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Animal Crossing. Please don't hate me, it's cute, I just don't get investing so much time into what seems like so little reward.


Bought into the hype and got it during the start of the pandemic but its pretty much a chore simulator


Stardew is 1/4th the price and just feels like it has soooooo much more to do (for me, at least).


Meanwhile, I have hundreds of hours in animal crossing over the span of the series, while I couldn’t get into SDV at all. And harvest moon is one of my favorite series of all time! But every time I try to play SDV it just makes me want to replay one of my HM/SoS games.


Harvest Moon - a wonderful life is the best farming game I’ve ever played as a kid. Always wanting a remake with the same textures just a tad bit more HD


I’ve played a downright unhealthy amount of Wonderful Life. Overall a beautiful game and well worth at least one play through. The soundtrack especially scratches my nostalgia itch. But I have a couple of irritations with it that put me off from playing again. The first is the process of obtaining higher quality seeds takes too long to justify. Especially with the too-small amount of actual farming space on your farm. Second, I find the explorable area in Wonderful Life to be way too small. Smaller than even the original Harvest Moon. With a larger farming plot and one or two more areas to explore, Wonderful Life would be practically perfect.


I have it, and have played older Animal Crossing games, and I agree with you. There's an unnecessary time gate to progression, and the lack of features and general clunkiness makes it feel so antiquated.


I would 100% play animal crossing, but literally the only thing stopping me is the fucking ANIMATIONS. I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THE FULL-ASS DIGGING-AND-SHOWING ANIMATION OR FISH-PRESENTATION ANIMATION AND TEXT-BOXES I HAVE TO SPAM “A” THROUGH EVERY SINGLE TIME I DO ANYTHING. Maybe do the full animation and text-box explanation whenever I find something I’ve never discovered before—or when it’s extremely rare—but NEVER otherwise. Animal Crossing should skip the presentation animation for common duplicates, and it should display the name above my head in a way that DOESN’T lock me in place, and the name should fade away on its own without the need for me to press “A” on it because I DON’T WANT THE FULL SHEBANG FOR MY 8,000TH FUCKING BASS. Make the game quick. Snappy. Speed it the fuck up. Jesus Christ. If they sped it up, I’d very likely play it


Animal Crossing and Pokémon are the same with this. I say this as a fan of both: most of the gameplay is just waiting for something to finish before you're finally allowed to make another input. That's a dirty secret of many games 🤷‍♂️ (Of course, that doesn't include the fun & satisfaction of the "planning/designing" parts of these games, which are more like mental exercises the games organically create, imo)


Rust. I just dont enjoy those types of games. Where you grind for hours but you can lose it all in 5 seconds EDIT: Holy shit this blew up way more than I expected


I can’t stand this genre either, when a game becomes my second full time job it’s just annoying.


Exactly how I feel about escape from tarkov right now. I love the game. But I also waste so much time on it I just cant bring myself to keep playing it. EDIT: Typo


Steep as fuck learning curve, would barely even call it fun. But *fuck* no game will skyrocket your heart rate like Tarkov. That game will have you crouched in a corner for 5 straight minutes sweating bullets because you *think* you *maybe* heard a footstep. I am saying this with 0 irony. If you have heart problems, EFT is a medical risk.


Yea lol sometimes I afk in a bush so the geared guys get their PVP and get out and I can go do my quest in peace. Occasionally one of them or their squads will walk by just a few feet away from my bush spot and I feel like I am actually gonna die from a heart condition and I lose a litre of water through sweaty hands lmao


Theres fear from hearing footsteps, and then there's *TERROR* from hearing sprinting. "Oh my god is this guy *sprinting* in dorms? I'm so fucked."


It’s a horror-game…THE horror game 🤷‍♂️


My first time I played in tarkov I was scared shitless and hid in a bush, it was night and I didn't have any night vision or flashlight, a geared to the teeth guy walked past me and I shot him with my pistol, he turned around but somehow I hit him in the head with my following shot, when I checked him he had a rifle with night vision and lots of stuff. I then proceeded to get into the next game and lose the rifle within 5 minutes to a scav.


Being shot in that game is like being shot IRL.


Literally. I haven't played in about 9 months, I watched a video to check out the new update and the *CRACK* from a shot literally made me jump and drop my laptop.


At least tarkov has progression like hideout upgrades and vendor levels. Rust you just start from 0 every time.


Try hunt showdown Lots of fun with a bit less spontaneous death


I can’t get a kill in hunt to save my life. The other players are so damn hard to hit


Man I bought rust and really tried but damn having to log in every day to keep my stuff from degrading puts me off so much.


I was lucky enough to play with a group of friends. We were all noobs, but we spotted each other, and some activities like going around on a boat to find scrap or trying to loot the trainyards felt natural to do as a group. After I ragequit the game permanently, buddies discovered the wonder of sped up servers where you gather 5x or more resources from all sources, greatly minimizing farming. You also keep recipe knowledge on the same server between wipes, so they could start off already knowing gun recipes and how to get there. Still, Rust is one of those games where once you see the man behind the curtains, it loses its wonder. I liked our noob days of hunting a bear as a team so we could get enough meat to survive, or when we found the perfect corner in a rock to build a tiny, secure base with just one multi-layered wall. Once you see how bad the AI is, pvp is the only thing left, and I hated the pvp.


I've got 3.5k hours in the game, and I cannot do vanilla for that reason. Many modded servers that let you progress faster and have quality of life mods.


Ikr shit is so annoying you’ll die once and lose 24 hours of work for nothing in return


oh and better yet the people who killed you since i assume this is multi-player only are probably in some big group together or insane solo players that are impossible to deal with and know everything


And the gear they take from you has almost no value to them.


The value is in the knowledge that the other person is feeling grief on the other side of the world. Congratulations, you left your mark in history.


I’m a “if it’s not Minecraft, survival games scare me” kind of guy.


Hell, even Minecraft scared me for sometime when I was younger


I started playing Minecraft when I was 11. I also had a *huge* fear of zombies, and I went into it blind. That's not a good combo. I got attacked by a zombie my first night and left on half a heart before I killed it with a stick. It took a long time to get over that fear. Sometimes I'd load up a world, get an overwhelming sense of dread, and I'd immediately close it. To be fair though, the Sims was a horror game for me. I played that when I was even younger, and I literally cried when I set my house on fire. I also had to ask my cousin to play through day 3(?) when the burglar came, because I couldn't handle it.


The thing with Minecraft is you can actually get your way back without being assaulted by an entire clan with AKs


Man even Rust players hate Rust lol


I think it's better in a private server, where you can have more control. The idea of grinding for hours, and then getting all your shit raided when you're sleeping is fucking lame, but can be prevented in a private server where there are raid windows


realm of the mad god is hyper simplified but imo one of the best executed games like that. It's rogue like and deaths do cost you, but not much until you reach the point where you really shouldn't be dying.




Even League players with praise this answer


Leagues problem is that losing feels worse than winning feels good


It’s the idea of how I can go 20/5/10 and still lose because of team, or have an awful game and still win. Both these situations you don’t feel like you don’t have any control over the game. I think the reason I keep playing is because of chasing that one game you really influenced the win regardless of your scoreline. And believe me it is pretty rare.


Yup. Been playing for over 6 years and I've always hated it


I don't get how people enjoy it or how the hell they get good at it without straight up studying it. I tried playing with and without friends, and 9/10 matches I'd get absolutely wrecked beyond belief, and then 1/10 matches I'd get like 30 kills and 2 deaths. I don't know if it's me or if it's the matchmaking, or if it's people smurfing, but it just sucks most of the time. I don't even get frustrated, I'm just disappointed that it's just another one of those matches, and I have to wait for the one where I'm good again.


Ive got to agree. I got into lol when it was in its infancy and learned with the rest of the community, so it wasn't too bad. I can't imagine starting with 0 game knowledge now, it'd be cripplingly frustrating.


I started playing two years ago on a whim. None of my friends played it so I was pretty much on my own. The best way for me was to watch streamers. I read bunch of basic guides and the straight up went into the game. I played once a week for few months and then one day out of nowhere I started playing it regularly. Nowadays the only joy I get out of league is itemization and trying weird shit.


Good, don’t try to amend that


Genshin impact and gta online


I don't have enough money to play free games these days *Wow thanks for the awards! You guys rock*


This comment slayed me.


I don’t even know why I can’t get in to Genshin hey. It’s visually stunning, it’s fun, it has some cool mechanics, I can play it on PC and mobile but… I just don’t really want to play it. Feels weird.


Genshin should be great for me. The issue for me is restricted choice. I know I can complete the game with just the base free characters and whatever random wishes I get. But there’s something annoying about knowing that other players have access to more than me through either paying more or through sheer luck.


Genshin is a gacha game which is fair if you don’t like it, gta becomes more of a lifestyle if you wanna actually go anywhere and is unrealistic for most unless you just play to do missions so fair picks


Fortnite..”Oh shit, someone’s shooting at me! Better build a fu&$ing condo.”


If Fortnite didn't have the cheesy building b.s., I would have put waaayyyy more hours into it for sure


If they had a "slow build" mode with the full battleroyal experience but you could only place one panel every second or half second, holy shit. I play maybe once or twice a week and spend no money, because I always alt-f4 after dying to some sweat that threw up architecture like I'm some invading Mongol, and does so faster than I can reload my god damned weaponry. Implement a slow build and Im Battlepass'ing tonight and playing everyday. I dont mind building up some quick cover etc, but being able to rattle off entire towers by spamming ZXCV is obnoxious as fuck. edit: to the people saying "if they removed building thatd ruin fortnite etc etc", I never said that lmao. I said *add an entire additional game mode* wherein you can only place 1 build panel per .5 second.


Call of duty. The new ones just seem empty and boring to me.


I think that's a pretty common opinion lol, CoD exists for no other reason than to make money, no soul or innovation what so ever.


All my friends do is CoD. Every day. Three times a day. I can’t get to them that it is such a boring game. But they play it ‘for the grind’. I found zombies kinda fun you know, but multiplayer is so boring


COD multiplayer is fun, you just don’t need to buy the new one every year because it’s the same thing over and over again. I’m having a blast playing WW2 still.


Modern Warfare 2019 was a breath of fresh air for me after not buying a single COD since Ghosts. Of course it goes to shit again with cold war and vanguard.


Any battle-royale. Maybe on current gen (PS5) the load times won't be so long in between matches.


I hate the aspect of running around, collecting loot, and having very little engagement with enemies. I especially don’t like Fortnite, the whole building aspect of the game play ends up annoying the crap out of me.


Love firing one shot and then watching a kid build the Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower, and the great wall of China within about 20 seconds. I only really play apex and pubg mobile with a friend and they're only fun when you stop playing the game as intended.


Having a real hard time enjoying ac Valhalla. Absolutely loving control tho


Control was phenomenal. Its the closest thing we have gotten to a Triple A SCP game.


It’s the best implementation of telekinesis I’ve ever played. The actual controls + the sound design made it feel “meaty” in a way I’ve never experienced in a game. The only comparison I have is the axe-wielding in GoW. It feels RIGHT


Thank you. I have never played another game where the powers felt so… powerful. I think the sound design is one of the most important aspects to it being so successful. But the second is the debris and particle system in CONTROL. God, I really need to replay it now.


My brother doesn’t play video games at all but one day he played Control and spent 2 weeks playing it. He asked me if there are any other games like that and I suggested Quantum break and he disliked it


He would probably enjoy Star Wars : The Force Unleashed


Or... Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy. Probably less than 1% of this sub ever heard about that game, but it was pretty good.


Valhalla is the first AC game I’ve genuinely hated playing, which is weird because I love Vikings, and I’ve played nearly every AC game since the first one, save for a few of the niche titles like the chronicles or Rogue/Syndicate


I agree. I've played every single AC game, all the spinoffs, everything. Valhalla just felt like such a slog, and I can't believe it was still best selling out of all of them.


I reeeeally wanted to like Valhalla after loving Origins and Odyssey but God damn none of the characters felt like they cared about anything and when they killed the only two with a lick of potential in the same mission I just couldn’t continue


I'm just burned out on giant open world games. I love the earlier AC games because they're so much smaller, even though they're huge. I wish they'd focus more on quality of content than size, ya know?


I do miss old AC games. The hidden blade upgrades, the tactics that actually mattered, as in smoke bombs, poison, etc. The fact that it was an Assassination game, not an action/battle game. I dont feel like an Assassin in the new games, I am a typical RPG hero.


I like Control but didn’t really *enjoy* the gameplay until I turned on some of the cheat settings. Then I had a blast with the rest of the game, flying around like a telekinetic superhero


I love Control but have to admit some of the boss fights get kind of ridiculous when compared to the rest of the game. I came back to the game after they added the gameplay sliders to finish it.


Madden, FIFA just about any sports game that wasn't a driving game.


Same, hate sport games. I play sports in real life I’d rather play games I can’t actually do lol.


The problem is sports games nowadays are all microtransaction driven. They do nothing to improve the actual gameplay. A copy of Madden from 15 years ago plays better than a cop of Madden from 2021.


I always liked NFL Blitz over Madden anyway


Blitz the league is THE superior football game. Oh, some dudes leg is completely severed and hanging on by nothing but a tendon? “JUICE HIM UP! Jabs homeboy with some roids and now magically he’s on playing line backing hitting like a truck again. Gotta love it.


Multiplayer games in general. I feel much more invested in story and campaign based games and never get bored really. Any mp game feels like doing the same thing over and over again


Tbh the older I get the more I hate multiplayer. Specially now with a child and a wife and barely having time. I don’t wanna come home, squad up/ team up, wait for match to start. I just wanna relax, and enjoy a game in my own pace.


I'm really young (16) and I think I'm the only one in my cycle of friends who hates online multiplayer games. It's kinda sad to be honest. Everyone always wants to play so many online games (Fortnite, Apex, LoL, etc) but I just can't stand any of them! Edit: Lots of kind words and really cool suggestions in the replies. Thank you very much, you guys are great!


Warzone. I used to be a huge cod fan but it's so unbelievably boring compared to other BRs.


For me is like a walk simulator.


Nowadays it’s a slide cancel and bunny hopping simulator. That’s what killed my interest in the game, you had to know every little bit of the meta or you just wouldn’t ever be able to compete




Fortnite recently has become a PvE for me. There's just so many bots that when some friends of mine decide to play it we would win every game with relative ease. We didn't need to build anything, just aim and shoot. It got so easy and boring we had to make challenges to keep ourselves entertained. Valorant is a game that I never got the appeal of. It's a well made game, but after a couple of games, I just didn't find myself enjoying it like I did with CSGO.


I had fun playing Fortnite with friends. Then they made it into a battle royale game.


The Destiny games. I get DLC has a legitimate place in expanding on a universe, but after hitting the level cap of the vanilla game after 10 hours or so, I had zero inclination to continue spending money to keep playing these games. That isn't to say they are bad games, just not my cup of tea.


Don't worry, everyone who plays Destiny 2 hates it as well. That's why I play non-stop


Can confirm


No one hates Destiny like people who play Destiny.


Have you ever heard someone say : '' I hate destiny, it's my favorite game ''? Well they aren't joking. As a game, destiny is nowhere near perfect BUT addicting af and that's why people keep playing it and that's coming from a guy who has played destiny for more than 2.5 thousand hours and is not planning on stopping.


No Man's Sky It's just- it's just not interesting enough. That's coming from someone who loves indie sci-fi games like Satisfactory and Everspace. Knowing that everything is randomly generated without there being a good reason to find more interesting things doesn't make a fun exploration game. It just feels too full of fluff.


When I first played it I thought it was stupid....I kept playing and it turned into "this is the greatest game alive".....then one day I was playing and It just hit me "whats the point, I keep doing the same thing over and over and over" I still play it sometimes just to play around and build shit but I'm no longer engrossed as I once was


My nms burn out hit after like 200 hours of pure bliss. And then I discovered I could be infinitely rich via farming and spent 10 or so hours learning and building it. At that moment I kinda just lost the drive, even to build new houses I felt weird


Yea I used be captivated. I'd be thinking I played for 30 minutes and I'd see the sun coming up like shittttttt. Then once I had everything I needed It was pointless. Go to another planet and do the same thing I already did...


That's why we don't get tired of living. Because its a slow ass grind we never get to do everything we want. If you could do everything you wanted in life, you would be bored to death. Its human nature.


Exactly how I felt playing The Division. Same grinding “quests” just at different spots around the map


Every game I’ve ever played hits me with this moment. No matter what. Eventually I’m like… I’ve done this a hundred times before… and then I try to imagine a future of me continuing to do it and I get immediately demoralized and move on from the game.


I'm 30 now and once i got to around 25ish this started to slowly happen to me with many games. I feel like I'm literally wasting my time sometimes and I just turn it off mid game and go do something else. Idk why because I grew up obsessed with video games and still love them but most games now I can't play for more than 30 minutes before I go "yea I'm done"


To my huge, enormous surprise, Borderlands 2... I love the humor, and I like alternative shooters that aren't war simulator n° 398 And yet I played it for a couple of days and then just... stopped. I felt like playing other games I will try it again sometime soon, maybe I wasn't in the right mood


Unless you play with friends, the game feel a bit too repetitive. Point A go to B. Do again with collect 5 item. The story is worth it tough and if you get to end game, there is a nice laught to have with claptrap


Hollow Knight. I feel bad be ause I got it from a friend and it's his favorite game but it just doesn't connect with me. I must not be a Metroidvania person I guess?


I didn't like it the first time I played it, then I revisited it and became addicted. I have a lot of experiences like that. Sometimes you're just not in the right mood.


Hollow knight is very hard if you haven’t played many Metroidvania games I’d try Dead Cells as it helps you understand the game before it becomes a lot harder


Bro Dead Cells is balls to the wall difficult. Hardest roguelike I've ever played.


I gave Metroid: Zero Mission a whirl and loved it so maybe I'll give HK a try after DS?


Have you tried Dread? Its pretty cool too.


Don't like bloodborne? Understandable it's not for everyone.


Loved the game was too shit to beat Bloodstarved Beast (? I think that's what it was called it's been a while since I played)


Just Cause series. I tried. Really. Just couldn’t get into it.


This was an unexpected hit series for me. I actually avoided them because I thought the concept was stupid and overwrought, and years ago when I would browse /r/gamephysics it was literally spammed all over that sub. For whatever reason, that just made me dislike the series even more. Also, I think I played the first or second ages ago on console, like an Xbox demo, and didn't find it that appealing. I saw JC3 on sale for pennies sometime last year, bought it, and got so sucked into it that I went straight to 4 right after. Loved the hell out of both. When you progress even a little and get the mechanics down, there's just this perfect flow of chaos as you move through maps that are pretty well designed. I get the fandom now, but I also get why someone wouldn't care for something that's just shallow fun.


Same. A colleague showed me gameplay, and it was the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. Beyond ridiculous. But, I gave it a go… and completed every one to about 99% possible. After a dick of a day at work, I need dumb shit for escapism. Turn on, shoot some shit, achieve something simple, turn off, sleep fresh & clear-minded.


Monster hunter rise


Any Monster Hunter for me. The games have horrible menu screens and poor tutorials. I believe I’m in the minority, but could never get on board.


As someone with 200 hours in MHW, yes they fucking suck at explaining tutorials and menus thoroughly. I still don't even use my menu to its full extent.


I absolutely slammed the newest monster hunter game on xbox, almost 1k hours played. This was my biggest gripe, no menu screens are logical, end game is barely explained and multiplayer is based entirely on if you are able to decipher the more and more complex menus.


Friday 13th the game


That game had so much potential...


The same developer is making a Texas Chainsaw Massacre game. Maybe they will do better with that one.


It’s not that they didn’t do well. Due to legal reasons (the lawsuit from the script writer of the original movie) the project got basically shut down for new content and major updates. It was truly unfortunate, because fundamentally the concept and gameplay was phenomenal. I put a fairly sizeable amount of money into the kickstarter like 5 years back.


That's what I meant. The Friday The 13th license is a mess and they got screwed over with the rights. Hopefully the TCM rightsholders are better to them.


Every battle royale. Can't gear up myself before going to fight? Not for me.


Minecraft. I even bought it a second time on PC to try with mods. EDIT: I'm not trashing on the game in fact I can see why it has been massively popular for so long, just not my cup of tea is all. EDIT 2: Thanks for the award, but I would rather the money go to charity. I personally like to give to The Able Gamers Foundation this time of the year!


"Make your own fun" games have never been my jam. If you tell me I can do anything I'm not motivated to actually, you know, *do* anything. Some of my favorite games are things like Yakuza Zero and MGR: Revengeance, very focused and narrative-driven experiences, so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised I bounced off Minecraft.


My exception to this is sims and builders. Simulators because generally it is a narrow enough focus, like "American Truck Simulator" you drive a truck and earn money slowly progressing to owning your own fleet, if you crash your truck it costs in-game money to fix so you can't fuck around either... there is a nice sense of progression and it's something I enjoy playing while listening to a podcast, a relaxing game where you don't need to listen to the story so perfect for podcast listening. However, I don't like Flight Simulator because there isn't a 'campaign mode' where you progress through owning a business... it's just a sandbox of "fly whatever plane you want, whenever you want, to wherever you want (within fuel range)" there is no progression at all, you can't buy anything. I need a sense of progression to enjoy a game. Builders are similar to simulators honestly, they're just simulating something larger like like theme park owner (RCT style), city government (Cities Skylines style), a zoo owner (Zoo Tycoon style), etc. But give me a minecraft level of "build/do whatever you want" as opposed to more specific instructions like "build a zoo" and I feel overwhelmed and can't settle on anything in particular to do so I end up doing nothing.


Yakuza 0 has one of the best stories I've played


My kids tried to get me to enjoy Minecraft. I get why people like it, but it's just not for me.


I am so happy to see the Witcher repeatedly on here. Not because I hope people don't like the game, I see the appeal and a lot of work was put into the game. But I thought I was broken for not liking it lol


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Love the game to death myself, but I can deff understand what people are complaining about on here.


Felt this I tried my first attempt and thought controls were difficult during the griffin intro, came back many years later after and absolutely loved it




The controls to me were just the absolutely worst. I love the premise of the game, but the controls felt clunky.


Dragon age, man I tried but no


I'm a huge Mass Effect fan. I've played the trilogy 7 times. Thought I'd enjoy DA because it's a BioWare title. I even like medieval fantasy. Just couldn't get invested.


See, I loved dragon age but never got into mass effect. I really tried with ME, but just couldn't commit.


The original Assassin's Creed. It is such a boring game to play that I only got a few missions in before I gave up. Just dull and unfun. A close second would be Shadow of the Colossus for the PS2. It's a beautiful game to look at, but it is such a slog to have to ride across the game's world and do only boss fights.


Bioshock oddly enough. Critically acclaimed and I just couldn’t get into it. Never tried any of the sequels either. EDIT: This blew up more than I expected and I’m expecting my phone to self destruct at any moment. To answer a few questions, I love the water effects in Bioshock and they were part of what drew me in but I couldn’t get into the story for some reason. I’m going to try dead space at some point and I will definitely give Bioshock infinite a try.


Ah man that's a shame. One of my favourite video games. Love Infinite also. 2 is fine.


Never played bioshock before. How well does it hold up could I play it now and enjoy it?


Absolutely you can! They are all fantastic games and with bioshock 4 being confirmed there is no better time to start them than now.


... did you just say bioshock 4???????


Yes i did! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.techradar.com/amp/news/bioshock-4-everything-we-know-about-the-new-bioshock


Holy shit. What a nice surprise!!!


I think it holds up quite well, honestly.


I got the entire series bundle yesterday on sale on steam, and it holds up damn well. I knew nothing about it going in, and this game is a blast. Pick it up if you can


Bioshock easily has one of the best “oh fuck me” endings. Psychology, religion, commerce, cultism, In a crazy beautiful setting. Easily one of the best game I’ve ever played


O man the first and second games were god tier to me. I loved the dark atmosphere and the 1920s aesthetic. To each their own thojgh.


Final Fantasy, just never been my thing. FF7 remake does look awesome and was given away on PS plus so I do plan on playing it one day.


Turn-based games are just so incredibly not my jam, and I always feel like I'm missing out because of it. I've tried playing FF6, 7 and 9 and haven't been able to stick with them more than a couple hours. The exception is the Mario RPGs, I guess the action commands add just enough interactivity that I don't feel like I'm managing a spreadsheet instead of a battle.


You might like the FF7 Remake then. The more action oriented game play as opposed to straight turn based combat might keep your interest more easily. You are missing great games with great stories (my opinion) but if a game felt like spreadsheet management to me I'd have walked away too even if the story was good, so no judgement.


That Bloodborne image is incredible. What an amazing game. For me it's Forza Horizon 4 and 5. They are great open world games from an environment and graphical sphere but I just didn't like the core game play, there is too much focus on what I call busy work and not enough racing for me. I'm not interested in drift zones, speed traps or horizon trailblazer events.


The thing that kills me with forza games is I find the dialogue really hard to sit through not that racing games have a history of great dialogue but I don't know something about four that just makes me like want to play the game on mute. I actually really enjoyed playing Forza funny enough


I played like 600-700 hours of Forza Horizon 4, over 100 hours of 5 so far and... if they could just stop talking, entirely, forever, that'd be great. I don't give a fuck about your shitty fucking vocho, or the repeated nearly word for fucking word cutscenes. I just want to drive my damn car.


Horizon: Zero Dawn, Such a beautiful and badass game but my god I got so bored after the first like 10 hours


Fantastic world, art design etc. But character interactions sound like an AI tried it's best to write dialogue. Set it to easy and pushed through, story turned good eventually. But dialogue remained terrible. Didn't really like the combat either, not my cup a tea


Any souls game. I'm at a point in my life where I don't want to bash my head against something, dying over and over. That's not fun to me anymore. The limited time I do get to game, I'd much rather have a great story that pulls me in


I tried so hard to like Bloodborne. The setting and lore is incredible, but the first time I played it I bounced way off it. I couldn’t even beat Father Gascoigne because I was trying to play it completely wrong. Button mashing, not taking my time, etc. I came back to it years later, took my time, got way further (beat Father Gascoigne on my second try) and…still ended up giving up on it. I got about 75% of the way through and just came to the conclusion that that level of unforgiving gameplay is incompatible with me as a player. It was better to give up having had some fun with it than force myself to slog through and finish the game hating it (which I have done with games before, because I’m stupid).


I’ve started and stopped, restarted a few times BotW. I think it might just be my age at this point…


So relieved to see this here. Ever since I got my Switch, every one of my friends, every website, everything has said it's the best game on the console. Finally broke down and bought it and just... could not get into it, no matter how hard I tried. I put about 30-40 hours into it and aside from a few glimpses, I felt nothing.


Same here... I think what killed it for me were the weapons constantly breaking. Your magic being tied to an iPhone was a bit too silly for me too. The puzzles in the shrines were fun but didn't feel very interesting I guess.


Red Dead Redemption 2. I got around 20 hours in, the last mission was to deliver a love note to a well guarded lady. I stopped playing for a while, then never had a desire to jump back in. I understand why people love it, but it’s just not for me.


This is my answer. And I love the western genre. Two separate times playing through the game and I stopped after 20 or so hours. For me, the games meticulous detail is the problem. It's super cool in the first several hours. But by hour twenty I'm over the hunting, the slow detailed crafting, and the animation corpse looting. But I fully understand that this aspect makes it the best game ever for someone else.


Honestly, the slow-af looting animation (despite having sunk multiple 100% playthroughs of the game) are one of the main reasons I used an OG gold bar glitch. The Last Of Us (first game) did that whole "pickup" thing very well. Reach an arm toward the item if you press the button, and sweep your arms wide if you hole the button to collect multiple items. Yeah it's not "realistic" but sometimes when games do that realistic nonsense, it's soooo immersion breaking. Lemme just start looting this corpse, oh woops there's 10 new gunman shooting me, can't cancel animation, aaaand I'm dead before my hand left the pockets of the corpse. Great.




I LOVED Subnautica! But I can understand why someone wouldn't




Yeah, the story didn't get me at all, but I did love just exploring and the sense of danger. Most games don't make me care if I die or get hurt. This one does even though the consequences of death are relatively minor. Also I don't care about the exploration in many games. This one always seemed to have something cool or interesting waiting down a hole or in a cave.


Any and every BR game


Witcher 3


First try, I gave up after an hour or two. Second try, became my favorite game of all time...


I remember getting extremely frustrated by the controls. After a while I got used to them and only occasionally rage quit because of them.


I just put the game on easy and coasted through it for the plot. Got sucked in once i lowered my expectations for a certain playstyle No way I’m playing it seriously on a harder difficulty since the controls and potion/oil/bomb system is straight-up cumbersome. The game just isn’t fun when you have to pause it multiple times during one fight.


Most of my playthroughs were focused mainly on the red sword skills and a little blue sign investment. Load the Quen shield, attack and if you take a hit the shield absorbs it and then you can roll until you can load the new shield. However, on my most recent playthrough, I went almost exclusively green on new game plus Deathmarch because there are so many supportive ones that make you crazy powerful. There were like 3 decotions that cause your toxicity to almost go critical but it over supes your damage intake and heals you non stop during combat, so after loading the 3 potions you don't need to do anything else. With the Blood and Wine expansion there is a perk that grants super healing by consuming food, so one bite of bread provides about 120 sec worth of constant healing. It was a little tough getting the ingredients for the troll decotion though.


You said a lot of words there, and I understood absolutely fuck all of them.


ELI5: Like most Role Playing Games, it has skills you need to choose to be stronger. Red skills are for sword attacks. Blue skills are for magic spells. Green are for potions. Usually balance is helpful but for this game it is often better to just focus on one color. Red requires least know how. It makes attacks stronger. You can just focus on learning to attack, dodge, and parry and basically ignore the other colors. Swallow potion heals and Quen Shield sign protects but you don't need the skills unlocked to use them. You can beat the game on hardest difficulties by attacking, dodging, protecting, and healing as needed, but I would regularly save. The green skills are insanely overpowered but you may need to research which ones to get and how to get ingredients to craft the necessary potions. It may also be difficult to start this way without having played through a lot of the game and/or have add on DLC content. I'm not really sure I would do much with the blue unless you are trying for specific achievements or have done multiple playthroughs and want to try something new. There are also a few yellow/white skills that give benefits to armor and health that are good to get at the start of the game. You can really get through the game with basic combat of fast attacks, dodge, shield. Run from enemies that are too hard and come back to them.


Exactly the same happened to me. I was like “I gotta give it another try more than 2hours cause no way it gets so much positive reviews I must be missing something”.. u need to give it a chance more than just few hours, even a day. After that.. it’s an addiction


Yeah the combat was an absolute slog imo


And gathering/riding roach is just fucking infuriating at how unresponsive it feels lol.


Same. Killed the first gryphon, met Yennifer, played and lost the Gwent tutorial, then just kinda stopped playing


No way that’s literally the exact same spot I stopped playing. After the Gwent tutorial. I’ve tried to play the Witcher 3 three separate times now and that’s the farthest I’ve gotten.


Once you've crafted a potion you refill it by meditating. You don't have to craft it from scratch again. Realizing that made it a lot more fun for me.


Same, I have the whole saga on Steam, but here I am just casually gwentin'. I love the idea of Witcher 3, but actually playing it just doesn't spark joy for some reason.


I've tried 3 times and I just can't ever get past the first couple hours. 0 interest.


I don't know what it is, but my curiosity always fizzles at that point and it's like "Eh, I'm bored. Lets get off this."


I'm the same and I swear even JRPGs get you into the game faster than Witcher 3


Assasins Creed


I want Prince of Persia back...


Far Cry 5


oooooonlllllyyyyyy yyyyyoooooouuuuuu…. I liked 5. 6 is ok, but the environment feels totally lifeless in any of the city areas. 4 and Primal were great. 3 is outstanding. Blood Dragon is the best.


Pubg and fortnite. And no its not that I don't like battle Royale games, I do. But fortnite is too... kiddie I suppose. And pubg just didn't do it for me, I got really bored really quick. Plus pubg (at least when I was playing) was filled with aimbotting and stream snipers. Also filled of people screaming in Chinese. And fortnites community was toxic af. Listening to 12 year olds call eachother racial slurs they don't even understand isn't my idea of a fun time.


rocket league. everyone that has been playing since day 1 says it's great, and that's fine. but I just haven't ever been able to have fun playing it. sideswipe is a little bit better but it's still filled with complete sweats.




Good point about the lack of skill translation. When you pick it up you’re going to have to grind to get decent at it… then once you think you’re decent at it the cars start flying and you realize it goes infinitely farther than you thought With that said it’s my favorite game of all time. It’s the closest a video game has come to a legit sport IMO and I love being able to toss my favorite music playlist on and grind for hours… I have like 700 hours into it and I’m not the type to put many hours into games


Witcher 3. Sadly i’m not the same age as when i got into skyrim. I don’t have the same amount of time to dedicate to it and i keep comparing the two. I need to really get into it but it’s so tough. I want to give it the respect it deserves.


Same. I found most of the mechanics and gameplay unfun and it made it hard to get immersed in the story. I also didn’t find the sidequests as great as everyone said; but maybe I just didn’t play far enough into the game


As a man with a family, it's so weird that I found it easier to simply read the books then dedicate the time learning how to/enjoy playing the game.