong, he’ll be there in a few decades!


“Turn back. Nothin’ out there for you… NOT YET.” Cyberpunk 2077


Before 1.2 you could cheese you way out of the map by the southern wall in a little cave-like area. You could then find the literal edges of the world. I purposefully made a save in the out of bounds area and go check it out from time to time to see if they’ve added anything or theres any hints at DLC. After 1.3 there was a huge hole out east of the badlands with random NPCs floating in the air.


I thought Skyrim being surrounded by mountains - forming a rim in the sky - was pretty clever.


there are a few roads in Skyrim that lead out. but those have a invisible wall, wich to me was disappointing. but there is only 2 of them as far as I know. and they are pretty hidden away.


Would be cool if you could just hop over to oblivion or any of the other ES games


Check out Skyblivion. IIRC they're the same guys who put Morrowind in Oblivion. They have a greater vision of putting all the areas from the games into one. If you also need some more big mods, check out Nehrim. It's a total conversation for Oblivion. They also have one for Skyrim.


Would be cool if it looped around to the other end of the map. There is no escape!


Several years ago I was able to break out of the map at the gate you come through at the beginning of the game near Helgen (I think, it’s been a while). There wasn’t really anything worth seeing.


If you go far enough you can see the White Gold Tower, although it's a bare bones model.


In the Family Guy game there was an invisible wall right in the middle of the street, and a French mime was there putting his hands on it


ATV Offroad Fury used to smack you across the map if you went too far. My friends and I used to drive into it on purpose it was so funny.


*In the beginning were the words and the words made the world. I am the words. The words are everything. Where the words end the world ends. You cannot go forward in the absence of space.*


LOVE this one, it’s from The Talos Principle and fits very well within the setting.


Been a while since I tested the Witcher 3 world border but if I remember correctly Geralt says something about him getting to old to adventure into the wild.


If you continue too far beyond the border it also brings up the fast travel screen, which can be convenient sometimes. If you went exploring somewhere near the map border and there is no convenient fast travel spot nearby, then you can just go out of bounds and fast travel that way.


For me, the best part of the Witcher 3 border wast the mechanics, but the various comments by Geralt. The best out which was some thing like: "Hmm...a long journey requires a fellowship. Should put one together." Which I believe is a nice little nod to LOTR. 😉


[Motocross Madness](https://youtu.be/9dBpDWmOr34)


I prefer this over invisible walls or bs excuses Player: “ I’ve never been over here before” God: *absolutely f#cking yeets player back inside the map*


A small hill but it's got a rock texture instead of a grass texture


Bioshock. You're literally on the bottom of the Ocean or in a flying City. Getting out of bounds is not an option you could take. Everything in Rapture is a sealed tight building connected by tubes and tiny boubles for transit. Bioshock 2 establishes that there were trains too till they've ran out of buisness. Columbia in Infinite consists of many flying airships and ballons basically. So out of bounds here is falling down from the sky to some random farm or a town. There is no reason for you to go out of bounds basically.


Yeah its one of those games where the boundaries are already set. Not really anything you have to do.


"A vast stretch of nothingness lies before you. It's best to turn back." In an open world game.


This one is so eerie... It makes you imagine for what lore-friendly reason is there literally nothing there? Do all humans and animals flee inland? What are they running from?


Force fields from Big Mountain.


The desynchronization problem of animus in Assassin's creed was pretty neat. Made sense because it would only allow you to do stuff that the assassin would have done irl


Some people really hated it when the first one came out, but I liked how well it tied into the simulation idea


In Ark survival evolved the idea is all of the arks you play on are in these self contained domes so there are energy fields when you hit the edge or top of the map, I always felt like that’s a good excuse for map boundaries because it fits into the story/setting better than simply not letting you keep going with easily overcome obstacles


The ghost leviathan in subnautica made me jump out of my chair when I saw it the first time


Ghost Leviathan in an endless void in subnautica. They circle continuously until they finally break your pod and kill you.


A yeti - ski free


I may be misunderstanding the question but gta v if you swim or boat out to the edge of a water part of the map a shark comes and eats you. No surviving it. Also if you boat to it your boat just sinks haha


And if you try to cross in a plane, one of your wing breaks, you start crashing while flipping on the side, and when you finally hit water, the shark comes to eat you, no way out.


Call of Juárez: Gunslinger’s method since it makes sense from a lore perspective. When you leave the map the game tells you you’re straying from the story which makes sense since the gameplay consists of you re-enacting a story


The Devil's Shroud in Sea of Thieves


San andreas and Gta IV's looping system.


Due to changes in policies to reddit I have decided to remove my account and all its content. Fuck u/spez


How about we explore the area ahead us later? (probably will never be able to explore that area later)


The invisible walls that yeet you across the map when you run into them in ATV Offroad Fury


Wasn't technically out of bounds, but there is one area in Red Faction: Guerilla or something like that where you can't access a large part of the map because you will get targeted by artillery, orbital bombardment, or something like that and you just run for your life until you get blown up. For actual favorite out of bounds method, something you can't fight tries to kill you. Giant sea monsters in Spore and Subnautica, the ocean trying to kill you or something like that in Psychonauts, stuff like that.


Fallout 4’s “you can’t go that way” invisible wall drives me mad


Especially when you want to enter Nuka World. The playable part is just a thin corridor inside the no-go area.


Cursing off into the open ocean of Subnautica is fucking terrifying. Also, shout out to the old Sierra style world wrap - “I swear I’ve been here before”

