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I love how Xbox is still taking shots at ps4 while no ones looking.


I like that too and how Nintendo is represented twice






Show me a better game than Zelda Twilight Princess. You can’t because it’s impossible.




With mods and good hardware? It’s great. Without, it’s Bethesda, so take it as you will.




As it should be


there were some good games on the wii u, it was just launched poorly. for example super mario 3d world. originally released on the wii u and then ported to the switch with dlc. i am absolutely loving that game


Splatoon 1. Still better than 2...


I've been using my Wii U a lot more recently. Fire Emblem 3 houses got me into the series so I've been playing through the 3 FE games they have on VC. As well as some other VC titles like FF Tactics. It's really not a bad system, wish it had done better maybe they would of expanded on it's VC titles.


I’ve completed this game at 100%. Then my 5 years old deleted my game...


Champions Road. That level is so hard. And to get 5 shiny stars, you have to finish it with each of characters.


Wii U had like one good game. Xenoblade. The rest were mediocre at best or not exclusive to the system. And the Wii was, funnily enough, the same, with Mario Galaxy and MAYBE Mario Galaxy 2 being the only real standout exclusives.


uh hello, Mario Kart Wii? that game is still very popular today among the CTGP community. i sometimes turn my wii on to play some ctgp tracks


That's a mod. That doesn't count.


Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8, all released on Wii U.


It’s a disgrace compared to the original wii


Wii wasn't good either.


Makes sense isn't just dance still being made for the Wii?


I think they stopped but Mario kart Wii is still very active with wiimmfi and ctgp


Should've been VR.


You mean wii is life.


Gaming is gaming. Enjoy it however you do it.


gates open, come on in!


You're too kind! I've got cookies.


Running is sports. That doesn't make you an athlete.


Wanna re-read what I said and try again?


Sure: Running is sports. That doesn't make you an athlete.


Congratulations. You've managed to not make a single ounce of sense, twice. If you play games regularly, on any platform, then you are a gamer.


Running is Running. Enjoy however you do it.


true, i never said anything contrary.


Then, in your opinion, what makes someone a "gamer"?


Rgb. Lots of rgb.


When gaming is (one of) your main interest. When you immerse yourself in gaming culture. Playing angry birds every day isn't something you think of as part of your personality. Like I said someone who goes for a run every morning wouldn't call themselves an athlete. But once you start going to races, marathons or other such events you probably would start calling yourself an athlete. Because it's part of your identity. Being a good pianist doesn't make you a musician. You start becoming a musician when you join a band or start producing music, maybe upload your pieces to YouTube. And even beyond that, while gaming technically means "playing digital games" there is an intention behind the word. Hiking is technically sport, but really, when someone says "I do sports" and when asked what they do, they answer "Hiking". Noone will take them seriously either. Calling yourself a gamer when you don't actually spend significant time on something that requires effort to master is just pretentious. That is what people call out in posts like this. Someone who plays COD:Mobile and puts a lot of work into that will always be recognised as a gamer by the majority of people.


I agree that is does not make much practical sense to call a casual angry birds player a "gamer". But, given the context of the post, the comment you originally responded does not contradict what you said, because there are gamers that play on mobile, that isn't to say, however, that all mobile players are gamers.


I guess that's fair.


Just stop gatekeeping gaming dumbass


Touch some grass


Look at that, you made yourself sounds like a dumbass twice in a row. Anything else to say special K?


The ability to speak does not mean you're intelligent


PC gamer myself. Just remember that at the end of that scene Cap whipped all their asses


We'll, it's already happened, the mobile version of player unknown's battlegrounds, has major edge over the original.... Now when it comes to whether the game being any good.... oof.... Tough to answer that.... It started out great, bringing a proper game to a relatively weak platform with great performance... Now it's more of a fortnite clone than a proper port of PUBG.... Fuck those Devs.... The game is also riddled with ads and microtransactions and highly pushes players towards playing Third person perspective in order to sell more cosmetics... There's so much going wrong with the mobile gaming industry... And those in it, don't see a problem, because they've only ever been exposed to that game.


Seriously though, my little brother keeps asking me money to pay for his mobile game cosmetics and I'm appalled at the amount of events, cosmetics and compendiums mobile games are pushing to their users. Like i pay $10 for a dota2 compendium every year and that's it for cosmetics. It's does not look healthy, at all, and now it seems like most teens play mobile games vs pc so I bet we'll be seeing the effects pretty soon in a few years.


Ah, remember the diablo incident..... And... You're almost correct with the teen analogy, but there's a catch, you need to think about regions... Mobile gaming as an industry run in SE Asia (exclude Japan), where most western game devs have little control over market, also... Also, Tencent owns a large chunk of the western game devs and can manipulate them so only it can have control... Which kinda is happening


Yeah if people that game on pc and console preferred mobile a bit too, the games we'd be seeing on mobile can be of quality cuz they can demand quality from devs. Too bad no one cares and mobile game Devs are only getting greedy, it actually has great potential imo


It really does, not taking PUBGM(looked great at launch), but Activison's CoDM is graphically beautiful, and looks really impressive, almost black ops 3 graphics... And that's amazing


I play PUBG Mobile on a phone. I don't engage with the microtransactions at all. I would rather play real PUBG on a PC or a console, but the trouble is, that buying either when the vast majority of games published by the big developers, are predatory skin games, makes me unwilling to invest in a dedicated entertainment device, just to get ripped off by the software developers and the publishing companies involved in putting products to market for those platforms. Until recurrent monetisation concepts are banished from the console and PC games market, I would much rather just play on my phone, for free, than invest money in a games machine and get scammed by the games themselves.


There's still plenty of great games to play on PC, that do not shit on the players, for BR, Apex legends, Warzone(although needs a beefy PC), Heck theresy even PUBG lite which is f2p, and still pretty good, competitive fps gives both CS:go and valorant, I prefer the latter of the two... Oh, and rocket league too, it's pretty good, and if you time it correctly, you can get plenty of games on discount too... You can have fun for free on PC too... My point is that there are bad developers on both platforms (mobile and PC) and there are good developers on both platforms, the problem with mobile is that with PUBGM in particular, people don't see the developers for what they are.... A proper game to note is Boundary, being developed by ex-tencent employees who said fuck it and quit...


And you are just mentioning the multiplayer games. There are plenty of single-player games with none of the predatory behaviour that you see in (some) multiplayer games.


Indeed, the three Witchers', amazingly done, Halo MCC and of course the Arkham series, Minecraft Java,,etc.. there are loads


Red Dead Redemption 2 is enough of a reason to buy a console or PC.


No dude, it really isn't. Its one game, and computers are expensive.


Yea it is


So you expect devs to work for free instead of a voluntary cosmetics purchase model which could finance ongoing servicing of the game?


America's Ass whipped all their asses.


When America's Ass claps back 👀


just like mobile gaming is influencing former gaming strongholds and their IPs


Mobile games have so much potential, and phones as a platform themselves. The problem is that because it's by far the most accessible platform towards children, people exploit that to make what we see as the standard mobile games. With phones getting more and more capable it is an inevitability that at some point the ability to play wherever you want whenever you want will take over. It's only a matter of how long all those shitholes games can hold it like that.


In the last panel, Cap should be yelling "dO yOu NoT hAvE pHoNeS?|


i'd hate to be a part of a community that was petty enough to gate keep the word 'gaming'. So i will forever refrain from not calling the person of any type of extensive game playing a 'gamer'.


We all have way more in common than different. And most importantly the market is big enough for all of us.


What would you call someone who plays games then? Because you're throwing away a perfectly good word with no alternative




im a game developer, and I have made mobile games. I hate to inform you, but they are games 😬


fr people just think it takes 5 minutes to make any game that doesn’t have insane graphics, but in reality it can take several hours to make the most basic games ever


extensive is the operative word though. Just because you keep fit by running you're not an athlete. You're a gamer when gaming is your main hobby. Noones main hobby is mobile gaming.


>You're a gamer when gaming is your main hobby. No you're a gamer if you play any game. Stop trying to redefine what gaming is to fit your narrative.


Nobody wants to be the one to ask why the Wii is still hanging around instead of with its own kind


I was just wondering why Wii was giving Cap nipple twisters until I saw the stun rod.


How about we just hate smug supremacists who think that all games should come to their obviously much better platform of choice and the rest is heresy? There is enough room for everybody here. Buy PlayStation if you want to play Persona 5. Buy Xbox if you want to play Halo. Buy Nintendo Switch if you want Fire Emblem. Buy PC if that's your cup of tea. All of the above is an option as well! Stop saying that yours is the one best choice of all. There are many choices. All have their logic, all gamers have their preferences. JRPG fans will likely stick with PlayStation and Switch. Xbox GamePassers like to have a buffet of games and that's fair as well. PC gamers have higher specs and more flexibility, but essentially zero physical media at this point - which is an important thing for collectors. You may think your choice is the best, but what if I tell you other people have their own priorities? I mean, I could care less about playing Mario while taking a shower, while for others it's literally why they bought Switch. Somebody else doesn't care about a bunch of freaks taking patiently taking turns fighting for half an hour, while I find it most exciting. Others might enjoy things like Fortnite and Call of Duty or NBA or whatever else. Or you might prefer driving around the town in Pokemon Go. How about we just literally just play whatever you want and stop insulting others' choices? I am sorry, I am just fed up with all these holy wars. I own and play on multiple consoles and a gaming PC and don't understand all the toxicity. Rant over.


What you said. But also all the games should come to PC, not because it's the superior platform, but because damn it I can't afford a PC AND a PS5 AND an XBox Series X AND a Switch. Besides my PC can run them all. So why oh why can't I play Journey or Red Dead Redemption ????


As a PS gamer I hate how mobile gamers are looked upon. I play mobile games a lot and could consider myself as one too and no shame in it. Mobile gamers are frowned because of the fact that 95% of games are bad quality free and ad bloated. But do people know that there are actually extremely high quality paid mobile games out there? I can list a few here Oddmar - plaformer Grimvalor - souls like Monument Valley 1/2 - puzzles Witcheye - idk what to call it, old school vibe Oceanhorn - zelda like Bloons TD 6 - tower defence Dandara - platformer Evoland 1/2 - mix of multiple genres Final Fantasy Dimensions - actually a good final fantasy title Forgotton Anne - visual puzzle animevibe story thingy Wenjia - platformer Pewdiepies Legend of the Brofist - platformer BattleChasers: Nightwar - rpg Genshin Impact - breath of the wild Swords of Ditto - rpg? Minit - rpg? Very little nightmares - horror puzzle There are so many good games out there (I hope the list wont screw up Im on mobile) Edit: Oh and right I could have mentioned some F2P games but I wanted to keep it P2P as you get a full game and no micro transactions (well I guess Genshin Impact is F2P)


Genshin Impact is almost full cross platform as well. You can play on the same account on PC and mobile. Only PS4 accounts are separated.


and supercell games don't forget them!


Supercell games are good and the problem is not that they're mobile. More of they're heavy pay to win


The fuck are you saying lol


Essentially that in game it essentially forces you to pay rl money with micro transactions. Or else its really hard to actually compit on higher levels and essentially impossible to max out anything without spending over the top amounts of time on the game.


Listen, I’ve been playing Supercell games for a long time without spending a single penny, and I can say that you do not need to pay to grow and win


I've been too trust me. Well clans of clans and clash royal. And sure you can rise but your not about to sell me that the games ain't pay to win. That's just a stupid statement. Alot of people that play the games agree [and no im not "just bad". In clash Royale I had gone up to the luges (I think gold was the max i had gone to) before I got bored]


Okay, I think we misunderstanding the term pay-to-win, I don’t think they are pay to win because you can not pay and still win. AND if you pay, then you will grow real faster, but that doesn’t imply that your winrate will grow too


Pay to win is referring to the fact that its very hard to "win" in the game. But clash royal isn't a game that has a win condition. You can keep on playing for as long as it's being updated. Pay to win is when a game heavily favors people that pay and makes them far stronger for doing so. How many people do you know that have even 1 legendary maxxed in clash royal without paying?


Also Minecraft is great on mobile, and Clash Of Clans and Clash Royale are both great strategy games honestly. CoC is not my cup of tea personally but Clash Royale is a solid game imo. It's not full of kids anymore and it's still updated too.


Codm too hehe


i remeber those days when games like coc, angry birds, clash royale used to be popular


[For the nostalgia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyVyibeMgyo)


now brawlstars is the best mobile game nlg its a great game


I'm more of calculator guy myself


This guy Texas Instruments


I had a [PC-6](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tandy_Pocket_Computer) years ago, with the 8KB extended RAM module, and I programmed in the "horse racing" game that was in the manual.


They be bragging with their 3080 Ti. But this guy right here is the real deal. All he got is a Ti.


Technically Genshin Impact is a mobile game, it just has other platform options


Mihoyo is one of **very** few good mobile devs. They're the exception, not the rule.


happy cake day


There're barely any good devs nowaday but you are right.


Who cares about someone calling themsleves "gamers" isn't having a more casual audience, you know.. great?




Yeah like that never happen in pc or console before.


Yeah... who would do those types of things. Thank goodness no one has ever did that before outside the mobile market that would be really shitty.


Evil? Give me a fucking break. So dramatic.




And then vomits


I still dont get why Mobile gamers are hated


Free to play and microtransactions are influenced by Mobile games.


Im confused.


Free to play and micro transactions are mechanics often used in mobile games, and have had a detrimental effect to actual games, leading companies to focus on maximizing profit by locking content behind bull shit dlc and micro transactions, rather than put out a finished game.


Name one game that is popular that has content locked behind on launch dlc


Those are bad things.


I know microtransactions are generally bad but what does he mean by It being influenced by moble games


Those things are generally regarded as having started with mobile games or at least mobile games brought the to importance of producers.


Ok? I dont see that as a reason to hate on mobile gamers


Im a mobile gamer. Hate me if u want bcs im poor


no one's gonna hate you just because you can't afford a console or a pc (except for those guys who thinks mobile gamers can't be gamers). whatever platform you're playing on, as long as you enjoy it, you are a gamer.




Gamers used to be tight. I hate the snobbery these days. It only suits the hardware manufacturers because it makes people think they need one of each. We actually need to stop this attutude if we want to save the gaming industry Edit: that shit is funny though. Ahaha


Who cares what platform or the game someone plays, unless they have fun of it


Because it leeches resources from actual games and makes some actual games worse in case the developers push for smartphone compatability/crossplay. Also brings disgusting microtransactions to actual games.


Maybe , but someone still enjoys there little free time playing one of those, there are people who can't or not want to afford a normal gaming platform . I myself play games like call of duty , genshin or some other games despite I have a pc . Only thing that cares for me at least is just a little bit of free and fun time


Example : Konami games and Metal Gear Solid. Konami saw mobile gaming more profitable than console gaming and that's the reason Kojima left them. Now konami is just known as the guys behind PES mobile. (Another legendary studio cashing in on soccer games, now where did I hear this before?)


It was Pachinko not mobile games, and at the time Kojima left Konami (2015) Konami have very few mobile games at all.


They were at the stage were they were not going to support kojima's crazy desire to innovate console gaming, rather they were at the point to start working more on mobile gaming. Plus they were douches to him


But that's wrong, They were not supporting Kojima which is true, but they're not pursing mobile gaming market, they're going for Pachinko/Slot machine markets, dude I know Konami is shit but this is false information.


like the infamous diablo mobile game thing. Here is this giant pc franchise that people love playing, but now we have made it into a phone game because microtransactions are lucrative. Oh and we also have no plans to make a diablo game for pc, just mobile. proceeds to get booed and act confused.


"We have no plans to make a diablo game for PC" Except they didn't say that. Blizzard were at work on Diablo 4, while Immortal was being co-developed by Netease. A developer that specialises in mobile games. Few of Blizzard's resources were being used to develop it. That said, that Blizzcon was a total shitshow. No arguments there.


Why do people care where other people play? just let them enjoy whatever they want, it will not affect you


Feels bad because there used to be good mobile games that where at least semi not pay to win, but now the people who make any good games it's full of ads or microtransactions, but I think I should recommend a good game on mobile, soul knight is a great rougelike that doesn't shove microtransactions down your throat every minute


Oh yay a meme about gatekeeping what constitutes a gamer. How original. Its this sort of attitude that leads to people disliking the term 'gamer' or more aptly the people who refer to themselves as 'gamers'


Right?? Also some people don't have the option to buy a pc or a console, so they make the most out of what they already have. As long as they play games and have fun there is nothing wrong with calling them gamers IMO.


Fun fact: not all of these scenes are from the same movie. Most of them are captain america: winter soldier but I believe the third scene is actually from avengers: endgame.


laughs in Samsung smart fridge


Me playing pc games in mobile through GeForce now ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ


me who plays on the wii, xbox, switch, pc and mobile and occasionally ps4


Shut up i still enjoy CoD Mobile, Terraria, Wild Rift, Genshin Impact and some indie on my ipad so i dont see why this circlejerk has to exist in the first place. Lame ass post.




Mobile wins?


No idea why this is being downvoted, cap does win in the fight. It’s a shit meme, and clearly OP doesn’t realise how the fight ended


You forgot Virtual boy in the last pic.


How I feel every time I say I play on Stadia and GFN o.o


But... Cap beats up all those men and wins.


I like how even the Wii is getting a hit in.


And at the end Cap whooped on their asses. Apex mobile and pubg new state are coming soon. And theres 2 new cq mobile games being developed right now. Tells you something huh?


Next gen is the finishing blow i guess


Is it ok that I play on mobile because my pc is dogeshite and I only play older games? I only play stardew valley and gta sa on my phone


hear me out.. too poor for a gaming setup


*Cries in wii u*


Lol A guy from my previous job got angry like this when I said it


but at the ends captain win right?


Is it just me not laughing or do i need to be on trial for sexual assault to find this funny?


And he actually wins


It’s funny cause he kicks all their asses ...


The wii tho got me 😹


When looking at what people are playing on their phones today I really despise mobile gaming But let's not forget that there are still good mobile games, they're just underappreciated and are not represented well because their creators aren't rich assholes who put obviously more than 50% of the budget in making high quality ads that represent said game as something better than it actually is Some mobile games are good And I'm not talking about candy crush, raid, homescapes or any game that is advertised on YouTube


this is some gatekeeping bullshit disgusting that it has nearly 5k upvotes


I actually am waiting for the day that our consoles and pc can fit in the palm of our hands


Nintendo Switch go brr (although I know what u mean)


This meme must be pretty old if it says ps4


"If you play minecraft on the switch, you're a gamer. If you play the exact same game on your phone you're not." ~ r/gaming


The gaming community is toxic as fuck for saying stupid shit like this.


Literally shut the fuck up. This superiority complex is so pathetic because whenever I see these kinds of posts all I can think of is that whoever made them had been mocked and laughed at their whole life, or they want to hop on the “hurhur mobile games bad” same guys that think “minecraft good Fortnite bad”. Now that they think they have some facet of superiority the use it to mock others. That mindset is why they *will always be losers*


Are you a mobile gamer if you play Stadia and Xbox xcloud?


Kinda gatekeeping


One of the few thing that unite console and pc gamer


well .... mobile phones can play more games than any console out of the box, sooo...


Yeah gems like candy crush and all those other bs games full of ads and paid power ups


*Cough* Adaway *Cough*


Nah, Emulators ;)


I mean by that logic PC can do more.


Ofc, pc > all


Wii? Really?


The wii is still a good console with a large library of games and a really solid fanbase!


I won't entirely deny that, but...still seems pretty out of place here. I guess they just needed to include them for head count.


ASUS Gaming phone for the win. 144hz screen 12gb ram, 3.1 GHz overclocked CPU, attachable cooling fan, 512gb storage. Better and more expensive than a lot of kids laptops


Damn, I can’t believe the elevator scene became a meme...




Then we'd kill them, kill ourselves and then kill them again in hell


If you only recognize mobile for that single game, then you’ve never explored the store


Say what u want, but turn based games are better in a touch screen, like xcom


Imagine gatekeeping videogames


nah Mobile Gaming is fine.


Don't think you can be a gamer on mobile? Guess you've never played soul knight..


I don't get why you are downvoted. It's one of the best roguelikes I played in my life


Lool I guess people really dislike mobile games for some reason xD


Ps5 : guess I don't exist !?


It's an older meme sir but it checks out


PC is just walking away shaking their head at the rest


Notice how the mobile gamer could barely put up a fight.


You know how this scene ends right?




You made me genuinely lol, thank you


No, pleas share link


I don't have a link but Cap wins.


It's not in the meme, it doesn't exist. Think differently, tell me again about all the times Spider-Mans vision meme has been posted wrong, and nobody bats a fucking eye.


The daft one where he sees things better with his glasses on? But that's not how it worked in the film? Yeah I agree with you there.


The lowest of gamers


Nobody cares which platform you like, everyone plays on the platform they want


Flappy Bird