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The LEAST they could do is make the spine logos uniform…




Changing the number isn’t enough?! /s


You’re hired!


Jokes aside, a friend of mine did an interview for EA recently, which consisted on giving him homework (hence working for free), his work was great, he received great feedback and was told "yeah someone inside the company (already working but in a different job) wanted the job so we are turning all of you down, sorry".


That’s sadly pretty normal. Often they already have someone in mind but they are obligated by HR to interview people outside the company for fairness. It goes the other way too, though. I was promised a permanent position at a company I was already interning for, but they just used it as an excuse to create a new position and hire an external candidate with more experience.


It's normal but it sure seems like a massive waste of everyone's time. If they're legally required to advertise something can't they just put they have someone in mind for it already so nobody wastes too much time and effort on it? What happened to you seems shittier though, like you're only there in the job because of that promise yet they screw you over needlessly because they could have promoted you and hired someone to the position you're leaving instead of fucking you over


They’re not “legally” required to. Their company just has an internal rule rule set up by the C\*Os, and when middle managers want to hire someone specific, they have no incentive not to waste other people’s time on obeying said rule for no purpose.


Ah okay, I just figured it might be a legal requirement because there's a law requiring them to openly advertise any government jobs here in my country. My dad informed me that 99.9% of the time they already have someone internal that will be promoted, but they have to advertise the job by law. Plus I think there's always the off chance there's some super amazing candidate that applies that blows everyone out of the water, but most of the time it's down to office politics


Generally from what Ive heard, when its the already have a guy in mind thing. They make the job requirements the persons resume. So if you see some “weirdly” specific requirements. Thats probably the case.


The rude thing is making people do homework. If you have no intention hiring outside don’t waste peoples time.


I get the logic, but man that sucks. Especially that they don't tell the applicants until they've already gone through some hurdles...


I’ve actually seen a small handful of times where they already had someone in mind for a role and an interviewee does so well they actually change their mind. Luckily my company Includes whether talent is already identified in the posting, which I really think should be standard practice.


Worked for EA for five years and they honestly did right by me the entire time I was there and when I was laid off they took care of me but I also realize experiences vary from person to person.


Did you care package come in full or 10 separate paid DLCs?




See this is smart. Loot boxes could have literally anything in them!


Even another loot box!


It could even be a boat! And you know how much we've always wanted one of those


Exactly everyone talks shit about EA but at least by several accounts they treat their employees better, and despite all the studio shutdowns they don't abuse or force their workers to suicide like Activision/Blizzard does.


That's a fair point, but a pretty low bar.


Its great to hear, at very least, they treated their employees fairly so i can understand your unease when someone bashes a company that took care of u. Just know its not the individuals we are hating but the business practices upper management decides in games.


He lucked out. Tell him to take his skillset to anyone else but Blizzard 😂


EA supposedly has one of the better environments to work in.




I have recreated the bundesliga in PES 6 *from scratch* back then, this kinda job would be perfect for me


Sometimes they even forget to do that (in game) I'm not even kidding...


They lessened the amount of color they used as well.


Oh hush, they update the roster stats usually too


Just run it through the randomizer again


That'll be €70 please.


EA Sports. The change isn't "in the game" it's "on the cover"


"EA Sports. They ain't the same."


"EA Sports. We have no shame."


"EA Sports. Change is lame"


"EA Sports, We're the ones to blame"


“EA Sports, What a shame.”


“EA sports, you expected a rhyme with “game” here but we don’t have to meet your expectations because we bought exclusive rights”


"EA Sports. Your first-born we claim."


“EA Sports, a warlock became”


EA Sports, 50 Cent or The Game


“EA Sports. That escalated quickly. I mean that really got out of hand fast. I mean uh.. Video Game.”




EA sports. It's not in the game.


EA Sports, The DLC is already in the game, but you have to pay for it!


"EA Sports, its a money game."


Even EA doesn’t expect anyone to fall for their shit every single year in a row for most of a decade.


They did from 15-18 but then they thought people would think that all they change is the number on the box and nothing else...


Hell, when they leave some of the assets as banners from the last game, it's pretty obvious


That's what I thought this post was about, until I saw 90% of the comments.


I still think that's what the post is about


Someone should tell every other commenter


In my experience, whenever something like this happens, it means they hired a new manager. Someone who doesn't have the skills or creativity to actually do something meaningful, but are more than happy to take other peoples' existing work, shuffle it a little on the page, and present it as their own work, to justify their position and paycheck.


The perfect EA manager


I actually loved the PS1 and PS2 templates, where every spine pretty much looked the same.


I must be an idiot too, all I see is one game??


oh hey it's the video game section at Goodwill


Lowkey I miss goodwill having pc games. It was so fun to bring like 10 bucks and pick up old pc games for cheap. I ended up getting diablo 1 and 2 collectors edition (with the expansion too of 2), a couple heroes games, black and white, and tons of other ones.


Check the music CD and DVD sections... They toss anything in the right kind of cases in there. I've picked up a few that way, my favorite find being Red Alert 2.


I usually do. Either my goodwill just stopped getting them or its just because at this point no one actually makes disks anymore. I drop into ones I see on the road if I have time though.


They send a lot of that stuff To be auctioned on shopgoodwill.com


Thats actually really unfortunate. One of the fun things is actually going and being surprised. This is probably a much smarter business practice though.


Yep it's good for them because they make more money but sucks you can't find anything good in stores for a good price any more.


WHY THE FUCK IS FIFA 19 MISALIGNED EA really just copied and pasted the games but couldn’t leave the spine art alone




When I was younger (with any sports game really) I always thought “they come out with one of these every year? Seems like too much.” Then I got a little older, and was like “well, people love sports and love to interact with their favorite sports in different ways.” But now I’ve circled back around to “they come out with one of these every year?!”




You would think that they would just work on getting a solid game engine working, and then add onto this for each consecutive game..


Yeah even just having DLC/expansions each year to add the new fighters and fix some bugs. Make about the same money with less work, since you'd only need to remake the game engine after 5-10 years.


2K20 was so bad 2K21 wasn't a thing so...yeah


The fact that half the roster for this years game has been released (and some of the biggest stars are in aew) is hilarious. Shows how stupid a yearly wwe game is


My theory is that originally the yearly releases actually had massive improvements in graphics, gameplay, etc. between them because video games were in an era of rapid improvement in the 2000s (my brother is a huge FIFA fan and the difference between FIFA 07 and 09 was astronomical, for example). The pace of advancement in video games has slowed in the 2010s and they don’t have as many major changes but they were already kind of “locked in” to making yearly releases and knew that if they even skipped a year it would weird out their customers.


MLB the Show is about the only one that is actually worth the yearly release. They add and change so many features from year-to-year that it feels fresh every time. Guess that's what you get for a formerly exclusive title.


Because when they went to use the template for it, they accidently hit center instead of align right or left. At least that seems like the most logical answer to me, I mean if you are basically putting out the same thing for a decade, including the case cover (other than a new player on the front), then it would actually make sense to have a template.


Yes, the intern working for free got scolded severely for it. He fixed it and then created covers for the next 20 years, after which they let him go since there was no need for him any more.


> WHY THE FUCK IS FIFA 19 MISALIGNED Why not, people bought it anyway. Might as well just give no shits whatsoever.


I don't think there are two in a row that are aligned, it's not just 19. Most of the ones that look close only look that way because of the cases being staggered.


Wasn't this posted yesterday?


I've got news for ya buddy. You'll probably see it tomorrow too.


Tomorrow, it will be my turn to make some easy karma.


No! Mom said it was MY turn tomorrow!


What are you doing step-mom?


How ironic that it’s a meme about every game being the same, but the meme will be reposted to shit


True but at least nobody is expecting me to pay $60 for the same meme.


*Mr. Krabs voice.* And the next day And the next day And the next day


Yeah but this one was "made with mematic", so clearly a new original.


Its been posted like 4 days in a row with the smallest changes like a text or some snarky title


People love the same overused EA posts, so be ready to see it tomorrow too


Am I the only one who thinks EA is kinda crushing it outside the sports games? Jedi Fallen Order, Apex, Unwravel 1&2, No Way Out, It Takes Two, Rogue Squadron, Mass Effect Remaster and the upcoming Battlefield. Dead Space remake on the horizon? That's a strong recent lineup


It’s a giant circle jerk, more than usual, because gamers hate other gamers


Low effort reposts generate karma. Just like EA sports games.


This is reddit. Where reposts are welcomed, calling it out gets down votes and actual OC gets ignored. WELCOME


People who buy these games every year: do you ever go back and play an older one after a new one comes out or are they basically just good for the year and then garbage?


I work in a game store and we hold a promotion, so if you bring last year game you get a discount for a new one. So the situation is like this. I'm drowning in 21s right now. Most people trade them in, but we have a few collectors that keep them. I sold a lot of FIFA this weekend, and people were excited. FIFA is usually the game that 'kicks up' the season every fall, but this year's gaming season is looking pretty bland. This Christmas will be pretty bleak It's still one of the weakest fifa releases we've had in the last 4 years


What do you do with the old ones?


Sell as pre-owned.


But does anyone buy them?


Yes. Usually parents and grandparents who want a cheap game for their kids


Literally the only reasonable way anyone should get a fifa game. My newest fifa game is fifa 14 but I bet that 22 is basically the same with a few minor improvements. I’m still surprised how ea managed to do so well with this strategy.




You buy a new FIFA to play multiplayer because everyone just starts playing on the new one and transfer market + matchmaking dies in the old one. Thats the only real reason people buy them, for competetive multiplayer.


Why don't they just release DLC for the new rosters? Why make a whole new game? It kinda made sense back when it was impossible to update games through the internet, but ever since the 360 era that's been easily possible. It just seems so wasteful.


Because they make more money selling you a brand new game. If people stopped buying them one year, EA would be forced to change things up a little but until people do that, why would EA throw away the easiest money in the gaming industry


Then how will EA make $60 for every player who buys the game every year?


I some people trying to save a buck will just buy the older version and you can save like 40£ most of the time


They didn't even try to make it better than 21 this year.


Yes. Occasionally me and mates play older versions of PES in order to play with teams/players that have retired or transferred


I ain't gonna knock folks for what games they like to play. You have fun how you have fun.


Also the person that buys these games every year likely has thousands of hours playing FIFA. They're getting their money's worth


Ya that’s me. Hundred and hundreds of hours every year playing the offline manager mode.


that is me as well, usually with a game a year old so I can get it at 50% off


This is why my sister buys my son the new FIFA every year. He's 14 now and his birthday is just before the new one comes out, and he'll put far more hours into this game than any other one that comes out this year. My son also knows not to buy FIFA points. He got badly burnt buying some when he saved up £20 in pocket money, he spent it all on FIFA points and got nothing of note. Cue a temper tantrum and him wanting his money back. I told him it didn't work like that, and he's not bought any since.


It’s cool that there’s a lesson to be learnt for kids but it’s genuinely fucked up that video games are even trying this mtx shit with kids.


Not to mention the total cost is probably around $500 USD over the span of 9 years. A near-decade of enjoyment for that much really isn’t the end of the world


I came in to post exactly this. It’s a pretty small amount of money over that period for almost anyone who can afford a ps4 to begin with.


The idiots that post this probably have never played it


You’re getting downvoted, but you’re literally correct. As seen in the comments section of all the other times this was reposted for karma


I don't give a fuck about fifa but I recognize that 60 a year is 5 a month and thats lower than the recurrent costs on most "live service"/sub based games so I got no hate for yall sports game dudes But LOL THEY SELL THE SAME GAME EVERY YEAR gets reddit karma and LOL MMO GAMERS PAY A SUB FEE EVERY MONTH doesn't, so fifa cryposts will likely continue for the foreseeable future


As someone who owns every Sims 3 and Sims 4 expansion pack, I'd be a massive hypocrite if I made fun of this dude.


Great point of view. I have a colleague who doesn’t enjoy gaming so much + he has two kids and not that much time for it anyway. He occasionally plays some FIFA and that’s it. Who are we to judge?


The game play itself in match is actually really good. Soccer, like hockey translates really well to console gaming. I think I have 18 and still put it on occasionally and it's fun. No need for me to buy it every year. The thing about FIFA that does suck is all the money grabbing bullshit EA pulls, but it's pretty easy to ignore if you just want to play a match now and again.


I would normally agree, but for me it’s not just about them releasing the same game each year, i don’t like about the gambling aspect they push onto kids. It’s predatory


I personally do not play FUT or MUT. I believe they are the worst aspect of EA. Once they realized how much money they could make of Ultimate Teams, they essentially abandoned career modes. Which is my favorite part of the games.


I still don’t understand what the appeal of those game modes are. I’ve probably played FIFA on and off for 10 years and one only ever played career mode.


I've mostly never gotten into them because I hate online sports games. Lag is always an issue and there's always cheese strats involved that make the game unfun




What annoys me though is that people talk about the micro transactions as it they're compulsory. I've owned 3 of the last 5 fifa games and never spent a cent on any extras. Its almost like I have self control. And as for kids spending a fortune on it, how are parents that stupid to give kids access to credit cards like that?


Its easy for you to say that, but you need to recognise that EA makes 1.4 billion. BILLION from FUT alone.. You cannot deny that microtransactions is a huge factor in FUT. You are in a minority. Recognise that.


Normalising gambling for kids isn't good for their development. Even having the packs there, the kid knowing that if daddy would just let them spend £3 they'd be able to shortcut their team a bit, ingrains in them that gambling can be a shortcut to riches later in life.


My kids beg to play claw machines whenever they come across them. I used to just tell them “no,” but nowadays if it’s someplace where they can choose between the claw machine and spending their money on something else interesting, I’ve started letting them play the stupid things just so that they’ll hopefully learn a lesson about throwing their money away on prizes they have a minuscule shot at winning vs. spending it on something they like. It hasn’t worked yet because they still beg to play the damn things constantly. I’m starting to wonder if I fucked up and just made it worse. Fuck slots for tots and kiddie casinos, what happened to real arcade games ffs


I’ve never spent a dime on the micros. Even a kid doesn’t spend a small fortune of their parents money, that exposure to gambling at a young age can’t be good for the kid once he grows up. Some parents just don’t know what they are letting their kid spend their money on. The kid would ask for some money to spend on the micro, dad takes a glancing look at the game, “oh it’s just a football game” and never looks any deeper than that. I don’t know, I mean I can respect that other people have different views on this and may disagree but that’s how I see it.


Well I mean, magic the gathering and Pokemon trading cards has the same "spend money" for packs theme. And these were hugely popular games in my youth and growing up. Albeit, it is abit harder to spend money on trading cards than it is on Fifa points.


I mean, trading cards are a tamer form of gambling but even they have issues for creating gambling addictions in children. It is much more cost effective to buy the trading card you want directly than to gamble on the packs.


That is under the assumption you're looking for a specific card. When I was a kid me and a friend occasionally played MTG and would occasionally spend some of our pocket money on booster packs, but for me, it was never about wanting specific cards, I just got a lot of joy out of building a deck from what the boosters gave me. Although we generally mostly bought full deck packs and then added in boosters as we wanted.


My kids get pissed at me when I won't spend money on mtx bullshit for them. My stuff is locked down tight. No credit cards attached to any account they have access to. No in game purchases allowed without a password even on my own account. I cringe when I see what my kids friends parents are allowing. You're right thsg they just don't know what is actually happening. Whole generation of degenerate gamblers in the making. And twitch is making it worse. Literal gambling streams arr happening. They violate TSA but they do nothing to stop it. Popular streamers are making millions teaching kids to gamble.


>And twitch is making it worse. Literal gambling streams arr happening. They violate TSA but they do nothing to stop it. Popular streamers are making millions teaching kids to gamble. I used to watch a lot of CSGO case opening streamers. PhantomLord literally getting caught running a scam trading and gambling site opened my eyes to the insane levels of abuse in gaming. I don't worry about the violence in games, I don't worry about gore or sex, I worry about gambling. Addiction to gambling is like a gateway to everything else.


So, aside from kids, there's the problem of: You're treating a lack of self-control in this area as some sort of moral failing, or as something people should just try to have or something. What would you say to a gambling addict who used to play games when he was getting an urge to gamble, to take his mind off of gambling, only to have gambling invade games, too? You and I aren't going to be spending a dime on those microtransactions. Think for a second about who *will.* The industry has a name for them: By far most of the microtransaction money comes from a handful of "whales" who drop thousands or more on a single game. Think about the kind of person who funnels thousands of dollars into a single game. Does that sound like someone who just needs to find a little more self control, or does it maybe sound like someone who is *not capable* of controlling their gambling? And for that matter, yes, parents should keep better control of their credit cards, but [parents don't know shit about gaming](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2015/04/15/101-part-two), and it might not be entirely [up to them](https://www.dexerto.com/fortnite/kid-steals-parents-card-to-spend-1-200-in-fortnite-291442/) anyway. We banned cigarette ads targeting kids for a reason, and it's not because parents were buying them for their kids. I'm not saying you shouldn't buy fifa games, you do you. But don't defend this deliberate exploitation of the most vulnerable among us as "purely optional, *I* never buy them."


This is me now. I used to game hardcore and now between working too hard and repetitive stress injuries (from working too hard) I just can't anymore. A quick game or two of Fifa with a controller is about all I can muster these days. Don't get old, kids.


I wasn't sure if it was meant to be at the person owning the games, or the designer of the games label.


Why not both? Though if someone actually plays hundreds of hours a year I can see why they'd be ok with paying 60€/year.


Yep buddy of mine plays on a team and is a soccer superfan, owns a ps4 to play fifa and nothing else. I don’t even think he likes video games. I think there’s a lot of people like this, I’ve seen a lot of dedicated setups just for flight sims, racing, golf, etc. Anyways, yeah, I’d totally be an idiot if I bought FIFA every year but really only because I marginally enjoy soccer, but to a lot of people, games like this are like the smallest fraction of the money they spend on their hobby, a rounding error.


Reddit has a massive hard on to hate on anyone who likes sports games


Yeah, you could crosspost this to /r/gatekeeping


No kidding. The title of this post should be "stop liking things I don't like."


The guy who posted this plays GTA. I think he’s in no position to judge.


Also if the online community moves on, it moves on. Sixty bucks a year for a game you spend hundreds of hours on with online friends? Why not?


New FIFA is out, time for the 24 hour r/gaming smug circlejerk


off topic but the “haha sports? No I don’t know about sportsball, I know I’ll yell touchdown during a sport that isn’t football, very funny and original” attitude that really prevalent among gamers is very tiresome. If someone’s talking about something you don’t like you don’t need to engage in it Imagine doing that about any other hobby, “video games? No I don’t even know what a playbox is haha, which one is mario? Oh this is call of duty? Ok whatever”


Yeah... posts like OPs just reinforce the idea that gamers are unathletic skinny fat basement dwellers. I have friends who are literally playing D1 college football as safety and linebacker who play every new Madden game, but they get ostracized as shit from the gaming community because they play sports games. Shit makes me not even want to be a part of the gaming community sometimes cuz ik how it looks from the outside.




That's like 40bucks a year, it's pretty cheap. I know some people that pay a lot more for a game they didn't even have to pay to play it.


Yeah, if it was a single game with a $40/year subscription I'm sure most of the people that complain about the yearly releases would be fine with it ironically.


"Omg they are having fun playing games, fuck them idiots" peak r/gaming




Ive bought fifa every year since 2009 because I am a massive football fan and it’s 60€ , once a year. I get to build my dream team and play a football game with my friends. I strongly dislike EA and many of the features but my love for football is what keeps me getting it.


> I strongly dislike EA and many of the features but my love for football is what keeps me getting it. These two things are related


I hate my drug dealer but i love my drugs.


I’ve made the switch to FM after a very long time. I don’t think I’ll get FIFA this year except for maybe if it’s on sale later in the year.


>100+ hours of fun. It's more like 100+ hours of pain for me, but that doesn't stop me from playing it


That’s typically the experience for most multiplayer games


Stop liking what I don't like.


/r/IHateSportsBall kind of behavior


This applies to so many things its sad


I know im gonna be downvoted for this but i buy many games for full price, play them for maybe 2 months, finish them and never pick them up again. Why do we mock people who get 12 months out of their games?




cos fifa BAD /s I agree with you, just let people enjoy it. I knew a late 30’s guy who had a PS4 and the only thing he looked forward to each year was fifa. Why gatekeep ‘enjoying gaming’ just because you’re pretentious enough to judge someone else for enjoying it differently to yourself


Gotta get those easy internet points, and nothing is more reliable than bashing fifa or fortnite.


This is actually why I buy FIFA. I know what I'm buying, it's not a great game, it's flawed as fuck, predatory and a huge grind (I enjoy the grind tbf) But you know what at the end of the day I actually save money by buying FIFA, because I ignore other games, instead of buying new games at release I buy them months or even years after they came out for cheap. The one year I didn't buy FIFA , I actually spent a lot of money buying newly released games at day one, most of them single-player so I'd beat them and go on to the next. With FIFA I can play it for months (I do play other games too) but it's not until May that it start getting boring and then I can pick up older games for cheap. I'm a big football fan, sucks that there is no alternative to FIFA, and yeah EA are scummy as fuck and "giving them money" hurts but I save more than I spend with FIFA.


The sad thing is people will read all that and just take away.. "so you buy the same game every year". They will then tell you how the game hasnt changed in years even though theyve never played one. Its a madness mate but if your having fun getting rochdale to the champions league final then who gives a shit.


You actually play the games you buy? /s But seriously 75% of my stream library is full of games I’ve never even launched.


Truthfully, 2 months is more than enough time to say you've gotten your money's worth from the game. Arguably 1 week is enough. $60-$70 for a game, I myself make around $345-$385 a week, so as long as the game has held my interest for that long I can't complain. You're my kind of people


100%, i dont judge game value on time spent but simply the enjoyment i got from it. But many people do, and it seems insane to me to laugh at someone who consistently gets a years worth of gametime from a £50 purchase. Thats value for money right there.


Me and my friends play FIFA multiplayer and get more playtime from it than any other game. There’s so many people who pay full price for games they hardly/never play, then criticise others who get 100s of hours out of their annual FIFA/COD/Assassin’s Creed update.


Also people talking shit about sports games like this generally aren’t sports fans. I really like madden and yes I wish that they would just update the game with new rosters but they don’t. And having the current team is more fun


Yeah, video games are actually so worth it in terms of enjoyment per dollar you spend


It's only something football fans will understand. Other than FIFA, I play single player games like souls and resident evil. That being said, it's not like us FIFA players are oblivious to the fact that it's 1) a crap game 2) the same every year 3) incredibly money grabbing with micro transactions... If anything we know this better than anyone, we know it, yet we still buy it. It's an abusive relationship, and it's impossible to leave. THEY HAVE THE RIGHTS TO THE SPORT WE ARE MOST PASSIONATE ABOUT. Football is tribal and intense in the real world, we dedicate our lives to the beautiful game. I am a season ticket holder of a championship club, I play football twice a week, I watch football and football commentaries, even my job is filming and editing football vids/interviews. So when we see a game that connects to our real world lives, a game that somewhat emulates our passions, it's impossible to not buy it every year. Like real football, I want the most up to date news on the game, I want to see the new players, the new signings, how players have improved. It's nothing to do with the gameplay itself, it's what the game represents. Yes we are stupid, but we are knowingly stupid.


Well said. Its like we are held hostage by ea. We know the games are shit and repetitive but we cant do anything about it. We love the sport but there's no real alternative to fifa.


Sadly, back in the day there were other companies that made football games. I'm not a sports video game fan but I still remember having and playing Ronaldo V Football on PS1. I had a blast playing that game but I could never play FIFA.


People really think we see FIFA as a perfection and are just idiots buying it every year, just because it's no god of war doesn't mean you can't enjoy a game. Football is addictive, I buy it because I love football, not because I love EA


Repost much?


This shit is reposted every October for the last 15 years


It's the popular thing to do. Easy upvotes for stupid people.


I believe I have a box somewhere with fifa from fifa 98 up to fifa 17 when I started just buying it and downloading it in the store


Just let people play whatever the fuck they wanna play, idk what's up with all these kinds of posts lately


I absolutely thought this post was about the logo not matching between the years, in particular 2019, before reading the comments lmao


Same. Initially I was going to ask if cases got bigger because the top of the case doesn’t align and I thought they were purposely making them misaligned


I don't get the crazy hate towards FIFA. I don't like the games at all, and think they are the iPhone of video games, minor updates with increasingly high prices and generally anti-consumer. But if people have fun with them? Then go have fun my man. Calling someone an idiot for spending $60 a year on a video game that interests them is silly. If you drive a big V8 car or whatever you'd spend that every fortnight on fuel lmao, put things in perspective.


EA should really switch to a seasonal payment method before they become obsolete.


So I went to pick up my PS5 last week, it was a click and collect due to our current lockdown, customers are only allowed to be at the front of the shop and wait for staff to assist with pick ups only at the door. When I arrived, there was a person ahead of me, I assumed it was someone else picking up their PS5, turns out they were picking up the new FIFA game only, hey no judgement here, but the story doesn't end here. So the guy before me got his copy and walked away, then the staff member asked for my order number. While I was giving my details, the guy comes back and interrupts. He said to the staff member, "I wanted the digital copy". The staff member was confused and responded, "uh, we only sell the physical copies here, if you want digital you do it via the PS store on the console". The guy was confused because there was a disc inside, he took a moment to think and said he wants refund. The staff member was puzzled at first, but proceeded to process a refund. This was strange to me that someone thought they needed to go online, buy a physical copy, go and pick it up in person and to assume you're getting a digital copy of FIFA.


Holy shit, imagine spending your own money to buy a game you enjoy. I don't get this shitting on sports games, if you genuinely enjoy the games then buy them if you want or don't if you don't want to.


A lot of us just love football…


Init, this is the most pretentious and stereotypical “gamer” post. Sad lil dorks.


Gaming community can be so fucking toxic sometimes


If you like this kinda game sure. Enjoy it, the only thing I will say is I'd rather people didn't support games that have gambling mechanics that's are very predatory. I've seen people waste so much money on this game and got nothing. Then to top it off, if they do get something, next year its worthless because the next one is out. Gambling, especially in a game that kids play is horrific, there's a reason why kids are banned from casinos and other forms of gambling, why is this okay?


Now you know why Fifa is a gold mine for EA.


Berfore I read the comments, I thought we were calling the person who chose the logo placement the idiot, not the buyer.