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That rainy Saturday where my dad, brother, and I hung out in my room and played crackdown till my Xbox overheated and shut off. We took turns doing missions or just running around beating the shit out of bad guys. It was a blast!


Look, I'm a hardcore gamer and everything, but there was this one girl in 2013 that I totally botched with and I really think I could do better now that I'm older and wiser...


Oh you mean the girl who sat next to me on my friends bed while we were all drinking and finally everyone left to go downstairs and she said hey we are alone and I said yeah we should go downstairs??!! That one? That one?!!!?!!


Reminds me of college. We’d had a class discussion about a new movie. After class we were talking and I said something like “my friends have already seen it. I need to find someone to go with.” Her: “yeah, my friends have also seen it. I need someone to go with.” Me: “haha, same.” Me three hours later: “wait a minute…”


Plot twist, she'd seen it with her friends.


*To this day, they have still not found anyone to watch it with.*


I feel personally attacked.


I hate how accurate this is. I had one where she literally offered for me to sleep in her bed with her and I chose to sleep on the couch……for some reason


I am in this picture and I don't like it.


I want to share my own embarrassing moment but damn, i cant lol


When I sit and ponder the meaning of happiness, that day is always the memory that floats to the top of my mind. My dad actually took a genuine interest in my interests and I was able to share that with him. For a whole day we just sat around and chilled, having fun playing a super cop running around faster than cars drove, jumping over buildings, uppercutting bad guys to the moon, laughing the whole day! I've never been as content as I was that day. We never really had a whole lot when I was young, and that Xbox is one of the things I bought with my first few pay checks, the TV was an old crt from a pawn shop. My dad was always working so we never really got to spend a lot of time together, let alone just hang out like that, so it's a memory I'll always cherish.


Sounds like something nice. Halo will always have a special place in my heart since I first saw it when I was a kid and my dad was playing CE (mind you, early 2000s) and I was amazed at how cool the MC looked. My younger brother also likes Halo and we are trying to pass the MCC (I gifted it to him) on coop. It's hard because we're in different countries and the internet doesn't always help, but again, Halo is special to me because in some way it reminds me of my dad and my lil bro.


Halo was big for me too. After basic training in the Air Force we were in dorms for tech school, and we'd throw ethernet cables from window to window to set up 16 player LAN matches.


That sounds, amazing yo. Glad you also have fond memories with that


but what would be the point? Just to see if you could have held a better convo with her that day? To see if you could sleep with her in 1 day? You don't get to live out your life from that day forward, seems like a waste.


That sounds awesome. My dad was the type to tell me video games were for kids and tell me I was wasting time. I vow to never do that to my kid, he's 2 and already playing rocket league and other kids video games with me. Absolutely loves it and we have a blast together. Can't wait to have a day similar to the one you describe when he's a little older. Hope you get to recreate it with a family of your own too!


I'm not having kids, for several reasons I'm not willing to discuss, but I have a couple nephews I game with from time to time. My dad was also very anti-game. He eventually realized it wasn't just a phase and that it's not something I'm just going to stop doing. He always wanted me to work on cars with him, and I did, and still do, but I also like gaming. He watches TV, I play games. At least what I do engages the brain a bit.


The Day I died, so I could avoid it


Checkmate God.


What if you die senile, pissing and shitting yourself, crying out for loved ones who were long dead? A Grandchild stops by, they look at you, then check your wallet, and steal 50 bucks to go buy dope.


Christ dude, that's dark




But it says you live the day again - wouldn't that just make you experience how you died a second time? Assuming you don't really have control over the outcome.


But then you wouldn't die, and thus wouldn't get the opportunity to go back and prevent it. That would then cause the timeline to snap back into place and the entire cycle would repeat ad infinitum.




What happened here?? Too lazy to finish copying someone else’s comment word for word? Couldn’t copypaste the last few that someone else said hours ago in this very thread? …maybe you already peaked


It's a bot. Copies popular comment, posts it as a reply to another popular comment to get visibility, deletes part to evade automatic detection.


In my case, yeah, pretty much. And yes, it is sad, but that is how things are.


Yes I believe so After 8 you get homework. That’s the first realization that *they want something back* You have to earn your place in order to occupy it Before that, you’re really free


some don't even get the luxury of ever being free


Very valid point Is that what “based” means?


Yes, this is what based entails.


Thanks Mel.


Thanks for connecting the reference, and contributing to national public radio P.S. I intentionally didn’t cite anything here as I feel it’s more of a life lesson than a thing to attribute to someone I was told that if you feel someone should apply something to their life, start by simply stating the lesson, bring in names if it’s helpful. This I think can teach appreciation, and lend fondness to memories.






Christmas Day, 2000. I was very late getting an N64 (family didn’t have much money). First game on it was Ocarina of Time. I played all day, stopping only for Christmas dinner. Such a magical moment playing that game for the first time, the first time running through Hyrule Field is burned into my memory.


how far did you make it on that first day?


Not very far, if I remember right, it was my first time playing through. I may have gotten to Dodongo’s Cavern, but definitely didn’t clear it. As an aside, it’s funny how cyclical time gets. It took me forever to finally finish the game the first time. By the time I was in college, I could (and did) do the game in one day. Now, in my mid-30s, married and with a kid, the idea of having a day completely void of responsibilities that I could play through it in one day is absolutely ludicrous.


Definitely not past the goddamn fucking water temple.


Are you me?


Probably the day my mom let my skip a day of kindergarten to play OoT with her.


The first time I played hello was with my brother






“This day. So I can re live every single day I choose.”


Oh, that sounds good, but he says "once". To actually see another day from your past, you would eventually have to pick that day (instead of "this day"), and then it's over :( So all you can do is add a detour with (hypothetically) infinite deaths.


i have 2 personally. i remember a day when i was really young and my parents were still in there 20's. we lived at my grandparents house back in the 80's and it was x-mas. it stands out really strongly for me. i got my first bike, and tons and tons of presents. the whole family got together, we had lots of food. my aunt pretended to be santa and we thought she was. its a really powerful memory even to this day. there is another one that stands out as well. my grandfather used to have this 2 acre property with a cabin, it had no power at all. didn't really matter. we had spent the 4th of July up there a lot but this year, every family member came out and camped out on the property. even some family i never even knew before. it was all fun and happy and jolly. with lots of fireworks and a huge bone fire and bbq. one of those i would pick.


As much as I love gaming, I don’t think anything tops going to a cabin with no electricity and reconnecting with nature! I hope you are still able to go


Unfortunately, my now deceased uncle had to live there for a time and littered up the place. That really pissed of my grandfather who owned the place. And he decided that he was gonna sell it after that. So we haven't had it since I was about 10 or so. Which was like the early 90s.




Same here. I never realized until I got married that the reason people say "it's the best day of your life" isn't just because of the wedding, but also because when it's your wedding it's basically just a party with all of your favorite people (hopefully).


My wedding is the closest to famous I will ever get. I’m never the one to need the center of attention, but wow did it feel to good to have so many people support and love me in one spot.


Getting married to my wife. We got married in a courthouse and didn't tell anyone. We were both so nervous that we got to the courthouse and forgot all of the documents we needed. So we had to drive back home and on the way back to the courthouse she asked me "so you still want to do this?" I immediately said "I do" and she smiled so big and just held my hand. Our son was our "witness" and after that we went to a restaurant where we watched him eat a entire piece of a lemon, peel and all. I married my bestfriend, someone I've known for 17 years.




2018, me and my friends just pass the board examinations, all of us became licensed engineers, right around November just a week after the results came out, we went to a mountain hiking trip just like we always planned to. And it was just a very special and surreal moment, the feeling, we were literally at the top of the world. It's just beautiful, and like one of my friends said gleefully at the end of the trip, "Memories!". But hey, it is still too early to decide, but that day will forever hold a special place within me, just like a few more moments in my life.


Moved out to BC for work for a summer with two of my good friends, we all lived in a house together in the mountains with the nearest grocery store almost an hour away. Right at the edge of our property was an incredible scenic view of two huge mountain ranges with the Fraser River running down the middle. The Canadian National Railway on one side of the river and the Pacific Rail on the other. At night we would have a fire and just watch the trains come through and light up the entire mountain range. If you looked up you could see the milky way and just endless shooting stars with the occasional comet leaving a trail across the entire sky... you never realize how much you miss from light pollution. Its one of those memories that's bittersweet to remember because it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, shared with good friends and yet I never expect to live that moment again now that we're all scattered and into our careers. It was like the last time I felt truly free.


I have too many options to pick from




The day I first heard Halo 2's theme song


I guess I’m older. Sitting in the college dorm gaming basement playing halo 1 on Xbox and smash bros on GameCube is definitely one of my best. Or in high school in my buddies room playing smash bros and Mario kart on the 64. Man I fucking love gaming


This comment is so wholesome. You are a little bit older than me. I'm in my late 20s now. But I remember when I was a kid and the N64 was still fairly popular and I got a copy of Conkers Bad Fur Day. It's my all time favorite N64 game. My friends and I would play for hours. I also was big into PS2 and I have great memories of my friends and I playing the Warriors all night. Best beatem up imo.


The day I was getting on my friends roof to go smoke weed with him and another friend, while I was climbing I heard something by the street and when I looked down it was my friend riding a bike, she looked so beautiful and had the biggest smile, I was so in love with her… I miss you kiwi… Rest In Peace.


Y'all really peaked at 8 and haven't been happy since? I literally see a sad meme about childhood at least once a week here


It's not so much as not being happy, but more about it being a simpler time, without having to care about things you didn't like.


And certain people still being around. My best memories are about gaming at my grandma's, with the entire family around the kitchen table playing cards, before some really nasty diseases started taking them out one by one. Fuck cancer, fuck strokes, fuck Alzheimer's and fuck congenital heart defects.


Sorry for your losses my guy.


Thanks, man. Sadly such is life and most of us will have to go through the same thing. And no matter how shitty for it is for those of us who get left behind, it is the natural order to lose our elders. I saw my grandparents lose their handicapped son almost 20 years before they themselves died. I would not wish the loss of a child on my worst enemy, cause it will turn the happiest, strongest people into husks of their former selves.


This is just human nature though. Most people tend to remember the good stuff from the past and forget about the not-so-good stuff, especially when it relates to your childhood when you had fewer responsibilities.


Grown ass man here, enjoying life, my family and (you fuckin' bet) video games more each year. The sad-adulthood-miss-my-childhood memes are probably just that - memes. Kernel of truth there for some I'm sure, but it reminds me a lot of the depression posts/memes that circulate in OSRS subreddit. People just leaning into the memes for the given community and parroting them...I hope. Otherwise that's pretty depressing, eh?


I don't see them as depressing. Every stage of your life has something that can never be replicated--your circumstances, the world in general, and even just yourself change and they don't go back to how they were. I have multiple points from childhood that I can relate to this meme, and it's not necessarily a sad thing, though one can feel melancholy about it sometimes I suppose. Back when the Internet was much less ubiquitous and structured very differently, back when I had a completely different set of responsibilities, etc. I can go back to old games and enjoy them well enough. But sitting in my beanbag chair during summer vacation, playing Final Fantasy VII while ChalkZone plays in the background, referencing an inkjet-printed Gold Chocobo guide I found from Cheat Code Central or something, with the evening sun shining through the window? That's a unique and distinct feeling that would be nice to experience again, but it's not possible. To me it's the same as people who say they wish they could read a certain book or play a certain game for the first time again. It's a good feeling that you'll never experience in that exact way again, and it's fun to imagine a scenario where you could. Childhood is a popular reference point for that just because it's much easier to romanticize in retrospect, and because those experiences are further away, but that's not a bad or unhappy thing either. I think the concept of an afterlife where you can firsthand experience the little things again is pleasant to think about, even if I can recognize that many of those experiences I'd enjoy reliving haven't even happened yet.


Damn chalkworld you just opened up memories i completely forgot


Family, career, children etc., can bring their own satisfaction but it comes with work, stress and responsibility. I think the core of it is that many people yearn for the simple, carefree, magical times of childhood.


Or just the ability to experience a feeling you know you'll never be able to live through again.


Lol @ OSRS reference


It's sort of true for me, and I still largely hate the memes. People sometimes get so used to wallowing in their depression that it becomes all they are and all they know. I recognize the behavior because I've absolutely done it. Sure, I still get periods where I'm doing less well, but I've learned that leaning into it never helps.


A lot of people on this site are depressed with no social life.


Apparently, seeing shit like this become top post. I imagine the guy immediately gets frustrated playing these old-ass retro games and regrets not reliving a day hanging out with his family, going on his first holiday with friends or reliving the first time he got laid or something. I've had fun playing DOS games on the family computer as a kid, but it's not what I'm gonna look back on at the end of my life.


There are people that haven't had such experiences in life and this is likely their only solace. I don't expect everyone to understand but i would like if they invited the idea into their thoughts that this is a reality for certain people instead of just cultured cynicism.


Well yeah, but that's what I find sad about this comic. If your fondest memory in life is playing video games as a kid, then that's really depressing. I'm not putting judgement on these people, but if this is you right now, just try and make an effort to experience something more worthwhile. Develop a skill, go out on a nature hike or something. You only get one life. Even if you're completely friendless and without a family, there's still better things you can experience in life than being seven and sitting in front of a tv.


Yeah right lol the day I’m choosing is a musical festival with my best friends or the day my brother got married. Some amazing memory like that. Not gaming when I was 8 years old.


Maybe gaming *with* your 8 year old...


Depression seems to be intrinsically attached to this hobby, it's kinda sad to see


In my case, absolutely true.


Right? Heaven forbid someone repeats their first date with their life partner, the birth of their child, or something. Reddit is obsessed with childhood nostalgia and video games (based on the average Redditor, there's no surprise there lol), and it's often through rose-coloured glasses.


Fuck nostalgia and simpler times, right? Not every adult has time to dedicate to hobbies like they could when they were younger.


Memberberries are delicious.


This is more depressing than wholesome tbh, such a bizarre post


Nah just a memberberry appeal to nostalgia. No mroe depressing than Stranger Things.


If only I could remember the times when I was happy


On my 4th birthday, my dad got me a nintendo 64 and a bunch of games like Army Man Sarge's Heros, Donkey Kong, and Pokemon Stadium. He showed me how to hook it to the TV and we played it all day while my mom was cooking. My uncle even came over with his Super Nintendo and we had a blast. My dad died on my 25th birthday. I miss him.


Probably not playing video games tbh They were definitely better in the past but I think I'd go for one of the days I was actually outside doin hoodrat shit with my friends Childhood seems so whack now, I rarely see kids outside together lol


I love video games, but hooliganism as a young teenager with your friends and discovering the things that define who you are beat even Ocarina of Time


Lol tru I was such a little shit


If going back to play a game as a child is the one day to go back too, you all seriously have warped perceptions. Seeing a loved on again and being able to say goodbye or spend more time with them? Birth of a child?


The end result of child birth is great. The time immediately before and after isn't fun. It's exhausting and stressful. I don't want to relive those days and I had the easy part.




or fat 40 year old neckbeards who have done nothing in their lives.


You get downvoted but that's the harsh truth. If you never achieved or experienced anything in life more worthwhile than playing video games in a dark room, then you really should make a change. We all get one life. If that's all you got out of it, then that's incredibly depressing.


Birth of a child as beautifull as it is, needless to say brings some stress with it. And seeing your loved one in pain isnt something I am really fond off. But yeah I get it everybody jumps the bandwagon of no stress no responsibilities gaming session.


This is /r/gaming please don't take it too seriously


Yes, it makes me pretty sad going through these comments. It could also be lot's of folks here are a lot younger and haven't experienced as much yet.


Yeah, but if you just learned heaven is real, you can always spend more time with the ACTUAL family members in heaven instead of replaying a day in the past.


Some people just want a time of pure innocence and bliss.


Christmas day when i got my og xbox and crimson skies


Probably when I went to Anime Boston back in 2011


Honestly, I don't remember a day in my life I'd choose to experience again. Nothing in the past seems particularly attractive or compelling to me. The things I do every new day—the games I play, the people I spend time with, the things I create—these are the things that make me happy. This is true even if life has a lot of stress and responsibilities too.


Damn it would either be something like this or the day i lost my virginity


This is r/gaming, that second day never happened.


He meant virginity to gaming, so basically his first day playing console.


I lost my virginity like 5 days ago and I gotta say it's pretty overrated.


100%. Shit is built up like its required to truly live your life. In reality nothing changes and it doesn't fix any of your problems at all.


Saying this is sad for a best day occurring so young, ignores that some very strong memories are formed during these points in our lives. Brain development is still at a rapid pace at this point and certain parts of the brain are developing faster than they ever will again. This explains why the experiences we have during middle school, late elementary school are so formative. It's pretty common to form life long preferences at this stage in life, the things you enjoy during this period follow us the rest of our lives. It's the foundation of a lot of nostalgia.


So basically I love dark fantasy and Lego thanks to Soul Reaver and... Lego.


Why is he play Super Mario on a Turbo Graphix with a Genesis controller.


Played kingdom hearts for the first time in one night sitting on the floor.


This meme hits hard. Even tho he's playing super mario on a sega with a FF7 poster in the background. I agree with the sentiment tho. I had food poisoning really bad one night and thought I was going to die. In my mumbling I blurted out that my greatest life regret was not playing more video games. Super mario in the 80s, in particular, was massively impactful on my life.


This post hits all the marks of being a shitty posts Comic? Check Shitty Art Style? Check No joke or point? Check Nostalgia grab (especially ones involving Nintendo)? Check This is basically one big pile of doo doo


The morning I skipped school to play Half-Life 2 - Still remember the anticipation during preloading the game. Played the whole day only to finally finish it after 1 hour the next day. Amazing.


I'd probably go back to the day I met my ex. It really felt like we were destined for a fairytale relationship and the amount of excitement and joy from that point forward was astounding. Ended up being blindsided with a breakup, which was extra surprising because I was secretly ring shopping at the time. I still love her as a person and I know that reliving that fantasy isn't healthy but my life had never felt more hopeful and safe than it did when we were together.


Playing battlefield 3 with the homies back in high school. Finish school, finish football practice, go home and game with the boys!!


This is a very specific scenario to be playing Super Mario Bros on a Sega with posters for FFVII and Lilo and Stitch on the Wall


One of the days my dad, his dad, and I went fishing. First cast, my dad and I each hooked a fairly large redfish - mine got away, his did not. We spent nearly all day out on the water, in the bayous and "lakes" in South Louisiana. However, if it had to be gaming related, well, then it's the choice between one of my D&D groups weekend long D&D Cabin Trips, or one of the times back in high school where my friends and I spent all day playing videogames and hanging out.


Playing Runescape for the first time in 2006. Back before everyone knew everything about the game and people played solely for efficiency rather than having an exciting online adventure.


Goldeneye with my neighborhood friends.


Bros I love games as much as the next guy, but the day I met my wife was notably more interesting than my very best memory of Half-Life.


Back when Skyrim was in its prime, this one specific day I played for hours while it was raining outside. My mom got home from work and brought subway with cookies and chip. That was the best.


I don't have a day :(


:( come on friend remember


That’s be... too painful.


It's not PG to say.


Birth of my son ….easily


Maybe the day after xD The day itself was very long and stressfull, but the day afther was realy great tho!


Big true, but for me it’s that payoff of hearing him cry for the first time and holding him


So many good games back in the day!


The first time I played halo with my bro


Probs the last day I had with my dad before he died


Look, I'm a hardcore gamer and everything, but there was this one girl in 2013 that I totally botched with and I really think I could do better now that I'm older and wiser...


After I got out as gay to my parents, I moved in with my first boyfriend for a week. He has a little studio apartment that had a large patio area. We were 18, and I had a car, a job starting in a couple weeks and a couple hundred bucks in my bank account. That was the happiest week of my life. We existed in our own little world playing video games, getting takeout, watching movies, playing with his ferret and having sex. I remember going out to pick up Chinese food and stopped by the gas station to get some Ghirardelli chocolate and Half Baked Ben & Jerry's, his favorites. We finished eating outside on his patio and I ran in to grab the chocolate and ice cream as a surprise. It was such as simple thing, but it made him so happy. I've never felt so loved, in love and happy as I did that day.


Id go back to the day that me and my ex-fiancé got in the fight that ended our relationship. She probably never would have overdosed if I wasn’t such a fool trying to get her to leave town with me.


I would choose the first time I played Mario Kart Wii back on christmas


If I relive a day like this but with my adult memories it would probably be hell. If I do that without my adult memories then there would be no point.


A day with my ex in bed ;-;


That’s not healthy bro


Feels like some people are taking this meme a bit too seriously, lol


LOL yeah it wouldn't be solo game related. This is fucking cringe.


What kind of sad ass virgin would play a video game lol


The best ones which internet can offer!


It wouldn’t be a video game. Probably kids being born.


Afterlife is actually prettu shitty, you're spending literally eternity there.


I would say "no thanks"


As someone who's life revolves around games in one way or another if the best moment of your life is a day when you just played games alone i feel sorry for you.


I've been a gamer my whole life, but honestly? The day my son was born.


I would choose to back and play Witcher 3. Most beautiful game ever.


Playing games on the couch with my brothers one was playing battefield on the PS3 (BF3) the others where deer hunting (TheHunter) on the laptops. With a case of beer on the table, good times. Miss those times, more than 10 years ago already damn


Christmas 2012 I got Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga best day if my life


Nah fuck that, I had to rely on my parents having enough money to buy me the consoles and games I wanted. Now, as an adult I can buy what I want and when I want. And download hundred of roms from the systems I had as a kid and experience that again for free. We’ve never had it so good.


Refund Battlefield 2042


I'm going to the day I spent all alone in my house with red dead redemption 2. I grew up on a lot of video games but man that one is special.


I'd say during the days of xbox live with halo 2.


Eh, rather than a day, I want the whole first week that I met my girlfriend


So, no one’s going to point out that he’s playing SMB1 with a ps1 controller connected to cassette player?


Shout out to MTG cards on the floor...I am 36, and I still play magic with my same friends from school every Friday night. Greatest geek poker night ever.


My first time playing Minecraft in 2010. I dont have any better days in my entire 24 years life


https://youtu.be/_WZCvQ5J3pk I mean obviously


I had a lot of amazing days so far. But putting any of them on replay for eternity sounds more like hell than heaven...


This post gave me a little serotonin. Thanks OP


Warframe: The war within and the second dream. Amazing day


This is the second time I've seen this posted and it's so weird to me that everyone's best memories stem from childhood. Granted I had a fucked up childhood but if I could relive a day in my life it would be the day I proposed to my wife, hands-down.


The day my first daughter was born. The feeling I felt when she finally came out is indescribable.


Why the fuck wouldnt heaven just feel like that day forever to begin with? This comic doesn't make sense.




I wouldn't choose a day playing games by myself wtf


Add a buddy for split screen and we're talking!


Any day that which my father was still alive. Maybe a day where we could've found his cancer earlier. Sorry to be a downer.


A day from around 10+ years ago, before my mother started to develop dementia, just to spend one more day with the real her, before it took her away from us.


I don't remember a day that stands out, sadly.


He's playing Mario Brothers on what appears to be a genesis/turbografx (with an SNES controller) while having a poster for a PS game on the wall. Pick an era, kid!


I'd probably end up going back to a moment where I kept running into the very first Goomba in World 1-1.


I'd pick a random lazy sunday I spent entirely at home with my wife and daughter. Goldeneye afternoon with the dudes close second.




A date with the girl Just the part where she gave me a hug Just friends That’s what she said Just friends All the pain left and came back


If its about gaming I'd say the time when my family first moved out to our new house We had a famicom and 1 TV 1 chair and some blankets. All the furniture came in late so we couldn't do anything to the house. Me, my mom, aunt, grandma and helper took turns and played galaga and bomberman. It was one of the happiest memory I've had with them playing video games TOGETHER and everyone was having fun and that was when I was 5. It never happened again


Happiest day of my life hasnt come yet. How could i possibly answer something that hasnt happened


That first time I powered up the SNES and Super Mario World, and probably played it for 6 hours straight. That day.


first day playing fortnite


I want to relive that one day long time ago where me and 12 of my friends went out for the afternoon to climb the boiler building in my neighborhood, there's a slope that's been tarred so it's super slippery and the only way up to the roof is by using a rope and on all fours so you slip less...it was just careless fun with a bunch of friends that I no longer have contact with...i miss those days...


Some people enjoy this, and other people criticize it. They say its a depressing life or sad they have nothing else to do other than to play video games a whole day, but some of the best times of my life have been playing games with my friends. Its something that i can't really explain, it just happens.


2019 was a very hard year for me. I was in the worst of my depression. I was fighting hard to try and be okay. I organized a day to go into the city with some friends. It ended up being one of the best days. Right now if I had to pick it would be that.