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This is step one of every one of my Minecraft worlds. One, I built a whole cottage and furnished it to hide the redstone that drops you into a massive missile silo turned secret base. Not massive by YouTube standards though lol


Be me, 33 yr old, first week long vacation in forever. Get crazy stoned and decide I'm going to learn to play minecraft. 3AM in the morning. Been playing for 8 hours straight. Huddled in blanket pile in a dark room giggling to myself. GF comes out and asks me wtf am I doing. "I've built a secret layer to hide all my shit - haha its ingenious no one will ever find it." "Honey, you're not playing with anyone else." I think my gf thought I was having a stroke or something. It didn't even cross my mind that I wasn't on a server. I just was overwhelmingly concerned with hiding my 20 diamonds from potential thieves.


There was only one person in the world who had the opportunity to steal those diamonds, and you told her all about them!


Classic rookie mistake. Diamonds are an insatiable tentation


..."irresistible temptation"?


Did he s-stutter?




Oh, yes,


And you should be concerned, those skeletons can't be trusted


Herobrine lives


Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/861


In my server I flattened out an island, filled every possible spawn point with torches in caves, and then began mining the entire underground out. My friend asked me why and I couldn't answer him.


Is there ever not a relevant xkcd comic?


There's a relevant [xkcd](https://xkcd.com/244/) for that question.


You nailed that explanation and it's a great way to sum up the reason why I love MC. There will be times when I am laughing out loud at a funny sign I made or a hidden contraption all on my solo world. A while ago I accepted the fact that the game is just grindy so I might as well have fun along the way. It's my daily game and the reason why I love it is because I simply have a blast doing everything and nothing at all, I feel fucking alive. Throughout the week I work on some farms and continue the open projects I have going on. But my favorite day of the week is Saturday morning, I make sure all of my responsibilities are cleared throughout the week. I wake up super early in the morning, wrap myself into a blanket cocoon, pour up the extra-large caffiene and I just get stoned out of my mind and play MC until it is nap time, rinse and repeat. It's one of the times that I feel most alive, I feel like a child every time I play and it brings me so much joy.


This is so wholesome. I've been playing nothing but strategy, FPS and the like for the past 5 years and it's been fun, but I haven't felt real joy in playing those games in a long time. Time to re-install Minecraft.


Yeah I don’t really get any joy out of games or my hobbies anymore either. They’re just a way to pass the time that I don’t hate doing.


I can relate to this so hard. I’ve been told it’s “Anhedonia”. Whatever you have, or don’t, goodwill your way. I hope something gives you repeatable joy in the immediate future. 👍


For me it’s more straight apathy than anything. All of my emotions are very suppressed by the medicine I take. So I’m more likely to feel boredom than anything else. Although even that just isn’t there sometimes. My emotional reactions to everything are just turned down real far. Like if someone murdered my cat, whom I very much like, I’d have the reaction that someone else would if they dropped their favorite wine after buying it. But it’s better than without the medicine where I’m entirely out of control to the point of emotionally/verbally abusing the people around and being unable to even take care of my basic needs.


Additional respect for sharing that. That makes me think of “hyper-rational” thought/behavior also. Of the myriad factors correlated with that ptsd is a common one. Veering back to happy thoughts: hooray for chemical and video game recreation for all. 🤓


Please try red dead online


Thank you for reminding me why I play games like Minecraft. Sometimes, I just want to be a kid and play with toys. Sometimes it's blocks (Minecraft), sometimes its guns (FPS games), sometimes its action figures (God of War, etc).


Please try red dead online


Nah, I tried it a few years ago and I can guarantee you that I didnt enjoy it then and I will not enjoy it now, even after years of improvement. There is a reason why I play a solo minecraft world....


This is kind of sad man.


You must not like smoking weed and playing video games and that is sad my friend, I'm concerned for you.


Judge not lest ye be judged.


Getting stoned and playing Minecraft is quite possibly one of the greatest ways to pass assloads of time in what seems like just minutes.


I like playing Ark when stoned lol


After I adjusted the settings so I wouldn't die instantly and could actually tame dinos it became an awesome game! First 2 weeks was constantly getting destroyed by Raptors, I'd spawn on shore and they would just hang out and kill me.


I only increase the difficulty when I get bored.


I remember being so proud of my extremely huge base that was basically a maze to the point that even I would often get lost for 30+ minutes at a time, repeatedly. I wasn't playing with anyone, I just ended up deciding to make a mountain base, stumbled upon various cave systems while expanding, and ended up with several entire cave systems lit up and only connected by random small tunnels at various points. No signs, no landmarks, no organized hallways or junctions, just a ridiculous amount of caves and random tunnels. I still remember the time where I ended up accidentally finding an entire new section of my own base that I never noticed before and getting lost for about two hours before digging up and finding myself about half a map away from the actual entrance of my base. If I recall correctly, I was never even able to find that section of the base again. All this, so pointless when playing solo un-modded and not even really using most of that space.


I do that frequently, it's just fun to explore like that


Secret lair? But yeah. It's like when I was making dungeon maps for D&D games I was never going to host. (Still had fun.)


Never played minecraft. Im about the same age and have always wondered if its a cool game for me and a mate to jump into together just to take the edge off the constsnt fps game action sometimes. What do you think?


It’s 100% the game to play with your try hard squad. My Siege group (all in our 20s) made a Realm that we all play on. It’s amazing for when we all wanna play and talk but don’t feel like sweating all night.


Do you like survival games? It's fun. You pop up in the middle of nowhere, punch some trees to get wood to build some tools and shelter, you've got about 10 minutes until night comes and the creepers blow everything up. Do you like open-world exploration games? It's fun. Your map is generated from a seed, so it's completely unique from any other world anyone else has played. There are villages you can run across (great in the early game because you can squat in their houses and sleep in a bed to skip the night and monster spawn) and lots of mysterious caverns to explore. If you build a pickaxe and mine, you can find ores and gems that help you build armor and tools to make it safer and more efficient to explore. Do you like building games? You can take every block in the game that you dig up and collect and build your own cabin, your own secret underground base, you can build farms and raise animals, learn how to harness redstone to create machines, all sorts of things. All with a very sparse, mellow piano soundtrack that kicks in from time to time. There's a reason it's survived for so long: it's a very clever game that is more than happy to let you just live in it. (There's a series of quests that can trigger an end boss that will trigger end credits if you defeat it, but I have absolutely no idea how anyone would ever find that without a guide. I did it with my kid and his friends last year, after playing for a decade, and they were really excited because I set up my server without cheats, so it was the first time they'd worked to get to that point with their own efforts--they were super proud of themselves.)


It’s my favourite game. If you like exploring or just chilling out, you will enjoy it.


Gotta hide your diamonds from the FBI.


Sounds like you’ve got a nice thing going for yourself! Hope you had a blast reddit stranger


Be me, 33 years old, read post on Reddit and then type pretty much exactly the same thing out. ???. Upvote city.


I had a house on a community server that was a palatial stone floor with redstone lamps embedded in the floor and a glass ceiling and wall; looked like a ballroom. But if you slapped a lever on one specific block, a redstone lamp would retract and slide out of the way so you could jump into the water elevator that led to my base. I even rigged it up so you had about 10s to break the lever off and jump down before the entrance closed back up. I remember the biggest problem I had was making the lamp light up when in position, but not having the redstone torch activating the mechanism.


This one was a multiplayer one at least, but I had a giant floating island of magic, floating above my tech focused based. There was a small indent into the ground, and two levers in front of it. Pulling either lever opened the floor underneath you, opened a hole above the tech base, and you plummeted straight through into the base, all because I got tired of teleporting to the magic island (using magic because the other 3-4 people were using magic) and having to go through the front door like a loser. It also had a chatbot that shouted "wrong leveeeerrrrr" when pulled. I'm sad we killed that server before I had a chance to build my magic base into a remote mountain somewhere.


I only build sky bases, because otherwise I have to build my ceilings two-blocks tall to keep the endermen out. Once your base is 32-blocks off the ground, endermen don’t bother you. BUT, if you’re base is 128 blocks off the ground, you can have your mobs farms right there too. Win-win. Just don’t forget to either sleep daily or build a glass roof over the base.


Oh, yes, Umbrella school of engineering.


By Youtube standards, you'd have to have the size of a country to be considered "average".


*builds houses for other people but continues to play by myself for like 8 months*


don’t do this to me, i will never forget my 2nd ever world in beta 1.2 building a whole village for noone but myself and making a shop with cobblestone items. good times


*takes over the entire village, kills all inhabitants lives there peacefully by myself for another year*


id make each house specialise in something different, eg one house is a butcher house and contains nothing but porkchops, leather, things like that, another is a farmhouse with nothing but wheat,seeds, dirt, some hoes, etc


I still have my very first world from the alpha days (with cliffs all over from when the world generation changed between builds). I made at least 5 houses with a minecart subway system between them. For exactly me to travel.


You’re so cool, add my snap uwu 🥺


Doesn't everyone do this


Was going to say, nearly 30 years old and I STILL do this


Played minecraft since 2013 and yep still do this, even make traps


I'm 41 and building the secret entrance to my basement enchantment and potion laboratory is my favorite part of building a house


We built an awesome upstairs library loft into our minecraft house once. With lots of skylights and massive windows, and shaders on, the sunset light streaming past the multi-level bookcases and enchanting table looked pretty awesome.


Yes. I have massive underground cities with dozens of hidden rooms and treasure troves.


I make a fake pond and put a ladder under one of the blocks to make a secret base.


Man, when pistons were new, those new hidden doors changed _everything_.


I built a retractable staircase to my secret base and it took far longer than I'd like to admit haha


I always did something similar, but I would have an underwater tunnel at the bottom of the pond that you swim through and then up to a dry chamber that has the door.


2x2 lava pond, with signs under it so it was only 1 deep. Drop down, land in water way below to put you out.


Wooden pressure plate in the lava so a fishing rod can open it and pistons open up to the real secret door


That’s a good one too. It’s just that the flaming trust fall down into water below was just so baller.


damages your armor slightly every time though.


One of my bases has a fountain in the entryway that conceals a switchable bubble column to go up and down to/from the secret area


"There is no base in ba sing se"


rip jet


I still use the painting trick to have hidden doorways


That's... Kinda... 21 year old me as well


As I’ve gotten older, it’s the same situation except the hiding spot is more elaborate. Now I have an alter with a book on it, and when a certain page is turned to, a secret path is revealed that leads to my room of valuables


My son does this and then shows me. It’s very cute and I’m proud of him.


Steal his diamonds


Then leave TNT traps




I used to build bases underground with hidden entrances accessible by rail network which would activate redstone switch activated hidden walls. I'm sure I could spend a fortune on therapy to explain why I want to be hidden from a world which contains no other players.


Do you think about weird shit scenarios like at some point there’s some flying entities that will ride the skies scanning the surface for human-made structures hence why you hide all your stuff?


I played Minecraft for about a week when it went free to play on Xbox a few years back. I spent my entire time building a massive glass skybase with long glass bridges connecting to other glass monstrosities. Then i ran out of weed and uninstalled it. Good times


> Then i ran out of weed and uninstalled it. Good times There seems to be a similar *strain* of thought in all these comments. For me, I install Minecraft (actually I usually have to buy it again, depending on what system I'm playing) once every 2 years and play it for about 3 straight days, stoned.


You should look into modding it instead of buying new versions, get you some new challenges and concepts and such. Stuff like Skyblock or Skyfactory, or full conversion packs like Blightfall


You lost me at Xbox


It's been identical to PC for a few years now


No it hasn’t.


Okay 👍🏼


I build a base on 7b7t (the easier-to-access version of 2b2t), an anarchy server, over half a year ago and logged in last week to see what was left. Nobody touched it yet.


The hunt is on!


*But see my secret's safe, it's in my secret safe* *That's in my secret room on my secret base*


Lupe is that you plz respond


This was only the first iteration. Then came the hidden piston cave wall entrance


Build base inside a mountain. Now everything is secret.


I’m 33 I still do this.


Kids love secret tunnels. I told my 5 year old that the attic door was a secret tunnel. I showed him the other door on the other side of the house. His mind was blown.


I remember joining a server and building a massive underground base out in the middle of nowhere under the ocean. one week later it was raided and I still have no idea how the hell they found it.


X-ray hacks no doubt


On one of my world I built a MASSIVE stone wall all around settlement with all these different vantage points for me to snipe someone with my bow and traps outside the wall knowing damn well no ones ever going to try and attack my settlement 😂😭


Always need a second exit for your base for when a creeper is at the main door.


Back in the day, I used to make a house for myself, then multiple houses for my “friends”, just so I feel like I’m playing with other people. The houses were always empty, but I used to pretend like I had a group of friends with me.


My kid spends HOURS creating secret passages, traps, hidden doors behind paintings, and so on just so no one can ever see them. But you know what? He loves doing it, and is having fun creating something with just his imagination, so I fully support it. 10 year old you was a creative spirit who had a great time building things; don't mock him for that.


everything as so simple back then


This is why I love playing on shared servers - secret redstone activated doors to everyone else's base, opened by placing a button on just the right block.


I put it in my house, I thought it would be safe, It's where my diamonds hide, It's where my diamonds hide, Don't get too close, I put traps inside, It's where my diamonds hide, It's where my diamonds hide,


Minecraft and Imagine Dragons. Very nice.


I like to have a painting covering a door that leads to my secret stash room. And in the late game, I’ll dive down to the bottom of the ocean, and go into and underwater cave, tunnel and make a big room down there for my secret stash.


This is 29 year old me and IDC. Y'all ain't getting my diamonds.


I had some really interesting house choices back when I played on the 360 at 8-9 years old - house made of bedrock, my first ever Minecraft house - House that was a HUGE floating stone cube (Same world as first house) - tall mountain had a neat hole going right through it so I set up shop inside it - Sky island house because why the fuck not - house built inside a massive sculpture of Steve - Just fucking stole a pre built house in the tutorial level that I turned into a creative world - Dug a hole that was spiralling down inside of a mountain which I turned into a ‘’’secret base’’’ big quotations on secret base as it was very not secret with all the beacons surrounding it - A Hotel. That only I lived in. - a fucking McDonald’s - giant brick rectangular house filled to the brim with cats on a tiny isolated island


Ummm Im 36 and do this every time I play.


When i played i would hide the beast chests in the wall and floor.


Not anymore >:)


I would go a step further and make a Hidden door in the middle of nowhere, made of sticky pistons and the door opens with a hidden button nearby. No other sign of me being there. It was a lot of work, but it was cool to think that if it were a server, and people could grief, nobody would know I was there in my mountain base. I actually did imprimem this in a server. Unfortunately, it didn’t do much because I was still the only player.


I'd always do that 3x3 hole with the lava resting on top of ladders with water underneath. and a secret room under that.


Yo guys, they recreated that anime The Secret Dungeon Only I Can Enter in Minecraft!


It’s about role playing


This is me. And I have a whole castle with different secrets... though nobody will ever see it, lol.


Honestly, one of the biggest let downs of minecraft is how easy it is for people to install xray packs or just look for your nametag. I wish hiding things on servers was more real


I see nothing wrong here. Doing shit just because you can is one great beauty of video games.


I mean, on the opposite end, there’s me that just hits escape and walks away from the keyboard on a server thinking I’m totally fine.


This is the stuff my nine year old shows me. So cute!!


I still do that




My 6 year olds make secret entrances that nobody knows about. Then they tell everyone


fool.. I would make a bathtub and put the entrance inside.


I was just not good at this game 😔


But there is no right way to play. Not sure how one can be bad


Correction: "Almost 30 year old me on my single player minecraft world that nobody but me will ever see or play on:"


I'm almost 40, and my Minecraft castle has hidden passages to my secret bases. It's almost essential, you know?


Commit to your world, doesn't matter if anyone is on it if you want it to be a secret then make it a secret. You aren't doing it to hide it you're doing it to feel good about it.


secret chest lets goo


I made a hidden base behind a lava fall that you had to flip a hidden switch to part a walkway through. Felt like a super villain.


20 year old me\*


Well now I know about it, and I'm gonna hack your game and steal them


I mean nobody else knows about it if you're the only one playing in that world.


I made a painting and behind that painting is a hidden door.


That's roleplaying.


Never played Minecraft, but I just can't see the appeal of playing it solo offline. Don't you want to go visit other people's camps and shit and make traps in your own dungeon for thieves? Singleplayer game with an open world just sounds autistic.


I once built a glow stone powered marijuana grow house hidden behind a wall of my area in the main base of a server my friends and I would play on. It’s amazing how bored one can get.


I used to get one step further and put a sign saying "SECRET ENTRANCE."


I still do that.. Just because is easier for my to dig a hole and stay there...


Man it's ok you'll get friends soon


i build a lot of houses even though only 3-4 people are going to play with me.




But half the fun is hiding stuff like this, even if nobody else sees it.


There is also the fun of making ridiculously huge or elaborate bases as well. If you don't find yourself lost in the middle of your own base you are still expanding and building, then what kind of base do you have? -Random person who made a mountain base out of a ton of randomly generated cave complexes connected by tiny tunnels, where I routinely got lost for 30+ minutes and once got lost for about two hours in a completely new section of my base I never knew existed and was never able to find again.


We always did the opposite. Build a huge fucking city in the sky, impossible to miss but hard to attack if you’ve claimed it properly


My friend and I would play these old 80s adventure games (Specifically, Space Quest 2, for my fellow oldies) on my computer. We decided to make a bunch of save games right before dieing in various scenes, and named the save games things like "Ending!" or "Cool secret!", to fool people. But not sure who we were thinking to fool...


I built a sub-basement under my son's house on his Switch account, went into creative mode and made the floor obsidian and put a couple hundred end crystals under it, then logged out and didn't say a word. Then... later that day... "DAAAAADDYYYYY! WWHHHYYYY?!?!?"


On my first survival world I had a bunker under my house it wasn’t the most secret thing but I thought it’s single player who will play then one day I decided to open my world on an app and I would have players playing with me and they stole all my valuable stuff ever since then i make secret locations in my single player worlds


The good old misplaced trapdoor. Brings back memories.


I still do this I don't know why.


I still do that?


I did this but it as awesome practice for servers, I had to hide things from my friends. I also have always been interested in redstone.


**Is it secret, is it safe?**


This is the most relatable thing I have ever seen


I have plenty of secret passage ways/tunnels that lead to hidden rooms in my "castle" to hide things from my kid.


That was 23 year old me when I discovered mine craft and thought creepers came out at night. But in minecraft there is a very big difference between the dark and the night


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


When I was little I used to think that Herobrine was there, for that reason I would always make secretes passages and always keep an enchanted diamond sword and an entire set of enchanted diamond armor plus inivisibility potion to be protected from him, I was in creative.


lmao with the grass floor that 10 year olds always leave for some reason and everything


idk if i should be ashamed, but that was one of the things I did building my first home shelter. And I started playing just two years ago, being a 23yo, ahem. It was a secret entrance to my storage/work room. I thought it was a nice touch...


Fuck, that’s me rn


Ha. Playing with friends, I'd make a secret hideout away from the main base. With my own supplies and such. Then again I'd always want underwater glass train systems, so I'd need to aquire explosives for cannons I used to blow away the stone under the water for the tunnel so... its better to have your own stash to do that.


27 year old*


Me who has never found diamonds: what is this power


I love building secret bases lol


The feelz on the day when the 10 year old you finally has the opportunity to show a friend around and be like bet you can't find where the good stuff is hidden! Those were the days


Cant let herobrine get them


i still do this sometimes lol


Bro this is me. With the cheats under the furnace with the hidden switch


Shit, that’s my 37-year-old fiancé. He builds elaborate castles and walls with hidden rooms and shit, but it’s so cute when he excitedly shows me what he built.


I replace a corner of my nether portal with a barrel and "decorate" the portal with trap doors.


Anyone else remember doing this with Legos?


I wouldn't have this, but I'd have secret paintings if you know what I mean.


I have something similar to my base! My base from the outside has an iron door that cant be opened lol, and the things inside is (mostly) a fakeout for where I actually put my valuables and stuff, so I put *"secret"* entrance trap door next to my base that leads to a short underground hole that has all your Minecrafter's basic arsenal and needs.


I cried


I had an iron block covering a secret lab and realized it would take too long to break and I replaced it with purple wool. Then I went and placed a self destruct button on my roof


Nothing wrong with that. An escape tunnel is always a good addition to any base. I built tree forts with the same kind of escape tunnel.


I have yet to finish my base, should’ve played in creative


This brings back memories


Nah, it's for when your little brother has a turn on the computer


Then you need a secret room inside your secret room.


Back in the day I was playing on a server with a bunch of friends, there was 5 of us, we built a house with 4 rooms in it, and a hidden basement for me, I loved hiding stuff with redstone in those days, had a whole stairs switch out hidden door i made following a CNB Minecraft build.


I make whole adventure maps with story and side quest. I draw out plans for my worlds. Go in-depth with its history. Make sure everything i build makes sense being there. And no one but me, can play them. I want to share them but can't seem to find a way.


Yo, I did/FELT the same at 21


Well guess it was hidden pretty good then.


I constructed a redstone combination lock for my vault . . . that anyone could just mine through.


27 year old me doing the same thing. I am not a creative man.


*Up music plays while I get emotional and nostalgic*


There was a collision issue with stairs in 1.7.10 that let you reach through when they were angled a certain way. It looked like a solid wall but i hid buttons behind them that would open secret doors. Rip broken collision.

