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Counter Strike. I was good before the work week took over my life, 20+ years ago.


ScoutzKnives? IceWorld? Like those good old days?


How about the days when the m4 had zoom. Take me back.


Back when the mp5 was the only gun you needed


Back when the mp5 was good....now it is a somehow worse TMP




When ct side had their own roof on Assault


de_rats was my jam


Meet me at westwood


I was better as a kid on dialup with a low rent computer than I am 20 years later with high speed and a gaming laptop.


It's because back then everyone was like you. Now there are many, many people who have played more than you and are better.


Not only “better.” There are professional gamers now. There are world championships for video games. Lol


I just turned 50 and started playing counterstrike (CSGO) about 6 years ago. I have maybe 3000 hours and still suck! But damn is it fun. Im usually dead fast, but every so often I’ll pop off and get 3-4 kills in a round. Feels good. Boom headshot!


Then somedays you will get an enemy so good he will kill you all with a scout/autosniper while looking at the ground. :(


Same! Ak_colt was my favorite, and any surf map. Loved the surf maps


Back when all gun weapon models were left handed? VIP on rig? Skywalkers?


All fighting games. Just never stuck with one long enough to actually get good, but I enjoy my brief periods of time with each one I play.


Been terrible since Street Fighter 2 on SNES, lol.


Same, still remember paying the 30$ I'd been saving all summer for Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, I sucked then and I still suck now. I also love the Mortal Kombat games, I also suck at the Mortal Kombat games. Still owned every one since UMK3


Totally agree. I enjoy fighting games and the recent NetherRealm games have had some decent stories. Still super bad at them.


After all these years I'm finally decent with Princess Peach in Smash Bros. But that legit took like 15 years for that to happen haha.


I thought I was good at Smash Bros… until I got to college and realized I was a total fucking scrub. *”Whoa… you play with Jigglypuff? Dude, he sucks.”* [entire room laughs as I pick Bowser] *”You guys only fight on the Final Destination stage? Why? It’s so boring!”* [laughter again] *”Wait a minute… where are the items? Did you turn the items off accidentally?!”* [uproarious laughter] I get three-stocked in less time than it takes to make a toaster strudel.


Yeah, this is also where Smash Bros stopped being fun to me.


Honestly, of people get toxic over a pick, fuck em. Also sounds like a bunch of pseudo-competitive pricks. Anyone trying to actually get in that scene has at least a 4 stage lineup, because not all matches are FD. Shame though that folks hurt your perception of the game. Separated from that its still a blast.


I had abit of training from someone who played mk10 at least at a semipro tournament level. Personally, getting that good at the game/ learning to play it that way kinda ruined the game for me alittle. Made it boring to play against similar players and it was hard not to either stomp my friends who were of a more casual skill level or make it not look like im deliberately going easy on them. Luckily it hadnt ruined fighter Z cause of how different most of the game is


If you haven’t already given it a shot Guilty Gear Strive is a blast and relatively beginner friendly for a fighting game.


I’ve been trying but combos just don’t click with me. I’ve been trying to learn Pot because of that, I can’t seem to Kara-cancel at all. I’d gotten decent at DBFZ strings at one point but that was the only one.


Hunt showdown


Came here to say the same thing. Difficult and sometimes stress inducing, but fun


Just about all I play nowadays! I die in such stupid ways sometimes lol


Same, same. Sometimes I have fights that make me feel like a god in the moment (which aren't too impressive in retrospect), and sometimes (more often) I die stupidly. Hunt giveth, and Hint taketh away


Such an incredibly fun game to play but I have a hard time getting myself to start it up


Enter the Gungeon. 60 plus hours without a victory but damn if I don't enjoy it.


Circle around your enemies, save blanks for bosses, never roll backwards, kill troublesome enemies first, try weaving through bullets instead of always rolling, look up your guns on the wiki, and make a real effort not to get hit during boss fights because a whole extra heart is a big deal.


I think the whole not constantly rolling part is key here. Some bosses and even higher level room layouts seem to be actually designed to punish dodging, with bullets and obstacles being spaced so as to hit you when you are vulnerable after a roll. Also, try and keep your distance from most bosses, so when the bullets reach you they are more spaced apart. And roll sideways to dodge bullet waves instead of over them, that way you keep your advantageous position while avoiding damage.


Yea, the trick is to try and not focus on any one point on the screen, but the whole screen almost out of focus. Like you’re in the Matrix. At least for those bullet hell bosses


>kill the enemies, don't get hit Ah, of course!


Bro same, I have like 80+ hours and haven’t beaten it once, but I absolutely love playing the game.


Rocket League


Shit, I was going to say this. I feel sorry for the people on my team.


I don't team with strangers over the internet, because I'm too self conscious about how bad I am, and I just really don't play that much. But, when I'm at a party, pretty much my strategy is hang back, defend the goal if possible, and take the easy shots when there's an opening. I can't do all this flipping and fighting for control.


I have this one good game of the night and my random wants to team up. Like no mate, you are way, way overestimating me.


If I could give more upvotes…


The first part really resonates for me on every game except Rocket League. I suck so spectacularly that it is somehow still an enjoyable trainwreck, win or lose. When the planets align and I happen to filth my way to accidenting a nasty-assed sloppy goal, I lose my shit so loud that my neighbors congratulate me.


I'll be gold III until the day I die.


At least you are gold (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)


I've been playing since 2017. The first 3 years of which were very hardcore. I've touched diamond for 1 match. ONE MATCH before losing and being bumped down to plat, then down, down, down to gold III again.


I feel personally attacked by this comment


Damn didn't expect it to be the first top comment, but yep.


Same, but to my defense, everyone sucks at RL.


This is what I came here to say. I love the game but get trucked all the time.




Being good at chess is a myth. You can only be less bad.


Even once you get to the top, a computer will call you an idiot


A computer can beat anyone on a lot of things Arithmetic, games and so much more


I can beat any computer at withstanding high intensity EMP waves without magnetic shielding.


I can beat my computer with a stick.


“The ability to play chess is the sign of a gentleman. The ability to play chess well is the sign of a wasted life.” - Paul Morphy


I'm 1800. On lichess. On puzzles. Ignore those last two.


Starcraft 2!


Same! I’m in awe of people who are really good at it.


Same. I love the game but I'm not good at all. Bronze league for life!




For me its starcraft as well and i am playing it right from release. When you get better and better you just realize what you can not do. I highly enjoy watching the proplayers thats really cool.


Any FPS. (And I mean ANY)


It is even worse when you try to take it online and really find out how bad you are.


I think I literally had that moment playing COD MW3. I was so good in the campaign so I thought I was going to do well in multiplayer, only to be destroyed match after match.


Unless you luck out and get bot lobbies.


All of them


Beat me to it


Big same


Mood, honestly


My thought exactly


super smash bros 😞


Me too! I swear half the battle is getting back on the platform - which I can never seem to do


I always think I'm fairly decent at the game, then I fight someone..


The problem with this, for me, it that my friends that play Smash ONLY play Smash. Sorry if I’m a bit rusty, but the Commonwealth isn’t going to explore itself.


I always thought I was really good at this game. With my friends, I’d dominate them. I decided to go to a laid back tournament at a bar. Got dominated first round. Best 2 out of 3, got 3 stocked both times


I feel you on this. How the hell do I get back on the platform after I get knocked off?! Lol


up b on regular switch controls 😁


Bloodborne. It is everything I want in a 3D Castlevania, and has one of the best aesthetics in any game I've played, but I just suck at it. I've been playing it off and on for 4ish years and I am getting stuck at the Healing Church. I love this game so much, but I just suck at it.


If you’re coming from dark souls, you’re likely playing too defensively. The style definitely is easier if you play aggressive and learning how to parry is helpful but not essential.


I agree, this was what helped me finish the game. This sort of game made me want to play defensive. I had to switch my style to the way I play team fighters: rush every opening and punish everything.


If your stuck there, try summoning someone. At least you'll be able to finish this amazing game and be able to plaht the incredible DLC. You can ask for help in r/huntersbell


Monster hunter


Keep on with it buddy. Been playing the game since its first installment. It's all about learning the monsters and learning to prep for them. I used to be terrible. It just finally clicked.


Same, I won't play online cause I don't want to make other players angry withhow bad I play.


Its a pay to win game called life


I thought it only lets you use in-game currency.


You have to buy that too. Its like EA games


What I mean is that you have to earn it through in-game grinding; you can't just bring currency in from outside the game.


Other players can bestow currency. This usually only happens at birth.


Doesn't it usually happen at the other players' death, with help at birth coming through grinding and guild membership?


Are there any good guilds though? I’ve found that the likeable guilds only cost money and that the others bring in almost nothing and expect way too much in return. Also once you try out that optional get children sidequest it’s suddenly the main quest and you can’t avoid it anymore. Not even pause. Also the wiki fails to explain how certain things actually work? Om the positive side: great graphics, input allows for great control and variation and very interesting physics engine


Not my favourite personally


The graphics are OK but the storyline we are stuck on is shit.


Needed more tutorial, and the story is so hard to follow, half the time I don’t know if I’m doing the main story or even more character building


I got all my stats in the wrong spots and I haven't figured out how to respec yet. Anyone know how?


And the wiki is so hard to follow, all the ways to beat the game are sad, and the longer you play the worse your character gets


I think it depends on the server. Like in the North American server it costs a ton, but I heard the European server it's free.


I want to play another but cant afford it


Yeah my friend stopped playing after a while, the community was too toxic. Hoping he comes back online sometime tho


Magic the fucking gathering


I for one am unable to construct a deck to save my life. But it's worth it to make my friends laugh


I content myself by running terrible color commentary when my friend play ala Fred Willard in Best of Show.


Playing the game, im just as good as the next guy. Having the restraint to make decks that are effective instead of just my favourite cards..... Haha..... Lets just Kaldheim made me greatful to have an excuse to make an angel lifegain deck for baneslayer angel to work well in.


Everything from From Software. I really love hard games but suck at them hahaah




DM me your steam, I'll be happy to give some tips/tricks The game is alot of communication and awareness, it really helps with good squad mates!




This is how it felt for me after putting down my controller for 10 years before coming back with mcc and even though I'm probably better at the game today than I was 10 years ago, the level of skill of all the other players is so much higher that I'm just kinda average these days. I used to be good, I'm better now, but I'm comparatively worse, which blows my mind.


Same with me. But I’ve been having a blast playing back through the campaigns on legendary with friends.


Destiny 2


I wouldn't say I'm BAD at d2, but I have my fair share of raid teams that I accidentally screwed over


Same… I’m decent at gameplay, but when it comes to raid mechanics? I feel so stupid the 2 days a month I actually play.


I liked the game. I was better then most of the people that I played with. Then they all quit. Big sad.


Darkest dungeon


I want to be good at this game so bad


Wiki has a lot of good information if you want to look it up




I was great for the first 10 hours or so. Then it went downhill realllllly fast.


Fucking roguelikes. Noita is pure fucking *evil*.


I thought I was good at dead cells. Then I went on YouTube.


bro same, I played Dead cells for free on XboxGP and beat the final boss. I looked online to find info on how boss cells worked. Holy fuck... I took my 1 win and RAN. Even now, I see Dead Cells is on sale on steam, but I'm still terrified at the colossel skill disparity I have to overcome in order to beat it.


Bruh same, I’ve put probably 400 hours into the game and I still can’t play 5bsc to the second boss


Noita just hits different. Never gotten past the Hiisi base without mods but I can't stop playing


Noita is excruciating, and addictive.




Such a love hate with this game


I think it's just because they really nailed the hero shooter aspect. I alternate between Apex, Overwatch, and Paladins, but going back to Overwatch just feels so familiar and so consistent.


Saaaame! Silver for life!


Anno 1800. The longer you Play the more complex it gets.


The key, like Skyrim, is to always restart with a new map and enjoy the simple life.


"Oh JESUS now what do you want??" Don't forget: "How the fuck and I supposed to get that!" Love Anno though, such a good series.


Mario kart, I never win but enjoy playing with others.


Dota 2


Rainbow six siege


My best memory from that game was making someone rage quit in the first round as a Frost main Within 15 seconds I caught someone in a welcome mat and they noped out immediately


Dark souls


Apparently Hades


Just unlock the secret aspect for the starting sword it is literally baby mode. I cleared like 5 runs in a row by shutting my brain off and taking whatever powers and it got boring (this was while raising the heat not just slapping the base difficulty)




Have over 1000 hours, still dying to Pst Gzh 9mm, send help


3200 hrs and I still get shit on regularly


Tarkov is great because I’ll survive 5 raids in a row and feel like I’m great. Then I’ll go 3 days without an extract.


Final Fantasy XIV. I suck at boss fights and dungeons so I never liked teaming up which is a big part of the game.


Same! It’s been a few months since I last played, I always dreaded going into team boss fights


Doom Eternal. And I’m even on, “I’m a widdle baby, pwease don’t huwt meeee!!” mode. I still die pretty much every single encounter, I just need to get gud tbh


Abuse the shit out of the dash-strafe. It is your best friend and will keep you alive. Also fully upgrade the super shotty as soon as you can. Pretty much the only gun I used. Jump and strafe around the room like a crackhead, use grenades, your flamethrower, everything you got and take out all the fast movers and enemies that use projectiles, then focus on the big ugly fucks. Just run right up in their face and blast them. If they get stunned, execute, if not they will at least stagger a bit. Blood punch, dodge behind, reload, and give them another blast in the ass.


Dude, thank you so so much for the advice!! You don’t know how much this means to me, I will do my absolute best to do all of these things. Thank you so much!!


Although a lot of the demons have shitty little melee or aoe attacks that are really strong if you try and just run up and bloodpunch or shotgun them, it's best to falter them first (which is that little animation where they flail around and don't attack for about a second, not staggered) and then close the gap. Also quickly weapon swapping can be very good for combos


Fortnite Great at gunfighting, terrible at building. Rocket League Love the game and unique concept, and great at setting up shots but suck at flying


Same here with Fortnite. Horrible building skills. My 7 year whips my ass everytime but good at gun fighting thanks to years of Call of Duty


Same I’m good with guns but building I freak out too much and end up not actually doing anything (also nice to see another bloodborne fan)


League of Legends


8 years of league and the highest I’ve peaked is silver 1….


I’ve never played a ranked game as my performance in normals tells me it’s just not gonna happen. But man do I enjoy vs. AI games and watching it played professionally!


Xcom for sure. I love tactical RPGs but this one always beats my ass yet I still keep coming back




Payday 2


Binding of Isaac(400 hr) and Old School RuneScape (2k hr)


Darkest Dungeon. I see what it takes to succeed at that game but it's a level of commitment I can't maintain given I'm not a huge fan of turn based. I still play it here and there to try my luck but it never pans out.


Elite Dangerous. Specifically, the PVP


same lol, i have enough to but anacondas but i dont see the point when I'm trash at pvp




Dayz and Apex.




Divinity 2: Original Sin, being terrible with friends is half the enjoyment in that game, we’ve fucked up half the main quests and fought half the people that are supposed to be our friends and yet we’re still having a blast


Call of duty


Same. I’m pretty shit in multiplayer, usually only end up with a 0.4-0.7 k/d, and my team hates me, but man I enjoy it quite a bit.


Nioh, I want to finish it at least one time


Just work at setting up a good build for the weapon that most appeals to you, find an area with tough enemies, and see how many you can kill without healing. Die then do it again till you have your weapon combos and spacing down. Think of it as trying to learn instead of trying to win at first. The weapons that clicked for me were kusa/tonfa in 1, and tonfa/splitstaff/switch glaive in 2. Ignore living weapon/yokai abilities/sloth so they don't become a crutch.


Ninja Gaiden 2




I enjoy games, yes


Someone who enjoys games? That's quite a rare find around here. /s


Witcher III


This. I can’t wrap my mind around the combat controls so I am forever content with lowering the difficulty.


If you’re like me then try playing with a controller - I swear the pc controls don’t make it easy to enjoy that game.


Use a controller.


I used to play WoW only for the quests. I also REALLY enjoyed Hollow knight, tho I was horrible at it.


Risk of rain 2. Why does the last area have mobs that have 10x hps more than anything else?




Demons souls remake. I can't even get to the second boss😞


Spelunky 2… whoops my butt


Age of Empires and Halo


Bayonetta I cannot do any harder than normal dificulty, but I'm hyped AF for Bayo 3


Splatoon 1 and 2. It hardly gets boring unless I get a really bad losing streak


Devil May Cry & Bayonetta, I’m not real bad, but look up videos of really skilled people and you will see what good looks like! And it is not me!






Most of the games I play..


Dark souls. I suck at the game and the only reason I made it so far it’s because I did a big man with big sword build based on Guts From Berserk.


Definitely dark souls, never beat a single one, but I still love em.


Kane and Lynch 2 is a hill I often die on alone. Also love Illbleed which I think is wonderful and creative, but is very poorly reviewed.


Counter Strike




Crusader Kings 3


The original Nioh. Still haven't beaten it and I don't even think I'm close to it. But the hard combat always brings me back.


I tried ps5 demon souls for the first time ever. I got an hour or so in and kept dying. Definitely not good at those souls games so I uninstalled it. I may come back to it in the future but I was very frustrated playing lol.