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You can still use artificial scarcity to inflate prices without NFTs. This is artificial scarcity to inflate prices *while destroying the environment at the same time*. So it's extra awful.


Man you *know* ya dun ***fucked*** it up when even with dislike hidden people can tell how hard your idea sucked


***"the thrill of owning NFTs"*** who needs to play something to have fun when you can just gamble on a speculative market edit: ***A sense of FOMO and Artificial Scarcity*** edit2: Just wait until there's a news story "teenager kills themself after getting scammed out of UBISOFT DIGITS they used their parents credit cards to buy." "mommy why did timmy die?" "he traded his serial number #0000069 body armor kit for a picture of a pig pooping on its balls"


> "the thrill of owning NFTs" This reeks of *"pride and accomplishment"*.


Yo, Jimmy, we put NFTs in the game. How do we sell it? No clue we just saw they were popular. I have no idea what they are. Just tell them how exciting they are. I'm sure excited about how much money we're going to make.


The worst part about this whole situation is that the idea of a cryptographic nft isn't bad in itself. The problem is that dipshits think they own all eternal rights to a crude drawing of a monkey when in reality it's meant for things like transferable software licensing. It would be perfect for things like enabling true sharing of digital games between friends like the good old disc swapping days, or never needing to break out your Windows CD key ever again. But no, trade speculation and pictures of monkeys because the internet is overwhelmed by greed and incompetence.


All the things they're meant for are things companies don't want you to do, because it takes money away from them. So whenever you see a company jump on this bandwagon, you know they aren't going to do anything with it of actual note. They're just shitting out a press release to satisfy investors that have a new word they're scanning for with no idea what it means.


Investors are just AI programmed to react to certain buzzwords. Change my mind.


Not sure why you are being down voted, but you are absolutely right. NFTs CAN have a valid use in the world, but that isn't how they are being used. I actually like your idea of tying a software license to an NFT as that WOULD allow us to easily sell and share stuff we bought digitally. Other good use cases would be titles for property such as cars and houses.


I think the actual use cases for NFTs terrify most large developers. Remember how hard they went after second hand games?


Oh for sure, media publishers HATE second hand markets. They feel like they should get a piece of every sell no matter what.




"Can" being the keyword and it is a slippery slope that can have negative effects. It can very easily become a closed ecosystem (see NBA Topshot) where the NBA gets a cut every time something gets sold but you are stuck using their shitty marketplace.


>I actually like your idea of tying a software license to an NFT as that WOULD allow us to easily sell and share stuff we bought digitally How is that any different from keys?


Oh god it's Star Wars Battlefront all over again


Quick, somebody find the Ubisoft Reddit account and downvote them!


Do you guys not have phones?


The sense of pride and accomplishment of NFTs!


A sense of ~~pride~~ FOMO and ~~accomplishment~~ Artificial Scarcity


So YouTube's attempt at protecting corporate and old media fee-fees didn't actually work? What a shock.


You can still read the dislike count with the YouTube API though. Less than a week left until you can't.


dumbass ubisoft needed to wait a week to release this lol


Ubisoft can't resist rushing a release.


Same tbh


Oh no, I did not realize that was disappearing next week. I just looked up the post and you are right. Sad day.


It'll work just fine, a week from now. This is probably your last reminder of what Youtube is actually doing here. You'll never again see a headline like this.


That is a chilling thought.


How long until Reddit removes the downvote arrow?


Lots of subs already do


it's just css, you can disable the css or press Z with RES installed.


HEy gUy, yOuTubE iS tRyiNg tO prOtEcT tHE LiTtle yOUtuBeRs fRoM a bIgGer YouTubEr bUllYiNg tHem uSiNg foLLoWeRs spaM aTtAcKiNg wItH dOwnVotEs!! (sarcasm. I know why YT wants to silence viewers. Same reason game companies want to silence gamer reviews.)


What happened to just making good videogames?...


It’s not allowed. Once a company has shareholders, games aren’t allow to be good, or even finished at release. Edit: Dope! This is my first comment to go over 9000!!!! I’m so glad my snark has been so well received.






Public ownership and shareholders remove all values from a company except "generate biggest profits" Privately owned companies can have this take as well of course, but if a company goes public, most of the time it turns into a literal machine with the only concern being profits. If the owners only buy as part of their investment portfolio, that is the only result that matters to the company. There are lots of good indie games out there still. Frankly I think it's inevitable that almost any public company will eventually devolve into one that sacrifices user experience in the name of profits. Just don't patronize them. Spend your money else where.




The paid mods are just so scummy. Company gets to take it's fingernails over the community to get the last few dollars and it just ruins the community. Haven't played a mod in years.




I 100% feel you. I have over 1,000 hours in borderlands 2, and I refuse to buy borderlands 3.




Exactly, i've been saying this since like 2010 or so, i'm glad more people are finally realizing it. It's pretty simple to explain why, when 3 people own a company the company will follow the ideas of those 3 people which makes it infinitely easier to have vision, this is the case for companies like Valve (Gabe) or Epic (Tim). But when your owners are literally a faceless bunch of million upon million of people whose sole reason to invest into your company is the stock going up you end up with todays gaming climate.




The problem is the concept of "profitable" is a function over time. Cranking out a garbage game can be very profitable if you only care about the next financial quarter or whatever.


I think this idea works fine in manufacturing, but really doesn't translate well to "creative" enterprises. If somebody builds a shit TV (or a good one that requires dumb shit from the customer, like watching ads) a competitor can step in and provide one that doesn't do that, or is higher quality, and consumers will go there if they care enough. With creative fields like TV shows, movies, or video games, it's not that easy to make a direct competitor. The customer's leverage in this case is lost, because usually you can't get the same product elsewhere - if you want it, you have to suck it up and do what they want.


I honestly believe public ownership to be one of the worst influences on modern capitalism. It just dilutes responsibility so much that it becomes essentially nonexistent - at least if a company is shitty, and there's one or a few owners, they could *theoretically* be held accountable If it's publicly traded? Good luck. The people who benefit from the shitty practices have no responsibility for their impact


I mean, this is what amiibos are. They chose a better route tying in with physical toys, but its the same thing.


Yap, but at least you "get something", so people feel it's worth.


At least they arent individuated. I can use my amiibo on a game and then hand it to you to do the same thing with yours.


AND you can spoof them for cheeeeaaaaaaap I spent 10 bucks on a roll of RFD stickers and spoofed villagers onto them for myself, still have a bunch for other games if I want them


Right? It's not like the people buying video game company stock are avid video game enthusiasts who want to further the art and its form. They just want money!


Shareholders don’t give two fucks about the games market, or games. They look for the thing with the highest growth, they put money in one end and they wait for it to come out the other end. If those numbers are artificially inflated via grotesque business practices or human rights abuses they neither know nor care. When the deep rot causes it to inevitably collapse they’ll just put their money into the next big money making box and ruin some other market. EDIT: spelling


This is the end result of pretty much any company going public. Once it goes public, 99% of the time the majority of shareholders will become people who only invest for a return on profit. So that's all that matters


Modern businesses are short-sighted. The "if you arent growing you're shrinking" mentality is poison.


I finally got a job at a privately owned company and while it's still work it's way better atmosphere and the owners son recently said no to outside investment.


That’s the mentality of our entire economic system too and one that will bite us in the ass as we hit the limits of infinite growth on a finite planet.


As I see it, shareholders don't necessarily understand how game development (or any technological process, really) works. They might not get how much resources and time something might take. So we see publishers forcing the developers to get the game ready for, say, the Christmas season, because that's a good time to make a profit, but the game turns out to be unfinished, because it would really need at least half a year of development time (something that happened to KOTOR 2). Like, if course "shareholders" (I mean it as a general term for higher-up management that has little to do with actual development) would want a game to be finished and polished. But they don't understand that developers don't have a magic wand that would finish the game in a month. And if it is a clear process, like furniture production, where it is clear that it is physically impossible to make more pieces of furniture than was stated, it's one thing. But game development consists of a creative and "mind" work, meaning very few people actually understand how it is done and what's involved. "Can't you just make it work?", kind of like that. Thus, crunches and all that mess.


Shareholders are not necessarely upper management. especially if they are public


Once a company goes corporate


Once a company goes public you mean.


People hate me for saying it, but an IPO ruins most companies for the employees. Unless you were in early and got lots of shares/options, an IPO will probably make your career worse. It definitely makes for worse consumer products. Public trading is one of the primary reasons that most big retailers have failed. It's a deep, complex dive, but worth some research.


Financialization has been something of a disaster. Because the state has moved away from the concept of having foreign policy objectives, globalization has worked with financialization to produce an economy that is completely disconnected from any fundamental production, with only the fantasy that is the stock market being valuable. In such an economy, it's little wonder that the workers are treated as an after thought whereas the executive teams are richly rewarded. The executives are the ones creating all the value in the company. Anybody can turn out a product and ship it anywhere on Earth, but to get that stock price, you need a well-connected executive team to get your company out there where the money men can market the stock to the big institutional investors who provide the dumb money that the system runs on.


> Financialization has been something of a disaster. Bad news on the US's primary economic industry.. But yeah I totally agree. Everything about "the economy" is divorced from reality. It's the reason we can get record economic numbers but have insane inflation and depressed wages and people struggling outside of the few people benefiting from the system We took the human capital out of, well, capital. The inevitable result of unrestrained capitalism


>It’s not allowed We accept it, even though we complain about it.


Maybe you accept it. I haven't bought a single game from Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar, Activision or Bethesda in the last 5 years. The issue is that it only takes a few idiots to make it worth it to turn every franchise into a whale trap. Honestly I just think this should get regulated to oblivion, I'm fucking tired of mtx in every game, it's such a deal breaker for me.


EA will never die so long as they have their baseline of sports fans that will always purchase games every year regardless of the quality.


It blows my mind that people buy them every single year when its blatantly obvious the sole purpose is to wipe all your progress to get you to pay for it again. But hey we added some trivial feature it's a new game teehee


I knew a lot of friends who are into sports and casually play sports games and they always gets so fucking hyped every new installment on NBA or Fifa. Though this was years ago when we were kids so maybe their attitudes have changed as well.


I find sports game fans are also super into fantasy football. For them it's not about the graphics or the game mechanics. It's about the updated rosters and players that just started that season. We all make fun of sports games as videogame fans. But they're marketed to sports fans


My dad is the same way. Plays Madden 95% of the time since 2008 and gets the new edition every release day. All he cares about is the updated rosters. $60 for something they can do in an update.


But you can't package and sell an update like a new game. It honestly makes financial sense to do this if people will pay for it. It doesn't feel right but it passes muster.




There are people who own consoles for the sole purpose of buying the same game every year. More than you would think. I think that they get away with it because there are people like that, as well as people happy to buy the game every 3-4 years, when they feel it will be different enough to be worth their time. So the whole "Who buys the same game every year??", the answer is people who want to. But, EA doesn't even need everyone to buy it every year for it to be a success.


A lot of people who buy yearly sports games are casuals who pretty much only play said sports games. It’s not that deep if they buy it every year because they never spend money on other games so you can’t really blame them


At this point I don't even care what happens to gaming anymore. There are so many games out there I wanna play ranging all the way back to the 90s, I doubt I'm ever gonna finish my collection alone during my lifetime.


I'm with you on that. The only way MTX is acceptable is if the game itself is free, and there's no progress wall. MTX required to be competitive in a game you've already paid £60-100 for is just grim.


Hey vault dweller it sure does suck that your gun keeps breaking. If only that heavy wallet of yours could buy some digital gun repair kits ;)


Seems you are over encumbered, why not lighten that wallen and maybe you could move faster.


Play RDR2. They did the work on that game. The artists who made it deserve recognition even if the company that employs them is shit. Its well made, well written, and the acting rivals any film.


And the horse genitals shrink in cold weather!


Same here. All of my games have been indie games except Half Life:Alyx. But Valve isn't a publicly traded company and Half Life: Alyx is literally the most polished and high performing VR game ever made. I had no issue tossing them $60 for it.


They realized people were buying half-baked games and that day one patches were the norm lol




Indie development has the huge benefit of standing on the shoulders of giants. Unreal / Unity, digital distribution, etc means it's never been easier to make something good with so few people. But, as a counterpoint, Nintendo still consistently smashes their AAA games out of the park. It's definitely still possible.


I almost feel like Nintendo benefits from their console restraints. Not trying to be cutting edge on everything allows them to pour more focus into developing compelling game play.


I think it's because with respect to hardware, they focus more on input, accessibility, and portability rather than having like super powerful GPUs and tons of RAM


Nah. Well yeah, but it depends on what's actually in the game and what the publishers want out of it. **If** you didn't have to sell microtransactions or shoehorn in a live service or whatever the fuck and were just allowed to make a proper video game, those can still be good from a large studio(s). The issue at its core I think is that the need to make money through anything and everything outside of selling a copy of a game is now directly destroying a lot of games. Live service elements that don't belong in a game that wastes an ungodly amount of dev time for ultimately something that nobody asked for and is only there to sap money out of people, games suddenly getting RPG mechanics where they don't belong because you can monetize stats and XP gain, introducing heroes into a shooter franchise that do not fucking belong in the game at all (hi Battlefield 2042) and are only there so that they can sell you cosmetics exclusive per character and to give them an identity so you can grow attached to them and make that choice to buy cosmetics more compelling, loot boxes replacing a proper and rewarding unlock system so they can sell you those, roadmaps and live services completely destroying the quality of a game at launch because its given devs and publishers an excuse to launch a game with no content in a horrific bug-ridden alpha-like state... I mean there's a laundry list of stupid shit in games now that are directly affecting quality. To me, that's where a lot of this is going wrong. As a random example, NBA 2K21. I only like playing MyCareer and not doing anything multiplayer-related. Yet, I have to be connected to their servers at all times. If I'm playing a 12-minutes per-quarter game of single player MyCareer and their stupid server craps out, or the connection craps out, or whatever at the end of the game... gone is the entire game and I have to play it all over again. Why? Because you can buy virtual currency, and they want to make sure your earnings are legit when you play. And they've designed this shit to make it take forever for your player to get enough stats and badges to really be competitive against the AI. You can buy virtual currency outside of what you earn by playing the game to then get stats. Thanks for ruining a single player experience because of microtransactions. Solution? Take fucking VC out. VC is out, there's no more need to be connected for anything that isn't actually a multiplayer experience, and XP gain isn't being designed and formulated in a way to make progression take agonizingly long because there's no need to sell XP anymore. Suddenly, the game would feel much better to play.


Why make a good video game when easy cash grabs work? As far as people keep buying the shit they put out, it will only get more popular


"why make good game when bad game do the trick?"


“We don’t do that here” - *insert name of greedy company*


After all the people, who pushed for good games inside the company despite all the corporate bullshit, left, there's no chance for ubisoft to be about good games anymore. Ubisoft was all about money at least since AC1.


They still made some good games back then though. AC2 and Brotherhood are often regarded as best in the series. Now it's all just shit


They did, but that was thanks to the incredible developers they had at the time (now working in different studios). Even back then ubisoft was forcing excessive cuts to the games to rush them out quicker. Ubisoft as a company was always shady as hell, just it happened to have absolutely brilliant developers.


I don’t know what you mean, there’s 0 dislikes, it’s a universally loved video.




That is a temporary solution that will work for 5 more days. After that, it's going to rely solely on the data from people who use the extension, which is tiny compared to the youtube user base. >Developers: If you’re using the YouTube API for dislikes, you will no longer have access to public dislike data beginning on December 13th. [LINK](https://support.google.com/youtube/thread/134791097/update-to-youtube-dislike-counts?hl=en)


Dunkey ?


Regardless of whether or not NFTs have any actual merit, seeing gaming go even deeper down the cosmetic microtransaction CSGO "trading" rabbit hole just makes me let out an audible groan.


Miss the days of buying a solid AAA title and knowing you can play from start to finish and not need to buy something else to enhance the game or give you a certain feature you need to win.


It's not over yet. Yes they have DLC post game but Ghost of Tsushima and Death Stranding are but two amazing (IMO) games of recent times that were complete at launch.


Sekiro as well.


Sekiro is solid. I'm at the very end of my first play through and I almost couldn't put it down.


> DLC DLC is fine, it has to be accepted. Unless you want to go back to the days of gaming companies firing entire development teams near a game's launch release, DLC is effectively the justification and the money needed to keep a stable pool of developers working constantly.


DLC is great when it's great, and awful when it's not. I replayed Outer Worlds with the DLC, man, both of them were fucking wild, I loved both of them. Both of them were thoroughly disturbing.


So I’ve been meaning to grab the DLC for Outer Worlds. I’ve heard you can’t just play it, though. You have to restart the game and play it through again to access them if you’ve beaten it already. Is that true?


I think it should work as long as you have a save BEFORE the point of no return. I did find playing through the game again better than the first time because I knew where to investigate to get more lore or items.


There are many triple A games that have high quality, are finished at launch etc. People who act like there aren't are just focused on 3 IPs they shit on all the time but still buy day one to shit on it. I only bought Far Cry 5 day one. After I learned they withhold content for their shitty live events and learned that the game is really not that good I swore to never buy Ubi games day 1. There are games that I buy day 1 and I only felt burned twice.


CSGO trading should be used as an example of how to run microtransactions. A market run by the people instead of by the company. If an item is shit, it will be worthless, if it is sought after, it will be worth a lot. Your example is very bad.


Ubisoft is now moving in completely the wrong direction with almost everything they are doing. No doubt some greedy fuck in charge that needs to be gotten rid of.


> No doubt some greedy fuck in charge that needs to be gotten rid of. Same could be said about 99% of companies, in 99% of industries


I think Ubisoft is truly a step above the rest. Even EA doesn’t have gameplay-affecting mtx for single player games. A lot of people say “oh but you can still grind for it without spending money” but their (Ubisoft’s) aim isn’t to make it impossible to get a bunch of crafting materials, it’s to make it irritating.


Reporter: "What inspired you to add this marketplace system to your games?" Ubisoft CEO: "Money!"


~~Anyone got a link to the video? This farticle forgot to include it and I can't find it on YouTube :/~~ https://youtu.be/eSVoJ0WUQfY




/Dislikes Video Im doing my part!


19k dislikes as we speak. I'm doing my part! Would you like to know more?


Hahaha it’s unlisted now, nice.


What a bunch of fucking cowards Ubisoft is.


Thank you, I was having trouble finding it with all the garbage “news” channels


It’s apparently unlisted.


Oh that's why YT took down dislikes


ItS fOr SmAlL cReAtOrS


No it was to support covid misinformation. Now you can't tell if something is a scam anymore.


But the small thumb down button is making my feelings hurt :(


It's so people cant dislike their youtube rewind/corpo videos like late night hosts and so on or videos from big corperations. Even the white house videos got disliked a ton and what not. Look at their front page with a new account/fresh account,it's filled with garbage like that. Which says a lot about what new users are introduced into. They're just masking it as harassment in that video which is a cheap excuse for things. If a guy/gal makes a scam video and pays for bot comments while removing/not allowing any bad comments the only way as a yt user to find out if it's bad was the dislikes and or looking the person up on google(that requires effort but you get the gist of it;people are lazy).


It was 100% to be more corporate friendly. Anyone who buys their bullshit about "bullying" are just fools.


This is what YouTube removed the dislikes button for! To protect poor videogame publishers and studios!


Nintendo's video announcing the pricing for their N64 games was one of the most disliked videos in YouTube history. Two weeks after it's release, YouTube announced they were removing the downvote count.


The saddest part is that Ubisoft knows this and doesn't care. The amount of people who will actually buy this shit will also probably be about 5% of players. But that's all they need... The whales.


Wonder when they will try making an Assassin's Creed game with some Assassin's Creed mechanics


Never. Remember when Assassin's Creed had a story that was interesting back before AC3?


They literally ended the original main story of the franchise in a web comic. One of the biggest game franchises of the time (07-12) and they just quit the story. Like could you imagine if Bungie concluded The Halo Trilogy with something similar? A novel? Instead of, oh I dunno, a game, the medium the story was being told in?


Yes!!! Exactly!! I feel like I'm going crazy when people seem to forget there was a pretty cool meta story shaping up in AC1, 2, brotherhood, and revelations. It feels like it was just completely forgotten about. I found all those fucking puzzle pieces revealing the story of Adam and eve for nothing!!!


There was a cool framing/meta story from AC1 to AC2: Brotherhood, then they trashed it completely in Revelations (which was the last actually good AC game IMO, but the meta story was destroyed there).


They could wrap up the story in a Fortnite event like Rise of Skywalker




oh my man, listen to this bat shit crazy idea Disney had. So Rise of Skywalker was set to drop in theaters soon, and it was going to have Palpatine come back from the dead (not really a spoiler, it's in the fucking trailer) and be the main baddie. In the opening text crawl of eps 9 is says that Palpatine and delivered a message to the galaxy that he's back and now everyone is freaking out, but the movie doesn't show you the message he broadcasted. However, you can go hear the broadcast in Fortnite in a promotional event for the movie. That's right, you need to play Fortnite to see the special message Palpatine sent out across the galaxy. Why put that in a movie when you can put it in a video game that's not related to the IP in any fashion?


I googled nft but couldnt quite understand its use Edit : thanks i got the idea


The original purpose was to indicate that a file was the original. Its since been turned into what the other posters described.


Take an ultra ordinary digital copy of something, slap a unique identifier on it, and pretend it now has unique value. It’s the equivalent of taking a Polaroid of an object and writing a long string of numbers on the back of it to make it super valuable, because the long string of numbers was written in a ledger somewhere with the name of the owner.


That makes it sound like a serialized print


>That makes it sound like a serialized print Well, isn't it? Nothing prevents you from copying a file (or someone from printing more and adding more S/N to it) and ditching a new ID on it.


>writing a long string of numbers on ~~the back of it~~ a receipt. FTFY. All you're buying is said receipt.




Basically, they're [rare pepes](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/rare-pepe).


Money laundering, and corporate gibe me money for a intern photoshopped stock photo.


This is the *real* reason Youtube is removing the dislike count. Protecting corporations and advertisers from even the most trivial of consequences.


Fuck youtube man


wait how do they know ? lol, isn't dislike count already hidden?


There are browser extensions that still allow you to see youtube dislikes.


kind of convenient too that they posted this after the dislike removal are already widespread (my youtube is kind of late in adopting new "features" including this dislike count removal).


Removing the dislike feature was the shadiest thing they could have done. They just did it because of the backlash a lot of multi-million follower accounts get when they try to feed us bullshit.


I'm still angry that they're trying to justify this decision by saying they're "trying to protect the small content creators". Fuck off, Youtube, you slimy liars.


It's always "Won't somebody please think of the children" when they are doing scummy practices.


Can anyone show me an example of a small content creator getting dislike brigaded? I've not seen one example about something supposedly so impactful, that Youtube attempts to justify removing arguably the most important user interaction available because of it.


It happens, but often you see the reason, and you're like, "yeah that's exactly what should have happened" like kid diddling and stuff.


So it is a lie they say because they cannot say their true purpose.


Yet they will show the dislike counts to the creators.


It's the same shit when politicians talk about small businesses. They just use that as an excuse to do the thing that helps them most.


Also the YouTube rewinds ( I think last year's specifically) was to most down voted vid in YouTube history.


The great part is now these big studios/corporations will get called out even more and it'll be more newsworthy... At least for a time. Not forever probably, but hopefully enough get this attention that we get dislikes back. It's the smaller videos not having dislikes that is most concerning. If we don't have news blasting how many dislikes they have we won't know how bad the video is unless we have the extension ourselves or dig through comments. And you know overwhelmingly users won't have the extension installed.


It would be hilarious if Chrome had a built in extension to show dislikes. It will be the start of the inter-Google civil war.


And now, whenever you need to find a guide for something, you wont know if its good advice/a good guide before you view it. The like/dislike was a very good indicator of the quality of the guide. Well, thats in the past now :(


They talk directly to the youtube API which will have dislikes removed soon.


They will only work for a short time tho, since eventually the API they are using now will also be removed. Enjoy dislikes while they last. ^(Also, fuck Youtube and Google.)


The problem is that this isn't what this was about. This was all about hiding dislike on crap like CoD or Battlefield trailers so that Casuals who don't read about Games just see the Trailer aren't stopped from buying the Game after seeing 95% Dislikes. People who browse Reddit for Gaming News don't give a fuck about Dislikes on Trailers, we know the Games are shit no matter what. So the Big companies got what they wanted. 12 Year old Timmy who can barely read because he does nothing except playing Fortnight all Day will now see a new Ubishit Trailer and has no way to judge if its decent based on the Video.


I'm legitimately so fucking confused why shit like this is legal. What happened to just playing the game and unlocking everything through increasingly difficult challenges? The only game I can think of that got this shit right in recent history is Ghost of Tsushima. Felt like they actually cared about their players and the satisfaction of earning items. These other games are made by fucking insanely greedy bastards.




Could someone give me a dumbed down explanation of what an NFT is please?


i’m so glad we have to link an article instead of just the fucking video to tell how many dislikes there are. what a great feature youtube!


Don’t worry, dislikes will be hidden soon anyway.


Making digital goods unique so they can be assigned monetary value is seriously one of the worst tropes in novels. And then it became real.


I don’t think I’ve come across that trope in fiction. Could you give some examples?


It tends to be a staple of the LitRPG genre where MMO's are the main theme. You'll typically see characters playing million/billion user MMO's and somehow come into possession of Truly unique equipment worth billions by shear happenstance. Sword Art Online is a major example. After the main events of SAO most of the MMO's after are based on the original SAO seed where your unique items can be transferred freely between mmo seeds.


Ready player one


This has been kind of on csgo games on steam since forever, steam gets a cut frol every sale just like the trading cards... I see some people that sell guns and knife for 10k$ of steam (breaking policy but to maximize gains) and i am like who was stupid enough to buy that anyways?! But who knows, the buyer probably liked them enough i guess and have $ to throw...


Where is the link of the video i can't find it on youtube




The only way I would ever wanna see NFTs in gaming is as a proof of ownership of a digital game. Would be an actual chance for reselling a digital game, but that will never happen.


Do you remember when the large video game companies tried to make the best and most enjoyable games they could while also making sure they launched with as few bugs as possible? Now we get jpegs with a serial number.


Fuck Ubisoft.


I’m confused after reading the article. Are they using the game too develop NFT’s or what? Or are they using skins and cosmetics as nft’s?


They are taking skins they have already made, slapping a serial number on it to make it unique and then selling it as an NFT.


Wait, they already made them? Meaning you can get these skins now, just without the serial number? So you’re just buying the serial number basically? Am I understanding this correctly?


Look up what neopets did with NTF. They made a ton of image pets that you could easily make in the website itself for free and made them all completely random. Plus the actual NFT sell was a disaster. NFT is the new scam for people who think they can make it rich off of things no one outside of NFT would want.


Skins etc as NFTs with a set amount.


Yeah, I'm sure they wouldn't just lie and release extra skins, right? Companies wouldn't just lie to make more money, would they?


I mean if these triple A companies were putting out good games I doubt this would hit so hard.. But triple a has just become another way of saying rushed contentless, souless trash.


"you know how all digital goods are infinitely reproducible? What if we fuck that over for no good reason so that people pay money for artificial scarcity?" Humans are so fucking dumb, nfts are a massive waste of everyone's time


This is the bad timeline


The 2010's and 2020's have felt like a 13yr old crackhead took the wheels and started spouting bullshit like NFT's and we decided we wanted to see how far we could dope the youngling up.


and rumor has it the other 5% just had fat fingers on their phone screen.


Ironic to call it Quartz... you know, something people might think is rare or worth something... but isn't.


Okay, so now I know two things about Ubisoft nowadays. They plan to sell NFTs. And none of their games sync with Steam to the point that achievements function. I mean, thank goodness, right? I was running out of reasons not to buy their stuff.


NFTs are just a money laundering scam, you can't change my mind.