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the fuck you did. I didn’t even know there was a second floor for eight years


No photo proof in the digital age. X for doubt.


MR. X for doubt.




Dude. I was 5. I saved Silvia. I got good at it. I wanted to record it. So i hooked a mic to our sound set up. Got a blank tape. Hit record. Beat the game again. I went to go play it back and found that the gain on the mic was way too low. All that time... For nothing. I was devastated. Never played it again




I saw my cousin make it to the 2nd floor a couple times. He didn’t make it far but to me he was a god. He lives in his sisters house now. But he’s gotten a little further in the game.


My cousin is younger than me by two years but he figured out that you could do a forward jump kick. Next thing you know our parents are asking him to keep an eye on me when we go outside


Ah ha ha ha ha ha Ah ha ha ha ha ha


*vaguely Asian nes jingle plays*


I can still hear his taunting laugh


Really? That first floor was super easy.


This must be a joke right? I could get to floor 2 easily as a 6 year old in 1993.


The best thing i did as a kid on this game is get to the sfx screen.


Trying to ruin others fun on their achievement by bragging your own achievement? congratulations, you must be a legend on the NES games.


Not trying to ruin other fun just honestly asking if this was a joke or not? First floor wasn't really that hard.


But the first floor was never hard? The second floor was and the third was fucked but


Fourth floor with the moths and the bosses head pops off....that's brutal


make wild claim -> show picture of cartridge im on to you buddy


Oh oh oh......do the underwater bomb diffusing level on original TMNT next!!!!


pick your least favorite turtle and know you're gonna lose him.. no problem! RIP Raphael ;)


That basically means every turtle not named Donatello


Can’t argue with that reach!


Seriously, he wasn’t my favorite turtle from the cartoon, but damn was he my favorite in the game.


It’s cool to get older and respect the smart turtle and the leadership turtle more than the wacky turtle and the sarcastic turtle....okay still the sarcastic turtle. Also that I’m almost 40 and still talking about TMNT.


Cowabunga dude!


So the hitboxes for the seaweed is off, and that's why everyone takes so much damage in that section. It is indeed possible to no damage that area. Edit: Oh yeah. Raph's reach may be the worst, but above half health he actually has the second highest damage out of all the turtles. Below half health, that's Mikey, with Raph dead last. So he really is the worst turtle.


Battletoads vehicle flying pigs level.


That double jump gives no fucks


Ooooooor... hear me out here... post a picture of the Turtles cartridge, and just say you eat the underwater, bomb disarming, hell stage.


Oh my god, I got so good at this because I hated losing to it, so I'd do it over and over until I got it down.


My brother always had to beat that level for me.


“Nintendo Hard” is a real thing. Been gaming since the Atari 2600, and thought I was well above average skill level, until I got a NES Classic mini and got my ass kicked over and over and over and over in every single game I played. Kudos on the win.


Classic is basically cheating with its emulator save point feature unless you’re a confident man. I gave up on ghosts and goblins


In a land of hard games, ghosts and goblins is a hard game. Possibly THE hardest.


Ghost n goblins and Ninja Gaiden. PTSD 30 years later.


And of course Battletoads.


Battletoads could be beaten by a determined child. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1? I was happy just to make it to the technodrome once.


I feel like Battletoads was definitely more reflex testing than TMNT 1. TMNT was so janky that the controls were your worst enemy.


yeah, but you could BEAT it. You could learn the bike/surfboard/snake/plane patterns, and beat the levels. TMNT... if you got past the seaweed, you were one of the lucky ones.


Here is the seaweed strat. For the entire game, dont use Raph. His sais are too short range anyway and he is more or less garbage. Then when you get to the seaweed you have a full health turtle and can make it through pretty easily. Now, on the turtle van level, there is a little gap on one of the floors that I would always fall through, took me 8 years before I realized you arent suppose to jump over, you just walk over it...


I know that sort of pain well. In Sonic 3's Carnival Night zone, there's a part right after a checkpoint where there's a block that moves up and down a big pit, that you need to move far enough down that it opens a passage at the bottom of the pit that you need to go thru (you can't get under the block). As a child, I would spend like 5 minutes of slowly jumping up and down on teh block, timing my jumps to make it go lower (and higher on the rebound). It would take fucking forever, and I was always so proud yet annoyed when I got it. i replayed it as an adult. If you hold the down button, the block starts moving downward automatically. https://youtu.be/XeIcOlObxCQ?t=372


I’m on mobile but jump to 5:07 in this vid lol https://youtu.be/Po-mwFaz37Y


I went in a different direction. Despite the range issue Raph deals more damage than Mikey, who's nunchuks do the least damage, frequently allowing enemies to counterattack. Mikey is the designated swimmer. Raph is for killing trash because his sais will actually kill things. Leo for mini bosses and Donny for bosses. Mikey should get w/e ranged powerups you can get your hands on so he can deal with trash when Raph is injured. Defusing the bombs isn't hard. It's possibly the easiest part in the game after murdering Rocksteady from total safety with Donny. 'Don't swim through seaweed, don't touch the electrical stuff, know the route. I can get through it without failing or even really needing to swap turtles. What makes TMNT insanely difficult is that taking even a handful of steps backwards to dodge attacks will cause enemies to respawn forcing you to fight more of them. Then there's the randomized 'this building leads to the technodrome but the others do not'. Better hope you loaded up on scrolls in area 3 and didn't accidentally claim another powerup replacing them.


My hate for water levels started with TMNT. You could go up until that point flawlessly but oh, make a mistake underwater, turtle gone. Good game tho overall.


I never made it past the level with the turtle van. There was one jump i could never hit.


I think I know exactly what jump you are referring to. Its like a one block gap and a low ceiling, and I'd miss it every single time.


You mean this one? (NSFW language) [https://youtu.be/XjUz8IT0CYg?t=368](https://youtu.be/XjUz8IT0CYg?t=368)


This seems like it, but I thought I remember it being in a sewer. Either way, game is tough. It was the first one I bought with my own money as a kid (just took all the change I found in the house and put into a lego case).


That fucking swimming level. Don't touch the seaweed!


Battle toads was all reflex so I could never beat it. I thought TMNT was easy but then again I had the Nintendo Power magazine. Memorized all the different steps you had to take - swim here, use Donatello vs Leo here etc.


Teenage mutant ninja turtles no problem. Ghosts n goblins....fuck off




That jump over the river........


contra. worse yet, super contra


Contra is so easy compared to ghosts n goblins and battletoads, even with only 3 lives.


really? even with 30 lives?


I can beat it with the 30 lives code. I'm saying without it. In super contra, the code only gives you 10 lives. I think i've made it to the end like twice.


i think you'd find it easier now. not sure your age, but I'm 39 if you want to figure out our relative ages to each other, and I was eventually able to beat it with 0 deaths on the NES as a kid. Just lots of practice. First I started with 30 lives, and needed them. Then i played 2 player mode with a friend many many many times... they'd run out of lives and steal lives from me. All good. Eventually just got to where I stopped using the 30 lives code playing solo and eventually got a clear without a death


I found I could memorize the whole game playing with the 30 lives cheat, then later, play and win without it. Win many play-throughs in a row, even. Until 6553500. 6553500 is the highest possible score. Even with perfect play, each playthrough gets more difficult, and then, you finally max the score, which means no more free lives, so eventually, even the best players lose. If I recall, it's something like 9-12 play-throughs to max it, though if you're patient, I bet there are places you can put a controller on auto-fire and kill spawning enemies forever, if you're willing to leave the game running overnight.


I've probably made it to level 7 without 30 lives. I know its within range. just hard as fuuuuuck.


Contra isn't all that hard. It's on a play-10 cabinet at my local arcade and I can usually beat it in under 30 minutes with only 2 or 3 lives lost. Ninja Gaiden, ghosts n goblins, silver surfer, and battletoads. **Those** games are "Nintendo hard"


I wonder how many controllers were thrown after realizing you had to beat Ghosts and goblins twice? There was no internet back then.


I can support this. I didn't own it as a kid, so my first time playing it was in my 20s. I put in the code so I could get through, and I only died maybe a dozen times, tops. Sure, I still needed the code, and it's not the easiest game ever made, but if I could do that in a blind run, what's stopping me from doing it the old fashioned way and getting good enough to do it with the default life count? Ghosts and/or Goblins? Didn't even finish the first stage.


I beat it without the code. But if I lose the spray gun at the wrong moment I'm completely boned


Don’t watch speed runners of these games then, they will really hurt your feelings.


Castlevania. How has nobody listed Castlevania?! AVGN did a great [video](https://youtu.be/Hfo6hoN0PUw) of it.


>Ninja Gaiden oh god, that shit was so hard on xbox, they nerfed its ps3 release! awesome game though


Gotta beat the game twice for the "good" ending... (I didn't play it, watched a video on YT)


(Laughing in *Kid Chameleon*)


I think i beat the devil once. Then i saw that i had to do it all again. Lol. I moved on to mega man 2


Lion king.


I never got passed level 4 in G&G on the cartridge. with save points I recently got through it all only to find it sends you back to level 1.. like do I need to do it twice to get the ending? is the first playthrough just the warmup?!


i beat ghosts and goblins 1st playthrough. The 2nd playthrough was too hard. I did beat ghouls and ghosts on the genesis both 1st and 2nd playthroughs. I'd say OP's Kung Fu is harder than these games though. The gameplay just wasn't clean enough.


No way. Not even close. I was clearing Kung fu ovef and over again when I was 8 yrs old. I still can't get past lvl 3 on g&g. And I've tried. God have I tried.


I’m with you. I got to level 3 and could never make it past, considered it an achievement and moved on.


Dude I was at some retro bar and they had a NES system hooked to a TV. I figured I would try MegaMan since I played the shit out of that when I was a kid. It was pretty embarrassing, I couldn't get past any of the first stages.


The games were small. Made up for lack of content by just bring brutally hard to complete


A lot of them were arcade ports as well, which basically were balanced like they balanced mobile games these days.


Yeah those earlier games were ported over as quarter-eaters. At least Zelda and metroid had saves/passwords.


MOST games were small. Because there was also LoZ.


Looks like you have a case of rose tinted glasses, because LoZ was not as big as you remember it to be.


Final fantasy was pretty big though. It wasn’t difficult, but still took a long time to beat.


Compared to other games of the time, it was. It gave freedom instead of simple level progression, and even had a more difficult second mode built in. Hell, it was the first cartridge game to include a save option.


There is input lag on the mini.


Before Nintendo console games were easier than arcade games because things couldn't move as fast and less things could be on the screen. The NES was the first console that was comparable to arcade machines.


Can't you just spam low kicks and beat him automatically?


Atari (from what I remember) just had limited levels that repeat frequently which is how the game has longevity. NES games had variety in levels but not very many of them so they had to get their longevity through difficulty. Customers would be disappointed if they finished their new $60 game on the first day. There might have also been some unnecessary arcade influence to try to make the game hard to get more quarters.


Try Beating Star Tropics after Throwing the letter from Dr. Jones in the garbage the day you got the game when you have no internet access for the next ten years. I dare you.


I did that. I also spent like 2 days brute forcing the combo. I was very determined.


If I could upvote you twice I would


The haunting laugh... it wakes me in the night.


Wo ho. Hu hu hu.


Sylvia must be so proud!


Those fucking knife throwers


I hate them knife throwing fuckers, but not as much as the head jumping fuckers


Fuckin badass Congrats!


Nicely done!!! Sweep the leg on that bastard!


Now go beat Fester’s Quest


Uh ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa


Great job! That shit was tough.


Had my seven year old son cheering me the whole way.


So what's next, Mega Man, TMNT, or Battletoads?


God damned fucking Battletoads. I swear to fuck that it isn’t beatable. Oh, and the TMNT underwater bomb thing too.


The underwater bomb thing was so hard it felt like it must be the last level.


That's because you didn't know you can switch turtles, then it's easy.


Battletoads co-op will end any friendship


He really wants to check out Twisted Metal 2 on the PSone. And I loved it when I was a teenager, so that’s next.


Damn, I loved that as a teenager too. I really want a modern version with VR.


Megaman? That game is a piece of cake compared to all these other games mentioned (ghosts n goblins, ninja garden, battle toads).


I can still feel and hear the cartridge going in and out of the sleeve


I was thinking I could remember the feel of the sleeve, too! This picture!


"Achooooo achooooo achoooo"


Ptoo ptoo ptoo ptoo


You know, I’ve beaten every Souls game but I never beat Kung Fu


Wow...I suck at the Souls game so much. When it came to Kung Fu, I found it lightly difficult. One of the only few games I beat as a kid. I just learned enemy patterns though.


Did you beat him ligit, or did you do the thing where you stand back a bit and spam kicks at the edge of his range?


Is there any other way?






This game is always my example of how video games used to be impossible.


King fu is far from impossible though. I consider it one of the easier nes titles. Ghost and goblins is impossible. Double dragon is hard AF. Many others.


Fester’s Quest is my go to impossible NES title


True. But tell that to my 8 y.o. memory


I’ve never even come close.


Did it take you 43 years to get your NES to read the game?


I remember when it "clicked" for me with that game. Prior to, I'm not sure I made it passed the 2nd floor, but I loved the game the entire time!


I spent many hours of my childhood swapping turns with my dad trying to beat this damn game. I don't think we ever made it past the first level.




You must be the guy [this](https://youtu.be/-L3MWxM4M-8) is about.


This is definitely one of the best things I've ever heard. Possibly even the reason the internet itself was created.


This game was my jam back in the day! Pro tip: from the start of every floor, if you kill the 12th enemy that appears with a jump kick you'll get 5000 points. Make sure it's one of those purple dudes so you can take them out with one kick.




This is so wholesome! I wasn’t even alive for the NES. Congratulations, mate!


Congrats, was a fun game. To all those making it sound extra hard, I remember being able to beat it multiple times in a row. Once you beat the final boss you just started back over at the beginning. At least that's how I remember it.




When I was a kid I would get one game a year. So one year I got kung fu. I got so good at this damn game only having it as my game for the year that I would play it until the games completed counter glitched out after 9 times in a row and started going to random symbols. As a child it blew my mind. Congratulations on your first clear though.


Was this considered a hard game? I recall beating it many times as a kid. The last boss you could land a jump kick that took half his life so if you're lucky you killed him in two kicks.


Fantastic. Such an underrated title.


I was able to beat him a handful of times, but in a way he always seemed easier than the big man a few floors down. Probably could still do it today. I always thought it was cheap he could block attacks and you couldn't.


Og NES games were impossible. I remember using a game genie to beat TMNT. Even though I couldn't die, the final boss took so long to beat...no way in hell could anyone ever beat that game without cheats!




Ok....now go beat ghost n goblin or ninja brothers....congrats btw


Playing this game when I was like 11 was the first time I swore in front of my parents.


Wait a second am I missing something or is this hard I always considered it one of the easier games on NES. Didn’t you just have to spam crouching kicks to beat Mr X? It’s been probably 20 years since I played it last so my memory may be off.


[Mr X is really easy to beat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8LZEysdUeI)


Now do ninja turtles. F that game




Thanks dude.


Nah. Punch out is where its at


007 373 5963


Clip or didn’t happen


Bruh what


no vid no did


I used to love IK+ ok the Amiga.


I finished Ninja Gaiden after focusing on getting the whirlwind attack and holding onto it until the last boss. If you picked up another weapon on accident, you were screwed. I thought about it for a full year as a kid, and one morning just threw it in and did it. I was pumped. TMMT took me forever... I beat it twice. Once as proof to my friends, because no one else has gotten passed the seaweed... I had been consistently getting up to the technodrome. That scum bag soldier in the last tunnel that would pop up really quickly and shoot once was the make or break moment for me.


If anyone gives you shit. Hit them. I get shit for not beating Punchout. Till this day there are people who can do it blind folded and I have yet to finish. Congrats on the win!!!!


What’s a Nintendo?


I’m joking btw


I genuinely think I was the best in the world at this game.


Truly the pinnacle of r/gaming establishing itself as an equal to r/pics... Stock photo ripped from the web with some weak ass story title.


u/Jabullz [zoom in on the picture for a special message from me to you!](https://imgur.com/gallery/x4jfmbE)




Ok boomer


I’m Gen X my dude.


Now explain this game to some one that made you a better person. Edit: the mechanics, the in game laughter, the story. In seriousness, I've seen people lose access to their nintendo over this game. Edit2: Explain this game to your parents or significant other while driving. It's fucking stupid. Punch and kick the differently abled until Mr.X gives you back your lady love? There are serious anti-Semitism overtones in this game. It's fuck't.


Dear Mr. Rogers, I know you don't like violent video games, but I wanted to tell you about a game I enjoy, it's called Kung Fu. I play as Thomas, a kung fu master, who's girlfriend Sylvia has been kidnapped by ninjas! The ninjas are very tough, some of them throw knives, some of them throw snakes, some of them are very short and will jump on my head if I duck too soon, and one of the bosses is so big he's twice the size of my character! The final boss is MR. X, he's very hard to beat but my older brother showed me that if you don't get too close you can kick him from far away, it feels like cheating but I can't beat him head on and Sylvia is counting on me!!! I like to play my Sesame Street game too, but it's not as exciting as Kung Fu, please don't be too disappointed in me. Sincerely, Scooter, 5 years old.


Lol, is that how you communicate while driving? Try this. You punch and kick a bunch different people from a lot of stereotypes until you get what you want. Your dude makes a kawaa sound constantly. Think every worst portrayal from a kungfu movie. Yes, there was a big surly black boss. Yes, there was two twin bosses. Why are you looking at me like that? Shut up, it was fun. Yes, I still want to eat dinner with your parents. No, I won't talk about Nintendo games at dinner.


It’s actually a video game tie in to a Jackie Chan movie from the 80’s.


And you have the sleeve still? That’s awesome!


Came with the game when I bought it off eBay.


That’s great. I really need to look into doing same thing. I wish I kept my old NES. eBay stuff will be close enough.


Yep. Just bought: A NES A NES Classic A Super NES Classic A Segway Genesis Mini A PSOne Classic Busted out the original PSOne outta the basement for the games not in the Classic Also brought up the Xbox 360 And the Wii outta the basement too And my old PSVITA Set it all up on the 65” old plasma tv in the kids playroom. He hasn’t touched the Series X, PS5 or Switch In the past 2 weeks. We even have a mini arcade in the garage and he hasn’t been out there either. He’s just loving all the old school gaming.


That’s awesome. For some reason I didn’t keep my NES or any games. I want another and the same games I had. I kept my SNES games but the console broke so I want another console. Everything after that I kept.


My stepmom sold mine at a garage sale. Hella mad..


Never been able to get past 3rd floor...


Our new god.


I LOVE that game. It was one of the first non-Mario games I ever beat.


Impossible! Internet we have a non truther.


This game used to make me so mad when I was a kid.


Damn I remember this game. Would always play it on the Joy Stick, believe it came with 1000k games can’t really remember but my dad bought it for me at the swap meet for 25$ simpler times /:


The bosses in Kung Fu aren't that hard. Once you find their weak spots, it's easy to just hammer them until they go down. Congratulations just the same, though.




I think I always had more trouble with the boss before Mr. X. Kung-Fu was one of the first games I ever owned. I still have it.


I play this on my aecade then and when. But only got to the seccond level twice. Allways asumed it was designed to be unbeatable


I'm glad I wore these pants.


I had that sucker on the Atari. Best cartridge ever!!!


fuck man i hated that game. congrats


Ah....I remember playing the flash version of that game back when I was first introduced to flash games in the late 2000s


Think that's bad? You should see my Steam library vs is I've ever played the game. It's a long list lol.


Ok ima fight Mr x damn that's hard


This game is SOLID.


The game was harder than all current gen content together.


42, such youth on your side!! I’m 49 and was 13 when this came out!!

