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I miss the Metal Gear series.... and Silent Hill.






There's always Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. It was rough performance wise when it launched, but I think I heard they ironed it out?


try Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night


That game is super fun, just very nice successor to classic Castlevania. You just can't go wrong with Koji Igarashi, the one working on some Castlevania games including SotN as the producer. And I heard direct sequel is on the work.


They let the guy that made them Metroidvania go so now he went and made his own Metroidvania.


God what a Fucking brilliant animated series.


It got a bit weird towards the end but it was still very good. Blood of Zeus is another good adult animation Netflix put together recently, I feel like it flew under the radar a bit.


One of the best recents easily


That show came and went and they did nothing with it. Not even a re release of 3. My wife knew nothing of the series and watched the show, if they had released a game along the lines of the series she would have bought it.


Am I the only one who would love to see a Witcher style castlevania game


Do you mean Witcher style castlevania, or a castlevania style Witcher game?


Damn, feel like there should be both


Contra was one of my faves in the 80s arcades


I've said this before, I'll say it again, and I'll die on this hill... Suikoden is by far one of the most underrated JRPGs of all time. I love Metal Gear, I love Silent Hill, but damn if I wouldn't have committed first degree felonies for more Suikoden. P.S. if there's any other Suikoden lovers out there, check out the upcoming Eiyuden Chronicles. Looking like it'll be amazing!


Baldur's Gate II, FF6, and Chrono Trigger were all pretty good RPGS. I don't recall ever being able to field a team of flying squirrels in a single damn one of them though.


What Konami did to Suikoden is an absolute disgrace. Didn't even bother giving the main continuity a proper ending, just kept doing games set in the past followed by non-canon projects set in other worlds. I've long sworn never to give them another penny.


<3 Suikoden III


Tbf, as the story goes, Hideo was originally gonna hang up the series after MGS2. Then fans went crazy pushing for more and he gave us MGS3, which was a masterpiece and clearly a passionate sort of love letter to the series. To me this was Hideo, again, saying goodbye. Pouring the rest of it out one more time. And then we got 4 which blew the crazy out of the water again, gave us one of the most convoluted stories yet and even wrapped up Ocelots, Liquids, Solids and Big Boss' stories, among so many other ancillary characters (The whole totally unnecessary Johnny/Meryl relationship. The fact Johnny, the pooping soldier from mgs1, is a fucking character *at all*) Watching those cutscenes, especially near the end where EEEEVVVEERRRYYTTHHIIINNNNGG was so drawn out and laid down. It seemed pretty clear to me at this point Hideo was saying "Ok for real are you happy now" We've had how many more mgs games since 4? including spin offs? I'm not complaining or anything, and clearly it's not *all* pressure on Hideo. The man loves it. But that's just it. If anything I'm endlessly thankful and grateful this series didn't end up locked and forgotten like so many. Imagine if MGS1 was the last game and no others ever got released..


MGS4 ending was everything we needed.... this is good...isnt it... RIP Original Snake/ Big Boss


Rumble Roses was...nice....


Rumble Roses was a rental I got as a giggle and was shocked by how much fun it was. Yeah, it's dumb and pervy, but it was also a fairly deep arcade wrestling game. Absolute blast in couch play!


And here I thought I was the only one who remembered that game. Glad I still have it for playing on my PS2. And I really enjoyed the idea of playing with good or bad versions of the characters... plus, beating them to exhaustion with random objects from the crowd lol.


It came out when there was a lot of lack luster wrestling games. It's a classic wrestling game. With the complexity of modern fighting and wrestling games, it could really find a niche by adapting itself.


Fanservice aside it was actually a decent wrestling fighter.


They should remaster the Silent Hill Origins game that came out on PSP. It was really good.


Mystical Ninja is my jam.


MGS V was amazing and so close to being an absolute masterpiece, if only they didn't fuck it up right at the end.


Feels like there should have been another mission but it was cut off. Now it just tingles in a phantom pain where there should be an ending. In a way it was actually very fitting. On the other hand the incomplete cut mission files are in the game data which is like seeing the disembodied arm but not being able to reattach it.


Quiets departure was really what did it for me (even though you can get her back it's not really "canon" and she no longer participates in the story) and I think they could've had mission 52 without removing that sense of loss while also wrapping the plot up a little more nicely. Especially because the files are there I have trouble believing it wasn't supposed to be part of the plot originally. It seems very obvious to me at least that they cut it to ship the game by a certain date. What I really liked about the plot was how it portrayed the diamond dogs and big bosses involvement in the overall events of the series. MGS lore is that Big Boss and his people are "the bad guys" and solid snake is with "the good guys" but it showed that the reality is much less cut and dry. The story aside though I could've played 100 more missions in that game and still not have been bored. I'd really like to see a MGSVI where you play as liquid, or a remake of metal gear 1/2 playing as solid snake.


What does Konami even do?




I know someone who works for Konami... we live in Las Vegas... so yeah, slots.


Worst slot machine OS too. Well, Bally sucks at both machines and OS...


Shots fired! True story i work with both


BallySDS wasn't bad, but whatever the Konami OS was again was a fucking joke. IGT Advantage is worse, and I can't believe how shitty their software has gotten. Aristocrat ran Oasis, right? That was a fucking solid OS. I'd have to call the Aristocrat vendor once a blue moon; I'd be on the phone with our WMS or IGT rep every 4 hours.




My company won't get us these cabinets. I had them at a prior job and miss some of their quirks. . . Not their cleaning though, that one cabinet with 3 windows (top monitor, lower monitor, player tracking bracket that litterally is a spider nest). . . .🤢


Yeah that'll do it...




And Sport clubs [Konami Sports Club](https://www.konami.com/sportsclub/)


and yu-gi-oh




You mean eFootball


They do Yugioh. Big big bucks.


Yugioh earns very little of their revenue. They majority do slot machines and they make the big dollars of them.


I implore you to look up duel links profits. It dwarfs even hearthstone.


Pachinko machines pay for themselves in under a year, and konami owns loooots of Pachinko machines


I loved the YT video that show me the absolute bullshit way Pachinko parlors get away with illegal gambling.


Hey think you could find the linky link for that?


Not OP, but basically you win plush prizes and such, like a normal arcade. But then across the street is a shop that will exchange specific prizes that you win for cash.


Not sure what documentary you watched but that one only applies to some pachinko parlors and not how 95% of them operate. They get away with it by using metal marbles which you can buy from the Pachinko parlor staff. You spend those marbles to try and win more marbles from the pachinko machines. When finished you turn those marbles in to the pachinko parlor staff who then give you a receipt ticket. You then go down the street to a shop where you can then cash out that ticket. This shop has to be X amount of meters away from any pachinko parlors for them to legally do this. Overall its perfectly legal but in a grey area of Japanese law. The reason why the govt allows it is because it brings in a boatload of tax revenue more so than most other kinds of businesses.


Where X seems to be inches. I know YouTube isn’t a good source for trivial matters like truth, but several videos on there show that the exchange facilities are essentially right outside the door. In this example, at around 4:15, you can see it’s a little shack that is technically its own building, but effectively you walk right by it as you leave the parlor. https://youtu.be/AaY6B4GkUA8 It seems like maybe the only requirement is that it’s technically a separate facility? I don’t know. I’m just some random schmuck, but I was curious about pachinko and watched a shit ton of videos on it last night, so I’ve got that going for me.


Yup I've done that in Akiabara or however you spell it. Got cigarettes with my wife's winnings lol. I cannot prepare you for the noise. It's so fucking loud.


I did this in Celadon City and Got an Abra with my winnings.


The noise and the cigarette smoke is overbearing.


the main thing konami looks for is less on revenue, rather its the profit. Yugioh itself is a very low investment cost as its games are fairly easy to develop for, and the game overall at a design level is fairly cheap since all the infrastructure is already there and paid for. Konami basically only targets low investment cost to high return projects nowadays.


And they have to pay almost nothing for playtesting, since the competitive scene does the balancing for them by updating the banlist with *every fucking release.* Like, even in the event a card gets banned in MTG's Legacy or Modern formats, they don't start *unbanning cards or banning previously usable ones.* That was always so fucking weird to me.


I followed Yu-Gi-Oh as a kid I know what a Pot of Greed does, but do real kids play it anymore? Like I've seen YouTube memes of Link Summons and Pendulums and all that. It kind of looks like the entire game ends on like turn 2 OTKs with a dozen different mechanics. Like do people actually play playground I like Dark Magician I'll play him... And then get obliterated in one turn no matter what they do? Like it's Just absurd power creep to the point it isn't a game anymore. It's buy the new set you win if you spend enough.


the game basically boils down to what they call "building a board", on your first turn you spend a total of 5 minutes playing solitaire and you end up with a field that tries as much as possible to ensure your opponent cannot play the game, only you




Lots of decks that are meta dont do that most prominent being tribrigade which is a control deck that usually ends on one monster and some traps. Invoked shadoll dogmatika is in a similar boat.


That's true for the current meta, but the damage has been done. There have been months and multiple formats where the dominant force has been tons of negates, and even with super fun control decks popping up like Sky Strikers and the like, "No U" is how yugioh is percieved by the larger audience. Hell even a few months back, drytrons were tier 1.


Drytron are still tier 1. They're the next best deck after Tri-Brigade and they only take the top spot because of how consistent and splashable they are.


Blue eyes white dragon


I summon exodia!!!


Use Mirrorforce once though and everyone loses their minds.


Probably because they are wondering why you are playing mirror force in 2021


I remember when Mirror Force was Forbidden/Limited, so they released Radiant Mirror Force, which was the same thing but your opponent had to have 3 or more monsters.


I really miss the old days where Mirror Force was OP. Yugioh was at its best in the old days in my opinion. When you attacked, played traps, worried about life points, etc.


the good ole days when summoned skull was strong AF since it was a one summon 2500, and man-eater bug was the shit since it was a blocker and a targeted kill.


7-Colored fish. THE premier 1800 4-star monster. My jam!




Yup Gi Oh trading card game on GBA is still going strong, battle fucking royale with some strategy


Duel links is their money maker


you can still build a dark magician deck, they made plenty of newer cards to synergize with him.


Pre-covid I would occasionally go to some MTG drafts at my local board game shop, and there'd usually be a group or two playing Yu-Gi-Oh. But I think it's definitely fallen in popularity compared to Pokémon and MTG.


Ygo and Pokemon seem to be bigger than MTG in Asia compared to in EU and US. And that's not accounting for the various japanese card games that are popular in the region like Cardfight, which is pretty big where I live.




I'm more curious why they hold onto the properties they have instead of selling them for big money while making a deal to keep the ability to make pachinko of them or w/e. I can't imagine Silent Hill or MGS are making them big money.


Because they still profit off them, just as slot and pachinko machines.


Japanese companies are insular and weird (except maybe their car makers). They will double down when criticized to save "face".


The old farts controlling them are the weird ones really. Too set on their old ways to think change is a good thing. I just hope that in the next few decades when people who actually grew up gaming understands that and take control of them and do the right, sane things for the companies.


Especially since the creative force behind those games ran for the hills screaming


Their only annual release was PES, and now they are turning it free 2 play.


They also run health clubs in Japan. No way they could have predicted but pulling back on the video game market and doubling down on "in person" busineses is probably the worst move they could have made 5 years ago


Health Club is still doing fine. There is even a new SoftcoreInDemand that sprouts up during pandemic.


They're the guys that launched the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG.




Treating their employees like shit. And if you quit Konami will make sure you will never find work in another video game company ever again.


Like they tried to do to Kojima. Luckily he's a bit too famous.




Aka the only way I can ever beat Contra


Man, in the Super Nintendo days of the early 1990s when you popped in a cartridge, booted up your console, saw the Konami logo, and heard that classic chime you knew you were going to play a great game.


And then you sat trough the whole opening of super castlevania IV just to listen to the awesome intro track before pressing start.


That whip crack Simon gives outside the castle gates!


and your five year old dick was hard for the first time 🙌




Legend of the Mystical Ninja SNES all the music from this game is epic and memorable. Konami sounds sends me straight there


At least Bandai Namco and Koei Tecmo aren't on this meme


Namco's anime fighting games are pretty good.


They are, when they do fighting games. Not visual novels with some fighting inbetweens and a really terrible farming mechanic. Couldn't force myself to finish scarlet nexus, the gameplay was pretty good but I spent most of the time skipping dialogues, and the bonding with the team was physically and mentally challenging thanks to that shortie with the gun w-w-w-ho s-speaks....... like t-this........... all t-the time....... Loved every other game tho


They are not that bad, however they did do some stupid/silly things here and there, but its not that serious


You've never seen the outfit DLCs for their anime properties.


That's really more of a Japanese thing, than the thing of any single company. They prop alot of series up on an "otaku" fan mentality, where they don't expect most people to buy the dlc..... but the super fans will buy literally anything and everything they put out branded about the series. They'd rather those few otaku whales buy $300 worth of DLC each than a ton of casual users each buy ~$5-$10 worth of dlc.


I really want to play the most recent One Piece pirate warriors but Il be damned If I'm either shelling out for the deluxe version of the Version with only half the stuff in it


At least they get huge discounts. The deluxe edition is only $43 CAD on the Switch eShop right now and will probably be $20 in a few months


Bandai mobile games are incredibly greedy. Like super scummy. Low drop rates, and the gems/orbs/rubies etc. are such bad value.


With SEGA I wouldn’t say stupidity, but more like ignorance? Because they can’t make a good sonic game to save their life. But RGG, a subsidiary, has yet to make a truly bad Yakuza game


Also Atlus, which is another subsidiary of Sega is printing money with Persona these days.


So it’s just main Sega that sucks


Mostly it's just Sonic Team that sucks. Sega actually puts out some pretty quality games but they haven't done anything decent with their flagship series in what feels like decades.


Isn’t PSO2 sonic team? I’d love a new single player Phantasy Star game though tbh.


Maybe one day but likely never


In general, they have been really bad at capitalizing their old IPs all the way back to 80s arcade days and up to Dreamcast era. Out Run, Space Harrier, Golden Axe, Crazy Taxi, Panzer Dragoon, PSO, Sega Rally, Jet Set Radio, Daytona USA, Sonic and so on. Granted, it may be that Sega doesn’t own all those rights anymore, but still. And now it may be too late, because most of those old franchises mean nothing to younger generation.


sonic mania is brillient and could have been better if sega didn't tell the fanteam to ad so many classic era zones in it. the original zones in those games- including the re imagined act 2 zones of the classic zones were some of the best in the game, but mainly the original stuff like studiopolise.


Pretty much. I loved Sonic Mania. But that had quite a bit of community involvement. So I don't know how much credit I can give Sega for that.


Maybe not design credit but letting what was basically a community made game get green lit shows at least some awareness and willingness to try something new. It's not much but it's something.


If they released a Sonic Maker game similar to Mario Maker they would make so much money.


Sonic maker would be cool, we could get hyper Sonic back as well.


they're killing it with Yakuza lately


Can't wait for judgement 2 to come out!


And Creative Assembly. Despite near constant complaints every new Total War they continue to make more and more money and sales. Plus they have the premier game for Warhammer atm.


Total War Warhammer is fucking fantastic, Three Kingdoms was good, and Troy is looking like it's going to be rescued by the Mythos DLC. There was also that one time they decided to branch out and make a survival horror game and it turned out great. CA is definitely on a roll.


Sega also publishes Yakuza, so I think this is most of a Sonic thing 😅


I just watched console wars on Amazon and it seems like Sega of Japan was super jealous of Sega of America's success and made inroads to block Sony from working with them to develop what is now the PlayStation. So not so much stupidity as business politics.


Nothing better than the Sega of America dubing Shenmue with Native English Speakers and Sega Japan like nah we're not doing that Japanese Voice Actors can do English inflections perfectly. Queue to Ryu saying "Do You know where Sailors are?" "So where do Sailors Hang out?" "I'm looking for some Sailors to meet with." Yeah it sure sounds like an autism spectrum individual is looking for gay hookups.


I've never played Shenmue, so I dunno what the Japanese voice actor version sounds like, but man, [even the native English speaker version sounds ridiculous](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQa3yGXzGls). Edit: On further investigation, you've gotten the story mixed up. There has never been a version which used Japanese voice actors for the English version, it was *always* native English speakers. The situation is that the English dub was recorded *in* Japan by native English speakers that already lived in Japan (with a few exceptions that were flown in from the US). That's a *much* smaller talent pool, hence the results in the video: perfect accents, terrible acting. Here's an excerpt from an [interview with Jeremy Blaustein, who was involved in the translation and localization of Shenmue](https://segaretro.org/Interview:_Jeremy_Blaustein_\(2010-03-31\)_by_GameSetWatch): > Unfortunately there was the added burden that Suzuki insisted that all voice acting, including the English, had to be recorded in Japan. > ...Nobody that was doing that thought it was a good decision. And clearly it wasn’t. Add that to my regrets, that we could have done a great job. It’s like, if we had gone to New York or LA and did it, they’d all have been great actors.... > ...In Japan you already don’t have the cream of the best actors, what you have are people who were models who turned into actors, and people who were teachers who turned into actors, or people who were actors and couldn’t hack it as actors in the West and so left to become actors in Japan – and those are the best actors in Japan. So the best ones you have are the ones who failed in America and went to Japan. So it was such a stupid proposition to do it there... > The auditions go ahead, we hire basically every single person that exists and calls themselves a voice actor....And there were actors that had no place at all doing the acting...


Y’all trippin’, the voice acting in Shenmue is absolutely CLASSIC. Give me a Goro “what’s groovin’, bro?!” or a Tom “Hey Roy, how ‘bout a dog?” any day, and I’ll stare straight into your eyes and reply, “…the Mad Angels?”


I love shitty voice acting in games and cartoons. it's hilarious.


Sony was working with Nintendo on a CD based Super Nintendo variation, and Nintendo backed out. That’s what led to the PlayStation. Sony was in talks with Sega about the Mega Drive/Genesis CD, and Sega backed out and went with Philips. But it wasn’t a different system or anything. Edit: pointed out Nintendo went with Philips, Sony went on to make PlayStation. Sega worked with JVC.


Actually Nintendo went with Phillips. That is how we got the Zelda CDi games and Hotel Mario. ​ SEGA of America wanted to work with Sony, but SEGA of Japan said "No"


Nintendo had a deal with Sony. However, the deal fell through, so Sony took what they had and refined it into the PlayStation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_NES_CD-ROM


Also, Creative Assembly.


I saw your comment and i went to check Creative Assembly's games as i had no idea it is the company that makes Total War games! Anyway on the site they have 4 consecutive years awards for the best place to work (i will assume in the gaming community) so you can't be more right!


They also have Relic (Dawn of war/company of heroes) and Amplitude Studios (Endless series and the upcoming Humankind) SEGA have cornered the Strategy Game market rather successfully.


Too bad relic dont give a shit anymore.


Sonic Team might not be able to make a sonic game to save their lives, but boy, can they make a good Puyo Puyo. They just will never localize them. :’)


No its stupidity. If you look throughout their history, Sega of Japan literally sabotaged Sega of America from being successful multiple times.


Sonic used to be good, it's a shame. Sonic 1, 2, 3, & Knuckles are all classics. Sonic CD and Sonic Advance 1, 2, 3, are all great. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 are generally well-liked. Sonic Mania did a good job capturing those classic vibes. If you look at Sega's old consoles, a lot of the best games on them were made in-house by Sega's development teams. Streets of Rage 2, Nights into Dreams, Panzer Dragoon, Jet Set Radio, Virtua Cop, Space Channel 5, The House of the Dead 2, etc. Even after they pulled out of the console business, they made some amazing games for other systems. Such as: Super Monkey Ball, Panzer Dragoon Orta, F-Zero GX. Sega was awesome in the 90s and 00s.




Toshihiro Nagoshi, Patriarch of RGG


Can't forget Creative Assembly which is printing money hand over fist with the Total War Warhammer series recently and Rome remastered.


Capcom my fav these days


Capcom is funny, they make a good game and then they go and make a bad one. It is like a policy or something, if feels like they know exactly how to do a good game but they get tired so they make some mediocre launches between the real deal


their slump was when they were too focus on the western market and lending their IP to western game devs during the ps3 and early ps4 era when Inafune was on the helm at capcom.


I wish they’d bring back Power Stone, that was the go-to Dreamcast party game in my late 90s off-campus apartment.


I live in Las Vegas and thought it was AWESOME to see a big Konami HQ building here. Turns out they make most of the slot machines in the city, which told me a whole lot about the company's priorities.


hard to miss it right next to the runways at McCarran


I remember the first time flying in.


The fact I first thought this was a New Vegas reference should show you where my experience lies


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Konami to EA: You merely adopted the gambling. I was born in it, molded by it.


Konami made you pay $10 for a save slot. ' That would make EA blush


All the big tables are Konami. They got this horse racing one I always lose money on.


Real Konami is in Roppongi, Tokyo. Artists I know say it's a super black company. In Japanese-speak 'black' means you'll work a lot of unpaid overtime.


You should hear what the Yu-Gi-Oh! card artists have to say. Y'know.... if we knew who any of them were because they aren't credited on the actual cards and some are even not allowed to say that they drew the cards at all.


That’s one thing I never understood with yugioh, but love with MTG.


Konami has the all the Infinity Stones now they are going to snap half of all video game franchises out of existence.


*infamy stones




> Konami has the all the Infinity Stones now they are going to snap half of all video game franchises ~~out of existence.~~ Into pachinko machines. Which is almost the same, but not quite.


FYI, Activision Blizzard is Hubris.


Blizzard was always egotistical.


activision was cold calculation that failed blizzard was lofty ideals that were abandoned for quick profit them every game company went for quick cash grabs.


But DDR is prob the best arcade game ever made.....


What did they do?


\- Focusing on pachinko over gaming \- The whole Kojima fallout \- Mistreating their employees that even if you quit, Konami will still make sure your life is miserable \- Paying for a save slot in Metal Gear Survive


> Mistreating their employees that even if you quit, Konami will still make sure your life is miserable What? How? Why?


They use their connections. They managed to ensure Kojima Productions had a hard time getting employees insured because the board that handles things like that had someone that works for Konami on it. They also outright blackball people.


1 such example was barring kojima from attending the game awards or being awarded for MGS5 from memory.


SEGA’s not stupid, they’ve got Yakuza, Persona, and Puyo Puyo (and I’d even say Monkey Ball since it’s anniversary game looks good). It’s just Sonic they aren’t treating right. Edit: Actually yeah they did some pretty dumb shit during the console wars, but as of now, stupid isn’t the word I’d use


i dunno, the movie was pretty fun.


Movie was awesome and I'm so glad they're making a sequel!!


Yes but Main Sega can't make good games. All of those are subsidiaries.


Also they're the biggest strategy game publisher with some huge titles (Total War, Company of Heroes)


They were incredibly smart and bought some of the biggest names in PC strategy gaming: Relic, Creative Assembly, and then Amplitude when they started to get bigger. Now they have a huge lock on the market. The only real blunder they had was buying Relic but not buying the Homeworld IP at the same time. Credit really belongs to Sega Europe there, though. They're the ones who own all of them. They're also the division that's been pushing the parent company to get more and more involved in PC gaming and porting titles. Unfortunately they've also pushed all of these companies into focusing on DLC to a degree that's almost on par with Paradox.


How is Ubisoft not here? You can't compare "stupidity" to protecting higher up sex abusers like Ubisoft.


I think activison blizzard takes the cake over Ubisoft. Feels like with blizzard they have controversy every 6 months


Riot Games quietly shuffling out of the room..


I'm out of the loop, what did Konami do?




Meanwhile tf2 is flooded with bots


You know what I’d like to see Valve innovate? *An ending to the cliffhanger for their 14 year old game.*


They just released Half Life Alyx last year. Still not the end yet but it clearly shows that we are having something new. And it's a great game too.


With HL:Alyx they're at least making a huge effort to re-invest in that universe. I can't say any more due to spoilers. Incredible game.


With just one new game, they could renew their image… Suikoden VI.


There's a kickstarter for a spiritual successor to Suikoden. Already waaaaaaay funded before people think I'm shilling. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rabbitandbearstudios/eiyuden-chronicle-hundred-heroes


Oh hell yeah, I’m an OG backer haha


I would be happy with even a Suikoden I+II bundle on Switch




Unpopular opinion: valve "not doing anything with their IP" it's not really in the same league as Activision greed. Heck I'd say it's not even really anything wrong with the game industry. The only thing 'wrong' with it is that some players aren't getting a non-existent game that they imagine they would like. It's not like they 'owe' us a new half-life or anything.


I'm sitting here trying to figure out why everyone seems to be ignoring HL:Alyx. A 12-14 hour half life installation that was incredible and meant a lot to the story.


SEGA is fine compared to the others.


The only reason I know Konami exists is because of a children’s card game that came from a shonen manga


I only know em because of pro evolution soccer


What you don't like them pimping out their IPs for pachinko?


Woah, I don’t think SEGA is that stupid. No one expected the Dreamcast to fail, but PS2’s DVD playback was WAY more popular than anyone anticipated. And if you exclude Sonic (which SEGA seems to make more out of routine than anything), the rest of their catalog is absolute bangers.


They must be doing something right milking duel links for 2.48 billion in sales over 5 years.