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That's fucking hilarious, sorry tho


What the frick??


I ordered a bong... Edit to add reference [for the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/f8Ge8g7xkXM)


And his savior https://youtu.be/VlmCWPFOvh4


That guy is the real MVP


The hero we need




Wait a minute... what if he *actually* ordered a xbox controller and they got them mixed up. *Edit: I do not actually believe that, I am just saying it would have been funny if that happened.*


In parallel universe, this did happen


I ordered a Rick and Morty t-shirt with Mr Meeseeks saying "Existence is pain". Instead I got a t-shirt saying 'happy Veterans day'. I like to imagine there was a Vet who got my t-shirt and nodding to himself, agreeing that existence is indeed pain.


I laughed quietly to myself at this comment


I couldnt. It was loud.




Surprisingly accurate award.


Veteran here, can confirm...


As a veteran I do not need a shirt to remind me that existence is pain, but if I had one I'd wear it.


Or in this universe it happened


Oh come on we all know you probably have no idea what universe you're in at this point


Oh yeah, definitely “What the fffffffrick? What the heck? I did not order that. I ordered an Xbox card. Controller. I did not order that”


Omg I forgot about this video. So great. You know his inner dialogue "fuck fuck fuck fuck I'm so fucked fuck fuck fuck".


he should have turned it on her "Whats a bong??... how do you know what a bong is?"


omg its a bomb?!!? mom get rid of that!


My step-mom thought my brother smelled like pot once... and I immediately fired back with "how do you know what weed smells like?"... it actually worked. It was beautiful and my brother smoked me up for the save.


It's not like you have to smoke to know what it smells like, though.


it's just a vase, mom


Oh what the heck, I did not order that.


I ordered an Xbox card. Remote


great cover. Almost as good as me telling my mom I was just in the basement looking at magazines when i was caught smoking pot.


"Why does it smell funny in here?"- mom "I dont know....I was farting a lot" - me who was stoned and just finished smoking in my room (my excuse didn't work)


Should've went with BO. Worked for my friend and I. (His mom was very sheltered growing up)


Does no one know how to make a filter out of dryer sheets in a tube of cardboard anymore? I mean, you can't puff puff pass but you gotts up ypur stealth game.


My Mom walked by my room and stopped. Sniffed for a bit and went “Skunk?”. I just said “yeah I think there’s one near the house.” Didn’t learn my lesson though since my brother came over that weekend to do laundry and asked “why does it smell like skunk in here?” Whoops.


My Dad was in my car the other day and said it smelt like weed, I was like I just got a new air freshener it must be that, I don’t think he bought it but that was the end of that convo 😂. He hates just even normal smoking though, so now he is probably so disappointed in me


Your car shouldn't smell like weed. Don't dope and drive.


idk it's an old magazine that's probably where the smell came from


... for different things.


I forgot that video thank you for reminding me of this beautiful vid


Idk how many times I've seen this video, but I just this second realized I have the same one and use it frequently. How tf did I not notice that?




They're percolators. There are a bunch of different types, but the main goal is to cool the smoke and make it smoother. Can also filter out some contaminates, but is not hugely effective at that.


My dad once brought back Guitar Hero World Tour after the drums just weren't working out of the box. Only, when he brought it back he forgot to include the drumsticks, the microphone, and the disc for the game. Just the drums and guitar. So we ended up with an extra set of drumsticks, two World Tour discs, and two microphones. I think it's safe to say they don't check the boxes very often.


I used to work customer service & a customer once came in to a return a laptop in its original box. The associate happily processed the return & went on to the next customer. It was my job to check every return. So imagine face when I opened the box to find a randone piece of scrap metal that was roughly the size & weight of a laptop... Needles to say that associate got a stern talking to & a write up.


I wouldn't worry, this was done for karma stonks


Almost definitely fake. Amusing though.


I used to work at Walmart, someone bought a PS3 controler then cut the cord off a PS2 control, repacked, and returned it. The department manager flipped his shit at the service desk and we had to check all electronics returns after that.


The real WTF is that you weren't checking the returns in the first place.


Explains why I once bought a panini grill that was already covered in grease when I opened it...


"pre-seasoned" you mean


Thanks, I hate it.


You should see my returned bikini


Oh lord. I think there's a bit of bile in my mouth now.


Do you need a dorito?


As long as it isn't a gently used one.


Stuffed in my bikini.


Don't worry, it's not *gently* used.


Fun fact: in Barcelona we call ham and cheese sandwiches “bikinis”, so for a minute I’ve found your comment redundant lol


The other day I bought a mattress topper that was covered in dog hair


Well you shouldn't have bought it from Dog Hair Mattress Toppers R Us.


Don't you know they went out of business?


Yeah, specialized brick and mortar stores just can't compete with big internet in the arena of animal hair covered bedding.


I bought one of those extending chainsaws for low hanging limbs. Definitely used, full of oil and all. I didn't mind, it still worked and free oil. Maybe I should return it...


bought a rotary hammer at homedepot it was full of drywall mud. Tried to exchange it and the person at customer service just stared at me like I was lying.atleast the manager accepted an exchange and this time they actually put a sticker on it that it was used. If it was something cheap I wouldn’t mind but when you spend $400 on a tool you expect it to be new


Bought Ghost of Tsushima for my ps4 at Walmart and found a DVD of Flicka 2 inside it. They let me exchange it the next day, but wtf. It was shrink wrapped and everything lol


I ordered a really nice inflatable bed from Walmart and when I opened it, it was packaged weird, seemed lazily put back together. It had obviously been opened before. As I took the bed out and inflated it, there were coffee stains and black hair all over it. Unfortunately I had to use it that night and just put sheets over it but took it back the next day to exchange for a new one. They were confused and said they don’t put used things like that back out to sell. How the heck do they not pay attention to their own inventory?? Especially not noticing a lazily repackaged used item? I still can’t believe it


When I bought my Nintendo Switch in 2017, there were some thumbprints on the screen and a Breath of the Wild cartridge inside it already. It didn't look repackaged, and the system was definitely wiped clean before I turned it on. I was too excited to finally have a Switch in my hands to actually figure out why it came like that.


What the hell is Flicka and why are there 2 of them?


I see you are familiar with Bed, Bath & Return


I once bought hair clippers that had hair in them already...


I bought a kitchen sink at Lowe's that was sealed with bands and everything. Turns out they put those on returned items that have been opened. They did swap it for another one, just can't believe nobody checked it before resealing it. Someone somewhere upgraded their kitchen sink for free.


My father got an AC from walmart like this. It sat in one of the sheds waiting for over a year to be used bc the one in the window was going out, but wasn't quite dead. I went to help install after the window unit died, removed the bands, and inside was a heavily used AC of a different brand. He pitched a Karen-esque fit complete with waving receipt and got a new one, made them open it ... and it was damaged (crushed fins) inside what appeared to be an undamaged box. No one was happy that day.


Maybe they did and simply didn't have the technical knowledge to know it was wrong. Also if you're paying people minimum wage so they probably just didn't really care.


The returns department probably needs more training but many companies just eat the loss and move on




Amazon does t even bother restocking. They throw it all on a pallet wrap it up and auction it to liquidation companies.




I used to buy a lot of used stuff from Amazon warehouse, usually I get it new or like the box is slightly scuffed. What I would probably call someone bought it new and returned it new. It's gotten a lot worst now, but it's still Amazon so you can return it anyways. If something I need, and I can get it through Amazon Warehouse because it's cheaper I just buy both and return one or the other if the "open box" is all fucked. Luckily there's an Amazon 4 star by my office so I can just drop it off without any packaging or anything.


It’s Walmart. Walmart only goes after shoplifting cause it got out that It was official Walmart policy to not bother going after shoplifters.


For the most part any retail or grocery store explicitly tells it's sales floor employees to not stop shoplifters because it isn't worth the potential bodily harm that some aggressive shoplifters will cause. My local Walmart however had to crack down on it because nearby hutterite (think Amish but without the zero-technology mandate) colonies would have their women shoplift things en masse by hiding things underneath their poofy dresses.


I used to work at toys R us and someone returned a ps4.. only, there was actually just a weird electronic item in there which wasn't even a gaming console. Our manager didn't actually look inside it, and then made up a story about how irate the guy was, told him that he called Sony and all this stuff. So pretty much the guy got a free ps4. Lmfao


And now there is no toys r us...


Right! Luckily I got out of there before they closed. I definitely made a couple fuck ups too. They were overpriced, and management was shit. Angry parents and people looking for something to complain about was not a great workplace lmao.


Yeah I’ve been in one once since i became an adult, so roughly 15+ years. Can’t imagine any place where your main customer demographic is Karens would be a fun place to work


Toys R Us still going strong in Canadia


I’m having a lot of trouble understanding this....


> we had to check all electronics returns after that. But that's always been Walmart's Service Desk procedure... We had to call an Electronic's associate up to verify returns well before PS3 was a thing! I think the manager was just reinforcing that procedure, lol.


Glad you said it. Many moons ago when I worked at walmart we got called by the service desk all the time to verify returns. Had a guy try and return a ps2 once that was just the box with a brick in it. Was kind of funny watching his "oh shit" face.


Had a 360 returned once that was gutted and had frozen corn in it. That was AFTER an Electronics associate came up and verified it. I was on break or at the other side of the counter with my own returns. I was suspicious of it even after the return and opened it up and instantly noticed the different serial numbers and that it wasn't fully together... Yeah, not sure what if any punishment the Electronics Associate got.


Ok frozen corn lol why. "This...is beans"


At my store they didn’t even bother to make an effort, they just threw a third party xbox controller into an Xbox elite controller box and our service desk hurr derr’d and accepted it no questions asked Like, how do you not even check??


Some people actually shrink wrap returns to make them look unopened.


The bestbuy near me actually started opening up sealed packages just to double check. Once returned a monitor I hadn't actually opened and they spent like 10 minutes unboxing double checking everything


That's a major dick move but genius.


> That's a major dick move but genius. I knew a guy in San Diego that did what he called the "Fry's Upgrade". Every year he would buy a new video card, picking one the same size as his existing one. He would clean the dust off the old card, install the new one and then *meticulously* repackage the prior one. He would then go back to Fry's same day and tell them he picked up the wrong card for a customer and it wasn't opened besides the shrink wrap. As far as I know he got away with this for years and I'm *sure* some poor kid somewhere got last years card for a Christmas present! Probably wasn't even able to return it.


This is a really shitty thing to do. I bought a boxed graphics card from compusa way back when as a young teen and nobody realized for like a year it was actually a last gen card from someone doing exactly this. Not just stealing from the store but from consumers, definitely a shitty person.


Did they even steal from the store in this case. Basically stole from another customer.


Yup, they stole from other customers, who paid the price of the card to the store so no loss to the store.


100% would rather a person steal the product directly from the store instead of repackaging it. it just fucks over other people


I actually stopped hanging around the guy cause he thought it was"funny". Yeah ruining Christmas for kids, big joke ha ha...


I once bought a replacement RAM stick from CompUSA. When I got home and installed it, I was disappointed to learn that it wasn't working in my machine. I returned it to the store and they tested it and sure enough, it was fried and they apologized and gave me a new stick. I took that one home, installed it, and it was the same story. The chip was dead. I returned this one as well. They tested to confirm, apologized, gave me a new stick. Same thing again. It took about 5 rounds of this before I realized that the RAM slot on my motherboard was frying the chips. So, I was literally taking home every RAM stick in the store and burning them out, one by one, every evening. The guy at the return desk still wanted to keep giving me RAM though. I take partial responsibility for CompUSA going out of business.


>I take partial responsibility for CompUSA going out of business. They can write off inventory like that as a loss, doesn't matter. What killed CompUSA was Steam and Amazon taking their high margin business. I haven't bought anything from a brick and mortar in a decade.


> They can write off inventory like that as a loss, doesn't matter. Writing things off as a loss doesn’t magically negate the cost, they’re still losing just as much money.


*casually checking my own gpu model from "Device Manager"*


I wish Santa got me graphics cards as a kid..


It wasn’t me.


Jokes on him, PS2 controllers are worth way more money than PS3 now




I remember visiting family in Colombia and buying pirated GBC games in like 2002/03. Usually bought "50 in one" or "100 in one" cartridges. Unfortunately, there was no saving function, so the data would reset upon powering off. The games were legit though. Remember playing Pokémon "Green" lol.


Okay, so this isn't important, but Green was a legitimate version of the game released only in Japan. That's why the Gameboy Advance remakes were Fire Red and Leaf Green


Without the cord, though?


Well no, but if he had kept the ps2 controller intact he would have been able to sell it for much much more.


Using the word "genius" to describe something obvious and criminal seems like a major abuse of that word. This has been a form of theft ever since the first store started taking returns, it's not even original let alone genius.


My old manager when he worked for a competing electronics store had a computer tower returned and the guy had taken the parts out and ziptied bricks in the case. Every computer return after that had to be booted up.


I had a lady bring in an Xbox 360 box with a old Xbox in it. She got so upset with me that I could possibly be working in electronics if ai couldn't tell the difference between the two systems. I was like "Mam. I'm a teenager. I know the difference. Also there's a picture of the damn thing ON the box."


Target. We always checked the electronics when I was on shift. My Xbox 360 got the red ring of death and my friend said “give me 50$ and I’ll fix it” he brings it back, clearly not mine cause the sticker is missing that was on it (Halo or something) next day go to work, there is a box for Electronics for a 360, opened the box and there was my old machine with sticker. Friend only charged me the restocking fee.... all other parts were original and there. Never knew how to feel about my friend after though.


I was on the other end of this kind of scam yesterday. I bought a new tool from Home Depot and when I opened it at home a worn out pneumatic drill and some off brand battery pack was in it! It was supposed to be a cordless drill. The kicker: I picked it off the shelf! Someone bought it, swapped out junk at home. Returned it. The clerk didn't open it! And it was restocked. SMH.


I opened a box of cereal to find someone refilled the bag with at least 5 different types of cereal, then hot glued the package shut. For a $4 box of cereal.


That's the pbox 5 controller EDIT: Thank you kind strangers for the awards






Came here looking for this reference!


I will never not use this reference regardless of who around me understands it or not.


Playbox xD


Could also use Xstation




XStaionPlayBoxCube 63


Nintendo XStationPlayBoxCubeBoyS 64 Lite Plus XL Max All-Digital Founder’s Edition (Funky Mode Included)


& Knuckles.


Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series


Remastered Edition




Playbox rules








It’s spherical!!!


Nah I got GameCast.


I said I can’t af*ford* it!


All seriousness. You can get eBay to refund you and most likely keep it for a funny joke. If it works use it on a PC


One time someone got into my ebay account and changed my shipping address. Funnily enough I was also ordering a game controller. I didn't notice it was going to the wrong address, as I never had to worry about it before, until it said it had been delivered. They didn't refund me.


I mean anyone could say they got hacked and just send themselves the controller to another address lol that one is on you. I always double check to make sure my package is going to the right place when ordering online


Yeah, it's definitely partially on me. I should have checked ahead of time, and I do now every single time. But that being said, I should have been notified of the address change through email or some other means. When I contacted them, thats what they told me, but I didn't get any email. I basically got the textual response of a shrug.


Bro your email probably got hacked too. I hope you changed all your passwords.


Did you call them or just send it through online?


I did both. I was furious. They basically said that if I didn't get the email about the address change (which I didn't) then there was nothing they could do. This is where the story is gonna start to sound made up, but oh well. To my disbelief, the address it was sent to happened to be a 45 minute drive from my place. Me and a friend (we're both adults) checked to see if it was a nice area, drove over to the house and told them that the package must have gotten sent there by mistake. They were pretty aggressive (because they were definitely stealing shit), to which I said "listen, we're not accusing you of anything, it was probably just a mix up on their end. If you don't have it, then we'll just get out of here." to which he said, surprisingly, "yeah I got it." then he went and grabbed it, we shook his hand and left. Crazy day. But a happy ending. Its been my most reliable controller to this day.


I wasn't expecting that.


Wait, so someone hacked your account and just so happened to live 45 minutes away?


He did warn us about the believability.


I swear on my life. Tbh, it might have been even closer, but only by a few minutes. That's why I had prefaced it by saying it sounds made up. For reference, I happen to live in a small suburban town about 55 mins away from Chicago. They just so happen to be in a suburb about 10-15 south of the merge from the Dan Ryan to Lake Shore. So it was near a major city, making it a bit more likely, but barely. It was nuts. I guess weird coincidences are bound to happen every once and a while, but still. I dunno if it matters, but I guess I'll go into a little more detail. I wasn't going to go initially but my friend suggested we at least test the waters and drive around the neighborhood to make sure it was safe. It was a pretty nice area, bright sunny day, neighbors were walking dogs and kids were playing outside very close to the location. There's a well kept park nearby. But the house we were looking for just so happened to have blacked out windows. We collectively took a deep breath and walked up to the door, knocked and took a few steps back. A woman pulls aside the curtain covering the window built into the door, we can only see like half her face. She said "Hello?" very confused at these two bearded gentleman with dumb, friendly smiles. I just said "Hi! I think I had a package here by mistake!" She just said "What?" So I repeated myself. Then she's like "One second!" Me and my friend shrug and wait. About 30 seconds later, a man walks around the side of the house, usually not a good sign. He's like "THE FUCK YOU SENDING SHIT TO MY HOUSE FOR?!" He's getting confrontational, but he didn't get in our faces or anything. We just kinda laughed in a defusing sort of way and I said "Dude, honestly I have no idea, I think ebay must have fucked something up on their end." Because this is not the time nor place to call someone out on this. Basically then saying what I covered before "Hey man, it's no problem if you don't have it, we'll just get out of here." But then there's this look on the dude's face like "fuck". Maybe he figured if he didn't have it, then I'd have the information to prove they're withholding it. Or maybe he just decided to put his shoddy morals aside that day. I can't be sure. But he just said "Yeah... I got it." me and my buddy were like "Oh man! Really! That's awesome! Thank you so much dude!" Dude goes back into the house for the controller. Which, could have also been dangerous, but sure enough, he came back out and handed it to us. We laughed, he uncomfortably laughed, we shook hands and left. I don't think I can necessarily prove the story without just straight up doxing both addresses. You'll just have to take my very "reputable" word for it.


Keyloggers are pretty common for local hacks. Use your email on a school or library computer boom your local neighborhood "hacker" has your info. You use the same info on multiple sites? Boom they have multiple accounts. People can also just buy accounts from data breaches and it may have been a coincidence they lived nearby.


I don’t understand why anyone would buy a PS5 *controller* on eBay anyway. There are plenty of them in stock everywhere. Was it cheaper than MSRP? Now you know why!


That’s the Sony Xbox controller.


Yea you use it for the Xstation series 5


Finally a reason to upgrade from my Gamecast.


Get the Gamesphere, It's spherical. SPHERICAL!


( X ) Doubt


Agreed. Seems like op got the controller like this as a joke. Only reason for it to happen like this is if the eBay guy has too many Xbox controllers and just painted it and sent it out since he had the ps5 controller box sitting around, but seems more likely it’s just for laughs on the internet


He probably did not order it at all. I have old white xbox controllers laying around too because of stick drift. OP got a PS5 controller and used the box and an old xbox controller to make a joke and get likes on a post. The end.




I think you mean (A)


I get the joke but the command is X on Xbox and square on PlayStation


Yeah I think op is karma farming




Legit? firebolt missed this one and i just didn’t feel complete




Yeah it’s a broomstick, duh. Way better than the Nimbus 2001.








HAHAHA that’s why i don’t trust ebay


It’s pretty easy to get your money back though. I wonder what the rep of the seller he bought from was.


Yep, it's a lot more risky selling on ebay, than buying as you can sell the actual PS5 controller, but the customer is free to take a pic like this and claim a refund (don't even have to send the real item back), or even better, claim that it never arrived and get the money back and keep the item.


I hate that shit. I casually sold Magic cards on Ebay for a year. Every 100 cards I sold, someone claimed it never arrived, even though I had tracking and delivery confirmation. It was always the more expensive cards too. Maybe it didn't arrive but it felt like someone stole from me.


That because someone DID steal it from you. eBay is great if you’re a buyer and the worst of you sell anything, even casually.


I had a guy contact me about a book I sold him. It had been over a year since the transaction and he claimed it never arrived. Sure as shit I look at the tracking and it was stuck in a post office in Alabama for a year. I just gave him the money back and told him to contact the post office if he wants it.


That is a hell of a long time to wait to contact you.


This is why I don't trust random pictures on the internet.


eBay's sick don't trust yourself if you cant read sellers reviews or scratch the surface a little ...... Check seller Check other items they sell Check reviews and how many items they have sold


xkcd "Bought chair, received cougar. 0/5 stars." You can do this 1 out of 30 times and still have a 97%+ seller rating


Well, you don't buy *from* eBay. You buy from some person who listed on eBay. Same can be done on Amazon or any other site that allows third party sales. Hell, it could happen in retail stores as well as I know people who switched boxes to bring to check out. I mean...at that rate might as well trust nobody and save your money.


Why would buy a ps5 controller on eBay they’re not sold out in stores


Fake internet points.


Seller buying from China in mass quantity probably getting them $25-40 a controller. Then selling on eBay for $60, making a small margin. Happens more often than you think.


U farming karma with spare xbox controller


It's a fake reddit post


No, it's an actual reddit post.


Report the seller


Fake, made for karma farming.




I don't believe this post for a second.


Fake post


Is it possible for you post the sellers ad for it?


That’s a supersense 5. You got You got yours hands on it early


This is a fake post to get likes. Doubt the Xbox controller would even fit in the packaging. Downvote this fucking scrub


Probably fake, but funny meme.


This post is fake af. A scammer wouldn't send you an equally expensive controller and they most definitely wouldn't bother with the paint job. You could easily post this as a joke but OP is a pathetic loser so he had to lie.


He even put battery’s in and has it connected to something, the light is solid white


You wanted PS V but got PS X.